MGIAFM :: Volume #11

#1002: The Yin-Yang inverts minute/share of black and white

readx ; readx; various woman closely examines, knew that Shao green spin, imaginary zither | Jean and the others have a concubine by him, making them be admitted to harem that mixing fire Shenfu that migrates to the safe day city. Since had turned into this appearance, they naturally have no means that let alone, in everyone's default, they is small three, fragrant is wife, small three are not good to keep off the boyfriend to look for three slightly, this matter, only then wife spoke well. 诸女追问,得知绍绿旋、幻琴等人已经被他金屋藏娇,让她们住进了迁移到泰天城的混火神府的后宫里。既然已经变成了这个样子,她们自然也没什么办法,更何况,在大家的默认中,她们全都是小三,只有香香是“正妻”,小三不好挡着情郎去找小三,这种事情,只有“正妻”才好说话。 Then, fragrant this „will wife jump to prevent? Very regrettable, since childhood by fragrance fragrant Fairy Maiden of black cherry moonlight brainwashing, deep clear(ly) „the side of good teapot naturally can have many attractive teacups the truth, this matter do not count on her. Now recalls, black cherry moonlight repeated to the fragrant brainwashing, after perhaps to give Sun Yan receives dragon Er, young two people to do . The palace builds the foundation, but after all their two her good body and wicked body. 那么,香香这个“正妻”会跳出来阻止么?很遗憾,从小被黑樱月华洗脑的香香仙子,深明“好茶壶的身边自然会有许多漂亮茶杯”的道理,这种事情也甭指望她了。现在回想一下,黑樱月华反复的给香香洗脑,恐怕就是为了给孙炎收龙儿、雏儿两人做后.宫打好基础,毕竟她们两个可是她的善身和恶身。 Although various woman with him is unable, but Sun Yan hurried to send under vowed, after no longer increased own, certainly casually. Palace. As for this time, purely is accidental/surprised, at that time did not have the means. various woman also has to consider as finished, person who after all has prospects, three wife four concubines are really hard to avoid, Yellow Emperor the star group consisting of four stars in draco 3000, their men at least had not once been in the star group consisting of four stars in draco 3000 situations, but also needs to continue to try hard...... 虽然诸女拿他无法,但孙炎还是赶紧发了下誓,绝不再随便增加自己的后.宫。至于这一次,纯粹是意外,当时也是没有办法。诸女也就只好算了,毕竟有出息的人,三妻四妾实在是难以避免,黄帝曾经御女三千,她们的男人至少还没到御女三千的地步,还需要继续努力…… Then, has zither | Jean Meiwu and Ji Xiaoman, fragrant and slightly has the zither | Jean to go to clam sea, the matter that looks the Li old mothers tells him. 接下来,有琴美舞和吉小曼将,香香和小有琴前往蜃海界,去找骊山老母的事告诉他。 Knew that the Li old mothers are ten demons females' the blue women of head, Sun Yan from also quite the surprise, the Li old mothers and not fresh old mother is ordinary, is the folk beliefs that the main world once prevailed for a time, like fire cloud Xiaosheng, from the beginning is not only one from the world, a place Spiritual God of overseas island. 得知骊山老母就是十罗刹女之首的蓝婆,孙炎自也颇为诧异,骊山老母和无生老母一般,都是主世界曾盛极一时的民间信仰,不像“火云小圣”,一开始只是一个从世界里,海外一岛的地方神灵。 Because clam sea mixing the desert world is much more peaceful, in addition, ten demons females, although has the wickedness good, but is the blue woman demons female of head, or her incarnation „the Li old mother, is the famous benevolence, they have not naturally been worried is too many. Even found the Li old mother. Whether the Li old mothers really know the whereabout of Princess Iron Fan, actually did not say. 因为蜃海界远比混漠世界太平得多,加上,十罗刹女虽然有善有恶,但为首的蓝婆罗刹女,又或是她的化身“骊山老母”,都是有名的仁慈,他们自然也没有担心太多。