LCGIR :: Volume #53

#5281: star Yu Dafeng god finally war ( 11 )

Right, right ~ “对,对~” Xiao Hua seizes the chance to clap hands saying that „the pole pair that your excellency said that to seal divine envoy took off the suspicion, many thanks, many thanks.” 萧华趁机抚掌道,“阁下说的极对,正是为封神使脱去了嫌疑,多谢,多谢。” I go ~ “我去~” Daoist Lei Ting awakens at this time, calling out, big brother was too fierce, I think that this fights wants to be right earth-shakingly, who would have guessed that struck decided the victory and defeat.” 雷霆真人此时才醒悟过来,叫道,“大哥太厉害了,我以为这一战非要翻天覆地才对,哪知道一击就分出了胜负。” A Daoist Lei Ting opens the mouth, causes valley God to be vigilant immediately. 雷霆真人一开口,立即引得谷神警惕。 Jiu Xia said with a smile: War of bad risk expert, victory and defeat often among a move, during negligences.” 九夏则笑道:“高手之战凶险至极,胜负往往一招间,一个疏忽间。” desolate Heavenly King ~ “萧天王~” valley God suffers a loss, does not send out clone, but lifts the hand, bang ~ falls, said that this, only need you escape, even if you win!” 谷神吃了亏,再不送出分身,而是一抬手,“轰~”的一声落下,说道,“这场只消你逃出,就算你胜出!” ~ “呜~” valley God the big hand falls, world immediately seal. 谷神大手落下,天地立即封印。 Snort ~ “哼~” Xiao Hua cold snort/hum, the left hand is the same, the same big hand wields, in the mouth said, Xiao also feared you are inadequate?” 萧华冷哼,左手一样,同样的大手挥出,口中说道,“萧某还怕了你不成?” Only the hand holds up the day! 只手擎天! Rumbling ~ “轰轰轰~” The seal breaks immediately, world immediately pure brightness. 封印立即破碎,天地登时清明。 However, several breaths merely, a 100,003,200 big hand falls again! 但是,也仅仅数息,一亿三千二百个大手再次落下! Rumbling ~ “轰轰~” Xiao Hua does not show weakness, only the hand holds up the day to display again. 萧华也不示弱,只手擎天再次施展出来。 Rumbling ~ “轰轰~” Seal shatter, world times open. 封印一次次破碎,天地一次次开辟。 Haha ~ “哈哈~” But to finally, bang ~ a big sound, world again closed, a six fingers of big hand outline holds down Xiao Hua stubbornly, valley God the voice laughs wildly in the world, desolate Heavenly King, thou falls into my palm eventually, if thou changes to your body, such as admires the congealing star space to run away like that full power, I am not necessarily able the seal thou, this seal world...... you enjoyed well!” 而到得最后,“轰~”的一声大响,天地重新闭合,一个六指的大手轮廓死死将萧华按住,谷神的声音在天地间狂笑,“萧天王,汝终究还是落入吾之手心,汝若化作凤体,如歆凝星宇那般全力逃遁,吾未必能封印的了汝啊,这封印天地……你好好享受吧!” Damn ~ “该死~” In the Xiao Hua heart regretted, let alone your body, his casual made emperor river Shaman Physique, quick such as lightning! 萧华心中懊悔,别说凤体了,他随便化做帝江巫体,都快如闪电啊! May face the seal world of valley god at that time, the Xiao Hua first response shoulders hardly, he simply has not thought running away! If he runs away, Xu Zhi announced to win again, that really had the suspicion of cheating. 可当时面对谷神的封印天地,萧华第一反应就是硬扛,他根本没想过逃遁!如果他逃遁,徐志再宣布胜出,那真有作弊的嫌疑了。 Sorry ~ “抱歉~” Xiao Hua static standing in seal world, sneers is replying, Xiao is not your excellency, in the heart does not have so many schemes and tricks, therefore Xiao has with your entirely different choice.” 萧华静静的站在封印天地中,冷笑着回答道,“萧某不是阁下,心中没有那么多的阴谋诡计,所以萧某有跟你截然不同的选择。” Snort ~ “哼~” valley Shenleng snort/hum said, thou should not be obstinate argumentative, comes out to say again, will otherwise also make one group of bloody water.” 谷神冷哼道,“汝别嘴硬,出来再说,否则就会还做一团血水。” During the speeches, six fingers start to move slightly, the strength of inexplicable strangling to death leans the day under. 说话间,六指开始微动,莫名的绞杀之力倾天而下。 Damn ~ “该死~” The sensation Immortal Body somewhat is painful, Xiao Hua was really puzzled, this valley Shenzhen was the Spiritual God? This...... this Magical Ability also exceeds Xiao is too many, how does he possibly exist in Lower Realm??” 感知着自己仙躯都有些生疼,萧华真的是不解了,“这谷神真的是神灵么?