MGIAFM :: Volume #11

#1003: «Small Attractive» world

After taking a bath, outside shower also stopped finally. Two people wear the clothes respectively, what picks to put on is olive yellow is the main tuning, is joined to the rose purple and cheek rouge two color fine skirt clothes, cold, because she put on with the custom of this world seems like some not to gather, to exempt noticeably, exchanged them the small qipao that buys in front that town, the qipao is the pink, for action, what elected is the leg has the style of spreading out, during the jumps, is easy to reveal slender leg, but regarding the magical girl, the reveal leg is very normal. 洗浴完后,外头的阵雨也终于停了。两人各自穿上衣裳,采采穿的是一身秋香色为主调,配上玫瑰紫和腮红两色的精美裙裳,凛因为她原本的穿着与这个世界的风俗似乎有些不合,为免过于引人注目,换上了她们在前面那个镇子买的小旗袍,旗袍是桃红色的,为了方便行动,选的是腿边有开叉的样式,跳跃间,容易露出纤细的腿儿,不过对于魔法少女来说,露露腿是很正常的啦。 Two people continue to fly in the wilderness, seeks for the habitation are, what however is strange, the place of placing, although is also considered as beautiful scenery, but is desolate and uninhabited, don't said desolate and uninhabited, the bird wild animal cannot even see one unexpectedly. 两人继续在旷野间飞行,寻找有人烟的所在,然而古怪的是,她们所身处之地,虽然也算得山清水秀,但是荒无人烟,莫说荒无人烟,竟然连飞鸟野兽都看不见一只。 Also does not know how long to fly, they stopped. The weather is getting more and more dark, but this place, absolutely did not have the day and moon/month, saw, slowly, unexpectedly was becomes pitch-dark, must fall. Cold seeks vengeance saying: What damned place is this? Why haven't the ghosts even seen one?” 也不知,飞了多久,她们停了下来。天色越来越暗,但是这个地方,根本就没有日与月,眼看着,慢慢的,竟是变得伸手不见五指,只得落了下来。凛报怨道:“这到底是什么鬼地方?为什么连鬼都没看到一只?” The words just said, the surroundings jack-o'-lantern flashes before, overlapping, puts up the outline in the nihility, builds up the high tower. Suddenly, they discovered, they place oneself in one unexpectedly everywhere are in the ghost cities, a big city, does not know why they had not seen a moment ago. 话刚说完,周围鬼火闪现,层层叠叠,在虚无中搭起轮廓,建起高阁。忽然间,她们发现,她们竟然置身在一个到处都是鬼怪的城镇之中,如此大的一座城,也不知她们刚才为什么没有看到。 Is ordinary with their previous seeing that towns, is the light beam that soars to the heavens, the light beam interweaves everywhere, has, if neon, but here flies round, all was all kinds of ghosts, the table, staircase, the big wine pot all had the eye, was upon the jump everywhere, many drippings with blood malicious ghosts. Although they are also experienced, has seen many monsters, but like this type is the place of miserable devil, actually is also first arriving, that throws over the skeleton that the leather clothing is upon the jump, was broken out the head still to drip the yaksha of bloody water, looks at their fine body hair to be vertical. 就与她们上次见到的那个镇子一般,到处都是冲天的光柱,光柱交织,有若霓虹,但是这里飞来飞去的,全都是各种各样的鬼怪,桌子、楼梯、大酒壶等全都长了眼睛,到处跑来跑去,还有许多鲜血淋漓的恶鬼。她们虽然也算见多识广,见过了不少妖怪,但像这种全都是惨死鬼的地方,却也是第一次来到,那披着皮衣跑来跑去的骷髅,那被人劈开脑袋还在淌着血水的夜叉鬼,直看得她们寒毛倒竖。 That town that if their previous time arrives. Also some are long Inguri's strange demon, but these demon at least living creatures, like here, all are not the ghosts. 如果说,她们前番到的那个镇子。也有许多长得古里古怪的夜叉,但那些夜叉至少还是活物,不像这里的,无一不是鬼。 Picks the tender body to become stiff: What damned place this and this this...... is here?” 采采娇躯发僵:“这、这这这……这里是什么鬼地方?” Cold is also afraid. Low voice whisper: This was really cannot say the person during the daytime, in the evening cannot say the ghost......” 