LISIL :: Volume #10 长夜过春时

#1245 Part 2: Shadow (Middle Part)

Soon, two people arrive in the bridge work place, exhibited the stall. 不多时,两人抵达银桥坊,摆开了摊位。 ...... …… The dim light of night replaced setting sun gradually. 夜色渐渐取代了夕阳 Several horse-drawn vehicles go through naturally in the Fúzhou street, although can see, but obtains very loose, at first sight, certainly not like person of mutual understanding. 几辆马车自然而然地穿行在福州的街头,虽然前后能望见,但相互之间分得很散,乍看之下,绝不像相互认识的人。 And in a carriage, lifts the car(riage) curtain quietly, a pair tranquil with the eye that rushing to coexist, saw the gold and silver bridge work place in distant place. 其中一架马车里,悄悄地掀开车帘,一双平静与澎湃并存的眼睛,望见了远处的金银桥牌坊。 „...... Nearby hiding place, stops, then you walk.” “……附近隐蔽处,停一下,然后你们走。” carriage driver that this......” drives hesitant. “这……”驾车的御者犹豫了一下。 I handle something, above knows...... the safety has nothing to do with you.” “我去处理些事情,上头知道的……安危与你们无关。” „......” “……” One side the carriage shifts finally. 马车终于转向一边。 ...... …… In the front compartment, changed/easy Rongguo Chen Shuangran is chatting in the middle-aged guy with car(riage) in a low voice, the middle-aged person is paying attention to the surrounding condition, first saw the center-section vehicles is not right. 前方的车厢内,易容过的陈霜燃正在与车内的中年汉子低声聊天,中年人则注意着周围的状况,首先看见了中段车辆的不对。 Is slower walks.” He told one. “慢些走。”他吩咐了一句。 Passes the moment, some people run over, the silent ground the carriage, reported iron fist to Chen Shuangran and the others Ni breaks sound. 过得片刻,有人跑了过来,无声地上了马车,向陈霜燃等人报告“铁拳”倪破的动静。 Matter of instruction?” Middle-aged man pressed frowning. “吩咐的事?”中年男人蹙了蹙眉。 „...... Has one.” Chen Shuangran pondered, somewhat said lazy. “……是有一件。”陈霜燃想了想,有些慵懒地说道。 What matter?” “什么事?” Chen Shuangran roughly stated that the opposite party listens, drew out the brow pressed. 陈霜燃大致的陈述了一番,对方听完,蹙起了眉头。 He killed Ministry of Justice Chief Investigator, yamen still swept clear in the , at this time tried the person skill, wants to be clear, possible big of accident.” “他才杀了刑部总捕,衙门还在附近清扫,此时去试人身手,想清楚,出事的可能不小。” Bridge work place second half, is the fish market......” Chen Shuangran smiled, has the arrangement early...... let alone, even if he were grasped...... with our what did......” “银桥坊后半,是鱼市……”陈霜燃笑了笑,“早有安排……更何况,他纵然被抓了……与我们何干……” The middle-aged talent nods reluctantly: Changes vehicle, cannot make Ni breaks know us again in the nearby.” 中年人才无奈地点了点头:“换车吧,不能让倪破再知道我们在附近。” Um.” Chen Shuang ignites the head, smiling, actually...... rivers and lakes / Jianghu great hero is this, sometimes sticks to one's own way of doing things,...... some pleasure...... you said sometimes......” 。”陈霜燃点头,笑,“其实……江湖大侠就是这样,有时候我行我素,也有的时候……很有些乐子……您说是吧……” That middle-aged man shakes the head: considers as finished, Ni breaks martial arts is good, his foundation hit firmly, until now an experience, in the future will have the great achievement, I was not worried about him by one group of flowery boxing what kind of, even if stared for a while by yamen, still had the way out. If the heart of his fame and fortune can receive...... if can obey the person director, safely we accomplish may be bigger......” 那中年男人摇摇头:“算了,倪破的武艺不错,他的基础打得牢,到如今一番历练,将来会有大成就,我倒不担心他被一帮花架子怎么样,即便一时被衙门盯上,也不是没有生路。只是他这名利之心若能收一收……若能听人指挥,咱们安全成事的可能会更大……” „...... You also really appreciate him.” “……您还真欣赏他。” Ok, with his time also steadily......” “行了,用他的时间还长着呢……” They got down the carriage, soon after changed the transportation vehicle, in the dim light of night, winking eye of galaxy faint. 他们下了马车,随后又换了交通工具,夜色之中,星河正微微的眨眼睛。 ...... …… Ni breaks threw over a light cape on the body, across dim tunnel. 倪破在身上披了一层薄薄的斗篷,穿过昏暗的巷道。 Blood is turning wells up. 身上的血正在翻涌。 Killed Chief Investigator Song Xiaoming, made his whole body was at the huge emotional state, previously in a minute intense fought tooth and nail to slaughter, makes his condition situated in the peak, particularly after killed the enemy smoothly, the huge sense of achievement and feeling of satisfaction, let his flaming combustion. 杀死了总捕宋小明,令他全身上下的都处于巨大的兴奋状态,先前只是片刻间激烈的搏命厮杀,令他的状态处于巅峰,尤其是在顺利杀死敌人之后,巨大的成就感和满足感,更是让他熊熊燃烧。 He military who comes out from the small place, temperance half a lifetime, the plan made the facial countenance at the Jiangning City heroic congress, however the fame has not shown, soon , the Number One Under the Heavens person forest sect I tread each arena in Jiangning City continually, made his first feeling the disparity among people, felt that powerful behind warm with rushing. 他是从小地方出来的武者,锤炼半生,原本打算在江宁城的英雄大会上打出头脸来,然而名气尚未彰显,不久之后,天下第一人林宗吾连踏江宁城里的各个擂台,令他第一次的感受到了人与人之间的差距,也感受到了那强大背后的热烈与澎湃。 