LCGIR :: Volume #53

#5277: star Yu Dafeng god finally war ( 7 )

Goes ~ “去吧~” The valley god seems happy, flicks the sleeve said that „the sixth stage supervisor necessary victory.” 谷神好似心情很好,拂袖道,“第六场务必要胜。” Salutes Amitabha ~ “南无阿弥陀佛~” Vairocana Revered One of the World, Dīpankara Ancient Buddha Revered One of the World and Revered One of the World Venerable Buddha Maitreya simultaneous/uniform Qikou proclaimed buddhist name to depart. 大日如来世尊燃灯上古佛世尊弥勒尊佛世尊齐齐口宣佛号飞出。 Hehe ~ “嘿嘿~” Thinks the monk to say with a smile wonderfully, three Revered One of the World do not collaborate?” 妙觉和尚笑道,“三位世尊不是要联手吧?” Salutes Amitabha ~ “南无阿弥陀佛~” The Vairocana Revered One of the World double palm about ten, this war is acted by this place.” 大日如来世尊双掌合十道,“此战由本座出手。” Dīpankara Ancient Buddha Revered One of the World and Revered One of the World Venerable Buddha Maitreya have a look mutually, can only retrocede. 燃灯上古佛世尊弥勒尊佛世尊相互看看,只能后退。 Revered One of the World ~ 世尊~” Xiao Hua opens the mouth saying that my Buddha State is admiring the congealing star space to have a war with Buddha of valley god, each other strength was generally clear, by the experience of Heavenly Court Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor, needless saying that this war must have the gloomy method, Revered One of the World is always frank, can this aspect...... have confidence?” 萧华开口道,“我佛国在歆凝星宇已经跟谷神的佛界有过一战,彼此的实力大抵都清楚,由天庭天皇大帝的经历来看,不消说,这场大战必有阴暗手段,世尊一向光明磊落,这方面……可有把握?” No ~ “没有~” Vairocana Revered One of the World shakes the head saying that „, but this must make a move.” 大日如来世尊摇头道,“但本座必须要出手。” Then on war ~ “那就战吧~” Xiao Hua also can only smile bitterly saying that one such as six other shore, makes a move to take valley God.” 萧华也只能苦笑道,“一如六相彼岸,一出手就将谷神拿下。” Hehe ~ “嘿嘿~” The wonderful sleep/felt has a look at Vairocana Revered One of the World, the double palm about ten, this poor monk wonderful sleep/felt, has seen Vairocana Revered One of the World!” 妙觉看看大日如来世尊,双掌合十道,“贫僧妙觉,见过大日如来世尊!” Salutes Amitabha ~ “南无阿弥陀佛~” The Vairocana Revered One of the World mouth proclaimed buddhist name saying that invited ~ 大日如来世尊口宣佛号道,“请~” ~ “呜~” Thinks the monk to open mouth wonderfully, in the mouth gives birth to the strong winds, the strong winds has blown the place, odd-looking temples appear, this temple like the hat, above also has the shape, if mark mark. 妙觉和尚张嘴,口中生出狂风,狂风刮过之处,一个个样式古怪的庙宇出现,这庙宇如同帽子,其上又有状若斑痕的印记。 „......” “莫莫莫……” In the temple spreads the dried fish sound, has the sound of inexplicable reading aloud reading. 寺庙中传出木鱼声响,更有莫名的诵念之音。 Your majesty ~ “陛下~” At this time the Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor flies back, not only a face is depressed, but also the prestige of ruler damages greatly, Xiao Hua quickly complied, said in a soft voice, how?” 此时天皇大帝飞回,不仅一脸沮丧,而且帝皇之威大损,萧华急忙应了过去,轻声道,“如何?” Too fierce ~ “太厉害了~” The Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor has a lingering fear saying that in the heart of this darkness has the recollection passing strength . Moreover the strength of time far exceeds the range that We can control, the flaw of Our passing innumerable immeasurable tribulation gathers at this time completely, We am incapable of resisting.” 天皇大帝心有余悸道,“这黑暗之心中有回溯过往的力量,而且时间之力远超朕能控制的范围,朕过往无数无量劫的破绽此时全部汇聚过来,朕无力抵挡。” If so ~ “若如此~” Jiu Xia said in a low voice, „this Buddha State wonderful sleep/felt also has the strangeness.” 九夏低声道,“这佛国的妙觉也有古怪。” Said needlessly ~ “不消说的~” The Xiao Hua forced smile said, from Xiao the experience of Buddha State bie, this thinks wonderfully the monk uses must be the Demon Race method.” 