LCGIR :: Volume #53

#5261: Fierce clear(ly) good foot

What a pity the clown dragon looks that the female dragon is perplexed. 可惜小丑龙看着母龙不明所以。 Hehe ~ “嘿嘿~” king Zhenfei actually shows a faint smile, having a look at the profound female lesser monk, the hand to wield, brushes ~ Female Immortal of live color unrefined resin appears in main hall. 王靕飞却微微一笑,看看玄牝小和尚,手一挥,“刷~”一个活色生香的女仙出现在大殿之内。 Winter winter winter ~ “冬冬冬~” Does not wait for the drum sound of profound female lesser monk, the drum of clown dragon is thunderous like the battle drum. 不等玄牝小和尚的鼓响,小丑龙的鼓如同战鼓般雷鸣起来。 Hehe ~ “嘿嘿~” The profound female lesser monk looked at one-eyed person zhen to fly, shows a faint smile, female nun that similar wore the tissue appeared before king Zhenfei. 玄牝小和尚看了一眼王靕飞,微微一笑,同样一个身着薄纱的女尼出现在王靕飞面前。 Winter winter......” “冬冬……” king Zhenfei gawked, then, rouses the sound...... 王靕飞愣了一下,而后,鼓响…… Damn ~ “该死~” king Zhenfei was red in the face, kept clone in the amethyst palace, oneself turned around to depart, sees with own eyes pill Hui stands in the midair, he stimulated to pass on a message immortal artifact breathless. 王靕飞面红耳赤,留了个分身在紫玉宫内,自己一转身飞出,眼见叶丹惠站在半空中,他气急败坏的激发了传讯仙器 What a pity passed on a message immortal artifact to flash several, immediately annihilated. 可惜传讯仙器闪动几下,随即湮灭。 Damn ~ “该死~” king Zhenfei continues to stimulate, at this time, passed on a message in immortal artifact to broadcast the ill-humored sound: Anyone, how?” 王靕飞继续激发,此时,传讯仙器里传来没好气的声音:“谁,怎么了?” Gu Sheqiong! 姑射茕 king Zhenfei breathless exclaiming, asked summer big the military strategist to come Ziyu Immortal Realm quickly, nnd, here had a strange matter, clown dragon and an abdomen black lesser monk who I discovered an idiot!” 王靕飞气急败坏的吼道,“快请夏大军师来紫玉仙境,nnd,这里发生一件稀奇古怪的事情,我发现一个白痴的小丑龙和一个腹黑的小和尚!” Looks at king Zhenfei the breathless appearance, pill Hui Minzui smiled. 看着王靕飞气急败坏的样子,叶丹惠抿嘴笑了。 Brushes ~ “刷~” Almost is instantaneous, when Jaded-Document Dá first appears, it looked at one, immediately dragon body shivers. 几乎是瞬间,玉牒龘当先出现,它不过看了一眼,立即龙躯颤抖起来。 Sect Leader Qilaoye ~ 掌教七老爷~” The pill benefit surprised say/way, „isn't this clown dragon? How did it live?” 叶丹惠惊奇道,“这不是小丑龙么?它怎么又活了?” ~ “嘘~” A Jaded-Document Dá Dragon's Tail swayed, said in a soft voice, you do feel?” 玉牒龘龙尾一摆,轻声道,“你觉得呢?” What does disciple feel?” 弟子觉得什么?” pill benefit tilts the head strange say/way. 叶丹惠歪头奇道。 Asking of Jaded-Document Dá probe: You...... you did not think that this clown dragon does look like one...... the person?” 玉牒龘试探的问道:“你……你不觉得这个小丑龙像一个……人么?” Master?” “师父?” king Zhenfei blurted out, it plundered the treasure the appearance to be just the same as the master!” 王靕飞脱口而出道,“它搜刮宝贝的样子跟师父一模一样!” Haha ~ “哈哈~” Jaded-Document Dá laughed immediately, Dragon's Tail pats king Zhenfei the shoulder saying that king Zhenfei, this is you looks , there is nothing to do with this poor Daoist!” 玉牒龘立即大笑了,龙尾拍着王靕飞的肩膀道,“王靕飞,这可是你们自己看出来的,跟贫道无干啊!” Master?” “师父?” pill benefit surprised looks at the clown dragon in amethyst palace, shouted lowly, „the Dragon Territory clown dragon unexpectedly was a master??!” 叶丹惠惊讶的看着紫玉宫内的小丑龙,低呼道,“龙域的小丑龙居然是师父??!” Brushes ~ “刷~” At this time, various Jaded Document clone and Jiu Xia fall to amethyst palace left near. 此时,诸玉牒分身九夏落到紫玉宫左近。 Really ~ “果然~” Jaded-Document Wen Qu has a look at all around, said, six sea turtles disappear, must be Fellow Daoist Xiao takes away.” 