MGIAFM :: Volume #11

#1001: I help you kill!

Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu grasp rapidly, simultaneous/uniform Qizhua on about fans of six flowers, direct draws back floating. Picks with the cold also fast swept back, careful alert. 薛宝钗和林黛玉迅速一抓,齐齐抓在六花的左右扇上,直接飘退。采采和凛也快速后掠,小心戒备。 They see in this world at present, the strongest species is the dinosaur, but currently does not have the evidence to indicate, the dinosaur will also construct the different space, if not the dinosaur, what that can be? 她们目前在这个世界见到的,最强的物种就是恐龙,但是目前没有证据表明,恐龙也会构建异度空间,如果不是恐龙的话,那会是什么? In their front, suddenly hears one to call out in alarm, first is lets pick with the cold familiar young girl voice, is calling out in alarm mother-in-law, was destroyed one that resounds because of the space channel „”, then is a big cry of little girl: How how?” 在她们的前方,蓦的传来一声惊叫,先是让采采和凛熟悉的少女声音,惊叫着“婆婆”,紧接着又是因为空间通道被破坏而响起的一声“呀”,然后便是一个小女孩的大叫声:“怎么了怎么了?” The flickering cold wind that blows out from destroyed different space, the tornado howls generally, seeming like the water pump is ordinary, rapid pulling out is curling the surrounding all things. Picked with cold startled to call out simultaneously: Incense stick|Fragrant elder sister( fragrant teacher's wife)?” They clearly hear, what in the cold wind spreads is the Du Xiangxiang sound. 从被破坏的异度空间里爆出的幢幢阴风,龙卷风一般呼啸而出,又像是抽水机一般,迅速的抽卷着周围的一切事物。采采与凛却是同时惊叫道:“香香姐(香香师娘)?”她们分明听到,阴风中传出的是杜香香的声音。 Looks that in the out of control kite is common, was curled the young girl who flies randomly, picks with cold to fly subconsciously to her. The cold wind turbulent flow actually further expands, is involved in which them. Xue Baochai, Lin Daiyu heart say/way is not wonderful, must save them. The wind eddy of back taper shape extreme twist, is all involved in them. 看着内中失控风筝一般,被卷得乱飞的少女,采采和凛下意识地向她飞去。阴风涡流却进一步扩大,将她们也卷入其中。薛宝钗、林黛玉心道“不妙”,又要去救她们。倒锥形般急速旋转的风涡,将她们全都卷入。 That brushes, the cold wind vanishes, everyone lost the trace...... 刷的一声,阴风消失,所有人都失去了踪影…… *** *** The safe day city and periphery, the amphibious congress is conducting imposingly. 泰天城及其周边,水陆大会轰轰烈烈地举办着。 At this time, the bottomless pit and scarlet lotus flower hell, have used a day of axe to make a connection, pour into the nether world gloom, but uses the special Buddhist musical instrument, isolated scarlet lotus flower hell's ocean Ling. 此时,无底洞与大红莲花地狱,已经用开天斧打通,灌入幽冥阴气,但又用特殊的法器,隔绝了大红莲花地狱本身的溟泠。 Said that various gate factions and Buddhism altars/jars, under the invitation of hot Saint small Saint, is holding entire seven days seven nights of hold * the matter. Mixes other desert world influences, comes to attend the ceremony , some probe and investigate unavoidably mutually, and conflict of small range. Because this amphibious congress is the Heavenly Court support, said that two help one another, from also no one real doing destruction. 道门各派、佛门各坛,在火圣小圣的邀请下,举行着整整七日七夜的盛*事。混漠世界其它势力,也都派人前来观礼,其中自不免也有一些互相试探、侦查,以及小范围的冲突。但因为这场水陆大会原本就是天庭支持,佛道二门鼎力相助,自也没有人真正的搞破坏。 Imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv and others. Moved mixed fire Shenfu, becomes fire cloud Xiaosheng harem member. And helps manage the operations of regional hot cloud temples. They now are fire cloud Xiaosheng the woman, naturally cannot the fire cloud Xiaosheng true identity exposure. 幻琴天女等。迁进了混火神府,成为了“火云小圣”的后宫成员。并帮忙管理各地火云神庙的运作。她们现在都已是“火云小圣”的女人,自然不会把火云小圣真正的身份泄露出去。 Loyal Madame brave also through the channel between bottomless pits and scarlet lotus flower hells, arrives at the peaceful day city, attended the grand meeting, when no one, but also to Sun Yan complained that he has not brought Ling together, like this their mother and daughter can the intimate exchange experience, Sun Yan actually somewhat be speechless. On the other hand. The loyal brave wife is Ling adoptive mother, after the Ling true mother is the ni sovereigns of Demonic Path three sovereigns...... them, will have the opportunity of exchange experience? 