LCGIR :: Volume #53

#5260: Abdomen black lesser monk

„Not good ~ “不好~” The profound female lesser monk shakes the head saying that I want your piece of dragon scale.” 玄牝小和尚摇头道,“我想要你一片龙鳞。” Good ~ “好~” Clown dragon said with a nod, father so many dragon scale, give you casually one on the line.” 小丑龙点头道,“老子这么多龙鳞,随便给你一个就行。” The profound female lesser monk smiles saying: I know where you come ~ 玄牝小和尚笑眯眯道:“我知道你从哪儿来~” What?” “什么?” Clown dragon Chijing said, father do not know, how you do know? Is impossible.” 小丑龙吃惊道,“老子自己都不知道,你怎么知道?不可能。” The profound female lesser monk said seriously: You come from taichao Star Territory ~ 玄牝小和尚一本正经道:“你从太昭星域来~” How possibly?” “怎么可能?” The clown dragon is pleased as punch saying that you guessed mistakenly, I came from honored day Star Territory.” 小丑龙摇头摆尾道,“你猜错了,我是从钧天星域来的。” Donor dragon ~ “龙施主~” The profound female lesser monk smiles saying that admires congealing star Yu Zuojin to only have a taichao star space, although this poor monk does not know honored day Star Territory where, but you want to admire the congealing star space, that can only through the taichao star space, this poor monk say that you come from the taichao star space, how possibly to have the mistake?” 玄牝小和尚笑眯眯道,“歆凝星宇左近只有一个太昭星宇,虽然贫僧不知道钧天星域在何处,但你想来歆凝星宇,那就只能通过太昭星宇,贫僧说你从太昭星宇过来,怎么可能有错?” Good ~ “好吧~” The clown dragon scratches the head with dragon claw, thinks, said that calculates you to hold true, I give you a dragon scale.” 小丑龙用龙爪挠挠头,想了一下,说道,“算你有理,我给你一个龙鳞。” Then, the clown dragon must screw on a piece of dragon scale to get down from the tail. 说完,小丑龙就要从尾巴上扣一片龙鳞下来。 Not anxiously, not anxious ~ “莫急,莫急~” The profound female lesser monk quickly beckons with the hand saying that finally arrives at us to calculate together, perhaps a while you will also win!” 玄牝小和尚急忙摆手道,“到得最后咱们一起算,说不定一会儿你还会赢呢!” Good, good ~ “好,好~” Clown dragon Huankuai complied. 小丑龙欢快的答应了。 I go ~ “我去~” Who this...... this dragon is, was too ugly??” “这……这龙是谁,也太丑了吧??” When the clown dragon Genxuan female lesser monk makes a bet, king Zhenfei departs from the amethyst palace deep place quietly, sees with own eyes the clown dragon and lesser monk, he has a scare, how it...... is it true dragon body comes in?” 就在小丑龙跟玄牝小和尚打赌的时候,王靕飞悄然从紫玉宫深处飞出,眼见小丑龙和小和尚,他吓了一跳,“它……它怎么是真正的龙躯进来?” Nnd,...... is not only then master?” “nnd,不……不是只有师父才可以么?” Has a look, to have a look at the lesser monk, clearly has a dream, but also such elegant bearing of own dream......” “看看,看看人家小和尚,分明是做梦,还把自己梦的如此风度翩翩……” Previously the clown dragon the amethyst palace pillar threw off, early alarmed king Zhenfei, but he thinks that was Xiao Hua comes, did not have to care, after all oneself are healing from a wound, may see with own eyes that has not heard Xiao Hua to summon, he long in coming. 先前小丑龙将紫玉宫柱子掀翻的时候,早惊动了王靕飞,只不过他以为是萧华过来,就没太在意,毕竟自己在养伤,可眼见没听到萧华呼唤,他才姗姗来迟。 Oh ~ “哎哟~” Has not waited for king Zhenfei to depart, isn't pill benefit after behind surprised saying, this...... this Ye?” 还不等王靕飞飞出,叶丹惠在身后惊讶的说道,“这……这不是烨么?” Ye?” “烨?” king Zhenfei said, wife, you do know them?” 王靕飞奇道,“媳妇儿,你认识他们?” pill benefit also in the dream, she is naturally injured in six rune/symbol Baijie great array, returns to the Immortal World space to recuperate, since king Zhenfei in the amethyst palace, in her dream comes simply the attendance. 叶丹惠自然也在梦中,她在六符百结大阵中受伤,返回仙界空间休养,既然王靕飞在紫玉宫中,她索性梦中过来照顾。 