玉牒文曲看看四周,说道,“六鳌不见了,必是萧道友拿走了。” Nonsense ~ “废话~” Jaded-Document Dá curls the lip saying that this poor Daoist has seen six sea turtles.” 玉牒龘撇嘴道,“贫道早就见过六鳌。” In the amethyst palace, the drum of clown dragon has been making a sound, but the drum of profound female lesser monk did not have the sound. 紫玉宫内,小丑龙的鼓一直在响,而玄牝小和尚的鼓一直没有动静。 What looks at to look?” “看什么看?” Jiu Xia ill-humored scolding, „ his drum must be for the first time breaks! You were deceived by him! 九夏没好气的骂道,“他的鼓必是第一次就破了!你们都被他骗了! I go ~ ~ “我去~~” king Zhenfei awakens, shouted lowly, this damn senior buddhist monk!” 王靕飞醒悟过来,低呼道,“这个该死的老秃驴!” Good ~ “行了~” Jiu Xia has a look at all around, said to various Jaded Document clone, „after I go, immediately the entire amethyst palace seal, no one can look at, who looks at me to dig whose eye.” 九夏看看四周,冲诸玉牒分身道,“我进去之后,立即将整个紫玉宫封印,谁也不能看,谁看我挖谁的眼睛。” Then, the Jiu Xia floating body enters the amethyst palace. 说完,九夏飘身进入紫玉宫。 Brushes ~ “刷刷~” All Jaded Document clone simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform begin, no dares to neglect, the entire amethyst palace seal. 所有玉牒分身齐齐动手,没有一个敢怠慢的,将整个紫玉宫封印。 ~ “咳咳~” Listens to the drumbeat to vanish, pill Hui Qing coughs two, said, all Sect Leader Masters, does add some Time Principle beside the seal again?” 听着鼓声消失,叶丹惠轻咳两声,说道,“诸位掌教老爷,是不是在封印之外再加一些时间法则?” Right, right ~ “对,对~” Jaded-Document Lei Ting awakens, quickly said that how long, or we must wait for!” 玉牒雷霆醒悟过来,急忙说道,“要不咱们得等多久啊!” Jaded-Document Wen Qu is puzzled, just about to inquires, saw with own eyes other fellow daoist make a move, he naturally waves under the following arrange/cloth. 玉牒文曲不解,刚要询问,眼见其他道友出手,他自然挥手跟着布下。 Even if there is Time Principle, still crossed had the less than half double-hour fully, bang ~ restriction of seal amethyst palace was opened, the space and time fluctuated such as the wind to dissipate, Jiu Xia such as surging waves Fairy departed slowly. 即便有时间法则,也过了足有小半个时辰,“轰~”封印紫玉宫的禁制被打开,空间和时间波动如风消散,九夏如凌波仙子缓缓飞出。 desolate......” “萧……” Jaded-Document Dá rushes over immediately, urgently said that clown dragon?” 玉牒龘立即冲了过去,急道,“小丑龙呢?” Jiu Xia looks calm, the reply of undulating: Had walked ~ 九夏神情自若,澹澹的回答道:“已经走了~” That......” “那……” Jaded-Document Dá must ask anything again, 玉牒龘还要再问什么, Jaded-Document Wen Qu urgently said: „Did he awake?” Who awoke?” 玉牒文曲急道:“他醒了么?”“谁醒了么?” Jiu Xia has a look at pill benefit, shows a faint smile to pill benefit, then looks to Jaded-Document Wen Qu, said with a smile: „The inexplicableness that Sect Leader Third Master asked that how making me reply?” 九夏看看叶丹惠,冲叶丹惠微微一笑,而后看向玉牒文曲,笑道:“掌教三老爷问的不明不白,让我怎么回答?” summer big military strategist ~ “夏大军师~” Jaded-Document Huang Tong has a look at all around, beckons with the hand, hints numerous Jaded Document clone to be patient, said to Jiu Xia, I and others did not ask, you explained things.” 玉牒凰桐看看四周,摆摆手,示意众玉牒分身稍安勿躁,对九夏说道,“我等不问了,你来分说。” First ~ “首先~” Jiu Xia said slowly, profound female lesser monk was the bright good foot, I used the law of dream to investigate his memory, but bright good foot deceitful very much, after he discovered me, immediately destroyed the memory......” 九夏徐徐道来,“玄牝小和尚就是明行足,我动用梦幻之法探察了他的记忆,但明行足狡诈的很,他发现我之后,立即销毁记忆……” I go ~ “我去~” Jaded-Document Lei Ting said, bright line of this also were too fully fiercer than?” 