MGIAFM :: Volume #11

#1005: Electric discharge......

In dim sky, had the light rain., 昏暗的天空中,又下起了小雨。, Picks with cold, is flying in the mountains and plains with the small butterfly together. 采采与凛,跟着小蝶一起在山野间飞着。 They look one quietly, said no matter how, they have become ghost now, at least in the two days much time, without the means cultivated the behavior again, now also can only first following small butterfly. However they are impossible really the following small butterfly, turns that anything grandmother , helping that grandmother entice the man again, therefore, can do now, in the two days much time, as far as possible from small butterfly here, inquires with this world related matter, has a look at what means again, can find the separate Baochai elder sister and Daiyu elder sisters and six flowers. 她们悄悄对望一眼,不管怎么说,她们现在已经变成了“鬼”,至少在这两天多的时间里,没有办法再做人,现在也就只能先跟着小蝶。但是她们也不可能真的跟着小蝶,去投靠那个什么“姥姥”,再帮那个姥姥去勾引男人,所以,现在能做的,就是在这两天多的时间里,尽可能的从小蝶这里,打探与这个世界相关的事,再看看有什么办法,能够找到失散的宝钗姐、黛玉姐、六花。 Two young demoness fly side the small butterfly together, picks the sweet say/way: Butterfly elder sister, where is here?” 两个小女鬼一同飞到小蝶身边,采采甜甜的道:“蝶姐姐,这里到底是什么地方?” The small butterfly said: Asura next world!” 小蝶道:“修罗阴界啊!” Picks saying: Asura next world? Since there is a next world, that also does have Yang boundary/world?” 采采道:“修罗阴界?既然有阴界,那是不是也有阳界?” The small butterfly said: I said that your doesn't know? You not from Yang Jielai?” 小蝶道:“我说你们怎么连这个都不知道啊?你们不是从阳界来的吗?” Picks to fit out the timid fear the appearance: I and cold, in a small village, outside matter all does not know, afterward does not know how to do, was caught a town by the unprincipled person, in that town is the woman and demon, saw a little girl cries in the lane, therefore looks at her to the lane, finally fell.” 采采装成胆怯害怕的样子:“我和凛,以前都是在一个小村子里,外面的事情全都不知道,后来不知道怎么搞的,就被坏人抓到了一个镇子,那镇子里全是女人和夜叉,又看到了一个小女孩在巷子里哭,所以就是到巷子里去看她,结果就掉了进来。” The small butterfly said: The place of that woman and demon who you said that definitely is the lucky motherland, Yang Jieli, only then the lucky motherland does not have the man. Little girl who you see, was nine cat monsters that the grandmother let out, the grandmother puts many many nine cat monsters to go out most likely, they can the shuttle Yin-Yang two, often turn into the little girl or the old lady, came from Yang Jieyin the living person.” 小蝶道:“你们说的那个只有女人和夜叉的地方,肯定是福母国啦,阳界里,只有福母国没有男人。你们看到的小女孩,十有八九是姥姥放出去的九尾猫妖,姥姥放了许多许多的九尾猫妖出去,它们能够穿梭阴阳两界,时常变成小女孩或者老太婆,把活人从阳界引过来。” In other words, is that town Yang boundary/world? However there, we have not seen moon and star probably......” “也就是说,那个镇子是阳界吗?但是在那里,我们好像也没看到月亮和星星……” Say/Way of small butterfly doubts: Moon and star? What thing is that?” 小蝶疑惑的道:“月亮和星星?那是什么东西?” Picks saying: Moon is. In the evening comes out, in sphere that Heaven can shine, the star is, Heaven highlight. During the daytime what comes out is Sun, what in the evening comes out is moon and star......” 采采道:“月亮就是。晚上出来的,在天上会发光的圆球,星星就是,天上的亮点。