MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#905: Chengtian Avenue pledge

The Shui Residence star lord turns head, said: Grandson few heroes invited!” 水府星主回过头来,道:“孙少侠请!” The Sun Yan intention moves slightly, he looks at the distant place, sees the front mountain ridge, assumes the potential of half surrounding, if enters, if in danger, the opportunity of continually escaping from does not have, therefore said: I remember also some matters to do suddenly, the star main please first go, waits a while I to look for you again.” 孙炎心念微动,他看远处,见前方的山岭,呈半包围之势,若是进入其中,万一遇险,连逃脱的机会都无,于是道:“我突然想起还有一些事要做,星主请先去,等一会我再来找你们。” drawing lotus lotus, brings the deep phoenix, rides dragon Yu to walk. 拉着莲莲,带着冥凤,骑龙欲走。 The Shui Residence star main is actually one sneers: Late!” 水府星主却是一声冷笑:“迟了!” Actually listens to loudly several deafening sounds, in all directions, the quiet curtain breaks open, appears many 's shadows. 却听轰然几声震响,四面八方,幽幕破开,现出更多人影。 Sun Yan sees them to be encircled, therefore looks at the Shui Residence star lord, sighed the one breath: „Aren't you true Shui Residence star lord?” 孙炎见他们已经被团团围住,于是看着水府星主,叹一口气:“你不是真正的水府星主?” The Shui Residence star lord sneers saying: Of course not!” 水府星主冷笑道:“当然不是!” Sun Yan continues to sigh: I know...... you are Boyen.” 孙炎继续叹气:“我知道了……你是文博延。” Raw water Jupiter Monarch who Boyen, Heavenly Court rebels and flees. army zha Leeming the king betrays Immortal World, Boyen who is water Jupiter Monarch a duty was discovered colludes with the army zha Leeming king, when Heavenly Court wants to take him, he has actually known the machine to run away, cannot think that will appear unexpectedly here. 文博延,天庭叛逃的原水德星君。军吒利明王背叛仙界,担任“水德星君”一职的文博延被发现与军吒利明王勾结,天庭想要拿他时,他却已经知机逃走,想不到竟会出现在这里。 The Shui Residence star is one of the crowd of star evil spirits, but water Jupiter Monarch, although is called as star Monarch, is actually the lord of water section, water and fire two before for a long time, subordinates in Heavenly Court in fighting the section, behind from fighting the part leaves, becomes the relative independence department. Naturally, although Immortal World the biggest department is the Sacred Mountains of China system, and lei bu and fights the section, other sections are relatively small, for all that will also revolt unexpectedly Heavenly Court like Boyen this hot section Lord God, just when started was still incredible. 水府星乃是群星恶煞之一,而“水德星君”虽然称作星君,却是水部之主,水火二部在许久以前,在天庭中都是隶属于斗部,后面才从斗部分出,成为相对独立的部门。当然,仙界虽最大的部门乃是五岳体系,以及雷部和斗部,其它各部相对较小,虽然如此,像文博延这种火部主神居然也会叛出天庭,刚开始时仍是令人难以置信。 Boy, this time looked where you toward do run away?” A person arranges the numerous, following many knight-errant swordsmen. “小子,这次看你往哪里逃?”一人排众而出,身后又跟着众多剑侠。 Sun Yan said with a smile: Originally leader?” 孙炎笑道:“原来是正掌门?” The speech, is leader magnificence Yi who nine curves ice Sky Sword sends. In the past magnificence Yi and immortal jade feather space together, must take to pick the brave space in within the body, matter exposes, the entire nine curves ice Sky Sword faction completely all ran away. On the same day, magnificence Yi will fall short, has to lift the faction to escape , because Sun Yan chaotic entered, magnificence Yizi was hates Sun Yan bone to inter the body. 说话的,乃是九曲冰天剑派的掌门正华夷。当年正华夷与仙玉羽宇一同,要取采采体内的貔貅空间,事情败露出,整个九曲冰天剑派尽皆逃走。当日,正华夷之所以会功亏一篑,不得不举派逃亡,就是因为孙炎的乱入,正华夷自是恨孙炎入骨。 