LCGIR :: Volume #53

#5275: star Yu Dafeng god finally war ( 5 )

If as expected ~ “若不出意外~” Jiu Xia looks at the profound soul, said in a low voice, this child should be purple eon mother Suijing who is skilled in the jade faint star space, can only go to battle by Daoist Shaman.” 九夏看着玄魂,低声道,“此子该是精通玉微星宇的紫宙母髓经,只能由巫道人出战。” Said needlessly ~ “不消说了~” Xiao Hua turns the head to have a look saying that he is Shaman Sovereign, the nature goes to battle by him.” 萧华转头看看说道,“他是巫皇,自然由他出战。” Mr. Wu ~ “巫父~” Really, that profound soul stands in the midair, the faint smile said, you do want to go to battle?” 果然,那玄魂站在半空,似笑非笑道,“您要出战么?” Clever ~ “乖~” Xiao Hua lifts the hand in a behind racket, said with a smile, Mr. Wu did not educate you, making Shaman Sovereign kill your murderous aura!” 萧华抬手在后面一拍,笑道,“巫父就不去教育你了,让巫皇杀杀你的杀气!” Bang ~ “轰~” Daoist Shaman departs, all around gives birth to the sound of inexplicable thundering immediately. 巫道人飞出,四周立即生出莫名的轰鸣之声。 Under the profound soul body, 10000.00000001 trillion profound soul witch boundary/world Shaman Race boils immediately, witch destiny direct impact Daoist Shaman falls. 玄魂身下,亿亿万玄魂巫界的巫族立即沸腾,巫界气运直冲巫道人落下。 Well?” “咦?” Valley god inconceivable looks at the Great Emperor chariot, shouted lowly, how this was possible?” 谷神不可思议的看着大帝战车,低呼道,“这怎么可能?” Then, the valley god vision has swept Xu Zhi, sneers saying: Seals divine envoy really fairly, fair? restriction on this chariot what's the matter?” 而后,谷神目光扫过徐志,冷笑道:“封神使真的公正,公平么?这战车上的禁制是怎么回事儿?” Hehe ~ “嘿嘿~” Xu Zhi does not expose, said with a smile lightly, you can light/only concentrate to produce the star link with the aid of to seal/confer Shenlei, some can't arrange/cloth small restriction?” 徐志并不点破,轻笑道,“你能借助封神雷光凝造星环,某家不能布个小小的禁制么?” Said again, this restriction is some are prompted by a sudden impulse, is not fights for what to seal/confer God, who hides, some cannot manage!” “再说了,这禁制是某家心血来潮,并不是为了什么封神大战,谁藏在内中,某家也管不着啊!” thou so approach ~ “汝如此做法~” valley God threatens to say unexpectedly, did not fear lifted the stone to pound the foot?” 谷神居然威胁道,“不怕搬了石头砸自己脚吗?” Did not fear ~ “不怕~” The Xu Zhi categorical say/way, some sits the direct acting positively, has a clear conscience.” 徐志斩钉截铁道,“某家坐得直行得正,问心无愧。” Kills ~ “杀吧~” valley God has a look at the profound soul, the light instruction said. 谷神看看玄魂,淡淡的吩咐道。 Yes ~ “是~” The profound soul complies with one to look to Daoist Shaman, in the eye the sentimental extreme speed retrogression. 玄魂答应一声看向巫道人,眼中感情极速消退。 Brushes ~ “刷~” Above the profound soul body surface, there is a purple radiance to sparkle, the single layer heavy totem appears. 玄魂体表之上,有紫色光华闪耀,一重重图腾浮现出来。 Rumbling ~ “轰轰~” In the world starts to thunder, the purple totem charges into the space, if a continuously shape the day marrow of waterdrop congeals slowly, as the day marrow drops on the profound soul. 天地间开始轰鸣,紫色图腾冲向空间,一缕缕状若水滴的天髓缓缓凝结出来,而随着天髓滴落在玄魂身上。 Wū wū ~ “呜呜~” The strange wind howl sound gets up, on the profound soul begins quiet bluish green Wuwen, witch Wenluo locates, profound soul witch Shaman Race change to a continuously purple-red air/Qi silk...... 诡异的风啸声音响起,玄魂身上再起幽碧巫纹,巫纹落处,玄魂巫界一个个巫族化作一缕缕紫红色气丝…… Kills ~ “杀~” Profound soul both eyes are empty, the double fist grips plunges Daoist Shaman. 玄魂双目空洞,双拳一攥扑向巫道人 Snort ~ “哼~” Daoist Shaman cold snort/hum, shook the fist to welcome. 巫道人冷哼一声,同样挥拳迎了过去。 Rumbling ~ “轰轰~” Two people instant dogfight in the same place. 两人瞬时缠斗在一起。 Unlike Celestial and battle of Yuan tenth Earthly Branch, two people fists strike in the same place, unexpectedly gives birth rustle ~ sound, seems two people fists and feet not congealing reality. 