MGIAFM :: Volume #11

#1004: Cultivates the behavior is killed and makes trouble by the ghost is killed

Cold escaped from the ghost town with the Senior Sister, arrives in the dim mountains and plains. 凛与师姐逃出了鬼城,来到昏暗的山野间。 Her both hands support curved in the leg on, is gasping for breath, the magical girl, mostly does not grow perceptibly by within the body, the continual fight, is the athletic event in which one is weak of most magical girls. In comparison, picks to be better many, although was also profound qi dried up a moment ago, now actually depends on dragon Er Ms. flying pill, in fast reply. 她双手撑在腿弯上,直喘着气,魔法少女,大多都不以体内见长,连续的战斗,原本就是绝大多数魔法少女的弱项。相比之下,采采要好上许多,虽然刚才也是玄气枯竭,现在却靠着龙儿师娘的飞丹,在快速的回复中。 Pink magic robe has relieved, what cold puts on is the red qipao, the stature is petite, double ponytail on brain, to bind two with the small purse that the silk handkerchief wrapped. Bending the waist respite, white and tender leg reveals from the spreading out place of qipao. 身上的粉红魔法袍已经解除,凛穿的是红色的旗袍,身材娇小匀称,脑上的双马尾,扎成了两个用丝巾包起的小荷包。弯腰喘息的时候,白嫩嫩的腿儿从旗袍的开叉处露出。 Picks saying: Here ghost, probably with the differences of other places!” 采采道:“这里的鬼,好像和其它地方的不一样!” Although ghosts thousand ten thousand kinds, but on the whole, can divide to make two types, one type is to keep the solitary person wild mortal form of the world of the living, did not have the entity, or because of resentment, because either holds to read, without the turning oneself in netherworld, some are frightened out of one's wits, some in the foul odor fusion with mountains, turn into ominous soul severe mortal form. Another side, then entered the netherworld, but did not have the ghost of reincarnation, they in fact are the has ghost bodies, their ghost bodies, are gather the netherworld the nether world gloom to live, although is light has , if no thing, in fact has the body. 鬼虽然有千种万类,但大体上,可以分作两种,一种是留在阳间的孤魂野魄,原本是没有实体的,或者因为怨气,或者因为执念,没有自投阴间,有的魂飞魄散,有的则与山川间的恶气融合,变成凶魂厉魄。另外一方,则是进入了阴间,但还没有投胎的鬼,它们实际上是有鬼身的,它们的鬼身,乃是聚阴间的幽冥阴气而生,虽然轻得有若无物,实际上还是有身体的。 However, no matter which ghost, wants to eat the ghost of person truly is actually extremely few, even if these because of infecting the foul odor became the fierce ominous soul wicked mortal form, offends somebody to injure someone, but likes eating the person are not many, only if that type of white bones essence, that does not eat the person, but drinks the blood. 但是,不管是哪种鬼,真正想要吃人的鬼却是极少的,就算是那些因感染了恶气而变得凶恶的凶魂恶魄,伤人害人,但喜欢吃人的却也不多,除非是那种白骨精,那也不是吃人,而是喝血。 Star of ruby lies on the cold shoulder, sighed the one breath: Is cold is not careful, a moment ago that city obviously was the pandemonium, if in first surveyed before, will not have such matter.” 红宝石之星露比趴在凛的肩上,叹一口气:“都是凛太不小心了,刚才那座城明显是鬼域,如果在进入之前先探测一下,就不会有这样的事。” Cold called out: Why you first do not survey, what ghost now in this complaint is?” 凛叫道:“那你为什么不先探测一下,现在在这抱怨是什么鬼?” Instead exclaimed: I am only the magic ritual attire, is the magic stick the magic stick, what matter wants magic stick to make that to want the magical girl to make what?” 