LCGIR :: Volume #53

#5272: star Yu Dafeng god finally war ( 2 )

At this time on Pangu Axe has the unequalled strength to gush out, not only blooms gold light, but also direct impact Daoist Dá dragon body. Sedan chair 此时盘古斧上有无与伦比的力量涌出,不仅绽放金光,而且直冲龘真人龙躯。舆 " Roar ~ " 「吼~」 Daoist Dá angrily roars, several breaths dragon body sudden rise several times, a soaring to the heavens killing intent gushes out. 龘真人怒吼一声,数息间龙躯暴涨数倍,一股冲天的杀意涌出。 Meanwhile, Pangu Axe has delimited the sky, was the axe shadow passed over gently and swiftly merely, the innumerable space will cut, but waited " " two Pangu Axe to divide to one, the electric light gave birth together immediately, passed through the world directly. 与此同时,盘古斧划过天空,仅仅是斧影掠过,就将数不胜数的空间划破,而待得「咔嚓嚓」两个盘古斧劈到一处,一道电光立即生出,直接将天地贯穿。 " ? " 「啊?」 The electric light flashes to pass, was passed over gently and swiftly exactly the Heavenly Court corps, Zhou Xiaoming and other did not care, but a moment later, he discovered suddenly, the electric light swept has been, all immortal soldier combat generals cleft in two, but these immortal soldier combat generals are staring at the battlefield as before stubbornly, seemed simply does not have the consciousness. 电光一闪而逝,恰是掠过天庭战队,州小明等本不在意,但片刻之后,他骤然发现,电光扫过之所在,所有仙兵战将都被劈成两半,而这些仙兵战将依旧死死盯着战场,好似根本没有知觉。 Until Zhou Xiaoming and other vision had swept, " pū pū ~ " the skeletons of these immortal soldier combat generals drop. 直到州小明等目光扫过,「噗噗噗~」这些仙兵战将的尸骸才一个个跌落。 " Too...... too fierce ~ " sedan chair 「太……太厉害了~」舆 Azure emperor Zhou Xiaoming held breath a cold air/Qi. 青帝州小明倒吸了一口冷气。 Let alone the immortal soldier combat general, was Daoist Dá also dragon body flying upside down, not only bled profusely from the head, whole body dragon scale also seeped out the blood. 别说仙兵战将了,就是龘真人自己也龙躯倒飞,不仅七窍流血,周身龙鳞也渗出鲜血。 " Hehe ~ " 「呵呵~」 valley God, stands in the midair actually steadily, looks in the hand the Pangu Axe thunder light to surge, said with a smile, " dragon yan your majesty strength, is seemingly mediocre! " 倒是谷神,稳稳站在半空,看着手中盘古斧雷光涌动,笑吟吟道,「龙龑陛下的实力,看起来不过如此啊!」 " Roar roar ~ " 「吼吼~」 Daoist Dá angrily roars one after another, carries Pangu Axe to throw again. 龘真人接连怒吼,再次拎着盘古斧扑来。 " Clang ~ " sedan chair 「铿~」舆 " Keng clang ~ ~ " 「铿铿~~」 Electric lights sparkle, thunder surge, Daoist Dá and figure of valley god like the shadow, the Pangu Axe axe light such as Sun blooms, at first is trillion li (0.5 km) space is destroyed, then the space range expands. 一道道电光闪耀,一声声雷霆涌动,龘真人和谷神的身形如影,盘古斧的斧光如太阳绽放,最初是亿万里空间被打碎,而后空间范围扩大。 " Draws back ~ " 「退~」 " Draws back quickly ~ ~ " 「快退~~」 don't said that the honored day Star Territory corps frighten fly upside down, is the jade faint star space corps does not dare to stay slightly, under the Commander direction, hurried flying upside down. 莫说钧天星域战队吓得倒飞,就是玉微星宇战队都不敢稍微停留,在统领指挥下,急忙倒飞。 " Rumbling ~ " 「轰轰轰~」 After the space was shattered, all stars start to blast open, even after the immortal soldier corps, Plane that just revealed also starts to collapse. Sedan chair 空间破碎之后,一切星辰开始炸裂,甚至在仙兵战队之后,刚刚显露的界面也开始崩溃起来。舆 " Troubled ~ " 「麻烦了~」 Xu Zhi looks that Daoist Dá times were struck to fly by Pangu Axe, then time throws once again, he quickly passes on the sound said to Xiao Hua, " Daoist Xiao, the da fellow daoist feared that must be defeated. " 徐志看着龘真人一次次被盘古斧打飞,而后又一次次扑过去,他急忙给萧华传音道,「萧真人,龘道友怕是要落败了。」 The Xiao Hua complexion is somewhat ugly, let alone Xu Zhi, all honored day Star Territory Immortal can look, although valley God is distressed . Moreover the figure has broken, but seemingly looks calm, a confident appearance. 