MGIAFM :: Volume #11

#1012: Nine cat monsters

readx ; readx; The world of beings with form's eighth day, subordinates in the celestial mountain of spirit flying tower. 色界第八天,隶属于灵飞塔的一处仙山。 The high place white clouds are indistinct, arrange/cloth to become Yunbi quietly, blocked outside spying on technique law. Under the cloud, the autumn winds send a chill, the faint trace moisture changes to fine laces, passes around the mountain top slowly, disperses a grains of brilliance, is vanishing brightly with many colors. 高处白云缥缈,悄然的布成云蔽之阵,阻绝了外头术法的窥探。云下,秋风送爽,丝丝水气化作一条条细线,绕着山头缓缓流转,散出粒粒光彩,五光十色地幻灭着。 Has zither | Jean Meiwu to grasp the treasured sword, in the mountain top approach, her front, the arrange/cloth has one, in the ray flashes, in youngster suddenly vanishes does not see. 有琴美舞手持宝剑,在山头作法,她的前方,布有一阵,阵中光芒一闪,阵中少年忽的消失不见。 She was startled was startled, receives the sword to stand smartly, Cailing danced in the air. 她怔了一怔,收剑俏立,彩绫飞舞。 After her shoulder, a wind elf common girl drills, is the originally and Du Xiangxiang goes to clam sea unexpectedly together, small that visits the Li old mothers has the zither | Jean. Another side beyond, is standing is dragon Er, Luo Ling, Ji Xiaoman. 在她的肩后,一个风精灵一般的女孩钻出,竟然是原本与杜香香一同前往蜃海界,拜访骊山老母的小有琴。阵外的另一边,立着的则是龙儿、骆玲、吉小曼。 Simultaneously looks Sun Yan vanishes, dragon Erya said: „Was strategy completed?” 同时看着孙炎在阵中消失,龙儿讶道:“阵法完成了?” beautiful dance Fairy Maiden shakes the head saying: No, the strategy simply has not been completed, departure of Sun Yan, protects flowered bell's function, with our computations and arrangement too are not related.” 美舞仙子摇头道:“不,阵法根本没有完成,孙炎的离去,是护花铃本身的作用,跟我们的计算和布置没有太多关系。” Ji Xiaoman said: In other words...... picks the danger?” 吉小曼道:“也就是说……采采有危险?” dragon Er shakes the head said in a soft voice: Possibly does not pick, is cold! He has said that first twice, what he through protecting the flowered bell induces is the cold train of thought that another protects the flowered bell, likely wore on the cold body. Cold is in danger, protects the function of flowered bell then naturally to start, led him in the past.” 龙儿摇头轻声道:“可能不是采采,是凛!他说过,前两次,他通过护花铃感应到的是凛的思绪,另一个护花铃,很可能是戴在了凛的身上。凛有生命危险,护花铃的作用便自然发动,将他带了过去。” The beautiful dance Fairy Maiden headache said: We want to protect the mysterious connection between flowered bells through two, forms resonating, thus locates to picking or the cold position, found that world that they are, but as the matter stands, but delivered Sun Yan, we do not have the means to know they in chaos is at accurately, most depends on the younger sister to help us, calculated an approximate position.” 美舞仙子头疼道:“我们本来是想通过两个护花铃之间的神秘连系,形成共振,从而定位到采采或者凛的位置,找到她们所在的那个世界,但是这样一来,只是把孙炎送了过去,我们还是没有办法知道她们在混沌中的确切所在,最多只是靠着妹妹帮我们,计算出了一个大致的位置。” dragon Erdao: But, he has at least passed! If fragrant really with picking with cold in the same place, he should be able to find her!” Also said: How should we do now?” 龙儿道:“但是,至少他已经过去了!如果香香真的跟采采和凛在一起,他应该能够找到她!”又道:“我们现在应该怎么做?” beautiful dance Fairy Maiden said in a low voice: I have been asking Your Highness Yaoyao in secret, finding the way to make us use the secret palace, has the younger sister to help here. Depends on the secret palace strong operational capability, as well as protects the data that star of survey twice induction and in the sapphire between flowered bells comes, could the direct calculation they be at the position of world.......” 