MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#1000: Has the world of dinosaur?

Xue Baochai's helpless raising the head, looks to the distant place, another side of big trees, two neck child long/grows fearful monster, is rubbing their faces mutually. Six flower and cold said, they called tanystropheus. In them behind distant place, then pours one to try to attack them, vicious exceptionally, was actually picked a sword to cut the beast of prey of head, they said that this named tyrannosaurus. 薛宝钗无奈的抬起头来,看向远处,高高大大的树木的另一边,两个脖子长得可怕的“怪兽”,正在互相摩擦着它们的脸。六花和凛说,它们叫“长颈龙”。在她们身后远方,则倒着一只试图攻击它们,凶狠异常,却被采采一剑斩下脑袋的猛兽,她们说,这个叫“霸王龙”。 No matter tanystropheus or tyrannosaurus, or they after entering this world, the seen many strange animals, they have a unified name, is called dinosaur. Before Xue Chaichai, Lin Daiyu, pick, world that lives, had not heard what is dinosaur, the dragon is the dragon, inborn strange, some spraying of water, some spit the electricity, this type not only will not spray water will not spit the electricity what thing „is dinosaur? Are they also the dragons? 不管是长颈龙还是霸王龙,又或她们自进入这个世界后,看到的许许多多奇怪的动物,它们都有一个统一的名称,叫作“恐龙”。薛钗钗、林黛玉、采采以前所生活的世界,都不曾听说过什么叫“恐龙”,龙就是龙,天生灵异,有的喷水,有的吐电,这种既不会喷水又不会吐电的“恐龙”是什么东西?它们也算是龙吗? The squads of their five people of group, in fact, many are somewhat strange. Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu have known, picking with cold is Divine Dragon elder sister...... is also the Sun Yan elder sister Sun Yan apprentice, but the star of ruby, mentioned when cold master, sometimes will call her anomaly directly, cold unexpectedly is also the default appearance. Although Daiyu does not like that Divine Dragon elder sister, actually does not know her what kind was abnormal? 她们这个五人组的小分队,实际上,多少有些怪异。薛宝钗和林黛玉都已知道,采采和凛是“神龙姐姐”……也就是孙炎的姐姐孙妍的徒弟,但是红宝石之星,提到凛的师父时,有时会直接叫她“变态”,凛居然也是默认的样子。黛玉虽然不喜欢那神龙姐姐,却也不知道她怎的就是变态了? Cold has long known, Baochai elder sister and Daiyu the elder sisters are her teacher's wife, naturally Divine Dragon elder sister is actually her master Sun Yan matter, since the master has not told them, she will not naturally say. Sometimes , imagines them to know the situation after truth at heart venomous, but thinks of the truth, her tears want to fall gently...... beautiful charming whole body fill the beautiful paternal aunt of brilliance to give back to me me naturally and as if! 凛则早已经知道,宝钗姐和黛玉姐都是她的师娘,当然神龙姐姐其实就是她的师父孙炎的事,既然师父还没有告诉她们,她自然也是不会说的。只是有的时候,心里不免充满恶意的,想象着她们知道真相后的情形,只是一想到真相,她眼泪就想掉下来……把我温柔美丽迷人大方、仿佛全身上下都充满了光彩的妍姑姑还给我! Baochai elder sister and Daiyu elder sister, is the woman of master, picking the elder sister is like her in name, is the apprentice of master, had actually settled, after growing up, must marry the master, will be her future young teacher's wife...... my teacher's wife can too many? Incense stick|Fragrant teacher's wife and beautiful dancing teacher's wife and Ms. Ling and Ms. Xiaoman and Ms. Baochai and Ms. Daiyu and future picking young teacher's wife...... do not increase again! 宝钗姐和黛玉姐,都是师父的女人,采姐姐名义上跟她一样,是师父的徒弟,却是早就说定了,长大后要嫁给师父的,是她未来的小师娘……我的师娘会不会太多了点?香香师娘、美舞师娘、玲师娘、小曼师娘、宝钗师娘、黛玉师娘、未来的采采小师娘……不要再增加了啊! On the other hand, won't the master...... start to me in the future?! Right, master that anomaly. Turns into the woman, becomes Divine Dragon elder sister time, with day flower bud elder sister and green elder sister, probably also illegibile appearance...... 5555. Why will I have such a master? 话又说回来,师父将来不会……不会对我也下手吧?!对了,师父那个变态。变成女人,当上神龙姐姐的时候,和天蕾姐和青青姐,好像也不清不楚的样子……5555。我为什么会有这样子的一个师父? After entering this stretch of the world, as if dwarf Luo record, everywhere is the dinosaur and so on, ancient times the period will have the animal and plant., Picks regarding Baochai, Daiyu, they know the flood dragon dragon dragon Yinglong chi dragon. Does not know has what dinosaur. In comparison, cold and six flowers are also modern people, is only their in childhood, thinks likely chi dragon Qiulong and so on thing, wants in the legend, never knows that they meet unexpectedly real. 