MGIAFM :: Volume #11

#1010: Makes mistakes and hits the face

readx ; readx; According to Priest swallow said that only then absorbs „the solar supernatural power magical powers, can pass through that anything gold/metal flue, she does not know, she and cold does have that ability. Really can only try to find the solution, goes to grandmother there to steal nine cat monsters? 按燕道长所说,只有吸收“太阳法力”的神通者,才能够穿过那什么金焰道,她也不知道,自己和凛有没有那个能力。难道真的只能想办法,去“姥姥”那里偷九尾猫妖? In their front, is getting more and more black, the black fog lingers, ghost flickering. Does not know many ghosts, keeps off in their front. swallow Chixia unrestrained/no trace of politeness, the direct yielding the way Shintoism proceeds to clash. Keeps off in the front, in the dense and numerous ghosts transmits the scream: Swallow scarlet rosy cloud?” Why they with swallow scarlet rosy cloud in the same place?” Hateful, is this smelly taoist priest!”...... 在他们的前方,越来越黑,黑雾盘桓,鬼影幢幢。不知多少鬼,挡在他们前方。燕赤霞毫不客气,直接让道神道往前冲。挡在前方,密密麻麻的鬼怪中传来尖叫:“燕赤霞?”“为什么她们会跟燕赤霞在一起?”“可恶啊,又是这个臭道士!”…… Dares to keep off our roads unexpectedly? Do not think that makes trouble does not have the retribution for evildoing!” swallow Chixia conducts the back the spacious scabbard to grasp, the left hand two fingers like the sword, wield, „the universe taking advantage of the law, the magical amulet comes out of the sheath!” “竟然敢挡我们的路?不要以为做了鬼就没有恶报!”燕赤霞背上宽宽大大的剑鞘一抓,左手二指如剑,一挥,“乾坤借法,灵符出鞘!” Brushes...... numerous symbol paper dense and numerous departures, as long as in the ghost by rune/symbol Lutie, was performed all becomes the ash. The group ghost scatters in all directions in great surprise, whatever unexpectedly the Shintoism breaks in the ghost group, batters. 刷刷刷刷刷刷刷……众多符纸密密麻麻的飞出,但凡被符录贴中的鬼怪,尽皆成灰。群鬼大惊四散,竟任由道神道冲入鬼群,横冲直撞。 Snort, fights with me!” swallow Chixia leads Ning Caichen by the Shintoism with four demoness, intrudes group of ghosts to defend directly, making them have to sigh, the expert is the expert...... “哼,跟我斗!”燕赤霞以道神道带着宁采臣跟四个女鬼,直接闯入群鬼防御,让她们不得不感叹,高手就是高手…… The front is getting more and more dark, the strong winds howl to blow but actually. 前方越来越幽暗,狂风呼啸着倒刮而来。 Shouts the sound that shouted, shouts and shouts to transmit, had, if the long line common train, from the sky wound to come, the front had, if dragon head, the eye common headlight projected two light beams, the both sides of front, were the curved handles of spiral spring key general rotation, by each compartment, had the billowing wheel. In the compartment, the variety crowding around is supporting many quiet shadow common ghosts. 呼、呼、呼、呼的声音传来,一条有若长龙一般的火车,在空中蜿蜒而来,车头有若龙首,眼一般的车灯射出两道光束,车头的两侧,是发条钥匙一般转动的弯柄,每一节的车厢两侧,都有滚滚的车轮。车厢内,簇簇拥拥着许多幽影一般的鬼。 Is this reincarnation train? Looks at that to resemble the dragon is the monster of car(riage), picks with cold somewhat dumbfounded. 这就是投胎火车?看着那似龙是车的怪物,采采和凛有些目瞪口呆。 The netherworld of this world, is really somewhat strange, without the yama palace or tutelary god general existence, entire ghost is the chaotic disorder, even reincarnation matter, so strange, without life and death book, without managing the yama and judge of Yin-Yang, what world did they arrive at? 这个世界的阴间,实在是有些奇怪,没有冥王殿又或城隍一般的存在,整个鬼界都是混乱无序的,甚至连投胎这种事,都是这般的奇怪,没有生死簿,没有主掌阴阳的冥王和判官,她们到底来到了一个什么样的世界? On us reincarnation train!” Slightly said attractively. Reincarnation gate, only then appears in the night, only opens the quarter of an hour each time. The position that it every presents one time is different, except for reincarnation train. No one could find it!” “我们上投胎火车吧!”小倩说道。“投胎门,只有在深夜出现,每次只打开一刻钟。它每一次出现的位置都不一样,除了投胎火车。谁也找不到它!” Picks with cold to turn head saying: Swallow senior?” 采采与凛扭头道:“燕前辈?” swallow Chixia said: Relax, delivers Buddha to deliver to the west, I have been protecting you, till visiting you enters the reincarnation gate.” 