MGIAFM :: Volume #11

#1011: In order to protect to flatter the disciple to rush to Asura( this volume ends)

readx ; readx; Picking the sword light is quicker, grabs the Junior Sister, jumps, that from the flaming chariot brushes, falls on the reincarnation train vehicle roof. At this time, small attractive hugs the small butterfly to sit there as before, Ning Caichen is searching the head toward the front, looks that eight claw fish lie in the reincarnation train front generally, was going against flying by the reincarnation train, horrible to look at ten Monk side. 采采剑光更快,抓着师妹,从风火轮上跃起,刷的一声,落在投胎火车车顶上。此时,小倩依旧搂着小蝶坐在那里,宁采臣则往前方探着脑袋,看着八爪鱼一般趴在投胎火车车头,被投胎火车顶着飞,惨不忍睹的十方和尚。 Two girls arrive at side the small butterfly, partly kneels there: Little butterfly elder sister?” 两个女孩来到小蝶身边,半跪在那里:“小蝶姐?” Small butterfly weak say/way: Slightly picks, small cold!” Picks saying: Sorry, the little butterfly elder sister, we deceived you, actually we are not the ghost......” 小蝶虚弱的道:“小采,小凛!”采采道:“对不起,小蝶姐,我们骗了你,其实我们不是鬼……” Is ? This and this are also good......” “是、是吗?这样、这样也好……” Small butterfly, hang there, do not speak, we must arrive at the reincarnation gate quickly!” Small attractive gently is hugging her. “小蝶,坚持住,不要说话,我们很快要到投胎门了!”小倩轻轻的搂着她。 Sound that the reincarnation train wheel rolls, with wind sound/rumor whistling, in their ear loud. In addition, a peace. The rear distant place, the supernatural power clashes bang the sound is getting more and more weak, obviously the white clouds Grandmaster and swallow Chixia the supernatural power in the fast consumption, has become no longer previously. 投胎火车车轮滚动的声音,随着风声呼呼的,在他们耳边响荡。除此之外,一片安静。后方远处,法力对撞的轰隆声越来越弱,显然白云大师和燕赤霞的法力都已在快速的消耗中,变得不复先前。 In flight of winding, reincarnation train slanting flies downward. 蜿蜒的飞行中,投胎火车斜斜的往下飞去。 Looks there!” The Ning Caichen's under finger/refers toward slanting, in that their front, has together luminous of four square shapes, the luminous surroundings, are huge, slowly gear of rotation. These gears average places void, each other embed. The both sides of four square shapes, in squeezing slowly. “看那里!”宁采臣往斜下方指去,在那他们的前方,有一道四方形的光亮,光亮的周围,是一块块巨大的,缓缓转动的齿轮。这些齿轮平平的放在虚空中,彼此镶嵌。四方形的两侧,在缓缓的收窄。 Reincarnation gate must close!” Ning Caichen said. “投胎门要关上了!”宁采臣道。 Also with enough time!” Small attractive say/way. “还来得及!”小倩道。 Picks with cold partly to kneel in the two sides of small butterfly: Little butterfly elder sister, we must separate with you.” 采采与凛半跪在小蝶的两边:“小蝶姐,我们要跟你分开了。” Since they are not the ghosts, that does not need to enter the world of the living from here reincarnation, so long as follows swallow Chixia, can perhaps find to re-enter cultivates Luoyang the path, the small butterfly naturally also understood this point. Her weak say/way: Slightly picks, small cold, you are also careful, the grandmother is always narrow-minded, so long as you have not left the next world, she can ask you to trouble. Knows you. I was very happy.” 既然她们不是鬼,那就没有必要从这里投胎进入阳世,只要跟着燕赤霞,或许就能够找到重回修罗阳界的道路,小蝶自然也明白了这一点。她虚弱的道:“小采,小凛,你们自己也要小心,姥姥一向小心眼,只要你们还没有离开阴界,她还是会来找你们麻烦的。认识你们。我真的很高兴。” Picks, the cold say/way: We, little butterfly elder sister!” 