自进入这片天地后,仿佛到了侏罗记,到处都是恐龙之类,远古时期才会有动物和植物。对于宝钗、黛玉、采采来说,她们知道蛟龙虬龙应龙螭龙。可不知道有什么恐龙。相比之下,凛和六花也算是“现代人”,只是她们幼时,都以为像螭龙虬龙之类的东西,都只要传说中,从来不知道它们竟然会是真的。 Naturally, now they have known, the different world, its principle is also completely different. Regarding the main world, profound qi finds time. All dragon clans were migrated by Heavenly Court to other world forcefully, but dinosaur and so on, then before is many tribulations, animal that has perished. After all, 30,000 years world great misfortune, the destroyed species is innumerable a time. However their several people, no is the person in main world, actually not Grand Pure clear/pain present main world is what appearance. 当然,现在她们已是知道,不同的世界,其法则也是绝然不同。对于主世界来说,玄气抽空。所有龙族都被天庭强行迁移到其它世界,而恐龙之类的,则是许多劫以前,就已经灭亡掉的动物。毕竟,三万年一次的天地大劫,被毁灭的物种原本就是数不胜数。不过她们几人,没有一个是主世界的人,其实也不太清楚现在的主世界到底是什么样子。 However now, they place, is actually one relatively gloomy is. If. What they enter is a dwarf Luo time generation of the world , that now, their feelings, actually arrive at the netherworld of this world probably. Dwarf Luo Jihe netherworld. These two nouns that seems like cannot correspond, appear here place together. The distant place, still had the dinosaur round trip, appears is actually frightened anxiously, is the gloom is everywhere dense, as if will have the appearance that the ghost braves anytime. The feeling looked like enters the world in ghost piece to be the same. 但是现在,她们所身处的,却是一个相对阴森的所在。如果说。她们进入的乃是一个侏罗记时代的世界,那现在,她们的感觉,却像是来到了这个世界的阴间。侏罗记和阴间。这两个看上去怎么也对应不起来的名词,却在这个地方一同出现。远处,仍然有恐龙来去,却都显得惊惶不安,到处都是阴气森森,仿佛随时都会有鬼怪冒出来的样子。感觉就像是进入了鬼片里的世界一般。 But this was still only a feeling, in fact, even if in this gloomy terrifying was, they have not seen a true ghost. That type of murky and miserable light atmosphere, really somewhat makes people very uncomfortable, what is worse, looks like runs into ghost to build a wall, they had transferred many days in this area, is unable to go out, vertical has the strength of second law continually, can interfere with parallel world the star of ruby, is unable to survey outside world again. 但这也仍然只是一种感觉,事实上,即便是在这阴森恐怖的所在,她们也没有看到一只真正的鬼怪。只是那种昏沉沉、惨淡淡的气氛,实在是有些让人很不舒服,更糟糕的是,就像是遇到“鬼打墙”,她们已经在这一带转了许多天了,却怎么也无法出去,纵连拥有第二法之力,能够干涉平行世界的红宝石之星,也无法再探测到外面的世界。 Can't we in dire straits here? Cold is thinking. 我们不会困死在这里吧?凛想着。 They stop on a slope, looks at the front. Daiyu takes is embroidering the beautiful woman small circle fan, gently shaking, some quite headaches say/way: „Did we transfer?” 她们停在一处坡上,看着前方。黛玉拿着绣美人小圆扇,轻轻摇动,颇有些头疼的道:“我们是不是又转回来了?” Baochai's helpless say/way: Perhaps yes!” 宝钗无奈的道:“恐怕是!” Picks, six, cold to nod flower together! 采采、六花、凛一同点头! At this moment, in their distant place, under the slope the distant place, dragon Juanxing the black wind, is ordinary like the turbulent flow, revolving of high velocity. This black wind should emit from the place bottom, has, if top, the imposing manner is not actually astonishing. However like this type, braves from the place bottom, forms the turbulent flow the cold wind, has many in this piece, moreover there are more and more trends. Present black turbulent flow, they are not first meeting, the pitch central place, but also remains previous time their is boiling the remnant wall that the dinosaur egg leaves behind here. 此刻,在她们远处,坡下远处,龙卷形的黑风,如同涡流一般,高速度的旋转。这股黑风应该是从地底冒出,有若陀螺,气势其实也不算惊人。但是像这种,从地底冒出来,形成涡流的阴风,在这一片颇有不少,而且还有越来越多的趋势。眼前的这道黑色涡流,她们已不是第一次遇到,斜坡中央处,还残留着她们上一次在这里煮恐龙蛋留下的残垣。 Lin Daiyu said: What to do? Couldn't we really go out probably?” To her, so long as follows Baochai elder sister, where is the same, is really not good, here two people of the world, for a lifetime, that's ok. But three children were brought by them, can't also let them in this gloomy place sleepily for a lifetime? 林黛玉道:“怎么办啊?我们好像真的出不去了?”对她来说,只要跟着宝钗姐,在哪里都是一样,实在不行,就在这里二人世界,过一辈子,也没有什么关系。