LISIL :: Volume #10 长夜过春时

#1245 Part 1: Shadow (Middle Part)

The chaotic several forms were pulling closer the distance in an instant, collides to the conflict, some people give self up to, some people forward, some people avoid, some people brandish a sword in the hysteric call, the steel from the sky collided the fierce flame, the resounding infiltrated the person, made the tooth and fingers/tiger mouth of person feels the flood hemp faintly. 纷乱的数道身影在霎那间拉近了距离,至冲突碰撞,有人舍身而上,有人向前,有人躲避,有人在歇斯底里的呐喊中挥刀,钢铁在空中碰撞出了剧烈的火光,脆响渗人,令人的牙齿与虎口都隐隐觉得泛麻。 official investigator of avoidance was divided the arm, breaks the arm to follow racing wells up the blood to fly the upper air, that cuts slantingly, but a below blade has also delimited his abdomen intestines, he staggers the retreat, to the assassin hand the long blade still wields in such as the wind cuts, with a more violent stance across his body. But another official investigator that raised the blade to rush , the long blade that in the hand plain blade and opposite party wielded full power inlays in one, two people opened the mouth to shout, pulled crazily full power, collided in the tunnel, latter seizes. 一名躲避的捕快被劈断了手臂,断臂伴随奔涌的鲜血飞上高空,那斜斩而下的一刀还划过了他的腹肠,他踉跄后退,冲来的刺客手中长刀还在如风挥斩,以更为暴烈的姿态穿过他的身体。而另一名扬刀冲上的捕快,手中朴刀与对方全力挥来的长刀嵌在了一起,两人张开了嘴呼喊,疯狂地全力拉扯,在巷道里碰撞、后夺。 At the same time, the Ni breaks double fist and Song Xiaoming's blade wield full power pound in the same place, he by the fist to the soldier, the arm ties the arms to have the heavy iron bar, both hands protects the oneself upper body to wield to the foreign ship dance pounds, is similar to the iron wire fist of later generation, depends to enter long rudely short, direct broken long blade middle of the mill. This already on rivers and lakes / Jianghu is the assaulting fighting method of side door, Song Xiaoming long blade volume dance, howls must drag the blade light round revolutions the plate to the opposite party, the under foot is the step retrocedes, must spread out. One side that on retreat official investigator cut the number blade like assassin that the eagle threw in an instant continually, wielded toward Song Xiaoming's back cuts to return. 同一时刻,倪破的双拳与宋小明的刀全力挥砸在一起,他以拳对兵,手臂上绑有沉重的铁条,双手护住自己上身向外轮舞挥砸,与后世的铁线拳类似,仗着以短进长的势大力沉,直接破长刀中路。这在江湖已经属于偏门的抢攻打法,宋小明长刀卷舞,呼啸着要将刀光圆转拖向对方下盘,脚下则是步伐后退,要拉开距离。一旁那如飞鹰般扑下的刺客在后退的捕快身上转眼间连斩了数刀,向着宋小明的后背挥斩而回。 Song Xiaoming another hand pulls out the iron proportion to keep off, the front iron fist comes like the thunder bang, he shakes the head in the retreat, the burning fist has rumbled the frontal eminence. 宋小明另一只手拔铁尺封挡,前方铁拳如雷霆般轰来,他在后退间摆头,火辣辣的拳头轰过额角。 Treads —— 踏踏踏—— He with the distance of tunnel azure wall is to retrocede three steps, he cried loud and long in these three loudly, in the hand the long blade and crowbar wielded unceasingly pound, but in the front and body side, more violent fist wind and blade light ground kills. 他与巷道青墙的距离是后退三步,他在这三步间放声长啸,手中长刀与铁尺不断挥砸,但在前方与身侧,更为猛烈的拳风与刀光碾杀而过。 The sunlight falls, the courtyards in tunnel and between surroundings, the bird is startled to fly, in by no means long time, shouting of people stops gradually, bang bang bang the shaking the fist sound by violent slowly becomes slow. 