MGIAFM :: Volume #11

#1006: Some many rolls far......

Picks with the cold following small butterfly, circled a great-circle., 采采和凛跟着小蝶,绕了一个大圈。, On the way, the small butterfly non-stop relates with her spirit tablets and other ghosts, wants to know that small has safe and secure to go back attractively, there is a that bookworm named Ning Caichen takes to the grandmother. 途中,小蝶不停的用她的灵位和其它鬼联系,想要知道小倩有没有平安回去,又有没有把那个叫宁采臣的书呆子带给姥姥。 Resembles so, unknowingly, passed several double-hour. 似这般,不知不觉的,过了好几个时辰。 The weather is still dim, cold sits on a tree, in the heart is calculating, she and picks to change the double-hour of person, after all, if the computation makes a mistake, they change the person in one group of malicious ghosts directly, that was really bad. 天色依旧昏暗,凛坐在一棵树上,心中计算着,她和采采变回人的时辰,毕竟,如果计算出错,她们在一群恶鬼里直接变回人身,那就实在是太糟糕了。 Another side, the little butterfly elder sister starts to grab to pick, teaches her to discharge to the man. Picking does not certainly want to study, but the little butterfly elder sister is really warm-hearted, to her, this is professional skill that” their two girls live to have here, but the aptitude to picking, has the potential of training very much. As for cold, although is also a pretty girl, but the age was too small, even the chest does not have, it seems like she has given up. 另一边,小蝶姐又开始抓着采采,教她“对男人放电”。采采当然是很不想学的,但是小蝶姐实在热心,对她来说,这是她们两个女孩子在这里生活所必须具备的“一技之长”,而以采采的资质,很有培养的潜力。至于凛,虽然也是一个漂亮的女孩,但年纪实在太小了些,连胸都没有,看来她已经放弃了。 Don't I really have the future? Cold unties qipao neckband tightfisted, looked toward inside, oneself show the whites of the eyes,...... at least that two beans a little are at least big. Also, I really did not become the ghost, later the association president is always big. 难道我就真的那么没前途吗?凛解开旗袍领口处的小扣,往里头看了看,自己翻了个白眼,至少……至少那两颗豆子已经有点大了。再说了,我又不是真的变成了鬼,以后总还是会长大的。 Toward her is two years old, actually obviously starts ripe picking the Senior Sister has cannot help but looked greatly, builds a foot, whispered...... I not to want by the master to be touched in any case, is big what relations? 不由得往只不过大她两岁多,却已明显开始“熟”的采采师姐看去,架起一只脚,嘀咕了一声……反正我又不想被师父摸,大不大有什么关系? , The body has buzz humming sound the sound to start to resound suddenly. Cold stunned, looks down, sees only ties up that Xiaoling clang outside thigh, exudes the mysterious vibration sound. She somewhat has doubts, although this is a bell, but in fact, after putting on this bell, it has not made a sound. 忽的,身上有嗡嗡嗡的声音开始响起。凛一个错愕,低头看去,只见绑在大腿外侧的那个小玲铛,发出神秘的振动声。她有些疑惑,虽然这是一个铃铛,但事实上,戴上这个铃铛后,它从来没有响过。 Actually she also once inquired to the Senior Sister, this bell has anything to affect, picks the Senior Sister actually to smile. Also did not explain. 其实她也曾向师姐询问,这颗铃铛有什么作用,采采师姐却总是微笑。也不解释。 However it vibrates now suddenly, and sends out mystically buzz sound. 但是它现在突然振动了起来,并发出神秘的嗡声。 She opens the eye, thinking? The bell is also peaceful, down to she suspected, she had the misconception. 她睁大眼睛,想着这是怎么回事?铃铛却又安静下来,以至她怀疑,自己是不是生出了错觉。 At this time, the distant place also transmitted DDD the sound, the spirit tablet of small butterfly started to vibrate, she took out the spirit tablet, placed near the ear: Which? Is I, is I...... Guobei Town? You really noticed that small returned to Guobei Town attractively? Does that bookworm also follow she? ...... her to know must go back, snort/hum. This time was forestalled one step by her.” 