LCGIR :: Volume #53

#5282: star Yu Dafeng god finally war ( 12 )

~ “啊~” Xiao Ming, is White Marsh, can it be that to call out in alarm. 无论是萧明,还是白泽,莫不是惊呼。 Walks ~ “走~” The Xiao Hua shadow body in great surprise, curled the people to return to the space. 萧华影身大惊,卷了众人就要送回空间。 At this time walks again, late?” “此时再走,岂不是晚了?” Who would have guessed that distant charm another big hand finds out from other direction early, imprisons in Demon World the people. 哪知道遐魅另外一只大手早从另外方向探出,将众人所在魔界禁锢。 Well?” “咦?” As for other distant charm big hand , the demon god who was pinched the meat thick liquid murders suddenly surprised shouting, what's the matter?? How this...... is this possible?” 至于遐魅另外大手之内,被捏成肉浆的魔神弑忽然惊讶的喊道,“怎么回事儿??这……这怎么可能?” "Ah??" “啊??” Meanwhile, the distant charm also calls out in alarm said, how this...... this is possible??” 与此同时,遐魅也惊呼道,“这……这怎么可能??” The demon god murders the discovery fishy at the same time, Xiao Hua also had decided the idea, he had a look to reduce to the pinnacle seal world, the corners of the mouth has a happy expression, waved to receive all immortal artifact, then a both hands back stood in central, said with a smile: Your excellency method is mediocre!” 魔神弑发现蹊跷的同时,萧华也有了定计,他看看已经缩小到极致的封印天地,嘴角生出一丝笑意,挥手间将所有仙器都收了,而后双手一背站在中央,笑道:“阁下手段不过如此!” thou does not do to boast ~ “汝休要夸口~” valley God sneers saying that how I must have a look at thou to escape but actually......” 谷神冷笑道,“吾倒要看看汝如何逃出……” Brushes ~ “刷刷~” Does not get the valley god voice to fall to the ground, Xiao Hua lifts a hand racket, the azure light gushes out, appears the time child body. 不得谷神声音落地,萧华抬手一拍,青光涌出,显出时间子身。 „Is this useful?” “这有什么用?” valley God disdains saying that in my seal world simply does not have Time Principle!” 谷神不屑道,“吾这封印天地中根本没有时间法则!” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “呜~呜~~呜~~~~” In the time child bodies starts to give birth to the sound of strange wind howling, then in the past, the present and future three child bodies like windmill revolving, strange space and times will start to appear, and toward seal world deep place evolution in the past. 时间子身之间开始生出古怪的风啸之音,而后过去、现在和未来三个子身如同风车般旋转起来,一个个古怪的时空开始出现,并且朝着封印天地深处演变过去。 "Ah??" “啊??” The valley god was somewhat startled, shouted lowly, what divine artifact this...... this was?” 谷神有些吃惊了,低呼道,“这……这是什么神器?” Time child body stimulate to motion naturally is Hong Yue turning over to, under Xiao Hua has a mind, the screws of nearly samsara such as Solar System that terrifying Earth extreme speed gives birth. 时间子身催动的自然是鸿玥的“归”,在萧华有心之下,一个个近乎轮回的螺旋如太阳系那个恐怖地球般极速生出。 Even in this evolution, the trace of time labyrinth. 甚至这个演变中,还有时间迷宫的痕迹。 The space of this samsara has the strength of time, has exceeded the seal space strength, flushes away toward the space edge. 这轮回的空间带着时间之力,早就超越了封印空间的力量,朝着空间边缘冲去。 Snort ~ “哼~” valley Shenxian is the heart startled, but looks at the strength of space and time as in own palm, cold snort/hum, „I have said unconsciously early......” 谷神先是心惊,但看着时空之力依旧在自己手心之中,不觉冷哼了,“吾早说过……” However, did not wait for valley God saying that brushed ~ in present child body , the space Avatar whole body sent out gold light, the lightning flash ran out, moreover this space Avatar a appearance, stimulate to motion Hong Yue Yuan, charged into outside the seal world for the first time immediately full power. 但是,不等谷神说完,“刷~”现在子身中,又有一个空间法身周身散发金光,电闪般冲出,而且这空间法身乍一出现,立即催动鸿玥之“元”,全力冲向封印天地之外。 Hong Yue had to straddle zones the energy of broken, moreover Hong Yue Yuan similar space hub, so long as has gone one time, the intention one wants to arrive, the space Avatar intention Great Emperor chariot, Hong Yue naturally can tear to pieces the seal world, charges into beside valley God the big hand! 