LISIL :: Volume #10 长夜过春时

#1242: Concern of moving restlessly ( 5 )

High noon, the sunlight falls in the middle of the Crown Princess mansion bright garden. More than 50 people in the main halls that gather to feast, the Emperor words are gentle, yellow Shengyuan cannot bear raise the head, looks to the surrounding person, several familiar forms, almost are also subconscious mutual looking, understands that the matter fears some is not right. 正午时分,阳光落在长公主府明亮的庭院当中。五十余人聚集宴饮的正殿里,皇帝的话语柔和,黄胜远忍不住抬起头来,望向周围的人,有几道熟悉的身影,几乎也是下意识的相互对望,明白事情恐怕有些不对。 „...... The wealthy family must do in a big way, the patriarchal clan is long-time, this was the open and aboveboard way things should be, after all your families long, day was good, the family property of country can also be better, therefore regarding this matter, I have also consulted many many people. today, regarding long-time of family, some of some of Our also views, wants with presenting here the everyone/various share......” “……富家要做大,宗族想长久,这都是堂堂正正的人之常情,毕竟你们的家族久了、日子好了,国家的家业也能更好,因此对于这件事情,朕也请教过许多许多的人。今日在这里呢,对于家族的长久,朕也有一些看法,想要跟在座诸位分享……” Its one, a story about Zuo......” “其一,是关于左家的一个故事……” The main hall front, Junwu is smiling, looks all around. 正殿前方,君武微笑着,环顾四周。 „...... Mentioned Zuo, everyone by no means was actually strange, when it founded a country from this Dynasty then by the large clan who inexpensive Duke was handed down from generation to generation, the previous generation of Patriarch ends blessed Duke, everyone/various also listened to his name...... last year to make noisily, one group of Zuo people came from the southwest, We entrusted them by the heavy responsibility, but also made very much not happily...... Haha with many people, everyone/various actually does not need to turn head, our today does not say other, the does not say politics, only said the patriarchal clan, everyone/various, this group of Zuo Jia people, was the true talent, they have gone to the battlefield, has killed Jurchen, set up the matter, neat......” “……说起左家,大家其实并不陌生,它是从本朝开国时便由正廉公传下来的大族,前一代家主端佑公,诸位也都听过他的名字……去年闹得沸沸扬扬的,是有一批左家人从西南过来,朕委他们以重任,还与许多人闹得很不开心……哈哈,诸位倒也不必扭头,咱们今日不说其它,不说政事,只说宗族,诸位,这批左家人,是真正的人才,他们上过战场,杀过女真,办起事情来,干净利落……” Why...... may Zuo have so many some talent Ah? people saying that Zuo many Great Confucianist, home everyone studies, these children were influenced by what one sees and hears since childhood, built very good foundation. Some people said that the dragon lives dragon and phoenix to live the phoenix, Zuo daughters-in-law must be the female of studying, in addition their wealthy and prominent family wealthy and powerful family, tied properly matched kissing/betrothal, the child who has is not naturally bad, is the natural talent high......” “……可左家为什么有这么多的人才啊?有的人说左家多大儒,家里人人都读书,这些孩子从小耳濡目染,打下了很好的基础。有的人说龙生龙凤生凤,左家连个儿媳都得是读过书的女子,再加上他们高门大户,结了门当户对的亲,生下来的孩子自然也都不差,是天资高……” „...... May actually not be, when Zuo still, We once he taught fortunately, he and I mentioned in the family/home the matter of child, was only the sigh, speaking of the grandson children's generation, many are ignorant incompetent, the playboy who can only lead a life of comfort perhaps , Zuo maintained the accomplishments of one's ancestors this way, cannot achieve...... Central Plains to fall to the enemy meantime, Zuo moved to the south whole family, at that time, he made a decision that no matter what no one could think