LCGIR :: Volume #53

#5276: star Yu Dafeng god finally war ( 6 )

The Seven Worlds corps win streak three, the morale inspire greatly, but valley God the complexion is extremely ugly. 七界战队连胜三场,士气大振,而谷神的脸色极其难看。 Valley god ~ “谷神~” The feather tomb of scholarly bows to salute saying that my humble self requests a combat assignment.” 儒雅的羽陵躬身施礼道,“小生请战。” Un ~ “嗯~” Valley god said with a nod, thou goes!” 谷神点头道,“汝去吧!” The feather tomb turns around to arrive at the midair, bows said: Who dares to accept a challenge?” 羽陵转身走到半空,稽首道:“何人敢来应战?” Seeing with own eyes Wen Qu must move, the Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor said decisively: Naturally is We ~ 眼见文曲要动,天皇大帝断然说道:“自然是朕~” Your majesty ~ “陛下~” The Wen Qu forced smile said that my humble self......” 文曲苦笑道,“小生……” „It is not no need to say ~ “不必多说~” The Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor shakes the head saying that this is of my Ruan Immortal, the nature accepts a challenge by Us.” 天皇大帝摇头道,“这是我儒仙之阵,自然由朕应战。” Xiao Hua want to go to battle, after all this feather tomb looks refined, who knows that has any fierce method. 萧华自己都想出战,毕竟这羽陵看着斯文,谁知道有什么厉害的手段啊。 May look at the Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor so, he can only accompany to say with a smile: Had the work your majesty ~ 可看着天皇大帝如此,他只能陪笑道:“有劳陛下了~” Wū wū ~ “呜呜~” The Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor carried the emperor sword discretely, goes out slowly, vision like a torch to look to the feather tomb. 天皇大帝谨慎的拎了天子剑,缓缓走出,目光如炬看向羽陵。 Xiaosheng has seen your majesty ~ “小生见过陛下~” The feather tomb scholarly, bows to salute to say as before. 羽陵依旧儒雅,躬身施礼道。 Does not need so ~ “不必如此~” Beckoning with the hand that the Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor sneers, your I am hostile, We cannot handle your to treat courteously.” 天皇大帝冷笑的摆手,“你我乃是敌对,朕当不起你这礼待。” Xiaosheng wants to consult your majesty ~ “小生想要请教陛下~” The feather tomb non- worried thoughts do not get angry, light asking, expensive/noble Ruan Immortal how cultivation?” 羽陵不愠不怒,淡淡的问道,“贵儒仙如何修炼?” My Heavenly Court cultivation art first cultivates in the chest a noble ~ “我天庭修炼之法先修胸中一口浩然正气~” The Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor pondered over slightly, replied, „, cultivated/repaired hatch Three Flowers, the foundation did not have to clear distance!” 天皇大帝略加思忖,回答道,“后修顶门三花,不正根基无以至清远!” In words of Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor nature by another meaning, but feather tomb when only has not heard, accompanies to say with a smile: Heavenly Court cultivation art is different from my feather tomb Immortal World, my feather tomb Immortal World emphasizes five elegantly ten to release.” 天皇大帝的话中自然由另外一番意思,但羽陵只当没有听到,陪笑道:“天庭修炼之法跟我羽陵仙界不同,我羽陵仙界讲求五雅十释。” What is this?” “这是什么?” The Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor asked. 天皇大帝问道。 Five, elegant, Guangya and Yi, low-lying damp place and others ~ “五雅者,尔雅、广雅、逸雅、埤雅等~” The feather tomb said every single word or phrase, ten releasing, release the Confucian, to release the say/way, to release Buddha, to release the dragon, to release the monster, to release spirit, releases the demon, to release the charm, to release the day, to release.” 羽陵一字一句道,“十释者,释儒、释道、释佛、释龙、释妖、释灵、释魔、释魅、释天、释地也。” The Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor suddenly, pats the hatch, has the fresh air to gush out, coldly said: „Can you use five elegantly ten to release with Us fight?” 天皇大帝恍然,一拍顶门,有清气涌出,冷冷说道:“尔要动用五雅十释跟朕一战么?” No ~ “不~” The feather tomb shows a faint smile saying that my humble self most excels......” 羽陵微微一笑道,“小生最擅长……” Brushes ~ “刷~” Finishing barely the words of feather tomb, wipes jet black then gushes out from his body surface, like a bottomless trench, embezzles the Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor all of a sudden. 羽陵的话音未落,一抹漆黑便从他体表涌出,如同一个无底深渊,一下子将天皇大帝吞没。 