MGIAFM :: Volume #11

#1007: Emperor giant star

Suddenly, has ghost looks that two young demoness dumbfoundedly, are they rejecting? Did they reject the emperor giant star's invitation unexpectedly? They rejected unexpectedly, does not know how many demoness snatch the glory of not being able to snatch? Too excessive, was too dissolute, was too inconceivable. 一时间,所有鬼都瞠目结舌地看着那两个小女鬼,她们是在拒绝吗?她们竟然拒绝了天皇巨星的邀请?她们竟然拒绝了,不知道多少女鬼抢都抢不来的荣耀?太过分了,太放肆了,太不可思议了。 The ghost body of emperor giant star starts to shiver, unceasing shivering, in history, this is the first fishiness, exhibits this disliking he, rejects his stance. He starts the anger, before he felt, not anger: Why? Why? Why? Why......” 天皇巨星的鬼身开始颤抖,不断的颤抖,有史以来,这还是第一次有鬼,摆出这种讨厌他,拒绝他的姿态。他开始愤怒,他感受到了前所未的怒火:“为什么?为什么?为什么?为什么……” Because you are stupid and big! Cold is complaining at heart. 因为你又蠢又大!凛在心里吐着槽。 I knew,” the emperor giant star hehe is smiling, you were too excited, because of can my invitation, you be too excited, did not need to fear, don't worry, this was your honor, come, came, comes......” “我知道了,”天皇巨星呵呵地笑着,“你们是太激动了,因为能够得到我的邀请,你们太激动了,不用怕,不用担心,这是你们的光荣,来,过来,过来……” The honorable your head, Chang E Fairy Maiden did not have to say oneself were a giant star, you also felt all right to give a name to call the emperor the giant star. 光荣你的头,嫦娥仙子都没说自己是巨星,你也好意思取个名字叫天皇巨星。 I knew, you envy me,” emperor giant star mountain giant body supports generally straightly, both hands lift up high from coercing upward, you envy my dazzling, the ray that you envy my giant star, your wish makes me lose face, you so lowly, must not exposed to my no one be possible and talent, must not exposed to my great brilliance, your cheap people, your , because envies wants to make me lose face, because cannot compare me to imagine the insect equally before the cheap person who my foot crawls to make me loathe, you succeeded, you made me loathe, you made me angry., You used your despicable souls to tarnish my performance, your two lowly people!!!” “我知道了,你们嫉妒我,”天皇巨星山一般巨大的身体挺得笔直,双手从胁下往上高举,“你们嫉妒我的耀眼,你们嫉妒我巨星的光芒,你们想要让我丢脸,你们是如此的卑贱,见不得我无人可及的才华,见不得我伟大的光辉,你们这些贱人,你们这些因为嫉妒就想让我丢脸,因为比不上我就想像虫子一样在我脚前爬来爬去让我厌恶的贱人,你们成功了,你们让我厌恶了,你们让我愤怒了,你们用你们卑鄙的灵魂来玷污了我的演出,你们这两个小贱人!!!” You is a cheap person, your entire family is a cheap person, do not speak one's mind in that! 你才是贱人,你全家都是贱人,还有不要在那自说自话啊! Sir breath and breath, appease anger closely!” The small butterfly rapid flight comes, to keep off to pick with the cold front, they are only, they are only new. They are young, they are young, they are innocent. They had not understood that appreciates your talent, gives them some time. I teach them......” “大人息、息息息、息怒!”小蝶疾飞而来,挡在采采和凛的面前,“她们只是、她们只是新来的。她们还小,她们还小,她们还不懂事。她们还不懂得欣赏您的才华,给她们一些时间。我来教她们……” Shut up, you said that the talent and ray of my emperor giant star, I on this day fresh, like the solar dazzling ray, needs some people to teach to be able generally unexpectedly to understand the appreciation? You insult me, you same envy me with them, you are annoying me to be angry, your three inexpensive. Goods. Is using your small, the mud stain same dirty soul insults me, you succeeded, I was angry, I was angry, I want the crumb you!” “住口,你是说,我天皇巨星的才华和光芒,我这天生的、像太阳一般耀眼的光芒,居然需要有人教才能懂得欣赏?你污辱我,你跟她们一样嫉妒我,你们在惹我生气,你们三个贱.货。在用你们那小小的、泥渍一样的肮脏灵魂来污辱我,你们成功了,我生气了,我愤怒了,我要捏碎你们!” A fist, the meteorite common black fist is close toward them suddenly like lightning. 骤然一拳,陨石一般的黑色拳头朝她们闪电般接近。 Little butterfly elder sister was careful!” “小蝶姐小心!” Picks the sword light to flash, draws directly the little butterfly elder sister back. Is bang one, the magical girl changes the body cold grasps the stick of kaleidoscope, opens the protection to tie, the black great fist attacks the magic to tie. Let the space send out ripple general folding. 