白天出来的是太阳,晚上出来的是月亮和星星……” Not?” The small butterfly is astonished saying that even Yang boundary/world, still only has Sun, has not seen what moon star that you have said. Right, you now are the ghosts, but do not run up to Yang boundary/world to go again. In the evening is good, during the daytime a solar appearance, according to the previous photo, what ghost will turn into the light smoke, being frightened out of one's wits, that was really the ghosts cannot even make.” “不是吧?”小蝶讶道,“就算是阳界,也只有太阳,从来没有见过你们说的什么月亮星星。对了,你们现在是鬼,可千万不要再跑到阳界去。晚上还好,白天太阳一出现,照上一照,什么鬼都会变成青烟,魂飞魄散,那就真的是连鬼都做不成了。” So long as were arrived by the solar photo will change to the light smoke immediately, is frightened out of one's wits? Picks in the heart to have doubts, ghost who because only, she knows. Although is hard to endure the sunlight, the sunlight one according to will not actually die immediately, these ghosts in nether world, to a certain extent. Actually can endure the sunlight. 只要被太阳照到马上就会化作青烟,魂飞魄散?采采心中疑惑,只因为,就她所知道的鬼。虽然难以忍受日光,却也不会日光一照马上就死,阴曹地府里的那些鬼,在一定程度上。其实还是能够忍受日光的。 Is Sun and other world of this world is different, is here ghost is very frail? No matter what, since she so explained, in the two days much time. Do not go to Yang boundary/world good. 是这个世界的太阳与其它世界不同,还是这里的鬼特别脆弱?不管怎么样,既然她这般交待了,在这两天多的时间里。还是不要前往阳界的好。 The small butterfly continues saying: Yang Jieli, biggest was the demons country, in the demons country had many men. However their king monarch sovereigns call are the black king, heard that the whole body is black, did not know exactly for several hundred years. In addition is the lucky motherland, in the lucky motherland truly is only then woman and demon. The lucky motherland king monarch sovereign calls is the lucky mother, now seemed like the seventh generation of lucky mothers. In addition has the northern last of the ten Heavenly Stems country and lost/carrying first city, the lucky motherland and northern last of the ten Heavenly Stems country, lost/carrying first city be much smaller than the demons country, but heard that demons country king monarch sovereign black king, almost soon was old died, when the black king died, perhaps the demons country could not preserve, when the time comes, does not know that many people will become the ghost.” 小蝶继续道:“阳界里,最大的就是罗刹国了,罗刹国里有许多男人。不过他们的国主唤作黑王,听说全身都是黑的,也不知活了几百年了。此外就是福母国,福母国里确实是只有女人和夜叉啦。福母国国主唤作福母,现在好像是第七代福母了。另外还有北癸国和负先城,福母国和北癸国、负先城都要比罗刹国小得多,但是听说罗刹国国主黑王,老得差不多快要断气了,等黑王一死,罗刹国恐怕是保不住了,到时候,不知道又有多少人会变成鬼。” Demons country? Lucky motherland? Northern last of the ten Heavenly Stems country? Lost/Carrying first city? 罗刹国?福母国?北癸国?负先城? Picks with cold secretly these that the small butterfly said that all in heart. After all, they do not know that which place now Baochai elder sister and the others fell into, has the fragrance fragrant elder sister, at that time, they heard the Du Xiangxiang sound absolutely. 采采和凛暗自将小蝶说的这些,全都记在心中。毕竟,她们现在也不知道宝钗姐等人是掉进了哪个地方,更有香香姐,那个时候,她们绝对是听到了杜香香的声音。 Two people must continue to closely examine, at this moment, on the small butterfly had anything to make a sound, will pick with cold to have a scare. The small butterfly actually pulls out toward the sleeve, in the hand has anything to stretch, she places near that thing the ear: Hey, here is the spirit tablet of small butterfly, does which look for me? Aiya, Grandmother......” 两人还要继续追问,就在这时,小蝶身上有什么东西响了起来,将采采和凛都吓了一跳。