燕赤霞道:“放心,送佛送到西,我会一直护着你们,直到看着你们进入投胎门为止。” Picks with cold actually not to plan to enter the reincarnation gate, but calculates the double-hour. They person ghost transforms symbol effect, quick must arrive. One to the reincarnation gate, looks after the little butterfly elder sister enters the reincarnation gate, they then planned that follows swallow Chixia to reduce heat the Yunshan gold/metal flue, first has a look to be able from there to go to cultivate/repair Luoyang, the incorrect words, then steal nine cat monsters. 采采与凛其实根本不打算进入投胎门,只是算算时辰。她们“人鬼转化符”的效果,也很快就要到了。一到投胎门,看着小蝶姐进入投胎门后,她们便打算跟着燕赤霞去火云山金焰道,先看看能不能从那里前往修罗阳界,不行的话,再去偷九尾猫妖。 Slightly grabs Ning Caichen attractively, flies to the reincarnation train, the small butterfly, picked, cold also to follow to fly. In reincarnation train, a peace. The ghosts are waiting for their unknown destinies at a loss. Small is facing the surface with Ning Caichen attractively, four palm reading posts. Small attractive say/way: Little peaceful, must remember ten million/countless, must avoid the brutal hammer, ten million/countless ten million/countless, do not forget me.” 小倩抓着宁采臣,飞向投胎火车,小蝶、采采、凛也跟着飞了进去。投胎火车内,一片安静。众鬼茫然地等待着他们那未知的命运。小倩与宁采臣面对着面,四手相贴。小倩道:“小宁,千万要记得,一定要躲开无情鎚,千万千万,不要忘掉我。” Ning Caichen said: No matter what, I will not forget your, small attractive!” 宁采臣道:“不管怎样,我都不会忘掉你的,小倩!” The small butterfly said: Meat...... hemp!” 小蝶道:“肉……麻!” Bang!!! The entire reincarnation train actually shook at this time shook, looking like the slam on the brakes was the same, many ghosts did directly rolled the bottle gourd. Vertical picks with cold also to be shaken continually sways. 轰!!!整个投胎火车却在这时震了一震,就像是急刹车一样,许多鬼直接做了滚地葫芦。纵连采采和凛也被震得摇晃。 What do you want to make?” Outside hears swallow Chixia one to bellow. “你要做什么?”外头传来燕赤霞的一声大吼。 Picks with cold to look one, whiz whiz two, depart the reincarnation train together. Small attractive also startled say/way: Has a look to the front!” With the small butterfly and Ning Caichen together, spins to go toward the front. They arrive between the fronts and latter festival compartments. Moves things out of the way forcefully keeps off the gate cork, crashes in the front, looks toward front out of the window, is actually dumbfounded. Golden Buddha palms, in the front of reincarnation train, having, if Gold Dragon is ordinary. Blocked the reincarnation train, the reincarnation train such as snake general unceasing swaying from side to side, is actually not able to work loose. 采采与凛对望一眼,嗖嗖两声,一同飞出投胎火车。小倩也惊道:“到车头看看!”与小蝶、宁采臣一起,往车头疾奔而去。他们来到车头与后节车厢之间。强行搬开挡门的木栓,冲进车头,往前方窗外看去,紧接着却是目瞪口呆。一条条金色的佛掌,在投胎火车的前方,有若金龙一般。挡住了投胎火车,投胎火车如蛇一般不断的扭动,却是无法挣脱。 Flies picking outside with cold, similarly also saw this, they see, in the front of reincarnation train, sits cross-legged to sit a senior monk who disperses the golden light, the senior monk sits hangingly, holds their palms together, on the shoulder extends numerous curved long golden arms, having, if the strainer is common, supported the reincarnation train. 飞在外头的采采和凛,同样也看到了这一幕,她们更看到,在投胎火车的前方,盘膝坐着一个散出金光的老和尚,老和尚悬空而坐,双手合十,肩上伸出众多弯弯长长的金色手臂,有若筛网一般,撑住了投胎火车。 White clouds, is your senior buddhist monk!” swallow Chixia governing Shintoism, rushed angrily, they make trouble you to kill, they do not want to make trouble to want now to cultivate the behavior, not? Others cut the ghost life-saving for the group hero, you kill the ghost to kill overstate, the malicious ghost you must kill, the good ghost you to illuminate kill, the reincarnation ghost you do not let off, you want the certificate your supernatural power to be boundless, I actually yes bah bah bah bah!” “白云,又是你这老秃驴!”燕赤霞御着道神道,愤怒地冲上了去,“它们做鬼你要杀,它们现在不想做鬼想要做人,也不可以么?别人斩鬼救人是为行侠,你杀鬼杀得走火入魔,恶鬼你要杀,好鬼你照杀,连投胎鬼你都不放过,你想要证明你的法力无边,我却是呸呸呸呸呸!” Angrily roars, swallow Chixia drinks greatly: „The universe taking advantage of the law, works miracles!” 