LCGIR :: Volume #53

#5278: star Yu Dafeng god finally war ( 8 )

However, even if the honored day Star Territory Buddha State corps have not cheered, because of Buddha seal the disorderly Principle puncture, will not have routed merely, the disorder and does not balance will quickly penetrate is covering. 但是,即便是钧天星域佛国战队都没有欢呼,因为佛印仅仅将凌乱的法则击穿,并没有击溃,无序和不平衡很快将击穿的所在覆盖。 At this time, as if everyone realized, only then the disorder can cope with the disorder, does not balance can not restrain truly balanced. 此时,似乎大家都意识到,只有无序才能对付无序,只有不平衡才能真正克制不平衡。 But is always the order, balanced, and even how bright Vairocana can Revered One of the World defeat thinks the monk wonderfully? 而一向是秩序,平衡,乃至光明的大日如来世尊如何能击败妙觉和尚? What is most terrifying, wū wū ~ traces strength of as before cuns (2.5 cm) zai at the same time of greatly capturing buddha radiance, the demon wind gets up, the blood threads wells up, fierce demons appear, these demons are Phaseless Heavenly Demon, as if each is as good Zhang Qingxiao. 最恐怖的是,“呜呜~”大沴烖之力依旧寸寸攻陷佛光的同时,魔风起,血丝涌,一个个狰狞的魔头出现,这些魔头乃无相天魔,似乎每一个都不逊于张青萧 How this...... is this possible?” “这……这怎么可能啊?” Xiao Hua was dumbfounded, previously also planned treats as the plan that the secret method offers a sacrifice to cancel Zhang Qingxiao altogether. 萧华都目瞪口呆了,先前还打算把张青萧当做隐秘手段祭出的打算一股脑儿抹去。 Vairocana Revered One of the World is naturally unwilling, after three therapeutic methods seal, tries four Saints to wait for other Magical Ability attentively, but these Magical Ability are unable to break through the imbalance traces the strength of zai greatly. 大日如来世尊自然不甘,三法印之后,又尝试四圣谛等其它神通,但这些神通无法突破不平衡的大沴烖之力。 But in particular, as Vairocana Revered One of the World uses various Buddhist doctrines, Phaseless Heavenly Demon crosses traces the strength of zai greatly, invades buddha radiance, appears around Vairocana Revered One of the World. 而特别的,随着大日如来世尊施展各种佛法,无相天魔越过大沴烖之力,侵入佛光,出现在大日如来世尊四周。 Vairocana Revered One of the World does not care these Phaseless Heavenly Demon, but with his Buddhist doctrine continuously stimulate to motion, in his eye pupil presents the specters unexpectedly. 大日如来世尊根本不把这些无相天魔放在心上,但是随着他佛法不断催动,他的眼眸中竟然出现魔影。 „Not good ~ “不好~” Xiao Hua in great surprise, shouted lowly, Revered One of the World danger!” 萧华大惊,低呼道,“世尊危矣!” Oh ~ “唉~” Salutes in the Revered One of the World Venerable Buddha Maitreya heart to say with a sigh, Revered One of the World extremely strives for victory, the heart of this victory and defeat has from the honored day Star Territory first war, valley God holds this weakness.” 南无弥勒尊佛世尊心中叹息道,“世尊太过求胜,这胜负之心自钧天星域第一场大战就有,谷神已经抓住这个弱点。” What to do?” “怎么办?” Jiu Xia is somewhat anxious, each World supreme, she impression to Vairocana Revered One of the World is best. 九夏有些焦急,各界至尊中,她对大日如来世尊的印象最好。 