小蝶却往袖子里一掏,手中有什么东西舒展开来,她将那东西放在耳边:“喂喂,这里是小蝶的灵位,哪位找我啊?哎呀,姥姥吗……” Picks with cold to look dull, places the demoness who the spirit tablet near the ear is the hand machine operator, at heart thinking, here science and technology also is really...... advanced! 采采和凛呆呆地看着,把灵位放在耳边当手机手的女鬼,心里想着,这里的科技还真的是……先进啊! Grandmother, was your Yang spirit insufficient? Waits, last night small attractive wasn't fishes a simpleton? Small attractive hasn't gone back? How is impossible...... the small butterfly to dare to deceive the grandmother? I really had to see her to take away that bookworm last night, has, Grandmother, I received two Little Sisters newly, very attractive, later they can follow I, helping the grandmother you send a telegram the man, Grandmother, you could rest assured that small attractive has not gone back, my small butterfly, so long as there is my small butterfly in...... to know knew, my looked for her, did my look for her line the grandmother?” The small butterfly takes by far the spirit tablet, is crooked the head, what obviously another end transmits is bellowing of grandmother. “姥姥,您的阳气不够了?等一下,昨晚小倩不是钓到了一个呆子了么?小倩还没有回去?不可能嘛……小蝶怎么敢骗姥姥呢?我昨晚真的有看到她带走了那个书呆子,还有还有,姥姥,我新收了两个小妹,很漂亮的哟,以后她们可以跟着我,帮姥姥你去电男人,姥姥,你放心,小倩没回去,还有我小蝶呢,只要有我小蝶在……知道了知道了,我这就去找她,我这就去找她行了吧姥姥?”小蝶把灵位拿得远远的,歪着脑袋,显然另一端传来的是姥姥的大吼。 After hanging up the spirit tablet, she air/Qi stamps one's foot in that: What is the small butterfly is reliable, at the sow meeting sets up? Right, I have not succeeded, but others also very diligently, what is small attractive good, hasn't young attractive everyone needed to mix?” 挂断灵位后,她气得在那跳脚:“什么叫小蝶靠得住,母猪会上树?没错,我从来没有成功过,但是人家也很努力啊,什么都是小倩好,没有小倩大家都不用混了吗?” Picks saying: Little butterfly elder sister?” 采采道:“小蝶姐?” The small butterfly said: Walks, with me, we first looks slightly attractive, felt strange, last night small attractive fished that simpleton obviously, how to have gone back to the present? Since that smelly always said that two smelly buddhist monk enters the next world to make a big row, now the living person is less easy to look, let alone live man. Oh, my small butterfly is really the life is evil, others fish the man, I am receiving the Little Sister, is the issue the Little Sister receives to do? Is unedible, is really looks that you two was bullied, without means that no matter, I really am the life am therefore evil.” 小蝶道:“走吧,跟着我,我们先去找小倩,奇怪了,昨晚小倩明明钓到了那个呆子,怎么会到现在都还没有回去?自从那个臭老道,还有那两个臭秃驴进入阴界大闹,现在活人已经越来越不好找了,何况还是活的男人。唉,我小蝶真是命歹,别人钓男人,我在收小妹,问题是小妹收来干嘛呢?又不能吃,实在是看着你们两个被人欺负,没办法不管,所以说我真的是命歹啊。” ...... …… *** *** Found!” “找到了!” After giant old tree, finds out heads, two heads and three heads. 巨大的古树后,探出一颗脑袋、两颗脑袋、三颗脑袋。 And on a head is also building the belt/bring wing butterfly general artificial elf. 其中一颗脑袋上还搭着带翅蝴蝶一般的人工精灵。 Three parallel heads, look at the lotus pond in distant place together, youth Qingqie intent under umbrella, your sentiment my Nong's two people. And one is the slender and beautiful female, another, is one at the back of the youngster of bookshelf, in the youngster hand takes the umbrella, blocks the base song that in the sky sprinkled for the female. Two people face under umbrella to face, that beautiful female, double sleeve about harassing before the fasting mouth. Is listening to the nonsense of youngster, happy keeping laughing. 