就在这个时候,远处也传来滴滴滴的声响,小蝶的灵位开始振动,她取出灵位,放在耳边:“哪位?是我、是我……郭北镇?你们真的看到小倩回到郭北镇了吗?那个书呆子也跟着她?呼……她还是知道要回去的吗,哼。这次又被她抢先了一步。” Receives the spirit tablet, the little butterfly elder sister flew: „Do we walk?” 收起灵位,小蝶姐飞了过来:“我们走吧?” Picks, cold to say with one voice: Where goes to?” 采采、凛齐声道:“去哪里?” Guobei Town, there goes to the willow grove hole inevitable location, the grandmother lives in inside, oh, small attractive fished the man, I actually only brought back to two with the Little Sisters who everyone lived hand to mouth to eat together, was really the life is evil. Why aren't you boys?” A small butterfly elder sister sideband they are flying, at the same time complaining. “郭北镇啊,那里是前往柳林洞的必经之地,姥姥就住在里头,唉,小倩又钓到了男人,我却只带回了两个跟着大家一起混饭吃的小妹,真是命歹。为什么你们两个不是男孩子?”小蝶姐一边带着她们飞,一边抱怨着。 Cold thought. You have known oneself cannot fish the man, planned that started toward boy? 凛心想。你已经知道自己钓不到男人,打算朝“男孩子”开始下手了吗? *** *** A city in the front, first is lines outlines, then appears myriad lights. The lights are close at the extremely quick speed, suddenly, they have placed oneself in the magnificent dazzling lively district. 一座城市在前方,先是一根根线条勾勒,然后现出万千灯火。灯火以极快的速度接近,骤然间,她们已经置身在辉煌耀眼的不夜城中。 The entire ghost town is extremely lively, is the demoness screamed everywhere crazily. The great drum ghost, the loudspeaker ghost, the suona ghost wait/etc, played the orchestra, the entire ghost town looks like a giant stage. 整个鬼城极是热闹,到处都是女鬼疯狂的尖叫。巨鼓鬼、喇叭鬼、唢呐鬼等等,奏起乐队,整个鬼城就像是一个巨型的舞台。 I forgot. Today is the day of emperor giant star concert!” The small butterfly called out excitedly. “我都忘了。今天是天皇巨星演唱会的日子!”小蝶兴奋地叫道。 Her exciting region is picking with cold, flies a tall tree on the branch. Picks with cold sitting side-by-side there, is shaking leg, they look together toward the surroundings, seeing only whole city is crazy, all demoness are crying out together: Emperor giant star! Emperor giant star! Emperor giant star......” 她兴奋地带着采采和凛,飞上一棵高树的树枝上。采采与凛肩并肩的坐在那里,晃着腿儿,她们一同往周围看去,只见满城疯狂,所有女鬼一同呐喊着:“天皇巨星!天皇巨星!天皇巨星……” So is excited? They looked one. The little butterfly elder sister after the tree flies round, excitedly rushed to front of team, shouted with everyone together. 就有这么激动吗?她们对望了一眼。就连小蝶姐绕着树飞来飞去后,都兴奋的冲到了队伍的前头,跟着大家一起喊。 Cold looks down toward own Peng Zhang chest: „, Can you hide in this?” 凛低头往自己彭胀的胸脯看去:“露比,你就非要藏在这里面么?” The star of ruby said: Because on you do not have other places to be good to hide.” 红宝石之星道:“因为你身上没有其它地方好藏嘛。” That do not hide, in this place, others saw that you will also only regard the ghost you.” “那就不要藏了,在这个地方,别人看到你也只会把你当成鬼。” To not help you strengthens points then to lead? Cold, relax, has me to help you, you boldly with your false comforts itself plentifully, perhaps even if you later grew up not to be in this situation.” “还不是为了帮你增强一点回头率?凛,放心吧,有我帮你,你就大胆的用你这虚假的丰满来安慰自己吧,就算你以后长大了恐怕也到不了这种地步的。” On the cold forehead braves the heavy line, two small fists tight grasps...... me to endure, I endure! 凛额头上冒着黑线,两个小拳头紧紧的握着……我忍,我忍! In the upper air splits the fireworks, swarming, the demoness cried out with one voice: Emperor giant star!” 