Salutes Vairocana Revered One of the World ~ “南无大日如来世尊~” Xiao Hua pats the hatch, saluting infinitely merciful Guanyin Bodisattva Revered One of the World Avatar will appear, then the double palm will proclaim buddhist name about ten, will salute Vairocana Revered One of the World ~ 萧华轻拍自己顶门,将南无大慈大悲观世音菩萨世尊法身显出,而后双掌合十口宣佛号,“南无大日如来世尊~” Salutes Vairocana Revered One of the World ~ “南无大日如来世尊~” Salutes Revered One of the World Venerable Buddha Maitreya to see that similarly appears the light, the mouth proclaimed buddhist name, saluted Vairocana Revered One of the World ~ 南无弥勒尊佛世尊见状,同样现出光明,口宣佛号,“南无大日如来世尊~” Salutes Vairocana Revered One of the World ~ “南无大日如来世尊~” The Dīpankara Ancient Buddha Revered One of the World hurried double palm proclaimed buddhist name about ten. 燃灯上古佛世尊急忙双掌合十口宣佛号 Salutes Vairocana Revered One of the World ~ “南无大日如来世尊~” Salutes Vairocana Revered One of the World ~ “南无大日如来世尊~” ...... …… Buddha State all Buddha, all Bodhisattvas, all arhats all are proclaim buddhist name. 佛国一切佛,一切菩萨,一切罗汉皆是口宣佛号 Pure Power of Faith rushes to Vairocana Revered One of the World slowly. 精纯的信仰之力缓缓涌向大日如来世尊 Snort ~ “哼~” valley God sees that cold snort/hum, the midair as if somewhat inexplicable strength gave birth unconsciously. 谷神见状,不觉冷哼了,半空似乎有些莫名的力量生出。 ~ “咳咳~” Xu Zhi coughs lightly two, the reminder said that valley god, if begins, this......” 徐志轻咳两声,提醒道,“谷神阁下若是动手,这场……” I disdain ~ “吾不屑~” valley God replied proudly, this desolate Heavenly King this action was despicable, unexpectedly must enter the war with the strength of buddha radiance various Buddha.” 谷神傲然回答道,“这不过萧天王这手端是卑鄙,居然要借佛光诸佛之力参战。” Hehe ~ “嘿嘿~” Xu Zhi shows a faint smile, said, this act your excellency seems to have done?” 徐志微微一笑,说道,“此举阁下似乎已经做过吧?” Hehe ~ “嘿嘿~” valley God sneers does not speak. 谷神冷笑不语。 Half double-hour, saw with own eyes fully Vairocana Revered One of the World buddha radiance twists, double pupil blood red, has the trend of demon, but traces the strength of also distortion zai greatly all, approached less than hundred li (0.5 km). 足有半个时辰,眼见大日如来世尊佛光扭曲,双眸血红,有魔化之趋势,而大沴烖之力也扭曲的了所有,逼近不足百里。 Salutes Vairocana Revered One of the World ~ “南无大日如来世尊~” In the Vairocana Revered One of the World heart resounds Buddha State various bodhisattva buddhist name suddenly. 大日如来世尊心中骤然响起佛国诸佛子佛号 Works as ~ “当~” Like the ear-spitting Buddha bell, Vairocana Revered One of the World gawked, in the eye the blood-color completely went. 如同震耳佛钟,大日如来世尊愣了一下,眼中血色尽去。 Salutes Vairocana Revered One of the World ~ “南无大日如来世尊~” Vairocana Revered One of the World smiles, restrains all Magical Ability double palms about ten, this place lost!” 大日如来世尊笑笑,收敛一切神通双掌合十道,“本座输了!” Xu Zhi has been waiting for these words, he wields day to punish divine lance, card examines ~ Wangcai mistake, all trace the strength of zai such as the dust to vanish greatly. 徐志早就等着这句话,他挥动天罚神矛,“卡察察~”旺财过处,一切大沴烖之力如尘埃消失。 My Buddha ~ “我佛~” Thinks wonderfully the monk looks at these to vanish into thin air, the mouth proclaimed buddhist name unconsciously, mercy!” 妙觉和尚看着这些烟消云散,不觉口宣佛号,“慈悲!” I to seal the name of divine envoy to announce ~ “吾以封神使之名宣布~” Xu Zhi looks that Vairocana Revered One of the World departs, raises the sound said, this war jade faint star space wins.” 