怒吼中,燕赤霞一声大喝:“乾坤借法,撒豆成兵!” He jumps from the Shintoism, the incarnation over a hundred, over a hundred swallow scarlet rosy clouds jump to blocking to throw lift on that only giant gold/metal of train: I cut!” simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform draws a sword to cut randomly. 他从道神道上纵身而起,化身上百,上百个燕赤霞跳到挡住投抬火车的那一只只巨大金手上:“我斩!”齐齐拔剑乱斩。 The white clouds Grandmaster gets angry: Swallow scarlet rosy cloud, you act as companion with the ghost day in day out, one day, yourself will also become the ghost! Your say/way Shintoism had been destroyed one time by me, was careful that this I also destroy time together you!” Shouting to clear the way: Wind hot thunder and lightning, ten thousand Buddha toward sect!” 白云大师怒道:“燕赤霞,你一天到晚跟鬼作伴,总有一天,你自己也会变成鬼!你的道神道已经被我毁过一次,小心这一次我连你也一起毁去!”喝道:“风火雷电,万佛朝宗!” Many gold/metal depart from his within the golden light! 更多的金手从他的金光中飞出! within the golden light is dispersing the strong Buddha strength, lets picking of ghost body with cold, the whole body stabbing pain, cannot open eyes. That is a special to subdue|grams nether world Fokuang, great power is enormous and powerful, spindle gold/metal Shenguang. Even they are hard to support, the ghosts in reincarnation train are fearful, all shrank one group. 那金光中散着强大的佛力,让还是鬼身的采采和凛,浑身刺痛,睁不开眼。那是一种专克幽冥的佛光,大威浩荡,锭金神光。连她们都难以支撑,投胎火车内的众鬼更是惶惶,全都缩成了一团。 Bang! swallow Chixia works miracles, making gold/metal attack, a side Shintoism actually ran upon the white clouds Grandmaster directly. The golden light and say/way Shintoism hit in the same place , said loudly the Shintoism tubbish profound gold/metal body gives birth to the crack, but rabbit cloud Guanghong after by way of cold reinforcement has not cracked, was still roughly complete. The white clouds Grandmaster was hit to yearn that side goes crookedly. 轰!燕赤霞撒豆成兵,引金手来攻,侧面道神道却直接撞上了白云大师。金光与道神道撞在一起,轰然中,道神道桶状的玄金躯壳生出裂缝,但是经由凛加固后的月精云光虹并未崩裂,大体仍然完好。白云大师被撞向往侧面歪去。 Reincarnation train, walks quickly!” Many swallow Chixia seizes the chance dozen of crooked that dense and numerous gold/metal, making the reincarnation train howl. “投胎火车,快走!”众多燕赤霞趁机打歪那密密麻麻的金手,让投胎火车呼啸而过。 White clouds Grandmaster thousand receive, is angry saying: Ox muzzle, you want to help the ghost, I first make you become the ghost! Wind hot thunder and lightning, gold/metal rumbling top!” 白云大师千手一收,大怒道:“牛鼻子,你想要帮鬼,我就先让你变成鬼!风火雷电,金佛轰顶!” Smelly buddhist monk, the ghost is hateful, you are more hateful than the ghost!” swallow Chixia takes back clone, „the universe borrows the law: I also rumble!” “臭秃驴,鬼可恶,你比鬼更可恶!”燕赤霞收回分身,“乾坤借法:我也轰!” Two people supernatural powers change to the thunder and lightning to hit in the same place, explodes void cracks, thunder light sparkles unceasingly, in the sky is completely the disorder. 两人的法力化作雷电撞在一起,直炸得虚空崩裂,一道道雷光不断闪耀,天空中尽是乱象。 The reincarnation train circles like the snake, the both sides wheel is billowing, first turns right, then toward forward flight. In the front, the small attractive and small butterfly and Ning Caichen first relax, has Master swallow luckily here. Otherwise does not fear easy to do. Small butterfly actually being startled say/way: Picks slightly with cold?” She worried that two young demoness miss the double-hour that the reincarnation gate opens. 投胎火车盘旋如蛇,两侧车轮滚滚,先往右转,再往前飞。车头内,小倩、小蝶、宁采臣先是松了口气,幸好有燕大侠在这里。否则怕不好办。紧接着小蝶却又惊道:“采采和小凛呢?”她担心两个小女鬼错过投胎门打开的时辰。 Small attractive say/way: I look......” 小倩道:“我去看……” Reincarnation train vibration again, looks like moves the water snake of body unceasingly, almost flung them. Also accident sentiment of? Two demoness poke head from about glass respectively, sees only around the reincarnation train. Suddenly had/left tornados, these tornados are getting more and more, reincarnation train left Tuyou rushes, is unable to break through. Until the left presents a gap, looks like the discovery small hole fish. The reincarnation train turns head toward that gap to bind. 