凛亦是害怕。小声嘀咕:“这真是白天不能说人,晚上不能说鬼……” Ghost?” Carried a sedan chair to fly, on the sedan chair the eye chaotic revolutions, „did miss, you call me?” “鬼?”一抬轿子飞了过来,轿子上眼睛乱转,“姑娘,您叫我啊?” Two girls said with one voice: No!” 两个女孩齐声道:“没有!” The sedan chair ghost said: Two female customers. Which your is, may want slightly delivers you a regulation?” 轿子鬼道:“两位女客官。你们这是在去哪,可要小的送你们一程?” Looks at this catching the eye bead chaotic revolutions, in the palanquin is spitting the sedan chair of red tongue, picking to be stiff with the cold smile: And Does not use!” 看着这抬眼珠子乱转,轿内吐着红舌头的轿子,采采与凛笑容僵硬:“不、不用了!” The sedan chair ghost flies away, on the restaurant in right high place, beach mud flows swiftly, yelled fishily: Liquor, my liquor, dares to pound my liquor!” Then is bang bang bang bang one hits randomly. The left high place, exclaimed fishily: Storekeeper. Gives me to come 22 fleshes!” An sharp sound resounds: Where in this area looks for the new flesh to go? My this is the storekeeper also wants to eat!” 轿子鬼飞走,右方高处的酒楼上,一滩泥浆泻下,有鬼大叫:“酒,我的酒,竟敢砸我的酒!”然后就是砰砰嘭嘭的一通乱打。左边的高处,有鬼吼道:“掌柜的。给我来二两人肉!”一个尖锐的声音响起:“这一带上哪找新的人肉去?我这做掌柜的都还想吃呢!” The star of ruby drills after the cold lead(er), say/way quietly: Cold, here dimension is very strange, likely is not a world of the living, we hurry to leave here.” 红宝石之星从凛的后领钻出,悄悄的道:“凛,这里的维度果然很奇怪,很可能不是阳间,我们还是赶紧离开这里。” Even if you did not say that we can still look! Two girls run in the street, want to leave this ghost town, however, they do not know probably a moment ago oneself are how to come, now they do not know how unexpectedly should go out. What is worse, the surrounding ghost are getting more and more. Everyone also follows they to run, eyes are taking a look at them. 就算你不说我们也看得出来!两个女孩在街道中奔跑,想要离开这个鬼城,然而,像是她们刚才不知道自己是怎么进来的一样,现在她们竟也不知道该怎么出去。更糟糕的是,周围的鬼越来越多。大家都还跟着她们跑,一只只眼睛瞅着她们来。 They run more and more slowly, has to stop, two girls are turning away from the back. Intense alert, cheek some pale. In their in all directions, dense and numerous, is gathering the innumerable malicious ghosts, they are opening the blood eyeball, is dripping the bloody water. Agitation blood tongue, saliva directing current: I said that I smelled the aura of living person! The good fragrance, the white and tender two small girl, are quite fragrant, is quite fragrant! For a long time has not cannibalized the flesh, tender flesh fork gets a swelled head! Is I first saw that do not snatch! Is the father first catches up, first come , first served!”...... 她们跑得越来越慢,不得不停了下来,两个女孩背对着背。紧张戒备,脸蛋都有一些苍白。在她们的四面八方,密密麻麻的,聚集着无数的恶鬼,它们睁着血睛,淌着血水。搅动血舌,口水直流:“我就说我闻到了生人的气息!好香,白嫩嫩的两个小丫头,好香,好香!好久没吃人肉了,多嫩的人肉叉烧包啊!是我先看到的,你们别抢!是老子先追上的,先到先得!”…… Two ghost hit in the ghost group, causes some confusions, but more ghosts, actually encircled as before, eyes, villainous visage. Afterward wanted to rush to the front to eat, the front for fear that more ghost ran to snatch, the ghosts closed in toward two girls. 两只鬼在鬼群中打了起来,造成些许混乱,但是更多的鬼,却依旧围了过来,一只只眼睛,一具具恶相。后来的想要冲到前方分食,前方的生怕更多的鬼跑来抢,众鬼朝两个女孩一拥而上。 