美舞仙子低声道:“我已经在暗中拜托瑶瑶殿下,想办法让我们使用天机殿,有妹妹在这里帮忙。靠着天机殿强大的运算能力,以及护花铃之间的两次感应和蓝宝石之星探测中得来的数据,说不定能够直接计算出她们所在的世界的位置。只是……” Lets a Yin demon use secret palace?! 只是,让一只阴魔使用天机殿?! They take a look to slightly have the zither | Jean. Even Your Highness Yaoyao is willing to help, to is enjoying noisy small to have the zither | Jean corruptly, they did not feel relieved. 她们瞅向小有琴。就算瑶瑶殿下肯帮忙,对着贪玩爱闹的小有琴,她们自己都不放心。 Small has the zither | Jean to float to flutter, hee hee say/way: Does not have the issue, really does not have the issue.” 小有琴飘来飘去,嘻嘻的道:“没问题的,真的没问题的。” Really doesn't have the issue? They look one. Helpless shakes the head...... no matter what, to retrieve fragrant and were missing others , can only do that. 真的没问题吗?她们对望一眼。无奈摇头……不管怎么样,为了找回香香和失踪了的其他人,也只能这么做了。 ...... …… The profound fire such as the red elf of beat, to high takes off and lands with swaying, in this dim world, leaps Hong furnace, until periphery all evil, all fired the flying ash. Was shouted makes grandmother's willow tree essence, quiet, if beautiful Dusha's the willow branch of long hair, has the flame chaotic dance. The raging fire extends toward the root of place bottom, the land deep place, transmits sad and shrill to calling out of extreme, torch taking off/escaping successively breaks, pounds on the ground, disperses sparks/Mars. 玄火如跳动的红色精灵,冲高与摇晃间起落,在这个昏暗的天地间,腾起洪炉,直至将周围的一切邪恶,全都烧成了飞灰。被呼作姥姥的柳树精,幽若美杜莎的长发似的柳枝,带着火焰乱舞。烈火往地底的根部漫延,大地深处,传来凄厉至极点的嚎叫,火枝一节节的脱断,砸在地上,散成火星。 Finally sparks/Mars is also even extinguishing. 最终连火星也在熄灭。 Sun Yan is pulling two girls, strolls in the hot butterfly, the place of treading, the flame light volume is dancing dispersing. 孙炎牵着两个女孩,在火蝶中漫步,他们所踏之处,焰光卷舞着散开。 It looks like in the King who in the raging fire inspects, leads his little concubine. Asura next world fiercest two ghost monsters and destructions about thousand ghosts, to him, wheting the appetite dot that but sends conveniently, a little later eye. But does not have too many values. 就像是在烈火中巡视的王者,带着他的小美妾。修罗阴界最厉害的两只鬼妖和近千只鬼怪的毁灭,对他来说,不过只是随手打发掉的开胃小点,过一过目。但没有太多的价值可言。 Vertical has auspicious clouds, he leads two female disciple to fly another side cliff. Picks with cold to look together downward, at this moment, under them the entire mountain valley, turned into the purgatory of Wojiao, this ghost. Many make the ghost body by the mire, was burnt down by the fire loudly, among wreckage everywhere , quiet, if the pottery clay, is coagulating the final despair and sorrow. 纵起祥云,他带着两个女徒飞到另一边的山崖。采采与凛一同往下看去,此刻,她们下方的整个山谷,都变成了沃焦的炼狱,此界的鬼怪。许多都是以泥沼塑成鬼身,被火轰然烧去,满地的残骸间,一只只的,幽若陶土,凝固着最后的绝望和悲苦。 After the emperor giant star giant body of cracks, breaks into pieces the innumerable scorched earth, looks like black hills. Grandmother was fired the charcoal completely, the half body finds out the ground, is opening the big mouth, looks like some people of bored, with artware that the black coal carves. 天皇巨星巨大的身体崩裂后,碎散成无数块焦土,就像是一块块黑色的小山。“姥姥”则是完全被烧成了木炭,半截身子探出地面,张着大口,就像是有人无聊,用黑炭雕成的艺术品。 Sun Yan has turned around, looks to two girls, touches their heads: Picks, cold, are you all right?” 孙炎转过身,看向两个女孩,摸了摸她们的脑袋:“采采,凛,你们没事吧?” Picks the nose gallic acid acid, suddenly will throw lightly, throws to master and Big Brother in and future husband bosom...... she knows that he will appear, she has known he will appear. Whenever she has the danger time, he will appear in her side, he has not disappointed her. 