三颗平行的脑袋,一同看着远处的荷池边,在伞下郎情妾意,你情我侬的两个人。其中一个是纤细而美丽的女子,另外一个,则是一个背着书架的少年,少年手上拿着伞,为女子挡住了天空中洒下的靡靡细语。两人在伞下脸对着脸,那美丽的女子,双袖合扰在素口前。听着少年的傻话,开心的笑个不停。 The small butterfly said: Hey, what situation is this? This what situation? How is slightly attractive not to take to the grandmother the simpleton of this debt collection?” 小蝶道:“喂喂,这是什么情况?这到底什么情况?小倩怎么还不把这个收帐的呆子带给姥姥?” The star of ruby said: She likes that man!” 红宝石之星道:“她喜欢那个男人!” The small butterfly said: This is not possible, before slightly was charmed the man attractively, never having the man to be charmed her, moreover this student seems like silly, dull, dares to run up to the ghost town to collect debts, such stupid man I have not seen, can his which point small be liked attractively on?” 小蝶道:“这是不可能的,以前只有小倩迷倒男人,从来没有男人迷倒过她,而且这书生看上去笨笨的、呆呆的,敢跑到鬼城来收帐,这么笨的男人我就没有见到过,他哪一点能够被小倩喜欢上?” Will not be wrong, she looks at the eyes of that man. Looks at my master look on and my Senior Sister, is equally same.” Cold very affirmative say/way. “不会错的,她看那个男人的眼睛。就跟我师姐看我师父时的眼神,是一样一样的。”凛很肯定的道。 The small butterfly feels relieved saying: That did not have the issue, your Senior Sister with your master, that was masters and disciples, the apprentice looked at the master, possibly was not the love.” 小蝶放心道:“那就没问题了,你师姐跟你师父,那是师徒啊,徒弟看师父,怎么也不可能是爱情啦。” But the Senior Sister likes the master,” cold say/way, after she waits to grow up, marries the master, she and masters reached an agreement!” “但师姐喜欢师父啊,”凛道,“她就等着长大后嫁给师父,她和师父都说好了!” Even if the demoness now. The cheek that picks also cannot help but suppresses red. 即便现在做了女鬼。采采的脸蛋也不由得憋红。 The small butterfly said: What waste „......” are your masters? 小蝶道:“哦……”你们的师父到底是什么样的人渣啊? That named young attractive demoness, with that at the back of the bookshelf, takes the youngster of umbrella, just likes unmanned general. Chatted, appearance of forgetting to return. 那个叫小倩的女鬼,和那个背着书架,拿着雨伞的少年,恍若无人一般。说说笑笑,流连忘返的样子。 The small butterfly draws to pick with cold to fall back on the forest another side: „It is not good, it seems like small attractive does not want to bring back to this simpleton, but I have told the grandmother this matter. If not take to the grandmother him, small attractive and I will be finished. If we certainly want the means......” right fist to hold a racket toward left: Had!” 小蝶拉着采采和凛退到森林的另一边:“不行了,看来小倩根本不想把这个呆子带回去,但是我已经把这事跟姥姥说了。如果不把他带给姥姥,小倩和我都会完蛋的。我们一定要想办法……”右拳往左掌一拍:“有了!” She looks to picking: I go to direct slightly attractively, slightly picks. You entice that man, gives the grandmother his electricity rewinding. Had this gift on first meeting, the grandmother will definitely love you, you can also compared with too small attractive.” 她看向采采:“我去把小倩引走,小采。你去勾引那个男人,把他电倒带给姥姥。有了这个见面礼,姥姥肯定就会疼你们,你也就可以比过小倩。” Picks: „? I and I......” she is not willing to entice the man beside master and Big Brother. 采采:“啊?我、我……”她怎么也不肯去勾引师父兼大哥哥之外的男人。 The small butterfly thinks that she is afraid timidly, therefore said: Without the issue, is very simple, with your eye electricity generation, was charmed him was OK, should not be afraid, I taught you!” She fluttered, grabs shoulder that picks, to her eye: Like my, holds him, aims at his eye...... the electric discharge!” 