MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#904: Really is an unprincipled person?

Sun Yan is riding young, brings lotus lotus and deep, flies everywhere randomly, suddenly does not know where unexpectedly should toward walk. 孙炎骑着雏儿,带着莲莲和冥儿,四处乱飞,一时间竟不知该往哪走。 Below bloody water more rises is higher, the surroundings scene constantly changes. 下方血水越涨越高,周围情景不断变化。 Nine nether world phoenix mouths spit the criticism/human language: „Does master Elder Brother, where we go to now?” 九幽冥凤口吐人言:“主人哥哥,我们现在去哪里?” Sun Yan lowers the head the ponder: We must arrive at previous to go! However the road in ficus religiosa, feared that is not quite easy to look. Bodhi non- tree, bright mirror also not stage! In the ficus religiosa, this four, are the empty gate, has, not to have the non- empty gate, to have also the empty gate respectively, we do not know own present in. In each, ascends to higher means is not interlinked, related to various Buddha principles, spatial is not spatial, the color is not the color, spatial is not only the color, all things of visible form and substance are empty......” 孙炎低头沉思:“我们要到上一层去!但是菩提树内的路,怕是不太好找。菩提本非树,明镜亦非台!菩提树内,本有四门,分别是空门、有门、非有非空门、亦有亦空门,我们根本不知道自己现在到底是在哪一门中。每一门中,登到更高一层的办法都不相通,涉及到各种佛理,空不是空,色不是色,空既是色,色即是空……” Nine nether world phoenix said: Master Elder Brother......” 九幽冥凤道:“主人哥哥……” Sun Yan said: Said that various Fakong, for broken various has, therefore! What if we enter is the empty gate, that must in not to see, in the air sees the righteousness ; If we enter has......” 孙炎道:“佛说诸法空,为破诸有故!如果我们进的是空门,那就要于无中见有,空中见义;如果我们进的是有门……” Candle Yin fire chi said: Master......” 烛阴火螭道:“主人……” Sun Yan said: Headache, we enter which gate is? Does not look here one group of confusion, even if knows what oneself enters is which gate, perhaps still useless, we must......” 孙炎道:“头疼啊,我们进的到底是哪个门?不不,看这里一团混乱,就算知道自己进的是哪个门,恐怕也没什么用,我们还得……” lotus lotus said: Master......, is not, Young Master Sun?!” 莲莲道:“主人……啊,不是,孙公子?!” Sun Yan said: Do not quarrel I, I must consider......” 孙炎道:“不要吵我,我还得多考虑一下……” lotus lotus, deep and young said with one voice: Did not need to consider!” 莲莲、冥儿、雏儿齐声道:“不用考虑了!” Sun Yan raised the head: Why?” 孙炎抬头:“为什么?” The dragon claw simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform of phoenix claw and young of finger and deep of lotus lotus refers to upward. 莲莲的手指、冥儿的凤爪、雏儿的龙爪齐齐往上指去。 Sun Yan continues to raise the head, sees only their high places, the sky rips the giant opening, the above stone falls numerously, obviously here had been divided forcefully. He called out: This is really...... crude!” I also want to show my Buddhist studies......, although my Buddhist studies in a complete mess. 孙炎继续抬头,只见他们的高处,天空撕出巨大裂口,上方土石纷落,显然此处早已被人硬生生劈界而出。他叫道:“这真是……粗暴啊!”我还想展现一下我的佛学呢……虽然我的佛学一塌糊涂。 Naturally, he brings lotus lotus, is riding dragon and phoenix, flies toward that opening, flew, flew together finally, arrived at higher one. 当然,他带着莲莲,骑着龙凤,往那裂口飞去,飞了一阵,终于飞了出去,来到了更高一层。 What person?” to resound severely. “什么人?”一声厉喝响起。 He fixes the eyes on to look, around seeing is only the hills chaotic range, the sky gloominess of half, sky Fokuang of half appears intermittently, however in the dim sky, the hidden having mystical powers light, in everywhere Fokuang, appears intermittently bloody, which also does not know one side is the true security. At this time, one group of armor-piercing wears Kui gifted general encircles him and lotus lotus, is the person of head wears the water cloud long gown, wears soars to the heavens the crown, upright, full is dignified: „Who are you?” 他定睛看去,只见周围乃是群山乱岭,半边的天空一片灰暗,半边的天空佛光隐现,然而昏暗的天空中,隐有灵光,漫天的佛光中,血腥隐现,也不知到底哪一边才是真正的安全。此时,一群穿甲戴盔的天兵天将正将他和莲莲团团围住,为首之人身穿水云长袍,头戴冲天冠,一身正气,满是威严:“你们是什么人?” These gifted generals encircle them. 那些天兵天将将他们团团围住。 Sun Yan said: „Below Sun Yan!” 孙炎道:“在下孙炎!” Sun Yan?” That wears the person of water cloud robe to change countenance saying that you are the reputation bird get up recently, and in falling the empty mountain sword executes the demon monkey, burns thunder sect leader Sun Yan?” 孙炎?”