日光落下,巷道与周围的院落间,鸟儿惊飞,并不长的时间里,人们的嘶吼渐停,砰砰砰的挥拳声由猛烈慢慢变得缓慢。 The smell of blood fills the air from the tunnel. 血腥味从巷道里弥漫出来。 When are not many, outside on lane path, together double fist bloodstained big form, he on thick fresh bloodstain fist on the wall of street, after that cried out loudly: 过不多时,巷子外头的道路上,一道双拳染血的高大身影,他将拳头上浓稠的鲜血印在街边的墙壁上,此后放声呐喊了一句: —— kills Chief Investigator Song Xiaoming, iron fist Ni breaks. ——总捕宋小明者,‘铁拳’倪破是也。 ...... …… The time is in the evening, the street in distant place, first resounded one to call the arrowhead, where was official investigator arrested the criminal probably. But crosses one, calling the arrowhead sound are many gradually, city east street , becomes not a little calm and steady. 时间已是傍晚,远处的街头,先是响起了一声鸣镝,大概是捕快们又在哪里抓捕了犯人。但过得一阵,鸣镝声渐多,城东的街头,也变得有点不安稳起来。 Rather the death anniversary climbed up the roof to look into one, was seeing with own eyes equitation Police Chief races had appeared the crowded city street anxiously, that slight confusion, even also extended indistinctly to the direction of imperial city...... 宁忌爬上屋顶眺望了一阵,眼见着骑马的捕头焦急地奔行过本已显得拥挤的城市街道,那细微的混乱,甚至还隐约延伸向了皇城的方向…… The resident between pedestrian and work place on street, discussion gradually. Naturally, from last evening to the present, in the city the every large or small sound had not stopped, this time also had/left what relatively difficult event probably. 街道上的行人、坊间的住客,也渐渐的议论起来。当然,从昨天傍晚到现在,城内大大小小的动静一直没有停过,此次大概也是出了什么相对棘手的事件。 bent/tune dragon made the menswear appearance including already, tidied up a carriage, later stood in the front gate place waited and saw the moment, listened to come from the insignificant rumor of neighbor neighbor. 曲龙珺已经做了男装打扮,收拾了一阵马车,之后站在院门处观望了片刻,听些来自街坊邻居的无意义的传言。 Crosses one, Ning Ji saw on the roof Chen magnificence who turns over to the peaceful pledge, he jumps from his courtyard to the roof of next door on, since gathered together the hand to shout several, when Chen magnificence noticed here, in the next door inhabitant uncomfortable vision of hehehe jumped. 过得一阵,宁忌在屋顶上看见了归泰盟的陈华,他从自家的院子跳到隔壁的屋顶上,拢起手来喊了几句,待陈华注意到这边,才又在隔壁住户不爽的目光中“嘿嘿嘿”的跳了回来。 Chen magnificence like lackey comes toward here courtyard, greeted to bent/tune Longhan of institute entrance with a smile: Hehehe, dragon Shaoxia Sun Shaoxia does, you live in this?” 陈华如同狗腿子般的朝这边院落过来,笑着向院门口的曲龙珺打招呼:“嘿嘿嘿,龙少侠孙少侠,你们住在这呢?” bent/tune dragon including then talked with him, Ning Jizhi on roof shouted one: Made him say that has an accident.” Not anxiously, but stands on the roof, will continue to look at the liveliness in city, at dusk Fúzhou crowded state of roads will enlarge the unusual tumult, even if cannot overlook the overall situation in the high place with the telescope, but as trained person, the trace that can also spread through the tumult will speculate many things. 曲龙珺便与他交谈起来,屋顶上的宁忌只喊了一句:“让他说说出了什么事。”倒并未急着下去,而是站在屋顶上,继续看着城市里的热闹,傍晚时分福州拥挤的路况会放大不寻常的骚动,纵然不能在高处以望远镜俯瞰全局,但作为受过训练的人,也能通过骚动蔓延的痕迹推测出不少事情来。 Was the big deal...... 出大事了…… Crosses one, bent/tune dragon including climbs up the roof from the staircase, death that before he informed soon Chief Investigator Song Xiaoming. 过得一阵,曲龙珺从楼梯爬上屋顶,向他告知了不久之前总捕宋小明的死。 