MGIAFM :: Volume #9

#900: Had said thanked!

The world of beings with form's first day, muddy evening mountain back garden. 色界第一天,浑夕山后园。 The toad moon/month moved to the nighttime sky, bright moon/month recovering filled Immortal World. 蟾月移上了夜空,皎洁的月光覆满了仙界 dragon Er in the sleep, opened the eye slowly, looks to window permeating, silver common moonlight. 龙儿在睡梦中,慢慢的睁开了眼睛,看向窗边渗入的、银一般的月光。 Luo Ling in her side, rests as before calmly and steadily, an entire Immortal World peace, is quiet and gentle. 骆玲在她的身边,依旧睡得安稳,整个仙界一片安静,清静而又柔和。 dragon Er transferred to the bedside both feet gently, so bare both feet, is following the foot, walking outward slowly. Her body, what put on is a white resting skirt, she goes out, the moonlight sprinkles on her body, even her pajamas also become silver white, the tender and delicate flesh, is dispersing the beautiful gloss, beautiful hair pitch-black, neat throwing over after the brain, after hanging , the buttocks. 龙儿将双足轻轻的移到了床边,就这般裸着双足,蹑着脚,慢慢的往外走去。她的身上,穿的是一件洁白的睡裙,她出了门,月光洒在她的身上,连她的睡衣也变得一片银白,娇嫩的肌肤,散着美丽的光泽,秀发乌黑,清爽的披在脑后,垂至后臀。 She raised the head, looks at Heaven that beautiful toad moon/month. 她抬起头来,看着天上那美丽的蟾月。 Did the fight in wonderful camptotheca acuminata, finally start? 妙喜树内的战斗,终于开始了么? Is this war, actually what result? Can he come back? Can they come back? 这一场战争,究竟是一种什么样的结果?他是否能够回来?她们又是否能够回来? She uses * both feet, is treading the moist lawn, slowly proceeded to walk, passed through the bamboo flower, passed through the bamboo grove, in the front, she saw a woman. 她用*的双足,踏着湿润的草地,缓缓的往前走去,穿过了花竹,穿过了竹林,在前方,她看到了一个女人。 She proceeds to walk gently, arrives at her front: Mother-in-law?!” 她轻轻的往前走去,来到她的面前:“婆婆?!” Aunt Sun said: Dragon......” 孙姑姑道:“龙儿……” dragon Er puts out a hand, throws to her bosom in: Mother-in-law...... master......” 龙儿伸出手来,扑到她的怀中:“婆婆……师父……” Aunt Sun is hugging her, smiling: Dragon, you do not need to worry, he can certainly come back!” 孙姑姑搂着她,微笑着:“龙儿,你不用担心,他一定能够回来的!” dragon Er is bursting into tears: But Mother-in-law, she? You?” 龙儿流着泪:“可是婆婆,她呢?还有你呢?” Aunt Sun sighed one lightly: Dragon, you know...... always some people must sacrifice!” 孙姑姑轻叹一声:“龙儿,你知道的……总是有人要牺牲的!” dragon Er is sobbing: I am unable to accept such result, can I who only then what matter cannot achieve, happy? I who only then anything busy cannot add on......” 龙儿抽泣着:“我无法接受这样的结果,只有什么事都做不到的我,能够得到幸福吗?只有什么忙都帮不上的我……” Aunt Sun is hugging her, supple sound said: „It is not this appearance! Is because, you helped her undertake all weakness, she can so strong. Without you, her anything cannot achieve! Among you, must some people live well. Happy is living.” 孙姑姑抱着她,柔声道:“不是这个样子的!就是因为,你帮她承担了所有的软弱,她才能够这般的坚强。没有你,她什么也做不到!你们中间,总要有人好好的活着。幸福的活着。” dragon Erdao: But......” 龙儿道:“可是……” Aunt Sun is smiling: Dragon, will never be definite in the future. We have a relatively perfect plan, but final of this plan, always wants some people to sacrifice. However, you also know......, although is a good plan, but the master really worried, this plan, can have a problem finally.” 孙姑姑微笑着:“龙儿,未来从来就不是确定的。我们有一个相对完美的计划,但是这个计划的最后,总是要有人牺牲。不过呢,你也知道……唉,虽然是一个不错的计划,但师父实在是担心,这个计划,最后还是会出点问题。” dragon Er raised the head. Visits her surprisedly: Master, you mean......” 龙儿抬起头来。惊讶地看着她:“师父,你的意思是……” Master does not talk clearly,” Aunt Sun said that „, but the matter became too strange, felt some places, has started to lose control. Slightly obtained the strength of real dragon hot also even, that was the master plays to take off, Great Sage exoteric and esoteric buddhism real secret art how but he obtained? Do 72 how to obtain change the mnemonics? Also, dragon do you have the discovery? The small hot present is the bodies of five virtue, this was really strange. He obviously is the body of fire virtue, how probably to turn into the bodies of innate five virtue? Overcoming nature of this rank takes a sunbath, at all is not the average person can achieve.” “师父也说不清楚,”孙姑姑说道,“但是事情变得太奇怪了,感觉有些地方,已经开始失控了。