of......” “……可其实都不是,左公尚在时,朕曾有幸得他教诲,他与我说起家中孩童的事,便只是叹息,说到得孙儿辈,已多是无知无能,只会享乐的纨绔,恐怕再这样下去,左家就连守成,都做不到了……其时中原沦陷,左家举家南迁,也在那个时候,他做了一个任谁都想不到的决定……” „...... In the middle of his within the home direct line and collateral branch, chose altogether more than 120 children and youngster, sent to then small dark green river Huaxia army, donates others while convenient grain, holds now in southwest Ning Yi, in frontline that in slaughters with Jurchen people, looks after the child for him.” “……他在家中直系、旁系当中,挑选了一共一百二十余名孩童、少年,送去了当时的小苍河华夏军,顺便还捐给人家一点粮食,托如今在西南的宁毅,在与女真人厮杀的前线上,替他照管孩童。” Zuo almost can be now with the Wu Dynasty most intimate first large clan, in the deeds about its, in the world always passed on a message, occasionally some people will also mention secretly, but Emperor so did not evade to chat the small dark green river, even had possibility Zuo being in collusion with bandits the matter shook not to care directly, somewhat made on the seat the people look at each other in blank dismay. 左家如今几乎算得上是与武朝最为亲近的第一大族,关于其家中的事迹,世面上每多传言,偶尔也会有人偷偷说起,但皇帝如此不避讳地聊起小苍河,甚至将左家有可能“通匪”的事情正面抖出来都不在乎,还是令得席上众人有些面面相觑。 Junwu in the above beckons with the hand. 君武在上方摆了摆手。 Has said that today did not discuss the politics, only discussed the patriarchal clan......” “说过了,今日不谈政治,只谈宗族……” „...... Zuo decided no? at that time, many people of knowing the circumstances of the matter, had once had the discussion. But Zuo Jia yuan is the east of the river large clan, Central Plains falls to the enemy, intense and deep-seated hatred, he puts the northwest the family member, where to hit has Jurchen people, where idea he must put the family member ; His two Zuo and Ning Yi have also had making a few rules for all concerned, agrees the excessively leftist family member unable with Wu Dynasty for the enemy. But during this, has had many matters, in, made Us change countenance......” “……左公当时的决定对不对,知情的许多人,都曾有过议论。但一则左家原是河东大族,中原沦陷、血海深仇,他将家人放到西北,打得是哪里有女真人,他就要将家人放到哪里的主意;其二左公与宁毅也有过约法三章,约定过左家人绝不会与武朝为敌。而这期间发生过许多事,其中的一件,非常的令朕动容……” „...... naturally constructs a new moon three years of autumn, Jurchen people starts to mobilize soldiers one after another, besieges the northwest, the Huaxia army knows that this war will hit very fiercely, Ning Yi contacts Zuo, to its inquiry, must keeping here child, carries off ahead of time, otherwise perhaps wanted the deceased person unavoidably, Zuo conducted the decline...... this matter actually somewhat to hear, matter that but many people have not heard, to constructing new moon five years, the northwest became integrated with white, the small dark green river had also been encircled, was hit pulpy, at that time Ning Yi contacted with Zuo one time, said that...... in thou clan young hero, the casualty was near. Half, but already has also seen the blood, holds the front...... to meet Ah? “……那是建朔三年的秋天,女真人开始陆续调兵,围攻西北,华夏军知道这次大战会打得非常厉害,宁毅联络左公,向其询问,要不要将留在这里的孩子,提前带走,否则恐怕难免要死人了,左公进行了回绝……这件事其实有些听说过,但许多人没有听说的事,到建朔五年,西北打成一片白地,小苍河也早已被围,被打得稀烂了,当时宁毅又与左公联系了一次,说……汝族中健儿,死伤近半了,但也已经见过血,开过锋……要不要接回去啊? „...... Zuo...... body already was not good at that time, close to being barely alive, old person in clan felt OK, meets, is good to see Zuo finally one side, some children's parents, are weeping and wailing wish to make the child come back, when Zuo comes soberly, everyone conducted the persuasion, said, the Huaxia army are impervious, in that out-of-the-way mountain area, dies to fight after Jurchen people does not draw back...... Zuo listened, raised the hand, makes an effort to pat the bed......” “……左公……当时身体已经非常不好,接近弥留,族中的老人都觉得,可以了,接回来吧,也好见见左公的最后一面,一些孩子的父母啊,哭着喊着想要让小孩子回来,左公清醒过来时,大家进行了劝说,又说,华夏军不可理喻的,就在那山窝窝里啊,跟女真人死战不退……左公听了以后,举起了手,用力拍床……” „...... He laughs, said in my clan the young hero, with Jurchen people games, dies to fight does not draw back! How dare they die to fight do not draw back Ah! you to make them come back! Destroys their life! Their —— dies to fight does not draw back Ah—-” “……他大笑,说我族中健儿,与女真人,死战不退!