MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#901: lotus lotus

In the oasis, the miraculous glow flashes in the sky, the week length of perimeter, is being big trees, high of tree, feared that is dozens zhang (3.33 m) to continue. 绿洲之中,灵光在天空闪动,周围长着的,是一株株大树,树之高,怕是有数十丈不止。 Sun Yan opens the eye, looks at the young girl in brocade box, young girl is not too old, is about the 14-year-old appearance, being sideways curved leg in the brocade/bright box, is curling up the both legs, rests just soundly. 孙炎睁大眼睛,看着锦盒内的少女,少女的年纪不算太大,大约是14岁的样子,在锦盒里侧身弯腿,蜷着双腿,睡得正香。 She has with Yaoyao, fragrant similar, the beautiful appearance, the stark naked flesh, is perfect looks like the jade carving to be common, this is one type, not perfect of slight defect, even if has cultivated Fairy Maiden of becoming an immortal body, is well below. Her both hands about in the same place, place under the pretty cheek, treats as the pillow, the fine lovable pepper breast was partly obstructed by the arm, is extremely wonderful. 她拥有与瑶瑶、香香相似的,美丽的容颜,一丝不挂的肌肤,完美得像玉雕一般,这是一种、没有一丝瑕疵的完美,就算是已经修成仙体的仙女,亦是远远不及。她的双手合在一起,放在俏丽的面颊下,当作枕头,精美可爱的椒乳被手臂半遮,极是美妙。 The both legs gather bring back, forms z with the lower abdomen shape, lets her pork rump specially conspicuous, slender calf and attractive curve, only look, then subconscious turning very quiet breath, that wonderful may not the feeling of local products, making one not endure to blaspheme. 双腿并拢勾起,与小腹形成“z”形,让她的臀尖特别的显眼,纤细的小腿、诱人的曲线,单是看着,便让人下意识的屏住呼吸,那美妙不可方物的感觉,使人不忍亵渎。 Fire chi and deep phoenix fall on his side, opens the eye with him together, looks in the box * young girl. 火螭与冥凤落在他的身边,与他一同睁大眼睛,看着盒中的*少女。 The young girls are lifting the white hands, wiped an eye gently, this lifts the hand, a lovable jade rabbit by pull Dong, was being rocked gently wonderfully. She double handles gently presses the bottom of box, in the brocade/bright box, dexterous haunches half tender body. 少女微抬着玉手,轻轻的擦了一下眼睛,这一抬手,一只可爱玉兔被轻轻拔动,美妙地晃动着。她双手轻压盒底,在锦盒中,轻巧的撑起半个娇躯。 Sun Yan thought, the black cherry elder sister, this is not right, my birthday has not arrived, how did you give the gift to me? 孙炎心想,黑樱姐,这不对啊,我的生日还没到呢,你怎么就给我送礼物了? The youngster who the young girl opening eye of slowly, looks at the out-of-the-box, as well as youngster behind dragon Yifeng, is revealing the facial expression of doubts, looked at the surroundings, probably thinks clarifies own situation, her sound is quite delightful: You are......!” A scream. 少女慢慢的睁开眼睛,看着盒外的少年,以及少年身后的一龙一凤,微露着疑惑的神情,又看了看周围,像是想了弄清自己的处境,她的声音颇为甜美:“你是……呀!”一声尖叫。 Discovered young girl who own anything has not put on, panic-stricken is curling up in the box *, both hands cover the chest, the doom is shrinking the body. 发现自己什么都没有穿的少女,惊恐的在盒中蜷着*,双手掩胸,死命地缩着身子。 Fire chi and deep phoenix also turn head, looks like...... the master toward the youngster, what do you want to make to her? 火螭与冥凤同时扭头,往少年看来……主人,你想对她做什么? Sun Yan looks up the day...... the black cherry elder sister. What do you want to make me make to her? 孙炎抬头看天……黑樱姐。你想让我对她做什么? Who are you? How can I here?” Young girl panic-stricken calling out, „who you were, why can catch me?” “你是谁?我怎么会在这里?”少女惊恐的叫道,“你到底是什么人,为什么要把我抓来?” Sun Yan coughs lightly. First takes out a wool blanket from the three treasures bottle gourd, both hands shakes. Threw. The young girls hold the wool blanket, makes an effort to bind the tender body, opens the eye to visit him in the box. 孙炎轻咳一声。先从三宝葫芦中取出一个毛毯,双手一抖。扔了过去。少女抓住毛毯,使劲裹着娇躯,在盒子里睁大眼睛看着他。 Sun Yan both hands empty press: „, I will not don't worry injure your......” 孙炎双手虚按:“不用担心,我不会伤害你的……” Deep said: Master Elder Brother can only ** you......” 冥儿道:“主人哥哥只会**你……” Young said: Is after first deceitful, kills!” 雏儿道:“先奸后杀!” The young girls call out in alarm. 少女惊叫。 Sun Yan hurries to give the deep phoenix and a fire chi chestnut respectively: Do not listen to them to talk nonsense.” 