MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#903: Hill shape magical treasure

Deep is nine nether world phoenixes, is imaginary beast that raises inborn, flies pill wonderful and overwhelming majority treatment immortal technique, is invalid to her, although she physique is good, so long as does not die, slowly can always restore, but Sun Yan also can only visit her own to recover the health in the past, like the present, the speed of wound healing is so quick, before this is, has not happened. 冥儿是九幽冥凤,是天生地养的幻兽,飞丹灵妙和绝大部分的治疗仙术,对她都是无效的,虽然她自身体质好,只要不死,慢慢的总能自己恢复,但以往孙炎也只能看着她自己恢复健康,像现在这样,伤口愈合的速度这么快,这是以前从来没有发生过的。 Flows to deep from lotus lotus hand the cyanogen, clear like the water, softened like the wind, before long, the breath of deep has become calm. The Sun Yan doubts look to lotus lotus, sees her to kneel to sit on the ground, is bright and clean as if the jade carving, even in this place, her body does not see dust, even the indestructible body of Yaoyao, as if no this effect. He has doubts stretches out the finger, in lotus lotus the left suckling child on position, pressed gently, the soft flesh falls gently downward. 从莲莲手中流向冥儿的青气,清如水,柔如风,不一会儿,冥儿的呼吸已经变得沉稳。孙炎疑惑地看向莲莲,见她跪坐在地上,莹洁得仿佛玉雕,即便是在这种地方,她的身上也不见一丝尘埃,就算是瑶瑶的金刚不坏之身,似乎也没有这种效果。他疑惑地伸出手指,在莲莲的左乳儿偏上的位置,轻轻的按了一下,柔软的肌肤轻轻往下陷去。 Never expected that he so puts out a hand to touch her, lotus lotus opens the eye all of a sudden. 没有想到他就这般伸手触她,莲莲一下子睁大眼睛。 Sun Yan actually raised the head, has doubts, if Yaoyao Empress, naturally because of such explosion, will not be injured by the least bit. However the body of Yaoyao touches, unlike her feeling, he has traced several Yaoyao Empress chest very much, once by grandson small flame the status was hugged resting by her, the body of Yaoyao Empress is tracing very willowy, feels QQ, the flesh of lotus lotus is tender and delicate seems like general that the water makes, Jane/simple 55, touching m is plays musical instruments broken, as if multipurpose point strength, will melt like the water, moreover cannot feel the least bit guard profound qi. 孙炎却是抬起头来,更加疑惑,如果是瑶瑶帝姬的话,当然也不会因为那样的爆炸,受到半点伤害。但是瑶瑶的身子摸起来,跟她的感觉很是不同,他已经摸过好几次瑶瑶帝姬胸儿,也曾以“孙小炎”的身份被她搂着睡,瑶瑶帝姬的身体摸起来很有弹性,感觉qq的,莲莲的肌肤却是娇嫩得像是水做的一般,简55,摸m直是吹弹即破,仿佛多用点力,就会像水一样化开,而且也感觉不到半点的护身玄气 By she so delicate body, how to block the explosion? 以她这般柔弱的身体,到底是怎么挡住刚才的爆炸的? Under his touching, lotus lotus embarrassed holds in the arms chest with both hands, stood gently, Sun Yan looks, she kneels when the ground obviously, but standing up, on the leg does not bring dust, is extremely strange. In he bosom. Deep has been rubbing the eye, wakes. 在他的触摸下,莲莲难为情的用双手搂住胸儿,轻轻的站了起来,孙炎看去,她明明是跪在地上,但是站起之时,腿上却不带起一丝尘埃,极是奇怪。在他怀中。冥儿已经搓着眼睛,醒了过来。 The Sun Yan side must ask that she how, actually saw that a shadow turned round in the head of lotus lotus, dragon Zhaoshan the cold light, he read gold/metal Guzhou immediately. The chi dragon is painful immediately behind sways back and forth in lotus lotus, Dragon's Tail pulls out the racket, cries saying: Master, I do not dare, I really do not dare!” lotus lotus stunned turning head, suddenly. Cannot yes what's the matter. 孙炎方要问她怎么样了,却看到一只黑影覆在了莲莲的头上,龙爪闪着寒光,他立时念出金箍咒。螭龙立时痛得在莲莲身后打滚,龙尾抽拍,哭道:“主人,我不敢了,我真的不敢了!”莲莲错愕的回过头,一时间。没能明白是怎么回事。 Sun Yan knows, young must not exposed to him be good to other girl, although lotus lotus is not his woman, but young wants guard in not however. 孙炎自是知道,雏儿见不得他对别的女孩好,虽然莲莲并不是他的女人,但雏儿还是想要“防范于未然”。 