采采鼻子酸酸,忽的一个轻扑,扑到师父兼大哥哥兼未来夫婿怀中……她就知道他会出现的,她一直就知道他会出现的。每当她有危险的时候,他就会出现在她的身边,他从来没有让她失望过。 Cold is actually gaining ground, on the simple and beautiful cheek, opened the eye as before. She has not thought that master unexpectedly when is so essential appears. What's all this about? Why will the master appear? 凛却是抬着头,清丽的脸蛋上,依旧睁大了眼睛。她怎么也没有想到,师父竟然会在这么关键的时候出现。这是怎么回事?为什么师父会出现? Sun Yan hugs to pick, another hand takes bearing cold. 孙炎一手搂着采采,另一只手探向凛。 What did the cold eye open the eyes in a big way...... to make? What do you want to make? She purses the lips, extends both hands, is ordinary with the Senior Sister, is hugging the waist of master, making the master grasp itself...... to hug, can only hold...... 凛的眼睛睁得更大了……做什么?你要做什么?她抿了抿嘴,还是伸出双手,与师姐一般,搂着师父的腰,让师父抱住自己……抱一下,只能抱一下…… Younger sister?” The star of ruby receives the stick body, looks that puts from the Sun Yan sleeve, blue butterfly artificial elf, pleasantly surprised calling out. “妹妹?”红宝石之星收起杖身,看着从孙炎袖中穿中的,蓝色蝴蝶般的人工精灵,惊喜的叫道。 Oh......” the star of two wings sapphire as if let go general, spread, then long sigh. “唉……”蓝宝石之星两只翅膀仿佛摊手一般,摊了一下,然后长长的叹息了一声。 ...... …… Sun Yan takes out Lin who dragon Er weaves personally from the three treasures bottle gourd, the booth on the ground, sits with two female disciples above together, takes out the cakes and pastries and clear water, apportions them. 孙炎从三宝葫芦中取出龙儿亲手编织成的麟文席,摊在地上,与两个女徒儿一同坐在上边,又取出糕点和清水,分给她们。 Since entering Asura next world, here could not find normally, the thing that can eat, picked with cold also to be actually awfully hungry, at this moment had the master here, finally was relieved, ate happily. They is nipping the cakes and pastries, the matter that while meets this all the way said. 自进入修罗阴界以来,这里根本就找不到正常的,可以吃的东西,采采和凛其实也早就已经饿坏了,此刻有师父在这里,终于安下心来,开心的吃了一些。她们一边咬着糕点,一边把这一路上遇到的事说出。 Swallow scarlet rosy cloud? Nie Xiaoqian? Ning Caichen?” Sun Yan stunned, „is here " Attractive Female Ghost » classical world?” “燕赤霞?聂小倩?宁采臣?”孙炎一个错愕,“难道这里是《倩女幽魂》的经典世界?” «Attractive Female Ghost»?” Picks with cold to look one. “《倩女幽魂》?”采采和凛对望一眼。 Sun Yan thought, without the culture is really fearful, it seems like after me, must teach them well some cultural knowledge, all time do not spend, in immortal technique, magic, fights and so in thing. 孙炎心想,没文化真可怕,看来我以后要好好的教她们一些文化知识,别把所有的时间都花在仙术啊、魔法啊、打架啊之类的东西上。 Naturally, this actually with having the culture, too are not related, after all «Attractive Female Ghost» such classical story, does not spread from the world in each. 当然,这其实跟有没有文化,并没有太多关系,毕竟《倩女幽魂》这样的经典故事,也不是在每一个从世界都有流传。 He starts to illustrate that to two female apprentices «Attractive Female Ghost», picks with cold then to understand. Especially cold, she from with the chalice war related classical world, like Baochai elder sister and Daiyu elder sister, then came from with " Dream of the Red Chamber » related classical world. 他开始向两个女徒弟解说《倩女幽魂》,采采和凛这才明白过来。尤其是凛,她自己就是来自于与圣杯战争相关的经典世界,就像宝钗姐和黛玉姐,则是来自与《红楼梦》相关的经典世界。 Sun Yan is actually thinking, although is " Attractive Female Ghost » related world. But probably many different places, what reincarnation gate and reincarnation train, this what at sixes and sevens? The netherworld of it seems like that this world, do not say that does not have the nether world hell. Even many microcosms can have tutelary god not to have, radically is the place of chaotic without owner. 