他们死战不退啊!你们焉敢让他们回来!毁他们一生!他们——死战不退啊——” Junwu palm whips on the table, bang bang bang the sound, suddenly, the people saw unexpectedly probably that being barely alive old person claps to laugh the situation when the bed. Wears Emperor of imperial robe, in the eye of laughing also has the mist, but, nobody dares certainly to examine carefully. 君武的手掌拍打在桌子上,砰砰砰的响,一时间,众人竟像是看到了那个弥留的老人在床上拍手大笑时的情形。身着龙袍的皇帝,大笑的眼中似也有雾气,不过,当然无人敢细看。 The people hear that sound to reverberate in the palace. 众人只是听着那声音在殿内回荡。 „......, therefore Zuo makes left Jijun edit a book, told Ning Yi, said when your black flag projected on, my Zuo Jia people, when must project on. Ning Yi consented joyfully.” “……于是左公让左继筠修书回去,告诉宁毅,说你们黑旗打到什么时候,我左家人,就要打到什么时候。宁毅欣然应允。” „...... Hit after that for a year, the Huaxia army went south finally, to Liangshan. At that time, was delivered to the southwest 127 Zuo clansmen at first, was only left over 55 people...... this is most difficult, then they participated in the southwest war, finally, fortunately survived 37 people, these 37 people, have experienced the flames of war when the frontline, they learned southwest natural sciences, in the hand were also stained with the blood of Jurchen people, then, in left Xiuquan arrived at the southwest, them, brought back to Wu Dynasty......” “……此后又打了一年,华夏军终于南下,到了凉山。当时,最初被送到西南的一百二十七名左家族人,仅剩下五十五人……这是最难的一段,而后他们又参与了西南的大战,最终,幸存三十七人,这三十七人啊,都在前线经历过战火,他们学会了西南的格物,手上也都沾了女真人的血,而后,在左修权去到西南时,又将他们,带回了武朝……” „...... About this matter, some people will say, the southwest black flag with my Wu Dynasty, has the absolutely irreconcilable enmity. But We felt when the country family perishes, Huaxia falls to the enemy, the biggest enemy, is foreign clan. In Zuo's places family/home child with the frontline that Jurchen slaughters, the casualty about hundred, his in heart pain? We think, is inevitably painful. But they and Jurchen people die to fight...... do not draw back, but to finally , the good thing will bring back to Wu Dynasty, We felt, this is he as a big patriarchal clan, to Wu Dynasty and to state the sincerity of...... this is Our today can the first story that everyone/various told.” “……关于这件事,有的人会说,西南黑旗与我武朝,有不共戴天之仇。可朕觉得,国破家亡、华夏沦陷之时,最大的敌人,是外族。左公将家中的孩子放在与女真厮杀的前线,死伤近百,他的内心痛吗?朕想,必然是痛的。可他们与女真人死战……不退,而到最后,又将好的东西带回了武朝,朕觉得,这是他作为一个大宗族,对武朝、对社稷的拳拳之心……这是朕今日能跟诸位说的第一个故事。” Junwu, stopped a while at this point. 君武说到这里,停了一会儿。 „The also has second story, should not mention with everyone/various......” 还有第二个故事,原本是不该与诸位说起……” What this time said is Our attainment......” “这次说的是朕的心得……” „...... We am young time, is in Jiangning City a Prince at ease son, results in the sovereign elder sister to manage strictly, has not caught what too big vulgar customs since childhood, but honestly speaking, actually has not taken on too many anticipations, walking the chicken fights the dog is not no doubt good, poetry arithmetic, always cannot learn. At that time many people had gotten down the verdict, said Us is the posture of person......” “……朕小的时候啊,是江宁城里一个闲散王爷的儿子,得皇姐管得严,从小没染上什么太大的陋习,但老实说,倒也没有担过太多的期待,走鸡斗狗固然不行,诗文算术,也总是学不好。