LCGIR :: Volume #53

#5262: 2 seal divine envoy to walk into a trap

What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Jiu Xia puzzled say/way. 九夏不解道。 Seals divine envoy!” “封神使!” Jaded-Document Lei Ting exclaimed crazily, two sealed the divine envoy war to our dark spirit spaces.” 玉牒雷霆狂吼道,“两个封神使大战到咱们的暗灵空间了。” I...... I go ~ “我……我去~” Always peaceful landslide in before, but color invariable Jiu Xia also shouted lowly, this was also too inconceivable?” 一向泰山崩于前而色不变的九夏也低呼道,“这也太不可思议了吧?” Roar roar ~ “吼吼~” The Jaded-Document Celestial anger exclaimed, pinched to seal divine envoy!” 玉牒天人怒吼道,“捏死封神使!” Haha ~ “哈哈~” Numerous Jaded Document clone laughs saying that good, I and others pinched to seal divine envoy!!” 玉牒分身大笑道,“不错,我等去捏死封神使!!” Saying, numerous Jaded Document clone leads Jiu Xia and other simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform to arrive at beyond the dark spirit space...... 说着,众玉牒分身带着九夏等齐齐来到暗灵空间之外…… And said that Xu Zhi with sealing the divine envoy dogfight, more war more feels the heart startled, this sealed divine envoy from completely to be previously different, just that god god completely depended upon the day to punish divine lance and to seal/confer Shenlei light/only, the marksmanship almost did not have the methodicalness, does not have any plans, but this time sealing divine envoy marksmanship was exquisite, in fighting with all might uses the impatience of Xu Zhi, nearly assassinated under Xu Zhi in Tianfa divine lance several times. 且说徐志跟封神使缠斗,越战越感觉心惊,这个封神使跟先前完全不同,刚刚那个神神完全依靠天罚神矛和封神雷光,枪法几乎没有章法,更没有什么心机,而此时的封神使枪法精湛,拼杀中更是利用徐志的心急,几次险些将徐志刺杀于天罚神矛之下。 Also owed Wangcai to eat three days to punish divine lance, the honored day Star Territory corps snatched the secret of taichao star Yu Hexin congealing star space, Xu Zhi evaded the dead tribulation. 也亏了旺财吃了三个天罚神矛,钧天星域战队抢了太昭星宇和歆凝星宇的天机,徐志才堪堪避过死劫。 However, Xu Zhi was also sealed divine envoy to compel unbearably, west east hides escapes like the headless fly. 但是,徐志也被封神使逼得够呛,东躲西逃如同无头苍蝇。 But what is more laughable, seeing with own eyes Xu Zhi must escape to technical Star Territory, that divine envoy does not pursue, turns around directly, this causes the Xu Zhi rotation, really like cat play mouse. 而更为可笑的是,眼见徐志要逃向科技星域,那封神使也不追,直接转身,这又引得徐志回转,着实如同猫戏老鼠。 Saw with own eyes that the divine envoy day punishes divine lance to sweep away to come, to seal/confer Shenlei is only similar to the tsunami, oneself will avoid the place to block, helpless Xu Zhi has to have the day to punish divine lance to keep off hardly. 眼见封神使天罚神矛横扫而来,封神雷光如同海啸,将自己躲避之处皆是封死,徐志无奈只好挺起天罚神矛硬挡。 Bang ~ “轰~” Nothing accident/surprise, Xu Zhi was punished divine lance to hit by the day flies upside down, but when he wants to depart toward left, seals the divine envoy figure in a flash, the day punishes divine lance to puncture directly. 没有任何意外,徐志被天罚神矛打得倒飞,而就在他想要向左飞出时,封神使身形一晃,天罚神矛直接刺出。 Xu Zhi thinks the right rear to avoid with the lance shadow, ~ unexpected, his figure falls into an invisible space entrance. 徐志随着矛影想右后方躲避,“噗~”猝不及防下,他的身形落入一个无形的空间入口。 Xu Zhi just fell, all around gives birth immediately the waterdrop falls the wok with cooking oil incites ~ sound! 徐志刚刚落入,四周立即生出水滴落油锅的“滋啦啦~”声响! Qi of Dark Spirit??” 暗灵之气??” Xu Zhi gawked greatly, the startled say/way, how will here have the Dark Spirit World channel?” 徐志大愣了,惊慌道,“这里怎么会有暗灵界的通道?” Roar ~ “吼~” What a pity, does not wait for Xu Zhi to think, seals divine envoy to follow, in the mouth is roaring, the day punishes the divine lance vigorous thorn. 