小蝶以为她害怕胆怯,于是道:“没问题的,很简单,就是用你的眼睛发电,把他迷倒就可以了,不要害怕,我来教你!”她飘了起来,抓着采采的肩,对着她的眼睛:“就像我这样,抓住他,对准他的眼睛……放电!” Cold and star of ruby looks together, sees only in the small butterfly elder sister's two eyes to send out the electric light, the electric light pop pop will also make a sound unexpectedly, the electric light strikes in picking on eye, picks seems a little dizzy. The small butterfly called out: „Did you see? Does not have the issue, you looked, slightly picked is charmed by me!” 凛和红宝石之星一同看去,只见小蝶姐的两只眼睛里发出电光,电光居然还噼噼叭叭的会响,电光击在采采的眼睛上,采采看上去有点晕晕的。小蝶叫道:“你们看见了吧?没问题的,你们看,小采都被我迷倒了!” How I felt after she purely by electricity electricity one next , the consciousness paralysis of having? 我怎么觉得她纯粹就是被电电了一下后产生的意识麻痹? Picked to tap own head, came by oneself soberly, looks up the small butterfly, her low voice say/way: „Before little butterfly elder sister...... you, has really been charmed the man?” 采采拍了拍自己的脑袋,让自己清醒过来,抬头看着小蝶,她小声的道:“小蝶姐……你以前真的迷倒过男人吗?” „? This...... this...... does not have the issue, the men are very stupid thing, so long as discharges to him with the look, being charmed them is very simple. Right right, I have not succeeded now, but that is only because my luck is not good, are not related with my skill, I am not because the charm insufficiently small was snatched the crest of wave attractively......” “啊?这个……这个……没问题的啦,男人都是很笨的东西,只要用眼神对他放电,迷倒他们是很简单的。没错没错,现在我还没有成功过,但那只是因为我运气不好,跟我的技巧没关系的,我才不是因为魅力不够才被小倩抢去风头的……” Picks with cold to sigh simultaneously...... even they, still knows that small butterfly elder sister like this is incorrect. This type holds the man to exhibit or you dead either my live stance then to discharge, the man did not have a scare by you were good, how to possibly be charmed by you like this? 采采和凛同时叹了一口气……就算是她们,也知道小蝶姐这样子是不行的。这种抓住男人摆出要么你死要么我活的架势然后放电,男人不被你吓一跳就不错了,怎么可能会被你这样子迷倒? The small butterfly said: You looked that monks named ten sides wasn't charmed by my look?” 小蝶道:“你们看,那个叫十方的和尚不就被我的眼神迷倒了吗?” He by good that you do frighten? 他就是被你吓到的好不好? Although has not practiced, but how regarding should show own charming, ten was shot by own charm, picks with some cold actually finding, teacher's wife who after all their understands many postures. Especially picks, how also the elder sister learned from Xiaoman secretly to eat the candy cane, after the preparation grew up, eats to the master and Big Brother and future husband looks. 虽然从来没有实践过,但对于该怎么展现自己的妩媚,让自己魅力十射,采采和凛其实都还是有些了解的,毕竟她们有一个懂得很多种姿势的师娘。尤其是采采,暗地里还跟小曼姐学了怎么吃棒棒糖,准备等长大后,吃给师父兼大哥哥兼未来丈夫看。 When Xiaoman elder sister entices the Big Brother appearance, looked including this girl can be excited. If, in this aspect Xiaoman's strength is 90 points, the small butterfly elder sister's score lowers simply, only then 0:00001, the only this point score looked perhaps, in really who will be given in the share that the electricity stupidly falls by her. 小曼姐勾引大哥哥时的样子,连她这个女孩子看了都会心动。如果说,在这方面小曼的实力是90,小蝶姐的分数简直就低得只有零点零零零零一分,仅有的这一点分数还是看在说不定真有谁会被她给电傻掉的份上。 