当时有许多人下过判词,说朕是中人之姿……” „...... The posture of person is also good, Little Prince, does not need to take on the too big responsibility in the future. But, the responsibility came slowly, the Royal Father became the father sovereign, I became Crown Prince, Central Plains falls to the enemy and retreats Lin'an......” “……中人之姿也挺好嘛,一个小王爷,将来也不必担太大的责任。可慢慢的,责任还是来了,父王成了父皇,我成了太子,中原沦陷、退守临安……” „When...... We am Crown Prince, forces somebody to do something he incapable, manages the military affairs...... everyone/various to know when hundreds of thousands of armies do pile the rampart fights the feeling? Tens of thousands of people such died, rivers of blood. We will not go to war, even if has told oneself, enemy of the nation hates, may stand in the battlefield, will die momentarily, your at heart, will still be afraid......” “……朕还是太子之时,赶鸭子上架,操持军务……诸位知道数十万大军堆垒争锋时的感觉吗?成千上万的人就那样死了,血流成河。朕不会打仗,哪怕一直告诉自己,国仇家恨,可站在战场上,随时会死,你的心里,仍然会害怕……” „...... You know when We from, start is not afraid?” “……你们知道,朕是从什么时候,开始不害怕的吗?” The Junwu vision is looking below people. 君武的目光望着下方的众人。 „When...... guards Changjiang (Yangtze River), the weaponry hits very much not well, We am riding a horse, encourages the soldier not to want the rout everywhere, afterward an arrow shot suddenly, goes into the belly, is...... here.” “……镇守长江时,仗打得很不好,朕骑着马,到处去鼓励战士不要溃败,后来一支箭突然射过来,扎进肚子里,就是……这里。” He stretches out finger, slowly selected a position on belly. 他伸出手指,缓缓的点了点肚子上的一个位置。 „...... After that time, We on the battlefield, handles the matter that other average people do not dare to handle, is not afraid. We led troops to break through Jurchen people army outside Jiangning City, to Fúzhou, every large or small has fought two wars, you know that...... We cannot say oneself was the development monarchy of outstanding ability and grand vision, can many matters, become, we must do have known. But if really gives Us a little family, the development maintains the accomplishments of one's ancestors, We but actually really am a little self-confident......” “……从那次以后,朕无论是上战场、还是做点其他的一般人不敢做的事情,就再也不害怕了。朕在江宁城外带兵冲过女真人的军阵,到了福州,也大大小小的打过两场仗,你们都知道……朕不能说自己是雄才大略的开拓君主,许多事,能不能成,咱们要做过才知道。可若真是给朕一个小家族,无论是开拓还是守成,朕倒真是有点自信……” Junwu smiled. 君武自顾自地笑了笑 Two things that today said that somewhat is ominous, but We return young, is the such person, but also asked everyone/various to forgive...... these two matters, was the outcome of saying what? Said a big patriarchal clan, must continue, is prosperous, what is the needed outcome? Actually does not seek personal gain is not the relations, in the final analysis, what wanted is can mature young person that......” 今日说的两件事情啊,都有些凶,但是朕还年轻,就是这样的人,还请诸位要谅解……这两件事,说的究竟是什么呢?说一个大宗族,要延续、要兴盛,需要的究竟是什么?其实不是钻营也不是关系,归根结底,要的是能够成才的年轻人……” Among us many patriarchal clans, in the first generation, are being used all might to slaughter. The however previous generation endures hardship to exhaust oneself, starts to spoil the second generation, then to the third generation, from starting was does not hit to scold seriously, the family/home had the great wealth, the child inadequate talent, after the ancestry died, did not have the backbone, dispersed a cleanness sooner or later. The so-called wealth is about three generations, mostly also came from this......” “我们当中的许多宗族,在第一代啊,都是在摸爬滚打中厮杀出来的。可是上一代吃了苦受了累,就开始溺爱第二代,然后到了第三代,从开始更是打不得骂不得了,家有万贯,孩子不成才,到祖辈死了以后,没了顶梁柱,也迟早散个干净。