鸿玥本有跨界破界之能,而且鸿玥的“元”类似空间枢纽,只要去过一次,心念一想即能抵达,空间法身心念大帝战车,鸿玥自然能撕破封印天地,冲向谷神大手之外! Roar ~ “吼~” valley Shendi roars, has revolved like the rock motionless big hand suddenly, six fingers, the single layer heavy seal congeals alternately again. 谷神低吼,一直如同磐石不动的大手忽然旋转,六指交替间,一重重封印再次凝结。 Haha ~ “哈哈~” Looks that the strength of seal blocks Xiao Hua space Avatar, valley God could not bear laugh, thou this divine artifact was really good, later turned over to me!” 看着封印之力将萧华的空间法身挡住,谷神忍不住哈哈大笑起来了,“汝这神器真不错,以后就归吾了!” Thought beauty ~ “想的美~” Space Avatar does not become alarmed, he shows a faint smile, mouth one, ~ a lotus leaf blowout. 空间法身并不着慌,他微微一笑,将嘴一张,“噗~”一片莲叶喷出。 This lotus leaf is seemingly common, may fall in the midair, beside Pluto tearing space like Solar System appears, bang ~, unequalled Strength of Netherworld gives birth from the lotus leaf, passes through the seal, the lotus leaf falls into space Yin Side with Netherworld Source Power! 这莲叶看起来寻常,可落在半空中,又如同太阳系之外的冥王星撕裂空间出现,“轰~”的一声,一股无与伦比的幽冥之力自莲叶中生出,直直贯穿封印,莲叶随着幽冥原力落入空间阴面 This lotus leaf can/but is not the common lotus leaf, is mother of Xue Xue breeding Netherworld Netherworld Lotus one piece, Xue Xue sent in the Jaded-Document Xiao Hua mouth on the same day personally. 这莲叶可不是寻常莲叶,是孕育幽冥之母薛雪幽冥莲的一片,也正是当日薛雪亲自送入玉牒萧华口中。 Lotus this/Ben is mother of Xue Xue summon Netherworld, the valley god is no doubt fierce, but he does not have Netherworld Source Power, how can block the lotus leaf? 莲叶本是召唤幽冥之母薛雪的,谷神固然厉害,但他没有幽冥原力,怎么能挡得住莲叶? Since the seal world had the flaw, space Avatar stimulate to motion Yuan, brushes ~ appears above the Great Emperor chariot. 既然封印天地有了破绽,空间法身催动“元”,“刷~”的一声出现在大帝战车之上。 Haha ~ “哈哈~” Space Avatar looks at valley God the big hand, laughs saying that this poor Daoist has left the seal world, your excellency lost!” 空间法身看着谷神的大手,大笑道,“贫道已经脱出封印天地,阁下输了!” thou is clone ~ “汝乃分身~” valley God the breathless say/way, main body in the seal world, how I calculates as before loses?” 谷神气急败坏道,“本尊依旧在封印天地,吾怎么算输?” clone is main body ~ 分身即是本尊~” Saying of space Avatar undulating, 空间法身澹澹的说道, Is it possible that your excellency wants......” to brush ~ “阁下莫非要……”“刷~” Did not wait for space Avatar saying that wisp of light thread projected from void, light thread congealed the human form in the midair, was not just the incarnation for light Xiao Hua? 不等空间法身说完,一缕光丝自虚空中射出,光丝在半空凝结成人形,不正是化身为光的萧华 Haha ~ “哈哈~” The Xiao Hua figure stands firm, laughs saying that valley god valley God, in you Xiao the idea of luring the enemy out of his stronghod, you lost!” 萧华身形站定,大笑道,“谷神啊谷神,你中了萧某的调虎离山之计,你输了!” thou ~ ~ ~ “汝~~~” Only then, valley Shencai discovered that the Xiao Hua main body changes to light thread to follow unexpectedly after space Avatar, he again is breathless the say/way, thou also too......” 直到此时,谷神才发现萧华本尊居然化作光丝跟在空间法身之后,他再次气急败坏道,“汝也太……” At this time, does not need Xu Zhi to act, bang ~ a loud sound, in to seal/confer Shenlei the light/only vortex central mirror surface projects a lightning, routs the big hand of valley god directly, a dignified sound resounds: Quick......” 此时,不必徐志出手,“轰~”的一声巨响,封神雷光漩涡中央镜面中射出一道闪电,直接将谷神的大手击溃,一个威严的声音响起:“快……” Quick nonsense ~ “快个狗屁~” valley God flew into a rage, the big hand of collapse raises upward, the anger exclaimed, I have not lost!” 谷神暴跳如雷了,崩溃的大手往上一扬,怒吼道,“吾还没输呢!” With the voice of valley god, the big hand of collapse congeals, card examines ~ resounding, scratches and tears to seal/confer Shenlei light/only vortex directly, the central mirror surface also instant annihilates. 