孙炎却又想着,虽然是与《倩女幽魂》相关的世界。但好像又有很多不同的地方,什么投胎门、投胎火车,这都什么乱七八糟的?看来这个世界的阴间,不要说没有阴司地府。甚至连许多小世界都会有的“城隍”都没有,根本就是混乱的无主之地。 He said: You determined, when has the dinosaur from that falls, you really have sound that hears the fragrant elder sister?” 他道:“你们确定,在从那个有恐龙的时候掉进来的时候,你们真的有听到香香姐的声音?” Two girl very affirmative nods of! 两个女孩很肯定的点了点头! Sun Yan thought, it seems like will not be wrong. Here is the world that demons ghost country is, is the Li old mothers the place that sends fragrant, reason that will have the accident/surprise, is because six flowers evil king Zhenyan disturbance. 孙炎心想,看来不会错了。这里就是“罗刹鬼国”所在的世界,是骊山老母把香香送来的地方,之所以会发生意外,则是因为六花“邪王真眼”的干扰。 Actually originally, at that time, the Li old mothers opened a road to Hades forcefully, fragrant and slightly has the zither | Jean to escort to is called demons ghost country is, and told them, can find Princess Iron Fan there. Let their accidental/surprised matters, they also in the process of shuttle road to Hades. The road to Hades then collapses suddenly, in the confusion, fell another end of road to Hades fragrant, slightly had the zither | Jean actually to lose control, was returned to the clam sea zero point. 却原来,那个时候,骊山老母强行打开一条黄泉路,把香香和小有琴送往一处叫作“罗刹鬼国”的所在,并告诉她们,在那里可以找到铁扇公主。让她们意外的事,她们还在穿梭黄泉路的过程中。黄泉路便突然崩溃,混乱中,香香掉到了黄泉路的另一端,小有琴却在失控中,被送回了蜃海界的原点。 Although struck back clam sea, but in this process, slightly had the zither | Jean to see two females and three girls, they were involved in the cold wind turbulent flow, as fragrant elder sister together toward road to Hades of collapse another one smashed. After returning to clam sea, the road to Hades has vanished. The demon ritual azure demon soldier hand/subordinate is also retreating, avoided the demon soldier, slightly had the zither | Jean to hurry back to Heaven, the matter that will have told the elder sister. 虽然被打回了蜃海界,但在这个过程中,小有琴看到了两个女子、三个女孩,她们被卷入了阴风涡流,随着香香姐一同往崩溃的黄泉路的另一端掉去。回到蜃海界后,黄泉路已经消失。魔礼青手下的魔兵也在撤退中,躲开了魔兵,小有琴赶回了天界,将发生的事告诉了姐姐。 Knew that has an accident fragrant. Has zither | Jean Meiwu is also startled, when the younger sister moistens the color, draws that two females and three girls, she discovered with amazement that three girls pick, cold, the Takanashi six flowers unexpectedly. She hurried to tell dragon Er, Luo Ling, Xiaoman and the others this matter, made deep hurry to mix the desert world. Informed Sun Yan. 得知香香出事。有琴美舞也大吃一惊,等到妹妹沾来色彩,将那两个女子、三个女孩画出,她惊讶的发现,那三个女孩竟然是采采、凛、小鸟游六花。她赶紧将此事告诉了龙儿、骆玲、小曼等人,又让冥儿赶去混漠世界。通知了孙炎 Sun Yan hurries back to Heaven, further determined, with picking and the others in together is Baochai and Daiyu. Through slightly had the zither | Jean to at that time accounting orally of situation, he soon then realized, was the flood flushed Longwang Temple mostly, Takanashi six flowers evil king Zhenyan, destroyed the Li old mothers for fragrant and slightly has the void channel that the zither | Jean opened. However, when he turns into grandson to be beautiful, wants through the star of sapphire, when with star of contact ruby, how has not actually been able to relate. 孙炎赶回天界,进一步确定,与采采等人在一起的就是宝钗和黛玉。通过小有琴对当时情况的口述,他很快便意识到,多半是大水冲了龙王庙,小鸟游六花的“邪王真眼”,破坏了骊山老母为香香和小有琴打开的虚空通道。