LCGIR :: Volume #53

#5279: star Yu Dafeng god finally war ( 9 )

Just, the Dao Venerable whole body has the motley yellow light, but Dao Lord is the white light. 只不过,道尊周身有斑驳黄光,而道主则是白光。 But Dao Ancestor, Dao Venerable or Dao Lord, these brilliance are similar to the mysterious stars to revolve in their within the body slowly. 但无论是道祖道尊还是道主,这些光耀又都如同玄奥的星辰在他们体内缓缓旋转。 Greatly good ~ “大善~” Jiu Xia sees that claps hands to say unconsciously, Sect Leader Second Master this really wise, valley god gasification Taoist trinity melts Dao Ancestor, Dao Lord and Dao Venerable, is by the fragment congealment of Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism Saint tablet, in the Sect Leader Second Master hand has the basis of Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism Saint tablet mostly, this fights is worry-free.” 九夏见状,不觉抚掌道,“掌教二老爷这手着实高明,谷神这一气化三清所化道祖道主道尊,多半是由三教圣碑的残片凝结,掌教二老爷手中有三教圣碑之根本,这一战已经无忧。” In the numerous immortals are dumbfounded, Daoist Lei Ting lifts a hand racket, bang ~ remote antiquity person character stone tablet Pairu Immortal Body. 就在众仙目瞪口呆间,雷霆真人抬手一拍,“轰~”生生将太上人字碑拍入自己仙躯 Humming sound ~ “嗡嗡~” The azure light since the Daoist Lei Ting hatch gushes out like the water washout, in the azure light, the Daoist Lei Ting look and figure big change, change to the shape of Dao Ancestor unexpectedly! 青光自雷霆真人顶门涌出如水般冲刷而下,青光中,雷霆真人相貌和身形大变,居然也化作道祖之状! Haha ~ “哈哈~” Penalty Heavenly Venerable and manger Immortal King sees that is laughs, the lifting hand of understanding pats, in the respective top of the head exceedingly high truncation character tablet and genesis clarified on the character tablet. 刑罚天尊和枥仙王见状,皆是哈哈大笑起来,心领神会的抬手拍在各自头顶的通天截字碑和元始阐字碑上。 Rumbling ~ “轰轰~” Almost is simultaneously, two people hatch also spouts the white light and yellow light, under the brilliance washout, two people change to Dao Lord and Dao Venerable in turn. 几乎是同时,两人顶门也喷出白光和黄光,光耀冲刷之下,两人依次化作道主道尊 Buzz ~ “嗡~” Sees with own eyes and has the Taoist trinity to appear, Seven Worlds corps simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform cheers. 眼见又有三清出现,七界战队齐齐欢呼。 Kills ~ “杀~” Two groups of Taoist trinity have a look mutually, in cheering of Seven Worlds corps, acts. 两组三清相互看看,就在七界战队的欢呼中,同时出手。 Rumbling ~ “轰轰~” Dao Ancestor to Dao Ancestor, the azure light fights the azure light, Strenght of Life and Death along with the light impact, innumerable big thousand Lesser Thousandfold World within grows extinguish in the brilliance ; 道祖道祖,青光战青光,生死之力随光冲击,无数大千小千世界在光焰中生灭; Dao Lord to Dao Lord, the white light fights the white light, the strength of Karma extinguishes along with the photoproduction, indistinct Time Principle overflows in radiance, is involved in trillion li (0.5 km) space ; 道主道主,白光战白光,因果之力随光生灭,隐约的时间法则在光华中流溢,将亿万里空间卷入; Dao Venerable to Dao Venerable, yellow light fights the yellow light, the strength of Yin-Yang evolves along with the light, overlapped Space Principle is shattered in the light shadow, the yellow light or epoch-making or destroys the day to extinguish. 道尊道尊,黄光战黄光,阴阳之力随光衍变,重叠的空间法则在光影正破灭,黄光或是开天辟地或是毁天灭地。 Approximately slaughters half double-hour, Daoist Lei Ting, when first does not beat, bang a big sound, his Immortal Body was pierced by the opponent. 大约厮杀半个时辰,雷霆真人当先不敌,“轰”的一声大响,他的仙躯被对手洞穿。 Just, the rival big hand grasps the place of falling, is not a flesh, but is the azure light. 只不过,敌手大手抓落之处,并非血肉,而是青光。 ~ “呜~” Daoist Lei Ting whole body azure light some annihilation slightly. 雷霆真人周身青光有些微微的湮灭。 Rumbling ~ “轰轰轰~” The rivals seize the opportunity, the fist raid to fall like rain, the azure light of big group big group falls into rival within the body. 敌手抓住机会,拳头如雨般袭落,大团大团的青光落入敌手体内。 