只是,就算找到了骊山老母。骊山老母又是否真的知道铁扇公主的下落,其实也不太好说。 They have not actually thought, many things in this world, are complicated. Looking like the spider web is ordinary, each other staggered, mutual entanglement, pulls one round, but moves the whole body...... 他们却没有想到,这世上的许多事情,原本就是千丝万缕。就像是蜘蛛网一般,彼此交错,互相纠缠,牵一发,而动全身…… Remote somewhere. In secret room. 遥远的某处。密室之中。 A chest cut open old woman body sits there, the whole body is stiff. 一具胸脯被剖开的老妇尸体坐在那里,全身僵硬。 In her front, crosses the hands behind the back to set up an supple youth, the appearance is gloomy, not does not have the anger happily. 在她的面前,负手立着一个阴柔的青年,面目阴沉,无喜无怒。 In his side , the old lady, is invisible angry igniters ready-made Dragon King, the anger is turbulent, she gets angry: You may check, is who killed your younger sister?” 在他的旁边,又有一老太婆,本是无形的怒火具现成龙王之相,怒气汹涌,她怒道:“你可查到,是谁杀了你妹妹?” Dove rubs said azure slowly: Has checked...... Sun Yan!” 鸠摩青缓缓道:“已经查到了……孙炎!” The old lady shouted: Sun Yan?” 老太婆喝道:“孙炎?” Dove rubs azure say/way: Recently he is the nova who Immortal World side self rises. Red is mixing the desert world, wanted from these days female and goddess, seeking was most suitable she to seize the Yin body of shed, actually dancing Ji who Sun Yan color Unzen park and he escorted curls, was instead killed by Sun Yan, adjoined the blue god bead to lose continually.” 鸠摩青道:“他是近来仙界方自崛起的新星。红儿在混漠世界,想要从那些天女、神女中,寻找最适合她夺舍的阴体,却将孙炎和他所护送的彩云仙苑的舞姬卷了进去,反被孙炎所杀,连毗蓝神珠都已失落。” Sun Yan...... Sun Yan......” Dragon King the old woman flies into a rage, you dare to kill my red, I will certainly you and all your family members, tear to shreds together, making you always not probably be reincarnated!” 孙炎……孙炎……”龙王之相的老妇勃然大怒,“你竟敢害死我的红儿,我必将你和你的所有亲人,一同碎尸万段,让你们永世不得超生!” Loudly. The dragon demon two air/Qi roll up and push along crazily. 轰然之间。龙魔二气疯狂卷动。 Because of hatred, but the angry mother stays here, dove rubs azure slowly steps. Outside arrives, its female anger vibrates the world as before. His steps walk outward, a young bookworm demon from another side line. Only by half difference, follows in his side. 将因仇恨而愤怒的母亲留在这里,鸠摩青缓缓踏步而来。来到外头,其母的愤怒依旧震动天地。他踏步往外走去,一个白面书生相的魔将从另一边行来。仅以半步之差,跟在他的身边。 The wheat flour demon will say in a low voice: On lord, was unable to determine that at present red Ji is Sun Yan kills, only knows that Sun Yan indeed has appeared area that......” 白面魔将低声道:“主上,目前还无法确定红姬就是孙炎所杀,只知道孙炎的确是在那一带出现过……” Might as well!” The dove rubs azure cold say/way, red that stupid woman, practices to be insufficient. Life completely. The mother to help her prolongs the life, not only yields mutually own law to her, even makes her replace not fresh old mother the god position, gathers the incense and candle, hoping mortal body to become Saint, she actually makes so the huge mistake finally, not only relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish, adjoined the blue bead to lose continually. This matter, mother must have a venting place, the murderer is who is unimportant, explains then well to mother, if Sun Yan, that is his punishment is deserved, if not for he, that then calculates him to have bad luck, does not need the waste energy at this matter.” “无妨!”鸠摩青冷然道,“红儿那蠢女人,修行不足。寿命将尽。母亲为了助她延年,不但将自己的法相让给她,甚至让她取代‘无生老母’之神位,聚集香火,以期肉身成圣,结果她却犯下这般大错,不但形神俱灭,连毗蓝珠都丢了。