LISIL :: Volume #10 长夜过春时

#1243: Arrowhead front

The flame reflects the nighttime sky. 火光倒映上夜空。 Danger signal once for a while resounding that yamen transmitted orders, the intersection of downtown streets, then can see that occasionally teams of yamen official investigator conduct the arm the blade, the people of street division have gone to the street, raises the iron gong to keep the order at the conspicuous place, at nightfall also shortly, but the pedestrian on street are obviously few. 衙门传令的警讯时不时的响起,坊市的街口,偶尔便能见到一队队的衙门捕快挎刀而过,街道司的人都已走上街头,提着铁锣在显眼处维持秩序,入夜还不久,但街道上的行人已明显少了。 The bridge work place, window-shopping person by no means are also many, the people of street division two, sized up with the doubt vision back and forth have the rivers and lakes / Jianghu background it is said that even possibly is obscene thief Long , Sun. Ning Ji has not gone to shake again idly, both hands hold the chest, with messenger looking at each other of that street division, the preparation comes very much unruly again two, he must bellow whom you to take a look at, then hits the opposite party. 银桥坊,逛街的人也并不多,街道司的人来回了两遍,用狐疑的目光打量据说有江湖背景,甚至可能是“淫贼”的龙、孙二人。宁忌没有再去闲晃,双手抱胸,很是桀骜不逊地与那街道司的差役对视,准备再多来两遍,他就要大吼“你瞅谁”,然后将对方打一顿。 Originally after Fúzhou, oneself presents Duke law-abiding, may be called the good people model, but the local puppy was too bad, unexpectedly when three not five dares to suspect oneself. Solemn martial arts (social) circles Alliance Lord, where can bear this type...... Uh, thinks carefully, although by this kind of air/Qi, that cannot always receive. 自来到福州之后,自己奉公守法,堪称良民典范,但本地小狗太坏了,竟三不五时的就敢怀疑自己。堂堂武林盟主,哪里受得了这种……,仔细想想,虽然受过这类气,那也不能老是受啊。 Quite uncomfortable. 颇为不爽。 The people still do not know tonight this accident by the head, has to feel dragonet little Sun having a wide circle of acquaintances, but also cannot bear inquire that to two people recently rivers and lakes / Jianghu on had what important matter. Ning Ji is also curious, wanting local bully Chen magnificence who will turn over to the peaceful pledge to call to inquire, one inquired in knew them to help report the news, making the disciple who turned over to the peaceful pledge hide within the home do not stir up trouble tonight, therefore the opposite party has not possibly come out. 众人尚不知道今夜这番变故的由头,有觉得小龙小孙交游广阔的,还忍不住过来向两人询问最近“江湖”上又发生了什么大事。宁忌也是好奇,想要将归泰盟的地头蛇陈华叫来询问,一番打听才知道他们帮内发了消息,让归泰盟的门人今夜都躲在家中不要惹事,因此对方可能就没有出来。 Later, the distant place of city resounds slaughters the sound, some night watchmen, official soldier and others scurried about, the people of street division play the gong to shout in the street: Mansion alley has the command! today curfew! 11 p.m. to 1 a.m, refusing the common people still to stop over in the street, the offender......” people did not faint from fear wonderfully. 之后,城市的远处响起厮杀声,又有更夫、衙役等乱窜,街道司的人敲着锣在街头大喊起来:“府衙有令!今日宵禁!子时过后,严禁百姓仍在街头逗留,违者……”众人更是惊觉不妙。 In fact, from Wu Dynasty first year starting from, the curfew of big city basically has then cancelled, although in the law said that has the such system, but in fact little carries out extremely, then still maintained the curfew policy, often is also the place that some border small towns or the public securities ruin. After the shame of Jing Ping, the under the heavens situation is tense, some places have the nighttime curfew occasionally, but such as Lin'an and other cities, mostly condition in put on a show of peace and prosperity. 事实上,自武朝初年开始,大城市的宵禁便已基本取消,虽然法令上说有这样的制度,但实际上极少执行,便是仍旧维持有宵禁政策的,往往也是一些边境小城或是治安败坏的地方。靖平之耻过后,天下局势紧张,部分地方偶有禁夜,但如临安等城,大多还是歌舞升平的状态。 