LISIL :: Volume #10 长夜过春时

#1244: Shadow (First Part)

Bang and bang bang —— 砰、砰砰—— Tree's shadow in the darkness shakes. 树影在黑暗中摇动。 In courtyard that plants the big tree, the big form is shaking the fist, the speed of fist front has the strange rhythm probably, sturdy big tree that continuously, a person is hard to grasp, then swaying one by one in this boxing sound. 种有大树的院子里,高大的身影正在挥拳,拳锋的快慢像是带着奇异的节奏,连绵不断,一人都难以抱住的粗壮大树,便在这拳击声中一下一下的摇晃。 Courtyard by no means is luxurious, an obsolete 2 layers wooden ceiling assumes L to be situated, the transmission place is hanging the broken lantern sends out the dim light in the dim light of night, illuminated some places, actually resembles sets off thickly the night. 院子并不奢华,一栋老旧的两层木楼呈“L”型坐落,转交处挂着的破灯笼在夜色中发出昏暗的光,照亮些许的地方,倒像是将夜衬得更浓了些。 In the courtyard other also has people, in the parapets of wooden ceiling two corners, a blade guest stands in the darkness silent, on the tile of roof, has the shadow to stand erect. 院子里还有其他人,木楼二层转角的栏杆内,一名刀客沉默地站在黑暗里,屋顶的瓦片上,亦有黑影矗立。 The field of vision distant place, the Fúzhou city every large or small unrest is still in progress. 视野的远处,福州城大大小小的骚乱还在进行。 Crosses one, the form in building sends the simple signal, some soon after people came. 过得一阵,楼上的身影发出简单的讯号,随后有人进来。 Near tree shaking the fist stops. 树边的挥拳停下。 Entered the middle-aged person in courtyard to look at all around, silent cupped one hand in the other across the chest, soon after moved toward near the courtyard central big tree: Ni great hero is still practicing boxing at this time.” 进入院落的中年人看了看四周,无声地拱手,随后走向院子中央的大树边:“倪大侠此时还在练拳。” I since grown, shake the fist every day a double-hour.” Stands iron fist Ni Pojie under tree starts on cotton tape, afternoon thinks to have the matter, kept the strength of half double-hour, does not think the trifling thing not to have, disappointing people somewhat.” “我自成年起,每日挥拳一个时辰。”站在树下的铁拳倪破解下手上的布带,“下午以为有事,留了半个时辰的力气,不想屁事没有,令人有些失望。” Young Lady after the careful arrangement, Government could not find here suddenly.” 小姐经过精心的布置,官府一时间找不到这里。” goal that salt always comes is......” “那盐老过来的目的是……” Also is Young Lady told, something must discuss with Ni great hero.” “却也是小姐吩咐,有些事要与倪大侠商量。” Hits the person, to kill people and kill anyone. But said that might as well.” “打人、还是杀人、杀谁。但说无妨。” The person who this comes at night, indeed Chen Shuangran nearby Manager Chen Yan, the both sides social dealings hits already to be many, Ni breaks personality is also refreshed. Chen Yan unexpectedly faint silent, soon after cupped one hand in the other across the chest. 这个夜晚过来的人,正是陈霜燃身边的管事陈盐,双方交道打得已经不少,倪破性情也是爽快。陈盐倒是微微沉默了一下,随后拱手。 Then opens the mouth in the courtyard: 便在院子里开了口: First batch of beginning person today already goes out of town in the evening, they are make a move to choose by Ni great hero personally, Young Lady felt, person who no matter Government can hold going out of town, matter of Ni great hero front section date and time challenge in the city, was unable to cover up everywhere.” “第一批动手的人今日傍晚已经出城,他们是由倪大侠亲自出手挑选,小姐觉得,不管官府能不能抓住出城的人,倪大侠前段时日在城内四处挑战之事,都已无法遮掩。” I like fighting, by military society member, what's the big deal?” “我就喜欢打架,以武会友,那又如何?” Government will not listen, in any event, Ni great hero, your time matter already completes, Young Lady said, this is the beforehand reward.” 官府不会听,无论如何,倪大侠,你此次的事情已经做完,小姐说,这是之前的报酬。” Chen Yan is saying, put out a small box, the booth handed over, Ni breaks put out a hand to receive, knits the brows. 