The distant high place, above the parapet, an attractive demoness is fluttering the body, relies on sits in that the right hand is supporting the cheek, sighed the one breath: Oh, two pitiful small girl, rush to this place unexpectedly, what a pity you are not the men, if the man, my small butterfly will also find the way to save you, then electricity ruthlessly you, take to the grandmother to eat you, such grandmother will not go to the boasts all day slightly attractive, ahem, my where ratio small attractive difference? Oh, ok, looked that you are also pitiful, after you become the ghost, is my Little Sister, sends a telegram the man with me!” 远方高处,栏杆之上,一个漂亮女鬼飘着身子,倚坐在那,右手撑着脸蛋,叹一口气:“唉,两个可怜的小丫头,竟然跑到这种地方来,可惜你们不是男人,要是男人的话,我小蝶还会想办法救你们,然后再狠狠的电你们,把你们带给姥姥吃,这样姥姥就不会整天去夸小倩,哼哼,我哪里比小倩差了?唉,算了,看你们也算可怜,等你们变成鬼后,就做我的小妹,跟着我去电男人吧!” Calls makes demoness bored yawning of small butterfly, after waiting for that two girls to be dismembered, turns into the demoness, punishes the Little Sister them again. Suddenly, cold air raising slowly, even if had become the ghost, she still feels the coldness that such as it came suddenly. 唤作小蝶的女鬼无聊的打着呵欠,等着那两个丫头被分尸后变成女鬼,再把她们收作小妹。忽的,寒气慢慢的升起,即使早就已经变成了鬼,她也感受到了那忽如其来的寒冷。 The small butterfly with is hand-held the parapet, is supporting the ghost body, opens the eye to look, sees only from plunge that two girls in all directions ghosts, all stagnates there, or opens the blood-stained mouth, the vertical claw illness/quick throws, as before is maintaining posture that throws the food, but body actually on duplicate a piece by piece white glazed frost. The glazed frost extends , upward duplicate goes toward the both sides red chamber green jade pavilions. 小蝶用手扶着栏杆,撑着鬼身,睁大眼睛看去,只见从四面八方扑向那两个女孩的众鬼,全都停滞在那里,或是张开血口,或是纵爪疾扑,依旧保持着扑食的姿势,但身上却覆上了一片片白色的薄冰。薄冰漫延开来,又往两侧的红楼翠阁、向上覆去。 Then is bang, the ghosts assume the circular, toward eight side disintegrations, in the ghost circle, two girls flies to clash, slightly big that the left hand takes a fine small fan, the place of small fan wielding, performing is the ice layer, young that does not know when has changed the attire, what the body puts on is the dragonfly common pink pretty clothes, lovably to exploding. 紧接着便是“砰”的一声,众鬼呈圆形,往八方崩碎,鬼圈之中,两个女孩飞冲而起,略大一些的那个,左手拿着一柄精美小扇,小扇挥动之处,尽是冰层,年纪较小的那个,不知何时已经换了装束,身上穿的是蜻蜓一般的粉红漂亮衣裳,可爱到爆。 What is this? Small butterfly the eyeball protrudes outward, almost must fall downward, she hurries to hold the eyeball, their stopper. 这是什么?小蝶的的眼珠子向外凸出,差点就要往下掉,她赶紧抓住眼珠,又把它们塞了进去。 Picks with the cold flying, however many ghost everywhere inundate the place throws. Picks to offer a sacrifice to the color bird ice mortal form fan, the color bird ice mortal form fan changes to the peacock, around their fluttering rapid flight, the place visited, the ice is cold, freezes many ghosts in the place, pounds meets a cruel death. However the malicious ghost after breaking, another agglutinates in together , to continue to throw toward them. 采采与凛飞天而起,然而更多的鬼怪漫天漫地的扑来。采采祭起彩雀冰魄扇,彩雀冰魄扇化作孔雀,绕着她们振翅疾飞,所过之处,冰寒阵阵,将许多鬼冻结在地,砸得粉身碎骨。然而砸碎后的恶鬼,又一块块的粘合在一起,继续往她们扑来。 The cold incarnation magical girl, direct second-order changes the body, turns into the bow soldier shape, both hands is grasping the go-getter and moye double sword. The electric light flies to flee, the blade light flashes, brushes two, cut three sections a staircase ghost. Bang. A great drum ghost knocked the drumbeat, shook her tympanum to tingle with numbness, was one that scoffed, iced the sword to puncture the great drum, made the sound of boasting tearing. Punctures the ice sword of great drum to disperse loudly. A sword melts ten thousand sword, dances in the air around their sword river generally. 