此事,母亲总要有一个发泄之处,凶手是谁不重要,给母亲一个交待便好,若是孙炎,那是他罪有应得,若不是他,那便算他倒霉,没必要在这种事情上浪费精力。” Also said: By the status of girl the blue woman sends in demons ghost, but finds out?” 又道:“被蓝婆送入罗刹鬼界的丫头的身份,可有查出?” Mentioned also skillfully, the young girl calls makes Du Xiangxiang, was the princess of Kitadake heavenly palace, the day of next generation, with being possible to kill red Ji's Sun Yan, is fated marriage that in the fated marriage book was doomed, Sun Yan is then taken Immortal World by her.” “说来也巧,那少女唤作杜香香,乃是北岳天宫的公主,下一代的摩利支天,与有可能杀害红姬的孙炎,乃是姻缘簿上注定的姻缘,孙炎便是被她带上仙界。” Dove rubs decides azure there, say/way that coldly: „? Really...... is skillful!” 鸠摩青定在那里,冷冷的道:“哦?果然……是巧!” The wheat flour demon will say: Has verified, why does not know the reason, they are also looking for the whereabout of Princess Iron Fan in secret, perhaps also to splitting light ancient buddha lamp.” 白面魔将道:“更已探明,不知为何原因,他们亦在暗中寻找铁扇公主的下落,说不定也是冲着绽光古佛灯来的。” Dove rubs stands azure there, the vision flashes, said suddenly: That Sun Yan kills my younger sister, is extremely hateful, I want to send people to go to kill him, shares sorrow for mother, you felt, sends good that who goes to?” 鸠摩青立在那里,目光闪动,忽道:“那孙炎杀害吾妹,太过可恨,我欲派人前去杀他,为母亲分忧,你觉得,派谁去的好?” The wheat flour demon will say: Boy again how fierce, is an rookie, but Immortal World with mixing the desert world, is not our domains, although our experts are many, currently does not have the time waste on his body. In view of this, why not that do of getting sick cold hole, please cope with him?” 白面魔将道:“那小子再怎么厉害,也不过是个新人,只是仙界与混漠世界,都不是我们的地盘,我方高手虽多,目前却也没时间浪费在他的身上。既如此,何不将病寒洞的那位,请去对付他?” Dove rubs azure say/way: That of getting sick cold hole?” The corners of the mouth are overflowing sinister and ruthless sneering: „, That has a look, Immortal World nova and my demon which fierce lives...... crazily?” 鸠摩青道:“病寒洞的那位?”嘴角溢着一丝阴毒的冷笑:“也罢,那就看看,仙界的新星与我魔界的狂生……到底哪个厉害?” During the speeches, his steps, outside the demon palace, over ten thousand demon crack troops formations are neat, the air/Qi of withering, freeze myriad things. His both arms inspire, the numerous demons cried out, heavenshaking penetrating place...... 说话间,他踏步而出,魔殿之外,上万名魔界精兵队列齐整,肃杀之气,冻结万物。他双臂一振,众魔呐喊,震天彻地…… Where is here? 这里到底是什么地方? Picks elder sister and Tozaka cold, is walking in the bustling streets. 采姐儿与远坂凛,在闹市中走着。 Here is one piece lively is, looks like the antique bustling streets, red lacquer garrets, depending on place, there is a light beam bright with many colors, rushes to the nighttime sky. 这里是一片繁华的所在,就像是古香古色的闹市,一座座红漆阁楼,凭地而起,又有五光十色的光柱,冲上夜空。 Here, cannot see moon, cannot see the stars, however surrounding bright with many colors, making the entire street appear is extremely bright. It looks like the neon of night of Shanghai, was placed in ancient Fang of Tang Dynasty, dazzling, gorgeous, the Hainan building sparkles, resplendent in gold and jade green. 在这里,看不到月亮,也看不到星辰,但是周围的五光十色,让整个街道都显得极是明亮。就像是夜上海的霓虹,被安置在了唐朝的古坊,炫目,华美,琼楼闪耀,金碧辉煌。 