然而,当他变成“孙妍”,想要通过蓝宝石之星,与红宝石之星联络时,却已怎么都无法联系上。 At this moment was unable to determine, the Jurassic world that that Baochai, Daiyu and the others explore has the dinosaur, with the Asura world that come fragrant, what relation has, but now looks like, picking with cold is also separate with others. 此刻还无法确定,宝钗、黛玉等人所探索的那个有恐龙的侏罗纪世界,和香香前来的这个修罗世界之间,到底存在着什么样的联系,而现在看来,采采和凛也跟其他人失散。 Actually Sun Yan plan from the beginning, is to use two to protect resonating between flowered bells, establishes the connection, making him be able to locate to pick and the others the positions, for this reason, dragon Er and beautiful dance, slightly have the zither | Jean to analyze to protect the causes and effects that the casting structure of flowered bell and involves. 其实孙炎一开始的计划,是利用两颗护花铃之间的共振,建立连系,让他能够定位采采等人的位置,为此,龙儿与美舞、小有琴一直都在分析护花铃的铸造结构和涉及到的因果。 Protects the flowered bell, is the serious famine period, at the beginning of superstitious foundation, a Immortal World immortal casts, with on a man and a woman, when the female encounters the life danger, ting from sound, even outside the thousand li (500 km), the man can still flicker to transfer to side the female unconditionally. In the initial period of real dragon event, picks by nine curves ice Sky Sword faction secretly bringing down Heaven, must extract the gold/metal to be brave from her within the body, Sun Yan is depends on protects the flowered bell, rushes to her side promptly, saves her. 护花铃,乃是大荒时期,天条创建之初,仙界的一位仙人所铸,配在一男一女身上,当女子遭遇性命危险时,铃声自响,即便是在千里之外,男子也可以无条件的瞬移到女子身边。在真龙事件的初期,采采被九曲冰天剑派偷偷带下天界,要从她体内抽出金貔貅,孙炎就是靠着护花铃,及时赶到她的身边,将她救下。 Although just, the plan uses two to protect resonating between flowered bells to locate to pick, before their localizations are completed, is wearing another cold that protects the flowered bell has encountered the danger, protected the flowered bell to have resonating, Sun Yan flickers to move immediately. 只不过,虽然计划利用两颗护花铃之间的共振来定位采采,但是在他们的定位完成之前,佩戴着另一颗护花铃的凛就已经遭遇了危险,护花铃生出共振,孙炎立时瞬移了过来。 Actually, before then, cold hung the protecting flower bell on leg had also once made a sound twice, moreover was when she remembered the master, if at that time, she noticed to protect the unusuality of flowered bell, wears the bell, continued to think of the master, under the function of strategy in Sun Yan, beautiful dance and the others in another an institute arranged, two people gods knew have been able taking advantage of protecting the resonance between flowered bells link in the same place, only twice bells rang she not to care pitifully, moreover how not to have thought of the master...... 其实,在这之前,凛挂在腿上的护花铃也曾响过两次,而且都是在她想起师父的时候,如果那个时候,她注意到护花铃的异常,戴着铃铛,继续想念师父,在孙炎、美舞等人于另一头所布置的阵法的作用下,两人的神识早已能够借着护花铃之间的共鸣连结在一起,只可惜两次铃响她都没有在意,而且也没怎么想念师父…… After knowing to protect the function of flowered bell, cold knows that Senior Sister and future young teacher's wife to her care, this bell, unexpectedly will be the life-saving treasure of crucial moment? No wonder after the Senior Sister the bell gives her, never said that it is useful. 在知道护花铃的作用后,凛才知道师姐兼未来小师娘对她的关心,原来这颗铃铛,竟是生死关头的救命宝贝?难怪师姐把铃铛给她后,却又始终不说它有什么用。 