Ning Ji frowns. 宁忌皱起了眉头。 ...... …… At the same time, in the imperial city, can see that setting sun gradually is turning into such as the blood general color, spreads toward all. 同一时刻,皇城之中,能够看到夕阳正渐渐变成如血一般的颜色,朝着一切蔓延过来。 The governing study room, the people are discussing official business, a Fúzhou city as well as peripheral big map high hung, compiles to many matter already of present above from last night. 御书房,众人尚在议事,一张福州城以及周边的大地图高高的挂了起来,从昨晚到现在发生的不少事情都已经在上头汇总起来。 For had expected accident of this day, Ministry of Justice and Zuo, as well as iron skyhawk direct management the people of imperial city division, already made many preparations, there are many already stared at the clue, started to implement seizing and surprise attack last night, simultaneously attempted in this round attack, sought about Pu Xingui, Chen Shuangran, the clue of Cao Jinlong core. 为了早就预料到的这一天的变故,刑部与左家、以及铁天鹰直管的皇城司的众人,都已经做了许多的准备,有许多早就盯上了的线索,在昨晚开始实施了抓捕与突袭,同时尝试在这一轮的突击之中,寻找出关于蒲信圭、陈霜燃、曹金龙核心的线索。 In present round of gambling, essentially was still the imperial family with some tearing to pieces facial skin of large clans and gentries, chess eye that but presented that was Pu Xingui, Chen Shuangran, Cao Jinlong these three people of symbolic existences. Holds these three people, the flame that point(s) can suppress, bad people will cease all activities, but cannot hold these three people, to cleaning up of some large clans, then belongs to scoop water to stop boiling. 发生在眼前的这一轮博弈,本质上仍是皇室与部分大族、士绅的撕破脸皮,但呈现出来的棋眼,则是蒲信圭、陈霜燃、曹金龙这三人象征性的存在。抓住这三人,点起的火苗就能扑灭下去,心怀不轨的人们会偃旗息鼓,但抓不住这三人,对部分大族的清理,则属于扬汤止沸。 In other words, the essences of all strategies must hit the large clan, but tactic presents, then belongs to present three big insurgents. 也就是说,一切战略的本质是要打大族,但战术的呈现,则归于眼前的三名大反贼 Day of Throughout the night time, the achievement cannot say does not have, but has not touched the core of this action, therefore then, can only continue to work the matter, anticipated that in magnanimous clue, can have several, can make them select these three insurgents trails finally. 一天一夜的时间,成果不能说没有,但并未触及此次行动的核心,于是接下来,只能将事情继续进行下去,期待在海量的线索中,能有几条,能够使他们最终圈定这三名反贼的踪迹。 Matter already discussed most probably, but at this moment, information that because outside the palace passes on suddenly, the people in study room, are suddenly silent, the Emperor complexion is much cloudier, the iron skyhawk also somewhat is also absent-minded, but a moment later, he makes subordinate leave the palace to the matter of disciple makes processing temporarily, oneself remained in the governing study room as before. 事情已经讨论了大半,但这一刻,由于宫外突然传进来的信息,书房中的众人,一时间都沉默下来,皇帝的脸色阴沉得可怕,铁天鹰也同样有些恍惚,但片刻之后,他让手下出宫对弟子的事情暂做处理,自己则依旧在御书房中留了下来。 In the room Junwu has not spoken, was summoned left Wenhuai who enters the palace not to speak, the iron skyhawk also seems silent. Crossed one, in the room officials of young guard first stood. 房间里君武没有说话,被召进宫来的左文怀没有说话,铁天鹰也显得沉默。过了一阵,房间里一名少壮派的官员首先站了出来。 