However makes them feel strange truly, this does not have the star moon/month actually not, is actually everywhere the sparking night market, but is people who the surroundings come and go. In their eyes, here only has two types, one type is a woman, one type is the monster. Here woman, and has no difference from the outside world, put on was about the clothes of Ming and Qing, actually clear(ly) and clear. Very different in the style, but here, the short Chinese-style jacket clothes and qipao can see, instead after the deep clothes that Tang Dynasty then eliminates slowly. Puts on this place few. 但是真正让她们觉得奇怪的,倒不是这没有星月,却是处处闪亮的夜市,而是周围来来去去的人们。在她们看来,这里只有两个种类,一种是女人,一种是怪物。这里的女人,与外界并没有什么区别,穿的大约是明清时期的衣裳,其实明与清。在风格上差异极大,但在这里,襦衣、旗袍都能看到,反而是在唐朝之后便慢慢淘汰的深衣。在这个地方几乎没有人穿。 Besides the woman, the remaining these, are uglily longer much, mostly are short and ugly, picked also to treat for two years in Heaven. Approximately can know, these only feared is...... the demon! 除了女人,剩下的那些,却都长得黝黑丑陋,大多又矮又丑,采采在天界也待了两年。大约能够知道,这些只怕都是……夜叉! Is this night market of a woman and demon? 这是一个只有女人和夜叉的夜市? Picks the originally that puts on is the short Chinese-style jacket clothes, although inborn charming, since childhood is a beautiful woman embryo, but in this place, is not very at least strange. Cold puts on, is actually the red coat and black skirt of Hyundai, these females and demons, once for a while will look like toward her. Cold at heart unstated criticism: What looks at to look? Attractively what has?” 采采穿的原本就是襦衣,虽然天生丽质,从小就是一个美人胚子,但在这种地方,至少不算特别奇怪。凛穿的,却是偏“现代”的红色上衣和黑裙,那些女子和夜叉,时不时的就会往她看来。凛在心里腹诽着:“看什么看?有什么好看的?” To them, now the biggest trouble is. They do not know where here is, does not know where Baochai elder sister and Daiyu elder sister, six spent. 对于她们来说,现在最大的麻烦是。她们既不知道这里是什么地方,更不知道宝钗姐、黛玉姐、六花掉到了哪里。 The previous quarter, they still in that dinosaur, without the world of human, cold induced the sudden different space with the stick of kaleidoscope, but also without reacted with enough time, the six flowers of two sickness hit, broke the different space by her evil king Zhenyan. 前一刻,她们还在那个只有恐龙,没有人类的世界,凛以万花筒之杖感应到了突然出现的异度空间,还没来得及做出反应,中二病的六花就蛮撞的,以她的“邪王真眼”打破了异度空间。 Then, the cold wind turbulent flow that curls from the different space, like flush toilet. All curled them. 然后,从异度空间里卷出的阴风涡流,就像抽水马桶一样。把她们全都卷了进去。 Picked to leave recently with cold two people, when the cold wind turbulent flow was involved, holding hands stubbornly, finally not separate. Where however others actually do not know. Also when the god has come, they had arrived at outside the town/subdues of this town, that „the Jurassic Period the general world, arrived at this type of obviously a moment ago suddenly has the Ming , Qing style is, felt that looks like has a dream general, for a while is hard to respond unexpectedly. 采采和凛两人离得最近,被阴风涡流卷入时,死死的牵着手,总算没有失散。但是其他人却已不知道去了哪里。还过神来时,她们就已经到了这个镇子的镇外,明明刚才还是那个“侏罗纪”一般的世界,突然间就到了这种带着明清风格的所在,感觉就像是做梦一般,一时竟是难以反应过来。 Here everywhere is an outdoor shop. Spreads the intermittent fragrance. Although two people have started to study the immortal saying that but these days, eaten is the Chinese olive, hears the fragrance suddenly, the endo-abdominal exudes the gu sound unavoidably. Picks to look, sees only here person, used is the silver coins and copper coin. The thing of gold and silver this class flatter stopping up, that was quite simple, picking is the silver personal ornament, side the pawnshop, then changes into the copper coin there. 这里到处都是摊子。传出阵阵香味。两人虽已开始修习仙道,但这些日子,吃的都是青果,骤闻香气,腹内都不免发出咕声。