In picking with cold illustration, Sun Yan to this „the Asura world, started to have an understanding roughly, but picked with cold, inquired from the small butterfly and swallow Chixia there. They know, is this world, divided to make Yang boundary/world and next world two parts, now what they place was the next world, as for Yang boundary/world. Then divides to make the demons country, the lucky motherland and northern last of the ten Heavenly Stems country, lost/carrying first city and other side influences, what the occupying land area is biggest is the demons country. 在采采和凛的解说下,孙炎对这个“修罗世界”,开始有了一个大致上的了解,而采采和凛,也是从小蝶和燕赤霞那里打探来的。她们所知道的,就是这个世界,分作了阳界和阴界两个部分,他们现在身处的乃是阴界,至于阳界。则又分作罗刹国、福母国、北癸国、负先城等几方势力,其中占地最大的乃是罗刹国。 Sun Yan is thinking: Demons country? Does not know it and demons female, what relations also there is? Waits, according to little Le said. The Li old mothers must be called demons the place that she and delivers to fragrant ghost country, picks with cold to inquire is the demons country, moreover this demons country in this world, is situated in Yang boundary/world, this point also cannot do without paying attention. According to them knows. This world, only then Yang boundary/world has Sun, the ghost in this world, one was illuminated by Sun, will immediately be frightened out of one's wits. Moreover, what thing ‚is the solar supernatural power? No matter what, Yang boundary/world who must first arrive in this world has a look.” 孙炎想着:“罗刹国?不知道它和‘罗刹女’之间,又有什么关系?等一下,按小乐所说。骊山老母原本要将她和香香送到的地方叫作罗刹‘鬼’国,采采和凛打听到的则是罗刹国,而且这罗刹国在这个世界里,乃是位于‘阳界’,这一点也不可不注意。按她们所知。这个世界,只有阳界才有太阳,此世界的鬼,一被太阳照到,马上就会魂飞魄散。另外,‘太阳法力’又是什么东东?不管怎么样,还是要先到这个世界的阳界去看看。” They were thinking, found swallow Chixia, making him help, bring they go to that named fire Yunshan gold/metal flue, to connect this world Yin-Yang two is. Who knew to look for quite a while, is unable to find swallow Chixia unexpectedly again. Picks with cold to be worried secretly, is thinking is it possible that Master swallow perished together with that senior monk named white clouds. On the other hand, if swallow Chixia really puts together getting the knack of strength to exhaust with the white clouds master or mutually wounded, in this everywhere is ghost is, at this moment has also hidden is hiding, did not make one easily find him, slowly healed from a wound, could not find him all of a sudden, was the natural matter. 他们原本是想着,找到燕赤霞,让他帮忙,带他们前往那个叫火云山金焰道的、连通此世界阴阳两界的所在。谁知找了半天,竟是无法再找到燕赤霞。采采与凛暗自担心,想着燕大侠莫非与那个叫白云的老和尚同归于尽了。话又说回来,如果燕赤霞真的与白云法师拼得法力耗尽又或两败俱伤,在这个到处都是鬼的所在,此刻也已藏着躲着,不让人轻易找到他,慢慢养伤,一下子找不到他,也是理所当然的事。 Sun Yan also once held some ghosts. Pressed for an answer fire Yunshan the position, only pitifully, basically each ghost once heard overdone Yunshan, but had no. Can talk clearly its exact location. Like that reincarnation gate general, who knows that has the reincarnation gate, moreover every night will appear, but except for the reincarnation train, no one is able to find it. 孙炎也曾抓住了些鬼怪。逼问“火云山”的位置,只可惜,基本上每一只鬼都曾听说过火云山,但却没有哪个。说得清它的具体位置。就像那“投胎门”一般,谁都知道有投胎门,而且每天晚上都会出现,但除了投胎火车,谁也无法将它找到。 Finally, but. Sun Yan has to lead two female apprentices, searches grandmother cave mansion, fortunately, but also was really found several to be stranded nine cat monsters in basket by them...... 最后,无奈之下。孙炎只好带着两个女徒弟,搜索“姥姥”的洞府,幸运的是,还真的被他们找到了几只被困在笼子里的九尾猫妖…… In the dim world, cat monster nine chaotic dances, on the neck are the careful rope. 昏暗的天地间,一只猫妖九尾乱舞,颈上系着细细的绳索。 