凛化身魔法少女,直接二阶变身,变成弓兵形态,双手握着干将、莫邪双剑。电光般飞窜,刀光一闪,刷刷两声,将一个楼梯鬼斩成了三截。轰。一只巨鼓鬼敲动了鼓声,震得她耳鼓发麻,紧接着便是嗤的一声,冰剑刺破巨鼓,发出牛皮撕裂的声响。刺破巨鼓的冰剑轰然散开。一剑化万剑,绕着她们剑河一般飞舞。 Cold turns backward, uses infinite sword system simply, numerous flying swords brush ejection, shoots toward the ghost class crowded place specially. Her infinite sword system might is bigger, a sword that picks melts ten thousand sword more flexible, attacked to defend, brushes many ghost classes. However although these ghost classes were dismembered, but actually does not die, or they died. , the clod falls generally in the place, made that on the street full is the mire. 凛向后一翻,干脆也用出“无限剑制”,众多飞剑刷刷刷的射出,专往鬼类密集的地方射。她的“无限剑制”威力更大,采采的一剑化万剑更为灵活,一攻一守,刷下了众多鬼类。然而这些鬼类虽被分尸,但却不死,又或者说它们原本就是死的。扑扑扑的,泥块一般掉落在地,弄得街上满是泥沼。 This is my foot, gives me my foot! My ear, who ate my ear? The smelly girl has the sorcery, how did my hand turn into this? You met mistakenly, that was my hand idiot! My **, who is eating my **.”...... “这是我的脚,把我的脚给我!我的耳朵,谁吃了我的耳朵?臭丫头有妖法,我的手怎么变成这样了?你接错了,那是我的手蠢货!我的**,谁在吃我的**。”…… Under is various chaotic static, the above is paints the sword shadow. No matter sword ten thousand swords infinite sword system, needs to consume massive energies. As killing to draw on to use. Picks to discover these ghosts have not seemed like like that fearful, does not want to waste the sword air/Qi again, ten thousand sword receives, the tender body shoots to go toward the front electricity. Cold scatters the group ghost by the infinite sword system. Pursues to go tightly. 下方是混乱不堪的各种杂音,上方是刷刷刷的剑影。不管是“一剑化万剑”还是“无限剑制”,都需要耗费大量的能量。原本就是作为杀招来用。采采发现这些鬼怪没有看上去的那般可怕,不想再浪费剑气,万剑一收,娇躯往前方电射而去。凛以无限剑制将群鬼打散。紧追而去。 However although these ghosts are not strong, but whole city is, are too really many, but their left Tuyou rushes, somehow, is unable to go out of town. Above tall building. Over a hundred ghosts drink with one voice, from building simultaneously toward picking vertical under. Picks the sword air/Qi to use spatially, but also in the exhaust fumes stage, a color sleeve spin, offers a sacrifice to a symbol, the right hand raises up two fingers in the chest front, the left hand in the arm place, the south deep red palace Jade Woman spiritual energy changes to the flame to catch up with rune/symbol paper horizontally. 然而这些鬼怪虽然不强,但满城都是,实在太多,而她们左突右闯,不知怎的,就是无法出城。上方一处高楼。上百只鬼齐声一喝,从楼上同时往采采纵下。采采剑气用空,还在回气阶段,彩袖一旋,祭出一符,右手竖起二指在胸前,左手横在手臂处,南方绛宫玉女灵气化作火光追上符纸。 Bang! Fire thunder Juanguo, the chaotic electricity interweaves, jumped down the ghosts who to rumble the trash the above. The entire building was rumbled to lean to the front, two females bring back the leg to be curved, steps in the building wall, one on the left and other on the right, slanting to/clashes upward. Cold wears hero soul the scarlet windproof coat, the double blade delimits the tornado common blade light, cutting, cuts again, rushes to the end of building, jumps, from the sky draws the curved curve, the small body bent, the double blade inserted on a tower common large-scale ghost, bang, the ghost broke into pieces, the double blade also followed to break into pieces. 轰!火雷卷过,乱电交织,将上方跳下的众鬼全都轰成了渣渣。整个楼被轰得向前方倾去,二女勾起腿弯,踩在楼壁上,一左一右,斜斜的往上冲。凛身穿英灵化的大红风衣,双刀划出旋风一般的刀光,切割,再切割,冲到楼的尽头,纵身而起,在空中划出弯弯的曲线,小小身体弓了起来,双刀插入了一只塔一般的大型鬼怪上,砰的一声,鬼怪碎散,双刀也跟着碎散。 