那身穿水云袍之人动容道,“你就是近来声名雀起,并于陷空山剑诛魔猴的、焚雷宗掌门孙炎?” Sun Yan said: „! Is this Sir?” 孙炎道:“正是!这位大人是?” That person of long sleeve one volume, said submissively: My in Doubu sidereal revolution, wields the star of Shui Residence, this is the mansion star seal!” Turns out an seal, to do to show. 那人长袖一卷,拱手道:“吾于斗部周天,执掌水府之星,此乃本府星印!”翻出一印,以作证明。 Sun Yan said: Originally is the Shui Residence star lord!” 孙炎道:“原来是水府星主!” Shui Residence star main road: How can grandson few heroes here?” 水府星主道:“孙少侠如何会在这里?” Sun Yan said: Heard Your Highness Yaoyao to enter the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, her covering day sword still in my, I thinks that she perhaps needs to use to cover the day sword, then depended on the help of imaginary dark green fire cloud army, entered, wanted the sword belt to your highness, was only to here, discovered that was complicated, does not know oneself were where, on the road met many corpse demons.” 孙炎道:“听闻瑶瑶殿下已经进入了妙喜树,她的掩日剑还在我这,我想她或许需要用上掩日剑,便靠着幻苍火云军的帮助,进入此间,想要将剑带给殿下,只是到了这里,发现内中情况复杂,也不知自己身在何处,路上还是遇到许多尸魔。” Shui Residence star main road: So that's how it is, this mansion then enters in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata with your highness together, this should be in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata fears remains, to enter high-level, needs in this to find eight virtue ponds. To resist the enemy, eight virtue pond like are kept Bodhisattva and eminent monk hides, even we are unable to find for a while. Your highness separately sends out us, to seek for eight virtue ponds.” 水府星主道:“原来如此,本府便是与殿下一同进入妙喜树中,这一层应该是妙喜树内惧留界,要想进入更高层,需要于这一界中找到八德池。但是为了抵御敌人,八德池似已被留在此间的菩萨与高僧藏了起来,连我们一时也无法找到。殿下将我们分别派出,就是为了寻找八德池。” Sun Yan is happy: Your highness now where? Du Xiangxiang Du can Fairy Maiden also with her in the same place?” 孙炎喜道:“那殿下现在在哪里?杜香香仙子可也跟她在一起?” Shui Residence star main road: Naturally in the same place, this mansion found some clues, will report after carrying out orders, here is extremely the danger, will have the enemy to appear anytime, if Sun Shaoxia not abandoned, might as well lead the way with us together?” 水府星主道:“自然是在一起,本府找到一些线索,正要回去复命,此处极是危险,随时都会有敌人出现,孙少侠若是不弃,不如与我们一同前行?” Sun Yan said: This best!” 孙炎道:“这个最好!” The Shui Residence star main looked that to lotus lotus that riding the phoenix is conducting the back: This is......” 水府星主又看向骑着凤凰背上的莲莲:“这位是……” Sun Yan spoke thoughtlessly to ramble on: This is Yaochi yu female lotus lotus!” 孙炎随口瞎扯道:“这位是瑶池yu女莲莲!” Yaochi yu is female, the Shui Residence star main from is impossible to recognize, sees this girl's delicate appearance, had not asked that but said: We walk!” 瑶池yu女众多,水府星主自也不可能个个认得,又见这女孩柔柔弱弱的样子,也就没有多问,只是道:“我们走!” Sun Yan and lotus lotus, as he, flies together toward gloomy that side, these gifted generals protect anxiously side them, periphery alert. Sun Yan said: Another side Fokuang is more abundant, this side is actually dim, why do we walk toward here?” 孙炎与莲莲随着他,一同往灰暗的那一边飞去,那些天兵天将紧张地护在他们身边,戒备周围。孙炎道:“另一边佛光更盛,这一边却是昏暗,我们为什么是往这边走?” Shui Residence star main road: Grandson few heroes have not to know, in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, many Buddhist priests were also controlled by the enemy, although that Fokuang is more abundant, but hidden courage vigor . Moreover, even if oneself are unable to send out the dark Bodhisattva of Fokuang, may still send out Fokuang using Fubao, Buddhist relics and other thing, we do not dare to pass casually, for fear that there is a trap, is exploring. As for here gloominess, is actually your highness assigns/life the person to cause in the technique law, lives in our position for conceals, after all a army zha Leeming king side, is before we enters in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, does not know that they have what arrangement, does not dare to be negligent.” 水府星主道:“孙少侠有所不知,妙喜树内,亦有许多僧人被敌人控制,那一处虽然佛光更盛,但暗藏血气,另外,就算是自身无法发出佛光的暗菩萨,仍可利用佛宝、舍利等物发出佛光,我们也不敢随便过去,生怕那里乃是陷阱,正在探索之间。