The youngster stand in this piece of does not have the livelihood is, looks to two girls. The old girl, to has been able quickly the eaten age, wears the olive yellow narrow sleeve Chinese-style jacket short Chinese-style jacket skirt, the shell fine small lined jacket, the slender slender physique delicate person, the star pupil has the happy expression, the peach cheek woman's face, beauty as if made by Heaven. 少年立在这片没有日月的所在,看向身边的两个女孩。年纪大些的女孩,已快到可以被人吃掉的年龄,身穿秋香色窄袖对襟襦裙,外罩精美小袄,窈窕纤细的体态柔弱可人,星眸含着喜色,桃腮杏脸,丽质天成。 The young girl, brings with the Senior Sister entirely different heroic spirit, what put on is the red qipao, the flank of right leg is hanging the small bell, what on the brain combs is two lovable purses, the chest...... and other, is the chest of my young apprentice so big? 年纪小一些的女孩,带着与师姐截然不同的英气,穿的是红色的旗袍,右腿的外侧挂着小铃铛,脑上梳的是两个可爱的荷包,胸脯……等一下,我这个小徒弟的胸有这么大吗? Cold both hands cover in the chest front, is crooked the small body,...... has anything to be attractive with the eye slanting master. 凛双手捂在胸前,歪着小身子,用眼睛斜师父……有什么好看的。 After a while, Sun Yan clarifies, originally is the star of ruby hides in inside, almost harms him to think where abundant chest own little female disciples ran up. 过了一会,孙炎才弄清,原来是红宝石之星藏在里头,害得他差点以为自己的小女徒跑到哪里丰胸去了。 Sun Yan starts to explain being a happy couple to them. 孙炎开始向她们解释“比翼双飞”。 This is to prevent in the shuttle Yin-Yang two processes, was scattered incautiously. Picks naturally unable to have what opinion, raised the head, treats the kiss bashfully, Sun Yan holds her cheek, kissed gently, picked some Yuan Yin, after separating, looks to cold. 这是为了防止穿梭阴阳两界的过程中,一不小心又被打散。采采自然不会有什么意见,抬起头来,含羞待吻,孙炎托着她的脸蛋,轻轻的吻了上去,采了些许元阴,分开后,又看向凛。 The cold eye opens the eldest child, in other words, my kisses...... my initially kiss to be forced initially to give to the master? 凛的眼睛睁得老大,也就是说,我的初吻……我的初吻要被迫献给师父吗? Cold, matter that this does not have the means that this is to prevent the eventuality!” Sun Yan visits her very much earnestly. “凛,这也是没有办法的事,这是为了预防万一!”孙炎很认真地看着她。 This truth, they now to this Asura world, the understanding are actually limited, moreover does not know whether also has what more dangerous thing, moreover then, must concentrate on looking for on the fragrance, Baochai, Daiyu, six flowers, if at this time, is separate with them, that was really troublesome. 这个倒是实话,他们现在对这个修罗世界,了解有限,而且也不知道是否还有什么更加危险的东西,而且接下来,要把精力放在寻找香香、宝钗、黛玉、六花身上,万一这种时候,又与她们失散,那就真的是麻烦了。 One Yang two Yin, one day two stars, formed separated the body cross coupling. Two girls' star beads, were being comforted by the mysterious sunlight probably, even body is warm. Sun Yan the fire of purple magnificence three visceral cavities and gall bladder, disperses radiance, photo enters their within the body, reflects to return again. Two girls' Yuan take his dantian as the bridge Yin, each other connection. 一阳二阴,一日双星,形成了隔体交感。两个女孩的星珠,都像是被神秘的日光抚慰着,连身子儿都是暖暖的。孙炎的紫华少阳之火,散出光华,“照”入她们体内,再反射而回。两个女孩的元阴以他的丹田为桥梁,彼此连通。 The sword air/Qi that a Sun Yan finger ball, to pick, cut off rope that is tying up nine cat monsters, nine cat monsters jump, tearing is void, the illness/quick leaps to go. He leads two girls, the two stars partner day, was a happy couple, in revolving pursued...... 孙炎手指一弹,以采采的剑气,斩断了拴着九尾猫妖的绳索,九尾猫妖跳起,撕裂虚空,疾跃而去。他带着两个女孩,双星伴日,比翼双飞,旋转中追了上去…… ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。) ... ...
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