LCGIR :: Volume #53

#5270: Rampant valley god

" Thump thump thump ~ " Ningxia 「咚咚咚~」寧 At this time the miserable white starry sky deep place, having the battle drum is thunderous, a sound resounds slowly, " has the friend from the distant place, didn't say? " 此时惨白色的星空深处,有战鼓雷动,一个声音缓缓响起,「有朋自远方来,不亦说乎?」 " *** ~ " 「***~」 Xiao Hua is disinclined to pay attention, scolded one at heart. 萧华懒得理会,心里骂了一声。 Xu Zhi steps the upper air slowly, all around tiny bits to seal/confer God light/only pitiful wells up. 徐志缓缓踏上高空,四周稀碎的封神雷光可怜巴巴的涌来。 The Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor thinks, raises the sound said: " Person does not know, but non- worried thoughts, not also gentleman? We am the Heavenly Sovereign of Great Emperor honored day Star Territory Heavenly Court five emperors, your excellency who? " 天皇大帝想了一下,扬声道:「人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?朕乃钧天星域天庭五帝之天皇大帝,阁下何人?」 " Haha ~ " 「哈哈~」 That sound laughed, said, " really wants to make me be inwardly angry? I am not valley God! " Rather 那声音大笑了,说道,「真是想让吾愠怒么?吾不就是谷神!」寧 " Bang ~ " 「轰~」 With this sound, an unequalled will sweeps crazily, but. 随着这声音,一股无与伦比的意志狂扫而至。 " Card ~ " 「卡啪啪~」 The stars within trillion li (0.5 km) are cracked immediately, to seal/confer Shenlei was only blown drags to flutter. 亿万里之内的星辰立即龟裂,封神雷光被吹得摇曳飘飞。 " Snort ~ " 「哼~」 Xu Zhi grasps day to punish a divine lance gently point, " bang ~ " ten thousand Qinglei depending on gives birth spatially, blocks this will, Xu Zhi said proudly, " valley god, you do treat divine envoy? " 徐志手持天罚神矛轻轻一点,「轰~」万倾雷光凭空生出,生生将这意志挡住,徐志傲然道,「谷神,你就是这么对待封神使的?」 " ~ " Ningxia 「切~」寧 In the strong winds, a hand-held walking stick, wears the old man of hempen garments to walk slowly, he not spare a glance looks at Xu Zhi, coldly said that " jade faint star space seals divine envoy is my kitten, thou shares the honor with it, needs me to see thou? " 狂风中,一个手持拐杖,身穿麻衣的老者缓缓走来,他不屑一顾的看着徐志,冷冷道,「玉微星宇的封神使不过是吾的小猫,汝跟它齐名,需要吾正眼看汝么?」 " You ~ " 「你~」 The face of Xu Zhi was somewhat pale. 徐志的脸有些铁青了。 " I killed Xiao Hua, extinguished the honored day Star Territory Seven Worlds corps ~ " 「吾杀了萧华,灭了钧天星域七界战队~」 The hempen garments old man has a look at Xu Zhi, disdains as before, " hasn't thou made me go to Higher Realm? However the watchdog, barked wildly! " 麻衣老者看看徐志,依旧不屑,「汝还不让吾去上界么?不过看门犬而已,狂吠个屁啊!」 The hempen garments old man has a look at dumbfounded Xiao Hua, has a look at Jiu Xia of acme of beauty and deportment, " ~ " pounded several lower mandibles, said: " No wonder desolate Heavenly King can put down six big star spaces, originally resulted in the Azure Mound Mountain assistance, good, good! " 麻衣老者看看目瞪口呆的萧华,又看看千娇百媚的九夏,「啧啧~」砸吧了几下嘴,说道:「难怪萧天王能够平趟六大星宇,原来得了青丘山辅佐啊,不错,不错!」 " Silk ~ " Ningxia 「丝~」寧 Jiu Xia held breath a cold air/Qi, inconceivable looks at the hempen garments old man, she cannot think oneself original feature looked at unexpectedly clear by him. 九夏倒吸了一口冷气,不可思议的看着麻衣老者,她怎么也想不到自己的本来面目居然被他看得一清二楚。 But, Jiu Xia has nothing to detect. 可偏偏的,九夏根本没有任何察觉。 " Virtuous son-in-law? " 「贤婿?」 The Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor has not heard the Xiao Hua sound, quickly turns the head to look, sees with own eyes Xiao Hua to be dumb as a wooden chicken, the hurried reminder said that " how? " 天皇大帝没听到萧华的声音,急忙转头看去,眼见萧华呆若木鸡,急忙提醒道,「怎么了?」 Xiao Hua said every single word or phrase: " Sage of disappearance ~ " 萧华一字一句道:「消失的圣人~」 " What? " 「什么?」 