采采、凛道:“我们也是的,小蝶姐!” Ning Caichen then looks to the small attractive, small attractive say/way: Little peaceful, after entering the reincarnation gate . We must hand in hand, like this, even if threw the embryo, still in same village or in the town, will not separate too far. Remember. Must avoid the brutal hammer...... little peaceful, what are you looking at?” 宁采臣回头看向小倩,小倩道:“小宁,进入投胎门后。我们一定要手牵着手,这样子,就算投了胎,也会在同一个村子又或镇子里,不会分开太远。记住。一定要躲开无情鎚……小宁,你在看什么?” What is that?” Ning Caichen after their shoulders looks. “那是什么?”宁采臣往她们肩后看去。 Small attractive, picks, cold also to turn head, has not seen clearly with enough time, the reincarnation train shakes suddenly, from the sky is similar to is held the snake of tail to fling equally randomly. Slightly hugs the small butterfly attractively, the sleeve is stroking, departs the fresh flower, helping her stand firm the body, simultaneously startled called out: little Ning?” 小倩、采采、凛同时回头,还没来得及看清,投胎火车骤然一震,在空中如同被抓住尾巴的蛇一样乱甩。小倩抱着小蝶,袖子一拂,飞出鲜花,帮她稳住身子,同时惊叫道:“小宁?” „Am I all right?” Ning Caichen tumbles, holds another side glass difficultly. Had not been flung to fly by oneself, reincarnation train was held by the monster.” “我没事?”宁采臣翻滚中,艰难地抓住另一边的车窗。没有让自己被甩飞,“投胎火车被怪物抓住了。” Picked with cold to turn round, looks at the reincarnation train together after above, black, the Mount Tai huge person's shadow, died to rigidly adhere to the reincarnation train generally. His both eyes have, if the electric light, the golden hair dances in the air backward, occupying a commanding position is overlooking two girls: You are deceiving yourselves, you had been conquered by my dazzling ray, I give you one to worship my opportunity, cheered for me. Is crazy for me!” 采采与凛早已回身,一同看着投胎火车的后上方,一个黑色的、泰山一般巨大的人影,死死抱着投胎火车。他的双目有若电光,金色的头发向后飞舞,居高临下的俯视着两个女孩:“你们在欺骗自己,你们早已经被我耀眼的光芒征服,我给你们一个崇拜我的机会,为我喝彩吧。为我着迷吧!” Emperor giant star?! Picks with cold to look one, cannot let him at this time, ties down the reincarnation train. The time without thought that two girls are treading the pitch common vehicle roof. Dashes toward the slanting above emperor giant star. Picks like the meteor, only ices the sword to appear, binds the light group of sword her, her whole person as if changed to the sharp sword. The cold red light flashes, the red cloak carries over the red remnant shadow, recited secret word: This as the sword lives. Blood tide like iron, heart like colored glaze!” Her front, appears the circular ray that passes unceasingly, numerous treasures have to be ready. 天皇巨星?!采采与凛对望一眼,绝不能让他在这个时候,缠住投胎火车。没有多想的时间,两个女孩踏着斜坡一般的车顶。往斜上方的天皇巨星飞奔。采采身如流星,一只只冰剑出现,将她裹成剑的光团,她整个人仿佛都化作了利剑。凛红光一闪,红色披风带出红色残影,口诵秘言:“此身为剑而生。血潮如铁,心如琉璃!”她的前方,现出不断流转的圆形光芒,众多宝具蓄势待发。 Behind them, black and blue ten Monk side crawls from the vehicle roof difficultly upward, pokes head in: „, You were finished without enough time, anyone of you cannot escape. Hahahaha, anyone of you cannot escape. Because you are the ghosts, the ghost is inborn evil, with also is guilty, you who the ghost acts as companion were finished, hahahaha.” 在她们后方,鼻青脸肿的十方和尚从车顶艰难地往上爬,探出头来:“来不及了,你们完蛋了,你们谁都逃不掉的。哈哈哈哈,你们谁都逃不掉。