小炎炎得到真龙之力也就算了,那是师父玩脱掉了,但是他怎么得到的大圣显密真诀?怎么得到的七十二变口诀?还有呢,龙儿你有没有发现?小炎炎现在都已经是五德之体了,这实在是太奇怪了。他明明就是火德之身,怎么可能变成先天五德之体?这种级别的补天浴日,根本不是一般人能够做得到的啊。” dragon Erdao: Master. What you want to say is......” 龙儿道:“师父。你想说的是……” Aunt Sun rubs to focus on tears with the handkerchief: I thought that...... small hot definitely had other mother.” 孙姑姑用手绢搓着眼泪水儿:“我觉得……小炎炎肯定是有别的妈咪了。” This......” “这个……” ...... …… *** *** All promising laws, all such as the dream bubble, such as the reveal also like the electricity, treating as such as is the view. 一切有为法,皆如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电,当作如是观。 Although knows beforehand, in the ficus religiosa, Xumi accepts the mustard seed, mustard seed Xumi, is equal to an intrinsic India, however after entering wonderful camptotheca acuminata. Sun Yan knows, this view absolutely is not exaggerating. 虽然事先就知道,菩提树内,须弥纳芥子,芥子纳须弥,等同于一个内在的佛国,但是在进入妙喜树后。孙炎才知道,这说法绝对不是夸张。 Where did I arrive? 我到底到了什么地方? He rides in the chi dragon conducts the back. Looks at the limitless desert. 他骑在螭龙背上。看着无边无际的沙漠。 On the neck and dragon claw of chi dragon, are wrapping the sparkling gold/metal collar. Nine nether world phoenix listless flying in his side. 螭龙的颈部与龙爪上,套着闪闪发光的金项圈。九幽冥凤无精打采的飞在他的身边。 They do not know how long to come, in the ficus religiosa, time too many significances, here time has not as if flowed, is not same as the outside world, was full of the miraculous glow everywhere, however, there is a light smell of blood, making one know, here all, already no longer formerly. 他们已经不知道,到底进来了多久,不过在菩提树内,时间似乎并没有太多的意义,这里的时间流向,与外界并不相同,到处充满了灵光,然而,又有淡淡的血腥味,让人知道,这里的一切,已经不复从前。 Master Elder Brother!” Nine nether world phoenix calling out suddenly, there had the oasis!” “主人哥哥!”九幽冥凤忽的叫道,“那里有绿洲!” The Sun Yan doubts look: Oasis? Oasis where comes?” 孙炎疑惑看去:“绿洲?哪来的绿洲?” Really has, that not?” With the cry of deep phoenix, the front really presents an oasis unexpectedly. “真的有啊,那不是吗?”随着冥凤的叫声,前方竟然真的出现一座绿洲。 Isn't the mirage? Sun Yan is thinking. 不会是海市蜃楼吧?孙炎想着。 For all that he is also getting dragon Yifeng, flies toward the front, arrived at the oasis, seeing only here truly is shadowy , the lake, is flashing the clear ray under the sunlight. Although does not know that this big oasis, why deep can see a moment ago, but Sun Yan relaxes finally. Unlike the road on, here did not have the smell of blood, in the sky under the miraculous shop, quiet propitious. It seems like that they, although is corroding the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, but here had not been affected. 虽然如此,他还着领着一龙一凤,往前方飞去,来到了绿洲,只见这里确实是绿树成荫,又有一片湖泊,在阳光下闪着粼粼的光芒。虽然不知道这一大片绿洲,为什么刚才只有冥儿能够看到,但孙炎总算是松了口气。与刚才的路上不同,这里并没有血腥味,天空中灵光铺下,清静吉祥。看来,“它们”虽然在侵蚀妙喜树,但这里还没有受到波及。 The deep phoenix and fire chi flew into the water, is curling the water splash cheerfully, this, is all the way dry and thirsty, even they were also about unable to support. 冥凤与火螭飞入了水中,欢快地卷着水花,这一路上,又干又渴,连它们也快撑不住了。 Sun Yan actually remembers, black cherry elder sister brocade box ingenious plan, is thinking at heart had entered the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, first has a look, in the brocade box has anything to arrange, perhaps that is the black cherry elder sister to his instruction. 孙炎却是想起,黑樱姐的“锦盒妙计”,心里想着自己已经进了妙喜树,还是先看看,锦盒里有什么安排,说不定那是黑樱姐对他的指示。 Therefore, he takes out the brocade box. 于是,他将锦盒取出。 The brocade/bright box is not quite big, a palm can hold. He turns on the brocade box carefully, as if has some seal to be torn to pieces, rune/symbol light flashes, the brocade box changes to the miraculous glow, falls on his front, all of a sudden became big. Deep also flew with young together, looks at the thing in box with him together. 