露比反吼道:“我只是魔法礼装,是魔法杖啊魔法杖,什么事都要魔法杖自己做那要魔法少女做什么?” Having to interfere with parallel potential surface, surveys the different space the stick of kaleidoscope, unexpectedly entered the pandemonium to know, indeed was the matter that lost face very much. But cold indeed has not fostered maintains the vigilant determination at any time. This also very no wonder person. 拥有能够干涉平行位面,探测异度空间的万花筒之杖,居然进入了鬼域才知道,的确是一件很丢脸的事。但凛的确是没有养成随时保持警惕的自觉。这也很难怪人。 The girl and her magic ritual install in that quarrel, picks both hands to hold up in the chest front, hehe say/way: Calculates that calculates!” Now recalls. Negligent cold has not always noticed this matter even if, as the Senior Sister, moreover , of teacher's wife do not have such vigilance, really does not have the means to blame others. 女孩与她的魔法礼装在那争吵,采采双手举起在胸前,呵呵的道:“算啦,算啦!”现在回想一下。一向大意的凛没有注意到这种事也就算了,身为师姐、而且以后还是师娘的自己同样也没有这样的警觉性,实在是没有办法去怪别人。 Two girls continue to loaf in the wilderness, this time, finally is cautious. When a new place, must survey with the stick of kaleidoscope, indeed discovered several pandemoniums. For all that where their situations actually also without good to go, because only, all the way, they would have no to see a living person, except for the ghost, is ghost. Shunted these ghosts, thing that was equal to avoiding all can move. Finally, they do not know where here is, does not know how should leave here, even if returns to the small town of that woman and demon is good. 两个女孩继续在旷野间游荡,这一次,总算是小心翼翼。每到一个新地点,都要用万花筒之杖探测一下,也的确是发现了好几座鬼域。只是虽然如此,她们的处境却也没好到哪去,只因为,一路上,她们就没有看到一个活人,除了鬼,还是鬼。躲开了这些鬼,就等于是躲开了所有会动的东西。结果,她们既不知道这里到底是什么地方,也不知道该怎么离开这里,哪怕是回到那个只有女人和夜叉的小镇都好。 Really doesn't have the means?” “果然还是没有办法吗?” On that day, two girls massacred one to smell their courage vigor, runs sighing one breath that killed their rock ghosts, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform. In other places, rock many to become monster, why will actually become the ghost in this place, this they do not clarify. However this way. At is not the means. 那一日,两个女孩杀掉了一只闻到她们的血气,跑来杀她们的岩石鬼,齐齐的叹一口气。在其它地方,岩石最多成妖,为什么在这种地方却会变成鬼,这个她们也弄不清楚。但是这样子下去。根本不是办法。 Picks saying: Did not have the means that we also became the ghost simply!” 采采道:“没有办法了,干脆我们也变成鬼吧!” Cold startled say/way: „Becoming the ghost? Do we want to commit suicide?” 凛惊道:“变成鬼?难道我们要自杀?” Not!” Picks elder sister to hurry to explain, here has several beautiful dancing elder sisters to transform the symbol to me, the person ghost in spirit flying tower. You also know, the beautiful dance elder sister is the true line disciple in spirit flying tower. Is skilled in some techniques of Yin-Yang transformation, in the nether world, she once turned into the demoness her own and deep. These symbols, was she at that time, gave me conveniently, thinks could not apply.” “不是的!”采姐儿赶紧解释,“这里有几张美舞姐姐给我的、灵飞塔的人鬼转化符。你也知道,美舞姐是灵飞塔的真传弟子。精通一些阴阳转换之术,在阴曹地府的时候,她就曾把她自己和冥儿变成女鬼。这几张符,也是她那个时候,随手给我的,原本以为根本派不上用场。” „Does person ghost transform the symbol?” Cold and star of ruby. Looks at picks that several rune/symbol Lu together. “人鬼转化符?”凛与红宝石之星。一同看着采采出来的那几张符录。 