高空中绽出烟花,远远近近,女鬼们齐声呐喊:“天皇巨星!” A huge shadow, emits from the magnificent large-scale stage, that shadow is getting bigger and bigger, is a mountain generally big male ghost, regarding picking with cold, what cannot see clearly him to grow, can only see that golden hair, with sparkling shining two ghost eyes. Although they have sat in the high place, head as cannot help but the appearance of emperor giant star, lifts higher and higher. 一个巨大的黑影,从华丽的大型舞台上冒出,那黑影越来越大,乃是一个山一般大的男鬼,对于采采和凛来说,根本看不清他长得什么样,只能看到那金色的头发,和闪闪发亮的两只鬼眼。虽然她们已经坐在高处,脑袋还是不由得随着天皇巨星的出现,抬得越来越高。 I, ten thousand people love, has interpolated the legend! The precious words are ajar, ten thousand numerous look up to the anticipation......” the emperor giant star to adopt the magnificent stance, in the hand takes a breaking tree that acts as the microphone, starts to roar to sing. The ghosts screamed, neon light to/clashes, interlocks in the surroundings of emperor giant star. “我,万人爱,已写进了传奇!金口半开,万众仰望期待……”天皇巨星摆出华丽的姿态,手中拿着一把充当麦克风的断树,开始吼唱。众鬼纷纷尖叫,霓虹灯一道道的冲起,在天皇巨星的周围交错。 You have the eye, you have the ear, must cheer and cheer......” the emperor giant star to raise the head to angrily roar. “你有眼睛,你有耳朵,亦要喝彩、喝彩……”天皇巨星仰首怒吼。 Below demoness was only shouting good graceful, the eyes to brave the star, two hold the head but actually. Many demoness fly impatiently, must for their idol dancing parters. 下方的女鬼一只只大喊着“好帅”,双眼冒着星星,两手捧着脑袋倒了下去。还有许多女鬼迫不及待的飞上去,要替她们的偶像伴舞。 Picks with cold actually to sit on the horizontal tree trunk, stares the big eye, where graceful is opening mouth......? 采采和凛却是坐在横横的树干上,瞪大眼睛,张着口儿……哪里帅了? Cheered!!!” The emperor giant star to the sky, drinks greatly, under drops down a big piece of starry eyed demoness. “喝彩!!!”天皇巨星冲着天空,一声大喝,下方倒下一大片花痴女鬼。 Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! A series of fireworks from the sky bloom, bloom the colorful color. The concert entered ** two girls, demoness crazy dragging, is unable to understand sat on the tree as before, looks at all these dumbfoundedly, was sighing the taste normal person of ghost is not really able to understand. This is the so-called N groupie? Even if pursues star you still to pursue a normal point? 嘭!嘭!嘭!嘭!嘭!一连串的烟花在空中绽放,绽放出五颜六色的色彩。演唱会进入了**,女鬼们疯狂的摇曳,无法理解的两个女孩依旧坐在树上,目瞪口呆地看着这一切,然后感叹着鬼的品味正常人果然是无法理解。这个就是所谓的n追星族吧?就算追星你们也好歹追个正常点的啊? „...... Has not understood the appreciation to make way quickly, lets me and my free love ; Is the inborn my talent, naturally wants the self-respect, making me be crazy truly is my material......” the emperor giant star angrily roars in cheering of ten thousand numerous, roars. “……未懂欣赏快让开,让我与我逍遥爱;是天生我才,当然要自爱,让我真正着迷是我材……”天皇巨星在万众的欢呼中怒吼,咆哮。 Good narcissistic song! Picks to think. 好自恋的歌!采采心想。 Even the masters do not have this ghost narcissism! Cold is sighing. Her such sigh, the spreading out place of qipao, that bell in buzz humming sound keeping ringing, but this time. The surroundings really extremely made noise, cold simply has not noticed. 连师父都没这鬼自恋啊!凛感叹着。她这么一感叹,旗袍的开叉处,那铃铛又在嗡嗡嗡的响个不停,只不过这一次。周围实在是太过喧嚣,凛根本没有注意到。 Picks hehe saying with a smile: Although is very coarse, but was finally safe!” 采采呵呵的笑道:“虽然很难听,不过总算是安全了!” Cold say/way: Truly, can rest finally well, won't always have an accident here?” She hit a yawn. 凛道:“确实啊,终于可以好好的休息一下了,总不会在这里还出事吧?”她打了一个呵欠。 