陈盐说着,拿出了一个小盒子,摊手递了过来,倪破伸手接过,皱了皱眉。 Then?” “然后呢?” If then Ni great hero intends, we can arrange Ni great hero to go out of town momentarily, 35 during the day, when can be separated from the Fúzhou boundary completely, keeps one's distance from chaotic of this Fúzhou.” “然后若倪大侠有意,我方随时可以安排倪大侠出城,三五日间,当能完全脱离福州地界,远避此次福州之乱。” Snort, dismantles the bridge after crossing? —— do you want to be me?” “哼,过河拆桥?——你们想做了我?” Does not have this matter certainly.” The Chen Yan confident say/way, this Young Lady chooses a person, Ni great hero was not the friend who only one by one external helped, Young Lady said, you can safe and secure leave, revealed the sincerity that this time we chose a person, but you, if completed the matter then dead immediately, perhaps other friends, will not make us feel better...... right?” “绝无此事。”陈盐坦然道,“此次小姐用人,倪大侠不是唯一一个外来助拳的朋友,小姐说,你能平安离开,方显此次我方用人的诚意,但你若做完事情立刻便死了,其他的朋友,恐怕都不会让我们好过……对吧?” His these words saying frankly and uprightly, last, nevertheless is then opening the mouth to courtyard in others, above 2nd floor some people snort/hum, generally acknowledged here conduct upholds justice. Ni breaks also opens that small box, forces in the bosom with several gems inside several paper money. 他这番话说得光明正大,最后一句,却是回头对着院子里的其他人开口,二楼之上有人哼了一声,却大抵是承认了这边的行事仗义。倪破也打开那小小的盒子,将里头几张银票与几颗宝石塞进怀里。 Snort, now walks, your here women manage a household , was too rather petty.” “哼,现在就走,你们这里女人当家,也未免太小家子气了些吧。” Considers for Ni great hero.” “都是为倪大侠着想。” But I have not planned to walk.” “可我还不打算走。” Ni breaks opens the mouth slowly. 倪破缓缓地开口。 Chen Yan looks at him in the opposite, the vision is tranquil. 陈盐在对面看着他,目光平静。 Saw only Ni Potai to lift finger: I come time, then had said that I iron fist Ni breaks, a native of Jizhou, this time comes, to fire me the reputation on rivers and lakes / Jianghu, to become famous to set up ten thousand! What you do is the important matter of rebellion, works to have the methodicalness, this good, but was Government suspects me now at most, did not represent them to find me, did not represent them to hold me, your family Chen Shuangran, also has that Pu Xingui, Cao Jinlong and the others, have not walked in the city, at present makes me leave, did you look down upon me?” 只见倪破抬了抬手指:“我来的时候,便曾经说过,我‘铁拳’倪破,吉州人,此次过来,为的是打响我在江湖上的名声,扬名立万!你们干的是造反的大事,做事有章法,这不错,可如今顶多是官府怀疑了我,不代表他们就能找到我,更不代表他们能抓住我,你家陈霜燃、还有那蒲信圭、曹金龙等人,还不是在城里行走,眼下就让我离开,你瞧不起我吗?” Chen Yanding he, soon after smiled: Ni great hero, really must stay behind, playing is bigger?” 陈盐盯着他,随后笑了笑:“倪大侠,真要留下,玩得更大些?” Ni breaks also smiles. 倪破也笑起来。 Salt is old.” He said slowly, Jizhou is like many places of Fujian, is a small place, when Ni since childhood good military, over ten years old, then thinks that oneself fights all over under the heavens not to have the rival, may go south until Jurchen people, the shame of Jing Ping, has the northern master boxer to arrive there, an gives a hand, I know that oneself in the past was only frog in a well. I study with a teacher, over the following several years, there are to construct the new moon to move to the south, northern people lifts to go south, we know big of under the heavens, the wonder of skill at martial arts.” “盐老。”他缓缓道,“吉州跟福建的许多地方一样,是个小地方,倪某自幼好武,十多岁时,便以为自己打遍天下无敌手,可直到女真人南下,靖平之耻,才有北方拳师来到我们那里,一番搭手,我才知道自己过去只是井底之蛙。