Originally is this boy Sun Yan?” The right behind, a person sneers, treads goes forward spatially, the left hand arm is the mechanism/organization casts unexpectedly, the mechanism/organization arm shouted whistling the rotation. “原来这小子就是孙炎?”右边身后,一人冷笑,踏空上前,左手手臂竟是机关铸成,机关手臂呼呼呼的转动。 Sun Yan said: This is......” 孙炎道:“这位是……” That person sneers, the mechanism/organization arm is building up massive energies: This is burnt/anxious Yaojie the inorganic all trades main thousand machines sends people to heaven, you remembered.” 那人冷笑一声,机关手臂集结着大量的能量:“本座乃焦侥界无机门门主千机度人,你记住了。” Raw water Jupiter Monarch Boyen, the nine curves ice Sky Sword sends leader magnificence Yi, the inorganic all trades main thousand machines send people to heaven! These three people all are the True Person boundary above expert, is leading the disciple of respective person, however, rear area person, quiet, crosses the hands behind the back to fly there, the back inserts the treasured sword, although this person did not speak, imposing manner actually Boyen, magnificence Yi, thousand machines sent people to heaven, looked apparent is the powerful enemy. 原水德星君文博延、九曲冰天剑派掌门正华夷,无机门门主千机度人!这三人全都是真人境以上的高手,又都率着各自人的门人,然而,后方又有一人,沉默寡言,负手飞在那里,背插宝剑,此人虽不说话,气势却比文博延、正华夷、千机度人更甚,一看便知是强敌。 Sun Yan pulls the reins lightly, the chi dragon turns round, he looks at this to carry the man of treasured sword: This senior is......” 孙炎轻扯缰绳,螭龙回身,他看着这身背宝剑的男子:“这位前辈又是……” That person of light say/way: Falls, deep pool, sword and!” Unexpectedly is no longer the many words. 那人淡淡的道:“陷、渊、剑、豪!”竟是不再多话。 Sun Yan thought, this falling deep pool sword the name, oneself has never heard unexpectedly. All things, the outstandingly able person different gentleman is innumerable, there is a expert who many do not know, is not very strange matter. Looks at this person of imposing manner, murderous aura the congealment, has, if invisible wall, perhaps also has the strength of Flying True Person. 孙炎心想,这“陷渊剑豪”之名,自己竟是从未听说过。只是三千世界,奇人异士数不胜数,有许多自己不知道的高手,也不是什么很奇怪的事。只是看这人气势,杀气凝结,有若无形之墙,恐怕亦有飞天真人之实力。 It seems like this time is the real situation is not wonderful, if we had known, from the beginning with, should like lotus lotus, first ask that these people are the good person or the unprincipled person? 看来这一次是真的情况不妙,早知道,从一开始跟来时,就应该像莲莲一样,先问问这些人是好人还是坏人? Boyen, magnificence Yi, thousand machines send people to heaven, falling deep pool sword, although leads the numerous to encircle him, has not actually begun immediately, it seems like it is different from the moment god, their intent is not killing him. 只是,文博延、正华夷、千机度人、陷渊剑豪虽然率众将他团团围住,却没有马上动手,看来与分阴神主不同,他们意不在杀他。 Boyen visits him, said: Sun Yan, I thought that your aptitude is good, then has this achievement young, therefore gives you an opportunity, can you be willing to join our Chengtian Avenue pledge?” 文博延看着他,道:“孙炎,我看你资质不错,年纪轻轻便有此成就,所以给你一个机会,你可愿加入我们承天大道盟?” Sun Yan is astonished saying: Chengtian Avenue? You, betrays Heavenly Court, intends with Heavenly Court for the enemy, actually says Chengtian Avenue?” 孙炎讶道:“承天大道?