KI :: Volume #23

#2215: Stave feeling

Was worried this matter will become two people heart knots, has not thought that was only wants. 原本担心此事会成为两人的心结,没想到只是自己想多了。 Zu An business the red snapper will hug into the bosom, two people were recounting matter that these days had respectively. 祖安将商红鱼搂入怀中,两人述说着这些日子各自发生的事情。 Business the red snapper pear flower belt/bring rain, is joined to the opposite party again now dressing up of widow, annoys the person to take pity on seriously especially. 商红鱼梨花带雨,再配上对方现在未亡人的装扮,当真是格外惹人怜惜。 Zu An looked to be able not help to kiss the teardrops on her cheek. 祖安看得都情不自禁吻上了她面颊上的泪珠。 The tears of merpeople fall to the ground will become the pearl, before declining, in Cultivation World is very precious refiner refining medicine raw material, others want drop of merpeople tears is not very easy, but Zu An can hold eating now directly. 人鱼的眼泪落地就会成为珍珠,没落地前在修行界则是很珍贵的炼器炼药原料,其他人想要得到一滴人鱼眼泪十分不易,但祖安如今能直接抱着吃。 Itchy......” business the red snapper somewhat was moved, by the movement of opposite party was actually made on the face floats rouge gradually, even breathed several points rapidly. “痒……”商红鱼本来还有些伤感,却被对方的动作弄得脸上渐渐浮上一层胭脂,连呼吸都急促了几分。 Two people look at each other one, saw the speechless hope from the eyes of opposite party. 两人对视一眼,都从对方的眼中看到了无言的渴望。 The quick kiss in one, between two mature men and women did not need other too many flowers to be skillful, all are that successful. 很快吻在了一起,两个成熟男女之间并不需要太多其他花巧,一切都是那么水到渠成。 Separated a while, business the red snapper unties the waist ribbon, wants to slip off the clothes, just revealed the shoulder then to be prevented by Zu An: Do not escape, this is more attractive.” 隔了一会儿,商红鱼解开腰间丝带,想将衣服褪下,刚露出肩头便被祖安阻止:“别脱,这样更好看。” Business the red snapper is startled slightly, subsequently responded, whipped his chest charmingly angry: Your quality ~ 商红鱼微微一怔,继而反应过来,娇嗔地拍打了一下他的胸膛:“你好坏~” Although on mouth in the blame opposite party, but in her heart does not have the least bit to be discontented, on the contrary resulted in the heart thump thump to jump by opposite party saying belt/bring, an eye soon drops the water leakage. 虽然嘴上在责备对方,但她心中却并没有半点不满,相反被对方这一说带得心头怦怦直跳,一双眼睛都快要滴出水来。 ...... …… And said that Shang Liuyu to next door, the maidservant prepares after the seabed warm spring water, then makes them draw back, she is not familiar with so to be taken care. 且说商留鱼到了隔壁,侍女准备好海底温泉水过后,便让她们退下,她并不习惯被人这般服侍。 Slips off the clothes, reveals perfect stature that these statues looked at must envy, Shang Liuyu suddenly complexion one red, now and next door suffers such nearly, Ah Zu divine thought is so powerful, now to be looked up by him? 褪下衣裳,露出了那些雕像看了都要嫉妒的完美身材,商留鱼忽然脸色一红,如今和隔壁挨得这么近,阿祖神念那么强大,现在岂不是被他看光了? However she denied this guess immediately, although Ah Zu that fellow somewhat good- color problem, does the matter of that dirty lower reaches. 不过她马上否定了这个猜测,阿祖那家伙虽然有些好-色的毛病,干出那种龌龊下流的事。 clear(ly) knows here oneself came to bathe to change clothes, here he will not emit divine thought to come. 明知道自己来这边沐浴更衣,他绝不会放出神念来这边。 The whole person soaks in the hot spring, her palm holds deep hot water, irrigates gently on the arm. 整个人浸泡在温泉之中,她手心捧起一泓热水,轻轻浇在胳膊上。 Thinks graves of when the ten thousand dragon open, the people of entire sea clan are defending outside, the opposite party will have held the situation in bosom, she then somewhat is difficult to bear charming. 想到万龙之墓打开时,整个海族的人都在外面守着,对方一直将自己抱在怀中的情形,她便有些娇羞难当。 Afterward the Ah Zu release pressure, shocked entire sea clan expert to worship on bended knees to salute, was held the in the air situation as if to have a dream general by him...... 后来阿祖释放威压,震慑整个海族高手跪拜行礼,被他抱到空中的情形仿佛在做梦一般…… When excited, the mermaid tail has appeared, is whipping the warm spring water gently, obviously master is especially happy. 激动之余,美人鱼尾巴已经显现出来,轻轻拍打着温泉水,显然主人的心情格外不错。 Aiya, does not know that he can misunderstand. 哎呀,也不知道他会不会误会。 Thinks that just Big Sister teased the own words, Shang Liuyu then somewhat shames embarrassedly. 想到刚刚姐姐打趣自己的话,商留鱼便有些羞窘。 