采采看去,只见这里的人,用的都是银两和铜板。既是金银这类的阿堵之物,那就比较简单了,采采身上原本就是银饰,旁边又有一家当铺,便在那里换成铜板。 In an outdoor shop, they ordered some side dishes, the vendor is a demon. The vegetable/dish delivers, they are cautious, does not dare to eat, then discovers and food, as if no too to distinguish, just now felt relieved. 在一个摊子上,她们点了些小菜,摊主乃是一只夜叉。菜送上来,她们小心翼翼的,也不怎么敢吃,然后发现与外界的菜肴,似乎也没有太多区别,方才放下心来。 After finishing eating the thing, they hand in hand, continued to stroll one, in the heart were thinking, how should inquire where here was? How also to ask Daiyu elder sister and Baochai elder sister, six to spend them? At that time, they heard the fragrant elder sister's voice absolutely, she now where? 吃完东西后,她们手牵着手,继续逛了一阵,心中想着,该如何打听这里到底是什么地方?又如何去找黛玉姐、宝钗姐、六花她们?还有那个时候,她们绝对是听到了香香姐的声音,她现在又在哪里? Walked one , has chirp the weeping sound to spread to their ears suddenly. Their subconscious turning head look, sees only left them, the careful narrow lane, the end of lane, a 3 or 4-year-old little girl, squats at the back of them there, keeps crying. 走了一阵,忽的,有嘤嘤的哭声传入她们耳中。她们下意识的扭头看去,只见在她们左边,有一条细细窄窄的巷子,巷子的尽头,一个三四岁的小女孩,背着她们蹲在那儿,哭个不停。 Two people all are tenderhearted, in magical girl alliance, done is also the matters of mutual fire fighting help, therefore looks one, walks into the lane together, wants to ask that little girl, is whether separate with the family member. Who knows, with their vanguards, this lane seems like getting more and more long, little girls and their distances, is probably getting more and more far, they rush toward the little girl, actually does not walk probably to the end. 两人俱是心软,在魔法少女联盟里,做的也都是互相救火帮忙的事,于是对望一眼,一同走入巷子,想问问那个小女孩,是否是与家人失散。谁知,随着她们的前行,这巷子却像是越来越长,那小女孩与她们的距离,也像是越来越远,她们往小女孩奔去,却像是怎么也走不到头。 Two people shuttle back and forth in each universe, many is also experienced, in the heart has not the wonderful feeling, but turns head, no longer has just now been that lively street, but is a darkness. 两人在各个小千世界穿梭,多少也算是见多识广,心中已有不妙的感觉,只是回过头来,身后早已不再是方才那热闹的街道,而是一片漆黑。 Little girl standing up of suddenly, sobs is rushing toward the front, the space extends in her front unceasingly. Picks with cold not to know how should turn head, then picks up the speed simply, pursues toward that little girl. Resembles so, them does not know how long pursued , the surroundings rain cats and dogs, they look suddenly at a loss to the surroundings, here actually where is what lane? 那小女孩忽的站起,哭泣着往前方奔去,空间在她的前方不断延伸。采采与凛不知道该如何回头,干脆便加快速度,往那小女孩追去。似这般,连她们自己也不知道追了多久,忽的,周围大雨倾盆,她们茫然看向周围,这里却又哪里是什么巷子? They are place in out of office ranges unexpectedly, a moment ago that lively small town, as well as in the little girl who their front ran, where did not know early. 她们竟是身处在野岭之间,刚才那个热闹的小镇,以及在她们前方跑的小女孩,早不知去了哪里。 Cold called out: „?” 凛叫道:“露比?” Star of ruby drilled from her chest, the handle lengthens, cold was grasped in the hand. The magical girl strength instills into to enter, the star of ruby called out: „It is not right, here with that town, entirely was a moment ago opposite in the dimension.” 红宝石之星露比从她的胸脯钻了出来,手柄变长,被凛抓在手中。魔法少女力灌输而入,红宝石之星叫道:“不对啊,这里跟刚才那个镇子,在维度上完全相反。” Picks saying: Completely on the contrary?” 采采道:“完全相反?” The star of ruby said: „It looks like both sides of paper, although is the same stretch/open paper, but is opposite, place that here dimension and we went to a moment ago, is the opposite dimension.” 