所谓的富不过三代,大多也是由此而来……” today arrived here everyone/various, I know, is the quite not easy heads of household. You want to give the child the shade to make up the officer position, wants to take a power, in tips that in this book records, We looked, is actually pitiful under the heavens parental love Ah…... the child in your family, already started to spoil, not to do the matter, or...... seemed like only the posture of person, thus made everyone/various worry every day?” 今日来到这里的诸位,我知道,都是颇不容易的当家人。你们想要给孩子荫补个官位,想要拿点权力,在这本子上记录的点点滴滴,朕看了,其实都是可怜天下父母心啊……你们家中的孩子,是不是也已经开始溺爱了、做不得事了,又或者……看起来只是中人之姿,因而让诸位每日操心呢?” He looks at changes below people eyes, sighed. 他看着下方众人眼中的变化,叹了口气。 The feeling that two stories that „...... We just now told, actually therefore come...... everyone/various, actually many truth , I know each large clan wealthy and powerful family as we all know, the child who if in is who can study, had/left a big talent, naturally lifted the clan to be able for the joyful and proud matter, why? Because , the such child, can guarantee a prosperity of clan as we all know in the future. however, can maturing of person, is it possible that really only look at the talent?” “……朕方才说的两个故事,其实都是因此而来的感慨……诸位啊,其实许多道理,大家都知道,我知道各个大族大户啊,若是谁家中出了个会读书的孩子,出了个大天才,那是举族都能为之欣喜、自豪的事情,为什么?因为大家都知道,这样的孩子,将来就能够保一族的兴旺。可是啊,人的成才,莫非真的就只能看着天才吗?” „...... does not say We, said that person of Zuo, are the talents? Actually was not...... Zuo chose the child from lord and collateral branch of Zuo in the past, its biggest standard was not this child intelligent, but had the child who that type can endure hardship, he threw the black flag 127 children, the remaining 37 people, in being able to endure hardship painstakingly, side were the top dog, everyone/various, various talents that if now sees everyone/various took to compete with these Zuo Jia people, does not have any talent, can exceed them......” “……不说朕,就说左家的人,他们是天才吗?其实都不是……左公当年自左家的主支、旁系中挑选孩子,其最大的标准不是这个孩子有多聪明,而是有没有那种能够吃苦的孩童,他将一百二十七名孩子扔到黑旗,剩下三十七人,吃得苦中苦、方为人上人,诸位,如今如果把诸位看到的各种天才拿出来跟这些左家人打擂台,没有什么天才,能够胜过他们……” „When...... We come then said that a person of marriage, is a minor matter.” Junwu paused, „, but the desire of under the heavens person, is an important matter...... the sovereign elder sister delivers to enter the palace this book, after I have looked, can detect everyone/various is not easy, everyone/various wish will make the family have the good future, wanting in the family/home the child to have a steady path, for this reason, many people really can take took......” “……朕来时便说了,一人的婚姻,是一件小事。”君武顿了顿,“但是天下人的愿望,是一件大事……皇姐将这份册子送进宫,我看过之后,能够察觉出来诸位的不易啊,诸位想要让家族有个好的将来,想要家中孩子有个平稳的路子,为此,许多人真的是把能拿的都拿出来了……” Matter that „...... however, how many imperial concubines choose, even if really sells official posts and titles, in the middle of everyone/various, can well satisfied how many people can have? everyone/various is this matter can put out these things, fully obviously with the sincerity that my Wu Dynasty shares weal and woe, this intention, We am not willing your anyone to fail. Therefore these, We also discussed with several Eldest Child people on the carefully, finally decided that is everyone/various, in the military prepares in the school, opens en to lift again a time......” “……可是啊,选几个妃子的事情,即便真是卖官鬻爵,诸位当中,能心满意足的又能有几人?诸位为此事能拿出这些东西,足可见与我武朝休戚与共的拳拳之心,这份心意,朕不愿你们任何一个人落空。