That clown dragon ~ “那条小丑龙~” pill Hui tight frowns saying that is I the rival when Dragon Territory, but it distinct had died......” 叶丹惠紧皱眉头道,“是我在龙域时的敌手,可它分明已经死了……” pill Hui explained things, the clown dragon had hit several gambling with the profound female lesser monk. 叶丹惠分说间,小丑龙已经跟玄牝小和尚打了好几个赌。 Nothing accident/surprise, the clown dragon all loses, therefore, lost to the profound female lesser monk from head to foot. 没什么意外,小丑龙皆输,于是,从头到脚都输给了玄牝小和尚。 Haha ~ “哈哈~” The profound female lesser monk laughed, said that Donor dragon, now your whole body is this poor monk, you can listen to the words of this poor monk?” 玄牝小和尚大笑了,说道,“龙施主,如今你全身上下都是贫僧的了,你得听贫僧的话了吧?” Damn ~ “该死~” Clown dragon Dima, high and low has a look, somewhat helpless saying, „do you want to do?” 小丑龙低骂一声,上下看看,有些无奈的说道,“你想干嘛?” Donor dragon does not need to be worried ~ “龙施主不必担心~” The profound female lesser monk smiles saying that „, so long as you lead me to go out from this what amethyst palace then.” 玄牝小和尚笑眯眯道,“只要你带着我从这个什么紫玉宫出去即可。” I go ~ “我去~” king Zhenfei sees that cannot bear scolds lowly, „the clown dragon of this idiot.” 王靕飞见状,忍不住低骂道,“这个白痴的小丑龙。” How not saying that lesser monk abdomen is black?” “怎么不说那个小和尚腹黑呢?” pill benefit smiles saying that if as expected, this lesser monk should be admires to congeal the clear(ly) good foot of Star Territory.” 叶丹惠笑眯眯道,“若不出意外,这个小和尚该是歆凝星域的明行足。” I go ~ “我去~” king Zhenfei the startled say/way, „is this possible? How does he possibly come to here?” 王靕飞惊道,“这怎么可能?他怎么可能来这里?” You had not looked that this lesser monk at all not mouth did proclaim buddhist name?” “你没看这个小和尚根本不口宣佛号么?” pill Hui said that „, if Monk Buddha State, even in the dream, still meets the mouth to proclaim buddhist name ; Looked again he plans the clown dragon little, wants to make the clown dragon deliver him to have the dreamland, this method and scheme clearly are the bright good foot concentrate in taichao star Yu Hexin the pattern of Star Territory confrontation! Informs Gu Sheqiong quickly ~ 叶丹惠说道,“若是佛国和尚,即便是梦里,也会口宣佛号的;再看他一点点算计小丑龙,想让小丑龙送他出梦境,这手段和心计分明就是明行足在太昭星宇和歆凝星域对阵的模式啊!快通知姑射茕~” Is saying, the clown dragon laughed suddenly, it dug the buttocks to sway to say unexpectedly: Buddhist monk, the father thing has not lost!” 正说间,小丑龙忽然哈哈大笑起来了,它居然撅着屁股晃荡道:“秃驴,老子还有一件东西没输呢!” I go ~ “我去~” The profound female lesser monk did not know whether to laugh or cry, 玄牝小和尚哭笑不得了, Said, is it possible that Donor dragon doesn't want?” Gambling!” 说道,“龙施主莫非不想要了么?”“赌!” Clown dragon categorical say/way, „, otherwise the father does not go out!” 小丑龙斩钉截铁道,“否则老子不出去!” Wife ~ “媳妇儿~” king Zhenfei moves, quickly lifts the hand to cover pill benefit eye, said, you first go out, I also bet, has a look at this lesser monk is the bright good foot, has a look at this clown dragon is what meaning......” 王靕飞心里一动,急忙抬手捂住叶丹惠的眼睛,说道,“你先出去,我也去赌一场,看看这个小和尚是不是明行足,也看看这个小丑龙是什么意思……” Hee hee ~ “嘻嘻~” pill Hui said with a smile, good ~ 叶丹惠笑道,“好~” ~ “咳咳~” Looks that pill benefit went, king Zhenfei coughs two to go out lightly slowly. 看着叶丹惠去了,王靕飞轻咳两声缓缓走出。 „?” “啊?” The clown dragon or the lesser monk are startled, they have not thought in the amethyst palace also to have others. 无论是小丑龙还是小和尚都是大吃一惊,他们谁也没想到紫玉宫中还有其他人。 Well?” “咦?” king Zhenfei saw that they were extremely happy, calling out, who are you? Where is here?? I am having a dream, how to come here??” 