孙炎赶紧各给冥凤和火螭一个栗子:“不要听它们瞎说。” The young girls are more startled: „After difficultly and first kills, deceitful?” 少女更加惊慌:“难、难道是先杀后奸?” ...... 呃…… *** *** Sun Yan is waiting in the lakeside, after a while, the young girl transferred after the tree. 孙炎在湖边等着,过了一会儿,少女从树后转了出来。 Sun Yan looks, sees her to put on itself to take out from the three treasures bottle gourd, lends her clean shirt. To her, the shirt of man is spacious, can the deep clothes be likely ordinary, overlaps in the chest front, again on bunch rope ribbon. Because feared that the chest front reveals the spring scenery, the rope ribbon can only be under of milk-white bosom, the skirt-width treats as the skirt, can obstruct the knee actually reluctantly, reveals the slender calf. Because in the hollow, does not exempt various person daydreams. The shirt is the white. The loose sleeve curls up, arm like jade, sweet and pretty, if picture. 孙炎看去,见她穿着自己从三宝葫芦中取出,借给她的干净衬衫。对她来说,男人的衬衫自是过于宽大,能像深衣一般,在胸前交叠,再束上绳绦。因为怕胸前露出春光,绳绦只能系在酥胸的下方,下摆当作裙子,倒是勉强能够遮到膝部,露出纤细的小腿。因为内中中空,自是不免予人各种遐想。衬衫是白色的。宽松的袖子卷起,手臂如玉,娇美若画。 She has stepped from the sand. That small sand, actually a no Ding point, moistens on her fine jade foot, in sky under miraculous photo, she has, if bathes in the miraculous glow, on the flesh is flashing the mysterious gloss. 她从沙粒上踩过。那微小的沙粒,却没有一丁一点,沾在她精致的玉足上,天空中灵光照下,她就有若沐浴在灵光之中,肌肤上闪动着神秘的光泽。 Sun Yan introduced oneself, then said: Your name is......” 孙炎自我介绍了一下,然后道:“你的名字是……” Young girls anxious folds both hands in the legs, looks to the one side: „...... Lotus!” 少女不安的将双手叠在腿间,看向一旁:“……莲!” Lotus? Sun Yan said: „Did I call your lotus lotus?” 莲?孙炎道:“那我叫你莲莲可以么?” lotus lotus said: „......!” Does not feel relieved looks like toward him: You and will you harm me?” 莲莲道:“……嗯!”不放心的往他看来:“你、你会伤害我吗?” Sun Yan said: „, I will not have said. I will not harm you, because I am a good person.” 孙炎道:“不会的,我已经说过了。我绝不会伤害你,因为我是好人。” lotus lotus relaxes all of a sudden. Both hands lift, overlap in the chest front. The whole person relaxed, say/way that she smiles: You is a good person, I felt relieved!” 莲莲一下子松了一口气。双手抬起,交叠在胸前。整个人都放松了,她微笑的道:“你是好人,那我就放心了!” I said that your did believe? 我说你这就信了么? lotus lotus looks to the surroundings: But, where is here? Why can I here?” 莲莲看向周围:“但是,这里到底是什么地方?我为什么会在这里?” Sun Yan said: Here is mixes in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata of desert world......” 孙炎道:“这里是混漠世界的妙喜树内……” lotus lotus opens the eye: Mixes the desert world? Wonderful camptotheca acuminata?” 莲莲睁大眼睛:“混漠世界?妙喜树?” Sun Yan said: Where are you?” 孙炎道:“你本来是在什么地方?” lotus lotus said: I...... I fell asleep in my family in the demon and demon, open the eye to come here, you......” 莲莲道:“我在魔、魔……我在我家睡着,睁开眼睛就到这里了,你……” Sun Yan hurries saying: Has not related with me, in fact, I picked this brocade box on the road, turned on the brocade box sees you.” 孙炎赶紧道:“跟我没有关系,事实上,我只是在路上捡到了这个锦盒,把锦盒打开就看到你了。” lotus lotus doubts: This what's the matter......” opening eye suddenly: Water show elder sister? Water show elder sister?” 莲莲一阵疑惑:“这到底是怎么回事……”忽的睁大眼睛:“水秀姐姐?水秀姐姐呢?” Sun Yan thought that water show elder sister who she said that it seems like is the black cherry elder sister. 孙炎心想,她说的水秀姐姐,看来便是黑樱姐。 He shakes the head: Is the water show elder sister who you said who? I pick the box time, only sees your one person, side does not have others.” 他摇了摇头:“你说的水秀姐姐是谁?我捡到盒子的时候,就只看到你一个人,旁边没有别人。” lotus lotus lowers the head, low voice say/way: Deceived people.” 莲莲低着头,小声的道:“骗人。” How...... do you know?” “呃……你怎么知道?” During speeches, distant place suddenly transmits a explosion sound, the blood column shoots up to the sky together. 说话间,远处忽的传来一声轰响,一道血柱冲天而起。 Sun Yan hurries saying: Were not many said that we hurried to leave here.” Oneself ride to get angry chi, gives lotus lotus the deep phoenix. lotus lotus gathers the both legs, sits in the deep phoenix cautiously slantingly conducts the back. dragon Yifeng is carrying them, is turning away from the blood column, flies toward another side. On the way, fire chi once for a while has turned head, looks at lotus lotus wickedly, looks at her to be fearful and apprehensive. 