Since Fúzhou curfew, several years, only then several times of few, will often erupt a round big resistance. 福州宵禁,几年以来,也只有寥寥的数次,往往都会爆发一轮不小的对抗。 7 to 9 p.m the moment, that side of downtown streets has several young girls to run pantingly, what is the head is a golden bridge Fangli Queen of Flowers personal maidservant white butterfly, sees only her to rush to the outdoor shop, the complexion is excited: Dragon Young Master dragon Young Master, is not good, tonight nighttime curfew......” 戌时一刻,坊市的那边有几位少女气喘吁吁地跑来,为首的乃是金桥坊里一名花魁的贴身丫鬟粉蝶,只见她跑到摊子这边,脸色兴奋:“龙公子公子,不好啦,今晚禁夜呢……” Smelly small butterfly you know that had an accident?” Rather envies/avoid to leap from the one side. “臭小蝶你知道出什么事了吗?”宁忌从一旁跃出来。 This matter I know certainly that heard these entered the bandits in city to go crazy recently, today in the afternoon, punctured several officers...... to be right on the street, dragon Young Master, is not definitely peaceful tonight, my family Young Lady may be worried, making me ask, tonight you can rest Ah? to the building in “这个事情我当然知道啊,听说那些最近入城的土匪发疯了,今日下午,在街上刺了好几个官呢……对了,龙公子,今天晚上肯定不太平啊,我家小姐可担心了,让我来问,今天晚上你能不能到楼里歇息啊? Ning Ji and bent/tune Longhan looked at one mutually, in the afternoon kills the scene of officer, they have naturally also seen. bent/tune Longhan asked: You know, they suddenly were why insane? Was what big deal in addition is?” 宁忌与曲龙珺相互望了一眼,下午杀官的场面,他们自然也是见过的。曲龙珺问道:“那你知道,他们为什么突然就疯了?是另外还出什么大事了吗?” This...... I and I do not know that you go to the building otherwise, the person of my family Young Lady understanding are many, she definitely knows......” “这个……我、我不知道啊,要不然你去楼里嘛,我家小姐认识的人多,她肯定知道……” Why can make me go to your building?” “为什么非要让我去你们楼里?” That...... one is outside is not peaceful, dragon Young Master you treat outside, if were regarded the bandit, that many are not good, the person of my family Young Lady understanding are many, you rest to the building, one no one moves you ; Secondly, dragon Young Master you are the martial arts excel rivers and lakes / Jianghu knight, Elder Sister in building is good to admire your, you went to the building, can protect everyone, Young Lady said that tonight you pass, we pay the remuneration for services rendered to you, please be the bodyguard.” “那……一是外头不太平嘛,龙公子你待在外头,万一被人当成匪人,那多不好,我家小姐认识的人多,你到楼里歇息,一准没人动你;二来,龙公子你是武艺高强的江湖侠客,楼里的姐姐都好仰慕你的,你去了楼里,也可以保护大家啊,小姐都说了,今夜你过去,我们给你付酬金,请你当保镖。” bent/tune dragon has a smile: In other words, your family Young Lady can deal with the authorities, I can on the person on bypass, my passed, we pour is who not to need to fear.” 曲龙珺笑起来:“也就是说,你们家小姐能应付官面上的,我能应付道上的人,我过去了,咱们倒是谁都不用怕了。” Um! Um Um Um......” small butterfly nods again and again, „. Moreover the tonight's curfew, some places will hit, we look in the building, having a friendly chat over a cup of wine, is good to stimulate.” ……”小蝶连连点头,“而且今天晚上宵禁,有些地方会打起来,咱们在楼上看着,把酒言欢,好刺激的。” Receives your saliva!” Ning Ji one waves in side, „a news does not know, but also dares saying that oneself is in a joyhouse, wants your what to use!” “收起你的口水!”宁忌在旁边一挥手,“一点消息都不知道,还敢说自己是窑子里的,要你何用!” We are not the joyhouses, in our building is the place that the talent beautiful woman goes to...... dragon Young Master, you have a look at him, he curses at people.” The small butterfly is stamping the feet, the tearful eyes seek the help to bent/tune Longhan tearfully. “我们不是窑子,我们楼里都是才子佳人才去的地方……龙公子,你看看他,他骂人。”小蝶跺着脚,泪眼汪汪地向曲龙珺寻求帮助。 That was also not a joyhouse!” “那还不就是窑子了!” Is...... is the brothel. Dragon Young Master you look at him......” “是……是青楼。龙公子你看他……” „A meaning!” “一个意思!” bent/tune Longhan smiles. The small butterfly sees with own eyes has not obtained pitifully, both hands fork waist, a complexion board, to abuses each other with Ning Ji. 