因为你们是鬼,鬼天生就是邪恶的,和鬼作伴的也全都是有罪,你们完蛋了,哈哈哈哈。” Another side, Ning Caichen looks down downward, clenching teeth suddenly, the body one turns toward the left side, steps in face that in ten Monk side cannot recognize his mother, jumps out toward the front with the strength, the whole person faces forward below giant gear to throw. Ten sides screamed: What do you make?” 另一边,宁采臣低头往下看去,忽的一咬牙,身子往左侧一翻,一脚踩在十方和尚连他娘都认不出来的脸上,借力往前方跳出,整个人朝前下方的巨大齿轮扑去。十方尖叫道:“你做什么?” Sorry, uses taking advantage of your face!” Ning Caichen flew high to swoop, put on the gear, proceeded to roll, he was an average person, this hit, similarly was also azure swells one together. But he has nothing hesitant, staggers to crawl to proceed to clash. “对不起,借你的脸用一下!”宁采臣凌空飞扑,扑在了齿轮上,往前滚去,他原本就是普通人,这一撞,同样也是青一块肿一块。但他却没有任何犹豫,踉跄着爬起往前冲。 Ning Caichen!” Slightly grabs the small butterfly attractively, called out toward Ning Caichen's back. “宁采臣!”小倩抓着小蝶,朝宁采臣的背影叫道。 Gate must close!” Ning Caichen looks at more and more narrow reincarnation gate, rushes directly, drills into gradually the closed reincarnation gate, the four limbs such as big character is ordinary, is supporting the gate both sides stubbornly, his sweat such as the rain falls generally, is actually not willing to have the slight compromise as before, the reincarnation gate surrounding gear, makes ka ka ka the sound, has not continued to close finally. “门要关上了!”宁采臣看着越来越窄的投胎门,直接冲了上去,钻入逐渐闭合的投胎门,四肢如“大”字一般,死死撑着门的两侧,他的汗水如雨一般滑落,却依旧不肯有丝毫的妥协,投胎门周围的齿轮,发出咔咔咔的声音,总算没有继续关闭。 Elder sister, I know why you will like him!” The small butterfly said in a low voice, „, because he is a fool!” “姐姐,我知道你为什么会喜欢他了!”小蝶低声道,“因为他是一个笨蛋!” The rear area of reincarnation train, the emperor giant star angrily roars: Worships me!” 投胎火车的后方,天皇巨星怒吼:“崇拜我吧!” Has your ghost dream!” Two girls scold simultaneously tenderly, jump, over a hundred treasures have with the gigantic sword light rumble about on the face simultaneously in the emperor giant star. Emperor giant star yelled, both hands hold the face, in the future will pour. “做你的鬼梦!”两个女孩同时娇叱,纵身而起,上百支宝具与硕大的剑光同时轰在天皇巨星左右脸上。天皇巨星一声大叫,双手捧着脸,往后倒了下去。 The reincarnation train threw away the emperor giant star, leads full Che the ghost, howls is firing into the reincarnation gate. Grips the basic that flash in it, the entire reincarnation train becomes nihility, only ghost, cheers has been flying from Ning Caichen. 投胎火车甩脱了天皇巨星,带着满车的鬼,呼啸着冲向投胎门。在它扎入门的那一瞬间,整个投胎火车都变得虚无化,一只只鬼,欢呼着从宁采臣周围飞过。 Has an accident? Has an accident?” In ten side and in reincarnation gate luminous, the body getting smaller, all supernatural powers also all expires. Was bad, I must hurry to leave here!” He looks like the fish to be common, has become thin narrow luminous swimming away toward above that the reincarnation gate is the Yin-Yang common border and place of non- Yang Feiyin, no matter the person is the ghost is the immortal is the monster, after passing through, can again the reincarnation. “出了什么事?出了什么事?”十方和尚在投胎门内的光亮中,身子越来越小,所有的法力也全都失效。“糟了,我要赶紧离开这里!”他像鱼一般,往上方那已变得细窄的光亮游去,投胎门是阴阳交界、非阳非阴之处,不管是人是鬼是仙是妖,穿过去后,都会重新投胎。 Gives me getting down reincarnation! Stupid monk!” Is changing the young demoness similarly, stepped in his face, I also borrowed your face to use!” “给我下去投胎吧!蠢和尚!”