LCGIR :: Volume #53

#5280: star Yu Dafeng god finally war ( 10 )

Xiao Hua looks that valley God had not replied, but is in the heart inquires Daoist Lei Ting. 萧华看着谷神并没有回答,而是心中询问雷霆真人 Big brother ~ “大哥~” Daoist Lei Ting flies back slowly, said in a soft voice, waits a bit, the little brother feels somewhat strangely, the little brother asks manger Immortal King and penalty Heavenly Venerable again.” 雷霆真人缓缓飞回,轻声道,“稍等,小弟感觉有些古怪,小弟再问问枥仙王和刑罚天尊。” After manger Immortal King and penalty Heavenly Venerable passes message said that in the Daoist Lei Ting heart said: Truly strange, when the little brother when with the Dao Ancestor azure light contact, there is in perfect harmony shock, this feeling is very strange, manger Immortal King and penalty Heavenly Venerable does not have, can determine, this is not the issue of Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism Saint tablet, possibly with little brother related ~ 仙王和刑罚天尊传音说了之后,雷霆真人心中说道:“确实古怪,小弟在跟道祖青光接触时,有种水乳交融的震撼,这感觉很奇怪,枥仙王和刑罚天尊都没有,可以确定,这不是三教圣碑的问题,可能跟小弟自己有关~” Actually is what?” “究竟是什么呢?” Xiao Hua is somewhat puzzled, your no doubt report/give thunder lives, others penalty Heavenly Venerable is not bad, you no doubt are the Principle congealing body, manger Immortal King are.” 萧华有些不解,“你固然禀雷而生,人家刑罚天尊也不差啊,你固然是法则凝体,枥仙王更是。” Headache ~ “头疼~” In the Daoist Lei Ting heart said with a smile, big brother thought.” 雷霆真人心中笑道,“大哥自己想吧。” Brushes ~ “刷~” The valley god figure in a flash, the valley god treads Yunfei to leave again, but in this valley God hand is carrying a chains, saying of undulating, desolate Heavenly King, I challenge thou!” 谷神身形再次一晃,有一个谷神踏云飞出,只不过这谷神手里拎着一个锁链,澹澹的说道,“萧天王,吾挑战汝!” Relax ~ “放心~” Xiao Hua restrains the mind, treads from the Great Emperor chariot, said, Xiao accepts a challenge is.” 萧华收摄心神,从大帝战车之上踏出,说道,“萧某应战就是。” This was I in the past occasionally the thing, has not used for a long time ~ “此乃吾当年偶得之物,已经许久不用~” valley Shenhuang in the hand the chains, saying of undulating, now begins for thou again.” 谷神晃晃手中锁链,澹澹的说道,“如今为汝再行启用。” Brushes ~ “刷刷~” As the chains rocks, strength of the powerful order cross the space, dashes to Xiao Hua. 随着锁链晃动,一道道强悍的秩序之力越过空间,直扑萧华 All around sees with own eyes gives birth to chains apparition, the unequalled imprisonment lives baseless, when one such as the past strength was superficial met the Legislation Palace order chains, the Xiao Hua double pupil contraction, shouted lowly: Order chains?” 眼见四周生出锁链虚影,无与伦比的禁锢凭空而生,一如当年自己实力浅薄时遇到掌律宫的秩序锁链,萧华双眸紧缩,低呼道:“秩序锁链?” Made a mistake ~ “错了~” Saying of valley god undulating, this called the chain of order!” 谷神澹澹的说道,“这叫秩序之链!” At this time, the chain of order had arrived at present, when six partly visible ellipses not only land four directions and Yin-Yang change locking, day Four Seasons and livelihood imprison alternately, even Xiao Hua, still feeling world closed, the time stagnates. 此时,秩序之链已经到了眼前,六个若隐若现的椭圆不仅将大地四方和阴阳变化锁定,更将天时四季和日月交替禁锢,即便是萧华,也感觉天地闭合,时光凝滞。 Six!” “六!” In the Xiao Hua heart exclaimed in surprise, how is six??” 萧华心中惊叹,“怎么又是六??” Thought that Xiao Hua raises hand the yue moment to offer a sacrifice. 心想间萧华扬手将彟矩祭出。 Brushes ~ the yue moment rushes to the midair, immediately the flashing multi-colored sunlight, changes to the shape, if dragon Shejuan to the chain of order. “刷~”彟矩冲上半空,立时闪动霞光,化作状若龙蛇卷向秩序之链。 Above that yue moment nine knots, change to the light to tie the respective sparkle different multi-colored sunlight immediately, has an powerful suppression and blockade strength of ordered dipping baseless, forms perfect restriction, exactly is within the time and space blockade that the chain of insertion order has. 那彟矩之上九个绳结,立即化作光结各自闪耀不同的霞光,凭空生出一股强悍的镇压和封锁之力有序的倾落,形成一个完美的禁制,恰是插入秩序之链生出的时间和空间封锁之内。 