你们一个个的,背叛天庭,意欲与天庭为敌,却自称承天大道?” Boyen laughs saying: Who said that Heavenly Court did represent the day? Sun Yan, you may know, the piece of universe that actually we are, is not the biggest world, above us, a high bigger world, that is the true infinite universe? You may know, Heavenly Court and Buddha not only concealed our heads, has the truth of bigger world, and by the so-called superstition, blocked this world all immortal gods the roads of flying upwards? They must construct Heavenly Court, plays in world everyone immortal god in applauding, the person in microcosm can fly upwards to the universe, the person of universe, can fly upwards to the thousand world, the people in thousand world, can fly upwards to Heaven, after flying upwards to Heaven, makes the cow to make the horse to them, the day gauge is superstitious, the thunder law Buddhist doctrine, is they rules all things the method. Some of their for fear that people know that among the universes also has the higher world, thus escapes from their grasping, they are very much afraid some people to know that the universe the truth, revolts against their rules, they let should the free and unrestrained immortal, becomes them to oppress all the falcons and dogs of person of cultivating true virtue, do you also want to work oneself to death no wonder inadequately for them?” 文博延大笑道:“谁说天庭就代表了天?孙炎,你可知道,其实我们所在的这片宇宙,并非最大的世界,在我们之上,还有一个更高更大的世界,那才是真正的大千世界?你可知道,天庭与佛祖不但隐瞒了我们的头上,有更大的世界的真相,且以所谓的天条,阻断了这世界所有仙神的飞升之路?他们要建天庭,把世间所有人仙神玩弄于鼓掌之中,小世界的人可以飞升至小千世界,小千世界的人,可以飞升至中千世界,中千世界的人,可以飞升至天界,飞升到天界后,就给他们做牛做马,天规天条,雷律佛法,全都是他们统治三千世界的手段。他们生怕有人知道宇宙间还有更高的世界,从而逃脱他们的掌握,他们深恐有人知道宇宙的真相,反抗他们的统治,他们让原本应该逍遥自在的仙,成为了他们压迫所有修真之人的鹰犬,你难怪还要为他们卖命不成?” In his laughter filled demented: Sun Yan, you are also in the immortal say/way the person, don't you yearn for a higher boundary? You do not long for seeing broadly the bigger world, do you want to become Heavenly Emperor and frog in a well under Buddha oppression? You listen, you listen earnestly, you hear, does that reside in the voice above all living things truly high? You feel, that opened this world, powerful strength truly? Immortal World at all is not an immortal end point, each person in this world, had high farther immortal way, we can fly upwards to the more vast world, rather than keeps in this piece of small universe, gives to conceal this world the criminal of truth to make the cow to make the horse.” 他的笑声中充满了癫狂:“孙炎,你也是仙道中人,难道你不向往更高的境界?你就不渴望见到更广更大的世界,你想要成为天帝和佛祖压迫下的井底之蛙?你听,你认真的听,你有没有听到,那真正高居于众生之上的声音?你有没有感受到,那真正开辟了这个世界的、强大的力量?仙界根本不是仙道的终点,这世界的每一个人,原本拥有更高更远的仙途,我们原本能够飞升到更辽阔的世界,而不是留在这片小小的宇宙里,去给隐瞒了这个世界的真相的罪人做牛做马。” Sun Yan has to acknowledge, Boyen's words, have the enormous sedition. Regarding Sun Yan, he should be quite lucky, is the life in Mortal World of main world, after takes Heaven fragrant, enters the unlimited stars, then becoming outstanding step by step. However to many, they, thousand world start fighting layer by layer from the microcosm and universe, experienced did not know many tribulations, finally entered Heaven, once knew, Heavenly Court concealed also had the higher world this significant truth, unavoidably will have doubts, then doubted the Heavenly Court motive. 孙炎不得不承认,文博延的话,带着极大的煽动性。对于孙炎来说,他应该算是比较幸运的,原本就是生活在主世界的人间,被香香带上天界后,进入无限星辰,然后一步一步的出人头地。但是对于许多人来说,他们从小世界、小千世界、中千世界开始一层一层的打拼,经历了不知多少磨难,最终才进入天界,而一旦得知,天庭隐瞒了“还有更高的世界”这一重大真相,难免会为之疑惑,进而怀疑天庭的动机。 Regarding the person of immortal cultivation, pursues the immortal and exploration universe mystery, can say, is in their life the biggest significance. 对于修仙之人来说,追求长生、探索宇宙的奥秘,可以说,是他们生命中最大的意义。 If not know „the higher world even if, once knows, has not possibly given birth to impulsive and curiosity that finds out, because „a higher potential surface is existence in fact, once they give birth to the heart of exploration, this curious heart, is then seduced and controlled by the strength that „a higher potential surface will infiltrate in turn, this will still be Heavenly Court conceals this truth vigorously the principal factor. Especially, through greatly void can continue to fly upwards, flies upwards to higher world such matter, once entire were cultivated true virtue knows, tumult that can trigger, is self-evident. 