一个同样在变小的女鬼,一脚踩在了他的脸上,“我也借你的脸用一下!” Bastard, steps on my face?” Ten Monk side falls directly downward, with his continuation falls, the whole person becomes has, if the newborn baby , a giant mallet knocked on his head, the head immediately became completely empty. “混蛋啊,又踩我脸?”十方和尚直接往下掉去,随着他的继续下坠,整个人都变得有若初生婴儿,啪,一个巨大的木鎚敲在了他的脑袋上,脑袋立时变得空空如也。 The young demoness is going against the ghost class/flow, flies the crack in a door, grabs the gate edge to find out the head: Slightly picks slightly, cold!” 小女鬼逆着鬼流,飞到门缝,抓着门的边缘探出脑袋:“小采、小凛!” Whiz whiz two. Picks with cold simultaneous/uniform Qiluo in out of the door: Little butterfly elder sister!” Small butterfly at this moment, in their eyes, has become has, if the little friend in kindergarten is generally big. 嗖嗖两声。采采和凛齐齐落在门外:“小蝶姐!”此刻的小蝶,在她们看来,已经变得有若幼儿园的小朋友一般大。 The small butterfly said: I must go to the reincarnation, later. You must take care.” 小蝶道:“我要去投胎了,以后。你们自己也要保重。” Picks saying: Little butterfly elder sister, where can you reincarnation arrive at? Later we look for you!” 采采道:“小蝶姐,你会投胎到哪里?以后我们去找你!” I did not tell you, since must turn over a new leaf, that made all make a fresh start, if were predestined friends. We will naturally meet again.” The small butterfly loosen opening the door edge, flies downward, then waves, said goodbye, slightly picks, small cold!” “我就不告诉你们了,既然要重新做人,那就让一切都重新开始吧,如果有缘。我们自然会再见面的。”小蝶松开门沿,往下飞去,回头挥手,“再见了,小采,小凛!” Two girls are waving together downward, in their under feet, the reincarnation gate closes finally completely, ray that in shows, first changes to together the light seam. Then vanishes does not see. 两个女孩一同往下挥着手,在她们的脚下,投胎门终于完全关闭,内中透出的光芒,先是化作一道光缝。紧接着便消失不见。 In the gate, Ning Caichen and small attractive each other holds hands, looks at that to beat, toward brutal hammer that the ghosts knock. Small attractive say/way: We also go!” 门内,宁采臣与小倩彼此牵手,看着那跳动着,往众鬼敲来的无情鎚。小倩道:“我们也去吧!” No matter what, we will not separate!” Under a person of ghost, so hand in hand, heart linked to heart, goes together to throw...... “不管怎么样,我们都不会分开的!”一人一鬼,就这般手牵着手,心连着心,一同往下方投去…… After the reincarnation gate closes, picks with cold simultaneously vertical. 投胎门关上后,采采与凛同时纵起。 In their, reincarnation gate together with it around that giant gear. All changed flowed all at once, shouts in revolving that spilled, vanished rapidly. The surroundings are dim, under them. Presents a nightmare wilderness. 在她们脚下,投胎门连同着它周围那一块块巨大齿轮。全都化作了一股气流,呼拉拉的旋转中,急速消失。周围昏昏暗暗,在她们下方。呈现出一片梦魇般的旷野。 They hold hands mutually, bend leg, goes against the wind to fall toward slanting, thrown, the dust circle rolls up and pushes along, they fall on a hillside. Gloomy. A dimmer shadow turned round from their rear areas. 她们互相牵手,弯起腿儿,逆着风往斜下方落起,扑的一声,尘圈卷动,她们落在一处山坡上。天昏地暗。更昏暗的阴影则从她们的后方覆了上来。 They have turned head. The ghost body of emperor giant star is raising unceasingly upward: You hit my face unexpectedly, you dare to hit my face unexpectedly. Not having the ghost can resist my charm, you are not the ghosts, you are the person, cultivates the behavior greatly? You envy my handsome beautiful appearance, you hit my face, cultivating the behavior can be mindless? Cultivates the behavior can envy?” 她们回过头。天皇巨星的鬼身正在不断往上升起:“你们竟然打我脸,你们竟然敢打我脸。没有鬼可以抵挡我的魅力,你们不是鬼,你们是人,做人了不起么?你们嫉妒我的英俊美貌,你们打我脸,做人就可以不讲理么?做人就可以这么嫉妒么?” Death!” The roar is shocking. “死吧!”吼声震天。 