萧华苦笑道,“从萧某佛国峇莂的经历来看,这妙觉和尚用的必是魔族手段。” Oh, right ~ “哎哟,没错~” Jiu Xia said with a nod, this jade faint star space possibly simply does not have Demon Race, all Buddha State are admiring the congealing star space, what here stays behind is Demon World?” 九夏点头道,“这玉微星宇可能根本没有魔族,所有的佛国都在歆凝星宇,这里留下的是魔界?” Uncertain ~ “不一定~” Xiao Hua narrowed the eye, looks that a 100,003,200 temple spheres Vairocana Revered One of the World, although Vairocana Revered One of the World buddha radiance illuminates the temple surface layer like the sunlight, but is unable to inject as before, then the forced smile said, perhaps Buddha State with Demon World is a body two-sided, what is affirmative, this grade of Buddha demon interactive great array, Xiao goes to battle is best.” 萧华眯了眼睛,看着一亿三千二百个庙宇将大日如来世尊围住,虽然大日如来世尊佛光如同阳光将庙宇表层照亮,但依旧无法射入其中,遂苦笑道,“或许佛国魔界是一体双面,但肯定的是,这等佛魔交互的大阵,萧某出战才是最好。” The words saying, thinks wonderfully the monk has started. 话说间,妙觉和尚已经发动。 But sees thinks wonderfully the monk displays Xiao Hua familiar six secret technique, brushes ~ six exactly the same wonder think that the monk treads from six places, they after think wonderfully the monk bows salutes, flies to around Vairocana Revered One of the World. 但见妙觉和尚施展萧华熟悉的六根秘术,“刷刷刷~”六个一模一样的妙觉和尚从六根之处踏出,他们冲妙觉和尚躬身施礼后,飞往大日如来世尊四周。 My Buddha ~ “我佛~” Mercy ~ ~ “慈悲~~” Looks again thinks the monk wonderfully, after six, has not regenerated six, but is hysteric low roars one, the entire figure had the tremendous changes. 再看妙觉和尚,在六根化出之后,并没有再生六根,而是歇斯底里的低吼一声,整个身形发生了翻天覆地的变化。 Wū wū ~ “呜呜~” The blood-color and specters complement each other, six Demon Race has not thought that wonderfully monk within the body turns to well up. 血色和魔影交映,一个没有六根的魔族自妙觉和尚体内翻涌出来。 Rumbling ~ “轰轰~” Meanwhile, six falling places, give birth thunder, the 100,003,200 temple minute/share makes six parts, fluctuates with the aid of Higher Realm, gives birth to six different strength simultaneous/uniform Qixi to Vairocana Revered One of the World. 与此同时,六根落处,生出轰鸣,一亿三千二百个庙宇分作六部分,借助上界波动,生出六种不同的力量齐齐袭向大日如来世尊 Saw with own eyes that these strengths are extremely chaotic, the three disasters that oneself are familiar with six difficult to be one of them impressively, Xiao Hua shouted lowly: Damn, what Demon Race method this...... is this? How to have the three disasters six difficult strength?” 眼见这些力量极其混乱,自己熟悉的三灾六难赫然就在其中,萧华低呼道:“该死,这……这是什么魔族手段?怎么有三灾六难之力?” Ignorant ~ “无知~” The valley god voice resounds proudly, this traces the technique of zai greatly, is the frank and upright method, the three disasters six difficult books is traces the strength of zai, the nature is tracing in the zai technique greatly.” 谷神傲然声音响起,“此乃大沴烖之术,是光明正大的手段,三灾六难本就是沴烖之力,自然在大沴烖术之内。” Xiao Hua suddenly, 萧华恍然, Smiled bitterly looks that six thought the monk wonderfully, said: In view of this, these six monk at all not what six, but was six traces? But the air/Qi disagreement/not with injures is to trace, six trace the saying six natural factors disagreement/not with.” desolate Heavenly King really ~ 苦笑了看着六个妙觉和尚,说道:“既如此,这六个和尚根本不会什么六根,而是六沴了?气不和而相伤为沴,六沴谓六气不和。”“萧天王果然了得~” In valley God the words satirized, six traced continually knows.” 谷神的话里不无讽刺,“连六沴都知道。” Rumbling ~ “轰轰轰~” During the speeches, Vairocana Revered One of the World all around buddha radiance starts the confusion, that traces the strength of zai greatly is not the crazy attack that the numerous immortals think, but is cuns (2.5 cm) approaching, as long as traces the strength of mistake zai greatly, Vairocana Revered One of the World buddha radiance or the dimness, or interweave, changes countenance, dispersion, breaks, distortion, same cuns (2.5 cm) disorderly. 说话间,大日如来世尊四周的佛光开始混乱,那大沴烖之力并不是众仙所想的疯狂袭击,而是一寸寸的逼近,但凡大沴烖之力过处,大日如来世尊佛光或是黯淡,或是交织,或是变色,或是分散,或是断折,或是扭曲,同样一寸寸的凌乱。 