随着谷神的声音,崩溃的大手重新凝结,“卡察察~”一声响亮,直接将封神雷光漩涡抓破,中央镜面也瞬时湮灭。 Roar ~ “吼~” Roar ~ ~ ~ “吼~~~” valley God the loud roaring filial piety, the figure instant changes to five, shouts high, „, since seals divine envoy to be unfair, that do not blame me not being impolite, various corps, kill! 谷神大声咆孝,身形瞬时化作五个,高喊道,“既然封神使不公,那就别怪吾不客气,诸界战队,杀! Kills ~ ~ “杀~~” The jade faint star space corps result in the command, immediately plunges the honored day Star Territory corps. 玉微星宇战队得令,立即扑向钧天星域战队。 The Seven Worlds corps and Good Fortune Sect corps have prepared, sees with own eyes so, needless Gu Sheqiong gives orders radically, all immortal soldier combat generals move forward to meet somebody immediately. 七界战队和造化门战队早就准备,眼见如此,根本不消姑射茕发号施令,所有仙兵战将立即迎了上去。 Valley god ~ “谷神~” Xu Zhi grasps day to punish divine lance to look at valley God, an anger of face, calling out, you were too shameless.” 徐志手持天罚神矛看着谷神,一脸的愤怒,叫道,“你太无耻了。” I do not understand anything shameless ~ “吾不懂什么无耻~” Five valley gods are placed five directions, looks at five corps with the Seven Worlds corps tangled warfare, coldly said, I only know, the jade faint star space I am a master, even if seals divine envoy, must kneel down!” 五个谷神分列五个方向,看着五界战队跟七界战队混战,冷冷道,“吾只知道,玉微星宇吾乃主人,即便是封神使,也要跪下!” Then, valley Shentai a hand racket, seems catches up with the fly to hit on the Monster Race corps. 说完,谷神抬手一拍,好似赶苍蝇般打在妖族战队上。 Bang ~ a loud sound, in trillion li (0.5 km) all vanished in a puff of smoke, even if the monster imperial capital has no strength of resisting. “轰~”的一声巨响,亿万里之内一切都灰飞烟灭,即便是妖帝都没有任何抵挡之力。 Saw with own eyes that the valley look changes, the star space that the entire jade faint star space instant wind and cloud cataclysm, previously itself abandoned, the star light wreaks havoc suddenly, the thunder roaring filial piety, seems the entire star space to fluctuate with the mood of valley god: 眼见谷神色变,整个玉微星宇瞬时风云激变,先前本身废弃的星宇,骤然星光肆虐,雷霆咆孝,就好似整个星宇随着谷神的心情变幻: Looked again five valley gods are placed five directions, each valley god is similar to the god of exceedingly high penetrating place, anybody must look up ; 再看五个谷神分列五个方向,每个谷神都如同通天彻地的神祗,任何人都要仰视; But five valley gods, vanish into thin air together, the does not have any strength of resistance, even if Xiao Hua is hard to give birth to the heart of resistance. 而五个谷神举手投足间,一起都烟消云散,没有任何反抗之力,即便是萧华都难以生出抵抗之心。 All are such familiar, Xiao Hua moves suddenly at heart, instant understands...... 一切的一切都是这么熟悉,萧华忽然心里一动,瞬时明白过来…… Thank Li Jian, daddy longlegs and dark green to cut and return and clown dragon and to move bricks labor and once to anticipatebird that the present and Jing Wei and dust non- and arrogant divine land and cold and still, Alan, „my good and Lianshui modification person and little segment examiner, Wang Chenglin, singsand blue sea advertisement and chalk and other fellow daoist supported, continue ~ 感谢“李健”、“臭蚊子”、“苍斩”、“回归”、“小丑龙”、“搬砖工”、“曾经期待现在”、“荆未”、“尘非”、“傲神州”、“冷寂”、“阿伦”、“我本善良”、“涟水修缘人”、“小段主考官”、“王成林”、“唱歌的小鸟”、“碧海广告”、“白墨”等道友支持,继续加更~ Thank everyone enthusiastic support, everyone while beginning subscription, do not forget helps the 3 d highest place in hanun propagandize on, micro blog, trill and quick worker and other channels, thanked again 感谢大家热情支持,大家在起点订阅的同时,别忘了在、微博、抖音和快手等渠道上帮探花宣传,再次感谢了 Likes cultivating the god to leak Immortal World to ask everyone to collect:() Repairs the god to leak the Immortal World refresh rate entire network to be quickest. 喜欢修神外传仙界篇请大家收藏:()修神外传仙界篇更新速度全网最快。
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