萧华的脸色有些难看,别说徐志,所有钧天星域仙人都看得出来,谷神虽然狼狈,而且身形已经破碎,但看起来神情自若,一副胸有成竹的样子。 " Un ~ " 「嗯~」 The Xiao Hua slight nod, replied, " the Daoist Dá strength could not compare valley God, was defeated from is doomed from the beginning, when present issue, first was defeated, after that...... " 萧华微微点头,回答道,「龘真人实力比不得谷神,落败自一开始就注定,现在的问题时,第一场就落败,其后……」 " Roar ~ " 「吼~」 Is saying, Daoist Dá dragon cry, Pangu Axe waves strongly, 120,000 axe shades flood the world sufficiently, chops to the valley god. Sedan chair 正说间,龘真人一声龙吟,盘古斧竭力舞动,足以十二万道斧影充斥天地,直直劈向谷神。舆 Moreover in everywhere axe shadow, has a dragon shape blood shadow. 而且漫天的斧影中,都有一个龙形血影。 " Silk ~ " 「丝~」 Everyone attracted an cold air/Qi, the heart mentioned the throat, no matter what who who knows, this was Daoist Dá strikes finally. 所有人都吸了口冷气,心提到了嗓子眼儿,任谁都谁知道,这是龘真人最后一击。 Even valley God, does not dare to neglect, he deeply inspires, both hands hold up Pangu Axe, meets head-on full power. 即便是谷神,也不敢怠慢,他深吸一口气,双手举起盘古斧,全力迎战。 " Brushes ~ " 「刷~」 The axe shadow gives birth together, runs out later changes to makes two ; 一道斧影生出,冲出之后化做两道; Two axe shades change to three ; Sedan chair 两道斧影化作三道;舆 Three axe shades instant change to 100,003,200...... 三道斧影瞬时化作一亿三千二百…… " Defeated ~ " 「败了~」 Sees so the axe shadow, the heart of Xiao Hua crashes into the ice cave all of a sudden, he has long known that Daoist Dá must defeat, now is worried about the Daoist Dá life. 看到如此斧影,萧华的心一下子坠入冰窟,他早就知道龘真人要败,如今更是担心龘真人的性命。 " Clang ~ " 「铿~」 " Keng clang ~ ~ " 「铿铿~~」 The axe shadow of blotting out the sky vanishes in the electric light, but the surplus axe shades, " brush ~ " falls to Daoist Dá dragon head. 铺天盖地的斧影在电光中消失,而剩余的斧影,「刷~」的一声落向龘真人龙首 " Be careful ~ ~ " sedan chair 「小心~~」舆 Xiao Hua, Daoist Lei Ting and other simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform shouted loudly. 萧华雷霆真人等齐齐高喊。 " ~ " 「噗~」 A light sound, blood light splash. 一声轻响,血光飞溅。 " ~ " 「啊~」 A Daoist Dá pitiful yell, dragon body lightning flash flying upside down. 龘真人一声惨叫,龙躯电闪倒飞。 " Snort ~ " 「哼~」 valley Shenleng proud stands in the midair, looks at half dragon corner/horn who the midair drifts, cold -ly snorted and said, " calculates that you hide quickly! " Sedan chair 谷神冷傲站在半空,看着半空飘浮的半根龙角,冷哼道,「算你躲得快!」舆 " I to seal the divine envoy status to announce ~ " 「吾以封神使身份宣布~」 Xu Zhi does not dare to neglect, quickly departs, lifts in the hands to hit dragon corner/horn to Daoist Dá, 徐志不敢怠慢,急忙飞出,抬手间将龙角打向龘真人, Said, " this war jade faint star space...... " " roar ~ " 说道,「此战玉微星宇……」「吼~」 Daoist Dá angrily roars, must run out. 龘真人怒吼,又要冲出。 " Dragon yan ~ " 「龙龑~」 Xiao Hua called out, " draws back! Lost lost!! " 萧华叫道,「退下!输了就是输了!!」 " da fellow daoist ~ " sedan chair 「龘道友~」舆 Celestial overruns, seizes Pangu Axe in Daoist Dá dragon claw, said in a low voice, " valley god is too fierce, you can compel so embarrassedly him, is great. " 天人冲过去,将龘真人龙爪中的盘古斧夺下,低声道,「谷神太厉害,你能将他逼得如此难堪,已经了不起了。」 " Seals divine envoy ~ " 「封神使~」 Stands coldly in the valley god of central starry sky said that child's play that extremely " thou adjudicates? Honored day Star Territory has not admitted defeat. " 站在中央星空的谷神冷冷道,「汝裁决的太过儿戏了吧?钧天星域并没有认输呢。」 " My honored day Star Territory admits defeat ~ " 「我钧天星域认输~」 Xiao Hua quickly shouts. 萧华急忙喊道。 " desolate Heavenly King has not entered the war ~ " 「萧天王又没有参战~」 valley God beckons with the hand saying that " I must hear dragon Yan the voice. " Sedan chair 谷神摆手道,「吾要听到龙龑的声音。」舆 The Daoist Dá angry eye spit fire, he rather dies. 