MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#902: Mysterious cyanogen

Sun Yan has not actually thought that will meet the moment god here, although cultivates five virtue profound merit, profound qi is abundant, but he was still the immortal boundary, although depended on too the Saint exoteric and esoteric buddhism real secret art, can have the profound real boundary five virtue profound qi promotion directly wonderfully, did not lose in astral of general True Person rank air/Qi, but Yin two were actually Flying True Person, his astral was mad has the wrapped in a shroud of obscurity strength, as if is hiding the innumerable eddies, can absorb to decompose his profound qi, if not for transferred the mortal form sword to have the effectiveness of rebound opposite party energy, this will strike is at least also shaken draws back many steps, but. Not is only the arm slightly hemp. 孙炎却也没有想到会在这里遇到分阴神主,虽然修有五德玄功,玄气充沛,但他自身仍然是仙人境,虽然靠着太圣显密真诀,可以直接将五德玄气提升至妙有玄真境,绝不输于一般真人级别的罡气,但阴名二却是飞天真人,其罡气中带着神秘莫测的力量,仿佛内藏着无数的小涡流,能够吸收分解他的玄气,若不是转魄剑本身有反弹对方能量的效用,这一击至少也会被震退许多步,而不仅仅是手臂微麻。 Although he does not know that the moment god will suddenly appear, but in this strategic place, the ground many corpses, the boundary of his in every way possible is being to also promote the pinnacle particularly but actually, simultaneously mobilized Yin counter Yang Wei, Yin two from appearance to the appearance, to the least, the making a move speed have quickly, if fast, if common person, in so quick in an instant, thinks to respond radically without enough time. However to him, although the Yin two speeds are extremely fast, use is like lightning surprise attack, no matter but his speed is how fast, needs to spend time eventually, regarding can in him who time and time between walks randomly, this in an instant, enough has made him clarify own situation, and thinks the correct analysis. 只是,他虽然不知道分阴神主会突然出现,但在这种险地,尤其是地上还倒着许多尸体,他的入微之境自是提升到了极致,同时发动了“阴逆阳违”,阴名二从现身到出现,快至毫厘,出手速度有若电光石火,若是寻常人,在这般快的刹那之间,根本来不及做出思考而反应。但是对于他来说,虽然阴名二的速度极快,利用的就是闪电般的“突袭”,但不管他的速度如何快,终究还是需要消耗“时间”的,对于能够在“时间与时间”之间游走的他,这刹那之间,已经足够让他弄清自己的处境,并作出正确的分析和思考。 The speed of moment god is fast, but astral air/Qi the deviation to be outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted, if he to cover the day sword or really just the sword dealt, covering the day sword was stronger, just the sword was really firmer, but blocked the Yin two fast attacks without enough time, used to transfer the mortal form sword by him accurately, what on the sword attached was the wood and water two air/Qi, two air/Qi became common practice, pick up the speed of sword, and in this short to the least distribution that in an instant, the analysis of preparation Yin two astral was mad, the experts of even/including Yinming two this Flying True Person ranks, will also sneak attack the failure unexpectedly. 分阴神主的速度快,但罡气偏向阴柔,他若以掩日剑或真刚剑应对,掩日剑更强,真刚剑更坚,但都来不及挡住阴名二的快速袭击,是以他准确的用出了转魄剑,剑上附的是木、水二气,二气成风,加快剑的速度,并在这短至毫厘的刹那之间,准备的分析出了阴名二罡气的分布,以至于连阴名二这种飞天真人级别的高手,竟然也会偷袭失败。 Yin two sneak attack failure. When youngster side chi dragon Chonglai, turns backward, immediately flickers to transfer to the high place. At the same time. Whiz whiz whiz whiz, the unexpectedly several hundred experts from delimit to empty in all directions. Must all of a sudden, rides the phoenix young girl to kill Sun Yan and his side dragon Yifeng directly. Why the youngster come, the young girl has what origin, he does not want to know unexpectedly, asked did not ask one. 阴名二偷袭失败。在少年身边螭龙冲来之际,向后一翻,立时瞬移到高处。同一时间。嗖嗖嗖嗖,竟有数百名高手从四面八方划空而来。要一下子将孙炎和他身边的一龙一凤、骑凤少女直接杀死。少年为何而来,少女有何来历,他竟是根本不想知道,连问都不问上一句。 The Sun Yan secretly thought is not good, a moment ago where did these people hide? 孙炎暗道不好,这些人刚才到底藏在哪里? Saw that the enemy from kills in all directions, his sword light flings, bang, melts the sidereal revolution 360 stars. Between star and star are similar the invisible lines each other to be connected, the dense and numerous, mutual circulations, are spreading all over. Bang bang bang bang bang, profound qi strike in sword that in his sword star weaves, at least six, were almost shaken the notching, only this apparent, in these enemies, at least six people are the experts of immortal boundary peak rank. Very possibly is the six people in army zha Leeming king numb next 64 ghosts and gods. 