Card examines ~ “卡察察~” Has the sound of crack to get up in all directions immediately, after six, has the giant space slit to be torn. 四面八方登时有龟裂之音响起,六声之后,更有巨大的空间缝隙被撕裂出来。 Moreover, wū wū ~ in space slit has the strong winds to blow out, the spring scenery, summer rain, autumn wind and winter snow give birth disorderly, sweep away the left nearly trillion li (0.5 km) space. 不仅如此,“呜呜~”空间缝隙中有狂风吹出,春光、夏雨、秋风和冬雪凌乱生出,横扫左近亿万里空间。 Wū wū ~ “呜呜呜~” Beyond space and time, three light tie like the meteor sparkle, passed over gently and swiftly Sky Commander to fall to the valley god. 空间和时间之外,又有三个光结如同流星闪耀,掠过长空落向谷神。 Brushes ~ “刷刷刷~” Three light tied the end product shape, complemented each other mutually, regenerated 120,000 light to tie, this light/only knot changed to the stars sparkle. 三道光结成品状,相互交映中,再生十二万道光结,这光结化作星辰闪耀。 Rumbling ~ “轰轰轰~” At this time the jade faint star space does not have the stars, but all around to seal/confer Shenlei light/only has Power of Stars and Moon to fall unexpectedly, these Power of Stars and Moon mixed with to seal/confer Shenlei light/only, congeals the stars, if the shape the sidereal revolution group star is splendid, runs metal into cracks valley divine restriction firmly. 此时玉微星宇已经没有星辰,但四周封神雷光中居然有星月之力落下,这些星月之力夹杂了封神雷光,凝结成星辰,状若周天群星熠熠生辉,牢牢将谷神禁锢。 Damn ~ “该死~” valley God raised the head to have a look at Strength of Starlight, scolded lowly, thou cheated, unexpectedly must draw support from to seal/confer Shenlei strength light/only!” 谷神抬头看看星光之力,低骂道,“汝作弊,居然要借助封神雷光之力!” Rumbling ~ “轰轰~” Xiao Hua lifts hand one finger/refers, 120,000 stars by scarlet orange yellow malachite green bluish violet spread gradually, and sends out the infinite deep meaning and fluctuation. 萧华抬手一指,十二万颗星辰以赤橙黄绿青蓝紫逐次散布,并散发无穷的奥义与波动。 Looks when the red fluctuation sweeps away the star curtain, Scarlet Star was lightened ; When the orange fluctuation sweeps away the universe, then the orange star was lightened, the strength of single layer heavy seal gives birth intrepidly, Xiao Hua said with a smile: Without the means that who makes your excellency trample the jade faint star space to so the situation, continually common stars? Xiao this yue moment is to transfer sidereal revolution Power of Stars, the yue moment light/only inspires Power of Stars from to seal/confer Shenlei, can only be the day helps Xiao , does Xiao cheat can it be that?” 看着当赤色波动横扫星幕之际,赤星被点亮;橙色波动横扫天宇之际,则橙星被点亮,一重重封印之力强悍生出,萧华笑吟吟道:“没办法,谁让阁下将玉微星宇践踏至如此地步,连寻常星辰都没有?萧某这彟矩是要调动周天星辰之力的,彟矩从封神雷光中引动星辰之力,只能是天助萧某,又岂是萧某作弊?” During the speeches, sidereal revolution to seal/confer Shenlei, Seven Stars was only lightened, the infinite light shadow, the infinite deep meaning, the infinite fluctuation, infinite Strength of Life falls in torrents under. 说话间,周天封神雷光中,七星被点亮之际,无穷的光影,无穷的奥义,无穷的波动,无穷的生之力倾泻而下。 Snort ~ “哼~” valley Shenleng snort/hum said that even so, what's the big deal?” 谷神冷哼道,“即便如此,那又如何?” The words saying, is just congealed by the chain of order the yue moment routed again, six circular arcs kept off under the Seven Stars brilliance. 话说间,刚刚被彟矩击溃的秩序之链再次凝结,六个圆弧挡在七星光耀之下。 However, just locked the space and time in the chain of order. 但是,也就在秩序之链刚刚锁定时空。 Brushes ~ “刷~” Sidereal revolution to seal/confer Shenlei light/only, wipes a day of arc to appear suddenly, the previous Seven Stars brilliance makes the arrow to lose immediately mutually, the azure mound gives light/only departs from to seal/confer Shenlei quietly, falls to the day arc above exactly. 周天封神雷光中,一抹天弧骤然出现,先前的七星光耀登时互作箭失,青丘缴悄然从封神雷光中飞出,恰是落到天弧之上。 Whiz ~ “嗖~” Seven Stars was inspired by the day arc, the lightning flash projects, the light shadow, deep meaning and fluctuation, Strength of Life instant pierces the valley god hatch! 七星被天弧引动,电闪般射出,光影、奥义、波动,生之力瞬时洞穿谷神顶门! ~ “啊~” valley God a pitiful yell, the figure vanishes does not see. 