至于这里的灰暗,却是殿下命人以术法弄出,为的是藏住我方位置,毕竟军吒利明王一方,先于我们进入妙喜树内,也不知他们到底有何布置,自是不敢大意。” Sun Yan thinks, is reasonable, as the saying goes the mixture of truth and deceit, has the place of Fokuang not necessarily to have Buddha, at the present, may be the trap in this case. He asked: Star lord may know, these corpse demons do come from where?” 孙炎一想,也有道理,有道是虚虚实实,有佛光的地方未必就有佛,在现在这种情况下,更有可能是陷阱。他问道:“星主可知道,那些尸魔到底从何而来?” The Shui Residence star main said in a low voice: „The root of wonderful camptotheca acuminata, as if already with another stretch of the world continually a body. In the past army zha Leeming king Cangzhu an entire thousand world, that entire thousand world, and its below over a thousand universes, the people in more microcosm, almost died completely dies certainly, the blood taking away elixirs of these people, or became the blood demon one is cultivates the merit law the strength to originate, then left behind the innumerable white bones, now looks like, they feared that these white bones, refine not to know how many by the corpse demon that they controlled.” 水府星主低声道:“妙喜树的根部,似乎已跟另一片天地连成了一体。当年军吒利明王藏住了一整个中千世界,那一整个中千世界、和其下的上千个小千世界、更多的小世界里的人,几乎死尽死绝,他们将那些人的血液拿去炼药,又或成为血魔一系修炼功法的力量来源,然后遗留下了无数白骨,现在看来,他们怕是将这些白骨,炼成了不知多少被他们控制的尸魔。” Unexpectedly such matter? In the Sun Yan heart hates secretly. Truly, the blood demon one is the true need, is the blood of living person, as for the white bones, is useless to them, building up the corpse demon is also making use of waste. However, in one thousand world, at least are also on 1 billion population, but each universe, often also has tens of millions people. The lives of so many people, were harmed by them like this, indeed is to make people unable is not angry. 竟然还有这样的事?孙炎心中暗恨。确实,血魔一系真正需要的,乃是生人的血液,至于白骨,对它们来说并无用处,炼成尸魔也算是“废物利用”。然而,一个中千世界,至少也是上十亿的人口,而每一个小千世界,往往也都有数千万的人。这么多人的性命,就这样被“它们”所害,的确是让人无法不愤怒。 Another side, lotus lotus drew his sleeve quietly. He withdraws, spoke with lotus lotus. lotus lotus low voice say/way: They and are the Immortal World people?” 另一边,莲莲悄悄的拉了拉他的袖子。他退后一些,与莲莲说话。莲莲小声的道:“他们、他们是仙界的人?” Sun Yan said: Yes?” 孙炎道:“是啊?” Appearance that lotus lotus wants to cry: You must deceive me, then massacres me?” 莲莲想要哭出来的样子:“你们难道是要把我骗过去,然后杀掉我?” Sun Yan is astonished saying: What kills you to make?” 孙炎讶道:“杀你做什么?” lotus lotus low voice say/way: Really do not kill me?” 莲莲小声的道:“真的不是要杀我?” Sun Yan said: Of course not!” 孙炎道:“当然不是!” lotus lotus said: But, you are a good person, are they also the good people?” 莲莲道:“可是,你是好人,他们也是好人么?” Sun Yan said with a smile: Words that does not feel relieved, you ask that didn't know?” 孙炎笑道:“不放心的话,你问问不就知道了?” lotus lotus thinks, rides the phoenix to fly a day side, anxious asking: Excuse me, you and are you good people?” 莲莲想了想,骑着凤凰飞到一名天将身边,紧张的问:“请问,你、你们是好人吗?” That day stunned, then frightens her to say with a smile: We are not the good people!” 那名天将一个错愕,紧接着便笑着吓她道:“我们不是好人!” lotus lotus said: This!” Also flies back to side Sun Yan, is flying with him together. Flies the halfway, looks right and left, puts out a hand, conducts the back in Sun Yan wrote quietly: He, is, bad, person!” 莲莲道:“这样啊!”又飞回孙炎身边,与他一同飞着。飞到半途,左看右看,伸出手来,在孙炎背上悄悄写道:“他、们、是、坏、人!” Sun Yan almost smiles to make noise, others are frighten your, your also really letter/believes? I said that I am a good person, you believe that I am a good person, others said that he is not a good person, you believe immediately he is really not a good person, is matter where in the world so simple? Oh, which unprincipled person will say are oneself an unprincipled person? Is so naive like you, how to live is so big? 孙炎差点笑出声来,别人是吓你的,你还真的信啊?我说我是好人,你就相信我是好人,别人说他不是好人,你马上就相信他真的不是好人,世上的事哪有这么简单?唉,哪一个坏人会说自己是坏人?像你这么天真,到底是怎么活到这么大的? One looks toward side again, because of the strange action of lotus lotus, surroundings these gifted generals looked quietly, in the hand grips tightly the spear/gun dagger-axe, or takes out magical treasure quietly. 只是,再往旁边一看,因为莲莲的怪异举动,周围这些天兵天将都悄悄的看了过来,手中紧握枪戈,又或是悄悄取出法宝 In his heart thump makes a sound...... they is really an unprincipled person?! 他心中咯噔一响……难道他们真的是坏人?! ...... ……
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