He stops chanting incantations, gives swallow Yinchu to order through the mind connection forcefully, forbidding her to injure lotus lotus, although he also somewhat suspected, young this claw gets down, will lotus lotus really be injured? After all a moment ago explosion like that. Has not caused a damage to lotus lotus. 他停止念咒,通过心灵连系强行给燕引雏下令,禁止她伤害莲莲,虽然他也有些怀疑,雏儿这一爪下去,莲莲是否真的会受伤?毕竟刚才那般的爆炸。都未对莲莲造成一丝伤害。 Deep quick recovers the health, the speed of recovery is astonishing. 冥儿很快就恢复健康,痊愈的速度让人吃惊。 Sun Yan other looked for a Daoist robe, the lotus puts on to lotus, the Daoist robe is too big. Can on her body tight winds three circles, but must in a big way trims off one to carry the skirt-width and sleeve, can regard the long skirt to put on, but as the matter stands. Binds her body finally solid, did not wear the light men's shirt like her a moment ago, was too attractively is too delicious. Although Sun Yan is a five-virtue family good youth, will not have the evil thought that but puts on such to treat in a side of man, actually she is also very bashful. 孙炎另外找了一件道袍,给莲莲穿上,道袍实在太大。可以在她的身上紧紧的绕上三匝,还要把下摆和袖子剪掉一大载,才可以当成长裙穿,不过这样一来。总算把她的身子裹得严严实实,不像她刚才穿着薄薄的男子衬衫,实在是太诱人太可口了。虽然孙炎是一个五讲四美三热爱的好青年,不会生出恶念,但穿成那样待在一个男子的身边,其实她自己也很害臊。 Wraps up three circles the Daoist robes, binds likely the slender arrange/cloth stick to be the same lotus lotus, under the skirt-width with truncation circles in the waist regards the extravagant belt/bring, because the Daoist robe is embroidering cloud He, has the design, takes a quick look around, is a bit like the Japanese traditional female bath robe actually. She was sideways to sit in conducting the back of deep phoenix, somewhat difficult bent leg. 裹上三匝的道袍,将莲莲裹得像纤细的布棍一般,用截下的下摆绕在腰间当成阔带,因为道袍本身就是绣着云鹤的,带着图案,一眼看去,倒是有点像日本传统女性的浴衣。她侧身坐在了冥凤的背上,有些艰难的弯起腿儿。 Sun Yan does not dare to treat here, rides the chi dragon, leads her , to continue to fly in the sea of trees. How long not to have flown, sees only below ground to secrete the blood, the blood more secretes, but the roots of almost all trees all submerge, then, then the miserable white things, emerge from the bloody water. 孙炎不敢在这里多待,骑上螭龙,带着她,继续在树海中飞行。未飞多久,只见下方地面泌出鲜血,鲜血越泌越多,但几乎所有树木的根部全都淹没,然后,便有一块块惨白色的东西,从血水中浮出。 What is this? Sun Yan looks at that paleness, scalp tingles. 这又是什么?孙炎看着那一块块惨白,头皮发麻。 lotus lotus said: „Are these...... the corpse demon?!” 莲莲却道:“这些是……尸魔?!” Corpse demon? In Sun Yan heart one startled, the bloody water turns, the innumerable corpse demons depart from the bloody water, their physique is giant , all are comprised of the white bones, their bodies bring the billowing vicious tendencies, since with their jumping out, the bloody water splashes, knocks down, the courage vigor soars to the heavens. Smelled the aura of living person, they come toward Sun Yan and lotus lotus. 尸魔?孙炎心中一惊,血水翻起,无数的尸魔从血水中飞出,它们块头巨大,一只只,全都是由白骨组成,它们身上带着滚滚戾气,随着它们的窜出,血水溅起、打落,血气冲霄。闻到了生人的气息,它们朝着孙炎和莲莲呼啸而来。 Sun Yan shakes the hand, the infinite sword system sends out, brushes the thorn on these corpse demons, the treasured sword inserts between their bones and bones, is unable to massacre them unexpectedly, frontline, the body has inserted the full long sword, has, if the hedgehog, actually stops continually also non-stop. 孙炎将手一抖,无限剑制发出,刷刷刷的刺在这些尸魔身上,宝剑插入它们的骨头与骨头之间,竟是无法杀掉它们,最前方的一只,身上已经插满长剑,有若刺猬,却是连停也不停一下。 