锦盒并不太大,一只手掌就可以托着。他将锦盒小心打开,仿佛有某道封印被撕破,符光一闪,锦盒化作灵光,落在他的前方,一下子变得大了许多。冥儿与雏儿也一同飞了上来,与他一同看着盒子里的东西。 This, this is...... 这、这个是…… They opened the eye together. 他们一同睁大了眼睛。 In the brocade/bright box...... falls asleep * girl...... 锦盒里……睡着一个*的女孩…… ...... …… *** *** The black cherry moonlight sits on a branch. 黑樱月华坐在一根树枝上。 The surroundings are completely the remnant wall, only has this tree, brought sight of green to this stretch of desolate world, the tree trunk is healthy, the branches and leaves spread out all over, a leaf slanting extension, she sits there, the black clothes rock, careless to the mirror, seems appreciating own beauty. 周围尽是残垣,唯有这一棵树,给这片苍凉的天地带来了一点绿意,树干茁壮,枝叶铺展开来,一根树叶斜斜的伸展开来,她就坐在那里,黑裳晃动,漫不经心的对着镜子,仿佛在欣赏自己的美丽。 , The fog rolls up and pushes along in her suddenly behind, no sex fiend mother appears the mist common empty shadow: Black cherry!” 忽的,在她身后云雾卷动,无色魔母现出雾气一般的虚影:“黑樱!” No sex fiend mother flying side the black cherry moonlight, Jie Jie said with a smile: „Has decisive battle started? Has us to be able to help?” 无色魔母飞在黑樱月华身边,桀桀地笑道:“决战已经开始了?有没有我们能够帮得上忙的?” The black cherry moonlight said: „Do you want to help? I also think, you only want to look in side, if Heavenly Court can with the town/subdues Yuan child mutually wounded, how could it not be to the Demonic Path is also the good deed?” 黑樱月华道:“你们想帮忙?我还以为,你们只想在旁边看着,天庭若是能够与镇元子两败俱伤,对魔道岂非也是好事?” No sex fiend mother Hei said with a smile: We do not fear them to be mutually wounded, what we fear, after being mutually wounded, was unable to remove the town/subdues Yuan, said again, if this war involves too in a big way, affected the stability of main world, did not have the advantage to our Demonic Path. So long as the day demon reveals itself compared with the future Buddha early, the main world is our main world.” 无色魔母嘿笑道:“我们不怕他们两败俱伤,我们怕的是,两败俱伤后,还不能除掉镇元子,再说,万一这一战牵涉太大,影响到了主世界的稳定,对我们魔道也没有好处。只要天魔比未来佛更早出世,主世界就是我们的主世界。” The black cherry moonlight said: Good, since you want to help, I thank you, actually I only had a request.” 黑樱月华道:“好吧,既然你们这么想帮忙,那我真是谢谢你们了,其实我只有一个要求。” No sex fiend mother say/way: What requests?” 无色魔母道:“什么要求?” The black cherry moonlight said: That princess in demon.” 黑樱月华道:“魔界里的那位公主。” No sex fiend mother cold say/way: This matter is absolutely is only impossible!” 无色魔母冷然道:“唯独这件事是绝对不可能的!” The black cherry moonlight said: But I had said thanked.” 黑樱月华道:“但是我已经说过谢谢了。” No sex fiend mother sneers saying: You, even if said again thank 10,000 times, we not possible......” 无色魔母冷笑道:“你就算再说一万次谢谢,我们也不可能……” Master master!” The distant place, sound transmitting of fast little girl, is the spring breeze common aura, but the twinkling, master, is not good.” “师父师父!”远处,一个小女孩的声音飞快的传来,紧接着便是春风一般气息,瞬息而至,“师父,不好了。” No sex fiend mother say/way: Slightly has the zither | Jean, has an accident?” 无色魔母道:“小有琴,出了什么事?” Small had the zither | Jean to call out: Master, is not good, the princess was missing, the princess disappears, how they could not find her, the princess carried over new demon......” 小有琴叫道:“师父,不好了,公主失踪了,公主不见了,他们怎么都找不到她,公主被人带出新魔界了……” Black cherry,” no sex fiend mother roared, what did you make?” “黑樱,”无色魔母咆哮起来,“你到底做了什么?” Black cherry moonlight takes the mirror, both hands toward two shoulder one: I had said a moment ago thanked!!!” 黑樱月华一手拿着镜子,双手往两肩一摊:“我刚才已经说过谢谢了!!!” ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps:( Asked the ticket to ask the ticket, asked the monthly ticket, asked the recommendation ticket! The new important personage entered the stage, everyone votes!) ps:(求票啊求票,求月票,求推荐票!新的重要人物出场了,大家投票啊!)
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