谷神一声惨叫,身形消失不见。 „?” “啊?” Even if seals divine envoy Xu Zhi, at this time was still shocked, all happen is too quick, strangeness that extremely azure mound Jiao also presents, even he responded without enough time. 即便是封神使徐志,此时也愣住了,一切发生的太快,青丘缴也出现的太过诡异,连他都来不及反应。 Sees with own eyes Xu Zhi so, Xiao Hua is disgruntled: Seals divine envoy??” 眼见徐志如此,萧华不悦道:“封神使??” Good ~ “好~” Xu Zhi awakens, sees with own eyes and has the valley god outline to congeal, his hurried hand culmination punishes divine lance Wangcai to wield baseless, in confusion cleans all around, the plan that valley God resurged certainly, shouts immediately, „the eighth gambling fights, honored day Star Territory wins leave, honored day Star Territory draws level again.” 徐志醒悟过来,眼见又有谷神轮廓凝结,他急忙手中天罚神矛旺财凭空一挥,将四周狼藉打扫,绝了谷神死灰复燃的打算,当即喊道,“第八场赌斗,钧天星域出,钧天星域再次扳平。” Seals divine envoy ~ “封神使~” The valley god complexion is gloomy, saying of undulating, „was favoring of thou extremely rather obvious?” 谷神脸色阴沉,澹澹的说道,“汝之偏袒未免太过明显了吧?” Hehe ~ “嘿嘿~” The Xiao Hua undulating smiles, „did valley god, how seal divine envoy to favor Xiao? Hasn't Xiao struck to kill your clone?” 萧华澹澹一笑,“谷神,封神使怎么偏袒萧某了?萧某没有击杀你的分身么?” Is difficult to be inadequate, do you have trillion clone, Xiao must strike to kill your trillion inadequate?” “难不成,你有亿万分身,萧某还要击杀你亿万次不成?” This is the gambling fights, did not slaughter, loses lost, each other was the star space is supreme, wants some faces, ok?” “这是赌斗,不是厮杀,输了就是输了,彼此都是星宇至尊,要些脸面,行么?” valley God hears to shame and get angry, shouted lowly: thou light/only strikes to kill my clone with the aid of to seal/confer Shenlei, how can be fair?” 谷神听得是又羞又怒,低呼道:“汝借助封神雷光击杀吾之分身,怎么能算公平?” You made a mistake ~ “你又错了~” Xiao Hua lifts hand finger/refers of to seal/confer Shenlei light/only, said with a smile, Xiao light/only covered Xiao azure mound Jiao by to seal/confer Shenlei, but strikes to kill your excellency clone, is completely the strength of azure mound giving, radically with to seal/confer Shenlei light/only irrelevant!” 萧华抬手一指封神雷光,笑吟吟道,“萧某不过是凭借封神雷光掩盖了萧某的青丘缴罢了,而击杀阁下分身的,完全是青丘缴之力,根本就跟封神雷光无关!” However azure mound Jiao usually was Star Territory, when for continuing star power, Xiao offered a sacrifice, must seek for star power, what a pity your jade faint star space not common star power, therefore Xiao can only discard star power......” “而青丘缴平素就是星域,用于继续星力,萧某祭出之时,本要寻找星力,可惜你这玉微星宇并无寻常星力,所以萧某只能舍弃星力……” Snort ~ “哼~” valley Shentai a hand move, received the chains of six ring-like order, cold snort/hum a sound said, „, let alone like that pompous, but with the aid of azure mound Jiaocang in yue moment latter three , the sheep makes the yue moment absorption star light, caused to seal/confer Shenlei light/only to block me the investigation, for a while won by luck.” 谷神抬手一招,将六环状秩序之链收了,冷哼一声道,“别说的那般冠冕堂皇,不过是借助将青丘缴藏在彟矩后三节中,又羊作彟矩吸收星光,引得封神雷光挡住了吾之探察,一时侥幸取胜罢了。” Thank Li Jian, daddy longlegs and dark green to cut and return and clown dragon and to move bricks labor and once to anticipatebird that the present and Jing Wei and dust non- and arrogant divine land and cold and still, Alan, „my good and Lianshui modification person and little segment examiner, Wang Chenglin, singsand blue sea advertisement and chalk and other fellow daoist supported, continue ~ 感谢“李健”、“臭蚊子”、“苍斩”、“回归”、“小丑龙”、“搬砖工”、“曾经期待现在”、“荆未”、“尘非”、“傲神州”、“冷寂”、“阿伦”、“我本善良”、“涟水修缘人”、“小段主考官”、“王成林”、“唱歌的小鸟”、“碧海广告”、“白墨”等道友支持,继续加更~ Thank everyone enthusiastic support, everyone while beginning subscription, do not forget helps the 3 d highest place in hanun propagandize on, micro blog, trill and quick worker and other channels, thanked again 感谢大家热情支持,大家在起点订阅的同时,别忘了在、微博、抖音和快手等渠道上帮探花宣传,再次感谢了 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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