Said while convenient, does not need one percentage like dragon Erjie and beautiful dance elder sister that type diligently, is purely the innate condition, will not be the day after tomorrow effort can achieve . Moreover, beautiful dance elder sister's innate one percentage will add on again the day after tomorrow her moe moe , two folded puts together its value already the explosive table, in all things was no one can become Chang E Fairy Maiden. 顺便说下,像龙儿姐和美舞姐那种不用努力就有一百分的,纯属先天条件,不是后天的努力就可以达到的,另外,美舞姐先天的一百分再加上她后天的“萌萌哒”,两个叠加在一起其数值已经爆表了,三千世界中可不是谁都能够成为“嫦娥仙子”的。 The small butterfly starts to teach to pick with the skill of cold electric discharge electricity man, in her opinion, this is here the demoness of life must study the skill, did not understand the demoness who how entices the man, the grandmother does not need, not by the demoness who the grandmother gives shelter, in Asura next world is very miserable. Regarding the small butterfly elder sister's enthusiasm, picks with cold also to have no means suddenly, they cannot tell her, in two days will they turn over a new leaf? Can making trouble well, not be unimportant to their two. 小蝶开始教采采和凛放电电男人的本事,在她看来,这是在这里生活的女鬼的必学技能,不懂得怎么勾引男人的女鬼,姥姥不需要,不被姥姥收留的女鬼,在修罗阴界里可是非常非常惨的。对于小蝶姐的热情,采采和凛一时间也没什么办法,她们总不能告诉她,再过两天她们就会重新做人?能不能好好的做鬼,对她们两个来说根本就不重要。 Is just thinking how should make the little butterfly elder sister eliminate her plan, another head of woods, suddenly hears one to call out in alarm: Ning Caichen!” 正想着该怎么让小蝶姐打消她的计划,树林的另一头,忽的传来一声惊叫:“宁采臣!” This is the small attractive sound!” Hears to call out in alarm the panic in sound, the small butterfly is startled. “这是小倩的声音!”听到惊叫声中的恐慌,小蝶一惊。 Three demoness hurried and slid, hides after the tree, sees only distant place pond side, blushes to red the old say/way, the hand with the treasured sword, angry gesticulation, that named young attractive the demoness shrinks in that youngster student back, chestnut/trembling chestnut/trembling trembles, the youngster student is also entreating to bow in salute to the red hair old ghost, it seems like it is asking favor for that demoness. 三女鬼赶紧又溜了过去,藏在树后,只见远处池边,一个红发红须的老道,手拿宝剑,愤怒的比比划划,那个叫小倩的女鬼缩在那少年书生的后边,栗栗发抖,那少年书生对着红发老鬼又中哀求又是作揖,看来是在替那女鬼求情。 Picks with cold to look one, that red hair always said, was previous time helped their swallow scarlet rosy cloud in the ghost town unexpectedly. 采采和凛对望一眼,那红发老道,竟然是上次在鬼城里帮了她们的燕赤霞。 If the person in main world, hears swallow Chixia, Ning Caichen, the small attractive such name, will awaken surely immediately, this is a very famous classical story. However picks with cold in the person from the world, is quite strange to these three names. Actually Baochai, Daiyu, cold are also the characters in classical story, but same classics, in the different world, its development often are not even same, was then received the harem like Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu lily by the same man, this matter in other «Dream of the Red Chamber» world, cannot imagine simply. 如果是主世界的人,听到燕赤霞、宁采臣、小倩这样的名字,必定会马上醒悟过来,这是一个非常出名的经典故事。但是采采和凛都是从世界里的人,对这三个名字都比较陌生。其实宝钗、黛玉、凛也都是经典故事里的人物,但就算是同一个“经典”,在不同的世界里,其发展往往也并不相同,就像薛宝钗和林黛玉百合然后被同一个男人收入后宫,这种事在其它的《红楼梦》世界里,简直是不可想象的。 