红宝石之星说道:“就像是一张纸的两面,虽然是同一张纸,但是是相反的,这里的维度和我们刚才到的地方,是相反的维度。” This on behalf of what? Both girls are unable to obtain the useful clue from such analysis, but this rain gets bigger and bigger, moreover is passing the cold and gloomy aura, they also can only first find the place to evade take shelter from the rain. 这代表什么?两个女孩都无法从这样的分析中得出有用的线索,但是这雨越下越大,而且还透着森冷的气息,她们也只能先找地方避一避雨。 ...... …… In cave, dark. 山洞内,幽幽暗暗。 Picked to paste a magical amulet in cave entrance, hid itself and cold aura. She actually does not know this world does have the danger, no matter what, is careful well. 采采在洞口贴了一张灵符,隐蔽住自己和凛的气息。她其实也不知道这个世界有没有危险,但不管怎么样,还是小心些得好。 Two people in the storm among the roads flight, sought to take shelter from the rain a moment ago everywhere. Clothing some loot. Luckily, the first time are not explored in such world, something prepare. At that moment, picks then in the hole built-in good bath barrel, heats up with immortal technique. Let the star of ruby defend outside, two people take into the bath together. 两人刚才在暴风雨中一路飞行,到处寻找避雨点。身上的衣衫都有一些赃了。幸好,她们也不是第一次在这样的世界里探险,有些东西是准备好的。当下,采采便在洞内置好澡桶,用仙术加热。让红宝石之星在外守着,两人一同泡入澡中。 The water in barrel is very hot, two people strip off the clothes to soak into the water, washed off exhausted finally. 桶里的水很热,两人脱光衣裳泡入水中,总算洗去了一身的疲惫。 This time cold, but is 11 years old, has not arrived including 12 years old, naturally is far from what stature. She sits in the barrel, is curling up leg, toward picking Senior Sister- future picks young teacher's wife to look, although is only is years old older on two than her. But picks the milk-white bosom of Senior Sister to look like the honey peach to be the same, the obvious ballooning, is soaking in the water, fresh-faced, even as girl's she, wants to nip one very much. 此时的凛,不过是十一岁多些,连十二岁都还没到,自然谈不上什么身材可言。她坐在桶内,蜷着腿儿,往采采师姐-未来的“采采小师娘”看去,虽然只比她大上两岁。但采采师姐的酥胸已经像水蜜桃一般,明显的鼓胀着,泡在水中,粉嫩嫩的,即便是身为女孩子的她,都很想要咬上一口。 Among pair of honey peach lovable powder rabbits, is hanging a grain of fine small bell, even if the clothes have shed the light, picks the Senior Sister not to unload it. Also many some picking of being frightened the Senior Sister, held up the slender white hands. Xihu holds the heart to be the same, both hands fold in the same place, holds down the bell between breasts, closes the eye. Relieved, was similar that bell to take to her mysterious strength. 一对水蜜桃般的可爱粉兔间,又挂着一粒精致的小铃铛,即便衣裳都已褪光,采采师姐也没有将它卸下。原本也多少有些惊惶的采采师姐,举起纤纤玉手。西子捧心一般,双手叠在一起,将乳间的铃铛按住,闭上眼睛。安心了许多,就仿佛那铃铛能够带给她神秘的力量。 Is the master gives to pick the presenting a gift faith token of Senior Sister? Cold is thinking in the heart. 难道是师父送给采采师姐的定情信物?凛在心中想着。 Although also once the others of following magical girl alliance formed a team to take risk before together, but falls to this type, only remains their situations, has actually never had. The beforehand duty, often has others to bring, or Wusun Zhi is blue. Perhaps Fetter , will follow sometimes the day of flower bud elder sisters and green elder sisters go out together, but the number of times are quite few. 虽然以前也曾跟着魔法少女联盟的其他人一同组队冒险,但落到这种、只剩她们两个人的地步,却是从来没有过的。以前的任务,往往都有其他人带着,或是乌孙芷蓝。或是菲特、奈叶,有时也会跟着天蕾姐和青青姐一同外出,但次数比较少。 