玉牒雷霆道,“明行足这比也太厉害了吧?” Jiu Xia nods with a smile , to continue saying: Next, I found from the bright line of full memories lost the technique of moving greatly, will lose the technique of moving to pass to the beloved greatly, the beloved has returned to six now the other shore, eradicates loses the technique of moving greatly, if the beloved can eradicate, that explained memory that I obtain real.” 九夏含笑点头,继续说道:“其次,我从明行足的记忆中找到了大遗迁之术,也将大遗迁之术传给了萧郎,萧郎如今已经返回六相彼岸,去破除大遗迁之术,若萧郎能破除,那就说明我得到的记忆是真的。” If the memory is false,” “若记忆是假的,” Jaded-Document Dá clenches jaws saying that poor true understanding took this clear(ly) good foot!” 玉牒龘咬牙切齿道,“贫道真的服了这个明行足!” Third ~ “第三~” Jiu Xia continues to explain things, „, because bright line of full amnesias, my not clear bright good heel valley God relation, but from the memory, verified the beloved guessed that valley God is like the beloved, their spaces, are similar to this Immortal World space, is ya ( ya ), called the gate of profound female.” 九夏继续分说,“因为明行足记忆缺失,我不清楚明行足跟谷神的联系,但从记忆中,印证了萧郎的猜测谷神跟萧郎一样,有一个自己的空间,跟这个仙界空间相似,就是襾(ya),也叫玄牝之门。” This time, without Jaded Document clone spoke again. 这次,没有玉牒分身再说话。 Therefore Jiu Xia has not stopped, divides saying: Fourth, king Yuening was changed the memory by the bright good foot, the sacred gate that she said is the gate of profound female, the temple that white Xiaoshui said is ya ( ya ), but the end of star link is ya ( ya )!” 于是九夏没有停顿,分说道:“第四,王玥凝被明行足改了记忆,她说的神圣之门就是玄牝之门,还有白小水说的圣殿就是襾(ya),而星环的尽头就是襾(ya)!” I go! “我去! All Jaded Document clone, king Zhenfei and pill benefit call out in alarm said, that...... that our Seven Worlds corps did walk into a trap?” 所有玉牒分身,还有王靕飞和叶丹惠惊呼道,“那……那我们七界战队岂不是自投罗网了?” Yes ~ “是的~” Jiu Xia purses the lips to say with a smile, „the end of star link is the dead boundary, we enter ya ( ya ), immediately by the clear(ly) good foot, or valley God will extinguish in an instant kills!” 九夏抿嘴笑道,“星环的尽头就是死境,我们进入襾(ya),立刻会被明行足,亦或者谷神一念之间所灭杀!” Bright line was too fully fierce!” “明行足太厉害了!” pill Hui Paipai chest said that „, but the master is more flamboyant, if not he uses six sea turtles, if not he will be bright line of full dreams to deliver to here, if not summer big the military strategist is skilled in the law of dream, even if my Seven Worlds corps obtained admired the victories of congealing star space four strategic pass, I and others feared that must die in ya ( ya ).” 叶丹惠拍拍自己胸脯说道,“但师父更牛逼,若非他老人家动用六鳌,若非他老人家将明行足的梦送到此处,若非夏大军师精通梦幻之法,我七界战队即便取得了歆凝星宇四个雄关之胜利,我等怕也要死在襾(ya)的。” Good ~ “行了~” Jiu Xia claps, the smile like the ikebana, arrives at this time, the beloved that side does not need to worry, looked divine envoy and fights female immortal that side......” 九夏拍拍手,笑颜如花道,“到得此时,萧郎那边儿自不必担心,就看封神使和斗姆元君那边……” However, does not wait for the Jiu Xia voice to fall to the ground, numerous Jaded Document clone suddenly simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform one startled, inconceivable looks to the dark spirit space, shouted lowly: I go, how this...... is this possible??” 然而,不等九夏的话音落地,众玉牒分身忽然齐齐一惊,不可思议的看向暗灵空间,低呼道:“我去,这……这怎么可能??” Thank everyone enthusiastic support, everyone while beginning subscription, do not forget helps the 3 d highest place in hanun propagandize on, micro blog, trill and quick worker and other channels, thanked again 感谢大家热情支持,大家在起点订阅的同时,别忘了在、微博、抖音和快手等渠道上帮探花宣传,再次感谢了 Likes cultivating the god to leak Immortal World to ask everyone to collect:() Repairs the god to leak the Immortal World refresh rate entire network to be quickest. 喜欢修神外传仙界篇请大家收藏:()修神外传仙界篇更新速度全网最快。
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