龘真人愤怒的眼睛喷火,他宁愿去死。 " da fellow daoist ~ " 「龘道友~」 Xiao Hua quickly said, " for a while the victory and defeat cannot be regarded anything, I and others together Divine Treading Watchtower is important. " 萧华急忙说道,「一时胜负算不得什么,我等一起踏神阙才是重要。」 " ~ " 「呼~」 Daoist Dá long vents anger, raises the sound said, " We admit defeat! " 龘真人长长出了口气,扬声道,「朕认输!」 " Good ~ " 「好~」 Xu Zhi called out immediately, " some announced, ten gambling fight first, jade faint star Yu Sheng! " Sedan chair 徐志立即叫道,「某家宣布,十场赌斗第一场,玉微星宇胜!」舆 " Victory ~ " 「胜~」 " forever victorious ~ ~ " 万胜~~」 Can it be that the jade faint star space combat general cheers. 玉微星宇战将莫不是欢呼。 valley God has a look in the hand proudly Pangu Axe, the figure in a flash, two valley gods cooperate. 谷神傲然看看手中盘古斧,身形一晃,两个谷神合作一个。 " Fellow Daoist ~ " 「诸位道友~」 " Senior ~ " 「诸位前辈~」 Xiao Hua somewhat looks that at a loss valley God quickly passed on a message, " you did see the valley god clone fishy? This...... this valley god is clone generally how fierce with the valley god? " Sedan chair 萧华有些茫然看着谷神急忙传讯道,「你们看出谷神分身的蹊跷么?这……这个谷神分身怎么跟谷神一般厉害?」舆 " desolate Heavenly King ~ " 「萧天王~」 The eternal monster house replied eternal in a soft voice, " the valley god who perhaps the center stood was apparition, the fate gambling fought was the true valley god! " 万古妖宸永恒轻声回答道,「或许中央站立的谷神就是个虚影,下场赌斗的才是真正的谷神啊!」 " Un ~ " 「嗯~」 Xiao Hua said with a nod, " can only be so. " 萧华点头道,「只能是这般了。」 Xu Zhi stands in as before the scene, the vision has swept the jade faint star Yu Hejun day Star Territory corps, opens the mouth saying: " Gambling fights second, does not know that valley God, Daoist Xiao, how do you start? " 徐志依旧站在当场,目光扫过玉微星宇和钧天星域战队,开口道:「赌斗第二场,不知谷神、萧真人,你们如何开始?」 " Guest does as the host pleases ~ " 「客随主便~」 Xiao Hua ponders over the moment, replied, " thinks that the valley god has prepared, my honored day Star Territory met to incur is. " Sedan chair 萧华思忖片刻,回答道,「想必谷神阁下早就准备好了,我钧天星域接招就是。」舆 " Daoist Xiao ~ " 萧真人~」 Xu Zhi knit the brows, the reminder said that " you may , to be clear. " 徐志皱眉了,提醒道,「你可要想清楚啊。」 " My honored day Star Territory corps kill here ~ " 「我钧天星域战队一路杀到此处~」 Xiao Hua turns the head to have a look to proliferate the square immortal soldier combat general, light saying, " which doesn't Star Territory tackle of difficult problems? Which isn't Star Territory invincible? I and others, since to the jade faint star space, did not fear that the valley god has the move. " 萧华转头看看遍布四方的仙兵战将,淡淡的说道,「哪一处星域不是攻坚克难?哪一处星域不是战无不胜?我等既然到了玉微星宇,就不怕谷神阁下出招。」 " Good ~ " 「好~」 The valley god slight nod, looked that said to monster five you, " you go to battle. " 谷神微微点头,看向妖界五妋说道,「你来出战。」 " Obeys valley God to make ~ " sedan chair 「遵谷神令~」舆 Five you angry roar, jumped out from the monster corps, called out, " who accepted a challenge some! " 五妋一声怒吼,从妖界战队之上跳出,叫道,「谁来应战某家!」 As five you sounds fall to the ground, " brushes ~ " a blood shadow and light piece by piece depart from him around void, early eight side Yingliang...... 随着五妋声音落地,「刷刷~」一片片的血影和灯光自他四周虚空飞出,早将八方映亮…… Thank everyone enthusiastic support, everyone while, do not forget helps the 3 d highest place in hanun propagandize on, micro blog, trill and quick worker and other channels, thanked again 感谢大家热情支持,大家在的同时,别忘了在、微博、抖音和快手等渠道上帮探花宣传,再次感谢了 Likes cultivating the god to leak Immortal World to ask everyone to collect:() Repairs the god to leak the Immortal World refresh rate entire network to be quickest. 喜欢修神外传仙界篇请大家收藏:()修神外传仙界篇更新速度全网最快。
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