曲龙珺只是笑。小蝶眼见没得到可怜,双手叉腰,脸色一板,冲过来与宁忌对骂起来。 Puppy that Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh —— your will shout tearfully, if dares to go to our building, looked that I did not call Elder Sister to kill your —— 啊啊啊啊啊啊——你个就会汪汪叫的小狗,若是敢去我们楼里,看我不叫姐姐们打死你—— Hahahaha, kills me, I thought that you have not taken a beating, look at your light appearances, who can withstand my earthenware cooking pot big fist......” 哈哈哈哈,打死我,我看你们是没有挨过揍,看你们这轻飘飘的样子,谁经得起我砂锅大的一拳……” That has to plant you to go to Ah—-” “那有种你去啊——” „...... Small butterfly, you when really I am a fool?” “……小蝶,你就真当我是傻子吗?” Has not planted, slightly slightly......” “没种,略略略……” Lying trough......” “卧槽……” Bridge Fangqian, weak two people fork the waist to abuse each other, almost must jump is telling the water toward the face on mutually, the downtown in distant place, there are to slaughter the spread, in which a flame of raid even spreads toward the city south Mt. Jiuxian on...... 银桥坊前,幼稚的两人叉腰对骂,差点就要蹦着相互往脸上吐口水,远处的街市,又有厮杀蔓延,其中的一道搜捕的火光甚至朝着城南九仙山蔓延而上…… ...... …… Imperial city. 皇城。 Junwu stands in the watchtower in high place, the vision looks tumult that in seriously the city presents. 君武站在高处的望楼上,目光严肃地看着城内出现的骚动。 Crosses one, left writing bosom the return: According to afternoon several criminals confessed, currently discovers Hu Inn to have the bandit to gather with three similar Xiang That side, already informs Ministry of Justice to send, moreover one of them confessed that a bandit who the participation commits murder in the afternoon, must be eastern North Korea toward blasphemes Pu Fangxiang to flee, but interrogated hastily, feared it false to supply......” 过得一阵,左文怀上来回报:“按照下午的几名人犯招供,目前又找出胡家客栈与三肖巷那边有匪人聚集,已经通知刑部派人,另外其中一人招供,参与下午行凶的一名匪人,应当是朝城东往直渎浦方向遁逃,但审问仓促,恐其伪供……” The details of these things did not use Emperor, but Junwu was usually interested, therefore has to run once in a while, what is good will be his most times will not issue how the order of slightly exercise. 这些事情的细节原本不用到皇帝这边过一遍,但君武素来感兴趣,因此就只好隔一段时间跑一趟,好的是他多数时候都不会下达多么微操的命令。 Blasphemes the water's edge...... is not unimportant.” He stands near the parapet, looked at east the city horizon, soon after received, „...... to hit quickly quickly.” “直渎浦……不重要。”他站在女墙边上,望了望城市东侧的天际,随后又收了回来,“……以快打快了。” At this time, several teams that the iron skyhawk led have gone out of town, the horse caravan extended sweeping, the transmission of military order is centered on Fúzhou, went directly to each mountain pass within peripheral 50 li (0.5 km) range...... 这个时候,铁天鹰带领的数支队伍早已出城,马队延伸扫荡,军令的传递以福州为中心,直达周边五十里范围内的每一处关隘…… ...... …… In city. 城内。 Feels all that in the dim light of night is moving restlessly, looks at the flame of jump, yellow Shengyuan the innermost feelings tremor and train of thought are chaotic. 感受着夜色中躁动的一切,看着跳跃的火光,黄胜远内心颤动、思绪混乱。 In an instant the sword and spear has then seen red...... 转眼间便已刀枪见红了…… In the spacious courtyard can see many people vaguely, some stand under the eaves, some stand in the shadow of rock, many are the Brigands people, has houseguard that oneself brings, but no one spoke, as if everyone is feeling all these in dim light of night. 宽敞的院落里依稀能够看到不少人,有的站在屋檐下方,有的站在山石的阴影里,多是绿林人,其中也有自己带来的护院,但没有人说话,似乎所有人都在感受夜色中的这一切。 Mother, unlucky......” “娘的,晦气……” He spat a saliva, turned around passed toward a land of the immortals end inside courtyard. 他吐了口口水,转身朝着阆苑一端更内侧的院子里过去。 Here also has houseguard and bodyguard, but also several status quite high Lord this moment already , one of them suspended Go before stone bench in courtyard, the other two drink tea in the room, the yellow victory recedes the room, one of them then added a teacup, the booing tea gives him. 