She knows that Big Sister is good for her, seems facilitating two people relations intentionally, but always felt too desirably. 她知道姐姐是为了她好,似乎故意在促成两人的关系,可是总觉得太刻意了些。 But between she and Zu An, although is symmetric by the sister and brother, but where in does the world have to have such close sister and brother? 而她和祖安之间,虽然是以姐弟相称,但世上有哪有这样亲密的姐弟? But must say is the lover, always thought that missed anything. 可要说是恋人,又总觉得差了点什么。 I knew obviously his time grew so many compared with Big Sister, why Big Sister can so with him in the same place, oneself actually only be able to be swayed by personal gains and losses naturally here. 明明我认识他的时间比姐姐长了那么多,为什么姐姐能如此自然而然和他在一起,自己却只能在这里患得患失呢。 Is don't tell me the Big Sister driving reason? 难道姐姐主动的缘故? Ah Zu that fellow is not truly good at rejecting the person, let alone Big Sister is so more beautiful. 阿祖那家伙确实不擅长拒绝人,更何况姐姐那么美。 Yeah, is I and Big Sister temper is different, I may be unable to achieve her such, is only thinks to feel ashamed. 哎,可是我和姐姐性子不一样啊,我可做不到她那样,光是想想就羞人。 At this moment, the next door transmitted a deliberately depressing resounding sound suddenly, a merpeople clan was good at the temperament with singing, was very sensitive to the sound. 就在这时,隔壁忽然传来了一声刻意压抑的高亢之音,人鱼一族都擅长音律与歌唱,对声音十分敏感。 The Big Sister timbre is very beautiful, in the past the elders of merpeople clan had praised her. 姐姐的音色十分美,当年人鱼族的长老都夸赞过她。 If studies the temperament to have together inevitably is as good as the own achievement. 若是专攻音律一道必然有不亚于自己的成就。 Wait, she sang suddenly, and was at this time? 等等,她怎么忽然唱起歌来了,而且是这种时候? Shang Liuyu curious, raised up the ear to listen carefully. 商留鱼好奇之下,竖起耳朵仔细听了起来。 In the quick hot spring that was similar to the jade carving common pure white clear body naked eye to float off obviously wiped the claret-red color. 很快温泉之中那如同玉雕一般洁白晶莹的身体肉眼可见地浮起了一抹酒红之色。 Which that is singing, clearly is...... 那哪是在唱歌呀,分明是…… Big Sister is really, how long I just now leave, with him...... such. 姐姐真是,我才刚离开多久啊,就和他……那样了。 She bites the lip unrestrainedly, these two fellows clearly know that I bathe here, has not had scruples. 她情不自禁地咬了咬嘴唇,这两个家伙明知道我在这边沐浴,是一点都没有顾忌啊。 A point that before difficult to be inadequate I really became them, to play? 难不成我真成了他们之前游戏的一环? Rage Points from Shang Liuyu + 119 + 119 + 119...... 来自商留鱼愤怒值…… Zu An of next door detected that this series of Rage Points, he responded immediately Shang Liuyu heard here all. 隔壁的祖安察觉到这一连串愤怒值,他立马反应过来商留鱼听见了这边的一切。 But he really somewhat cannot stop, white plain clothes, a special visual impact strength, moreover when business red snapper that voice seems singing each time with emotions general, just like bugle that a stream of makes him charge. 可他真的有些停不下来啊,洁白素净的衣裳,有一种特别的视觉冲击力,而且商红鱼每次动情时那声音仿佛在歌唱一般,犹如一道道让他冲锋的号角。 Is most heroic the powerful soldier as the world, how could at this time also to have the least bit to flinch. 身为世上最英勇强大的战士,这种时候又岂能有半点退缩。 Beautiful solemn merpeople Queen is the both eyes pupil loses the focal distance at this time, loses thoroughly under the opposite party powerful incomparable offensive, a whole person brain blank, is unable to ponder anything, but the instinct reduces and solves the opposite party with own gently fierce brave. 美丽端庄的人鱼王后此时更是双目瞳孔失去焦距,彻底迷失在对方强悍无比的攻势下,整个人大脑一片空白,根本无法思考什么,只是本能地用自己的温柔去化解对方的悍勇。 ...... …… Also has not known how long, business the red snapper lay down in the Zu An bosom light- trembling, finally gradually slow, then somewhat the powder fist thrashes the opposite party charmingly: Blames you, making me lose face before the Little Sister.” 也不知道过了多久,商红鱼躺在祖安怀中不停轻-颤着,终于渐渐缓了过来,然后有些娇羞地粉拳捶打对方:“都怪你,让我又在小妹面前丢脸了。” Zu An: „???” 祖安:“???” How I felt that you just made her hear specially?” “我怎么感觉到你刚刚是特意让她听见的呢?” You added!” Business the red snapper is greatly bashful, will wiggle forward in his arms, wishes one could a quilt to bury. “你还说!”商红鱼大羞,在他怀里扭来扭去,恨不得有个被子将自己埋进去。 Zu An haha smiled. 祖安哈哈笑了起来。 Two people heat- saved a while, business the red snapper sets out to wear the clothes: I must first go back, many people know that I look for you, the time of if here staying is too long, will cause the idle talk.” 