Before Sun Yan, has not seen the corpse demon truly, actually also knows that it is the white bones fine strengthening version, the white bones becomes a ghost is not actually rare, the corpse demon is actually very few, does not know why here will present so many corpse demons all of a sudden? Saw that the corpse demon stack-up comes, he can only shake-out sword of sidereal revolution secret Italy, the corpse demon defense is extremely strong, the strength is enormous, is attacking sword, sends out bang bang bang the chaotic sound. Is good because of them, although many although strong, but is mixed and chaotic, the arrange/cloth does not kill, the collection inadequate destiny, the only strength must break Sun Yan sword, is not an easy matter. 孙炎以前并不曾真正见过尸魔,却也知道它是白骨精的强化版,白骨成精其实不算少见,尸魔却是少之又少,也不知,为什么这里一下子会出现这么多的尸魔?眼看着尸魔层叠而来,他只能抖出周天秘义之剑阵,尸魔防御极强,力量极大,冲击着剑阵,发出嘭嘭嘭的乱响。好在它们虽多虽强,但既杂且乱,布不来杀阵,集不成气运,单凭力量要破孙炎的剑阵,自不是一件容易的事。 Sun Yan will look in the future, saw unexpectedly moment god Yin two lead several hundred enemies, had pursued unexpectedly. Obviously his is careful, circled many circles on the way, finally was actually still caught up by them, it seems like that this big place, during their controls. The Sun Yan secretly thought is not good, shouts: Young!” 只是孙炎往后看去,竟然看到分阴神主阴名二带着数百名敌人,竟已追了过来。明明他这一路已经是小心谨慎,途中绕了许多个圈子,结果却仍被他们追上,看来这一大片地方,都在他们的掌控之中。孙炎暗道不好,喝道:“雏儿!” chi dragon Chaojiao side blowout flaming flame, although is the flame, the temperature is actually as cold as the extreme, the ice hot twofold day, makes front corpse demon breaking into pieces only unexpectedly. Although these corpse demons do not fear oneself infinite sword system, but cannot block swallow Yinchu the candle Yin fire, moreover looks at like this, the candle Yin fire has the restraint function to these corpse demons simply, this makes Sun Yan feel relieved, by a sword guard, before while, rushes. 螭龙朝胶方喷出熊熊火焰,虽然是火焰,温度却是冷到极点,冰火两重天,竟是令得前方的尸魔一只只的碎散。这些尸魔虽然不怕自己的无限剑制,但是挡不住燕引雏的烛阴之火,而且看这样子,烛阴之火对这些尸魔简直是有克制作用,这让孙炎放下心来,一边以剑阵护身,一边前闯。 The rear distant place, Yin two for fear that they escape again, does not know that made anything, in their front, massive corpse demons assembles in together, innumerable skeletons, overlapping, the ground bloody water to bone to inter the body, there are, if the blood vessel, flees in all directions in the innumerable white bones, the skeleton of building up becomes a being indomitable spirit huge corpse demon, behind them, the Yin second-rate person has assumed the potential of semicircle, does not make them have the opportunity to run away. The lotus lotus elegant face is pale, the deep phoenix was startled to call out: Master, what to do?” chi dragon happy say/way: Master, we must die together......” 后方远处,阴名二生怕他们再次逃脱,也不知做了什么,在他们前方,大量尸魔集结在一起,无数骸骨,层层叠叠,地面血水冲入骨中,有若血管,在无数白骨间流窜,集结的骸骨成为了一只顶天立地的巨大尸魔,在他们后方,阴名二等人已经呈半圆之势,不让他们有机会逃走。莲莲俏脸惨白,冥凤惊叫道:“主人,怎么办?”螭龙幸福的道:“主人,我们要死在一起了……” Sun Yan actually loudly shouts: Comes well!” Saw that huge corpse demon grasps toward them by the big palm, he conducts the back in the chi dragon leaps, suddenly vertical, turns the hand, offers a sacrifice to a treasure. That magical treasure has, if half mountain peak, the bottom has the mysterious seal symbol, under the hill shape magical treasure loudly town/subdues, pounds on the corpse demon, magical treasure breaks the peak , the entire corpse demon was only struck loudly unexpectedly crushes, the bone that breaks into pieces randomly flies everywhere, is centered on magical treasure, the gust of wind crazy volume, curls the solar halo that flies upwards. 孙炎却大喝一声:“来得好!”眼看着那巨大尸魔以大掌往他们抓来,他在螭龙背上一跃,突然间纵起,将手一翻,祭出一宝。