Feudal official with great courage, admonished —— to ask your majesty to firmly decide again, ordering Zhenhai, to carry the Wei two army, began to various Fujian local area illegal large clans! If the feudal official previous time said that in the Fujian large clans, many people non- feudal official's hearts are obvious, to these people, should not have the thoughts that treated to eat meal. This Fúzhou disorder, the scoundrel is vicious, to put it bluntly nothing but is these large clans takes in the city the industry and personal connection to cover up for the bad man in the back. Now in Fujian, the Imperial Court military still occupies the absolute winning side, this matter is imminent, according to the feudal official looks, moves the army, has sieved the entire Fujian, interrogated to these large clans carefully, must be able to examine the evidence......” “臣斗胆,再谏——请陛下痛下决心,下令镇海、背嵬二军,对福建本地各不轨大族动手!如臣上次所言,福建大族之中,许多人的不臣之心早已昭然若揭,对这些人,绝不该有请客吃饭的心思。此次福州乱象,歹徒凶狠,说白了无非是这些大族在背后以城内产业、人脉为歹人遮掩。如今在福建,朝廷的兵力仍占绝对上风,此事迫在眉睫,依臣看,动大军,将整个福建筛过一遍,对这些大族细细审问,必能审出证据……” Sufficed —— Junwu to get angry, a palm of the hand clapped on the table. “够了——君武黑着脸,一巴掌拍在了桌子上。 Blood red setting sun spreads in the palace, that young and strong officials knelt, he actually made good use young officials, accepted honoring the emperor and repel the barbarians thought that the idea is radical, actually also represented idea of very big one batch of young person: Feudal official remonstrated with the emperor at risk of death! The feudal officials by the lives and properties guarantee, the feudal official are certainly selfless!” 血红的夕阳在殿内蔓延,那少壮官员跪了下来,他其实是受重用的年轻官员,接受了“尊王攘夷”的思维,想法激进,其实也代表了很大一批年轻人的想法:“臣死谏!臣以身家性命担保,臣绝无私心!” Junwu silent moment: „...... That, if, hasn't examined the evidence?” 君武沉默了片刻:“……那若是,没有审出证据呢?” That officials also silent a meeting, clenches jaws: „...... These Fujian large clans, refuse to accept king change/transform, this contradiction is hard to untie radically, this time......, even if frames the charge, will not be unfair to them is too many. Only then cleaned up these people, the Fujian common people, will manage...... the feudal official to know for your majesty, this matter is not feasible in the world of peace, but under the heavens is perilous now, your majesty wants to pull the day to lean, cannot hesitate in this time again, the feudal official invited your majesty, decided! If worried to have the issue afterward, the feudal official is willing to process these non- feudal official villain for your majesty, if there is a matter to do not well, your majesty may catch the feudal official to punish —— at any time 官员也沉默了一会,咬牙切齿:“……这些福建大族,不服王化,此矛盾根本难以解开,此次……即便罗织罪名,也不会冤枉他们太多。只有清理了这些人,福建百姓,才会为陛下所管……臣知道,此事在太平之世绝不可行,但如今天下危殆,陛下欲挽天倾,不能再在此时迟疑了,臣请陛下,下决心吧!若担心事后有问题,臣愿为陛下处理这些不臣小人,若有事情做得不好的,陛下可随时抓臣治罪—— His these words language firm determination, even there is generous of being unafraid of death. Nearby left Wenhuai faint frowns, without the speech, Junwu stared at his one, sighed. 他这番话语决心坚定,甚至有视死如归的慷慨。一旁的左文怀微微蹙眉,没有说话,君武盯了他一阵,叹了口气。 „...... Iron Sir, dying...... is Our Chief Investigator, was your disciple...... you say said that you did feel?” “……铁大人,死的……是朕的总捕,也是你的弟子……你来说说吧,你觉得呢?” The iron skyhawk trod one step toward the front, as if also sighing of faint. 铁天鹰朝前方踏了一步,似乎也微微的叹了口气。 Old minister thinks that...... is not feasible.” He said calmly. “老臣以为……绝不可行。”他平静说道。 Junwu nods. 