Was bad, small was looked attractively by this smelly old say/way,” small butterfly complained, „was really, making her take to the grandmother this man earlier, west she was actually bent on having to lead east him to stroll strolls, now was good, even couldn't the ghosts make?” “糟了,小倩被这个臭老道找上了,”小蝶抱怨道,“真是的,让她早点把这个男人带给姥姥,她却偏要带着他东逛西逛,现在好了,连鬼都做不成了吧?” Although complained non-stop, but picked with cold to listen to worry in her tone, obviously, regarding that named young attractive demoness, on small butterfly elder sister her mouth very much has not actually said was so repugnant. 虽然抱怨不停,但采采和凛都听出她语气中的担心,很显然,对于那个叫小倩的女鬼,小蝶姐其实并没有她嘴巴上说的那么讨厌。 Called Ning Caichen's youngster, always kept off in front of the swallow scarlet rosy cloud, swallow Chixia was infuriated, roared and calls, afterward does not know said anything, swallow Chixia very discouraged appearance, waved, seemed like makes them go. Ning Caichen great happiness, pulled slightly must run attractively , the distant place had the windblown dust to come in waves suddenly, and was close at the extremely quick speed, simultaneously along with strong supernatural power with murderous aura. 叫宁采臣的少年,始终挡在燕赤霞面前,燕赤霞火冒三丈,又吼又叫,后来不知道说了什么,燕赤霞很是气馁的样子,挥挥手,看上去是让他们快滚。宁采臣大喜,牵了小倩要跑,忽的,远处有尘烟滚滚而来,并以极快的速度接近,同时伴随着强大的法力与杀气。 Cold hurries with the stick of kaleidoscope, put a long-distance magic, sees only old few two monks, at the inconceivable speed toward here racing to come, the light monk almost killed their ten sides that year. Small butterfly startled say/way: Was bad, is they, that senior monk is the white clouds master, he is more mindless than the ghost, so long as is the ghost do not want to live in him hand/subordinate!” 凛赶紧用万花筒之杖,放了一个远程的魔法,只见一老一少两个和尚,以不可思议的速度往这边奔来,那年轻和尚就是差点杀了她们的十方。小蝶惊道:“糟了,又是他们,那个老和尚是白云法师,他比鬼还不讲理,只要是鬼在他手下就别想活着!” Bang! swallow Chixia also discovered obviously being close of white clouds masters and disciples, draws a sword a dance, said the Shintoism to drop from the clouds, he caught Ning Caichen and small attractive jumps upward, said the Shintoism to soar, is carrying them, flew toward the horizon at the extremely quick speed. Cold does not dare to be negligent, put the stealth magic, shields the aura of their these three ghosts completely. 轰!燕赤霞显然也发现了白云师徒的接近,拔剑一舞,道神道从天而降,他抓了宁采臣和小倩就往上跳,道神道腾空而起,载着他们,以极快的速度往天际飞去。凛也不敢大意,亦是放了个隐身魔法,把她们这三鬼的气息完全屏蔽。 Induces to the white clouds master who the young attractive ghost air/Qi, leading the apprentice to soar, said that the speed of Shintoism is fast, their speeds unexpectedly are not slow. They so in tandem, you pursue me to chase, leap empty to go, bang bang bang bang the sound conveys from the distant place faintly, obviously was the white clouds master and swallow Chixia hit. 感应到小倩身上的鬼气的白云法师,带着徒弟飞腾而起,道神道的速度快,他们的速度竟是丝毫不慢。他们就这般一前一后,你追我逐,跃空而去,砰砰嘭嘭的声音从远处隐隐传来,显然是白云法师和燕赤霞打了起来。 Since swallow Chixia in turn for small attractive over, the young butterfly three ghosts do not dare to treat again, are very afraid they to return, bring disaster to their these three innocent mackerel shads, therefore hurries in another direction, runs away quietly...... 既然燕赤霞反过来为小倩出头,小蝶三鬼也不敢再多待,深怕他们又打了回来,殃及她们这三条无辜池鱼,于是赶紧往另一个方向,悄悄逃走…… ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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