那法宝有若半截山峰,底部带着神秘印符,山形法宝轰然镇下,砸在尸魔身上,法宝化断峰,轰然间,整只尸魔竟被击得粉碎,碎散的骨头四处乱飞,以法宝为中心,疾风狂卷,卷出飞扬的风圈。 In them behind, what in the Yin second-rate person heart shakes...... this secretly is? Giant bone demon that a moment ago that volume of innumerable corpse demon became, in the defensive power, under in Jinji, hadn't become the fragment powder by his direct town/subdues unexpectedly? 在他们身后,阴名二等人心中暗震……这是什么?刚才那集无数尸魔而成的巨型骨魔,在防御力上,已是不下于金级,竟然被他直接镇成了齑粉? Looks that hill shape giant corpse demon town/subdues broken magical treasure that will be indomitable spirit directly, Yin two lose the sound said: Day seal?” 看着那山形的、直接将顶天立地的巨大尸魔镇碎的法宝,阴名二失声道:“番天印?” Unexpectedly is day seal in ten big divine tool?! 竟然是十大神器中的番天印?! Day seal, was refine by the mountain mortal form of that half Mount Buzhou altogether the king cracked-up at the past years, is joined to world state seal, once was the Immortal World most precious object, although afterward, when second-generation Heavenly Emperor struck killed the tao low stool loses, but in these over ten thousand years, actually also once for a while will appear, among these 1000, vanished, disappeared again, cannot think that will appear unexpectedly here. 番天印,乃是以当年被共王撞碎的那半截不周山的山魄所炼,配上天地社稷印,一度曾为仙界至宝,虽然后来,在第二代天帝击杀梼杌时失落,但在这上万年间,却也时不时的会出现一下,直到这一千年间,就此消失,再也不见踪影,想不到竟然会在这里出现。 Sun Yan governing chi dragon, brings rapid flight of lotus lotus from day seal, although day seal is strong, let alone Golden Immortal, even if beginning of the universe Golden Immortal may blow, but in use, unlike covering the day sword, the universe blade and Ru Yi Bang has enormously. Covered the day sword and universe blade average people can use, Ru Yi Bang and other idlers had more than enough radically, day seal compared with the three, actually cannot be an almighty troops, can only be magical treasure, every acted one time, consumption was seal the energies of world state symbol, every time acted one time, then needed about six double-hour restored, therefore was used to deal with a more powerful enemy. 孙炎御着螭龙,带着莲莲从番天印上疾飞而过,番天印虽强,别说金仙,哪怕是混元金仙都可镇住,但使用时,又与掩日剑、太虚刀、如意金箍棒有着极大不同。掩日剑和太虚刀普通人都可以使用,如意金箍棒等闲人根本用不了,番天印与这三者相比,却不能算是神兵,只能算是法宝,每一次出手,消耗的都是印上的天地社稷符的能量,每出手一次,接下来便需要六个时辰左右的时间来恢复,所以都是用来对付更为强大的敌人。 The corpse demon were innumerable a moment ago, massacred one with day seal, was equal to cutting the ants with the oxen knife, was not worthwhile, waits for these corpse demon to gather, although was more fearful, instead was emptied by day seal all of a sudden directly. 刚才尸魔无数,用出番天印杀掉一只,等于是用牛刀来斩蝼蚁,根本就不合算,等这些尸魔自己集合,虽然更加可怕,反而被番天印一下子直接清空。 Although the corpse demon of set all of a sudden clear cleanness, but below bloody water, there are more corpse demons to emerge, in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata why so many corpse demon, Sun Yan will not clarify, but here obviously is not the long-term place. Looks at like this, this feared that will be quick is embezzled by the bloodshed, he must bring lotus lotus and deep and young rushes to one go. 虽然将集合的尸魔一下子清了个干净,但下方的血水中,又有更多的尸魔浮出,妙喜树内为什么会有这么多的尸魔,孙炎也弄不清楚,不过这里显然不是久留之地。看这样子,这一层怕是很快就会被血海吞没,他必须要带着莲莲和冥儿、雏儿赶往上一层去。 In the rapid flight, the hand turns backward, behind him, day printing, flew back to his hand. 疾飞中,手向后一翻,在他后方,番天印刷的一声,飞回了他的手中。 When the moment gods and enemies catch up, he and lotus lotus has ridden dragon Yufeng, the illness/quick escapes to go...... 等分阴神主与众敌人赶来时,他与莲莲已经乘龙御凤,疾逃而去…… ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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