这边又有护院和保镖,但也有几位身份颇高的主人此刻已经在了,其中一人在院子里的石凳前自顾自地摆围棋,另外两人在屋内喝茶,黄胜远走进房间,其中一人便添了一只茶杯,倒好茶水给他。 yellow Shengyuan received respectfully. 黄胜远恭敬地接过了。 He is quite high in the position of Huang, the matter of participation are also many, but after all is only the collateral branch, by the status, actually also has no way to treat as an equal to these two only, person already that but, the present situation, can trust are not many, he can be called to drink tea, actually is also the improvement of position. 他在黄家的地位颇高,参与的事情也多,但毕竟只是旁系,单论身份,其实还没法跟这两人平起平坐,不过,眼下的情形,能够信任的人已经不多,他能被叫过来喝茶,其实也算是身份地位的一次提升。 The —— premise is this time does not have an accident. ——前提是这次不出事。 Drinks tea, spoke several not salty not pale idle talk. 一面喝茶,一面说了几句不咸不淡的废话。 Crosses one, played chess that person that also to come in outside, tucked up the skirt-width of gown to sit down in the table, said in a low voice: Came.” 过得一阵,在外头摆棋的那人也进来了,撩开袍子的下摆在桌边坐下,低声道:“来了。” Outside some people were led, is looks at the strange rivers and lakes / Jianghu person. 外头有人被领了进来,是个看着陌生的江湖人。 Your family miss?” Tea table here person asked. “你家姑娘呢?”茶桌这边的人问道。 My family miss said, the situation is tense, she did not come at will, so as to avoid implicates various sirs.” “我家姑娘说,局势紧张,她就不随意过来了,免得连累诸位大人。” yellow Shengyuan then wants to curse at people, but looks at the vision immediately to others, other three people of unemotional, but the eyeground can see anger faintly. 黄胜远便想骂人,但随即将目光望向其他人,其他三人面无表情,但眼底隐隐都能看出一丝怒意。 Is the situation tense? This motherfucker is not you do? 局势紧张?这他妈的不就是你搞的吗? People peaceful moment. 众人安静了片刻。 person in charge took up the teacup: Um,...... your family miss is honored, we a little called motionless.” 为首的人拿起了茶杯:“,如此说来……你家姑娘尊贵,我们是有点叫不动了。” Outside that person of bow bowing: various sirs takes offense not, my family miss, made me have the words...... she saying that killed the officer to revolt, the matter that sooner or later must do, morning hasn't one 1 : 00 pm, nothing but was this matter...... always inadequate various sirs to the today aspect, thought?” 外头那人躬了躬身:“诸位大人莫动气,我家姑娘,也让我带了话了……她说,杀官造反,迟早都是要干的事情,早一点晚 1 点,无非都是这回事……总不成诸位大人今日局面,就从来都没想过吧?” Bang one, was a that person pats the teacup on the table. 砰的一声,为首那人将茶杯拍在了桌子上。 That is not matter —— that your little mother greeted does not hit can start “那也不是你一个小娘皮招呼都不打就能发动的事—— yellow Shengyuan faint nods, wishing one could stands to scold. Outside door that form as before bow, after this curses, peaceful good, the people to think when seems like this person of already does not see, only hears his sound resounding slowly. 黄胜远微微点头,也恨不得站起来骂。房门外那道身影依旧躬着,在这声大骂后,安静了好一阵,众人觉得似乎这人已经不见时,只听他的声音才缓缓的响起。 Greets, must discuss, discussed one round, some people questioned, hesitant...... various sirs, this matter, made my family Young Lady make a decision...... “打了招呼,又要商量,商量一轮,又有人质疑,犹犹豫豫的……诸位大人,这件事情,还是让我家小姐来拿主意吧……好吗。” Sound weary, strange, vaguely, is the tone of that black skin young girl asking for it. The people look, clench jaws, suddenly, somewhat could not speak...... 声音惫懒,奇奇怪怪的,依稀间,便是那位黑皮少女讨打的语气。众人看着,咬牙切齿,一时间,却又有些说不出话来…… Others already started, but can also what's to be done...... 人家已经发动了,还能怎么办呢…… ...... …… The pedestrian above night market were less. 夜市之上的行人更少了。 Quarrelled the frame with the small butterfly, Ning Ji and bent/tune dragon including found the person to inquire the information respectively, crossed one, in Hezhang and Meng appeared in the intersection fast, rather resented other's ability to draw them, inquired: Your this group of tortoise bastard did what good deed.” 