Is only blue because of Wusun Zhi, Fetter, and others are the frontline combatants, is almost magical girl alliance the day flower bud and Qingqing of vice- hegemon, what main management is the logistics duty and allotment of personnel, leaves the too wonderful heavenly palace, to confirm other world the constructions of magical girl substation, as well as noses these to leave the condition of too wonderful heavenly palace far magical girl group. 只因乌孙芷蓝、菲特、奈叶等才是前线的战斗人员,差不多算是魔法少女联盟的副盟主的天蕾和青青,主要主持的是后勤任务和人员分配,离开太妙天宫,也都是为了确认其它世界的魔法少女分站的建设,以及查探那些离太妙天宫较远的魔法少女小组的状况。 Picks with cold, in the team is not the team leader talent, but now, actually also can only depend upon them. Two people is taking a bath, while examines the thing that they can apply at present. 采采和凛,在队伍中都不是队长型的人才,但是现在,却也只能依靠她们自己。两人一边洗浴着,一边查看着她们目前可以派上用场的事物。 Picks, called to pick elder sister, majored in the merit law for the say/way of ice attribute knight-errant swordsman, on the clear Jone palace day female golden body took possession, for southern deep red palace Jade Woman, depended on a day of female spiritual energy, can use many south fires to be immortal technique, holds the treasured sword was the red mythical bird sword, had magical treasure color bird ice mortal form fan, had many rune/symbol Luhe to fly pill, when these rune/symbol Lu, were she made Jade Woman in the Moon Palace, the beautiful dance elder sister once for a while gives to her, was the spirit flying tower true line disciple had zither | Jean Meiwu, to own side Jade Woman actually too side. Tight, to flying together pill, was needless saying that all was dragon Erjie refines personally, all was the common immortal cultivation uncome-at-able excellent pill of immortality. 采采,又叫“采姐儿”,主修功法为冰属性的剑侠之道,上清琼宫天女金身附体,为“南方绛宫玉女”,靠着天女灵气,可以使用许多南方火属仙术,所持宝剑为红鸾剑,拥有法宝“彩雀冰魄扇”,拥有诸多符录和飞丹,这些符录,都是她在广寒宫做玉女时,美舞姐时不时的送给她的,身为灵飞塔真传弟子的有琴美舞,对自己身边的玉女倒是太方得紧,至于飞丹,自不用说,全都是龙儿姐亲手炼制,无一不是一般修仙者难以得到的上乘仙丹。 In addition, picks elder sister also to cultivate/repair «River Chart Secret technique» in many magical powers, was once covered by next generation Heavenly Emperor personally on informs the invincible might to reflect seal, calls makes real dragon design, has the air/Qi of real dragon is equivalent to the lead halo, what a pity is only effective in eight Ganzhou, in other places, only then some luck additions, the role is not too big. 此外,采姐儿还修有《河图秘术》里的许多神通,曾经被下代天帝亲手盖上“上诰神威鉴印”,又唤作“真龙图案”,拥有相当于主角光环的真龙之气,可惜只在八声甘州界有效,在其它地方,只有些许的运气加成,作用不是太大。 Tozaka cold, magical girl, only then 30,000 magical girl strength, but its demon leads artificial elves „”, can download all kinds of magics, is famous at the quantity of magic many, but was a pity very much, magical girl Tozaka cold most likes regards that numerous magic , if no thing, kills the frontline and enemies directly fights the hard wars, once made wish one could to discard this master, the fools the farther the better to this sheds long take short. After obtaining hero soul card bow soldier, can second-order change the body through the hero soul card, borrows to be the strength of hero soul, its forms of combat finally and magic shape starts to be in harmony, although was still fool in the star of mouth ruby level. 