可惜,根本不等徐志多想,封神使尾随而至,口中怒吼着,天罚神矛疾刺。 Xu Zhi is helpless, can only draws back war. 徐志无奈,只能边退边战。 Rumbling ~ “轰轰~” Looked again two days punish divine lance to hit in channel the place of barrier, did not have previously the unsurpassed power and influence again, understood at a glance that here did not admire the congealing star space. 再看两个天罚神矛打在通道的壁垒之处,再没有先前无上的威势,一看就知道此处不是歆凝星宇。 However, sealing the divine envoy god god is also different from Xu Zhi, above his cape the flashing black glimmer, blocks Qi of Dark Spirit. 但是,封神使神神又跟徐志不同,他的斗篷之上闪动玄色微光,生生将暗灵之气挡住。 Damn ~ “该死~” Xu Zhi furious calling out, god god, you to seal divine envoy, this/should frankly and uprightly, your I fight with all might flaunt the method respectively am, why also despicable dark hand under this inside cloth?” 徐志怒不可遏的叫道,“神神,你既为封神使,就该光明正大,你我拼杀各逞手段就是,为何还在这里布下卑鄙的暗手?” Hehe ~ “嘿嘿~” Seals divine envoy god god coldly smiled, said, I no doubt am the taichao star space, admire the congealing star Yu Heyu faint star space to seal divine envoy, but I have also expected honored day Star Territory that you are at to win streak two, thinks early you may resist with my chamber here, therefore I also ambush under this low-quality cloth, will otherwise you fight with me??” 神使神神冷冷一笑,说道,“我固然是太昭星宇、歆凝星宇和玉微星宇封神使,但我也早就料到你所在的钧天星域能连胜两场,也早想到伱可能会在这里跟我分庭抗争,所以我也早在此次布下埋伏,否则你会跟我一战??” Arrived at this time, why to say so many again?” “到得此时,何必再说那么多?” You take the life to come!” “你拿命来吧!” Whiz whiz ~ “嗖嗖~” Seals the divine envoy god god to wave day to punish divine lance, he was not affected by Qi of Dark Spirit, spear/gun spear pierces to the Xu Zhi strategic point. 神使神神舞动天罚神矛,他根本不受暗灵之气影响,枪枪刺向徐志要害。 Xu Zhi is different, he no doubt is four star spaces seals divine envoy, but he in Dark Spirit World is general Immortal, Qi of Dark Spirit corrodes his Immortal Body always, even if the day punishes some divine lance thunder light to be dim. 徐志不同,他固然是四星宇封神使,可他在暗灵界就是一般的仙人,暗灵之气无时无刻不腐蚀他的仙躯,即便是天罚神矛都有些雷光黯淡。 Roar roar ~ “吼吼~” However, is sealing divine envoy to fight in two luxurious, in the world resounds the sound of thundering suddenly. 然而,正在两个封神使酣斗间,天地间忽然响起轰鸣之声。 Xu Zhi and god god one startled, quickly looks to all around. 徐志和神神一惊,急忙看向四周。 But sees in trillion li (0.5 km), the innumerable dark spirit beasts depart, the positions of these dark spirit beasts are scattered and organized, as they appear, strength of the seal gives birth immediately. 但见亿万里之内,无数暗灵兽飞出,这些暗灵兽的位置错落有致,随着它们出现,一股封印之力随即生出。 The strength of this seal facing the thing of any non- dark spirit, even seals divine envoy to be fearful and apprehensive. 这封印之力面对任何非暗灵之物,即便是封神使都心惊肉跳。 „Not good ~ “不好~” Looks at the shape, if the outline lightning flash formation of bat, seals the divine envoy god god to take the bull by the horns, turns around to escape. 看着状若夜燕的轮廓电闪般形成,封神使神神当机立断,转身就逃。 However, what making him be startled, in he turns the head, the space channel disappears in invisible, the strength of seal such as the wind, but. 但是,让他魂飞天外的是,就在他转头间,空间通道消于无形,封印之力如风而至。 Hehe ~ “嘿嘿~” At this time, stands Jaded-Document Celestial beyond dark spirit space complacent looks at the divine envoy god god, sneers saying that arrived at some palm, do you also want to escape?” 此时,站在暗灵空间之外的玉牒天人得意洋洋的看着封神使神神,冷笑道,“都到了某家手心儿,你还想逃么?” Kills ~ “杀~” Saying, Jaded-Document Dá dragon claw searches to sealing the divine envoy god god grasps. 说着,玉牒龘龙爪一探就要将封神使神神抓死。 Not anxious ~ “莫急~” Jiu Xia quickly prevents, said, this feared is the arrangement of beloved, I and others had a look again.” 