The violent light beam, such as the fierce tiger of tree, the tsunami curls toward them. Two girls also jump, the energy group in their, the bang broke to pieces the hillside, trees drop down layer upon layer, the both sides whirl around compared with the person also high weed unceasingly. The energy group runs upon the front cliff, the cliff explodes everywhere the crushed stone, the crushed stone toward their one side, there is the building block that if collapses, crazy pounding falls. 猛烈的光束,如出柙的猛虎,海啸般往她们卷来。两个女孩同时跳起,能量团在她们脚下,轰碎了山坡,一层层树木倒下,两侧比人还高的杂草不断翻卷。能量团撞上前方的山崖,山崖炸出漫天的碎石,碎石往她们这一侧,有若倒塌的积木,疯狂的砸落。 This narcissistic ghost was wild with rage finally! Two girls carry toward the emperor giant star, left Wanyou dodge, avoids the big stone that pounds down, while escapes toward the forward flight. On the cold chignon inserts a feather, the shoes is living the pair of wings, picks also to receive getting windy fire wheel, escapes depending on own sword purely. They knew in the heart, this narcissistic uncanny body was tenacious, is nasty, only to be able first to hide said again. 这自恋鬼终于气疯了!两个女孩背朝天皇巨星,左弯右闪,一边躲开砸下的大石,一边往前飞逃。凛的发髻上插着一根羽毛,鞋生双翼,采采亦已收起风火轮,纯凭自身剑遁。她们心知,这自恋鬼鬼身坚韧,难以对付,只能先躲再说。 The emperor giant star pursues in them behind, the giant ghost body shakes the land bang bang to make noise, is bending the waist about the double fist, in them the meteorite chaotic bang, the straight bang results in the land to crack behind, everywhere in confusion. 天皇巨星追在她们身后,巨大的鬼身震得大地嘭嘭作响,弯着腰左右双拳,在她们身后陨石般乱轰,直轰得大地崩裂,满地狼藉。 Bang! During swaying of cliff, the cold petite body was shaken by the air wave throws flies: Senior Sister!” 轰!断崖的摇晃间,凛娇小的身体被气浪震得抛飞:“师姐!” Whiz! The sword light assumes the matsyasana to circle, picks to grab her hand, with the sword light , to continue toward the forward flight. Cold hurried to put the emergence magic to oneself, was been light by oneself looks like the feather to be the same, did not affect the speed that picked the Senior Sister sword to escape. The sword light fast, the gust of wind rewinds. 嗖!剑光呈鱼形一绕,采采抓住她的手,和着剑光,继续往前飞。凛赶紧给自己放了个羽化魔法,让自己轻得像羽毛一般,不影响采采师姐剑遁的速度。剑光飞快,疾风倒卷。 Cold turns head, startled say/way: Senior Sister, he also in us behind.” Escapes with the sword of Senior Sister, actually cannot throw away this, although the physique is giant, skin Jianrou is thick, but is slightly clumsy, speed limited narcissism ghost? 凛一回头,惊道:“师姐,他还在我们身后。”以师姐的剑遁,竟然没能够甩脱这虽然块头巨大、皮坚肉厚,但略显笨拙,速度有限的自恋鬼? Picks actually to stare at the front in the rapid flight, what that is? 采采却是在疾飞中盯着前方,那个是什么? Cat? 猫? In their front, stray cats, in the relay guidance they, each cat, have cat tail that nine fling randomly. 在她们的前方,一只只野猫,在接力般的引导她们,每一只猫,都有九条乱甩的猫尾。 Nine cat monsters?! 九尾猫妖?! Picks in the heart one startled, leads the Junior Sister, tries to leave nine cat monster guidances the routes, but is actually not able to achieve. The surroundings as if have the invisible ghost wall, looks like the ghost to build a wall general. A cat monster jumps, separates void, the cat monster falls, vanishes does not see, another cat monster follows to jump , to continue to rip open void. 采采心中一惊,带着师妹,试图离开九尾猫妖引导的路线,但却是怎么也无法做到。周围仿佛有着无形的鬼壁,就像是鬼打墙一般。