与小蝶吵完了架,宁忌与曲龙珺各自找人打探了情报,过得一阵,于贺章与孟骠出现在街口,宁忌才将他们拉过来,询问:“你们这帮王八蛋又干了什么好事。” in Hezhang smiled bitterly was saying: „It is not our group of tortoise bastard dry/does.” soon after, unexpectedly provided noon to happen to Ning and Qu in the Princess Dwelling important intelligence, bent/tune Longhan remembered anything probably, but also arranged three people to arrive around newspaper office to buy a lot of worn out newsprinting paper. 于贺章苦笑着说:“不是我们这帮王八蛋干的啊。”随后,倒是给宁曲二人提供了中午发生在公主府的重要情报,曲龙珺像是想起了什么,还安排三人去到附近的报馆买来了大量废旧的新闻纸。 Tonight by no means is peaceful, in Hezhang catches up in a hurry, naturally is also wants to display to gather two obscene clever sincerity, according to his view, he to going against above Eldest Child already had said two people situation, Eldest Child also has the wish to know two people, who knows starting from afternoon, in the city already blasted out the pot, perhaps will be very suddenly difficult to talk clearly then what happened. 今天晚上并不太平,于贺章匆匆的赶来,自然也是想要表现出招揽两名淫贼的诚意,按照他的说法,原本他跟顶上头的老大已经说过两人的情况,老大也有意愿过来结识二人,谁知从下午开始,城里已经炸开了锅,一时间恐怕很难说清楚接下来会发生什么事情了。 Moved the newspaper to come back, cared that envied two humanity to peaceful: Perhaps now in the city so the condition, cannot stabilize for a short time, if two few heroes have anything to trouble, can ask us to level although, above me the person, black and white two actually have the face.” 搬了报纸回来,又关心地向宁忌二人道:“如今城里这般状况,恐怕一时半会安定不了,两位少侠若有什么麻烦,可以尽管找我们摆平,我上方之人,黑白两道其实都有面子。” bent/tune Longhan shuts out looks at his one eyes: Looked the appearance that you cannot hit, how many faces can have...... not to need to pester, everyone is the rivers and lakes / Jianghu person of same belief, in the future will meet, does not need to work as the enemy, but speaking of achieving great accomplishment, which scallion you are...... this time the little miss but actually also has some boldness named Chen Shuangran, your is Eldest Child she? Called to chat?” 曲龙珺嫌弃地看他一眼:“看你们不能打的样子,能有多少面子……不用纠缠了,大家皆是江湖同道,往后遇上了,不用当敌人,但说到做大事,你们是哪根葱……这次叫做陈霜燃的小姑娘倒还有些魄力,你们老大是她吗?叫过来聊聊?” Sees two people looks, soon after to show the whites of the eyes: chī, knows that is not......” 看见两人的眼神,随后翻了个白眼:“,就知道不是……” in Hezhang is frowning some to be not quite good to speak, here, named dragon arrogant day the youngster is changing the newspaper on hand, the tone in mouth slightly was more moderate: today the curfew, the scud bodyguard office also distance, is you are being in the evening good, walks quickly. Naturally, if really violated the important matter, opens a mouth, I can rescue your one time.” 于贺章皱着眉头有些不太好说话,这边,名叫“龙傲天”的少年翻动着手上的报纸,口中的语气才稍稍的缓和了些:“今日晚上宵禁,飞云镖局也有一段路程,为着你们好,快走吧。当然,若是真犯了大事,开一句口,我可以救你们一次。” Two people cup one hand in the other across the chest hastily: That...... unexpectedly does not have temporarily, actually...... the today matter, we are really...... are also quite accidental/surprised.” 两人连忙拱手:“那……暂时倒是没有,其实……今日的事情,我们也真是……颇为意外。” You look do not seem like what good person. Goes back, do not implicate our brothers here......” her frowning cold words, soon after said, right, what I said is the truth, everyone has nothing to discuss that later no important matter, your not allowed to arrived here to come again boisterously, otherwise...... I butchered you!” “那你们看起来也不像是什么好人。回去,不要在这里连累我们兄弟……”她蹙眉冷语,随后道,“对了,我说的是真话,大家没什么可谈的,以后没什么大事,你们不许再到我这里来聒噪,否则……我宰了你们!” Her soon after look already practiced a lot of time, two people looked, is terrified and startled, rather envied then pushes their two people to leave, said on the way: Words that my Big Brother just now spoke real, should not be serious, he...... is friendly to the girl, to male...... said that ka ka, when the time comes I could not save you......” saying that while delimits on the neck with finger, „...... I from infancy to maturity, came under attack a lot.” 