投胎火车再一次的震动,就像是不断甩动身体的水蛇,差点将她们甩了出去。又出了什么事情?两只女鬼从左右车窗分别探出头,只见投胎火车周围。突然多出了一股股旋风,这些旋风越来越多,投胎火车左突右闯,就是无法突围。直到左边出现一个缺口,就像是发现洞眼的鱼儿。投胎火车扭头往那缺口扎去。 Gap outside, in a young monk hand takes a valuable bottle gourd, gourd mouth is emitting profound qi storms, surrounds the reincarnation train, next step then makes a breach, oneself defend in the gap outside, gourd mouth has the reversion the tornado, the reincarnation train, once flies, will be involved in the valuable bottle gourd by the tornado, in valuable bottle gourd. Refining up to turn into the mud. His exciting calling out: diamond small tornado, ten side master in this! Has the opportunity to use this magical treasure for the first time, receives so many ghosts all of a sudden, even the master could not compare me!” 缺口的外头,一个青年和尚手中拿着一个宝葫芦,葫芦口放出一股股玄气风暴,将投胎火车困住,下一步便是打开缺口,自己守在缺口的外头,葫芦口生出逆向的旋风,投胎火车一旦飞来,就会被旋风卷入宝葫芦,在宝葫芦里。炼化成泥。他兴奋的叫道:“金刚小旋风,十方师在此!第一次有机会使用这个法宝,一下子收掉这么多的鬼,就算是师父也比不上我了!” „It is not good!” The small attractive and small butterfly called out with one voice. According to so gets down, the ghost of reincarnation train and car, will be received by that valuable bottle gourd, all ghosts do not need to be reincarnated again. “不好!”小倩与小蝶齐声叫道。照这般下去,投胎火车和整车的鬼,都会被那宝葫芦收去,所有的鬼都不用再想超生。 Ning Caichen responded that also is extremely quick, throws the wooden rudder that front central that roves directly, grabs it to turn hardly, throws lifts the train toward leaning a revolution. Changed the direction, although does not have the turning oneself in bottle gourd, actually dug in another side tornado, tied down by the tornado. It is not able to withdraw. 宁采臣反应却也极快,直接扑上车头中央那转来转去的木舵,抓着它硬扭,投抬火车往侧一转。改变了方向,虽然没有自投葫芦,却是扎入了另一边的旋风,被旋风缠住。无法脱身。 Small attractive and small butterfly simultaneous/uniform flying, is also generating electricity to ten sides, two eyes emit the electric light together. 小倩与小蝶齐飞而出,对着十方同时发电,两双眼睛一同放出电光。 Also wants to use this move?” The young monk monk's staff in the front shouted whistling the rotation, transferred the achieving Buddhahood strength turbulent flow, two ghosts called out in alarm with one voice, throw to fly away. “还想用这招?”青年和尚禅杖在前方呼呼呼的转动,转成佛力涡流,两鬼齐声惊叫,抛飞开来。 Small attractive!” Ning Caichen hurried probe head. Holds slightly attractive! “小倩!”宁采臣急忙探头。抓住小倩! Little butterfly elder sister!” Picks with cold to pursue from the rear area, called out with one voice. Two young demoness also hold slightly attractive, falls toward the vehicle roof. Saw with own eyes that ten sides emit more profound qi turbulent flows, two people a tread, charges into ten sides with the strength simultaneously. The small butterfly falls on the vehicle roof: Picks, small cold, coming back, you are not the opponent of this monk!” “小蝶姐!”采采与凛从后方追来,齐声叫道。两只小女鬼同时抓住小倩,往车顶一落。眼见十方放出更多的玄气涡流,两人同时一蹬,借力冲向十方。小蝶落在车顶上:“采采,小凛,回来,你们不是这和尚的对手!” Is your two little rascal, today my tornado young diamond and ten side Shichu wicked completely, first do not extinguish you!” Ten side treasure bottle gourds toward conducting the back a back, jump, the monk's staff shouted whistling the revolutions, split the astonishing Buddha strength. “又是你们这两只小鬼,今日我旋风小金刚、十方师除恶勿尽,先灭了你们!”十方宝葫芦往背上一背,纵身而起,禅杖呼呼呼的转,绽出惊人佛力。 Picks the hand-held red mythical bird sword, cold wears the scarlet windproof coat, grasps the double blade, with ten side Zhancheng one group. Although is the ghost body, they are actually sweat profusely, the supernatural powers of ten sides are suppressing them enormously, in fact, they had discovered, no matter ten sides, are the white clouds master and swallow Chixia, their supernatural powers have nearly natural restraint function to the ghost class, in this strange world, no matter the monk or the taoist priest, their cultivation methods, „the solar supernatural power start from absorption in fact, perhaps this is „the solar supernatural power strength. 