君武点了点头。 Why Ah? “为什么啊? ...... …… The setting sun ray seems like at the same time the huge magic weapon, from on skull of above and city of person in the past, has extended toward not a horizon. 夕阳的光芒像是一面巨大的法宝,从人的上头、城市的上头盖了过去,一直延伸往无远弗届的地平线。 Ning Ji and bent/tune Longhan tidied up the carriage, is rushing for the car(riage) toward the bridge work place that side. 宁忌与曲龙珺收拾了马车,赶着车朝银桥坊那边去。 Sighing: „...... Said, this was really I have seen most vexed Emperor, hehe, previously also thinks, he crossed well......” 叹了口气:“……说起来,这真是我见过最窝囊的皇帝了,嘿嘿,先前还以为,他过得不错……” Chief Investigator Song Xiaoming was killed, murderer even splendid appears in the street, soon after escapes into nearby streets and alleys, vanishes in surrounding of official investigator does not see, this matter besides martial arts superior of opposite party, in fact also demonstrated opponents' secretly the control to city. 总捕宋小明被杀,凶手甚至堂而皇之的在街头出现,随后遁入附近的街巷,在捕快的围堵中消失不见,这件事情除了对方的武艺高强,实际上还显示出了暗地里的反对者们对城市的掌控。 In entering one month after city, Ning Ji at least believes, Imperial Court sends, although is insufficient in each ravine strength, but in each big city, was still maintaining the absolute control, who knows this intensely after fighting to launch, he discovered that many bastard's secretly strength to the city also has huge grasping. 在入城之后的一个多月里,宁忌至少认为,朝廷派虽然在各个山间实力不够,但在各个大城市,仍旧是保持着绝对掌控力的,谁知这番激烈的交手展开后,他才发现暗地里的众多坏蛋对城市的力量也有着巨大的掌握。 Stayed for three years in Fujian, unexpectedly Capital City has not even pinched completely on, after having no consideration for face, must conduct such to pull, was too simply pitiful. 在福建呆了三年,居然连京城都没有完全捏到手上,撕破脸后还要进行这样的拉扯,简直太可怜了。 bent/tune dragon shakes the head including unexpectedly: Matter actually cannot say like this, when the Fujian local these large clans, Wu Dynasty was prosperous in the past, and between Emperor no doubt said that the qualifications of words do not have, but really wants calculates, is tens of thousands and even several hundred thousand people of joint efforts, they must tear and bite with Imperial Court, Ministry of Justice Chief Investigator said the status, in fact, was only person nothing more......” 曲龙珺倒是摇了摇头:“事情倒也不能这样说,福建本地的这些大族,过去武朝兴盛时,跟皇帝之间固然说句话的资格都没有,但真要算起来,也是成千上万、甚至几十万人的合力,他们要跟朝廷撕咬,刑部总捕说起来身份了得,实际上,也不过就是区区一个人而已……” Does this degree, this/should to seal/confer Chengcha.” Ning Jidao, makes the patrolling City army move, blocks each downtown streets, then bolter can, why screen out many people to come...... you to feel Imperial Court to be able like this?” “搞到这个程度,该封城查一遍了吧。”宁忌道,“让巡城军动起来,封锁各个坊市,然后一个个的筛一遍,能筛出不少人来……你觉得朝廷会这样干吗?” He gave the idea, bent/tune dragon contained that side silent, crossed one piece just now to depend, said in a low voice: „...... My unexpectedly felt, this.” 他提出了想法,曲龙珺那边沉默了一阵,过了一片方才靠过来,低声道:“……我倒是觉得,不会这样做。” „...... Why Ah? “……为什么啊? Fúzhou your majesty for Consort accept, called many people to come, bad person secretly to disturb, already called many people. yesterday started the two sides to draw a sword to see red. If I Chen Shuangran, Pu Xingui, he once to seal/confer city, I then escaped by far...... these sealed the city hawser if could not hold the chief instigator, the person of processing were more, the influence in the world will be worse, everyone one will think that your majesty had no consideration for face starts to massacre the person in Fujian, secondly will think that Imperial Court could not hold the Fúzhou aspect, when the time comes Chen Shuangran these people called from a high place, each patriarchal clan of Fujian, will climb mountains to respond......” 