一只猫妖跳起,虚空分开,猫妖落下,消失不见,另一只猫妖跟着跳起,继续撕开虚空。 They so, are forced the cat monster that pursues this only to jump and drop unceasingly. In them behind, the emperor giant star angrily roars and roars, the chaotic fist pounds to keep as before, keeping them then from achieving. 她们就这般,被迫追赶着这一只只不断跳起、落下的猫妖。在她们身后,天皇巨星怒吼、咆哮,乱拳依旧砸个不停,让她们连回头都无法做到。 Front suddenly widens, they fall in the mountain valley, in all directions ghost flickering. In their front, the long hair that the willow branch such as hangs upside down, toward in the air assumes the fan-shaped radiation, in hears the female monster self-satisfied laughter. Behind them, the emperor giant star stopped the footsteps, has, if black tower, the powerful ghost air/Qi closely is oppressing them. 前方蓦的开阔起来,她们落在山谷之中,四面八方鬼影幢幢。在她们前方,柳枝如倒挂的长发般,往空中呈扇形发散,内中传来女妖得意的笑声。她们后边,天皇巨星停下了脚步,有若黑塔,强大的鬼气紧紧的压迫着她们。 First has the grandmother, latter has the emperor giant star. The surroundings all are the dense and numerous ghosts, two girl elegant faces are pale, they fell into the hopeless situation unexpectedly. The grandmother in their front, exudes the insane laughter: In Asura next world. You really think that you can escape from this grandmother's palm? Small attractive and young butterfly two dead girls where?” 前有姥姥,后有天皇巨星。周围全是密密麻麻的鬼怪,两个女孩俏脸苍白,她们竟是陷入了绝境。姥姥在她们的前头,发出疯笑声:“在修罗阴界。你们真以为你们能逃出本姥姥的手掌心?小倩和小蝶两个死丫头在哪里?” Picks to tread the previous step: They already reincarnation!” 采采踏前一步:“她们已经投胎了!” Reincarnation?” Grandmother severe howl, the long hair chaotic dance, Jie Jie is smiling, a dry Fujinobe leaves, such as the claw is grasping generally. Without the relations, you, makes you replace the small attractive and small butterfly.” “投胎?”姥姥一声厉吼,长发乱舞,紧接着又桀桀地笑着,一根枯藤伸出,如爪子一般握着。“不过没有关系,还有你们,就让你们来代替小倩和小蝶。” They are my!” The emperor giant star sends out to angrily roar. “她们是我的!”天皇巨星发出怒吼。 You could rest assured that they do not understand your charm, because of them now or person, when they became the ghost, they naturally know that you are the true emperor giant star,” grandmother is smiling strangely, „, even if they do not know that are not related, my well training they. Let them replace the small attractive and small butterfly helps me entice the man, captures the Yang spirit, I will train the inexpensive goods them, making them know that offends this grandmother's fate, Jie Jie Jie Jie.” “你放心,她们不明白你的魅力,是因为她们现在还是人,等她们变成了鬼,她们自然就知道你才是真正的天皇巨星,”姥姥怪笑着,“就算她们不知道也没关系,我会好好的调教她们。让她们代替小倩和小蝶去帮我勾引男人,夺取阳气,我会把她们调教成贱货,让她们知道得罪本姥姥的下场,桀桀桀桀。” Periphery looks dense and numerous, the iron bucket generally numerous ghosts that they sphere, feels that to constrain the desperate aura. Picks with cold to know, oneself this time, feared is really hard to escape. No matter grandmother or emperor giant star, any. They are not the opponents. 看着周围密密麻麻,铁桶一般将她们围住的众多鬼影,感受着那压抑到让人绝望的气息。采采和凛都已知道,自己这一次,怕是真的难以逃脱。不管是姥姥还是天皇巨星,任何一个。她们都已不是对手。 Killed them!” The willow branches of grandmother myriad tentacle, the sea curls generally to them, the numerous ghost illness/quick throws on, must eat their flesh. The emperor giant star steps are upward. Exclaiming: Is my, they are my!” “杀了她们!”姥姥万千触手似的柳枝,海一般向她们卷来,众鬼疾扑而上,要将她们的血肉分食。天皇巨星踏步向上。