Brush! Picks the red mythical bird sword to depart, catches her in the cold under foot, offers a sacrifice to a symbol again, rune/symbol Guangfei gets up, bang, toward blows out thunder light in all directions, is startled the group ghost to draw back numerously, oneself take advantage of this opportunity, the fast clothing/taking next grain flies pill, increases the speed of profound qi reply. 刷!采采红鸾剑飞出,在凛的脚下将她接住,再祭一符,符光飞起,嘭的一声,往四面八方爆出雷光,惊得群鬼纷退,自己趁这机会,快速服下一粒飞丹,增加玄气回复的速度。 Senior Sister, helping me keep off!” Discovered that the go-getter and moye cannot very good restraint ghost class, cold step on the flying sword of Senior Sister, both hands are opening to maintain the balance, closes the eye to mumble. In her body week, bang makes noise, is actually picks to protect the Junior Sister, uses all five thunder Fulu one breaths, explodes such as the fireworks to flash in all directions generally randomly, whole city is swaying. Cold with total concentration, the strength and Western fine palace Jade Woman hero soul fuses in together, in an image of treasured sword to the memory, conducts to outline, condense, projects and has presently. “师姐,帮我挡一下!”发现干将、莫邪并不能很好的克制鬼类,凛踩着师姐的飞剑,双手张开保持平衡,闭上眼睛念念有词。在她身周,轰隆作响,却是采采为护师妹,将所有的五雷符录一口气用出,直炸得四面八方如烟花一般乱闪,满城都在摇晃。凛聚精会神,英灵之力与西方精宫玉女融合在一起,对记忆中一柄宝剑的影像,进行勾勒、凝聚、投影、具现。 Brush! A treasured sword appears suddenly in her hands, treasured sword, to giving birth fear that the ghost is then in no position. However the air/Qi of cold own hero soul has also exhausted, hero soul vanishes, changes the lovable magic dragonfly attire, however the treasured sword in hand has present completion. The both legs step on toward the red mythical bird sword on, jump, the stick of kaleidoscope holds in the left hand, blows out the strong winds, she in the shadow like the wind, strong winds revolving, the treasured sword of right hand also cuts the top general great-circle light halo, the sword light place visited, keeping off flees. 刷!一支宝剑骤然出现在她的手中,宝剑一出,冲来的鬼怪便无由的生出恐惧。然而凛自身的英灵之气亦已耗尽,英灵化消失,重新变回可爱的魔法蜻蜓装,然而手中的宝剑却已具现完成。双腿往红鸾剑上一踩,纵身而起,万花筒之杖持在左手,爆出狂风,她如同风中之影,狂风般旋转,右手的宝剑随之斩出陀螺一般的大圆光圈,剑光所过之处,挡者披靡。 Special to subdue|grams ghost class extinguishing soul sword! 专克鬼类的灭魂剑! In the immortal sword eight great swords, except for covering the day sword she could not duplicate, the cutting off the water supply sword and startled salamander sword she has not seen, several other, in repeated training she has been able successfully to duplicate, even included transferred the mortal form sword. Although is the sham, has to be close to the function of original goods. Her surges, offers a sacrifice to Ms. Xiaoman backward to her white jade spirit turtle circle, extinguishes the soul sword to fling ruthlessly, flies into the white jade spirit turtle circle, the white jade spirit turtle circle shouted spills about tumbling, in the sword light of treasured sword the circle, the crazy reflection, rays, the class/flow of high velocity moved , the sword light illuminated it place, ten thousand ghosts flinched. 仙剑八大名剑中,除了掩日剑她怎么也复制不出,断水剑和惊鲵剑她还没有见过,其它几口,在反复的训练中她已经能够成功复制,其中甚至包括了转魄剑。虽然全都是赝品,却拥有接近于原货的作用。她向后一个翻腾,祭出小曼师娘给她的白玉灵龟圈,灭魂剑狠狠一甩,飞入白玉灵龟圈中,白玉灵龟圈呼拉拉的上下翻滚,将圈中宝剑的剑光,疯狂的反射出去,一道道光芒,高速度的流移,剑光所照之处,万鬼辟易。 These two girls were too fierce! How long they could not support! Is careful her sword!”...... “这两个丫头太厉害了!