两人温-存了一会儿,商红鱼起身重新穿好衣裳:“我得先回去了,很多人都知道我来找你,要是在这里停留的时间太长,会引起闲言碎语的。” When Zu An appreciates she is putting on clothes the clothes that graceful curve: „The time that you stay here is not short.” 祖安欣赏着她穿衣裳时那曼妙的曲线:“你在这里停留的时间也不短呀。” Looked that you are self-satisfied.” Business the eye pupil of red snapper wave circulation stared his one eyes, this fellow as if regards a matter that is worth showing off to be common this, the appearance that cares about especially makes her some not understand. “看把你得意的。”商红鱼水波流转的眼眸瞪了他一眼,这家伙似乎把这个当成一个值得炫耀的事情一般,格外在意的样子让她有些不理解。 Although stayed the little while time your here, but I can use a pretext am and you discuss the important matter, even if others have the suspicion not to say anything, but if not turn over to here all night, was the truly solid hammer.” “虽然在你这里多呆了会儿时间,但我可以推说是和你商量大事,别人就算有怀疑也不好说什么,但如果在这里彻夜不归,才是真正实锤了。” Zu An said with a smile: Such being the case, I return to the resting palace with you.” 祖安笑道:“既然如此,那我跟你回寝宫去。” Business the red snapper shakes the head slightly: I will not return to the resting palace today, is managing the things to do after death of Dragon King, according to our here customs, must mourn by the side of the coffin for it for these days, was just only because asked you to leave slightly.” 商红鱼微微摇头:“我今天不会回寝宫,在操持龙王的后事,按照我们这边的规矩,这几天要为其守灵,刚刚只是因为来找你才能稍稍离开。” Outside the graves of ten thousand dragon Zu An pressure, but is unequalled, Queen said that a little matter looks for Zu An to discuss, who dares to block, each and everyone also looks forward to Queen to coax him, so as to avoid the opposite party was in a rage to extinguish the sea clan. 万龙之墓外祖安的威压可是无与伦比的,王后说有点事情找祖安商量,谁敢拦着啊,一个个还巴不得王后将他哄好一点,免得对方一怒之下灭了海族。 I came......” Zu An not saying that was broken by business the red snapper. “那我来……”祖安还没说完,便被商红鱼打断。 „It is not good, mourning hall there has various sea clan Minister path to defend, is not convenient.” Business red snapper cheeks blushes, does not know was just- The rhyme thinks in the mourning hall some pictures. “不行,灵堂那里有海族各路大臣守着,不方便。”商红鱼脸蛋儿发红,不知道是刚刚的余--韵还是想到灵堂中一些画面。 Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……” I said that gives on Dragon King to burn a joss stick, what are you thinking?” “我说去给龙王上炷香,你在想什么?” Business the red snapper greatly is immediately bashful: Your this bastard, plays tricks on me intentionally!” 商红鱼顿时大羞:“你这个坏蛋,故意戏弄我!” Two people created a disturbance a while, business the red snapper suddenly aiya, staring at the clothes is somewhat flustered: Blames you, just wanted me to put on, now above is the fold......” 两人打闹了一会儿,商红鱼忽然哎呀一声,盯着衣裳有些慌张:“都怪你,刚刚非要我穿着,现在上面全是褶皱……” Must know new mourning dress that she just changed, originally bright and clean like jade, can serve as contrast solemn and dignity after clan. 要知道她是刚换上的新孝服,原本光洁如玉,才能衬托出一族之后的端庄与威严。 Finally just this fellow must such, two people engage in fierce battle such for a long time, the clothes have rubbed one group of chaotic. 结果刚刚这家伙非要那样,两人鏖战这么久,衣裳早已揉得一团乱。 By having the important matter and Regent consulted that made the hand underlings leave by far, perhaps in some people of hearts will suspect, but also was only restricted in the suspicion, but her came in neatly, after going out , the clothes were in utter confusion, suspected that can turn into the solid hammer. 之前以有要事和摄政王相商让手底下人离得远远的,也许有人心中会怀疑,但也仅限于怀疑而已,可她一身整洁地进来,出去后衣裳凌乱不堪,怀疑都会变成实锤的。 How makes them know, but I hear some sea clan ministers to urge you to cancel in the discussion indistinctly- directs my.” The Zu An corner of the eye is the happy expression, has saying that business the red snapper puts on this, that shatter tender feeling, is joined to again now is angry lightly thin angry, has a character and style seriously. “让他们知道又如何,我可是隐约听到有些海族大臣在商议劝你来勾-引我的。”祖安眼角全是笑意,不得不说,商红鱼穿上这身,那种破碎怜惜感,再配上如今的轻嗔薄怒,当真是别有一番风情。 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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