吼道:“是我的,她们是我的!” The day certainly, the ghosts and gods extinguish the kind ominously, they are reckless, recoils to the grandmother, even death. They are not willing to resign oneself to extinction. 天凶地绝,鬼神灭类,她们不顾一切的,反冲向姥姥,就算是死。她们也绝不肯束手待毙。 Humming sound humming sound...... humming sound humming sound...... 嗡嗡嗡嗡……嗡嗡嗡嗡…… The unceasing resounding of mysterious ting near the cold ear, the scarlet windproof coat after hero soul carries over the gorgeous remnant shadow, the double sword in hand delimits the staggered halo. two, grandmother's branch in the volume their necks, the vitality surges, the scant of breath, the body had seemed like must explode under the inflation of foul air, all, start to go black...... 神秘的铃声在凛的耳边不断的响起,英灵化后的大红风衣带出艳丽的残影,手中的双剑划出交错的光环。扑扑两声,姥姥的枝条已经卷上了她们的脖子,气血翻腾,呼吸困难,身体像是要在浊气的膨胀下爆炸,一切的一切,都开始陷入黑暗…… Bang! The flame actually erupted at this time suddenly, the Ziyang fire, the candle Yin fire, the aurin fire, the wood alcohol fire, the nymph fire, the Pure Yang fire and earth fine fire, gathered round two girl seas to curl generally outward at the extremely quick speed, they sparkled like the star, rushed like the sea, they took to the desperate girl to warm, actually took to the flickering monster shadow infinite despair. The fireworks soars to the heavens, as if day after day is burning. 轰!火焰却在这个时候突然间爆发,紫阳火、烛阴火、金精火、木精火、水精火、纯阳火、土精火,以极快的速度围着两个女孩海一般向外卷去,它们闪耀如星,澎湃如海,它们带给绝望的女孩温暖,却带给幢幢妖影无限的绝望。焰火冲霄,仿佛连天都在燃烧。 Extremely the distant place, swallow Chixia and white clouds Grandmaster are exhausted, two people supernatural powers basically have consumed spatially, is actually not willing to receive the hand as before. Suddenly, two people turn head to look simultaneously to the distant place, in their line of sight is, flame overshooting fights the mansion all at once, illuminates the penetrating nether world. It so powerful, powerful is unprecedented to them, it is such juan is crazy, as if must destroy together the whole world. 极远处,燕赤霞和白云大师已经筋疲力尽,两人的法力基本上都已耗空,却依旧不肯收手。猛然间,两人同时扭头看向远方,在他们视线的所在,一股气焰上冲斗府,照彻幽冥。它是如此的强大,强大至他们前所未见,它是如此的狷狂,仿佛要将整个世界一同毁去。 Is who? Is who brought the so astonishing flame, is who ignited the so extremely arrogant tide? 是谁?是谁带来了如此惊人的火焰,是谁燃起了这般狂妄的浪潮? In grandmother's pitiful yell sound, is clutching two girls' dry hands and uncombed hair branches, interrupts loudly, the raging fire proceeds to burn down, in the flame light is sparkling the day mortal form moon/month scenery and five color light. 姥姥的惨叫声中,扼着两个女孩的枯手与乱发般的枝条,轰然间断去,烈火往前焚烧,焰光中闪耀着日魄月景、五色彩光。 The sea of fire that extends periphery the every large or small ghost will all be involved, weeps bitterly, calls out, they have, if places oneself the fearsome purgatory lowest level in legend, the ash in the pain flies, the smoke in the despair extinguishes. Two girls place oneself in the fire circle, looks person's shadow that dull their front presents, gentle, big, is protecting them by that handsome and charming physique, making them feel at ease, the nose gallic acid acid, wants to throw, jumps into his bosom, seeks for the consolation. 漫延的火海将周围大大小小的鬼怪全都卷入,痛哭,嚎叫,它们有若置身在传说中的可怖炼狱最底层,在痛苦中灰飞,在绝望中烟灭。两个女孩置身在火圈中,呆呆地看着她们前方出现的人影,温柔,高大,以那英俊而帅气的身姿保护着她们,让她们安心,鼻子酸酸的,很想扑上去,扑入他的怀中,寻找慰藉。 