Jade Emperor at present one black, don't said the eye, is the five senses loses the sensation immediately, only had the feather tomb last few words to resound in his ear: „...... The heart of darkness!” 玉皇大帝眼前一黑,莫说眼睛,就是五官登时失去感知,仅有羽陵最后一句话在他耳中响起:“……黑暗之心!” Damn ~ “该死~” The Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor lowers roars, in the hand the emperor sword chops, in the mouth called out, you dare to plot against Us!” 天皇大帝低吼,手中天子剑劈出,口中叫道,“你敢暗算朕!” What a pity, jet black, the Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor can only hear oneself sound, any other sounds cannot hear. 可惜,漆黑中,天皇大帝只能听到自己的声音,其它任何声音都听不到。 As for the emperor sword, the sword light submerges the darkness similarly, cannot break out the space. 至于天子剑,剑光同样没入黑暗,根本劈不开空间。 Roar ~ “吼~” The Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor whole body exudes gold light, 95 dragon elephants roared to depart. 天皇大帝周身泛起金光,九五龙象咆哮飞出。 What a pity the prestige of ruler no doubt can reflect jet black brightly, is actually not able to penetrate the darkness. 可惜帝皇之威固然可以将漆黑映亮,却无法穿透黑暗。 But at this time, chirp ~ roar roar ~ some disorderly sounds resound, looks needlessly, in the darkness, there is innumerable evil spirits to appear. 而此时,“唧唧~”“吼吼~”一些凌乱的声音响起,不消多看,黑暗中,有数不胜数的魑魅魍魉出现。 Moreover the Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor vision sweeps, then all around voice vanishes, then strange resounds in the Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor heart. 而且天皇大帝目光一扫,四周声音便即消失,而后诡异的在天皇大帝心中响起。 Snort ~ “哼~” Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor cold snort/hum, opens the mouth saying that We can sit to the position of Great Emperor, do the experience immeasurable innumerable tribulations, how could care these methods early?” 天皇大帝冷哼一声,开口道,“朕能坐到大帝之位,早经历无量无数劫,岂能将这些手段放在心上?” The voice of Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor is not naturally able to be extremely far, but after saying, in all ghosts and demons sound his hearts vanishes again, the shadows of these evil spirits in darkness again rampant. 天皇大帝的声音自然无法极远,但说完之后,一切鬼魅声音又再他心中消失,那些魑魅魍魉的影子在黑暗中再次猖獗。 The Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor shuts both eyes, after the moment, lifts the hand at an own forehead point. 天皇大帝微闭双目,片刻后,抬手在自己眉心一点。 Brushes ~ “刷~” The light of civilization such as the torch lightens, the flame will penetrate distantly dark. 文明之光如火炬点亮,火光遥遥将黑暗击穿。 ~ “嗷嗷~” Silent pitiful yell of evil spirits in the fire of civilization, changes to the ashes not to see. 魑魅魍魉在文明之火中无声的惨叫,一个个化作灰烬不见。 What a pity, saw with own eyes that the flame outline becomes the heart shape, difficult perimeter/thunder pool half-step, the Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor thump, the secretly thought/passage is not again good. 可惜,眼见火光轮廓成心形,再难越雷池半步,天皇大帝心里咯噔一声,暗道不好。 Plop ~ “扑通~” In the meantime, the dark halo outline flashes like the heartbeat, 就在此时,黑暗光晕轮廓如同心跳般闪动一下, Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor whole body Essence Blood also follows to beat, a palpitation direct impact his heart of difficult word. Dreads, terrifyingly, anxious and other mood to invade quietly. 天皇大帝全身精血也跟着跳动,一股难言的心悸直冲他的心底。畏惧、恐怖、焦虑等诸般情绪悄然侵入。 „The heart of darkness ~ “黑暗之心~” The Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor suddenly, the secretly thought/passage, this must be the method of feather tomb attack.” 天皇大帝恍然,暗道,“这必是羽陵攻击的手段。” ~ “啪啪~” Does not wait for the Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor to read the retrogression, the dragon shape that will previously illuminate dark starts cuns (2.5 cm) to break . Moreover the dragon that breaks also withered likely. 不等天皇大帝一念消退,先前将黑暗照亮的龙象开始寸寸断裂起来,而且断裂的龙象也枯萎了。 Damn ~ “该死~” The Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor scolded one lowly, the emperor sword sparkle sword light, gold light bloomed from Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor within the body together, burnt the flaming brilliance like Sun. 天皇大帝低骂一声,天子剑闪耀剑光,一道金光天皇大帝体内绽放,如同太阳般燃动熊熊光焰。 