In Jiangning that period of time, his wholly-absorbed martial arts, solid competing, however to the latter half of arena, because of bothering of fair king, all senior figures in city will look at the bored politics, the arena contended in martial arts the bored miscellaneous matters, particularly in final of martial arts contest, what writing threw off the table, one group of people attacked brutally in the city, court eunuch who even directly caused the challenge match. His enthusiasm seemed like thrown basin cold water, but also knew the significance of life from this. 江宁的那段时日里,他专心武道,扎扎实实的打擂,然而到了擂台的后半段,因为公平王的搅局,城内的所有高层人物都将目光转向了无聊的政治,擂台比武成了无聊的杂事,尤其是在比武的最后,何文掀翻了桌子,一帮人在城内大打出手,甚至直接导致了擂台赛的太监。他的热情像是被泼了一盆凉水,但也由此知道了此生的意义。 He constrains own to be angry. 他压抑着自己的愤怒。 Arrives in these time of Fúzhou city, he and Chen Shuangran numerous expert compares notes, even resulted including swallowing saying that Grand-Master Grandmaster indicated that cultivation and vision progressed by leaps and bounds, as we all know, his future was limitless, he himself also incomparable clear this point. 抵达福州城的这些时间里,他与陈霜燃这边的众多高手切磋,甚至得了包括吞云大师在内的宗师点拨,修为与眼界都突飞猛进,所有人都知道,他的前途不可限量,他自己也无比的明白这一点。 His by no means is stupid, was not the pure boorish fellow —— large clan and Imperial Court battle just started, Ministry of Justice has not found out oneself the details of people, Chen Shuangran and the others also still has the ample force in the city, this time, was he shows talent for the first time best moment that and can move out. At this time he just killed shortly after Song Xiaoming, and announced in the street arrogantly own exists, if within a double-hour, oneself can make the next deeds to move out, in the future among Brigands will mention him, then this Guan Yunchang will behead six generals at six passes natural. 并不愚蠢,也绝非单纯的莽夫——大族与朝廷的厮杀才刚刚开始,刑部并没有摸清自己这边众人的底细,陈霜燃等人在城内也犹有余力,这个时间段,是他崭露头角且能全身而退的最佳时刻。此时他刚刚杀了宋小明不久,且在街头高傲地宣布了自己的存在,倘若在一个时辰之内,自己又能做下一番事迹且全身而退,将来绿林间说起他,便该有一种关云长过五关斩六将般的潇洒。 yesterday Chen Yan had once told him many things , is minor matter while convenient. 昨日陈盐曾跟他说过不少事情,其中一件,属于顺带的小事。 „...... My family Young Lady inquired, Pu Xingui Pu Young Master, ate what is offered to gather the two youngster in city to use for oneself, heard that two people 688, last year in Jiangning, also has was excessively obscene the clever given name, perhaps you have also listened to...... your days, if had the opportunity and assurance, then tried them...... the natural important matter for lord......” “……我家小姐打听到,那蒲信圭蒲少爷,饥不择食欲招揽城内的两名少年为己用,听说两人不过十六七八,去年在江宁,还有过淫贼的名号,说不定你还听过……你这几日若有机会和把握,便去试试他们……当然大事为主……” Ni breaks remembers vaguely, has truly heard the names of two puppies. 倪破依稀记得,确实听说过两个小狗的名字。 The opposite party in Jiangning City, as if have made troublesome some. 对方在江宁城里,似乎闹出过一些麻烦。 Does the puppy that but this type is not long...... gather? 但这种还未长开的小狗……招揽? Chen Shuangran to it snorting contemptuously, Ni breaks also finds it ridiculous, naturally, Pu Xingui in Ni breaks and other expert eyes truly is ignorant and laughable, although the authorities said that is the partner, his also by no means minded that makes a move to teach the opposite party. 陈霜燃对之嗤之以鼻,倪破也觉得可笑,当然,那蒲信圭在倪破等高手眼里确实是无知且可笑的,虽然官面上说起来是同伙,他也并不介意出手教训一下对方。 This is the best time. 这是最好的时候。 The severe wound two people, or kill one person, does not matter, at the maximum speed completes this battle, then, before official investigator arrives —— or later —— swaggers away, here has the arrangement in the bridge work place, left way, he has also thought. But arrives at most peak taking advantage of sharp qi of this day, after going back, he then can chew this comprehension carefully, a level higher. 重伤两人,或者打杀一人,也都无所谓,以最快的速度完成这场厮杀,然后,在捕快到来之前——又或是之后——扬长而去,这边在银桥坊有布置,离开的路径,他也早已想好。而借着这一天的锐气到达最巅峰,回去之后他便能细细地嘴嚼这番领悟,更上一层楼。 7 to 9 p.m the moment, Ni breaks steps into the street in bridge work place. 戌时一刻,倪破踏入银桥坊的街头。 In downtown streets, person, although are usually less, but the lights extend, the audience to be numerous. 坊市之内,人虽比平时少些,但灯火延绵、观众众多。 He is tall, having the courage vigor of battle, large strides to forward, just like the demon god, extends a hand, holds cape, wields to one side nighttime sky. 他身材高大,带着厮杀的血气,大步向前,犹如魔神,伸出一只手,抓住身上的斗篷,挥向一侧的夜空。 The heat wave of night just like the poetry, making one immerse. 夜的热浪犹如诗歌,令人沉醉。 The before open-air stall of not far away, a puppy looks at him dumbfoundedly...... 不远处的杂货摊前,一只小狗目瞪口呆地看着他……
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