贞英夫人也通过无底洞与大红莲花地狱之间的通道,来到泰天城,参加盛会,无人之时,还向孙炎抱怨他没有把玲儿也一起带来,这样她们母女就能亲密的交流经验,对此孙炎其实有些无语。话又说回来。贞英夫人是玲儿的义母,玲儿真正的母亲乃是魔道三皇的婗皇……她们以后会有交流经验的机会吗? ancient flying upwards brings the disciple who burns thunder sect, Ran Jingshan leads the disciple in purple ice pavilion, attended the Buddhist ceremony. In the back is fire cloud Xiaosheng Sun Yan, intended to give them to arrange a higher specification, making both somewhat feel extremely flattered, Ran Jingshan also officially decided, making the purple ice pavilion mix the desert world to quarry a mountain. 古飞扬带着焚雷宗的弟子,冉静珊带着紫冰阁的弟子,也都参加了法事。背地里是火云小圣的孙炎,有意给他们安排了更高的规格,令得两宗都有些受宠若惊,冉静珊也正式决定,让紫冰阁在混漠世界开山。 By the 7 th day, the Goddess of Mercy own world of mortals, opened the altar/jar view. Give an exaggerated account of things, the chinese dwarf banana, the day female and goddess everywhere scatters the flower. Floating strange Cai. An numerous can, cardinal virtue, tie greatly sprinkles only, hangs rune/symbol Xuanfan, presents to inform by letter or in writing the amnesty, by nether world abstention. Heavenly Court bestows to dare Si even/including as if nether world book again, presenting in the bottomless pit, hence, mixes desert world myriad life, the diameter throws the bottomless pit. Must exempt the windblown and sunburnt and pain of soul dispersing. 到了第七日,观音菩萨亲身下界,开坛说法。天花乱坠,地涌金莲,众天女、神女漫天撒花。飘飘奇彩。一众大能、大德,结界洒净,挂符悬幡,奉书告赦,受幽冥戒。天庭再赐下敢司连宛幽冥书,奉之于无底洞中,至此,混漠世界万千孤魂野鬼,径投无底洞。得免风吹日晒、魂魄飞散之苦。 After the amphibious congress ended, fire cloud Xiaosheng in Tianyan chats the banquet. Invited the Goddess of Mercy and others to be able greatly, cardinal virtue, in the feast. The Shao green spin leads the numerous to dance Ji, offers to ascend the sky the dance of magnificent. After the grand feast, the Shao green spin is blushing, told the girls in color Unzen park, something for one's own exclusive use that oneself to become Huoyun has revered, as later then on fire cloud Zun, is mixing the desert world to practice, did not return to the world of desire-driven beings. 水陆大会结束后,火云小圣于天炎塔大摆宴席。邀请观音菩萨等大能、大德,宴中。绍绿旋率着众舞姬,献上天华之舞。盛宴之后,绍绿旋红着脸儿,告诉彩云仙苑的姑娘们,自己已成火云尊上的禁脔,以后便随着火云尊上,在混漠世界修行,不回欲界去了。 The numerous dance Ji self to be surprised, they naturally also know, although their color Unzen park in Heaven, but in the final analysis, actually is also only the world of desire-driven beings mortal. Unlike cultivates the becoming an immortal body has zither | Jean Meiwu, the calyx beautiful person, because is only the mortal, the life span of Shao green spin at dancing is limited, even depends on own fame, can some flying pill of prolonging the life, the life span that but non- immortal non- Buddha, can increase after all will very be limited, in the future the best home to return, actually was still asked having prospects my dear to marry, one's family and relatives can ride on one's coattails to success this matter, was not extraordinary in the immortal say/way. However, she with fire cloud Xiaosheng, this still came as a surprise to their unexpectedly directly. 众舞姬自是大感意外,她们自然也知道,她们彩云仙苑虽在天界,但说到底,其实也只是欲界的凡人。与已经修成仙体的有琴美舞、萼玉人不同,因为只是凡人,绍绿旋在舞乐上的寿命是有限的,就算靠着自己的名气,能够得到一些延年益寿的飞丹,但毕竟非仙非佛,能够增加的寿命有限得很,日后最好的归宿,其实仍是找个有出息的郎君嫁了,“一人得道,鸡犬升天”这种事,在仙道中并不出奇。但是,她竟然直接跟了火云小圣,这仍是出乎她们的意料。 Fire cloud Xiaosheng in must mix the desert world to construct the ground god country, the Shao green spin with fire cloud Xiaosheng, in the future is the god imperial concubine of god king, this naturally is not the misdemeanor. However although they know that the Shao green spin and fire cloud Xiaosheng relates closely, but when on fire cloud Zun was received her? They felt, what oneself did miss on the road? 