如果不知道“更高的世界”也就算了,一旦知道,没有可能不生出一探究竟的冲动和好奇,而因为“更高的位面”是事实上的存在,一旦他们生出探索之心,这种好奇之心,便会反过来被“更高的位面”渗透进来的力量所诱惑和控制,这也是天庭极力隐瞒这一真相的主因。尤其是,通过“大虚空”能够继续飞升,飞升至更高的世界这样的事,一旦被整个修真界知晓,将会引发的骚动,自是不言而喻。 If were not Sun Yan has resulted in Great Sage exoteric and esoteric buddhism real secret art, Hou Yaoqiong feared that was does not dare to tell him such truth. After all, that is the seduction of high-rank world, was not the average person resists. 如果不是孙炎已经得了“大圣显密真诀”,侯瑶琼怕是也不敢将这样的真相告诉他。毕竟,那是上位世界的诱惑,不是一般人抵挡得了的。 Sun Yan engages in introspection, if told him this truth, was not Sister Hou who he did not suspect, but from the Heavenly Court enemy mouth knew such fact, he only feared will also have the suspicion that was hard to extricate oneself to Heavenly Court. Heavenly Court conceals such truth, intentionally blocks the world to continue to progress by superstitious and Buddhist doctrine, path that further flies upwards, its goal is to rule entire cultivates true virtue......, if he in other ways knew this truth, feared that will also give birth to anti- intent to Heavenly Court. 孙炎扪心自问,如果将这一真相告诉他的,不是他绝不怀疑的侯姐姐,而是从天庭的敌人口中得知这样的“事实”,他只怕也会对天庭产生难以自拔的怀疑。天庭隐瞒这样的真相,故意以天条和佛法阻断世人继续上进,进一步飞升的道路,其目的是为了统治整个修真界……如果他是以其它的途径得知这一真相,怕是也会对天庭生出反意。 But now, he actually knows, the Buddha sacrificed himself, by own golden body blocks greatly void goal, actually prevents the immortal god in this world, oneself deliver the table of beginning of the universe god clan, only pitifully such truth, even if said, only feared these already to the person who Heavenly Court and Buddha have the suspicion, does not believe. After all this matter, in fact does not have the means to confirm that only if they fly upwards, sees with one's own eyes these hands with the knife and fork, to them drooling with envy, the monster of high-rank world. 而现在,他却是知道,佛祖牺牲自己,以自己的金身挡住“大虚空”的目的,其实是阻止这个世界的仙神,自己送上混元神族的餐桌,只可惜这样的真相就算说出去,只怕这些已经对天庭和佛祖生出怀疑的人,也不会相信。毕竟这种事情,实际上是没有办法证实的,除非他们自己飞升上去,亲眼看到那些手拿刀叉,对着他们“垂涎三尺”的、上位世界的怪物。 Sun Yan thought, said like Sister Hou, perhaps only then promotes in our world to infinite universe truly that moment, such inside story can true public. 孙炎心想,就像侯姐姐所说,恐怕只有在我们的世界真正升级到“大千世界”的那一刻,这样的内幕才能够真正的公开。 Changing him is the jade emperor and Buddha, engages in introspection, he also similarly such truth, tight deadlocking, only then cultivates mixes yellow say/way the person, can fly upwards to higher high-rank world, they do not court death fearfully, however each through greatly void flying upwards the person, will carry off massively, the place water wind fire of main world, regarding Heavenly Emperor and Buddha, any may delay this piece of universe to promote infinite universe the person of footsteps, is the Heavenly Court enemies, for this reason, Buddha even own apprentice Monk Tang must kill continually together, but jade emperor and Buddha. Oneself, also sacrificed for this goal. 换了他是玉帝和佛祖,扪心自问,他也同样会将这样的真相,紧紧的锁死,只有修炼“混黄之道”的人,才能够飞升到更高的上位世界,他们自己找死不可怕,然而每一个通过大虚空“飞升”的人,都会带走大量的、主世界的地水风火,对于天帝和佛祖来说,任何有可能拖延这片宇宙升级成大千世界的脚步的人,都是天庭的敌人,为此,佛祖甚至连自己的徒弟唐僧也要一同杀害,而玉帝和佛祖自己,也同样是为了这一目标而牺牲。 ...... ……
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