LCGIR :: Volume #53

#5271: star Yu Dafeng god finally war ( 1 )

Naturally, the valley god vision has swept the Great Emperor chariot similarly, even in Daoist Shaman and Zi Ming was staying the moment. ba 当然,谷神目光同样扫过大帝战车,甚至在巫道人子明的所在多停留了片刻。弝 When the Buddha State corps come, valley Shencai introduced wonderful sleep/felt Buddha, named wonderful sleep/felt still and flags depart, unexpectedly unlike bright good foot. 待得佛国战队过来,谷神才介绍妙觉佛界,名叫妙觉的和尚自旌旗飞出,居然跟明行足不同。 " This poor monk wonderful sleep/felt ~ " 「贫僧妙觉~」 The wonderful sleep/felt is the middle-aged monk wait/etc. saluted to Xiao Hua, " has seen saluting infinitely merciful Guanyin Bodisattva Revered One of the World. " 妙觉是个中年和尚,冲萧华等施礼,「见过南无大慈大悲观世音菩萨世尊。」 " Salutes Amitabha ~ " 「南无阿弥陀佛~」 Vairocana Revered One of the World looks at the wonderful sleep/felt, strange say/way, " aren't you bright good foot? Don't you...... have Buddhahood? " 大日如来世尊看着妙觉,奇道,「你不是明行足?你……也没有佛果?」 " What Buddhahood wants? " 「要什么佛果?」 The wonderful sleep/felt said with a smile, " was the nihilities. " ba 妙觉笑道,「都是虚无。」弝 " Salutes Amitabha ~ " 「南无阿弥陀佛~」 Vairocana Revered One of the World had nothing to say in reply. 大日如来世尊无言以对。 The Shaman Race corps fly into, valley god last finger/refers of corps said: " They are the profound soul witch corps. " 巫族战队飞入,谷神最后一指一处战队道:「他们是玄魂巫界战队。」 " Boy profound soul ~ " 「小子玄魂~」 Dark-skinned young people tread on scarlet, bows to salute to say to Xiao Hua, " has seen desolate Mr. Wu! " 一个肤色黝黑的年轻人赤脚踏出,冲着萧华躬身施礼道,「见过萧巫父!」 " Clever ~ " 「乖~」 Xiao Hua said with a smile, " Mr. Wu saw you very much happily. " ba 萧华笑道,「巫父很高兴见到你。」弝 " Hehe ~ " 「呵呵~」 The young people named profound soul smile, has not refuted anything. 名叫玄魂的年轻人笑笑,并没有反驳什么。 " Felt strange ~ " 「奇怪了~」 Xiao Hua narrowed the eye to look that valley God said that " you as if understood Xiao very much! " 萧华眯了眼睛看着谷神说道,「你似乎很了解萧某啊!」 " Naturally ~ " 「自然~」 The valley god has a look at Xiao Hua up and down, replied, " knew oneself and other side hundred to fight, but non- danger. " 谷神上下看看萧华,回答道,「知己知彼百战而不殆。」 " That was stranger ~ " ba 「那就更奇怪了~」弝 Xiao Hua said, " Xiao projects on here from the taichao star space, unexpectedly to your excellency is also not the understanding...... " 萧华说道,「萧某从太昭星宇一路打到此处,居然对阁下还不算了解……」 " Because thou does not have qualifications ~ " 「因为汝没有资格~」 valley God disdains to say. 谷神不屑道。 " Good ~ " 「好吧~」 Xiao Hua shrugs, helpless said, " you are not willing saying that Xiao does not have the means. " 萧华耸耸肩,无奈道,「你既不愿意说,萧某也没办法。」 " To know me relations with the bright good foot and Mother Earth witch's ~ " 「不过是想知道吾跟明行足和后土巫的关系~」 valley God replied with the superficial tone, " this also had nothing greatly, what a pity, I do not want to tell thou and others. " ba 谷神用轻描淡写的口气回答道,「这也没什么了不起的,可惜,吾就是不想告诉汝等。」弝 Then, valley God has a look at Jiu Xia, on the face to show a smile, said: " As for the dream in the memory about profound female, thou and others really thought real? " 而后,谷神看看九夏,脸上露出一丝笑容,说道:「至于梦中关于玄牝的记忆,汝等真以为是真的?」 " Wha...... what meaning? " 「什……什么意思?」 Jiu Xia shocked, she shouted lowly, " is it possible that was false? " 九夏震惊了,她低呼道,「莫非是假的?」 " Genuine and fake, genuine and fake ~ " 「真真假假,假假真真~」 Valley god some saying of being bored to death, " arrive at this time, does not have the significance, thou and others , if willing to surrender, I can consider to lead thou to be equal to tread Higher Realm. " 谷神有些百无聊赖的说道,「到得此时,已经没有意义,汝等若要愿意归降,吾可以考虑带着汝等同踏上界。」 " , Right ~ " 「哦,对了~」 Hears here, Xiao Hua has a look at the left about five side corps, spoke thoughtlessly saying that " this was your five god servants? You seek for the god quota everywhere, for them? " ba 听到此处,萧华看看左近五方战队,随口说道,「这就是你的五个神仆么?你到处找寻封神名额,就是为了他们吗?」弝 " Does thou want to inquire about the truth? " 「汝欲探寻真相么?」 Valley god light asked. 谷神淡淡的反问道。 " Yes ~ " 「是的~」 The Xiao Hua forced smile said that " , if not for these god quotas, Xiao wait/etc. killed here? " 萧华苦笑道,「若非为了这些封神名额,萧某等杀到此处?」 valley God shows a faint smile, said: " Can I say...... not also? " 谷神微微一笑,说道:「吾能说……非也么?」 " ? " 「啊?」 Even Vairocana Revered One of the World still somewhat compelled ignorant, the mouth proclaimed buddhist name saying that " saluted Amitabha, since not for them, donor for whom? " ba 即便是大日如来世尊也有些懵逼了,口宣佛号道,「南无阿弥陀佛,既然不是为了他们,那施主又是为了谁?」弝 valley God has a look at behind the honored day Star Territory corps, reply of smiling: " For me! " 谷神看看钧天星域战队后面,笑眯眯的回答道:「为了吾自己!」 " Yourself? " 「你自己?」 The Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor knit the brows, " your valley does God, still seal the god quota in less than six even? " 天皇大帝皱眉了,「你即便是谷神,也用不了六个封神名额吧?」 " thou not I ~ " 「汝非吾~」 The valley god said with a smile mystically, " how to know that my needed? " 谷神神秘一笑道,「如何知道吾之所需?」 " Kills ~ " 「杀吧~」 Celestial roared, " to this time, you also rubbed chirp doing? " ba 天人咆哮道,「都到了此时,你们还磨磨唧唧的干嘛?」弝 " Not anxious ~ " 「莫急~」 valley God beckons with the hand saying that " just I didn't say? We come wars of the ten gathering! " 谷神摆手道,「刚刚吾不是说了么?吾等来个十合之战!」 " Some words saying quickly, has the fart to put quickly ~ " 「有话快说,有屁快放~」 Celestial impatient urging 天人不耐烦的催 Presses to say. 促道。 " The honored day Star Territory corps project on to admire the congealing star space from the taichao star space, from admiring the congealing star space projects on jade faint star space ~ " 「钧天星域战队自太昭星宇打到歆凝星宇,又从歆凝星宇打到玉微星宇~」 valley God said, " they think was also tired, and makes them rest, supremely how do we accompany each World to come to mediate? " 谷神说道,「他们想必也累了,且让他们休憩,吾等陪各界至尊来个了断如何?」 " Naturally ~ " ba 「自然可以~」弝 Xiao Hua has a look at Vairocana Revered One of the World wait/etc., said with a nod, " why, but is ten gathers? If the even number divided equally, 萧华看看大日如来世尊等,点头道,「但为何是十合?双数若是均分了, Calculates that who wins? " " Snort ~ " 算谁赢?」「哼~」 valley Shenleng snort/hum said that " , if shares half and half, is I am naturally defeated, needless thou and other said, the jade faint star Yu Fengshen quota offers immediately. " 谷神冷哼道,「若是平分秋色,自然是吾落败,不消汝等多说,玉微星宇封神名额立即奉上。」 " Line and not good ~ " 「行与不行~」 Xu Zhi light saying, " is not you decides, some are the true adjudicator! " 徐志淡淡的说道,「不是你说了算的,某家才是真正的裁决者!」 " thou can not adjudicate ~ " 「汝可以不裁决~」 Who would have thought the Dao Vallis gods do not place in Xu Zhi the eye as before, said with a smile, " no one compelled thou to adjudicate. " ba 哪知道谷神依旧不把徐志放在眼中,笑道,「没有人逼汝裁决。」弝 " Good ~ " 「好~」 Xiao Hua hurries saying that " Xiao generation of honored day Star Territory various comply with this challenge supremely. " 萧华赶紧说道,「萧某代钧天星域诸至尊答应这挑战。」 " Good ~ " 「好~」 valley God smiles saying that " how that first is challenged by my jade faint star space? " 谷神笑眯眯道,「那第一场由我玉微星宇挑战如何?」 " Naturally ~ " 「自然可以~」 Xiao Hua nods. 萧华点头。 " Slow ~ " ba 「慢~」弝 Xu Zhi puts out day to punish divine lance, wields in the midair, disgruntled say/way, " , since is the challenge, naturally must explain how to challenge...... " 徐志拿出天罚神矛,在半空挥动,不悦道,「既然是挑战,自然要说明如何挑战……」 " ~ " 「呜~」 Did not wait for Xu Zhi saying that valley God turned around, another exactly the same valley god trod, his light saying: " First, I challenge Daoist Dá! " 不等徐志说完,谷神一转身,又一个一模一样的谷神踏出,他淡淡的说道:「第一场,吾来挑战龘真人!」 " What? " 「什么?」 Daoist Dá was startled, looks at the valley mysterious say/way, " do you dare to challenge Us? " 龘真人惊了,看着谷神奇道,「你敢挑战朕?」 " Good ~ " 「不错~」 valley God the right hand lifts, " brushes ~ " gold light flashes through together, another Pangu Axe appears in his hands, " I am to challenge thou! " ba 谷神右手一抬,「刷~」一道金光闪过,另外一个盘古斧出现在他手中,「吾就是要挑战汝!」弝 " Roar ~ " 「吼~」 Daoist Dá howls lowly, dragon claw raises, exactly the same Pangu Axe also appears in dragon claw. desolate Heavenly King ~ " 龘真人低啸一声,龙爪扬起,一模一样的盘古斧也出现在龙爪之内。萧天王~」 The valley god raises hand Pangu Axe, said, " I want to strike awe in the jade faint star space with this thing, has not thought honored day Star Territory also has, moreover thou uses this thing unexpectedly, twice breaks out the gate of profound female, makes me be shamed, today, before I take snow, shame. " 谷神扬扬手中的盘古斧,说道,「吾本想用此物在玉微星宇扬威,可没想到钧天星域也有,而且汝居然动用此物,两次劈开玄牝之门,着实让吾蒙羞,今日,吾要一雪前耻。」 " Twice? " 「两次?」 Xiao Hua hears clearly, turns the head to have a look at Jiu Xia, in the eye full is bitter and astringent, said needlessly, will be for the first time uses Pangu Axe surely the ya ( ya ) deducting flaw, this will create the Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor, Daoist Stupidity and Li Nianxiao downcast. 萧华听得清楚,转头看看九夏,眼中满是苦涩,不消说的,第一次必定是自己动用盘古斧将襾(ya)劈成破绽,这才造成天皇大帝、笨道人李念萧的陷落。 " Roar ~ " ba 「吼~」弝 Daoist Dá dragon claw waves Pangu Axe to plunge valley God. 龘真人龙爪舞动盘古斧扑向谷神。 The power and influence that Pangu Axe sparkle gold light, soars to the heavens sweeps away trillion li (0.5 km) space. 盘古斧闪耀金光,冲天的威势横扫亿万里空间。 " ~ " 「呜~」 The strong winds get up suddenly, all around immortal soldier combat general can come to a stop not, flying upside down, everyone looks that on Pangu Axe the thunder surges, ten thousand dragon marks roared, in the eye gave birth to inexplicable fear. 狂风骤起,四周仙兵战将莫能站稳,一个个倒飞,所有人都看着盘古斧上雷霆涌动,万道龙纹咆哮,眼中生出莫名的畏惧。 Although they have not faced directly Pangu Axe, but the Pangu Axe power and influence like the sharp blade, shears painful their body surface. 虽然他们没有直面盘古斧,但盘古斧的威势如同利刃,将他们的体表割得生疼。 " Hehe ~ " 「嘿嘿~」 valley God sneers, his right hand does not need to raise, pinches Pangu Axe merely. ba 谷神冷笑,他右手不必扬起,仅仅一捏盘古斧。弝 " Bang ~ " 「轰~」 Runs out from Pangu Axe on like the volcanic eruption gold thread, sweeps across trillion li (0.5 km) space compared with it Daoist Dá intense several times the strength of shock and awe. 如同火山爆发般的金丝自盘古斧上冲出,比之龘真人强烈数倍的震慑之力席卷亿万里空间。 " pū pū ~ " 「噗噗噗~」 The immortal soldier combat general flew upside down, now has not been separated from the power and influence range completely, complete Immortal Body was shattered, only the gold thread remaining prestige is the immortal soldier combat general is unable to withstand. 仙兵战将本就倒飞,如今还不曾完全脱离威势范围的,全部仙躯破碎,单是金丝的余威都是仙兵战将无法承受。 Saw with own eyes that valley god Pangu Axe is so fierce, Daoist Dá cannot bear at heart " thump ~ " . 眼见谷神盘古斧如此厉害,龘真人心里忍不住「咯噔~」一声。 Thank everyone enthusiastic support, everyone while, do not forget helps the 3 d highest place in hanun propagandize on, micro blog, trill and quick worker and other channels, thanked again 感谢大家热情支持,大家在的同时,别忘了在、微博、抖音和快手等渠道上帮探花宣传,再次感谢了 Likes cultivating the god to leak Immortal World to ask everyone to collect:() Repairs the god to leak the Immortal World refresh rate entire network to be quickest. 喜欢修神外传仙界篇请大家收藏:()修神外传仙界篇更新速度全网最快。
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