The rear area hears one to bellow, the black great fist such as the meteor pounds to fall toward them generally. Exhausts the full power emperor giant star, looks like black Mount Tai, the whole body ghost strength gathers in the fist, the day opens wards off. The men before their body, the steps turn round suddenly, 45 degrees corner/horn rumbles toward the previous fist. 后方传来一声大吼,黑色的巨拳如流星一般往他们砸落。用尽全力的天皇巨星,就像是黑色的泰山,全身鬼力聚于拳头,天开地辟。她们身前的男子,猛然踏步回身,四十五度角朝上一拳轰出。 Bang a deafening sound, the emperor giant star gigantic fist, was met by his fist unexpectedly, the double fist of clashing shakes the strong winds, the group dancing of flame in the strong winds like the snake, further flushing high. 嘭的一声震响,天皇巨星硕大的拳头,竟然被他一拳接了下来,对撞的双拳震出狂风,火焰在狂风中群舞如蛇,进一步的冲高。 First is a flame light flashes through from the fist of man, then drills along the black great fist of emperor giant star upward. The black big fist, the black arm, cracks miserable red fissures, an explosion successively, cracks again, seven Yuan hot direct firing to emperor giant star Mount Tai within the body. Cries loudly in the sound, the emperor giant star ghost body collapse, looks like the demolished tall building, one layer upon layer collapses downward, shakes the dust that flies upwards, everywhere sparks/Mars. 先是一点焰光从男子的拳头闪过,再沿着天皇巨星的黑色巨拳往上钻。黑色的大拳,黑色的手臂,裂出一道道惨红色的裂痕,再一节节的爆炸,崩裂,七元火直接烧向天皇巨星泰山般的体内。嚎哭声中,天皇巨星鬼身崩坏,就像是被爆破的高楼,一层层的往下塌,震出飞扬的尘土,漫天的火星。 The dust and sparks/Mars toward surge in all directions rolling, well up to two girls side, then natural separation, does not let clear and charming them, stains some dust. Another side, grandmother's myriad hot snake chaotic dances of wicker such as in the sea of fire, exudes the sharp and pitiful cry: What person?” 尘土与火星往四面八方滚滚涌动,涌到两个女孩身边,便自自然然的分开,不让清纯而娇媚的她们,沾上些许的尘埃。另一边,姥姥的柳条在火海中如万千火蛇般乱舞,发出尖厉而悲惨的叫声:“什么人?” Extends, astonishing sea of fire that goes, revolves suddenly, floods into male within the body that treads from void, swarming, is pouring grey human bone everywhere, merely is only fire, then periphery hundreds and thousands of ghosts will all burning out. Takes back the sea of fire of male within the body, by another phenomenon, auxiliary opens mystically, livelihood accompanying, five-star circulation. The middle of day and moon/month, man finally thorough presently comes, unexpectedly is a mysterious youngster, spins in the bodies, the Heaven hot cloud unfolds, the ground sword light inundates. 漫延而去的、惊人的火海,突然间回旋,涌入从虚空中踏出的男子体内,远远近近,倒着满地的灰骸,仅仅只是一场大火,便将周围成百上千的鬼怪全都烧尽。收回男子体内的火海,以另一种异象,神秘地辅开,日月相伴,五星流转。日与月的中间,男子终于彻底的现出身来,竟是一个神秘的少年,旋身间,天上火云铺开,地面剑光漫去。 Is pulling two girls, the handsome youngster, in the sword light and spark, strolls the line: Fire is a Yuan divine sword is the shape, profound ingenious method strange Xuan ; Does the day of shining spirit fire to get angry, to protect to flatter disciple- rushes to and cultivates, Luo!” 牵着两个女孩,英俊的少年,在剑光与星火中,漫步而行:“火是元神剑是形,玄中妙法更奇玄;乾天耀灵火上火,为护媚徒-闯、修、罗!” Bang! The sword light and spark, set the prairie afire toward curl generally in all directions...... 轰!剑光与星火,燎原一般往四面八方卷荡…… ( This volume ends) (本卷完) *( to be continued.) *(未完待续。) ... ...
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