于是这几日,朕与几位老大人又细细商议了,终于决定了,为诸位在武备学堂之中,再开一次恩举……” „...... In everyone/various, can have the youngster hero, or has the child who can bear hardships and stand hard work, delivers to Our here...... We unable to pledge their present riches and honor, but We will arrange Li light, Li Pin, left Wenhuai and others the best teachers to do missionary work for them, We will arrange them to go informed and experienced to the most difficult environment, We will make them the useful person, then entrusts them by the heavy responsibility, in the future some of them, will become your home, genuine backbone!” “……诸位家中,能有少年英杰,又或是有能吃苦耐劳的孩子的,送到朕这里来吧……朕无法承诺他们眼前的富贵,但朕会安排李光、李频、左文怀等最好的老师为他们施教,朕会安排他们到最艰难的环境里去历练,朕会让他们成为有用的人,然后委他们以重任,将来他们当中的一些人,会成为你们家里,真正的顶梁柱!” „...... We after succeeding to the throne, knows that outside has had several mass discussion. First, to say Us enforced the reform, did not listen to anybody's urging, was an autocrat ; Second, to say Us quite assigned no background Scholar(egghead), but is not willing to assign any Aristocratic Family large clan, is not willing to divide power...... actually under the heavens is Our under the heavens, everyone/various was Our people, where had the difference of what hereditary scholar class and average person? The average people are an official, naturally turns into the hereditary scholar class slowly, the hereditary scholar class, if can manage the good place for Us, why We do use a youth?” “……朕自继位之后,知道外头一直存在几桩公议。一是说朕厉行改革,不听任何人的劝,是个独夫;二是说朕好任用毫无背景的书生,而不愿意任用任何世家大族,不愿意分权……其实天下是朕的天下,诸位是朕的子民,哪有什么士族与普通人的区别?普通人当了官,自然慢慢变成士族,士族若能替朕管理好地方,朕又何必用个愣头青?” „...... The national affairs barely survive, We actually eagerly seek people of talent. But is actually what a talent? Because of relations by marriage's relations, makes up the en shade the child in your family? Gives an officer? insurance they safe and secure? But, be honest with you, We was very in this regard harsh. But We believe that even if the ordinary person will put in the fire to refine, should still certainly have the fine iron born, We also know, you continue the anticipation that and expands to the family, is places certainly above the such fine iron!” “……国事维艰,朕其实求才若渴。可到底什么是人才?因为姻亲的关系,将你们家中的孩子补个恩荫?授个官?保他们一世平安?但在这方面,不瞒你说,朕很苛刻。可朕相信,即便将普通的人放到火里去炼,也一定会有精铁出世,朕也知道,你们对家族延续、壮大的期待,也一定是放在这样的精铁之上的!” „...... In the past, we separated, you do not know that what person We was, We knew insufficiently about you am also clear. But this time, We pulled out the lung from the heart, already said the idea with you, what We wanted was what talent, how We will do, 1510 places were placed here. After this midday feast, in your family has two to three people of quotas respectively, they arrive at the Fúzhou learn/study, will not be relaxed, but they in the future given officer, We hope, the child in your family, can become Imperial Court the feudal official of brachium stock in the future, your families, can become the under the heavens pillar of the state...... then by this cup, encourages each other with everyone/various.” “……往日里啊,咱们隔得很远,你们不知道朕是什么样的人,朕对你们了解得也不够清晰。但这一次,朕掏心掏肺,已经与你们把想法说了,朕想要的是什么样的人才,朕会怎么去做,都一五一十地摆在了这里。这次午宴过后,你们家中各有两到三人的名额,他们来到福州学习,不会太轻松,但他们将来会被授官,朕希望,你们家中的孩子,将来能成为朝廷的肱股之臣,你们的家族,能成为天下的栋梁……便以此杯,与诸位共勉。” Junwu in the above, held up the wine glass. 君武在上方,举起了酒杯。 At below banquet, the people all raise glass to acclaim happily, yellow Shengyuan is also the smile of whole face, is only in the heart is somewhat chaotic, but is thinking: Also comes this set...... 