Jiu Xia was also startled, shouted lowly, " sage who vanished? " Rather 九夏也吃惊了,低呼道,「消失的圣人?」寧 " Yes ~ " 「是的~」 Xiao Hua said with a nod, " Xiao does not know that he in your eyes is what appearance, but in my eyes you, in my sensation, he...... is that vanishing sage. " 萧华点头道,「萧某不知道他在你们眼中是什么样子,但在我眼中你,我的感知中,他……就是那个消失的圣人。」 " This boy is so how fierce ~ " 「这厮怎么如此厉害啊~」 As sealing divine envoy Xu Zhi somewhat was surprised. 身为封神使徐志都有些吃惊了。 " For and other thou and others ~ " 「为了等汝等过来~」 valley God turns around, slowly however is good, like chatted with the old friend, " jade faint star space has made the preparation, I think means of victories of ten war, sealing divine envoy can adjudicate by it. " 谷神一转身,缓缓而行,如同跟老友闲聊,「玉微星宇已经做了准备,吾想了一个十战之胜的办法,封神使可以以之裁决。」 " Some, if doesn't think? " Rather 「某家若是不想呢?」寧 Xu Zhi light replied. 徐志淡淡的回答道。 " I trade to seal divine envoy ~ " 「那吾就换个封神使~」 valley God turned around to look at Xu Zhi, Xu Zhi a flower, seemed sees Fairy Xing Yue at present! 谷神转身看了一眼徐志,徐志眼前一花,好似看到了星月仙子 " Should be ~ " 「该是~」 Xu Zhi scolded, " you wanted...... " 徐志地骂道,「你要……」 " Bang ~ " 「轰~」 valley God does not pay attention to Xu Zhi, turns the head to lead the way as before, but at this time " bang " a loud sound, Xu Zhi was struck to fly unexpectedly baseless. Rather 谷神并不理会徐志,转头依旧前行,但是此时「轰」的一声巨响,徐志居然凭空被打飞。寧 " Courts death ~ " 「找死~」 The Eastern benefit is angry, sets out to make a move. 东方惠大怒,起身就要出手。 " thou can others to sealing the god combat general begins? " 「汝等要对封神战将动手?」 The valley god does not turn head, coldly said, " doesn't fear the divine punishment? " 谷神根本不回头,冷冷说道,「不怕神罚么?」 " Eastern benefit ~ " 「东方惠~」 The Xu Zhi figure stands firm, said in a soft voice, " does not need to pay attention to this old goods. " 徐志身形稳住,轻声道,「不必理会这老货。」 " ~ " Ningxia 「嘎~」寧 Feng Wu and Huang Tong speaker clear cry, two monsters also inconceivable looks at all around, calls out in alarm 凤梧凰桐扬声清鸣,两妖也不可思议的看着四周,惊呼 Said, " Fellow Daoist Xiao, this...... this star space what's the matter? " 道,「萧道友,这……这星宇怎么回事儿?」 " Here is the grave of eon space ~ " 「这里是宙宇的坟冢~」 valley God turns the head the Monster Race corps that has a look at to blot out the sky, light replied, " eternal monster house one step had first come eternal, he is waiting for you in not far away! " 谷神转头看看铺天盖地的妖族战队,淡淡的回答道,「万古妖宸永恒已经先一步来了,他在不远处等着你们呢!」 " ~ " 「嘎~」 Tianfeng followed on the heels, 天凤跟在后面, It called one, the phoenix claw illness/quick to grasp under. " ~ " 它叫了一声,凤爪疾抓而下。「噗~」 valley God looked at Tianfeng one, Tianfeng does not know that quenchinged Monster Body of many years to pierce immediately. Rather 谷神不过看了天凤一眼,天凤不知道淬炼了多少岁月的妖躯立即洞穿。寧 " My goal is six seals god quota ~ " 「吾之目标乃六个封神名额~」 The valley god the line, said as before slowly, " thou , to die, the war of fates a while ten gathering are. " 谷神依旧缓缓而行,说道,「汝若想死,一会儿十合之战下场就是。」 " I go ~ " 「我去~」 Huang Tong compelled ignorant, it has a look at Feng Wu, has a look at Xiao Hua, in the heart said, " this old goods were also too fierce? How does this war take?? " 凰桐都懵逼了,它看看凤梧,又看看萧华,心中说道,「这老货也太厉害了吧?这场大战如何拿下??」 " He no doubt fierce ~ " 「他固然厉害~」 Xiao Hua deeply inspires, replied, " , but his corps were not necessarily fierce, you and others also looked, this star space has left uncultivated, how many immortal soldier combat generals can have? " 萧华深吸一口气,回答道,「但他的战队未必厉害,你等也看了,这星宇已经荒废,能有多少仙兵战将?」 " Brushes ~ " Ningxia 「刷~」寧 It seems like hears the Xiao Hua sound, valley Shenda the sleeve wields, " incites ~ " the entire sky seems is torn general, another backdrop appears in the face of the numerous immortals. 