Salutes Amitabha ~ “南无阿弥陀佛~” The Vairocana Revered One of the World heart like the rock, intent like the bright mirror, for it, the mouth did not only proclaim buddhist name, the double palm gathered ten, searched gently. 大日如来世尊心如磐石,意如明镜,并不为之所动,只口宣佛号,双掌合十,轻轻一探。 Buddhism Magical Ability that only way, Xiao Hua most likes using. 不二法门,萧华最喜欢使用的佛门神通 Brushes ~ “刷~” The buddha radiance place visited, the unsurpassed Buddha strength divides the world, powerful traces the strength of zai is also separated greatly. 佛光所过之处,无上佛力将天地分割,强悍的大沴烖之力同样被分开。 However traces a strength of cuns (2.5 cm) advancement zai greatly, six will trace like the firm rock all around the space will sphere, after only way will attack half tea merely, will start the strength to use up. 但是大沴烖之力寸寸推进,六沴如同坚岩将四周空间围住,不二法门仅仅冲击半盏茶后,就开始力竭。 Salutes Amitabha ~ “南无阿弥陀佛~” Even Vairocana Revered One of the World somewhat were still surprised. Only way stops the moment, wū wū ~ all around has again in a big way traces the strength of zai to regroup after a defeat. 即便是大日如来世尊也有些惊讶了。不二法门停下不过片刻,“呜呜~”四周再有大沴烖之力重整旗鼓。 „Not right ~ “不对~” Xiao Hua in shouted suddenly at heart lowly, this...... this was not pure traced the strength of zai greatly, in this also orderly Principle, moreover was the greatly not balanced strength.” 萧华忽然在心里低呼道,“这……这不是单纯的大沴烖之力,这里面还有秩序法则,而且还是大不平衡力量。” I go ~ “我去~” Even Jiu Xia still shouted lightly, used imbalance disorder Magical Ability as the foundation, took the three disasters six difficultly six to trace for the representation, this so-called traced the technique of zai extremely is also fierce greatly?” 即便是九夏也轻呼道,“以不平衡的紊乱神通为根基,以三灾六难之六沴为表象,这所谓的大沴烖之术也太过厉害了吧?” Magical Ability of valley god ~ “谷神的神通啊~” Xiao Hua said with a sigh, I and other common can Immortal hope to attain can it be that? Vairocana Revered One of the World buddha radiance is world is brightest, the most ordered strength, my Buddha is also world most positive Magical Ability, thinks wonderfully the monk with traces the technique of zai to cope with Vairocana Revered One of the World greatly...... is really a brush!” 萧华叹息道,“岂是我等寻常仙人可以企及?大日如来世尊佛光乃世间最为光明,最为有序的力量,我佛也是世间最为正面的神通,妙觉和尚用大沴烖之术对付大日如来世尊……真是神来之笔啊!” Even Xiao Hua was subdued by the method of valley god, how Vairocana can Revered One of the World deal? 萧华都被谷神的手段折服,大日如来世尊如何能够应对? Seeing with own eyes only way is unable the accomplishment, Vairocana Revered One of the World to change three therapeutic methods seal immediately. 眼见不二法门无法建功,大日如来世尊立即改换成三法印。 The Buddhist doctrine is printed with three types: One and all promising laws, always think about to live to extinguish all variably ; Two, all law altruism ; Three, dying out Nirvana. 佛法印有三种:一者、一切有为法,念念生灭皆无常;二者、一切法无我;三者、寂灭涅盘。 Vairocana Revered One of the World pinches law seal, various line of variable seal and various law altruism seal and Nirvana silent seal fall simultaneously to six trace! 大日如来世尊手捏法印,诸行无常印、诸法无我印、涅盘寂静印同时落向六沴! Rumbling ~ “轰轰轰~” Nothing accident/surprise, after three thunder, three giant Buddha seal will trace the technique of zai to penetrate greatly. 没有什么意外,三声轰鸣之后,三个巨大的佛印将大沴烖之术击穿。 Last war, may boost in addition in the WeChat group ~ 最后一战,诸位可在微信群助力加更~ Thank everyone enthusiastic support, everyone while beginning subscription, do not forget helps the 3 d highest place in hanun propagandize on, micro blog, trill and quick worker and other channels, thanked again 感谢大家热情支持,大家在起点订阅的同时,别忘了在、微博、抖音和快手等渠道上帮探花宣传,再次感谢了 Likes cultivating the god to leak Immortal World to ask everyone to collect:() Repairs the god to leak the Immortal World refresh rate entire network to be quickest. 喜欢修神外传仙界篇请大家收藏:()修神外传仙界篇更新速度全网最快。
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