天人和沅酉的厮杀不同,两人拳头击在一起,居然生出“沙沙~”的声音,就好似两人的拳脚并非凝实。 Strange ~ “古怪了~” Xiao Hua narrowed the eye, looks at the profound soul, in the heart asks, „is this profound soul...... Shaman Race? What his cultivation was you says purple eon mother Suijing who?” 萧华眯了眼睛,看着玄魂,心中问道,“这玄魂……是巫族么?他修炼的是伱说的紫宙母髓经么?” „It is not right, not right ~ “不对,不对~” In the Jiu Xia also heart shouted lowly, this profound soul was not Shaman Race, he...... his shape was quite unusual, I now could not have thought that was anything. But his cultivation should be purple eon mother Suijing, you had not looked that in the world gives birth to a day of marrow? purple qi that profound soul Shaman Race gives birth to? This is the purple eon mother Suijing unique symbol, purple eon and mother Sui!” 九夏也心中低呼道,“这玄魂不是巫族,他……他这形态比较奇特,我现在还想不出来是什么。但他修炼的应该是紫宙母髓经,你没看天地间生出天髓么?还有玄魂巫族生出的紫气?这就是紫宙母髓经特有的标志,紫宙和母髓!” Rumbling ~ “轰轰~” The totem and witch of mark profound soul spread across, day surface-to-air bright sound, even the heavenly thunder and place fire gives birth indistinctly. 玄魂的图腾和巫纹纵横交错,天地空明般响动,甚至还有天雷和地火隐约生出。 Daoist Shaman was diverted by this sound, even he inspired the witch destiny, is hard to support as before. 巫道人被这动静所牵制,即便他引动了巫界气运,依旧难以支撑。 Roar ~ “吼~” Daoist Shaman was compelled to change to the emperor river, the both wings show/unfolds moves, plunges the profound soul. 巫道人被逼化作帝江,双翅展动,扑向玄魂。 Brushes ~ “刷~” The emperor river speed is extremely fast, instant bullies into profound soul near body. 帝江速度极快,瞬时欺入玄魂近身。 However, does not wait for the emperor river to eject, profound soul mouth one, ~ the purple qi blowout, hits emperor river flying upside down. 但是,不等帝江击出,玄魂将口一张,“噗~”紫气喷出,打得帝江倒飞。 Roar ~ “吼~” Daoist Shaman is helpless, changes to altogether the labor to depart again...... 巫道人无奈,再次化作共工飞出…… Saw with own eyes that the Daoist Shaman attempt uses ten two Great God Magical Ability, but wished melts, was the sentence glow, is unable to pose the substantive threat to the profound soul, even Xiao Hua somewhat were still impatient. 眼见巫道人尝试动用十二大神神通,但无论是祝融,还是句芒等,都无法对玄魂造成实质性威胁,即便是萧华也有些心急了。 Bang ~ “轰~” Slaughters finally, changes to Daoist Shaman hit flying upside down of Mother Earth Great God, Shaman Physique has the sign of collapse, the Xiao Hua suddenly eye one brightly, because he saw the witch mark of profound soul across Daoist Shaman Shaman Physique, 厮杀得最后,化作后土大神巫道人被打的倒飞,巫体有崩溃的迹象,萧华忽然眼睛一亮,因为他看到了玄魂的巫纹穿过巫道人巫体, Unexpectedly somewhat familiar feeling. pill mark??” 居然有些熟悉的感觉。“丹纹??” Xiao Hua lost one's voice shouts lowly. 萧华失声低呼了。 Good fortune Mending Heaven pill?” “造化补天丹?” Jiu Xia awakens immediately, shouted lowly, this...... this profound soul was cultivation purple eon mother Suijing, but he used the law of purple eon mother Suijing to offer a sacrifice to refine good fortune Mending Heaven pill, but he was good fortune Mending Heaven pill!” 九夏登时醒悟,低呼道,“这……这玄魂是修炼紫宙母髓经,但他用紫宙母髓经之法来祭炼造化补天丹,而他本身就是造化补天丹!” Beloved ~ “萧郎~” Sees with own eyes Xiao Hua to be puzzled, the Jiu Xia reminder said, in the memory of profound female lesser monk, there is a content of this aspect, good fortune Mending Heaven pill pill, rather. Profoundly sees clearly the Heavenly Dao mystery and sidereal revolution stars motion trajectory mysterious Immortal, with the aid of one cultivation strategy of the world stars geomancy situation setting.” 眼见萧华不解,九夏提醒道,“玄牝小和尚的记忆中,有这方面的内容,造化补天丹与其说丹,不如说阵。