她们撑不了多久的!小心她的这口剑!”…… Cold both hands grasp, grasp return to the white jade spirit turtle circle and extinguish the soul sword, is gasping for breath. Picks five thunder Fulu to consume spatially, returned to some air/Qi reluctantly, the color bird ice mortal form sword flings, the fan has everywhere snowflake, but is not effective to all ghosts. The ghost who some are not sensitive to cold flushed, cold clenches teeth, extinguishes the soul sword to throw for picking, oneself grab the stick of kaleidoscope, opens the circular to tie, blocks the ghost. 凛双手一抓,抓回白玉灵龟圈和灭魂剑,直喘着气。采采五雷符录都已耗空,勉强回了一些气,彩雀冰魄剑一甩,扇出漫天雪花,但不是对所有的鬼都有效。一些不怕冷的鬼冲了过来,凛一咬牙,灭魂剑扔给采采,自己抓着万花筒之杖,张开圆形结界,挡住鬼怪。 They did not have the strength! Bites to death them, bites to death them! Is my, is my!”...... “她们没力气了!咬死她们,咬死她们!是我的,是我的!”…… The ghosts throw in abundance, picks with cold to look one, in the heart knows that these was really the danger. These ghosts really cannot be strong, the key is they kills, to/clashes everywhere randomly, does not have the means to go out of town. They eventually are not the masters, no matter profound qi, spiritual energy and rune/symbol Lu, have to consume the spatial time. 众鬼纷纷扑来,采采和凛对望一眼,心中都知道这一趟真的是危险了。这些鬼实在是不能算强,关键是她们杀来杀去,到处乱冲,却怎么也没有办法出城。她们终究不是师父,不管是玄气、灵气、符录,都有耗空的时候。 The cold magic protects the shield to be getting more and more thin shortly, picks to pull on the neck the thin chain, entrains among the lactations the bell, gives the Junior Sister: Cold, wears it on the body.” 眼看着凛的魔法护盾越来越稀薄,采采一扯颈上细链,拽下乳间铃铛,递给师妹:“凛,把它戴在身上。” Cold difficult turning head looks: This......” 凛艰难的扭头看去:“这个……” Wears it, is in danger the time master to meet......” “戴着它,有生命危险的时候师父会……” Bang! Another side distant place, blasts out the gap suddenly, the entire ghost town seems like at the earthquake is ordinary. Buildings were pulled up, break into pieces, from that direction, such as the tide wells up scared generally toward here. Rumbling rumbling sound, lingering on faintly, within is accompanying the group ghost pitiful yell. 轰!另一边的远处,突然间炸开缺口,整个鬼城都像是在地震一般。一座座建筑被拔起,碎散,恐慌从那个方向,如潮水一般往这边涌来。轰轰轰轰的声音,不绝于耳,间伴着群鬼的惨叫。 Two girls turn head to look in an instant, sees only a giant wooden armor almighty troops, cracked the space that to jump from the distant place, that wooden armor almighty troops like a mountain was generally big, whole body seemed like the wooden barrel comprised, wooden barrel big belly on, wrote one say/way character, the previous section of arm was a wooden barrel, the next festival was the bell, both hands knocks, ding deafening sound. On the forehead of wooden armor almighty troops, stands is blushing to red tall and strong always said that old treasured sword pulls out, the sound such as the thunder is common, the anger is full: Your these ghosts, injures someone here, looked that I use ‚a Shintoism to destroy your city, receives your souls, looked how you also injure someone!” 两个女孩刹那间扭头看去,只见一个巨大的木甲神兵,从远处崩裂的空间跳了进来,那木甲神兵像山一般大,全身上下像是由木桶组成,木桶形的“大肚子”上,写了一个“道”字,手臂的上节是木桶,下节是钟,双手一敲,钟声震响。木甲神兵的脑门上,立着一个红发红须的魁梧老道,那老道宝剑一拔,声音如雷霆一般响亮,火气十足:“你们这些鬼,又在这里害人,看我用‘道神道’毁你们的城,收你们的魂,看你们还怎么害人!” Rumbling rumbling! That calls makes „a Shintoism the wooden armor almighty troops, enters the city in big strides, building Dangchuai Building, the ghost keeps off to kill the ghost. The red hair always said that left Yaoyou suspends, scurries about, the treasured sword cuts randomly. 