王靕飞见到他们极其高兴,叫道,“你们是谁?这里是哪里??我正做梦呢,怎么就到了这里??” How father knows that who you are?” “老子怎么知道你是谁?” Clown dragon Didi cluck scolded one, said to the profound female lesser monk, quick gambling!” 小丑龙滴滴咕咕骂了一句,冲着玄牝小和尚说道,“快赌!” What bets?” “赌什么?” king Zhenfei eyes one bright, said delightedly, said quickly!” 王靕飞眼睛一亮,欢喜道,“快说!” This ~ “这个~” The profound female lesser monk does not clarify the origin that Chu King zhen flies, hesitated unconsciously, he felt that own lake makes the clown dragon not to have the issue, the lake makes king Zhenfei to be unbearable. 玄牝小和尚搞不清楚王靕飞的来历,不觉迟疑了,他感觉自己湖弄小丑龙没问题,湖弄王靕飞够呛。 „Do you bet?” “你赌不赌?” king Zhenfei was disgruntled, said, doesn't want to lead father to play?” 王靕飞不悦了,说道,“是不想带老子玩么?” Belt, belt/bring ~ “带,带~” An profound female lesser monk eyeball revolution, said that „the thing that but this dragon uses/gives Zhuyao bets is somewhat strange, uses/gives does Zhuyao bet?” 玄牝小和尚眼珠一转,说道,“但这位龙施主要赌的东西有些古怪,施主要赌么?” What bets?” “赌什么?” king Zhenfei the sheep does not know, strange say/way. 王靕飞羊作不知,奇道。 Bets this!” “赌这个!” Clown dragon Huanghuang own buttocks. 小丑龙晃晃自己的屁股。 I go ~ “我去~” king Zhenfei eyes one bright, said with a smile, bet this in the dream? Good, the father adds a stick!” 王靕飞眼睛一亮,笑道,“在梦里赌这个?好,老子加一棒!” How does key bet?” “关键是怎么赌?” The profound female lesser monk scratched the head. 玄牝小和尚挠头了。 „Isn't that simple?” “那还不简单?” king Zhenfei shows a faint smile, in the hand always rouses at the same time, places itself in front , said that „, only need sounds the drum, the time that the sound that who knocks, knocks is long, who...... loses!” 王靕飞微微一笑,手中平生一面鼓,放在自己面前,说道,“只消敲响鼓,谁敲的响,敲的时间长,谁就……输!” Good, good ~ “好,好~” The clown dragon liked, beckons, at the same time the big drum appears before oneself, the exciting say/way, father won!” 小丑龙欢喜了,一招手,一面大鼓出现在自己面前,兴奋道,“老子赢定了!” Donor dragon ~ “龙施主~” The profound female lesser monk reminded, long that the sound that who knocked, knocked, who lost!” 玄牝小和尚提醒道,“谁敲的响,敲的长,谁就输啊!” I go ~ “我去~” The clown dragon awakened, the anger exclaimed, how was this possible?” 小丑龙醒悟过来了,怒吼道,“这怎么可能?” Yes ~ “是啊~” king Zhenfei said with a smile dreadfully, how, or to bet?” 王靕飞猥琐一笑道,“要不怎么赌呢?” Also good ~ “也好~” The profound female lesser monk puts out a hand, the intention moves, really also the drum gives birth, he said with a smile, first reached an agreement, did not allow to cheat, who cheated who lost.” 玄牝小和尚伸手,心念一动间,果然也有一面鼓生出,他笑道,“先说好啊,不允许作弊,谁作弊谁就输。” „It is not right ~ “不对啊~” The clown dragon draws out the brow to say suddenly suddenly, father , if motionless, how could it not be to lose?” 小丑龙忽然又骤起眉头道,“老子若是不动,岂不就不会输?” Hehe ~ “嘿嘿~” The profound female lesser monk not owing abdomen is black, during the speeches shows a faint smile, a female dragon appeared...... 玄牝小和尚不亏腹黑,说话间微微一笑,一条母龙出现了…… Thank everyone enthusiastic support, everyone while beginning subscription, do not forget helps the 3 d highest place in hanun propagandize on, micro blog, trill and quick worker and other channels, thanked again 感谢大家热情支持,大家在起点订阅的同时,别忘了在、微博、抖音和快手等渠道上帮探花宣传,再次感谢了 Likes cultivating the god to leak Immortal World to ask everyone to collect:() Repairs the god to leak the Immortal World refresh rate entire network to be quickest. 喜欢修神外传仙界篇请大家收藏:()修神外传仙界篇更新速度全网最快。
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