采采剑光一闪,直接把小蝶姐拉到后边。紧接着就是嘭的一声,魔法少女变身的凛手持万花筒之杖,张开防护结界,黑色巨拳冲击着魔法结界。让空间发出水纹一般的皱褶。 „Do you dare to hide unexpectedly? Do you dare to keep off my fist unexpectedly?” The emperor giant star is roaring, I am unable to control itself, I must kill the four directions greatly!!!” “你们竟然敢躲?你们竟然敢挡我的拳头?”天皇巨星咆哮着,“我无法控制自己了,我要大杀四方!!!” Loudly. The intense ghost air/Qi toward in all directions, sea general wells up. The ghosts frighten scared shitless, flee and become separated in abundance, the table ghost in rushing jumps is stepped on flatly, the skeleton ghost was pushed in the collision breaks into pieces, everywhere is it by the bone of being upon the jump. 轰然间。强烈的鬼气往四面八方,海一般的涌去。众鬼吓得屁滚尿流,纷纷逃散,桌子鬼在奔跳中被踩扁,骷髅鬼在碰撞中被挤得碎散,满地都是它被跑来跑去的骨头。 Cold, when you transferred the duty to become Wuya mouth from the magical girl, said the matter to have an accident?” The stick of kaleidoscope bent, stick head the star of ruby called out. “凛,你什么时候从魔法少女转职成乌鸦嘴了,说出事就出事?”万花筒之杖弯了起来,杖头的红宝石之星叫道。 What matter closes my?” Calling out of cold vitality/angry. I sit on the tree have the yawn bored. Who knows that will turn into this appearance? “关我什么事啊?”凛生气的叫道。我不过就是坐在树上无聊地打哈欠。谁知道怎么会变成这个样子? Death!” The astonishing energy pats generally like the tide. “死吧!”惊人的能量如同浪潮一般拍来。 The small butterfly startled displays the supernatural power, changes many butterflies. Actually cannot block the energy raging tide of emperor giant star. Is good to pick to lead her, governing sword rapid flight. Circles toward another side. 小蝶惊慌中施展法力,变出许多蝴蝶。却根本挡不住天皇巨星的能量狂潮。好在采采带着她,御剑疾飞。往另一边绕去。 Bang! Bang! Bang! Three gems blast out in the energy raging tide, explodes the gap the energy raging tide, the magical girl cold rapid flight. 砰!砰!砰!三颗宝石在能量狂潮中炸开,将能量狂潮炸出缺口,魔法少女凛疾飞而出。 This ghost is very indeed strong, but his magecraft at least like the Buddha strength of ten sides, does not have the natural restraint to their ghosts. 这鬼的确很强,但他的法术至少不像十方的佛力一样,对她们的鬼身有天然的克制。 Greatly stupid ghost! Narcissistic ghost! The emperor is great!” She is shouting loudly, the help/gang picks to lead away the attention of emperor giant star with the small butterfly. “大笨鬼!自恋鬼!天皇巨蠢!”她大声叫着,帮采采和小蝶引开天皇巨星的注意力。 Cheap person!!!” The emperor giant star is stepping on the pavilion construction all the way, bends the waist, one rumbles to come to her sincerely, the innumerable fragments explode under his fist. “贱人!!!”天皇巨星在踩着一路上的楼阁建筑,弯下腰来,一拳拳向她轰来,无数碎片在他的拳下爆开。 The physique of emperor giant star is too big, -and-a-half , cold left Tuyou flashes, the great fist pounds to fall in her meteor generally, in the casual boxing, will then make her meet a cruel death. Cold falls in a tall building, the both legs proceed a tread with the strength, accelerates with the strength, spins the body rotation, throws more than ten gems, the gem demolishes the magic barrier, her right hand like the pistol, the left hand grabs the right hand arm, the stick of kaleidoscope inserts behind. 天皇巨星的块头实在太大,一步半里,凛左突右闪,巨拳在她的身边流星一般砸落,随便一拳击中,便会让她粉身碎骨。凛落在一个高楼上,双腿借力往前一蹬,借力加速,旋身回转,扔出十几块宝石,宝石爆破成魔法屏障,她右手如手枪,左手抓着右手手臂,万花筒之杖插在身后。 Bang!!! 砰!!! The light beam ejects, in the function of magic barrier, the refraction round number ten magic balls, is attacking the emperor giant star tower same body simultaneously. The emperor giant star both hands block the head curvingly, is bending the body, the magic ball bang bang bang bang bang hitting on his body, emits the light smoke that dozens points incite, has not actually had many effects. 光束击出,在魔法屏障的作用上,折射成数十道魔法弹,同时冲击着天皇巨星塔一样的身体。天皇巨星双手弯曲挡住脑袋,弓着身体,魔法弹嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭的打在他的身上,冒出数十点滋滋的青烟,却没有生出多少效果。 