Picks elder sister to continue saying: But, this person of ghost transforms the symbol a little issue, its effect will maintain for three days, after using it, within three days, we can only make trouble temporarily, three days of double-hour cross, will change. Naturally, if the beautiful dance elder sister here, does not have this issue, she can change momentarily us.” 采姐儿继续道:“但是,这人鬼转化符有点问题,它的效果会维持三天,用了它后,三天之内,我们暂时就只能做鬼,三天的时辰一过,就会自己变回来。当然,如果美舞姐在这里,就没有这个问题,她随时可以把我们变回去。” In other words, can be three days of ghosts?” Cold thinks, said, that does not have the means that does not become the ghost, we cannot enter these ghost town ghost towns, cannot ask these ghosts to inquire the news.” “也就是说,要做三天的鬼吗?”凛想了想,说道,“那也没有办法,不变成鬼,我们就不能进那些鬼城鬼镇,不能找那些鬼打探消息。” Either becomes the ghost temporarily, either for a lifetime sleepily here. 要么暂时变成鬼,要么一辈子困在这里。 But, they have to use a person ghost to transform the symbol respectively, will first turn into the demoness. 无奈之下,她们只好各使用了一张人鬼转化符,先将自己变成女鬼。 After turning into the demoness, two people bodies become light, the flesh was whiter, the blood-color becomes extremely light , is still attractive. Two people look one, some funny. Then, picked to give her fine small bell cold, making her bring the body, cold actually does not want to receive, because she knows that this small bell was the beloved thing of Senior Sister, sometimes slept, the Senior Sisters must grasp it, had the smile, was happily happy looks like blossoms general, she does not want to capture the thing that the Senior Sister liked. 变成女鬼后,两人的身体都变得轻飘,肌肤白了许多,血色变得极其淡薄,却也依旧漂亮。两人对望一眼,都有一些好笑。然后,采采又把她的那个精美小铃铛给了凛,让她带着身上,凛其实并不想收,因为她知道这小铃铛是师姐的心爱之物,有时睡觉的时候,师姐都要握着它,绽开笑容,甜蜜幸福得像开了花一般,她不想夺取师姐喜欢的东西。 However this time, picks actually to compel her to accept, but, cold has to receive. 但是这一次,采采却逼着她收下,无奈之下,凛只好接了过来。 What because cold puts on is the qipao, the star of ruby is not quite good to hide, the simple stopper to her chest on, the person who does not know, but also thinks that her person small breast is big, the small bell by her was on the thigh. Two girls hand in hand, continue toward the forward flight, this place soon does not have the moon/month, once for a while, has the rain base, after becoming the ghost, the body is light and lively, does not need to be worried again has the malicious ghost to eat them, plays to play all the way mutually, pours also delighted...... 因为凛穿的是旗袍,红宝石之星不太好藏,干脆塞到她的胸脯上,不知道的人,还以为她人小乳大,小铃铛则被她系在了大腿上。两个女孩手牵着手,继续往前飞,这个地方无日无月,时不时的,有阴雨靡靡,变成鬼后,身体轻灵,也不用再担心有恶鬼来吃她们,一路上互相嬉戏游玩,倒也不亦乐乎…… *** *** Two girls entered the next ghost town/subdues. 两个女孩进入了下一个鬼镇。 Did they open the eye...... here what happened together? 她们一同睁大了眼睛……这里发生了什么事? In this ghost town/subdues, room room/house Ta, a piece, looks like by the tornado has in confusion wreaked havoc generally. 这鬼镇里,屋倒房塌,一片狼藉,就像是被龙卷风肆虐过一般。 When they want to find the person, on the road cannot see a person, when they want to look for the ghost, here actually does not have a ghost. 当她们想要找人的时候,路上看不到一个人,当她们想要找鬼的时候,这里竟然没有一个鬼。 Two people are holding hands, in that unstab constructions, everywhere flying, no matter how look, here seems like had been trampled the ant nest. 