但三个孩子是被她们带来的,总不能也让她们在这种阴森森的地方困一辈子? Xue Baochai said: Area this gloom is too heavy, the five elements escaping technique has no way to use, escaped not to mention, we do not clarify the position now, the technique of use far escaping, fell to where forcefully has the possibility. The so heavy gloom, only escapes to use probably fishily, but I actually also never study the ghost to escape.” 薛宝钗道:“这一带阴气实在太重,五行遁术根本没法使用,远遁就更不用说了,我们现在连方位都弄不清楚,强行使用远遁之术,掉到哪里都有可能。这般重的阴气,大概只有鬼遁能用,但我却也从未学过鬼遁。” At this moment, star of departure suddenly ruby: Well, I surveyed the vibration of space!” 就在这时,红宝石之星忽的飞出:“咦,我探测到了空间的震动!” Space vibration? Everyone looks to the star of ruby. The star of ruby said: Cold!” 空间震动?所有人都看向红宝石之星。红宝石之星道:“凛!” Tozaka cold say/way: Knew!” Jumped, the time stagnates, the delicate and exquisite body becomes none all of a sudden, the star of ruby departs myriad rays, helping her wear the pink dragonfly common magic robe. Turns the buttocks, lifts the chest, chops the leg, spins in the bodies, is revealed the lovable posture, after all complete, the body has exchanged the pink short skirt, in the skirt had the small trousers trousers to be partly visible, inserts the waist single-handedly, takes the stick of kaleidoscope single-handedly, the stars shine. 远坂凛道:“知道了!”跳了起来,时间停滞,娇小玲珑的身体一下子变得精光,红宝石之星飞出万千光芒,帮她穿上粉红蜻蜓一般的魔法袍。扭臀,抬胸,劈腿,旋身间,绽露出可爱的姿势,一切完成之后,身上已经换上了粉红短裙,裙内有小裤裤若隐若现,一手插腰,一手拿着万花筒之杖,星星闪耀。 Really feels very ashamed! 果然还是觉得很羞耻! The magical girl changes the body time, the time is to stagnate, others cannot see. However, the cold present recalls, when the master turns into Divine Dragon elder sister, in the volume opens the third eye again time, she changes the body each time, the master will open the eye, good ashamed appearance. Really the master is can see? Can he actually really see? Really looked at the light by the master up? 魔法少女变身的时候,时间是停滞的,其他人根本看不到。但是,凛现在回想起来,当师父变成“神龙姐姐”,额上再张开第三只眼睛的时候,每次她变完身,师父都会睁大眼睛,一幅“好羞耻”的样子。果然师父是看得到的吧?他其实真的看得到吧?果然还是被师父看光光了吧? Magical girl cold, both hands are grasping the pink magic wand, starts to use the space conquest class the magic, quick access road/simply said: Here has the different space, moreover just constructed!” 魔法少女凛,双手握着粉红色的魔法棒,开始使用空间探测类的魔法,很快便道:“这里有异度空间,而且是刚刚构建的!” Different space? The treasures and black two females look one. „The different space this noun , is very to them novel, but wants to come, actually with the monster hole demon territory of overlay in realistic potential surface and so on, actually was still a matter, but was the name is different. However this place, they had passed by several times, in the first several times, may not have to survey anything here „the different space. 异度空间?宝、黛二女对望一眼。“异度空间”这个名词,对她们来说也很新颖,但想来,其实与叠加在现实位面上的妖窟魔域之类,其实仍是一回事,只不过是叫法不同。但是这个地方,她们已经路过了好几次,前几次里,在这里可没有探测到什么“异度空间”。 Xue Baochai said: Has the means that surveys the situation in different space?” 薛宝钗道:“有没有办法,探测到异度空间里的情形?” Cold shakes the head, expressed does not know that was what situation. The Takanashi six flowers turn out directly, the magical girl changes the body, both hands open to shout whistling the revolutions: That crushes it!” Pulls the eye-shade, screamed: Rupturing, reality! Smashing, spirit! Vanishes! This world!” 凛摇了摇头,表示不知道里面是什么情况。小鸟游六花直接翻出,魔法少女变身,双手张开呼呼呼的转:“那就把它击碎吧!”一扯眼罩,尖叫道:“爆裂吧,现实!粉碎吧,精神!消失吧!这个世界!” Xue Baochai, Lin Daiyu, picked, cold to call out with one voice: Waits for!” 薛宝钗、林黛玉、采采、凛齐声叫道:“等一下!” Bang! The golden light beam runs out from evil king Zhenyan of six flowers, is rupturing void at the extremely quick speed. Has the magical girl strength of 2.17 million equivalents, was known as the girl who strongest magical girl, by the astonishing destructive power, crushed the different space of overlay above realistic potential surface. A cold wind turbulent flow, actually howls from. 轰!金色的光柱从六花的邪王真眼里冲出,以极快的速度爆裂着虚空。拥有二百一十七万当量的魔法少女力,号称最强魔法少女的女孩,以惊人的破坏力,击碎了叠加在现实位面之上的异度空间。一股阴风涡流,却从内中呼啸而出。 ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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