是深刻洞察天道奥妙与周天星辰运行轨迹玄奥之仙人,借助天地星辰风水局势设定的一种修炼阵法。” This strategy can pour into the body of Immortal the Star System energy directly, can people's body, be able saying that good fortune Mending Heaven pill is gathering spirit that strong ultra-large and super goes against heaven's will.” “该阵法能把星系能量直接灌注仙人之体,也可以众人之身,可以说造化补天丹是超强超大、超级逆天的聚灵阵。” It can refine a Great Dao law of Star System even side universe, then conducts cultivation and with the aid of this side Star System or the universe the promotion aptitude in cultivation.” “它能炼化星系甚至一方宇宙的大道法,然后借助这方星系或者宇宙进行修炼并在修炼中提升资质。” If so ~ “若如此~” Xiao Hua understood, clenches jaws saying that actually with what flying dog days of summer mysterious after equally good results from different methods, after Star System that good fortune Mending Heaven pill wreaks havoc, will gradually lose the vigor and vitality, then turns into the ruins slowly right ~ 萧华明白了,咬牙切齿道,“倒是跟什么飞伏天奥经异曲同工,经过造化补天丹肆虐的星系,会逐渐失去活力和生机,然后慢慢变成废墟没错~” Jiu Xia said with a nod, good fortune Mending Heaven pill is one type goes against heaven's will, extremely virulent cultivation way extremely, the good fortune Mending Heaven pill rather good fortune seizes day of pill.” 九夏点头道,“造化补天丹是一种极其逆天、极其恶毒的修炼方式,与其说造化补天丹不如说造化夺天丹。” This profound soul ~ “这玄魂~” In the Xiao Hua heart said, should be valley God by good fortune Mending Heaven pill prescription in ya ( ya ) training great array, the use ya ( ya ) method agglutinates the human form.” 萧华心中说道,“该是谷神以造化补天丹方式在襾(ya)培养的大阵,动用襾(ya)的手段凝集成人形。” Jiu Xia said with a nod: Must be ~ 九夏点头道:“必是了~” So ~ “既如此~” Xiao Hua shows a faint smile, the heart said, witch fellow daoist was wrong.” 萧华微微一笑,心道,“巫道友却是错了。” Roar ~ “吼~” Xiao Hua in explained things after Daoist Shaman at heart, Daoist Shaman spirit great array, he abandoned ten two Great God Magical Ability immediately, started to plunge the profound soul, the body surface has witch mark similarly, with the witch mark dogfight of profound soul in the same place. 萧华在心里跟巫道人分说之后,巫道人精神大阵,他立即舍了十二大神神通,开始扑向玄魂,体表同样生出巫纹,跟玄魂的巫纹缠斗在一起。 Well?” “咦?” Even if valley God, looks at Daoist Shaman so, was still surprised unconsciously. 即便是谷神,看着巫道人如此,也不觉纳罕了。 After looking at the moment, saw with own eyes that Daoist Shaman abandoned the human form, changed to the shape of Shaman Mountain, the shape of Shaman Race destiny, on valley God the face has the bitter and astringent smile, he knows that oneself this must defeat. 看片刻后,眼见巫道人更是舍了人形,化作巫山之状,巫族气运之形,谷神的脸上生出苦涩的笑容,他知道自己这场又要败了。 The profound soul no doubt is good fortune Mending Heaven pill, but Daoist Shaman is the sovereign of Shaman Race, his non- human form, is the destiny of Shaman Race, the essence of mortal form Shaman Race, when Daoist Shaman falls into good fortune Mending Heaven pill, the pill mark of profound soul body surface was pulled an cuns (2.5 cm) break by the witch mark immediately, big piece totem also by shatter of true Shaman Race totem impact. 玄魂固然是造化补天丹,但巫道人更是巫族之皇,他本非人形,乃巫族之气运,巫族之精魄,当得巫道人落入造化补天丹,玄魂体表的丹纹立即被巫纹扯得寸寸断裂,大片的图腾也被真正的巫族图腾冲击的破碎。 Rumbling ~ “轰轰轰~” Sees with own eyes profound soul blasting open, Daoist Shaman like breaking out of their cocoons the appearance, Xu Zhi treads with a smile, bright sound said: Some announced, this fourth gambling fights, honored day Star Territory wins leave.” 眼见玄魂炸裂,巫道人如破茧而出般出现,徐志笑着踏出,朗声道:“某家宣布,这第四场赌斗,钧天星域出。” Thank everyone enthusiastic support, everyone while beginning subscription, do not forget helps the 3 d highest place in hanun propagandize on, micro blog, trill and quick worker and other channels, thanked again 感谢大家热情支持,大家在起点订阅的同时,别忘了在、微博、抖音和快手等渠道上帮探花宣传,再次感谢了 Likes cultivating the god to leak Immortal World to ask everyone to collect:() Repairs the god to leak the Immortal World refresh rate entire network to be quickest. 喜欢修神外传仙界篇请大家收藏:()修神外传仙界篇更新速度全网最快。
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