采采手持红鸾剑,凛身穿大红风衣,手持双刀,与十方战成一团。虽是鬼身,她们却是香汗淋漓,十方的法力极大的压制着她们,事实上,她们早就已经发现,不管是十方,还是白云法师和燕赤霞,他们的法力对鬼类都具有着近乎天然的克制作用,在这个奇怪的世界,不管是和尚还是道士,事实上他们的修炼方法,都是从吸收“太阳法力”开始,或许这就是“太阳法力”本身的力量。 Bang! The double blade runs upon the monk's staff, cracks directly, cold was shaken backward throws flies. 砰!双刀撞上禅杖,直接崩裂,凛被震得向后抛飞。 Cold!” Picks to fling the losing face/showing off bird ice mortal form fan, the ice layer goes toward ten side Fu. “凛!”采采甩出彩雀冰魄扇,冰层往十方覆去。 Was too weak!” Ten side monk's staff fling randomly, defeat the ice layer, a stick sweeps to picking. Then must picking to strike the soul flying broken powder shortly, the arrow light flies together air-splitting, struck on the monk's staff, sent out clang a resounding, the arrow is striked to fly, only blocked a hindrance the monk's staff. Cold grasps the long bow, is gasping for breath, the star of ruby called out: Cold, like this is incorrect, so long as is the ghost, you cannot be victorious he!” “太弱了!”十方禅杖乱甩,击破冰层,一杖扫向采采。眼看着便要将采采击得魂飞破散,一道箭光破空飞来,击在了禅杖上,发出锵的一声脆响,箭被打飞,只将禅杖阻了一阻。凛手持长弓,喘着气,红宝石之星叫道:“凛,这样子是不行的,只要是鬼,你们就打不过他!” But the time drew near!” Cold said in a low voice. “但是时间快到了!”凛低声道。 Whiz! The sword light flashes, picks to fall on her side, two ghosts partly kneel in train top of the head that simultaneously , tied down by the tornado. In them behind, slightly calls out in alarm attractively said: Small butterfly, you how?” Picks with cold one startled, then looks, sees only the small butterfly to pour in the small attractive bosom, is extremely the uncomfortable appearance, ghost body also in nihility. 嗖!剑光一闪,采采落在她的身边,两鬼同时半跪在、被旋风缠住的火车头顶上。在她们身后,小倩惊呼道:“小蝶,你怎么了?”采采与凛一惊,回头看去,只见小蝶倒在小倩怀中,极是难受的样子,鬼身也在虚无化。 Slightly called out attractively: Was bad, she was swept by the Buddha strength of this monk a moment ago, does not hurry the reincarnation, feared that will be the quick soul will dissipate.” 小倩叫道:“糟了,她刚才被这和尚的佛力扫中,再不赶紧去投胎,怕是很快就会魂魄消散。” Picks with cold to turn head suddenly, stares at the front ten sides, the eye pupil is lightening the angry spark. Ten side Cai a scud, the monk's staff is dancing in the top of the head looks like the solar halo to be common, whistling makes noise, Buddha strength exploding powder: Just will defeat finally evilly, you have had no way out, obedient being without a fight, making Master this/Ben deliver you to start off.” 采采与凛蓦一扭头,盯着前方的十方,眼眸闪出愤怒的火花。十方踩着一朵飞云,禅杖在头顶舞得像风圈一般,呼呼作响,佛力一的爆散:“正义终将战胜邪恶,你们已经无路可走了,乖乖的束手就擒,让本法师送你们上路吧。” In them behind, small butterfly weak say/way: Picks, cold, you...... you walk quickly, does not need to manage me, you...... you cannot fight his!” 在她们身后,小蝶虚弱的道:“采采,凛,你们……你们快走,不用管我,你们……你们斗不过他的!” Two girls are actually staring at ten sides, even if including always picking of good nature. The corners of the mouth are overflowing being inwardly angry. Under foot that whiz whiz two, are picking, were many a pair of flaming chariot, the flaming chariot was leaping the flame. In a flash in a flash, as if represented her anger. Cold partly kneels in the vehicle roof, in two hands, projects respectively a treasured sword, turn left mortal form. Right really just. By reincarnation train that the profound qi turbulent flow surrounds, is swaying from side to side the snake body common compartment unceasingly, the wheel in both sides idle operation rapidly. 两个女孩却是盯着十方,即便连一向好脾气的采采。嘴角都溢着愠怒。嗖嗖两声,在采采的脚下,多了一对风火轮,风火轮腾着火焰。一晃一晃,仿佛代表了她的怒气。凛半跪在车顶,两只手中,各投影出一支宝剑,左转魄。右真刚。被玄气涡流困住的投胎火车,不断扭动着蛇身一般的车厢,车轮在两侧急速的空转。 The monk's staff in the top of the heads of ten sides, the revolutions is quicker, the revolutions is bigger, the storm of shape achieving Buddhahood strength, must annihilate them all at once. Two girls are the face are chilly, evade do not evade. Say/Way that cold coldly: Ten!” Picks saying: Nine!” 