这……这神通也超越萧某太多,他怎么可能在下界存在??” Xiao Hua can visit the Seven Worlds peak, covers because of many Higher Realm chances, but his can not be accommodated by Seven Worlds, how this valley does God avoid? 萧华能踏足七界巅峰,盖因为有诸多上界机缘,而他之能都被七界不容,这谷神怎么躲避的? Naturally, this time is not the inquisition time, Xiao Hua lifts in the hands to offer a sacrifice to the sextant. 当然,此时绝非探究的时候,萧华抬手间将量天尺祭出。 ~ “呜~” The world reduces rapidly, six fingers of big hands come clearly into view. 天地急速缩小,六指大手赫然在目。 Xiao Hua will unite the tun blade to put out without delay, brushing a blade light air-splitting, straight to big hand. 萧华二话不说又将戮豘刀拿出,“刷”的一道刀光破空,直直噼向大手。 Xiao Hua wants to put out Pangu Axe actually, but valley God the seal world, he is unable really the sensation space, even Daoist Dá the Pangu Axe back space, he is unable to take. 萧华倒是想拿出盘古斧,可谷神的封印天地着实了得,他根本无法感知空间,即便龘真人盘古斧送回空间,他也无法拿出来。 How this...... is this possible?” “这……这怎么可能?” Xiao Hua compelled ignorant, because unites the tun blade falling place, clang ~ a gold/metal called, the big hand outline linked a scar not to have unexpectedly. 萧华懵逼了,因为戮豘刀落处,“铿~”的一声金鸣,大手轮廓居然连一线伤痕都没有。 Xiao does not believe in evil doctrines ~ 萧某就不信邪了~” Xiao Hua with the aid of the strength of sextant, approaches the big hand outline again, will unite the tun blade to trade to do the cold moon/month blade, brushes ~ several times , the big hand outline does not have a scar obstinately. 萧华借助量天尺之力,再次凑近大手轮廓,将戮豘刀换做了寒月刃,“刷刷~”几次噼下,大手轮廓愣是没有一点伤痕。 ~ “呜~” As the big hand moves slightly, the sextant also makes every iron immediately, Xiao Hua the knocking down dust from the clouds. 而随着大手微动,量天尺登时还做凡铁,萧华被从云霄间打落尘埃。 desolate Heavenly King ~ “萧天王~” valley God the voice resounds again, said, previously all were I are acting in a play, this was my true strength, after thou fell from the sky, I will obtain the gambling to fight the victory, on straight god error.” 谷神的声音再次响起,说道,“先前一切不过是吾在做戏,这才是吾之真正实力,汝陨落之后,吾就会取得赌斗之胜利,直上神阙。” Acts in a play?” “做戏?” Xiao Hua is somewhat puzzled, in the heart can the secretly thought/passage, why act in a play?” 萧华有些不解,心中暗道,“为什么要做戏?” Immediately, 随即, Previously in Xiao Hua heart read to reappear again, Xiao Hua somewhat touched own ears and cheeks, he cannot think this thought was anything. Kills ~ 先前萧华心中的一念再次浮现出来,萧华有些抓耳挠腮了,他怎么也想不到这念头是什么。“杀~” Although Xiao Hua is the Beginning Light congealing body, but he believes that valley God the words compel certainly reasonable, therefore he does not dare to neglect, takes out each article immortal artifact from within the body, starts to attack the so-called seal world...... 萧华虽然是始光凝体,但他相信谷神的话绝逼有道理,所以他不敢怠慢,从体内取出一件件仙器,开始攻击所谓的封印天地…… Saw with own eyes that valley God puts out a hand, the Xiao Hua imprisonment, but the big hand falling place, is strong like the copper pouring, several double-hour are motionless for a very long time, even Jiu Xia somewhat is impatient. 眼见谷神伸手间,将萧华禁锢,而大手落处,如同铜浇铁铸,数个时辰久久不动,即便是九夏都有些心急。 The vision of 10000.00000001 trillion immortal soldier combat generals fall on the big hand, is anticipating the miracle. 亿亿万仙兵战将的目光落在大手上,都在期待奇迹。 Meanwhile, distant charm Demon World Xiao Ming, White Marsh, Yuan Ya and Dai'er also vision closely stares at being bewitched god to murder, eye Middle Stage treats the miracle. 与此同时,遐魅魔界萧明白泽渊涯黛儿也目光紧紧盯着魔神弑,眼中期待奇迹。 This time distant charm Demon World one such as past Demon Pool, huge prophecy shi is complete. 此时的遐魅魔界一如当年的魔泽,巨大的谶栻已经完整。 But this time prophecy shi is not the four directions, but is nine horizontal nine vertical strange nine sides, each, on the one hand has near nine, but entire prophecy shi nine surface, as if represented nine star spaces. 但此时的谶栻已经不是四方,而是九横九纵的古怪九方,每一方面都有九边,而整个谶栻又有九个面,似乎代表了九个星宇。 Nine prophecy shi flash dazzling gold light, during revolving, nine vortex give birth slightly. 