九夏急忙阻止,说道,“这怕是萧郎的安排,我等再看看。” Also good, good ~ “也好,也好~” Jaded-Document Dá said embarrasedly, „, since to our palm, but also feared that he did run inadequately?” 玉牒龘讪讪说道,“既然到了咱们手心儿,还怕他跑了不成?” Damn, damn ~ “该死,该死~” Seals the divine envoy god god naturally not to know these, it scolded two lowly, waved day to punish divine lance, wanted to tear to pieces the strength of seal strongly. 神使神神自然不知道这些,它低骂两声,舞动天罚神矛,竭力想要撕破封印之力。 Jiu Xia said right, this Dark Spirit World great array truly is the arrangement of Xiao Hua. 九夏说的没错,这暗灵界大阵确实是萧华的安排。 Little Night departs from Guatemalan moon/month mi day spirit, looks that two seal divine envoy, said complacently: Master said right, is really the heaven has group of you not to walk, is the hell impossible you to rush? Child, come, kills to father!!” 小夜自危月蒾天灵阵中飞出,看着两个封神使,得意洋洋道:“老爷说的没错,果然是天堂有路你们不走,地狱无门你们闯进来?孩儿们,来,给老子杀!!” Xu Zhi ~ 徐志~” Seals the divine envoy god god to see that immediately said, your I seal divine envoy, how can die in the hands of these dark spirit beasts? Your I jointly how??” 神使神神见状,立即说道,“你我都是封神使,怎么能死在这些暗灵兽的手中?你我联手如何??” How...... what's the matter?” “怎……怎么回事儿?” Xu Zhi was confused, strange say/way, this is not you arranges? Is it possible that what schemes and tricks are you...... making??” 徐志一头雾水了,奇道,“这不是你安排的么?莫非你……又在弄什么阴谋诡计??” Xu Zhi does not certainly know that the Xiao Hua space also has Dark Spirit World, does not know Little Night. 徐志当然不知道萧华的空间还有暗灵界,更不认识小夜 Sees with own eyes so, Jiu Xia moves at heart, said to Jaded-Document Wen Qu in a low voice: Also asked Sect Leader Third Master to explain with Little Night, made it injure accidentally Xu Zhi, as for Xu Zhi, first does not need to explain, and looked how he dealt.” 眼见如此,九夏心里一动,低声对玉牒文曲道:“还请掌教三老爷小夜说明,莫让它误伤徐志,至于徐志嘛,先不必说明,且看他如何应对。” Jaded-Document Wen Qu understands that the meaning of Jiu Xia, said with a smile: summer big the military strategist wants to let Xu Zhi and seals divine envoy to collaborate, is then unprepared while divine envoy, informs the Xu Zhi truth, making him seal divine envoy to kill?” 玉牒文曲明白九夏的意思,笑道:“夏大军师是想让徐志和封神使联手,而后趁封神使不备,告知徐志真相,让他将封神使杀了?” Right ~ “对~” Jiu Xia said with a nod. 九夏点头道 Ok ~ “算了吧~” Jaded-Document Wen Qu shakes the head saying that Xu Zhi is the frank person, under his absolutely not meeting dark hand, especially in this dominant situation, we do not watch the fun, outside also has the war!” 玉牒文曲摇头道,“徐志是光明磊落之人,他断不会下暗手,特别是在这种占优势的情况下,咱们也别看热闹了,外面还有大战呢!” Has a look ~ “看看吧~” Jiu Xia said, beloved eradicates loses the technique of moving also to need some time greatly.” 九夏说道,“萧郎破除大遗迁之术还需要一段时间。” Jaded-Document Wen Qu according to idea line , development not as he expected, when Xu Zhi and seals the divine envoy god god to collaborate, fights luxurious, Jaded-Document Wen Qu gives Xu Zhi to send greetings suddenly. 玉牒文曲依计而行,果然,事情的发展并没有出乎他的预料,当得徐志和封神使神神联手,正酣斗间,玉牒文曲忽然给徐志传音。 „?” “啊?” Xu Zhi at the scene, him has a look at all around immediately, shouted lowly, really?” 徐志当即就愣在当场,他看看四周,低呼道,“真的?” Thank everyone enthusiastic support, everyone while beginning subscription, do not forget helps the 3 d highest place in hanun propagandize on, micro blog, trill and quick worker and other channels, thanked again 感谢大家热情支持,大家在起点订阅的同时,别忘了在、微博、抖音和快手等渠道上帮探花宣传,再次感谢了 Likes cultivating the god to leak Immortal World to ask everyone to collect:() Repairs the god to leak the Immortal World refresh rate entire network to be quickest. 喜欢修神外传仙界篇请大家收藏:()修神外传仙界篇更新速度全网最快。
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