随后的眼神已经练习了不少时间,两人看了,悚然而惊,宁忌便推了他们二人离开,途中道:“我大哥方才说的话是真的,你们别不当一回事,他这人……对女孩子和和气气,对男的……说咔就咔,到时候我救不了你们……”一边说一边用手指在脖子上划了划,“……我从小到大,也没少挨打。” however...... that......” in Hezhang is somewhat awkward. 可是……那……”于贺章有些为难。 I have no prejudice to you, also seem very lively, many of if giving, can help your one.” His temperately smiled, after „, really had the matter to come, stood, I saw you, naturally came to chat with you. Ok, going back...... to be right, will you begin to the iron skyhawk recently?” “我对你们没什么偏见,看起来也挺热闹的,要是给的多,可以帮你们一手。”他温和地笑了笑,“以后真有事来了,站远一点,我见到你们,自然过来跟你聊。好了,回去吧……对了,你们最近会对铁天鹰动手吗?” This............ did not have temporarily......” “这个倒……暂时……还没有……” Ok, walked, looked that you instigated the type I asked this unnecessarily......” “行了,走吧,看你们怂样我多余问这句……” Is being despised sent two people. 在鄙视中打发了两人。 Joining a group and rather complicated on say/way, if sought the past on own initiative, or deferred to the fixed flow, must have must hand over to throw describes, was probed several rounds, Ning Ji was disinclined to do like this, one discussed with bent/tune Longhan, only had the assassination of use to iron skyhawk to make the fame, perhaps was the best breakthrough point. 道上的入伙并不简单,若是主动求过去,又或是按照固定的流程,少不得还要交个投名状,被人试探几轮,宁忌懒得这样搞,与曲龙珺一番商量,唯有利用对铁天鹰的刺杀打出名气,或许是最好的切入点。 The dim light of night is anxious, the air is worried, the distant place turbulent sound is restless, the writing from right to left boat is uncertain of one's fate, but these things , are very eventually difficult because of worrying to be solved. After the probe of yesterday knew two people political lines are very possible are Pu Xingui, Ning Ji the first response then holds them to skin directly dismantles, asked a thing, but considering after all was the matter of rebellion, on the relation of winding did not have simple that surely, once hot-head(ed) began, the relations that established with great difficulty did not have on the possibility, after bent/tune Longhan discussed that represses such to be impulsive. 夜色焦躁,空气烦闷,远处动荡的声响不息,左行舟生死未卜,但这些事情,终究也很难因着急得到解决。在昨日的试探当中得知两人的上线很可能是蒲信圭后,宁忌的第一反应便是直接抓住他们扒皮拆骨,问出点东西来,但考虑到毕竟是造反的事情,上下线的联系必定没那么简单,一旦鲁莽动手,好不容易搭上的关系就可能没了,与曲龙珺商量后,才按捺住这样的冲动。 Just now hugs two people necks to leave, the arm somewhat is hard, in the heart has been thinking, so long as makes an effort to strangle two people directly...... 就方才搂着两人的脖子离开,手臂都有些硬,心中一直在想只要用力就能直接勒死两人…… Gone back on the way of inhales deeply, to the open-air stall near, bent/tune Longhan the oil lamp is also turning some newsprinting paper of past, just now illustrated at noon the matter of Ning Ji. 回去的途中深吸了一口气,到得杂货摊边,曲龙珺也就着油灯翻到了过去的一些新闻纸,方才跟宁忌解说中午发生的事情。 In fact, the southeast Imperial Court en lifts the branch, has managed one time at the end of last year beginning of this year......” “事实上,东南朝廷的恩举科,在去年年末今年年初就办过一次……” According to the record as well as bent/tune of Longhan newspaper once some understanding, last year in small Emperor after was the bait, moved the families of southeastern several rebellions resolutely, to comfort all parties, under submitting a written statement of several old ministers, the military prepares in the school to have a en to lift. Quota that but in fact, this en lifts, in the Sirs as well as several best known family minutes/shares by Imperial Court walks, united all parties' movement, effectiveness in fact, by no means is ideal. 