Oh ~ “唉~” Jiu Xia sees that sighed a sound said lightly, valley god foolproof plan, I, I only think that Sect Leader Second Master took the Lord tablet to have no more worries, has not actually thought that the valley empathize captured the Lord tablet edge brilliance, accumulated the strength by this, occupied takes actively......” 九夏见状,轻叹一声道,“谷神算无遗策,我所不及,我只觉掌教二老爷拿了主碑就能高枕无忧,却没想到谷神会夺取主碑边缘光耀,以此积累力量,占取主动……” summer big the military strategist belittled valley God ~ “夏大军师还是小觑了谷神~” Xiao Hua said with a sigh, he feared that must rob Daoist Lei Ting and penalty Heavenly Venerable and manger Immortal King Immortal Body directly, after all they were Principle!” 萧华叹息道,“他怕是要直接抢夺雷霆真人、刑罚天尊和枥仙王仙躯,毕竟他们本身就是法则!” Silk ~ “丝~” Jiu Xia held breath a air cooling channel, valley god was too cruel and merciless.” 九夏倒吸了一口冷气道,“谷神太心狠手辣了。” Second Brother ~ “二弟~” Xiao Hua was saying immediately at heart, for the brother felt opposite party Dao Ancestor could rob the remote antiquity person character tablet, must capture your Immortal Body, remember, if you are unable to resist, immediately abandoned the remote antiquity person character tablet to admit defeat, we also had following three, did not care about this victory and defeat.” 萧华当即在心里说道,“为兄感觉对方道祖可能要抢夺太上人字碑,更要夺取你的仙躯,记住,你若无法抵挡,立即舍了太上人字碑认输,咱们还有后面三场,不在乎这场胜负。” Good ~ “好嘞~” Does Daoist Lei Ting want to comply, he felt that own within the body remote antiquity person character tablet like treasure house, the opponent some robs cannot make the threat. 雷霆真人想不想答应,他感觉自己体内太上人字碑如同宝库,对手些许抢夺根本造不出威胁。 Bang ~ “轰~” Quick, penalty Heavenly Venerable also starts to fall into enemy hands, the white light was robbed by rival Dao Lord. 很快,刑罚天尊也开始失守,白光被敌手道主抢夺。 Manger Immortal King is naturally strongest, but when his wisp of yellow light was extracted, the heart of Xiao Hua falls into the valley thoroughly, knows that the losing battle has decided. 仙王自然最强,但当得他身上一缕黄光被抽取,萧华的心彻底落入谷底,知道败局已定。 However, when Xiao Hua looks to the valley god, he was somewhat surprised, the valley god seems absent-minded, seeks for anything everywhere. 但是,当得萧华看向谷神时,他又有些纳罕了,谷神好似心不在焉,四处找寻什么。 Oh ~ “哎哟~” Xiao Hua suddenly, in the heart shouted lowly, this compared with had perceived Daoist Lei Ting sent out the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism Saint tablet from the space, he must be surprised, this world also some people also same had the lucky reason with him, but he only suspected Daoist Lei Ting, has not suspected this poor Daoist.” 萧华恍然,心中低呼道,“这比已经觉察到雷霆真人从空间内送出三教圣碑,他必是惊讶,这世间还有人也跟他一样有福缘,只不过他只怀疑雷霆真人,还不曾怀疑贫道。” Xiao Hua calculates slightly, in the heart is slightly peaceful, after all he sends in within the body that all can use, pours did not fear that was seen anything by the valley god, but the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism Saint tablet is quite special, before Xiao Hua, simply has not thought. 萧华略微盘算,心中略安,毕竟他将所有能用的都送入体内,倒也不怕被谷神看到什么,而三教圣碑比较特殊,萧华之前根本没有想到罢了。 Really , after slaughtering food, 果然,又厮杀一顿饭后, The valley god melts Dao Ancestor, when first launches an attack, bang ~ his figure blooming azure light, but the azure light outline is not a human form, is stone tablet Zhuang, then azure monument hits to Daoist Lei Ting. Brushes ~ 谷神所化道祖当先发难,“轰~”他身形绽放青光,而青光轮廓并非人形,正是碑状,而后青碑撞向雷霆真人。“刷~” azure monument approaches, Daoist Lei Ting involuntary makes the remote antiquity person character tablet, azure light to taking off and landing into opposite party azure monument. 青碑靠近,雷霆真人身不由己的化做太上人字碑,青光冲起落入对方青碑 Fast draws back ~ “速退~” Xiao Hua wants not to think that in the heart exclaimed lowly. 萧华想也不想心中低吼道。 This......” “这……” Daoist Lei Ting hesitated, then saw with own eyes that the strength of infinite fusion wells up, frightening him does not dare to hesitate, the figure draws back anxiously, sends out the remote antiquity person character tablet, in the mouth shouts, this poor Daoist admits defeat!” 