两人牵着手,在那东倒西歪的建筑间,到处飞着,不管怎么看,这里都像是被践踏过的蚂蚁窝。 Picks the say/way of doubts: „, Was here ghost all killed?” 采采疑惑的道:“难道说,这里的鬼全都被杀了?” Cold low voice say/way: Senior Sister, you said......” 凛小声的道:“师姐,你说……” Picks looks like toward her. 采采往她看来。 Cold say/way: We cultivate the behavior, was chased down by the ghost, now do we make trouble...... are chased down?” 凛道:“我们做人的时候,被鬼追杀,现在我们做了鬼……不会被人追杀吧?” Bang! Suddenly, in their front. The broken pavilion further four points five powder, the circular disturbance revolves to expand outward, the dust of flying upwards, surges their lithe ghost bodies floating to draw back backward. 嘭!骤然间,在她们前方。残破的楼阁进一步四分五散,圆形的风波旋转着向外扩开,飞扬的尘土,激荡得她们轻盈的鬼身向后飘退。 Actually also remained two young demoness?!” Dropping from the clouds. Shakes the dust, is a young monk, bends/bow the step to forward, left Zhangshu in the chest front, the right hand is grasping a law stick. law stick transverse frame on waist, supernatural power one ** volume, changes to cold fierce murderous aura, by master his supernatural power, will also leave behind two fish slip through unexpectedly? However is also good, lets my ten sides ** the master, delivers you dust to turn over to the dust, the earth to turn over to the earth, keeping you again from remaining to injure someone.” “竟然还剩了两只小女鬼?!”从天而降。震起尘土的,是一个青年和尚,弓步向前,左掌竖在胸前,右手握着一根法杖。法杖横架在腰上,法力一**的卷荡,化作凛烈的杀气,“以师父他老人家的法力,竟然还会留下两个漏网之鱼?不过也好,就让我十方**师,送你们尘归尘,土归土,让你们再也无法留下来害人。” Picked, cold startled to call out: We are not the ghosts!” 采采、凛惊叫道:“我们不是鬼!” The young monk said: Sound of sword sound of sword, you two ghosts are mad deeply thick. Stranger aura does not have, unexpectedly said that you are not the ghosts, your is......” exclaims: Deceives the ghost?!” 那青年和尚道:“霍霍霍霍,你们两个鬼气深浓。一点生人气息都没有,居然说你们不是鬼,你们这是……”吼道:“骗鬼啊?!” Bang! 砰! Two girls fly simultaneously backward, the monk's staff smashes numerously broken their buildings. The young monk foot treads the series step, the monk's staff is danced to result in the tornado by him to rotate generally. Day rouses thunder sound, the invincible might is enormous and powerful!” The monk's staff is upward spatial throws, both hands gather, lotus magnificent joins the palms in greeting fast , large quantities of lightnings go toward two small demoness bang loudly. 两个女孩同时向后飞起,禅杖将她们脚下的楼砸得纷碎。青年和尚脚踏连环步,禅杖被他舞得旋风一般转动。“天鼓雷音,神威浩荡!”禅杖往上空一扔,双手一合,莲华合掌快速一拉,轰然间,大批闪电往两个小女鬼轰去。 Picking to know in the heart that they now are the ghost bodies. If by the heavenly thunder bang, that were really passes bad. The sword blade cuts, bang, the ice crystal has cut. Clang however, the ice crystal breaks into pieces, the day rouses thunder sound, although dissipates many, keeps buzz humming sound the remnant sound as before. In the remnant sound, the young monk recited wisdom pineapple, Buddha strength one ** volume to them. His supernatural power copes with the ghost class specially. Is the two girls of ghost body for him to subdue|grams, unexpectedly in the buddhist sang has not gasped for breath. 