我重新拜师学艺,此后数载,又有建朔南迁,北人大举南下,我方知天下之大,拳术之妙。” He is solving the cloth strip of another hand: „...... The being good enough year Jiangning congress, I see in the world finally the strongest Fist Arts, the most wonderful skill, I am afraid, but I know that oneself one day, can arrive there sooner or later...... before then, I will hit step by step, until one day, can stand the front of forest founder, compares notes with him!” 他解着另一只手的布条:“……到得去年江宁大会,我终于看到世上最强的拳法、最妙的身手,我心生恐惧,但我知道自己迟早有一天,能走到那里……在这之前,我会一步一步的打过去,直到有一天,能够站到林教主的面前,与他切磋!” Under dim light of night, he whish throwing away the cloth strip in hand. 夜色之下,他将手中的布条哗的扔开。 Salt is old, the tour of this Fúzhou, but also has not reached my limit, I do not fear death, the falcons and dogs also range chicken earthenware dog in yamen. You need me, I can help you achieve the great accomplishment.” “盐老,此次福州之行,还远未到我的极限,我不怕死,衙门里的鹰犬也不过土鸡瓦狗。你们需要我,我能帮你们做大事。” His words, in the dim light of night, Chen Yan seems like by its boldness is subdued at this point, clear and bright smiles finally. 他的话说到这里,夜色中,陈盐似乎是被其魄力折服,也终于爽朗地笑开。 Young Lady said......, if Ni great hero can have such consciousness, we...... truly can achieve some fierce great accomplishments together.” 小姐说……若倪大侠能有此等觉悟,那咱们……确实是可以一起做些厉害的大事了。” Don't again like before bored, makes a unsafe matter to come.” “别再像之前一样无聊,弄点不安全的事情来吧。” Relax.” Chen Yanxiao, will not be safe...... to anyone is.” “放心。”陈盐笑,“不会太安全……对谁都是。” ...... …… Outside Fúzhou city. 福州城外。 Distant can see some form in the darkness races images, has to hold the knight of flare, passes through the field, across the village and across village extra income Tangbian the grove in the yellow halo...... 远远的能够看到一些身影在黑暗中奔行的影像,亦有执火把的骑士,在黄色的光晕里穿过田野、穿过村庄、穿过村庄外水塘边的林子…… The time is close to 11 p.m. to 1 a.m, the patrolling City army and Ministry of Justice strength already extends dozens li (0.5 km), controlled the Fúzhou peripheral all avenues, surrounds screening at dusk assassin that assassinates in the city. 时间接近子时,巡城军与刑部的力量已经延伸数十里,控扼了福州周边所有主要道路,围堵筛查傍晚时分于城内行刺的刺客 The above of city nearby officer post, has the form to show the ray in the room to play chess, the young girl who in faint wears the veil sits before the window drinks tea, by slit that opens slantingly, is observing outside the scene in dim light of night. 城市边上一处官驿的上方,有身影正在微微透出光芒的房间里下棋,戴着面纱的少女坐在窗前喝茶,透过斜斜打开的缝隙,观察着外头夜色中的景象。 Some moment, in the roof hears the flap that warned, the soon after window opens, wore the form of black long gown to return to the room like the ghosts and demons together. 某一刻,楼顶上传来示警的拍打声,随后窗户打开,一道身着黑色袍服的身影如鬼魅般的回到了屋内。 „It is not quite right.” Swallows saying that Monk sound faint brings some hoarsely, had several teams of officers to go to the reed village.” “不太对。”吞云和尚的声音微微带着些沙哑,“有几队官兵去了苇庄。” In the room, Chen Shuangran holds tea movement faint to stop, center under the Go two forms have not moved, another person arrives to swallow the cloud nearby, took up the telescope in his hand, calmly looks toward the distant place from the window. 房间之中,陈霜燃捧茶的动作微微停了停,正中下围棋的两道身影未动,另有一人走到吞云的身边,拿起了他手中的望远镜,从窗口静静地朝远处看。 Was discovered?” Chen Shuangran sighed. “被发现了?”陈霜燃叹了口气。 Swallows cloud say/way: Can rescue?” 吞云道:“要去救吗?” Does not need.” The window refers to the man of telescope opening the mouth, is prepared early.” “没有必要。”窗口指望远镜的男子开了口,“早有准备。” Chen Shuangran drank tea. 陈霜燃又喝了一口茶。 