By she has stepped on tall building opening eye suddenly, sways from side to side building body, looked back one, the eye opened the eldest child all of a sudden, the next plate stood directly, were many two ghost feet, having no more to do with probably run. The bang, the thigh has run upon on its ghost, hits the building ghost directly is split up. The emperor giant star roared is firing into the cold, shatter building ghost broken goes toward the both sides of its thigh, pop pop pounding in other constructions, everywhere wreckage. 被她踩过的高楼忽的睁开眼睛,扭动楼身,向后看了一眼,眼睛一下子睁得老大,下盘直接立起,多了两只鬼脚,拔腿要跑。轰,大腿已经撞上了它的鬼身上,直接将楼房鬼撞得四分五裂。天皇巨星咆哮着冲向凛,破碎的楼房鬼往它的大腿的两侧破去,噼噼叭叭的砸在其它建筑上,满地残骸。 Bad! The sudden acceleration of emperor giant star makes cold have no place to hide. 糟了!天皇巨星的突然加速让凛无处可躲。 Brushes, several thousand sword light delimit the arc, the rapid flight have come, spreads Cambridge in her under foot. Cold is stepping on the flying sword, proceeds to rush on the bridge of flying sword unceasingly. Picks to melt ten thousand sword in a distant place sword, is helps cold avoid a tribulation finally. You cannot fight his!” The little butterfly elder sister was startled to call out, we hurried to escape.” 刷刷刷刷刷,数千道剑光划过弧形,疾飞而来,在她的脚下铺成剑桥。凛踩着飞剑,在飞剑的桥梁上不断往前奔。采采在远处一剑化万剑,总算是帮凛躲过一劫。“你们斗不过他的!”小蝶姐惊叫道,“我们还是赶紧逃吧。” Cannot escape! The emperor giant star is too big, pursues the speed of person is also quick, even if her sword escapes is still not necessarily able to escape, they still in the ghost town, the pandemonium are equivalent to a different space let alone. If six flowers here, can penetrate the pandemonium with evil king Zhenyan actually directly, she and cold actually not such skill. 逃不掉的!天皇巨星实在太大,追人的速度也快,就算是她的剑遁也未必能够逃过,更何况她们还在鬼城里,鬼域本身就相当于一个异度空间。如果有六花在这里,倒是可以用邪王真眼直接将鬼域击穿,她和凛却都没有这样的本事。 Must help cold win the time in turn, makes cold use to fantasize collapse! 必须要反过来帮凛争取时间,让凛用出“幻想崩坏”! Little butterfly elder sister, you lead away his attention!” Picks governing the flying sword, toward the emperor giant star body sweptback slanting circled. “小蝶姐,你来引开他的注意力!”采采御着飞剑,朝天皇巨星身后斜斜的绕了过去。 You look for trouble for me really!” The small butterfly is sighing woefully. Actually offended the emperor giant star, actually offends the emperor giant star who ten thousand ghosts focused attention on Asura next world, as the new ghost you was really competent. Saw, the emperor giant star transfers all the way is in chaotic situation , to continue to pursue the cold, small butterfly color sleeve backward, upward the flying rapid flight. “你们真是给我找麻烦啊!”小蝶哀叹着。竟然得罪了天皇巨星,竟然在修罗阴界得罪了万鬼瞩目的天皇巨星,作为新鬼你们实在是太能干了。眼看着,天皇巨星一路上转得鸡飞狗跳,继续追赶凛,小蝶彩袖向后,往上飞疾飞。 Here!” Her sleeve wields, changes many butterflies, disrupts the line of sight of emperor giant star. The emperor giant star grabs thoughtlessly before own face, angrily roars, full head the sending silk brushes has danced, all strikes to fall all butterflies, turns the body suddenly, a fist goes toward the small butterfly bang. “这边这边!”她袖子一挥,变出许多蝴蝶,扰乱天皇巨星的视线。天皇巨星在自己的脸前乱抓,一声怒吼,满头的发丝刷刷刷的舞过,将所有蝴蝶全都击坠,紧接着蓦一扭身,一拳往小蝶轰去。 You were swindled, the emperor is great!” Has offended him in any case, the small butterfly is also disinclined to manage so many again, flicks the sleeve turns round to fly away. “你上当了,天皇巨蠢!”反正都已经得罪他了,小蝶也懒得再管那么多,拂袖回身飞开。 Bang! Energy group that the emperor giant star rumbles in her body side wrong body, is bang bang bang the bricks flies randomly, as well as ghost crying monster is a, the emperor giant star sole slides, the entire only great ghost went toward the side but actually, crushed a street. 轰!天皇巨星轰出的能量团在她的身侧错身而过,紧接着便是嘭嘭嘭的砖瓦乱飞,以及一片片鬼哭妖嚎,天皇巨星脚底一滑,整只巨鬼往侧面倒去,压毁了一条街。 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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