采采心知她们现在已是鬼身。要是被天雷轰中,那真的是糟糕透了。剑身一斩,砰的一声,冰晶斩过。锵然间,冰晶碎散,天鼓雷音虽然消散许多,却依旧留着嗡嗡嗡的残音。残音中,青年和尚口诵“般若波罗蜜”,佛力一**的卷向她们。他的法力专门对付鬼类。已是鬼身的两个女孩为他所克,竟在梵唱中喘不过气来。 Cultivates the behavior by the ghost is killed, makes trouble is killed! You are also hapless enough!” The star of ruby drills from the cold neckband, in an instant, the magic changes the body to be completed. Cold grasps the stick of kaleidoscope, opens to tie, the monk's staff strikes in the magic barrier, bang bang bang chaotic sound. “做人被鬼杀,做鬼被人杀!你们也是有够倒霉的!”红宝石之星从凛的领口钻出,刹那之间,魔法变身完成。凛手持万花筒之杖,张开结界,禅杖击在魔法屏障上,嘭嘭嘭的乱响。 Changing back, but also dares saying that you aren't the ghosts?” The young monk offers a sacrifice to an earthen bowl suddenly, big day legal community, received!” “变来变去,还敢说你们不是鬼?”青年和尚忽的祭出一钵,“大日法界,收!” The valuable earthen bowl disperses radiance, pulls toward inside two demoness directly. Picks with cold not to realize well, if they now are the person, not necessarily feared this monk, they now are the ghosts, cannot block this monk to seize magical treasure of ghost specially. Saw, they must be pulled into the valuable earthen bowl, was regarded the ghost seal. 宝钵散出光华,直接将两个女鬼往里面扯。采采与凛意识到不好,她们现在如果是人,未必就怕了这和尚,偏偏她们现在是鬼,根本挡不住这和尚专门捉鬼的法宝。眼看着,她们就要被扯入宝钵,被当成鬼怪封印。 That brushes, the electric light flashes through. 刷的一声,电光闪过。 Whose electricity I?” Young monk suddenly in the future will plant. “谁电我?”青年和尚忽的往后一栽。 Electricity arrived, my finally also electricity to a man!” A cheerful female voice resounds. “电到了,我终于也电到一个男人了!”一个欢快的女子声音响起。 Ten sides? What do you make there?” A dignified sound resounds from the distant place. “十方?你在那里做什么?”一个威严的声音从远处响起。 Was bad, the senior monk must come, we walk quickly!” Two girls from leaving crisis, a demoness passes through from them fast. The distant place, a Dharmakaya gets bigger and bigger, the Buddha strength sea curls generally. Picks with cold not to dare to treat, turns around fast, helped their demoness illness/quick pursue to go toward that...... “糟了,老和尚要来了,我们快走!”两个女孩方自脱出危机,一个女鬼从她们中间快速穿过。远处,一尊法身越涨越大,佛力海一般卷来。采采和凛不敢多待,快速转身,朝那个帮了她们的女鬼疾追而去…… *** *** Picks elder sister with cold, hides with that demoness behind the hill together, straight and other Fokuang are getting more and more far, the dissipation, just now relaxes gradually. 采姐儿与凛,与那女鬼一同藏在山丘后边,直等那佛光越来越远,渐渐消散,方才松了口气。 You two,” that demoness visit them, couple days ago saw you are the person, now is massacred? Oh, since is the person, why will go into this side, you really not awfully? Now was good, the life did not have.” “你们两个,”那女鬼看着她们,“前几天见你们还是人,现在就被人杀掉了么?唉,既然是人,为什么会跑到这一边来,你们真是不要命了么?现在好了,命也没了。” Picks with cold to look one, picks saying: „Do you recognize us?” 采采与凛对望一眼,采采道:“你认得我们?” Couple days ago you caused havoc the ghost town time, I there,” demoness said, I called the small butterfly, you?” “前几天你们大闹鬼城的时候,我就在那里,”女鬼道,“我叫小蝶,你们呢?” I called...... to pick!” “我叫……采采!” Cold!” “凛!” Good, later asked you slightly to pick with slightly cold,” small butterfly said that „, to make trouble here, was not an easy matter, the luck is not good, like running into a moment ago that two buddhist monks, your ghosts could not make. However are not related, you can follow I, I lead you to see the grandmother, so long as following grandmother, even if makes trouble no one to dare to bully you.” “好吧,以后就叫你们小采和小凛,”小蝶道,“要想在这里做鬼,可不是一件容易的事,运气不好,就像遇到刚才那两个秃驴,你们连鬼都做不成。