禅杖在十方的头顶,越转越快,越转越大,形成佛力的风暴,要将她们一股气歼灭。两个女孩却是脸庞清冷,避也不避。凛冷冷的道:“十!”采采道:“九!” Eight!” Seven!” Six!” Five!” Four!” Three!” Two......” “八!”“七!”“六!”“五!”“四!”“三!”“二……” Dust turns over to the dust, the earth to turn over to the earth, the master to fall the ghost. This is perfectly justified, vanished in a puff of smoke to me!” The strong supernatural power comes toward their crazy bang. “尘归尘,土归土,法师降鬼。这是天经地义,给我灰飞烟灭吧!”强大的法力朝她们狂轰而来。 One!” Two girls also shout, simultaneous/uniform Shenchong gets up, instead welcomed toward that turbulent Buddha strength unexpectedly but actually on. The gloom dissipates, the courage vigor wells up but actually, returns from the grave to return, one's blood bubbles up to the brim. “一!”两个女孩同时喊道,齐身冲起,竟反朝那汹涌的佛力倒迎而上。阴气消散,血气倒涌,还阳返真,热血沸腾。 The astonishing supernatural power meteorite pounds generally toward them, the cold duplication transfers mortal form sword one finger/refers, the supernatural power stagnates suddenly. Ices the air/Qi to be in no position to live, forms the cold small-scale storm in the meteorite supernatural power. Bang a sound, the supernatural power bang is loose. Treadons the white clothing girl of flaming chariot, governing deep red palace day female spirit strength, is close at the extremely quick speed. 惊人的法力陨石一般朝她们砸来,凛复制转魄剑一指,法力骤然凝滞。冰气无由而生,在陨石般的法力中形成寒冷的小型风暴。嘭的一响,法力轰散。脚踏风火轮的白衣女孩,御着绛宫天女灵力,以极快的速度接近。 Ten sides shouted: Courts death!” The monk's staff sweeps away. The Buddha strength further rises suddenly. The stick has not arrived, the white clothing girl takes advantage of opportunity flashes, make way monk's staff, in her behind red shadow vertical, cold grasps the double sword, the double sword interlocks. 十方喝道:“找死!”禅杖横扫。佛力进一步暴涨。杖还未到,白衣女孩顺势一闪,闪开禅杖,在她身后红影纵起,凛手持双剑,双剑交错。 Ten Monk side drinks one again. Fokuang such as the hot sun divulges generally, simultaneously laughs loudly. Under his exorcize demons Fokuang, no matter what ghost, is unable according to near. However, the laughter, he had not noticed that the girl of red clothes tears to pieces his Fokuang, is close to the cheek of being inwardly angry ruddily fast. 十方和尚再喝一声。佛光如烈日一般宣泄,同时放声大笑。在他的降魔佛光下,不管是什么鬼,都无法按近。然而,笑声未了,他看到红衣的女孩撕破他的佛光,红润与愠怒的脸蛋快速接近。 This not possible...... is she a person? 这不可能……她是人? Brush! The sword was really just entraining the lock of day, pricks his right hand directly, in the stabbing pain, the monk's staff lets slip to fall off. He startled, takes the valuable bottle gourd of conducting the back, the girl of red windproof coat flies high turns, the windproof coat vanishes, changed the pink dragonfly common magic robe, the fine short skirt is being hung upside down flutters. The day locks pulls, in the imbalance of ten sides, the 1 of stick of kaleidoscope on valuable bottle gourd points. 刷!真刚剑拽着天之锁,直接刺入他的右手,刺痛中,禅杖失手脱落。他惊慌中,去拿背上的宝葫芦,红色风衣的女孩凌空一翻,风衣消失,变回了粉色蜻蜓一般的魔法袍,精美的短裙在倒挂中翻飞。天锁一扯,在十方的失衡中,万花筒之杖在宝葫芦上一点。 Bang! The treasure moe Lu Baosan, first is blows out assumes the circular fragment, then toward surroundings dozen. 嘭!宝萌芦爆散,先是爆出呈圆形的碎片,再啪啪啪的往周围打去。 Was the valuable bottle gourd destroyed unexpectedly? This is impossible! Ten Monk side flurried, saw suddenly the white clothing girl flies back in the high place, the under foot is treading the wheel of wind fire, holds the flying sword, moves fast, if immortal. His hurrying opens the mouth spurts, the Buddha strength fire, goes toward the white clothing girl crazy bang, spurts with the wheel the girl directly. 宝葫芦竟然被破坏了?这不可能!十方和尚慌乱中,骤然看到白衣女孩在高处重新飞回,脚下踏着风火之轮,持着飞剑,飘忽若仙。他赶紧张口一喷,佛力化火,朝白衣女孩狂轰而去,直接将女孩连人带轮喷中。 