按照报纸的记录以及曲龙珺先前就曾有过的了解,去年在小皇帝以身为饵、大刀阔斧的动了东南几个造反的家族后,为了安抚各方,在几名老臣的上书下,武备学堂内就有过一次恩举。但事实上,这次恩举的名额,拿出来后被朝廷里的大人以及几个最有名望的家族分走,原本是团结各方的动作,实际上的效用,并不理想。 Actual by no means that „...... Great Confucianist and Fujian in local big prominent family Imperial Deliberation Hall, asked was the en lifts several quotas in Kuwait, even if wanted the power, wanted not only also in the family/home young person started the little thing of soon after arrangement from the student, even by some large clans is thought was the Emperor parsimonious mean-spirited delaying tactics, even if the slaughter several families, are not willing to put out the substantive thing to come...... to lift the branch to the en afterward, although managed, Imperial Court thought up and down effect by no means was good, in March/three months during April, the also has scholars wrote when the newspaper, said that the en lifted the branch these person, by no means satisfies, in the conspiracy visited prostitute...... visits a brothel. Spoke the Imperial Court malicious remarks......” “……朝堂中的大儒、福建本地的大望族,求的其实并不是恩举科上的几个名额了,纵然要权力,要的也不只是家中年轻人自学生做起随后安排的一点点东西,甚至于被一些大族认为是皇帝吝啬小气的缓兵之计,纵然屠了几个家族,都不愿意拿出实质的东西来……到后来恩举科虽然办了,朝廷上下觉得效果并不好,三月四月间,还有士子在报纸上撰文,说恩举科的这些人,并不满足,在结党嫖……嫖妓时说朝廷坏话……” „...... Generally speaking, this kind of affair is not the misdemeanor, but Imperial Court plan, once is blocked, in a short time is impossible to take...... to be possible today noon time to be very wonderful again, this time arrives in the Fúzhou city, many are in each region the small rural gentry and tycoon, in the family/home, although rich, possibly also has the paddies, but in fact, must look at the complexion conduct of each big prominent family, some rich merchants saved money for a lifetime, but in fact some not necessarily many high position, here...... the government authorities the en will lift to take to come out again, to them, perhaps echo...... good.” “……一般来说,这样的事情不是坏事,但朝廷的方略一旦受阻,短期内不可能再拿出来……可今日中午的时机很妙,这次来到福州城里的,多是各地中小乡绅、富豪,家中虽然有钱,可能也有田地,但实际上,还是得看各个大望族的脸色行事,有的富商积攒了一辈子的钱,但实际上不见得有多高的地位,这边的……官家再将恩举拿出来,对他们来说,或许反响……不错。” bent/tune Longhan is analyzing the matter of occurrence in a low voice. 曲龙珺低声分析着发生的事情。 That noon, the Crown Princess mansion hosted a banquet to welcome this time many rural gentry tycoon that arrived at Fúzhou, Emperor appeared at the banquet suddenly, delivered the extremely convincing speech, touched a group of people. 这日中午,长公主府设宴款待这次来到福州的诸多乡绅富豪,皇帝忽然出现在宴席上,发表了极有说服力的说话,打动了一批人。 But has the arrangement beforehand, some really people follow after that in part statement of small rural gentry and tycoon, still to all parties of having ulterior motives, created the tremendous pressure. 而无论是事先就有安排,还是此后真有人跟上,部分中小乡绅、富豪的表态,仍旧给心怀鬼胎的各方,带来了巨大的压力。 If according to the original arrangement, Emperor Consort accept only accepts three people, the desires of many people fail surely, some people are only record/native place this time opportunity, leading lots of manpower to enter the city, prepared to rebel, the person of lead has been saying the rumor in secret, even won over all parties, the fermentation imposing manner. From the situation, hopes here the person who fails participates to disturb —— or at least does not give adds to the chaos —— is the extremely natural matter. 若按照原先的布置,皇帝纳妃只纳三人,许多人的愿望必定落空,部分人更只是籍着这次的机会,带了大量人手入城,预备作乱,领头之人早已在私下里放出流言,甚至拉拢各方、酝酿气势。从局势上来说,希望落空的人参与捣乱——或者至少不给这边添乱——都是极为理所当然的事情。 Advantage in me...... 