福州的陛下为了纳妃,召集了许多人过来,暗地里的坏人为了捣乱,也已经召集了许多人。昨日开始两边拔刀见了红。我若是陈霜燃、蒲信圭,他一旦封城,我便远远的逃了……这一番封城大索若抓不住主谋,处理的人越多,世面上的影响就会越坏,大家一来会觉得陛下撕破脸开始在福建乱杀人了,二来会觉得朝廷福州的局面都抓不住,到时候陈霜燃这些人登高一呼,福建的各个宗族,都会上山响应……” Hey.” Rather envies/avoid smiled, „, therefore I said, this Emperor is really vexed, timid and hesitant......” “嘿。”宁忌笑了笑,“所以我说,这皇帝真是窝囊啊,束手束脚的……” Because in the family/home the elder will mention southeastern occasionally disciple, Ning Ji was usually good to the impression of here small Emperor, the tour of this Fúzhou, previously saw here city life is systematic, actually some in the heart also many favorable impressions. At present one round to killing, what Chen Shuangran, Pu Xingui such puppy can make Ministry of Justice Chief Investigator be assassinated on the road, Ning Jidao was really for the opposite party aggrieved. 由于家中长辈偶尔会说起东南的这个“弟子”,宁忌对这边小皇帝的印象素来不错,这次福州之行,先前见到这边城市生活井井有条,其实心中也多少有些好感。眼下一轮对杀,什么陈霜燃、蒲信圭这样的小狗都能让刑部总捕被刺杀在路上,宁忌倒真是为对方憋屈了一把。 Naturally, now this matter is not big with his connection, when he also in the plan iron skyhawk leaves the palace the assassination, as well as how to make Pu Xingui see oneself is also bad person the standpoint, matter begins, the clue is insufficient, however, slightly pondered, feels nothing but looks at others' liveliness anxiously in vain, sees the walk step. 当然,如今这件事与他的关联也不怎么大,他还在计划铁天鹰出宫时的刺杀,以及如何让蒲信圭这边看到自己也是“坏人”的立场,事情才开头,线索不足,急也枉然,略想了想,觉得无非看着别人的热闹,见步行步。 in the heart also has some is but actually curious, when the father mouth mentioned this small Emperor, always said that he was a simple obedient child, even in mentioning constructed the new moon toward around destruction these things, regarding small Emperor several solemn and stirring dying wars, has the extremely high appraisal. This chaos erupt, left Wenhuai and the others have not displayed southwest such foolproof plan, does not know the father, if here, saw that small Emperor was bullied like this, what kind of method with will clutch to choke to death Chen Shuangran, the puppies in Pu Xingui these shadows. 心中还有些好奇,父亲口中说起这小皇帝时,向来说他是个朴实听话的孩子,甚至在说起建朔朝覆灭前后的那些事情时,对于小皇帝的几次悲壮死战,也是有着极高评价的。这次大乱爆发,左文怀等人并没有表现出西南那样的算无遗策,也不知道父亲若是在这里,看到小皇帝被这样欺负,会用怎样的方法将陈霜燃、蒲信圭这些阴影里的小狗揪出来掐死。 Sometimes thinks, if oneself can have the such ability, should also make a move to help opposite party —— be natural, will choke to death iron skyhawk tortoise bastard conveniently. 有时候想想,自己若是能有这样的能力,应该也会出手帮对方一把——当然,更会顺手掐死铁天鹰这个王八蛋 He thinks of these, has a look around military advisor bent/tune Longhan unavoidably, her potential is very big, although at present could not have achieved this thing, but if follows oneself to travel again on rivers and lakes / Jianghu, before perhaps in the future several special operations forces teams of convergence Huaxia army, where can also let the oneself likely father average person again manifests a presence, big scenery. 