Ten thousand ghosts focus attention on, the emperor giant star in the roar sang observes the situation the ghost town, had the little small disaffection. Because only, he sings each time, will choose a demoness to do his invites dance partner, demoness only flies. Wants this being honored. 万鬼瞩目中,天皇巨星在吼唱中环视鬼城,有一点点小不满。只因为,每次他演唱的时候,都会选择一位女鬼做他的“特邀舞伴”,众女鬼一只只的飞起。都想要得到这个荣幸。 However he looks all around, unexpectedly had not found that named young attractive attractive demoness, she is he craziest fan, looks in her compared with other demoness more attractive shares, he will give her each time this point small being honored. 然而他环顾一圈,居然没有找到那个叫小倩的漂亮女鬼,她可是他最疯狂的歌迷,看在她比其它女鬼更漂亮的份上,每次他都会给她这一点小小的荣幸。 However today, she unexpectedly not. Has she been frightened out of one's wits? The reincarnation? She was not possible to prevent my charm, only if has vanished, otherwise, clear(ly) knows that today is I opens the day of concert. She not possible not to appear. Really died? Oh, is unable to see my charm again, is unable to see my dazzling ray, even if she disappears still disappears is unwilling? I was really...... make me be crazy! 但是今天,她居然不在。难道她已经魂飞魄散了?或者是已经投胎去了?她是不可能阻挡得了我的魅力的,除非已经消失,否则,明知道今天是我开演唱会的日子。她绝不可能不出现。果然还是死掉了吗?唉,无法再看到我的帅气,无法看到我耀眼的光芒,她就算消失也消失的不甘心吧?我真是……太让我自己着迷了! Since that named young attractive attractive demoness not. That looks for an invited dance partner, must look for one not to compare the small attractive difference, making everyone envy her, envies her. Because of her can for I such powerful talent and for I such dazzling giant star dancing parter. 既然那个叫小倩的漂亮女鬼不在了。那就得重新找一个特邀舞伴,要找一个绝不比小倩差的,让大家都羡慕她,嫉妒她。因为她能够为我这样强大的天才、为我这样耀眼的巨星伴舞。 The emperor giant star both eyes emit the light beam, takes a fast look around the entire city, finally fell on the two young demoness on distant tall tree. 天皇巨星双目放出光束,扫视全城,终于落在了远方高树上的两个小女鬼身上。 That two young demoness. It seems like early of a little death, but is very lovably attractive, right, wears the white clothes, is well-proportioned, the growth is good, has unexpectedly does not lose in Xiaoqian the beautiful appearance, is an inborn beautiful ghost embryo, another age is smaller, wears the red qipao, but the person small breast is big, highlighted lovably. 那两个小女鬼。看起来死的有点早,但是都很漂亮可爱,右边的一个,穿着洁白的衣裳,身材匀称,发育良好,竟有着绝不输于小倩的美貌,是一个天生的美鬼胚子,另一个年纪更小,穿着红色的旗袍,但是人小乳大,反显得可爱。 Decided, was you, excited, felt grateful, today was your lucky days, the good fortune that your ten lifetime cultivated/repaired, can trade this sparkingly most eye-catching moment, at this moment, was my emperor giant star rewards to you, you grateful acceptance. 决定了,就是你们了,兴奋吧,感恩吧,今天是你们的幸运日,你们十辈子修来的福分,才能换来这最闪亮最耀目的一刻,这一刻,是我天皇巨星赏赐给你们的,你们就心怀感激的接受吧。 The emperor giant star both eyes cover decides two young demoness, stretched out his huge black palm, in the dance sound, in the music, the palm extended the front of two young demoness. The swarming, demoness screamed with one voice, sighs woefully, depressed, because cannot be elected once again by the emperor giant star, but is unable to suppress sobs, drumbeat louder, the music is crazier, the fireworks is more abundant, innumerable ghosts with envying and envying the vision, looked that to by that two young demoness who the emperor giant star selects, even has ghost is thinking in secret, after the dance party ended, must to these two young demoness some attractive, do not think, occasionally was selected by the emperor giant star one time, extraordinary, do not think...... this ? 