下方宴席上,众人皆是高兴地举杯赞叹,黄胜远也是满脸的笑容,只是心中有些混乱,只是在想:又来这套…… The liquor in cup just now drinks, on the front seat old man cries then to kneel down, only listens to him saying: today must see your majesty day face, knows your majesty understanding clearly emperor, Wu Dynasty buoys up in the hopeful, small old family/home the junior, is all willing to hand over to the flight of steps leading to a palace hall starts, whatever your majesty urges on......” after that naturally is word of at sixes and sevens praise. This person is countryside tycoon, without seeing the such big world, even if in the mouth the words somewhat cannot mount the place of refinement, the people also only do normally, who knew the words to say one, edge gradually some were not quite right, a soon after fierce forehead cracked with the teeth on the ground. 杯中的酒方才喝下,前方席上一名老者哭着便已跪倒在地,只听他说道:“今日得见陛下天颜,方知陛下圣明天子,武朝振作有望,小老儿家中小辈,皆愿交至陛下手中,任由陛下鞭策……”此后自然是一番乱七八糟的称颂之词。这人是乡下富豪,没见过这么大的世面,纵然口中话语有些登不上大雅之堂,众人也只做正常,谁知话语说得一阵,词锋渐渐有些不太对劲,随后猛的一个额头嗑在了地上。 „...... Small old...... learns from a painful experience, still had the incident, must brave death to consider. Your majesty, the Old Obsolete capital crime, Old Obsolete has heard, this time with the person who among we go to the capital together, he has bad person, some people conspire your majesty —— “……小老儿……痛定思痛,仍有一事,要冒死相告。陛下,老朽死罪,老朽早就听闻,此次与我们一同进京的人当中,他有坏人,有人图谋不轨啊陛下—— In the main hall is peaceful, the people look at each other in blank dismay, turns the head to look again upwards, sees only the face of Emperor becomes gradually tranquil and serious, later inflated started. 大殿里安静下来,众人面面相觑,再转头望向上方,只见皇帝的脸逐渐变得平静、严肃,之后虚抬了一下手。 Not is only this matter, but also asked Enlightened Mister to enter the back room speech......” “既是此事,还请明公入后堂说话……” Then has the guard to come, old Landlord introduction back room that this cries. 便有侍卫过来,将这哭哭啼啼的老员外引入后堂。 The talents just left, yellow Shengyuan hears bang one, the one side some people knelt down: Villain is guilty, this matter villain also some heard, the villain is also willing to explain to your majesty and Princess......” 人才刚刚离开,黄胜远听得砰的一声,一旁又有人跪下了:“小人有罪,此事小人也有听说,小人也愿向陛下、公主说明……” Arranges...... 安排好的…… Arranged two...... 安排了两个…… Too false, too false Ah…... 太假了啊、太假了啊… yellow Shengyuan looks all around, almost must cry out. The vision vibration non-stop. 黄胜远环顾四周,几乎要呐喊出来。目光抖动不停。 Also comes this set...... 又来这套…… Also comes this set...... 又来这套…… ...... …… The temple in distant place knocked the ding, the time passed the high noon. 远处的寺庙敲起钟声,时间过了正午。 During May/five months, the people go to the capital massively, Emperor a move of news has not spread for the first time massively. Cao Jinlong rides the carriage to pass through the street in city, arrived in city south Hunan Jade Work place. 针对五月间,众人大规模进京,皇帝第一次出招的消息还未大规模传开。曹金龙坐着马车穿过了城市的街道,抵达了城南的湘玉坊。 This is ordinary downtown streets that in the Fúzhou city the civilians live, repeatedly confirmed after own is easy to accommodate, Cao Jinlong passes through the long street, sat a while in crude Teahouse, watches the sound of street opposite courtyard. 这是福州城内平民居住的一处普通坊市,再度确认自己的易容后,曹金龙走过长街,在一处简陋的茶馆里坐了一会儿,看着街道对面一处院落的动静。 1 to 3 p.m more than half, in the courtyard had some special sounds gradually, the person who he waits, already comes back. 未时过半,院子里渐渐有了些特殊的动静,他所等待的人,已经回来。 Cao Jinlong leaves Teahouse, enters nearby obsolete courtyard, soon after along the already close dark corridor, went to the 2nd floor innermost room. 曹金龙离开茶馆,走进旁边老旧的院落,随后沿着已经封闭的黑暗廊道,去到了二楼最里侧的房间里。 