孙炎赶紧道:“不多说了,我们还是赶紧离开这里。”自己骑上火螭,把冥凤让给莲莲。莲莲并拢双腿,小心翼翼地斜坐在冥凤背上。一龙一凤载着他们,背对着血柱,往另一边飞去。途中,火螭时不时的扭过头来,恶狠狠地看着莲莲,看得她心惊胆寒。 Sun Yan is riding the chi dragon, looks toward, they a moment ago obviously above the oasis, outside the oasis, everywhere were the deserts, but now, everywhere is the heaven big trees, they in a sea of trees sky flight, where the boundless desert did not know unexpectedly. 孙炎骑着螭龙,往下方看去,他们刚才明明是在绿洲之上,绿洲外,到处都是沙漠,但是现在,到处都是苍天大树,他们竟是在一片树海上空飞行,刚才的无垠沙漠也不知去了哪里。 Here, Sun Yan sees among the front chaotic wood, is pouring many corpses, he makes the chi dragon fall downward, the deep phoenix pursues in his side. He conducts the back to jump down from the chi dragon, drops near the corpse, seeing only these corpses is wears the cassock the Buddhist priest, these Buddhist priest loathsome appearances vary, but all fears with the surface presently, as if before dying, sees the extremely fearsome matter. Can in the Buddhist priest who in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata practices, to certain boundary, the strength in meditation was all higher than the average person on many, can make them so alarmed and afraid and dies , before does not know they die, to encounter anything. 就在这里,孙炎看到前方乱木之间,倒着许多尸体,他让螭龙往下落去,冥凤追在他的身边。他从螭龙背上跳下,落下尸体边,只见这些尸体全都是穿着袈裟的的僧人,这些僧人死相各异,但无一不同面现恐惧,仿佛死前看到极其可怖之事。能够在妙喜树内修行的僧人,无一不是到了一定的境界,定力远比一般人高上许多,能够让他们如此惊惧而死,也不知他们死前到底遭遇到什么。 lotus lotus fell, goes through in the corpses, sad say/way: Here exactly what happened?” 莲莲落了下来,在尸体间穿行,难过的道:“这里到底发生了什么事?” Sun Yan helpless say/way: In wonderful camptotheca acuminata is having the important matter, or entire mixes the desert world to have the important matter.” 孙炎无奈的道:“妙喜树里正在发生大事,或者说,整个混漠世界都在发生大事。” lotus lotus lowers the head, low-spirited say/way: Why can go to war? The world is so big, isn't everyone together well? Why can hit life and death?” 莲莲低着头,黯然的道:“为什么要打仗?世界这么大,大家一起好好相处不可以么?为什么非要打个你死我活?” Sun Yan thought, this issue is very complex, is really is not good to explain, the faith is different, the benefit is uneven, the ambition and prevents the ambition, the skin color is different, is unpleasing to the eyes wait/etc, may cause the conflict, actually the bewildered reason, why projecting on anyone does not know finally is, this matter all has the possibility. 孙炎心想,这个问题很复杂,实在是不好解释,信念不同,利益不均,野心和阻止野心,肤色不同,看不顺眼等等,都有可能引发冲突,其实还有许多莫名其妙的原因,打到最后谁也不知道是为什么,这种事情全都是有可能的。 He said: We......” 他道:“我们还是……” During the speeches, his intention moves, in an instant then, transfers the mortal form sword to delimit none, exits half circle at the inconceivable speed backward. Then is bang a light sound, although is only a light sound, but transfers the mortal form sword actually to send out buzz humming sound the vibration, shakes his arm to tingle with numbness. 说话间,他心念一动,刹那间回头,转魄剑划过精光,以不可思议的速度向后转出半个圈子。紧接着便是嘭的一声轻响,虽然只是一声轻响,但转魄剑却已发出嗡嗡嗡的震动,震得他手臂发麻。 Above his behind slanting, unexpectedly is moment god Yin that comes presently two. Yin two make a move suddenly, astral air/Qi keeps off, shakes, he is the Flying True Person rank, there is to move to the technique of shape changing positions, appears in Sun Yan suddenly behind, forcefully the sneak attack, although to seek speed, not with full power, but this strikes the strength is many, cannot think that was still met by this boy unexpectedly. 在他身后的斜上方,现出身来的竟是分阴神主阴名二。阴名二骤然出手,罡气被挡,亦是一震,他乃是飞天真人级别,又有移形换位之术,骤然间出现在孙炎身后,强行偷袭,虽然为求速度,未用全力,但这一击力量已是不少,想不到竟然仍被这小子接了下来。 For several months does not see, when this boy compared with demon monkey event fierce did not know many! In his heart shakes secretly. 短短几月不见,这小子比魔猴事件时厉害了不知多少!他心中暗震。 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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