徐志看着大日如来世尊飞出,扬声道,“此战玉微星宇胜出。” Then, Xu Zhi has a look at valley God and Xu Zhi, said with a smile: „ The jade faint star Yu Hejun day Star Territory ten gambling fight, now already six, thou and others both sides respective three victories, 说完,徐志又看看谷神和徐志,笑道:“玉微星宇和钧天星域十场赌斗,如今已经六场,汝等双方各自三胜, Shares half and half, seventh can start immediately! ” Naturally must follow up a victory with hot pursuit ~ 正是平分秋色,第七场可以立即开始!”“自然要乘胜追击~” valley God replied with a smile, then pats the hatch, ~ the fresh air departed together, the Taoist trinity outline trod, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform declared Fusheng immeasurable Heavenly Venerable! 谷神笑着回答道,而后一拍自己顶门,“噗~”一道清气飞出,三清轮廓踏出,齐齐口称“福生无量天尊”! „?” “啊?” One...... a gasified Taoist trinity??” “一……一气化三清??” Xiao Hua wait/etc. saw that nearly indignant falling down on the ground. 萧华等见状,差点儿气愤的扑倒在地上。 Taoist trinity outline congealing reality, is not just Dao Ancestor, Dao Venerable and Dao Lord?? 三清轮廓凝实,不正是道祖道尊道主?? Even said that the immortal combat general cannot bear in an uproar. 即便是道仙战将也忍不住哗然。 Who did thou and others accept a challenge?” “汝等谁人应战?” Dao Venerable and other people fall on the world center, looked that etc. asked to Xiao Hua proudly. 道尊等三人落在天地中央,看向萧华等傲然问道。 Naturally......” “自然……” Xiao Hua just about to departs, Daoist Lei Ting and penalty Heavenly Venerable and manger ( li ) Immortal King departs hand in hand, in the mouth called out, I and others accepted a challenge!” 萧华刚要飞出,雷霆真人、刑罚天尊和枥(li)仙王联袂飞出,口中叫道,“我等应战!” Nonsense ~ “胡闹~” The Xiao Hua complexion big change, in the heart scolded lowly, Daoist Lei Ting, how your three possibly were the Taoist trinity rivals?” 萧华脸色大变,心中低骂道,“雷霆真人,你们三个怎么可能是三清敌手?” Hee hee ~ “嘻嘻~” Daoist Lei Ting said with a smile lightly, big brother was not anxious, some little brother originally wishful thinkings, now actually on meantime, Qingqing and Jin Er gave the big brother.” 雷霆真人轻笑道,“大哥莫急,小弟原本有些小心思,如今倒是恰逢其时,青青和靖儿就交给大哥了。” Father is anxious ~ “老子急个屁~” Helpless Xiao Hua said, your family's mother two worry, you come back to father!” 萧华无奈道,“你家的娘儿两个才着急呢,你给老子回来!” Could not go back ~ “回不去了~” Daoist Lei Ting faces directly Dao Ancestor, in the heart said, this is the little brother should do.” 雷霆真人直面道祖,心中说道,“这是小弟该做的。” Oh ~ “哎哟~” Looks that figure of Daoist Lei Ting in front of Dao Ancestor drags, Xiao Hua moved suddenly at heart, called out, thunder, did you forget the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism Saint tablet in space?” 看着雷霆真人道祖面前身形摇曳,萧华忽然心里一动,叫道,“雷霆,你忘记空间内的三教圣碑?” Knows ~ “知道~” Daoist Lei Ting same eye one bright, calling out, „isn't that fellow daoist something for one's own exclusive use?” 雷霆真人同样眼睛一亮,叫道,“那不是道友禁脔?” Takes away, takes away ~ “拿去,拿去~” Xiao Hua said with a smile, this thing must be able to restrain three counterfeit Taoist trinity.” 萧华笑道,“此物必能克制三个假冒的三清。” If the meat dumpling does beat a dog?” “若是肉包子打狗呢?” Daoist Lei Ting asking with a smile. 雷霆真人笑吟吟的问道。 Xiao Hua asked back: „Does meat dumpling compare with the life of fellow daoist?” 萧华反问道:“肉包子跟道友的命比起来呢?” Ha ~ “哈哈哈~” Daoist Lei Ting laughs. 雷霆真人大笑。 Then looked that said with a smile to penalty Heavenly Venerable and manger Immortal King: Two wait a bit, this poor Daoist has the good thing......” 