The room is dark, the window of facing the street has not started, but the next door in room , the wooden ceiling of another courtyard. He draws a rope on wall, passes the moment, in that side room, some people come, knocked the partition board on wall gently, Cao Jinlong also knocked knocking. 房间黑乎乎的,临街的窗户也没有开,但房间的隔壁,也就连着另一处院落的木楼。他拉动墙上的一根绳索,过得片刻,那边的房间里,有人过来,轻轻敲了敲墙上的隔板,曹金龙也敲了敲。 A scrap plank in room, was just now opened. 房间上的一小块木板,方才被打开。 Cao Jinlong Station here, looks that side the wooden frame revealed the profile that the tip of the nose can smell the attractive fragrance. He silent, just now opens the mouth: Frost......” 曹金龙站在这里,看着木框那边显露出来的侧脸,鼻尖能嗅到诱人的香气。他沉默了一阵,方才开口:“霜儿……” „...... Cao youth.” “……曹郎。” Opposite sound, passed on. 对面的声音,也传了过来。 Is Chen Shuangran. 是陈霜燃。 ...... …… The intriguers have intriguer method, the adulterer immoral woman has the story of adulterer immoral woman. Afternoon of June, the every large or small causes and effects along with the everywhere sunlight, fall in torrents in the lively and crowded Fúzhou city, collects the sounds of people between streets and alleys bustling, heavy traffic gradually, and follows the countless connections to extend toward the distant place. 阴谋家有阴谋家的手段,奸夫淫妇有奸夫淫妇的故事。六月的下午,大大小小的因果伴随着无处不在的阳光,倾泻在繁华而拥挤的福州城里,渐渐地汇集成街巷间的人声熙攘、车水马龙,并且伴随数不尽的连接朝远处延伸。 Ning Ji and bent/tune Longhan bought some evening's food in the market, takes the bags toward cherishing cloud Fang the direction walks, near rural fair that one side head sways, the Brigands person who two wear the hand-to-hand fight in tights suddenly lifts the clothes, charged into an open-air stall to bring green robe officials that in the family/home the child is going shopping. 宁忌与曲龙珺在菜市上买了一些晚上的菜肴,提着大包小包正往怀云坊的方向走,一旁人头攒动的集市边,陡然有两名身着短打的绿林人掀开衣服,冲向了一处杂货摊正带着家中孩童买东西的绿袍官员 In a twinkling the chaotic sound gets up, on afternoon street, two Brigands person companies have the number blade, cut down that officials in the roadside steps, soon after broke in the crowd, while fled chaotic. 霎时间乱声响起,下午的街道上,两名绿林人连出数刀,将那官员砍倒在了路边门外的阶梯上,随后冲入人群,趁混乱奔逃。 The fresh blood stream full street, the child is stood by that officials leads in the pool of blood crying loudly. 鲜血流了满街,原本被那官员带着的孩童站在血泊中大哭 Ning Ji and bent/tune Longhan, somewhat confuses looks at this. 宁忌与曲龙珺,都有些迷惑地看着这一幕。 The same event, this day had several in the Fúzhou city. 同样的事件,这日又在福州城内发生了数起。 ...... …… The sunlight sets in the west, world is in the evening. 日光西斜,世间是傍晚。 The weather is still hot. 天气依旧热。 The intersection of bridge work place, the fat aunt in the process that having the stove lights a fire, then had/left the big from head to toe perspiration, when to placing the furniture, is implicated huh sits down in the roadside. 银桥坊的街口,胖婶在起灶生火的过程里,便出了好大一身汗,待到摆好桌椅,更被累得哼哧哼哧地在路边坐下。 This ghost weather...... might as well blows gale......” “这鬼天气……还不如刮一场大风呢……” She hehe chats with the partner who nearby stall gets to know each other well, the opposite party approaches, strikes an attitude to wave to slap her in the face. 她与旁边摊位相熟的伙伴嘿嘿聊天,对方靠近过来,作势挥手打她的嘴巴。 Bah bah, child said that the virgin word shameless...... do not have the gale shamelessly......” “呸呸呸,童言无忌、童言无忌……还是不要起大风……” Hehehe, I said in other words......” “嘿嘿嘿,我就是说说……” Lives people who seek a livelihood in the seaside city, even, still by no means anticipates the arrival of typhoon hotly. 居住在海边城市讨生活的人们,即便热得不行,也并不期待台风的到来。 But they understand. 但她们都明白。 The typhoon can come. 台风会来的。
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