火云小圣在要混漠世界建地上神国,绍绿旋跟了火云小圣,日后就是神王的神妃,这自然不是什么坏事。不过她们虽然知道绍绿旋与火云小圣关系密切,但是火云尊上到底是什么时候把她收了的呢?她们觉得,自己是不是在路上错过了什么? The being driven to death after suffering an injustice city completed, mixes the crystal wall of desert world, under the reconstruction of Heavenly Court, gradually restored. The gifted generals, withdraw one after another mix the desert world, imaginary dark green fire cloud army, took advantage of opportunity to receive good Changshan, three sound star sea and places the lung mountain range and moment city, to close the remote city and other big piece domains. The fire cloud Xiaosheng belief, in mixing the desert world is further powerful, said that two also obtained in fire cloud Xiaosheng the permission of god domestic development, the Daoist temple Buddhist temple, mushroom growth built up generally, naturally everyone was also a smart person, as the saying goes doing in Rome as Rome does, main hall for Taoist trinity and for Buddha at the same time, will not forget that offered fire cloud Xiaosheng in the side hall the idol. 枉死城建成,混漠世界的晶壁,也在天庭的重建下,逐渐恢复。天兵天将,陆续撤出混漠世界,幻苍火云军,也顺势接收了良常山、三音星海、地肺山脉、分阴城、瞑遥城等大片地盘。火云小圣的信仰,在混漠世界进一步强盛,佛道二门也得到了在火云小圣的神国内发展的许可,道观佛寺,雨后春笋一般建起,当然大家也都是聪明人,有道是“入乡随俗”,正殿供三清、供佛祖的同时,也不会忘记在偏殿奉上“火云小圣”之神像。 The gate is also good, the Buddha altar/jar is also good, from does not stay on good terms with everyone, the sect gate rises together simultaneously, cannot avoid various types to fight in secret secretly, competes for the position, incense and candle, belief, domain wait/etc, the places of some people have the rivers and lakes, these are also the unavoidable matters. Said hundred school of thought contends, either word bad people running wild, every so often, which perspective but lies in you from. 道门也好,佛坛也好,自也都不是一团和气,宗门并起,私底下免不了各种暗斗,争夺地位、香火、信仰、地盘等等,有人的地方就有江湖,这些也都是免不了的事。或说百家争鸣,或言群魔乱舞,很多时候,不过在于你是从哪一个角度来看。 No matter what, the fire cloud Xiaosheng god home, has started to present the lively scene. 不管怎样,火云小圣的神国内,已开始出现繁华景象。 , Constructed being driven to death after suffering an injustice city and other things to finish at the amphibious congress , after placing Shao green spin, imaginary zither | Jean and other harem girls, Sun Yan then made deep come to meet him. 在水陆大会、建枉死城等诸多事情忙完,又安置好绍绿旋、幻琴等后宫姑娘后,孙炎便让冥儿前来接他。 Is riding the mount younger sister, through stellar lines that the day flame god tower uppermost layer conceals, he flew the imaginary dark green island azure radish mountain mausoleum chamber, dragon Er and young, lives here. 骑着坐骑妹妹,通过天炎神塔最上层所暗藏的星线,他飞到了幻苍岛青萝山的地宫,龙儿与雏儿,也都在这里住着。 And drops every well across the stellar lines, deep also met the beautiful dance and Ji Xiaoman, Luo Ling quietly. 穿过星线和堕凡井,冥儿又把美舞、吉小曼、骆玲也悄悄接了下来。 In the mausoleum chamber, outside on a fine pavilion lawn, Sun Yan and various beautiful encircle. He looks all around the surroundings, dragon Er, the beautiful dance and young all shame the moon and flowers, Xiaoman, Ling and deep also has the characteristics respectively, various woman gathers together, has, if an angel chart, Yingying Yanyan, beautiful sentimental. 地宫之中,一座精美的楼阁外头的草地上,孙炎与诸美围成一圈。他环顾周围,龙儿、美舞、雏儿俱是闭月羞花,小曼、玲儿、冥儿亦各有特色,诸女聚在一起,有若一副天仙图,莺莺燕燕,美丽多情。 Sun Yan starts his world of mortals, on the road the matter to tell them. Never expected that his world of mortals, teaches to have the conflict with Luo with not fresh old mother, Ji Xiaoman the knowledge is rich, said: Luo teach relations with not fresh old mother, is not first bright, latter teaches, should first have the church, then starts to make the god. Initial Luo teach, only then not fresh parents a saying, evolved not fresh old mother afterward slowly, afterward, who should be stole the belief of this Spiritual God.” 