九面的谶栻闪动耀眼的金光,微微旋转间,有九个漩涡生出。 At this time Demon Venerable Shí bleeds profusely from the head, the demon body is incomplete, the hand carries Demon Blade Shí, the angry glare is looking at prophecy shi nearby human form. 此时魔尊弑七窍流血,魔躯残缺,手拎着魔刀弑,怒目看着谶栻旁边一个人形。 This human form with valley god general appearance, but the entire figure under the prophecy shi gold light impact, only has the incomplete section segragation reality. 这人形跟谷神一般模样,只不过整个身形在谶栻金光冲击下,仅有残缺的部分凝实。 1/6?” “六分之一?” Xiao Ming looks at this incomplete human form, in the heart the secretly thought/passage, is it possible that is he also valley God a part? Does that valley god have six parts?” 萧明看着这个残缺的人形,心中暗道,“莫非他也是谷神的一部分?那个谷神有六个部分?” Murders ~ “弑~” valley God looked that being bewitched god murders coldly said that thou not my rival, obedient turns over to me to observe some thou strengths, unexpectedly can control six Demon World, I can lead into Higher Realm thou......” 谷神看着魔神弑冷冷道,“汝非吾之敌手,还是乖乖的归吾观汝有些实力,居然能掌控六个魔界,吾可以将汝带入上界……” Fart ~ “放屁~” The demon god murders the anger to exclaim, „is father that type sends under the demon fence the demon to be little? The distant charm, you also underestimated this demon to be big!” 魔神弑怒吼道,“老子是那种寄魔篱下之魔小么?遐魅,你丫也太小看本魔大了!” thou dies ~ “那汝去死吧~” Distant charm coldly smiled, the big hand grasps similarly to the demon god murders. 遐魅冷冷一笑,大手同样抓向魔神弑。 The demon god murders to turn the head to have a look at Xiao Ming, although the distance is not far, but the demon god murders at heart clearly, the place that he is distant charm Demon World, what Xiao Ming can be is beside distant charm Demon World, the shadow body of Xiao Hua follows in Xiao Hua behind, he can deliver the Xiao Ming rotation space momentarily. 魔神弑转头看看萧明,虽然距离不远,但魔神弑心里清楚,他所在的地方是遐魅魔界,萧明能所在的是遐魅魔界之外,萧华的影身跟在萧华身后,他随时可以送萧明回转空间。 Big brother ~ “大哥~” The demon god murders in the heart saying that will deliver them to go back tomorrow......” 魔神弑心中说道,“送明儿他们回去……” What a pity, to at this time, the demon god murders suddenly discovered, oneself simply does not have the means to relate with the Xiao Hua shadow body. 可惜,到得此时,魔神弑忽然发现,自己根本没办法跟萧华影身联系。 Roar ~ “吼~” The demon god murders angrily roars simply, Divine Demon Shí flashes gold light, to distant charm big hand. 魔神弑索性怒吼,神魔弑闪动金光,噼向遐魅大手。 Works as ~ “当~” Even Divine Demon Shí to the big hand on, the similarly some sounds of gold/metal calling, simply does not have the means to wound the distant charm. 即便是神魔弑噼到大手上,同样有金鸣之音,根本没办法击伤遐魅。 But distant charm big hand ~ grips the demon god to murder the demon body, instantaneously his demon body crumb. 而遐魅大手“噗~”的一声握住魔神弑魔躯,瞬间将他的魔躯捏碎。 Thank Li Jian, daddy longlegs and dark green to cut and return and clown dragon and to move bricks labor and once to anticipatebird that the present and Jing Wei and dust non- and arrogant divine land and cold and still, Alan, „my good and Lianshui modification person and little segment examiner, Wang Chenglin, singsand blue sea advertisement and chalk and other fellow daoist supported, continue ~ 感谢“李健”、“臭蚊子”、“苍斩”、“回归”、“小丑龙”、“搬砖工”、“曾经期待现在”、“荆未”、“尘非”、“傲神州”、“冷寂”、“阿伦”、“我本善良”、“涟水修缘人”、“小段主考官”、“王成林”、“唱歌的小鸟”、“碧海广告”、“白墨”等道友支持,继续加更~ Thank everyone enthusiastic support, everyone while beginning subscription, do not forget helps the 3 d highest place in hanun propagandize on, micro blog, trill and quick worker and other channels, thanked again 感谢大家热情支持,大家在起点订阅的同时,别忘了在、微博、抖音和快手等渠道上帮探花宣传,再次感谢了 Likes cultivating the god to leak Immortal World to ask everyone to collect:() Repairs the god to leak the Immortal World refresh rate entire network to be quickest. 喜欢修神外传仙界篇请大家收藏:()修神外传仙界篇更新速度全网最快。
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