雷霆真人迟疑了一下,而后眼见无穷的融合之力涌来,吓得他再不敢犹豫,身形急退,将太上人字碑送出,口中喊道,“贫道认输!” Bang ~ “轰~” Two azure monument melt in the same place, immediately blooms to the azure light, infinite Strength of Principle falls air-splitting. 两个青碑融在一起,立即绽放冲天青光,无穷的法则之力破空落下。 Haha, haha ~ “哈哈,哈哈~” Dao Ancestor condenses the human form in Principle, laughs in the azure light, said, many thanks, many thanks, this remote antiquity person character tablet this poor Daoist sought for a long time, never expected that you wear out iron shoes on the hunting grounds must come is not all time-consuming!” 道祖法则中凝聚成人形,在青光中大笑,说道,“多谢,多谢,这太上人字碑贫道寻了许久,没想到踏破铁鞋无觅处得来全不费工夫!” Then, Dao Ancestor turns around, bang ~ fights with the fists to nearby manger Immortal King. 说完,道祖一转身,“轰~”一拳打向旁边的枥仙王 Nothing accident/surprise, the manger Immortal King figure shivers the Dao Venerable outline to collapse rapidly. 没什么意外,枥仙王身形颤抖道尊轮廓急速崩溃。 Rumbling ~ “轰轰轰~” The valley god melts Dao Venerable to take the bull by the horns, attacks again crazily, manger Immortal King is incapable of maintaining the genesis to clarify the character tablet again, 谷神所化道尊当机立断,再次疯狂攻击,枥仙王无力再维持元始阐字碑, Oh ~ “唉~” Manger Immortal King sighed one lightly, withdrew from the genesis to clarify the character tablet, in the mouth said, this poor Daoist admitted defeat.” 仙王轻叹一声,退出元始阐字碑,口中说道,“贫道认输。” The valley god melts among the Dao Venerable yawns to clarify that the genesis character stone tablet Tunru endo-abdominal, bang ~ a loud sound, the yellow light blooms, Strength of Principle erupts. 谷神所化道尊张口间把元始阐字碑吞入腹内,“轰~”的一声巨响,黄光绽放,法则之力大作。 Oh ~ “唉~” Saw with own eyes that two unsurpassed Principle approach, penalty Heavenly Venerable knows to be unable to save the situation, he promptly withdraws from the exceedingly high truncation character tablet, sighed a sound said, this poor Daoist also admitted defeat......” 眼见两道无上之法则逼近,刑罚天尊自知回天无力,他当机立断退出通天截字碑,叹息一声道,“贫道也认输……” Bang ~ “轰~” Does not wait for the penalty Heavenly Venerable sound to fall to the ground, two complete Dao Venerable and Dao Ancestor have raided, the Daoist robe wielded the penalty Heavenly Venerable imprisonment, penalty Heavenly Venerable does not have the opportunity of speech early. 不等刑罚天尊声音落地,两个完整的道尊道祖已经袭到,道袍挥动间早将刑罚天尊禁锢,刑罚天尊连说话的机会都没有了。 When the crucial moment, bang thunder light tears the unsurpassed seal together, seals divine envoy Xu Zhi coldly said: I to seal the name of divine envoy to announce, seventh bets the fight of jade faint star spaces to win!” 就在千钧一发之际,“轰”一道雷光撕裂无上封印,封神使徐志冷冷道:“吾以封神使之名宣布,第七场赌斗玉微星宇胜出!” Brushes ~ “刷~” Penalty Heavenly Venerable pulled out from the death by Xu Zhi, his figure falls to Daoist Lei Ting and side manger Immortal King in a flash, still shaken looks to the valley god, shouted lowly: Despicable!” 刑罚天尊徐志从死亡中拉出,他身形一晃落到雷霆真人和枥仙王身边,惊魂未定的看向谷神,低呼道:“卑鄙!” Haha ~ “哈哈~” valley God laughs, Dao Ancestor, Dao Venerable and Dao Lord fall into his within the body, suddenly the infinite power and influence sweeps across the entire jade faint star space. 谷神大笑,道祖道尊道主落入他的体内,一时间无穷的威势席卷整个玉微星宇。 pū pū ~ “噗噗噗~” The innumerable broken stars are again stave. 数不胜数的残破星辰再次破碎。 desolate Heavenly King ~ “萧天王~” valley God looks complacently to Xiao Hua, the provocation said, thou hasn't been out?” 谷神洋洋得意看向萧华,挑衅道,“汝还不下场么?” Thank everyone enthusiastic support, everyone while beginning subscription, do not forget helps the 3 d highest place in hanun propagandize on, micro blog, trill and quick worker and other channels, thanked again 感谢大家热情支持,大家在起点订阅的同时,别忘了在、微博、抖音和快手等渠道上帮探花宣传,再次感谢了 Likes cultivating the god to leak Immortal World to ask everyone to collect:() Repairs the god to leak the Immortal World refresh rate entire network to be quickest. 喜欢修神外传仙界篇请大家收藏:()修神外传仙界篇更新速度全网最快。
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