远坂凛,魔法少女,只有三万的魔法少女力,但是其魔导器人工精灵“露比”,能够下载各式各样的魔法,以魔法的数量繁多著称,但是很可惜,魔法少女远坂凛最喜欢的就是视那众多魔法如无物,直接杀到最前方和敌人打硬战,一度让露比恨不得舍弃这个主人,离这个“舍长取短”的笨蛋越远越好。得到英灵卡“弓兵”后,能够通过英灵卡二阶变身,借用属于英灵的力量,其战斗方式总算和自身魔法形态开始合拍,虽然在红宝石之星口中仍然属于“笨蛋”水准。 His master for touches breast big god Sun Yan, but has not traced this female apprentice at present, the cold heart thinks that this is because the master also knows that evildoer does not harm hisneighbors, certainly not agrees acknowledged this female apprentice simply does not have the chest to make the master touch now. Picks with Senior Sister and future young teacher's wife, on the clear Jone palace day female golden body takes possession, for Western fine palace Jade Woman, the gold/metal natural spiritual energy is powerful, can very good coordination second-order become behind bow soldier shape. Moreover, besides the magic of magical girl, but can also use needs to consume a lot of gems gem magic, before running into master, to cultivation the gem magic, almost loses everything, after running into the master, depends on a lot of crystal ore in master brave space, obtained numerous extremely pure gems, mother does not need to be worried about my family budget matter. 其师为“摸乳大神”孙炎,不过目前还没有摸过她这个女徒弟,凛心底认为这是因为就连师父也知道“兔子不吃窝边草”,绝不肯承认她这个女徒弟现在根本没有胸让师父摸。与师姐兼未来小师娘采采一样,上清琼宫天女金身附体,为“西方精宫玉女”,金性灵气强大,可以很好的配合二阶变身后的“弓兵”形态。另外,除了魔法少女的魔法外,还能够使用需要消耗大量宝石的“宝石魔法”,在遇到师父前,为了修炼宝石魔法,差点倾家荡产,遇到师父后,靠着师父貔貅空间里的大量晶矿,得到众多极为纯净的宝石,妈妈再也不用担心我的家计事了。 Under master's guidance, cold has stepped saves the road of god, but the result in this aspect cannot apply in the fight at present, has magical treasure that Ms. Xiaoman bestows white jade spirit turtle circle, the second-order magic changes behind, can appear various types of treasures to have, because the reason in within the body West fine palace day female golden body, the treasure has the degree of hardness to further strengthen, although is the sham, in the quality of material has been equivalent to the real thing, has to kill to incur infinite sword system, similarly also strengthens the might because of the reason of day female golden body, has kills to incur fantasy collapse most, generally easily does not use. Although also leads rune/symbol Lu who Ms. Xiaoman is giving, but is not good at using, therefore treats as them not to exist, similarly also has Ms. dragon Er to fly pill to her massive. 在师父的教导下,凛已经踏上存神之路,不过目前这方面的成绩在战斗中根本派不上用场,拥有小曼师娘赠送的法宝“白玉灵龟圈”,二阶魔法变身后,能够具现出各种宝具,因为体内西方精宫天女金身的缘故,宝具硬度进一步增强,虽然是赝品,质地上已相当于真品,拥有杀招“无限剑制”,同样也因为天女金身的缘故而加强威力,拥有最强杀招“幻想崩坏”,一般不轻易用出。虽然也带着小曼师娘给的符录,但不擅长使用,所以当作它们不存在,同样也拥有龙儿师娘给她的大量飞丹。 The Senior Sister younger sister two people discusses, feels the strength on their paper surface is powerful, said again, since has stepped into the immortal saying that many things must start to depend on them, as the saying goes the master leads passing through the gate, practices to look at individual, finally, their immortals said that they come. 师姐妹两人计议一番,觉得她们纸面上的实力还是蛮强大的,再说了,既然已经踏入了仙道,许多事情总得开始靠她们自己,有道是师父领进门,修行看个人,最终,她们自己的仙道,还是得她们自己来走。 Therefore is rousing the air/Qi mutually, was been relieved by oneself...... 于是互相鼓着气,让自己安下心来…… ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。) ... ...
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