轰轰轰轰轰!那唤作“道神道”的木甲神兵,大踏步入城,楼挡踹楼,鬼挡杀鬼。红发老道左摇右摆,上窜下跳,宝剑乱斩。 Swallow scarlet rosy cloud? Also is this smelly always said! Escapes quickly, swallow Chixia came!”...... “燕赤霞?又是这臭老道!快逃啊,燕赤霞来了!”…… The ghosts such as the tide to/clashes generally toward here. Picks with cold to look one, they have seen, that named Shintoism behind huge wooden armor, collapses the crack city wall, obviously, can go out of town from there. Two girl spirits shake, simultaneously jumps to fly toward the Shintoism. But these with great difficulty the ghost that they compel the hopeless situation, where is willing to put them to leave like this? in abundance, must before red hair old and his „a Shintoism kills, two girls eats. 众鬼如浪潮一般往这边冲来。采采与凛对望一眼,她们都已看到,那个叫“道神道”的巨大木甲背后,是崩出裂缝的城墙,很显然,从那里就可以出城。两个女孩精神一震,同时往道神道纵身飞去。但那些好不容易将她们逼上绝境的鬼怪,哪里肯就这样放她们离开?纷纷扑来,要趁着红发老道和他的“道神道”杀到之前,将两个丫头分食。 „The universe taking advantage of the law, the magical amulet comes out of the sheath!” Red hair old in the say/way gate of Shintoism, the hand is ordinary toward the back, conducts the back the wide and big scabbard opens, departed is actually tens of thousands of magical amulets, the magical amulet shouted whistling to fly toward here, the leaf was ordinary, crash-bang the vigorous sound, by the ghost that they pasted on, all exploded, opened a channel for them forcefully. “乾坤借法,灵符出鞘!”红发老道在道神道的道门上,手往背后一般,背上既宽且大的剑鞘打开,飞出的却是成千上万的灵符,灵符呼呼呼的往这边飞来,树叶一般,哗啦啦的疾响,被它们贴上的鬼怪,全都爆了开来,硬生生替她们打开了一条通道。 They hurry hand in hand, under myriad rune/symbol bridge protection, flies toward the Shintoism, brushes two, falls on the shoulder of Shintoism. Picks saying: Many thanks the Daoist priest rescues, Daoist priest given name?” 她们赶紧手牵着手,在万千符桥的保护下,往道神道飞去,刷刷两声,落在道神道的肩头。采采道:“多谢道长相救,请问道长名号?” You two small girl, are all right to rush to here to play, waste my supernatural power, walks quickly walks quickly. As for my given name, my swallow Chixia saves others only upholds justice for the group hero, to not praise, the name I will not tell you, you arrived outside, do not propagandize for me, to know that I am the group hero uphold justice the monster ghost difficult adversary supernatural power exceedingly high hero dry air Yunyan scarlet rosy cloud!” Always said that drinks greatly, universe taking advantage of law, five thunder five thunder: I rumble!” “你们两个小丫头,没事跑到这里玩耍,浪费我的法力,快走快走。至于我的名号,我燕赤霞救人只为行侠仗义,不为扬名,名字我是不会告诉你们的,你们到了外头,更不要替我宣传,不要让人知道我是行侠仗义妖鬼克星法力通天侠干风云燕赤霞!”老道一声大喝,“乾坤借法,五雷五雷:我轰!” Bang! Crazy thunder Cheng 45 -year-old corner/horn fan-shaped proceeds to turn to go crazily, bang one ** the ghost is crispy outside and tender inside. 轰!狂雷呈四十五岁角的扇形往前狂扭而去,轰得一**鬼怪外焦里嫩。 Picks to consume spatially with the cold physical strength, does not dare to treat, said with one voice: Many thanks Priest swallow!” Simultaneously one vertical, flies toward the ghost town gap that the Shintoism breaks, in them behind, swallow Chixia has a Shintoism to kill the four directions greatly, the group ghost flinches...... 采采与凛体力耗空,不敢多待,齐声道:“多谢燕道长!”同时一纵,往道神道打破的鬼城缺口飞去,在她们身后,燕赤霞带着道神道大杀四方,群鬼辟易…… ( Note: The background is from Director Tsui Hark animation «Small Attractive»!) (注:背景取自徐克导演动漫《小倩》!) *( to be continued.) *(未完待续。)
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