他想到这些,又不免看看一旁的军师曲龙珺,她的潜力很大,眼下虽然还做不到这种事,但若跟着自己再在江湖上游历一番,将来再汇合华夏军的几支特战队伍,说不定也能在什么地方让自己像父亲一般人前显圣,大大的风光一番。 Thinks of here, unavoidably secretly hehe two. 想到这里,也不免暗自“嘿嘿”两声。 Another side bent/tune Longhan is frowning also thought the moment, said: Now the Fúzhou aspect is not peaceful, after the momentum is noisily big, large clan who waits and sees in secret, it is estimated that is also last round stands in line, thinks carefully, here Imperial Court can occupy the decisive winning side truly, mainly subordinate about 200,000 armies, if compelled anxiously, perhaps will really make the army send out, these people getting one round......” 另一边曲龙珺皱着眉头也想了片刻,道:“如今福州的局面不太平,声势闹大以后,私下里观望的大族,估计也是最后一轮站队,仔细想想,这边朝廷真正能占决定性上风的,主要还是手下的近二十万大军,若是逼得急了,说不定真会让军队出动,把这些人给打上一轮……” Ning Jiwang the front, this unexpectedly has not been thinking: Then in struggling the game of under the heavens, small Emperor was eliminated thoroughly.” 宁忌望着前方,这次倒是没有多想:“那在争天下的游戏里,小皇帝就彻底出局了。” Um?” bent/tune Longhan looks at him, is blinking. ?”曲龙珺看着他,眨着眼睛。 ...... …… In Imperial Palace, the iron skyhawk stands there, sighed. 皇宫之中,铁天鹰站在那儿,叹了口气。 „...... The old minister comes out from Ministry of Justice, always walked with official investigator of under recently, to each yamen underlings, understood many. The old minister always a clearest matter is, there are many yamen government officials, initially when enters the line, to common people still pity, but often after he handles the matter that first confession, framed to frame...... this person then could not manage the case that was difficult to manage, only when because of the case of meet difficult office, at this time can frame to frame and confess under torture mostly to deal with......” “……老臣自刑部出来,从来与下方的捕快走得最近,对各个衙门的底下人,也了解最多。老臣向来最清楚的一件事是,有许多的衙门官吏,初入行时,对百姓尚有一颗怜悯之心,但往往就在他做了第一次的屈打成招、罗织构陷的事情后……此人便办不得难办的案子了,只因遇上难办的案子时,此时多半都会以罗织构陷、屈打成招来应付……” Junwu palm, whipped on the table reluctantly. 君武的手掌,在桌子上无奈地拍打了一下。 Under is kneeling young and strong officials clenches teeth: Bandit is rampant, knot between Imperial Court and large clan, according to the feudal official looks like, is almost Ah… that cannot untie... only this one time, for expedient measure......” 下方跪着的少壮官员咬了咬牙:“匪人猖獗,朝廷与大族之间的结,依臣看来,几乎是解不开的啊……只此一次,为权宜之计……” Ok.” Junwu in the above said that We, only then your set of team, only then your available ministers, this time facing the so big matter, We said can expedient, in the future will meet the equally big matter, everyone also can still expedient. Unties at the Imperial Court strength with the knot of Fujian each large clan, matter is very big, is the matter of that fair party big? Hits Jurchen people, is matter big? With southwest resists, is matter big? In this world the big matter were many, nothing but is block soldiers with generals and block water with earth, slowly dismantling is......” “行了。”君武在上方道,“朕只有你们这一套班子,只有你们这一些可用的大臣,此次面对如此大的事情,朕说可以权宜,往后遇上一样大的事,各位也依然会权宜。以朝廷的力量解开与福建各个大族的结,事情是很大,那公平党的事情大不大?打女真人,事情大不大?与西南对抗,事情大不大?