眼看敌人从四面八方杀来,他剑光一甩,嘭的一声,化出周天三百六十星。星与星之间仿佛有一条条无形的线彼此相连,密密麻麻,相互流转,正是“星罗棋布”。嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭,一道道玄气击在他剑星织成的剑阵中,其中至少有六处,几乎被震开缺口,只此便知,这些敌人中,至少有六人是仙人境巅峰级别的高手。很可能乃是军吒利明王麻下六十四位鬼神中的六人。 Never expected that Sun Yan can by a person of strength, the sword be mad to become Xing unexpectedly, arrange/cloth Chengjian. Yin two are startled again, this child strength rises too quickly, if not except that as soon as possible, fears the future trouble. Therefore shouted: Edge broken vault of heaven!” 没有想到孙炎竟能以一人之力,剑气成星,布成剑阵。阴名二再吃一惊,此子实力涨得太快,若不尽早除去,恐成后患。于是喝道:“刃破苍穹!” Immediately then 54 people depart, arrange/cloth to become kills, the destiny assembles, middle a human sacrifice has the throwing knife to puncture directly toward Sun Yan, wants broken sword. Sun Yan sword again strong, after all is a person of strength. Where dares to go to meet their destiny to assemble hardly, studies. And offers a sacrifice to magical treasure strikes? Saw that throwing knife, built up 54 people of destiny and strengths. Transfers the mortal form sword one to direct, to result in a sidereal revolution twenty-eight lunar mansions sword collapse toward another side, 360 stars clash to go toward the left side crazily, the bloody water rises suddenly, in an instant killed more than ten people. 立时便有五十四人飞出,布成杀阵,气运集结,当中一人祭出飞刀直接往孙炎刺来,欲破剑阵。孙炎剑阵再强,毕竟是一人之力。哪里敢去硬接他们气运集结,又专攻一点。且祭出法宝的一击?眼看那一支飞刀,集结了五十四人的气运和力量。转魄剑往另一边一引,引发周天列宿剑阵崩溃,三百六十星朝左侧狂冲而去,血水暴涨,刹那间杀了十几人。 The sword air/Qi binds, goes toward the gap direct impact, fire chi and deep phoenix depend on the mind connection, the known machine, fire chi spits the breath early, the deep phoenix has the claw, the cold fire is billowing, the crime air/Qi rips the day. 剑气一裹,朝缺口直冲而去,火螭与冥凤靠着心灵连系,早已知机,火螭吐息,冥凤出爪,寒火滚滚,罪气撕天。 Bang! In them behind, the stone deafening sound, ejects the enormous gulf, the opposite party throwing knife strikes spatially, enters the bottom deep place, cuts the abyss unexpectedly, in the abyss the bloody water is billowing. 轰!在他们身后,土石震响,击出极大深坑,对方飞刀击空,直入地底深处,竟是斩出深渊,深渊内血水滚滚。 Depends on a sword avalanche that galaxy pours triggers, ejects the gap, Sun Yan brings the dragon and phoenix broken encircles, after the brain , is actually the astral wind sticks out suddenly. The Sun Yan sword air/Qi revolves, that brushes, delimits the blue two color sword circles in the rear high place, keeps off Yin 21 to strike again, he knew in the heart that by the current strength, must kill Flying True Person is extremely difficult, let alone the techniques of Yin two moving shape changing positions are really stranger, even if with his expert of the same class, may by him as soon as strikes to kill, if not for oneself have Yin counter Yang Wei this absolute technique, does not fear the sneak attack, the body has died. If two tied down by Yin, falls again surrounding, must die without doubt. 靠着“星河倒泻”引发的剑阵崩塌,击出缺口,孙炎带着龙与凤破围而出,脑后却是罡风暴起。孙炎剑气回旋,刷的一声,在后方高处划出青蓝两色的剑圈,再挡阴名二一击,他心知以自己当前的实力,要杀飞天真人极是困难,更何况阴名二的移形换位之术实在怪异,哪怕是与他同级别的高手,都有可能被他一击必杀,若不是自己有“阴逆阳违”这一绝学,不怕偷袭,早已身死。若是被阴名二缠住,再陷包围,必死无疑。 Therefore does not dare with the Yin two dogfights, the sword light to flash, the sword air/Qi rises suddenly, depends on the secret of sword sharp blowout really to compel to draw back Yin hot two, oneself ride the chi dragon in an instant, the chi dragon and deep phoenix fluttering rapid flight, in them behind, the secret really hot black smoke are billowing, will pursue raiding to keep off kept off, making them go far away fast. 于是也不敢与阴名二缠斗,剑光一闪,剑气暴涨,靠着剑尖喷出的三昧真火迫退阴名二,自己刹那间骑上螭龙,螭龙与冥凤振翅疾飞,在他们身后,三昧真火黑烟滚滚,将追袭者挡了一挡,让他们快速远去。 