转而看向刑罚天尊和枥仙王笑道:“两位稍等,贫道有好东西……” Was saying Daoist Lei Ting mind in space one revolution, puts out the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism Saint tablet early. 说着雷霆真人心神在空间一转,早将三教圣碑拿出。 „?” “啊?” The Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism Saint tablet appears, the Taoist trinity is can it be that surprised, but valley God also looked at around one, blurted out, „? This...... how possible??” 三教圣碑出现,三清莫不是惊讶,而谷神也看了一下四周,脱口而出了,“咦?这……怎么可能??” Then valley Shengeng is staring at Daoist Lei Ting with rapt attention stubbornly, seemed discovered the space secret. 而后谷神更是凝神死死盯着雷霆真人,好似发现了空间的秘密。 But sees remote antiquity person character stone tablet drop to the Daoist Lei Ting hatch, the azure brilliance air-splitting, even if changes to the valley god of shape of Dao Ancestor the figure in this brilliance is not steady, in the human form outline, has the motley azure sparkle unexpectedly, looks like the stars. 但见太上人字碑落到雷霆真人顶门,青色光耀破空而出,即便是化作道祖之形的谷神也在这光耀中身形不稳,人形轮廓中,居然有斑驳的青色闪耀,看起来如同星辰。 Dao Ancestor Lord so, how could Dao Venerable and do Dao Lord escape by luck? 道祖主如此,道尊道主又岂能幸免? Thank Li Jian, daddy longlegs and dark green to cut and return and clown dragon and to move bricks labor and once to anticipate that present and Jing Wei and dust non- and arrogant divine land and cold and still, Alan, „my good and Xiang Qing and other support of fellow daoist, last night added for them, the preparation finished Immortal World on April 1, currently also has the quota, fellow daoist may participate in the WeChat group, thanks. 感谢“李健”、“臭蚊子”、“苍斩”、“回归”、“小丑龙”、“搬砖工”、“曾经期待现在”、“荆未”、“尘非”、“傲神州”、“冷寂”、“阿伦”、“我本善良”、“相清”等道友的支持,昨晚为他们加更,准备4月1日将仙界篇结束,目前还有加更名额,诸位道友可在微信群参加,谢谢。 «And Looks To repair God»( deep black mister) 《且看修神》(玄青先生) Five years of Spring and Autumn Period, once thought the resplendence, actually silently however ; Raises the window to look, entrance cold Rushuang, is startled initially actually feels. 五载春秋,曾想辉煌灿烂,倒是默默然;掀窗看,门庭冷如霜,初惊却又顿感。 Three muddy chapters, write completely the gallant and chivalrous frame of mind supple intestines, hikes the celestial mountain unexpectedly ; Then looks, the humble room guest full house, smiling to look that god error is spirited. 三篇浊章,写尽侠骨柔肠,竟也登仙山;回头望,陋室客满堂,笑看神阙昂扬。 Spoke thoughtlessly makes up( dust not) 随口一诌(尘非) Ten years cultivate/repair the god, in the present spread to look, recalled that sleep alone with are difficult to sleep, always accompany. 十年修神,今朝遍览,回想孤枕与难眠,总相伴。 Innumerable day and night, many distress, looking out into the distance sorrow and joy and meeting and parting, forever dimple. 无数日夜,多少困厄,远眺悲欢和离合,永笑靥。 Thank everyone enthusiastic support, everyone while beginning subscription, do not forget helps the 3 d highest place in hanun propagandize on, micro blog, trill and quick worker and other channels, thanked again 感谢大家热情支持,大家在起点订阅的同时,别忘了在、微博、抖音和快手等渠道上帮探花宣传,再次感谢了 Likes cultivating the god to leak Immortal World to ask everyone to collect:() Repairs the god to leak the Immortal World refresh rate entire network to be quickest. 喜欢修神外传仙界篇请大家收藏:()修神外传仙界篇更新速度全网最快。
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