这世上大的事情多了,无非是兵来将挡水来土掩,慢慢拆解就是……” These words saying the also without too many generous sentiment, by no means is melodious, but the will in his words is sober, after saying, slightly paused: Moreover, odd/surplus Sir/minister, I know that the meaning of your sincerity, knows, young officials that now in Imperial Deliberation Hall, pulls out much, has with your same thoughts...... also because of so, to warn to follow bad example, this time We fall your third-level, starts over from the beginning to, We hope that you learn from a painful experience and set up the meritorious service again, in the future before can come to the palace, again discussed official business.” 这番话说得并没有太多的慷慨之情,也并不抑扬顿挫,但他话语中的意志是清醒的,说完之后,略顿了顿:“另外,余卿,朕知道你的拳拳之意,也知道,如今朝堂中,不少拔上来的年轻官员,也都有与你一样的心思……也正因如此,为儆效尤,此次朕降你三级,到下头去从头做起吧,朕希望你痛定思痛、再立功勋,往后能再来殿前议事。” „...... You may have complaint Ah? “……你可有怨言啊? In governing study room peaceful, soon after, that officials bang, kowtows in the place. 御书房中安静了一阵,随后,那官员砰的一声,磕头在地。 ...... …… setting sun changes makes the blood light to be scarlet gradually, the carriage is close to the bridge work place. 夕阳渐渐变作血光般猩红,马车接近银桥坊。 Rather envies/avoid is wielding the whip gently. 宁忌轻轻挥动着鞭子。 „...... Competes for under the heavens, in fact is also competes for the popular sentiment, Fúzhou, the popular sentiment all in Imperial Court, because of the mountains and plains place, these patriarchal clans really does not have the reason of existence, is the common people wants the patriarchal clan, not only the patriarchal clan enslaves the common people...... small Emperor, even if has killed the patriarchal clan of Fujian, the common people did take him? Incorrect, in the future the anti- unexpectedly army turns into the warlord, must and robs by the high pressure from the common people hand robs the tax revenue and military expenses, when the time comes what Zhenhai army, carry Wei army, will turn into the bandit army that all cannot hit...... to struggle under the heavens this matter, is not cannot kill people, but to not snatch the popular sentiment kills people, in fact will also only kill oneself......” “……争夺天下,实际上也是争夺民心,福州这边,民心不全在朝廷,是因为山野地方,那些宗族确实有存在的理由,是百姓要宗族,不只是宗族奴役百姓……小皇帝就算把福建的宗族杀过一遍,百姓就服他了吗?不行的,将来反倒是军队变成军阀,要靠高压和抢劫从百姓手上抢夺税收和军费,到时候什么镇海军、背嵬军,也会变成全不能打的土匪部队……争天下这种事,不是不能杀人,但不为抢民心而杀人,实际上也只会杀了自己……” In his mouth was saying optional words, on nearby seat, bent/tune Longhan is first astonished however, the soon after vision is gradually bright, unexpectedly complexion slightly red, in the vision becomes admires. Actually in the past that time in the southwest healing from a wound, she looks that is being cold the young military doctor of face, often will have the such vision to appear, now decided the status with the opposite party, more often felt what was lively and cute of opposite party, but he had so intelligent side eventually. 他的口中说着随意的话语,一旁的座位上,曲龙珺先是讶然,随后目光渐渐明澈,倒是脸色微红,目光中变得仰慕起来。其实过去在西南养伤的那段时间里,她看着那冷着脸的小军医,常常会有这样的目光出现,如今与对方定了名分,更多的时候感觉到的是对方的活泼与可爱,但他终究是有如此智慧的一面的。 Ning Ji notices the such vision, self-satisfied, passes the moment, pours smiled. 宁忌注意到这样的目光,洋洋自得,过得片刻,倒还是笑了笑 Hehe, in the Huaxia army often spoke these things......” “嘿嘿,华夏军里常常讲这些东西的……”
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