The room center, Go still below, outside dim light of night as before, some moment, in the distant dim light of night shone one group of flames deeply worried suddenly, the man before window put down the telescope. 房间中央,围棋在下,外头的夜色焦灼依旧,某一刻,远远的夜色中陡然亮起了一团火光,窗前的男子放下了望远镜。 Explosion.” He said. “爆炸了。”他道。 Amitābha.” Swallowed the cloud to select the eyebrow, can run away, must look at that their good fortunes...... old buddhist monk unexpectedly somewhat was curious, how were they discovered?” 阿弥陀佛。”吞云挑了挑眉,“能不能跑掉,要看他们的造化……不过老衲倒是有些好奇,他们怎么被发现的?” Holds the man of telescope to look at the distant place in dim light of night, soon after, faint moves the corners of the mouth, seems smiling: Iron skyhawk has long known, this Fúzhou chaotic situation, what we depend is the bad each wealthy and powerful family, although they will not come personally, but the industry in family/home, was depends on...... Fujian that we avoided noisily made for two years, I read the Ministry of Justice early list, which were possibly the rebellions, which suspicions big, which suspicions were small, including them in Fúzhou inside and outside other park, touched one round inevitably......” 执望远镜的男子看着夜色中的远处,随后,也微微动了动嘴角,似乎在笑:“铁天鹰早就知道,这次福州乱局,咱们靠的是心怀不轨的各个大户,他们虽然不会亲自前来,但家中的产业,才是我们躲避的倚仗……福建沸沸扬扬的闹了两年,我看刑部早有一份名单,哪些是可能造反的、哪些嫌疑大、哪些嫌疑小,包括他们在福州内外的别苑,也必然摸了一轮……” He said: I, if iron skyhawk, perhaps starting from last month, on already quietly, in has the suspicion one by one industry outside do not place the informer and drawing the bow and not discharging the arrow, then to the tonight's such big weaponry, many people was running, can perhaps catch a big fish...... the present looks like, iron Police Chief thes old diamond still cuts sharp, is our round luck, some not good......” 他道:“我若是铁天鹰,恐怕在上个月开始,就已经悄悄地在各个有嫌疑的别业外头安插眼线、引而不发,然后到了今晚这样的大阵仗,许多人都在跑,说不定就能抓条大鱼……如今看来,铁捕头宝刀未老,也是我们这轮的运气,有些不好……” Snort.” Swallows to say smiled: It seems like, should find an opportunity first to be him.” “哼。”吞云笑了笑:“看来,该找个机会先做了他。” Under Chen Shuang sets off the teacup: If there is...... Grand-Master to act, I also want to try......” 陈霜燃放下茶杯:“若有……大师出手,我也想试试……” He does not have is so good to cope.” Takes the form of telescope to shake the head, in the past on rivers and lakes / Jianghu, always his iron skyhawk encircles kills others, really few person can encircle him...... those years, in the operation layout can make him fall behind step by step, only then that person......” “他没那么好对付。”拿着望远镜的身影摇了摇头,“当年在江湖上,总是他铁天鹰围杀别人,甚少有人能围他……那么些年,运筹布局上能让他步步落后的,只有那一个人……” is who?” Swallowed the cloud to ask one. 是谁?”吞云问了一句。 In the room two people of below chess, looked at the vision at this time. But immediately, the people see him to shake the head silent, realized actually that this time said is, immediately, two people of playing chess transferred, swallowing saying that the Monk complexion swallowed the maggot to be the same probably. 房间里正在下棋的两人,此时也将目光望了过来。但随即,众人见他摇了摇头沉默不语,就都意识到了此时说的到底是哪位,顿时,下棋的两人转了回去,吞云和尚脸色像是吞了蛆一般难看。 Damn.” Monk scolded one. “操。”和尚骂了一句。 Under nearby Chen Shuang sets off the teacup: Actually I heard, he in Lin'an, did not miscalculate in the past a move,...... had been suspended by Wanyan Xiyin that disciple together?” 一旁的陈霜燃放下茶杯:“其实我听说,他当年在临安,不是也算错了一招,被完颜希尹的那位弟子……摆过一道?” The people nod, near the window person sighed, soon after, smiled: „...... Said is also.” 