The outline dissipation of girl goes, only the other pair of flaming chariots roast in the fire roast. Ten side and laughs in the strong winds, the laughter actually stops suddenly, the white clothing girl's chilly cheek drills from, slap in the face flinging ruthlessly suddenly on his face. That belt/bring the delicate hands of sword air/Qi, seal on the faces of ten sides are first taking control of the mark, then further flings, in tinnitus loudly, the faces of ten sides go with the palm strength crookedly, another side is a resounding, fires off the left face to hit picking of right face, returns it, the depression on left face has not eliminated, the right face follows to sink, the face such as the rattle-drum moves generally. 女孩的轮廓消散而去,只余下一对风火轮在火中炙烤。十方和尚在狂风中大笑,笑声却戛然而止,白衣女孩清冷的脸蛋从下方钻出,忽的一个耳光狠狠的甩在他的脸上。那带着剑气的纤手,先在十方的脸上印出掌痕,再进一步甩去,轰然的耳鸣中,十方的脸随着掌力歪去,紧接着另一边又是一声脆响,打完左脸打右脸的采采,又把它打了回来,左脸上的凹处还没有消去,右脸跟着凹起,脸如拨浪鼓一般甩动。 In the slap in the face, the heads of ten sides are sometimes left sometimes right, the whole person is ignorant. The one breath hit his more than ten boxes on the ear, realized finally oneself are picking of virtuous young woman turns backward, lets off him. However another young beautiful woman has actually started the relay, tramples from the back in ten sides conducts the back, proceeds to trample ten sides, side Zipao flies the halfway, a right arm pain, entrained really just the day of sword to lock pulls back him. 啪啪啪啪的耳光中,十方的脑袋时左时右,整个人都是懵的。一口气打了他十几个耳光子,总算意识到自己是淑女的采采向后一翻,将他放过。然而另一个小美女却已开始接力,从后边一脚踹在十方背上,把十方往前踹去,方自抛飞到半途,右臂一痛,拽着真刚剑的天锁又把他拉了回来。 Bang bang bang bang bang! The cold anger explodes, is entraining the day lock, while the series leg, kicks ten Monk side downward, is not forgiving to the monk who this called out pitifully unceasingly. 嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭!凛怒气暴发,一边拽着天锁,一边连环腿的,将十方和尚往下踢,对这不断惨叫的和尚一点都不留情。 On the vehicle roof, small attractive and she bosom the small butterfly, as well as nearby Ning Caichen, all looks dumbfoundedly. Was also suppressed by ten Master side a moment ago slightly, did not have the strength of resistance picks with slightly cold, the sudden burst, punched ten side dirty directly. The small attractive and small butterfly is the surprised, two girls at this moment, the flesh is ruddier, the beautiful features, actually no longer are the gloom assemble, originally they are the person, isn't a ghost? 车顶上,小倩和她怀中的小蝶,以及旁边的宁采臣,全都看得目瞪口呆。刚才还被十方法师压制得、全无反抗之力的小采和小凛,突然爆发,直接揍了十方一个灰头土脸。小倩与小蝶更是惊讶,此刻的两个女孩,肌肤红润,月貌花容,却已不再是阴气集结,原来她们是人,不是鬼? The valuable bottle gourd was destroyed, ten sides were punched the whole body black and blue. Loses magical treasure and profound qi storm of supernatural power support, starts to abate rapidly. The reincarnation train worked loose the tornado turbulent flow finally, is swaying from side to side the snake compartment, the both sides wheel rumble the racing , to continue to fly toward the reincarnation gate. 宝葫芦被破坏,十方被揍得全身青肿。失去法宝和法力支撑的玄气风暴,开始急速消退。投胎火车终于挣脱了旋风涡流,扭动着蛇型车厢,两侧车轮轰隆隆的急转,继续往投胎门飞去。 Under cold more tramples is more ruthless, stimulated the aggrieved one breath. If as the ghost body, by his supernatural power suppression, who won't be feared this fellow? As for the present, the period of validity, they will change the person in three days finally, lost the effect of restraint, whom looks at to fear who? 下方凛越踹越狠,把刚才的憋屈一口气激发出来。如果不是身为鬼身,被他的法力压制,谁会怕这个家伙?至于现在,过了三天期效,她们终于变回了人,失了克制之效,看谁怕谁? The both legs trample randomly, trample ten Monk side the whole body to swell up, ten Monk side falls downward. The girl has not actually trampled as before enough, the hand culmination locks entrains, ten side Zhuai. Who knows her to entrain makes an effort, really just the sword entrained unexpectedly from ten side arms, that shouted, ten Monk side has flown from her, threw toward the above flies. She raised the head, sees ten side Paofei direction unexpectedly is the front of reincarnation train, hurried to call out toward the Senior Sister: Do not make him block the train!” 