不过没有关系,你们可以跟着我,我带你们去见姥姥,只要跟着姥姥,就算做鬼都没有人敢欺负你们。” Cold low voice say/way: Grandmother? The grandmother who you said is......” 凛小声的道:“姥姥?你说的姥姥是……” Grandmother is a grandmother!” The small butterfly said that area this attractive demoness, all following grandmother, so long as said one is grandmother's subordinate, does not have the ghost to dare to bully you. Naturally, subordinate who is the grandmother, conditional, is to help the grandmother look for the soul of man, the grandmother is depends on the soul of man to live is so long, who takes to her soul more, who more is in good graces. Like that small attractive, including has several souls to the grandmother, the grandmother to her, favors seriously. However, slightly picks you not to have the issue, small attractive does not have you to be attractive, so long as follows I to study the electricity man, later perhaps even/including little cannot compare you attractively. Young cold you must try hard, but doesn't matter, some men, like your young small girl, moreover you are seemingly young, the chest is big...... and other, your is really the chest?” “姥姥就是姥姥啊!”小蝶说,“这一带漂亮的女鬼,全都跟着姥姥,只要说一声是姥姥的手下,就没有鬼敢欺负你们。当然,做姥姥的手下,也是有条件的,就是要帮姥姥去找男人的生魂,姥姥是靠着男人的生魂活上这么久的,谁带给她的生魂越多,谁就越得宠。就像那小倩,连着给姥姥带了好几个生魂,姥姥对她啊,宠得不得了。不过,小采你没有问题的,小倩都没有你漂亮,只要跟着我学电男人,以后说不定连小倩都比不上你。小凛你就要努力了,但是没有关系,也有些男人,就是喜欢你这种小小的小丫头,而且你看起来小,胸还是蛮大的……等一下,你这个真的是胸吗?” The small butterfly opens the eye to look, drills, the strange thing of belt/bring wing from the cold chest: What this is?” 小蝶睁大眼睛看着,从凛的胸口钻出的、带翅膀的奇怪东西:“这个是什么?” The star of ruby is flapping the wings: I am...... I am the butterfly ghost!” 红宝石之星拍着翅膀:“我是……我是蝴蝶鬼啊!” Small butterfly: „......” Such butterfly ghost? 小蝶:“哦……”这样子的蝴蝶鬼? The star of ruby is patting the cold small chest with the wing: Do not misunderstand, you looked, as soon as I drilled her here to put down......” 红宝石之星用翅膀拍着凛的小胸脯:“不要误会,你看,我一钻出来她这里就平了……” I said that you do drill to clarify this matter?” The cold vitality/angry makes an effort to pinch its face. “我说你钻出来就是为了澄清这种事么?”凛生气地使劲捏它脸。 ( Congratulates looked that my throwing knife schoolmate becomes «My Girlfriend Is the Fairy Maiden» first hegemon, a additional chapter! This is also first hegemon of some bird in home station! 0) (恭喜“看我飞刀”同学成为《我的女友是仙子》的第一位盟主,加更一章!这也是某鸟在本站的第一个盟主啊!0) *( to be continued.) *(未完待续。) ps: Attaches the book friend list first ten lists in addition, as follows: Looked that my throwing knife and extreme speed snail 88, summer Yingchen sama and book sword scholar yq, kanonkanon, dark blue low-key dot, liaoed and dying fresh long separation and crisscrossing footpaths between fields float fresh, Paladin wind language ps:【另附书友榜前十名单,如下:看我飞刀、极速蜗牛88、夏萦尘sama、书剑秀才yq、kanonkanon、深蓝低调丶、liaoed、死生契阔、阡陌浮生、帕拉丁风语】
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