众人点了点头,窗边的人叹了口气,随后,也笑:“……说的也是。” ...... …… The night of not sleeping, light and fire bit by bit spreads outside the city, in city, from Imperial Palace to Princess Dwelling, from the Li Pin school to the courtyard of Zuo, there are lots of people have not gone off until early morning, the Ministry of Justice lamp has not extinguished all night, before the gate heavy traffic, whole evening just like the bustling streets. 不眠的夜晚,光与火点点滴滴的在城市外蔓延,城池内,从皇宫公主府,从李频的学堂到左家的院子,也有大量的人直到凌晨都未有睡去,刑部的灯更是彻夜未熄,门前车水马龙,整晚犹如闹市。 In the morning rains. 上午下了雨。 Toward noon, the iron skyhawk led one team of people to come back from the city, clothes armor is wet. Let Chief Investigator Song Xiaoming take dry/does trading, Song Xiaoming unexpectedly teased: „Is Master, wet is entering the palace is many?” 临近中午,铁天鹰才带了一队人从城外回来,身上的衣甲都已湿了。让总捕宋小明拿了干的换,宋小明倒是打趣了一句:“师父,湿着进宫是不是更好些?” dishonest practices, your thoughts do not use on this.” 歪门邪道,你的心思不要用在这上头。” That may be somewhat difficult, you must guess the bad person thoughts.” “那可有些难,你得揣测坏人的心思啊。” Do not ramble on, you how?” “别瞎扯,你这边如何了?” He first arrived here, then to understand the progress of situation, Song Xiaoming will have prepared the good record to compile to assume. 他首先来到这里,便是为了了解事态的进展,宋小明将早已准备好的案卷汇总呈上来。 „It is not quite good.” He opens several important, person grasped much, some can also set the crime, but mainly exposes, is not the big leader who we want. According to today their for the crime, this Tan, strict two families, already can copy, then perhaps can also examine two three families, but the family property is not thick, moreover there is this matter, perhaps their already climbed mountains, must suppress these three people who...... previously observed closely, without movement, including not on Chen, Pu, Cao these chaotic bandits chiefs......” “不太好。”他翻开其中几张重要的,“人是抓了不少,有的也能定下罪行,但主要暴露的,都不是我们想要的大头头。按照今天他们的供罪,这谭、严两家,已经可以抄了,接下来恐怕还能审出两三家,但家底都不算厚,而且有了这件事,恐怕他们已经上山了,得剿……先前盯住的这三个人,没有动作,连不上陈、蒲、曹这几个乱匪头子……” Song Xiaoming is saying , in a dossier selected, somewhat hesitated: Master, if truly could not find Chen Shuangran, official in charge of receiving guests district, first does draw in a net? Has him and others is caught, the bell two expensive/noble deaths, can get up...... the Fúzhou mansion the long and short of the story group of instigation, this matter pressure also big......” 宋小明说着,又在其中一份卷宗上点了点,有些犹豫:“师父,如果确实找不到陈霜燃,候官县这一位,是不是就先收网?有他和其他一些人落网,钟二贵的死,就可以把煽动的来龙去脉组起来了……福州府这边,这件事压力也大……” The iron skyhawk stared at the moment: This chapter stands has definitely seen with Chen Shuangran.” 铁天鹰盯了片刻:“这个章立肯定跟陈霜燃见过。” But Chen Shuangran did give up him?” “但是陈霜燃是不是放弃他了?” Person who...... is Chen Shuangran back has yamen.” Iron skyhawk hand according to these dossiers, either is now this yamen, either was Police Chief of past six door, perhaps also knew me......” “……是陈霜燃的背后有衙门的人。”铁天鹰的手按在了这些卷宗上,“要么是现在这个衙门,要么是过去六扇门的捕头,说不定还认识我……” Song Xiaoming opens mouth. 宋小明张了张嘴。 „...... Yesterday evening, I received the concealed wiring outside city, knows that side the reed village to have the issue, past time truly found the person, but the opposite party is prepared early, the following person was almost killed several, 12 people who in the evening commit murder, hide in hamlet, escaped from the secretly thought/passage...... killed one, held two, examined at the scene, no one knows how to find Chen Shuangran, can know that at most their political lines, hide...... from last month to today now, the so many line, each cut cleanly, was not the familiar yamen person, could not achieve. Moreover gunpowder that yesterday evening exploded...... also rather complicated......” “……昨天晚上,我收了城外的暗线,知道苇庄那边有问题,过去的时候确实找到了人,但对方早有准备,下面的人差点被炸死几个,傍晚行凶的十二个人,躲在庄子里,从暗道逃跑……杀了一个,抓住了两个,当场审了,没有人知道怎么找到陈霜燃,顶多能知道他们的上线,如今也都躲了……从上个月到今天,这么多的线,每一条都切得干干净净的,不是熟悉衙门的人,做不到。