优势在我…… Who knows a banquet, the picture pie is good enough, is Emperor speech enough to stir up public sentiment by false statements, the participant wins over more than half, firm rebelling, perhaps must start to be suspicious of each other. Even if has done certain secret, but this atmosphere ferments so long, the person with high aspirations is connecting in private, who knows the person who treachery, what news can shake-out? 谁知一次宴会,不论是画的大饼够好,还是皇帝的说话够蛊惑人心,参与者被拉拢过半,再坚定的作乱者,恐怕也要开始相互猜忌。纵然做过一定的保密工作,但这次气氛酝酿这么久,有心人早在私下串联,谁知道倒戈的人,能够抖出些什么消息? Here that a banquet, tries to revolt is thrown into confusion, but following dealing also is really swift and fierce. The banquet ended is 1 to 3 p.m, the transmission of news also requires some time, but less than the evening, in the city assassin appears, already is locating yamen to disperse the value on the road to add up totals the person respectively continually. This is in the middle of the chaotic bandits executor, was knowing swift and fierce resolution that the news the earliest possible time, then makes. 一次宴席,试图造反的这边阵脚大乱,但接下来的应对也真是凌厉。宴会结束已是未时,消息的传递还需要一定的时间,但不到傍晚,城内刺客出现,已经在各处衙门散值的路上连杀数人。这是乱匪当中的执行人,在得知消息的第一时间,便做出的凌厉决断。 After the murder, numerous Brigands assassin quickly flee according to the plan, immediately goes out of town, but Imperial Court aspect, even shocks in this time hit back rapid and ruthless spicy, still reacted most quickly. In the city hunts down is not assassin, since should be all doubtful chaotic bandits that this period of time the Ministry of Justice aspect has collected perhaps also includes some people who at noon were supplied truly in ——. 杀人之后,众多的绿林刺客按照计划迅速逃离,在第一时间出了城,而朝廷方面,即便震惊于这次还手的迅速与狠辣,也最快地做出了反应。城内搜捕的不是刺客,应该是这段时间以来刑部方面搜集的所有疑似乱匪的所在——或许还包括中午时分真正被供出来的一些人。 Also while Ministry of Justice begins to raise the huge momentum, iron skyhawk already leads massive elite official investigator to go out of town, the coordinate city defense force, the whole piece big net, sprinkles all mountain roads and mountain passes to Fúzhou, hopes in the shortest time, as far as possible intercepts the first group of perpetrators. 也就在刑部动手掀起巨大声势的同时,铁天鹰则已经带领大量的精锐捕快出城,配合城防军,将整张大网,洒向福州周围所有的山路与关隘,希望在最短的时间内,尽可能的截住第一批的行凶者。 both sides have done utmost. 双方都已竭尽全力。 But begins to handle matters is not Pu Xingui tortoise bastard, that unifies all parties' news, actually is who, was vivid. 而动手办事的不是蒲信圭这边的“王八蛋”,那结合各方的讯息,到底是谁,也就呼之欲出了。 This Chen Shuangran...... a little thing Ah…...” “这个陈霜燃……有点东西啊……” Before the open-air stall, two people gather round the newspaper, sits in the lights. Listened to bent/tune Longhan the analysis to the long and short of the story, rather the death anniversary touches the chin, the nod sighed. 杂货摊前,两人围着报纸,坐在灯火里。听了曲龙珺对来龙去脉的分析,宁忌摸了摸下巴,点头感叹。 Over the past 1-2 months, what he felt in Fúzhou was a modest piping time of peace, small Imperial Court at least to the Fúzhou city , but also is maintaining the huge control, many plots, only probably underwater undercurrent, careful flowing. Even if can understand that the matter of rebellion definitely will bring to see red battle, but resides in the weak a side to detect that the dangerous the earliest possible time ejects such swift and fierce and vicious dealing, this is the extremely extraordinary boldness and resolution. 过去一两个月的时间,他在福州感受到的是一片温和的太平盛世,小朝廷至少对福州的城内,还保持着巨大的掌控力,许许多多的阴谋,只像是水下的暗流,细细的流淌。就算能够明白造反的事情必然会带来见红的厮杀,但居于弱势的一方在察觉危险的第一时间抛出这样凌厉而凶狠的应对,这都是极为了不起的魄力与决断。 In many confrontation trainings that in the Huaxia army conduct, this type can achieve not the loathsome enemy, is troublesome. 在华夏军进行的众多对抗训练中,这种可以做到绝不拖泥带水的敌人,都是麻烦的。 —— he meets frequently. ——他经常遇上。 Therefore has the right to speak very much. 因此很有发言权。
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