Plop ~ “扑通~” Plop ~ ~ “扑通~~” Is two heartbeats, Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor Essence Blood also beats, palpitation and terrifying like great fist long jab Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor Divine Soul. 紧接着又是两声心跳,天皇大帝精血也同时跳动,心悸、恐怖如同巨拳直击天皇大帝神魂 The Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor various stimulate to motion secret technique, may work as immediately plop ~ plop ~ ~ plop ~ ~ ~ three heartbeats, disrupt all secret technique one after another, the Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor could not bear the sigh: Oh ~ 天皇大帝立即催动各种秘术,可当得“扑通~”“扑通~~”“扑通~~~”接连三声心跳,将所有秘术打乱,天皇大帝忍不住叹息了:“唉~” Afterward, he does not dare to have any neglecting, quickly offers a sacrifice to the dark green jade and yellow Cong. 随后,他不敢有任何怠慢,急忙祭出苍璧和黄琮。 Brushes ~ “刷刷~” The dark green jade blocks Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor top of the head, yellow Cong suppresses Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor, the jade color forms one perfectly round to protect the Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor plop ~ 苍璧挡住天皇大帝头顶,黄琮镇压天皇大帝脚下,玉色形成一个浑圆将天皇大帝护住扑通~” ...... …… The sound of fierce heartbeat, like the big hand crazy hit dark green jade and yellow Cong, the jade color sends out the light shadow that drags. 剧烈的心跳之声,如同大手疯狂的撞击苍璧和黄琮,玉色发出摇曳的光影。 Finally, when results in the jade color is unable to resist like beating a drum the sound of heartbeat, the Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor felt oneself previously the heart tribulation in cultivation and other negative strengths, beat to increase every time one time one time raids. 最后,待得玉色无法抵挡如同擂鼓般的心跳之声,天皇大帝感觉自己先前修炼中的心劫等诸般负面力量,每跳动一次就加增一倍的袭来。 ~ “噗~” The dark green jade and yellow Cong separate, is still strong except for the light of civilization, the Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor is unable to wield the emperor sword. 苍璧和黄琮分离,除了文明之光依旧坚挺,天皇大帝连天子剑都无法挥动。 Oh ~ “唉~” Regret that in Jade Emperor heart could not say, but he can only sigh, said, We defeated!” 玉皇大帝心中说不出的懊悔,但他只能叹息一声,说道,“朕败了!” However, even the Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor acknowledged defeated, the beat of heart of darkness has not slowed down, Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor complexion emergency. 然而,即便是天皇大帝承认败了,黑暗之心的跳动没有丝毫减缓,天皇大帝脸色急变。 Valley god ~ “谷神~” Xu Zhi stands in the midair, light saying, honored day Star Territory has been defeated, hasn't received the heart of darkness?” 徐志站在半空中,淡淡的说道,“钧天星域已经落败,还不将黑暗之心收了么?” Sorry ~ “抱歉~” valley God shrugs, said, I have not heard some people to surrender!” 谷神耸耸肩,说道,“吾未闻有人投降!” ~ “咔嚓嚓~” Xu Zhi rubbish, the day punishes divine lance to wield in the midair, in the thunder will tear all of a sudden jet black. 徐志也不废话,天罚神矛在半空一挥,电闪雷鸣中一下子将漆黑撕裂。 Brushes ~ “刷~” The Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor departs from, this time he is distressed exceptionally, not only the dragon shape disappears, is his body surface is similar to by the ink is also contaminated. 天皇大帝自内中飞出,此时的他狼狈异常,不仅龙象消失,就是他的体表也如同被墨汁浸染。 Some announced ~ “某家宣布~” Xu Zhi tranquil saying, „the fifth gambling fights, the jade faint star space wins.” 徐志平静的说道,“第五场赌斗,玉微星宇胜出。” Valley god ~ “谷神~” As the Xu Zhi sound falls to the ground, thinks wonderfully the monk double palm about ten, this poor monk requests a combat assignment.” 随着徐志声音落地,妙觉和尚双掌合十道,“贫僧请战。” Thank everyone enthusiastic support, everyone while beginning subscription, do not forget helps the 3 d highest place in hanun propagandize on, micro blog, trill and quick worker and other channels, thanked again 感谢大家热情支持,大家在起点订阅的同时,别忘了在、微博、抖音和快手等渠道上帮探花宣传,再次感谢了 Likes cultivating the god to leak Immortal World to ask everyone to collect:() Repairs the god to leak the Immortal World refresh rate entire network to be quickest. 喜欢修神外传仙界篇请大家收藏:()修神外传仙界篇更新速度全网最快。
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