双腿乱踹,踹得十方和尚全身发肿,十方和尚往下掉去。女孩却依旧没有踹够,手中天锁一拽,又把十方拽了回来。谁知她拽得太用力,真刚剑竟从十方手臂上拽下,呼的一声,十方和尚从她右边飞过,往上方抛飞。她一抬头,见十方抛飞的方向竟然是投胎火车的前方,赶紧朝师姐叫道:“不要让他挡住火车!” The critical moment makes mistakes is really the cold sprouting/moe attribute! Picks to sigh, foot treads the flaming chariot, the body flashes, looks down, sees only ten side whole body black and blue throws toward here and at the rocket-like speed. She deeply inspires, at the back of the red mythical bird sword, the right leg will lean in the future half step, the right hand after brandishes, first brandished a half-turn. 关键时刻犯错果然是凛的萌属性啊!采采感叹着,脚踏风火轮,身子一闪,低头看去,只见十方全身青肿的往这边、以火箭般的速度抛来。她深吸一口气,背着红鸾剑,右腿往后倾了半步,右手朝后抡起,先抡了个半圈。 The whole body was trampled seems like must break ten Monk side, the difficult opening eye, sees the white clothing girl who shows the posture with great difficulty, stares the big eye all of a sudden. The girl right arm wields toward slanting under ruthlessly, that slender jade palm, is in his eyes getting bigger and bigger, he turns head to dodge subconsciously. The clear slap in the face, first initiates resonating of tympanum, is then ordinary like the explosion, shakes his entire head to tingle with numbness. 全身被踹得像是要散架般的十方和尚,好不容易才艰难的睁开眼睛,看到摆出架式的白衣女孩,一下子瞪大眼睛。女孩右臂朝斜下方狠狠一挥,那纤纤玉掌,在他眼中越来越大,他下意识的扭头闪避。清脆的耳光,先是引发耳鼓的共振,再如同爆炸一般,震得他整个脑袋都在发麻。 Below cold so looks that the Senior Sister gave this monk big slap in the face, however ten side this/Ben is throwing toward the Senior Sister horizontally flies, this palm has not changed the path of monk, the head is patted downward sinks, the body and foot actually fly with the inertia as before upward, finally is the whole person sitat side, such as the wind wheel continues to upcast generally , ran upon by the front of reincarnation train directly. 下方的凛就这般看着师姐又给了这和尚一个大大的耳刮子,然而十方本是横着往师姐抛飞,这一掌并没有改变和尚的轨迹,脑袋被拍得往下沉,身子和脚却依旧随着惯性往上飞,结果就是整个人打横着,如风轮一般继续上抛,啪的一声,被投胎火车的车头直接撞上。 Ten sides!!!” Another side distant place, transmits angry roaring of white clouds Grandmaster. Then is swallow Chixia the big laughter: „Does smelly buddhist monk, some of your also time care about your apprentice? The universe borrows the law: God revolutions!” “十方!!!”另一边的远处,传来白云大师的怒吼。紧接着便是燕赤霞的大笑声:“臭秃驴,你还有时间关心你的徒弟吗?乾坤借法:神转!” The sword light explodes to rise suddenly, transfers the high velocity the light ball. White clouds Grandmaster shouted angrily: Ten thousand Buddha toward sect!” 剑光突然间爆涨,转成高速度的光球。白云大师一声怒喝:“万佛朝宗!” Bang!!! The fierce energy big collision, causes an air wave in the distant place. Swallow scarlet rosy cloud, you cannot fight me, wants to consume my supernatural power?” White clouds senior buddhist monk, I do not have you is so bored, all day knows kills, so long as I prevent you to block the reincarnation train to be good! The world is limitless, the universe borrows the law: ten thousand sword returns to the sect, I rumble!”...... 轰!!!剧烈的能量大碰撞,在远处引起一的气浪。“燕赤霞,你斗不过我,就想要消耗我的法力?”“白云老秃驴,我才没有你这么无聊,整天就知道杀来杀去,我只要阻止你挡住投胎火车就好!天地无极,乾坤借法:万剑归宗,我轰!”…… Has not gone to manage rear supernatural power big dashing, cold flies to pick side: Senior Sister, trampled to be good him, why hit his face?” 没有去管后方的法力大冲撞,凛飞过采采身边:“师姐,把他踹开就好了,为什么打他脸?” Picked oneself also perspiration: Violated and makes mistakes!” Saw that monk big face flies, wants to pull out. 采采自己也汗了一下:“犯、犯错了!”看到那和尚大脸飞来,就是想抽过去。 ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。) ps:( This book in the shield revision condition, please enter the latest chapter from the bookshelf collection point at present temporarily, or through cell phone guest client side reading. The stupid bird will certainly revise as soon as possible, making everyone read normally.) ps:(本书目前暂时在屏蔽修改状态,请从书架收藏点入最新章节,或者通过手机客客户端阅读。笨鸟一定会尽快修改完毕,让大家正常阅读。) ... ...
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