孙炎开始把他这一次下界,路上发生的事告诉她们。没有想到他这一次下界,又与罗教和无生老母生出冲突,吉小曼知识丰富,道:“罗教与无生老母的关系,并不是先有神、后有教,应该是先有教会,然后才开始造神。最初的罗教,只有‘无生父母’一说,后来才慢慢演变成‘无生老母’,再后来,应该是有谁盗取了这一神灵的信仰。” Sun Yan takes out blue sex fiend bead that snatches from not fresh old mother. 孙炎取出从“无生老母”那抢出的蓝色魔珠。 dragon Erya said: This is...... adjoins the blue god bead?” 龙儿讶道:“这个是……毗蓝神珠?” Sun Yan said: Adjoins the blue god bead?” 孙炎道:“毗蓝神珠?” dragon Erdao: It is the thing of Buddhism, can recruit all living things to hope the strength, has prospect, but this type prospect is only temporary, not lasting effect.” She to Sun Yan illustrated that this adjoins the blue god bead the origin and function. 龙儿道:“它原本是佛门之物,能够吸收众生愿力,生出‘愿景’,不过这种‘愿景’只是暂时的,并无持久之效。”她向孙炎解说这毗蓝神珠的来历和作用。 Sun Yan thought, luckily he does not have really with this bead, goes brainwashed about imaginary zither | Jean and Shao green spin and the others, originally its function has the effectiveness. Said and returns to the original topic, although he naturally has such idea, but quick gave up, on the one hand is because shows tender affection, thought that goes is not good to them with this method, on the other hand, actually also considered, oneself has not clarified the function of this bead, does not know that its effectiveness is whether lasting, has other side effects. 孙炎心想,幸亏他没有真的用这珠子,去对幻琴和绍绿旋等人洗脑,原来它的作用是有时效的。说又说回来,他当然虽然有这样的想法,但很快就放弃了,一方面是因为怜香惜玉,觉得用这种手段去对她们不好,另一方面,其实也是考虑到,自己还没有弄清这珠子的作用,根本不知道它的效用是否持久,又是否有其它的副作用。 When he will turn into fire cloud Xiaosheng, by matter that Shao green spin, imaginary zither | Jean and the others saw, told them. various beauty look at each other in blank dismay, Sun Yan and fire cloud Xiaosheng is the matter of same person, unexpectedly knew by the Shao green spin and these days female? If this matter passes on, feared that two causes the stir in the immortal demon unavoidably. Sun Yan said: Afterward I think it over, only have a method......” 他将自己变成“火云小圣”时,被绍绿旋、幻琴等人看到的事,告诉她们。诸美女面面相觑,孙炎和“火云小圣”是同一个人的事,竟然被绍绿旋和那些天女知道了?这种事若是传出去,怕是免不了在仙魔两界引起轰动。孙炎道:“事后我想来想去,只有一个法子……” Young is grasping the powder fist: Silences a witness of crime!” 雏儿握着粉拳:“杀人灭口!” dragon Erxiao sound said: „...... Doesn't need to silence a witness of crime?” 龙儿小声道:“也……也不用杀人灭口吧?” Ji Xiaoman said: Really should silence a witness of crime?” 吉小曼道:“果然还是应该杀人灭口吗?” Has zither | Jean Meiwu saying: Oh, since were discovered, matter that silences the witnesses does not have the means!” 有琴美舞道:“唉,既然被发现了,杀人灭口也是没有办法的事!” I said that who you are? 我说你们到底是什么人啊? Sun Yan hurries saying: I think it over, actually may not silence a witness of crime, so long as......” 孙炎赶紧道:“我想来想去,其实也不一定要杀人灭口,只要……” Has zither | Jean Meiwu saying: You silenced a witness of crime!” 有琴美舞道:“你还是杀人灭口好了!” Ji Xiaoman said: Un un!” 吉小曼道:“嗯嗯!” Say/Way that dragon Er has doubts: Why can silence a witness of crime? Also, doesn't use that situation?” 龙儿疑惑的道:“为什么非得杀人灭口?也、也不用到那种地步吧?” Ji Xiaoman narrows the eyes smiles: Arrived that situation, thought it over, only has two methods. Either is silences the witnesses......” 吉小曼眯眯笑:“都到了那种地步,想来想去,也只有两个法子。要么是杀人灭口……” Has zither | Jean Meiwu to use eye slanting Sun Yan: Like us, turns into his woman either, like this, even if knows the secret are not related.” 有琴美舞用眼睛斜孙炎:“要么就是像我们一样,变成他的女人,这样,就算知道了秘密也没有关系。” dragon Er, Ling and young looks simultaneously to their men, their men look cautiously to them: You...... will not really plan that makes me silence a witness of crime?” 龙儿、玲儿、雏儿同时看向她们的男人,她们的男人小心翼翼地看向她们:“你们……不会真的打算让我杀人灭口吧?” Young exciting say/way: Master, I helps you kill!” 雏儿兴奋的道:“主人,我来帮你杀!” You consider as finished to me...... 你给我算了…… ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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