而且昨天晚上爆的火药……也不简单……” Song Xiaoming hesitated „...... is...... our oneself army, was outside?” 宋小明迟疑了一下“……是……咱们自己军队的,还是外头的?” „Outside...... seems like.” “……像是外头的。” „Do some people put out a hand?” “有人伸手过来?” Cannot determine is who.” “不能确定是谁。” under the heavens on such several, to near...... fair king?” 天下这么几家,离得近的……公平王了?” Was indefinite, says.” The iron skyhawk said, this matter I will report, you cannot raise with anybody again......” “不确定,说不得。”铁天鹰道,“此事我会上报,你不能再跟任何人提……” Yes.” “是。” section stand is first motionless, the bell two expensive/noble cases are sensitive, receive the non- recover of wire, I asked the aim to say again. Prepares a carriage. The thing I look to the road on.” The iron skyhawk grasps the dossier that these compile, just before leaving, pours remembers a matter, right, grasped one of them mentioned a name, called iron fist Ni breaks, is person who Chen Shuangran sent......” “章立先不动,钟二贵的案子敏感,收不收线,我请旨再说。准备一辆马车。东西我到路上看。”铁天鹰抓起这些汇总的卷宗,临走时,倒又想起一件事,“对了,被抓的其中一人提到一个名字,叫‘铁拳’倪破的,是陈霜燃派出来的人……” Will say, we also asked this person.” Song Xiaoming takes a paper from the sleeves, already the person is drawing the shadow graph , long this appearance......” “正要说,我们也问到了这个人。”宋小明从衣袖里拿出一张纸来,“已经着人画影图形,呶,长这个样子……” He gives the iron skyhawk the image, the iron skyhawk nods: Opponent is experienced, it is estimated that also already broke the line, but might as well checks...... first do not send, looked that can be quicker found.” 他将图像递给铁天鹰,铁天鹰点了点头:“对手老练,估计也已经断了线,但不妨查一查……先不要发,看能不能快些找到。” Song Xiaoming nods, unexpectedly has not put the too high hope on this above. 宋小明点了点头,倒是没有在这上头放太大的希望。 However, in that afternoon, the person then found. 不过,也就在这日下午,人便找到了。 ...... …… In the evening, Song Xiaoming brings subordinate two elite, in an city lane, felt not right. 傍晚,宋小明带着手下的两名精锐,在城市东边的一处巷子里,感到了不对。 Lane by no means is narrow, but the both sides old walls are quite high, the front giant locust tree throws down the thick tree shade, in Fúzhou city rare cool path, at this moment instead seems somewhat gloomy. Outside the lane has the pedestrian, still has the sound that the commerce hawks to transmit, but nearby watchtower cannot keep in view the situation in lane suddenly, other two companions are circling from the street at this time to that head of lane. 巷子并不窄,但两侧的老墙颇高,前方一棵巨大的槐树投下浓浓的树荫,福州城里难得凉快的道路,这一刻反而显得有些阴森。巷子外头有行人,犹有商贩叫卖的声音传来,但附近的望楼一时间顾不到巷子里的情况,另外的两名同伴此时正从街道绕向巷子的那头。 Originally the tracked that form, stands in Dahuaishu, showed a smile to him. 原本是在被跟踪的那道身影,站在大槐树的下头,向他露出了一个笑容。 soon after, comes. 随后,呼啸而来。 Damn.” “操。” Song Xiaoming draws a sword, simultaneously another hand wields, called the arrowhead sound to get up, rushes to the sky. 宋小明拔刀,同时另一只手挥起,鸣镝声起,冲上天空。 One side courtyard has the sound to resound, the blade light flows ; The above of Dahuaishu, the form of concealment such as the eagle throws. 一侧的院落有动静响起,刀光流淌;大槐树的上方,隐匿的身影如雄鹰扑下。 Sunlight scattered tree shade, all will happen quickly. 日光错落过树荫,一切都会发生得很快。
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