似乎是听到萧华的声音,谷神大袖一挥,「滋啦啦~」整个天空好似被撕裂一般,另外一个天幕出现在众仙面前。 Under this backdrop left uncultivated as before, flooded the decayed aura, but in the inexhaustible sky had the innumerable immortal soldier combat general to assemble. 这个天幕之下依旧荒废,充斥了腐朽的气息,但无穷无尽的天空中却有数不胜数的仙兵战将集结。 Moreover above each battlefield has apricot yellow fluttering of flags together, but the handwriting on flags, even if Xiao Hua does not see clearly. valley God stands firm in the midair, all corps bow immediately, sweep across Power of Faith that comes, even if Jiu Xia can coming out of sensation. 而且每一个战阵之上都有一道杏黄旌旗招展,只不过旌旗上的字迹,即便是萧华都看不清楚。谷神在半空站定,所有战队立即躬身,席卷而来的信仰之力即便是九夏都能感知的出来。 " thou and others think the corps that admired the congealing star space are all of my jade faint star space? " 「汝等以为歆凝星宇的战队就是吾玉微星宇的所有么?」 valley God said with a smile, " thou and other present corps, are all of my jade faint star space! " 谷神笑道,「汝等眼前的战队,才是吾玉微星宇的所有!」 valley Shentai hand finger/refers, said: " This is the Yuan tenth Earthly Branch Immortal World corps ~ " Ningxia 谷神抬手一指一处,说道:「此乃沅酉仙界战队~」寧 " ~ " 「呜~」 The apricot yellow flags show/unfolds above that corps moves, above the handwriting revealed, is really " the Yuan tenth Earthly Branch " , as two characters bloom gold light, " brushes ~ " Power of Faith breaks in the flags continuously, a say/way immortal of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality departs from wait/etc. bowed to Xiao Hua said: " This poor Daoist Yuan tenth Earthly Branch, has seen desolate Heavenly King ~ " 那处战队之上的杏黄旌旗展动,其上字迹显露,果然是「沅酉」,而随着两字绽放金光,「刷刷~」一缕缕信仰之力冲入旌旗,一个仙风道骨的道仙自内中飞出,冲着萧华等稽首道:「贫道沅酉,见过萧天王~」 " Polite ~ " 「客气~」 Xiao Hua returns salute. 萧华还礼。 Afterward, valley Shentai hand finger/refers, said: " This is the feather tomb Immortal World corps ~ " 随后,谷神抬手一指一处,说道:「此乃羽陵仙界战队~」 " Brushes ~ " 「刷~」 Just like before, the flags dragged, Ruan Immortal of scholarly departed wait/etc. saluted to say to Xiao Hua: " Xiaosheng feather tomb, has seen desolate poster ~ " Ningxia 跟之前一样,旌旗摇曳,一个儒雅的儒仙飞出,冲萧华等施礼道:「小生羽陵,见过萧楼主~」寧 " ? " 「哦?」 If called desolate Heavenly King, Xiao Hua not necessarily was also surprised, but heard to say the desolate poster, the Xiao Hua nature was shocking. 若是叫萧天王,萧华也未必惊讶,但听到直呼自己萧楼主,萧华自然震惊。 Afterward, valley God also introduced five you monster, if after that shape five you of lion appear salutes upon meeting, valley God no longer speaks, obviously waits for Seven Worlds corps other. 随后,谷神又介绍了五妋妖界,那个状若雄狮的五妋出现见礼后,谷神就不再说话,显然是等候七界战队其它。 When the Dragon Race corps come, valley god rare looked at Daoist Dá, in the eye flashed through the unusual look. 待得龙族战队过来,谷神罕见的看了一眼龘真人,眼中闪过异色。 Unavoidably the Daoist Dá nature is doubtful about the jade faint star space, holds on Wen Qu and other inquiries, after the moment, in valley Shenyan the unusual look vanishes. 龘真人自然对玉微星宇充满疑惑,难免拉住文曲等询问,片刻后,谷神眼中异色消失。 Thank everyone enthusiastic support, everyone while, do not forget helps the 3 d highest place in hanun propagandize on, micro blog, trill and quick worker and other channels, thanked again 感谢大家热情支持,大家在的同时,别忘了在、微博、抖音和快手等渠道上帮探花宣传,再次感谢了 Likes cultivating the god to leak Immortal World to ask everyone to collect:() Repairs the god to leak the Immortal World refresh rate entire network to be quickest. 喜欢修神外传仙界篇请大家收藏:()修神外传仙界篇更新速度全网最快。
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