天皇巨星双目罩定两个小女鬼,伸出了他庞大的黑色手掌,舞声中,乐声中,手掌伸到了两个小女鬼的前方。远远近近,众女鬼齐声尖叫,哀叹的,沮丧的,因为又一次没能被天皇巨星选上而无法抑制地哭泣的,鼓声更响,乐声更狂,烟花更盛,无数鬼用羡慕和嫉妒的目光,看向被天皇巨星选中的那两个小女鬼,甚至已经有鬼在暗中想着,等舞会结束后,一定要给这两个小女鬼一些好看,不要以为,偶尔一次被天皇巨星选中,就有多了不起,不要以为……这、这是怎么回事? The drumbeat changes is slowly small, the music slowly becomes peaceful, after the fireworks splits open, another grains of extinguishments, everyone was peaceful, looks at the emperor giant star and that two young demoness dull. 鼓声慢慢变小,乐声慢慢变得安静,烟花绽开后,又一粒粒的熄灭,所有人都安静了下来,呆呆地看着天皇巨星和那两只小女鬼。 The emperor giant star as before is self-confidence and narcissism like that the golden long hair flies upwards backward, the arrogant physique is tall and strong, his right hand spreads out like the ship, opens the front of two young demoness, only waits for them to jump, becomes the focuses of ten thousand numerous with him together, he as before is brilliance like that sparking like that he is the entire ghost giant star, is the giant star in giant star. 天皇巨星依旧是那般的自信、自恋,金色的长发向后飞扬,高傲的身姿魁梧强壮,他的右手像船一样摊开,张开两个小女鬼的面前,只等着她们跳上来,跟他一起成为万众的焦点,他依旧是那般的光彩,那般的闪亮,他是整个鬼界的巨星,是巨星中的巨星。 Looks at that booth in the giant ghost palm of own front, in focus that in that several hundred light beam accumulations come, two young demoness's responses actually more than people expected. That year the discipline was bigger, put on the attractive demoness body left deviation of white clothes, the left hand to backing-up, tender body relieving, right hand protection bent in the chest front. The age is smaller young demoness, wears the red qipao, brain pierced two purses, unexpectedly has does not lose in the breast quantity of normal woman, the small body right deviation, the right hand backs-up, the left hand proceeds empty to push. 看着那摊在自己前方的巨大鬼掌,在那数百道光柱聚集而来的焦点中,两只小女鬼的反应却大出众人意料。那年纪更大一些的,穿着白裳的漂亮女鬼身子左倾,左手向后撑着,娇躯后缩,右手保护性的弯起在胸前。年纪更小一些的小女鬼,身穿红色旗袍,脑上扎着两个荷包,居然拥有不输于正常女人的乳量,小身子右倾,右手后撑,左手往前虚推。 Two young demoness makes is protecting oneself the movement, while is staring extends to their front the ghost palm that day star giant star, regarding the invitation that the emperor giant star such as it comes suddenly, their responses, had shown their attitude, that is...... has many rolls far, can should not be so disgusting? 两个小女鬼一边做着自我保护般的动作,一边瞪着伸到她们前方的、天星巨星的鬼掌,对于天皇巨星忽如其来的邀请,她们的反应,已经说明了她们的态度,那就是……有多远滚多远,能不能不要这么恶心? ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……) ps: Congratulates dark blue low-key,” becomes this book new leader, hence, this book has hegemons and three leaders. 0 another transcription book fan list first ten lists: Looked that my throwing knife( hegemon), extreme speed snail 88( leader), summer Yingchen sama( leader), dark blue low-key dot( leader), book sword scholar yq, kanonkanon, liaoed and dying fresh long separation and crisscrossing footpaths between fields float fresh, day Daoism 001 ps:【恭喜“深蓝低调、”成为本书新掌门,至此,这本书已经有一位盟主、三位掌门了。0另附本书粉丝榜前十名单:看我飞刀(盟主)、极速蜗牛88(掌门)、夏萦尘sama(掌门)、深蓝低调丶(掌门)、书剑秀才yq、kanonkanon、liaoed、死生契阔、阡陌浮生、天玄门001】
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