Far away from the enemy, Sun Yan then looks, sees these enemies not to pursue again, side self relaxes, actually sees the Yin two flying high steps, two fingers for sword, to lotus lotus delimits while read. In his heart one tight, looks like lightning to lotus lotus, when sees only her shirt to conduct the back does not know, were many drop of water stain. 远离敌人,孙炎回头看去,见那些敌人并未再追,方自松了口气,却看到阴名二凌空踏步,二指为剑,对着莲莲边划边念。他心中一紧,闪电般看向莲莲,只见她衬衫背上不知何时,多了一滴水渍。 Before Sun Yan, is falling empty mountain to say one time, stands knows wonderfully, does not issue the order toward the deep phoenix in an instant, the deep phoenix flies high turns, under master's compulsory order, lotus lotus that will scream directly turned, the phoenix claw throw tear off the lotus lotus only that shirt, flings fast. 孙炎自己以前在陷空山着了一次道,立知不妙,刹那间朝冥凤发出命令,冥凤凌空一翻,在主人的强制命令下,直接将尖叫的莲莲翻了下来,凤爪一扑扯下莲莲仅有的那一件衬衫,快速一甩。 Bang! Shirt side self casts off several chi (0.33 m), is centered on that water stain, blasts out void loudly. 轰!衬衫方自甩开数尺,以那水渍为中心,虚空轰然炸开。 Deep phoenix miserable, is unable to maintain the body of imaginary beast again, changes to the person's shadow, was broken by the air wave with lotus lotus together. The Sun Yan governing dragon catches up, chi dragon one volume, catches lotus lotus and deep, the illness/quick escapes to go. 冥凤一声惨哼,无法再维持幻兽之身,化作人影,与莲莲一同被气浪冲开。孙炎御龙追上,螭龙一卷,接住莲莲和冥儿,疾逃而去。 The rear distant place, how long Yin two cold snort/hum...... you cannot run away! 后方远处,阴名二冷哼一声……你们逃不了多久! ...... …… *** *** Sun Yan catches lotus lotus and deep, flies to empty to go, the throwing away enemy, conceals enters in the jungle. 孙炎接住莲莲和冥儿,飞空而去,甩脱敌人,藏入密林之中。 Looks down, lotus lotus lies in the dragon conducts the back, is turning away from him, the both legs fly away, is naked, the body is actually perfect, deep is actually seriously injured by he is holding, suffocates. He hurried to give deep to feed one to fly pill, although flew pill to do little to nine nether world phoenix imaginary beasts, but deep is also at least living, making him relax. 低头看去,莲莲趴在龙背上,背对着他,双腿飞开,全身赤裸,身上却是完好无损,被他抱着的冥儿却是身受重伤,奄奄一息。他赶紧给冥儿喂了一颗飞丹,虽然飞丹对九幽冥凤这种幻兽作用不大,但至少冥儿还活着,让他松了口气。 ...... 只是…… He has doubts looks toward the bare back of lotus lotus, at that time deep tore off lotus lotus shirt, throws behind toward lotus lotus, according to then position, lotus lotus was obviously recent to the shotpoint, finally on lotus lotus was a wound does not have, was this other matter? Indestructible body? Looks at the appearance of her soft and fair skin, a little not like. 他疑惑的往莲莲的裸背看去,当时冥儿一扯下莲莲身上的衬衫,就往莲莲身后抛去,按当时的位置,明明莲莲离爆炸点最近,结果莲莲身上却是一点伤也没有,这是彼回事?金刚不坏之身?只是看她细皮嫩肉的样子,又有点不像。 chi dragon drop on the ground, he is holding deep, jumps down, for her struggling wound. 螭龙落在地上,他抱着冥儿,跳了下来,为她挣扎伤口。 lotus lotus continues to lie in the dragon conducts the back, low voice say/way: She and she how?” 莲莲继续趴在龙背上,小声的道:“她、她怎么样?” Sun Yan small sound said: Also is living......” 孙炎小声道:“还活着……” Raised the head, sees only lotus lotus to bring back the right leg, toward his has leaned the body, one side of this, directly is facing him, the pepper breast shivers, the underbelly is bright and clean. Sees him to raise the head, lotus lotus face one red, hurries to cover the abdomen, one covers , conducts the back to jump down from the chi dragon, is somewhat embarrassed, arrives at deep step by step behind. In her behind, the chi dragon looks at injured deep, happy is thinking her, if died, master only then my mount. 抬起头来,只见莲莲勾起右腿,往他这面侧过身子,这一侧,直接面对着他,椒乳颤动,腹下光洁。见他抬头,莲莲脸一红,赶紧一手捂腹,一手下掩,从螭龙背上跳下,有些难为情的,一步一步来到冥儿身后。在她身后,螭龙看着受伤的冥儿,高兴的想着她要是死了,主人就只有我一只坐骑了。 lotus lotus kneels to sit side deep, is covering the place of feeling ashamed single-handedly, presses gently on the deep phoenix. 莲莲跪坐在冥儿身边,一手掩着羞人之处,一手轻轻按在冥凤身上。 Sun Yan said: You how? Is injured?” 孙炎道:“你怎么样?有没有受伤?” lotus lotus shakes the head , to continue to look at deep, as if there is mysterious cyanogen, flows to deep from her palm slowly. The wound of deep starts the fast healing and scar. 莲莲摇了摇头,继续看着冥儿,仿佛有神秘青气,从她的手心缓缓流向冥儿。冥儿的伤口开始快速愈合、结疤。 What does Sun Yan open the eye...... this is? 孙炎睁大眼睛……这是什么? ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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