KI :: Volume #23

#2216: Empress

„, Did you hear?” Business the red snapper somewhat shames embarrassedly, these fellow each and everyone are to never revere, a mind filled with only considered that sea clan benefit, really irritates me!” “啊,你都听到了?”商红鱼不禁有些羞窘,“那些家伙一个个为老不尊,满脑子只考虑海族利益,真的是气死我了!” Before various respected family some Patriarch and old people and so on looked for her in secret, first was the pretense comforted her, making her restrain grief, even after also enlightened her, must make the plan for own happily. 之前各大家族一些族长、耆老之类的私底下找她,先是假模假样安慰了她一下,让她节哀,甚至还开导她以后要为自己的幸福做打算。 Business some red snapper originally vitality/angry, but also after thinking Dragon King died, these fellow audacious in the extreme to have the thoughts to her unexpectedly. 商红鱼本来有些生气,还以为龙王死后那些家伙竟然胆大包天对她起了心思。 Who knows that these people then also various types suggested vaguely Zu An is young, is world strength extremely, if supports that side Human Race and Monster Race, the situation big disadvantage of sea clan. 谁知道那些人接下来又各种隐晦暗示祖安年轻英俊,又是世间绝顶的战力,如果支持人族妖族那边,海族的形势就会大大的不利。 But Zu An had the obligation to the sea clan, needs properly to repay him and so on, only pitifully now in the sea clan with he related well on the Queen sisters. 祖安本来对海族有大恩,需要好好报答他云云,只可惜如今海族中与他关系好的就王后姐妹了。 Although everyone said vaguely, but how she cannot listen to the meanings of these people, clarifying is lets her color- tempts Zu An, such sea clan can also be looked, at least in the future and Human Race and Monster Race will have the conflict, Zu An can also two not help. 虽然大家都说得隐晦,但她又如何听不出那些人的意思,摆明了是让她色-诱祖安,这样海族也能得到照拂,至少将来和人族妖族起了冲突,祖安也能两不相帮。 At that time was unbearable on her anger. 当时就把她气得够呛。 Must know that these days she has walked randomly in the life and death edge, initially was chased down by the subordinate of evil spirit, the accident of sorts bumped into Zu An. 要知道这些日子她一直游走在生死边缘,当初被妖魔的手下追杀,机缘巧合才碰上了祖安 Afterward to win evil spirit trust, even has to sacrifice purely- naturally as it now seems that was not the sacrifice, with Zu An together truly was the matter that enjoyed very wonderfully, but she paid too many are too many. 后来为了取得妖魔信任,甚至不得不牺牲清白-当然现在看来那也不算牺牲,和祖安一起确实是一件十分美妙享受的事,但她付出的已经太多太多了。 Result these fellow what do not serve as from beginning to end, finally thanked Zu An also to with her work as the sacrificial victim, what wasn't generous others indignant is? 结果这些家伙从头到尾啥都不用做,最后感谢祖安也要拿她去当牺牲品,不是慷他人之慨又是什么? She is willing with Zu An in the same place, to be among two people the sentiment to that everyone your sentiment I hope, what if in the mixture these interest factors are? 她愿意和祖安在一起,是两人之间感情到了那一步了,大家你情我愿,如果夹杂上这些利益因素又算什么? If Zu An knows after these motives, how also to think him? 若是祖安知道这些动机过后,又会如何想他? Therefore her anger leaves in a huff in the mourning hall that side directly, looked for Zu An and younger sister chats to relax, who would have guessed that chatted to chat to chat in the table, window, wall...... 所以在灵堂那边她气得直接拂袖而去,原本来找祖安和妹妹聊聊天散散心,哪知道聊着聊着就聊到桌上、窗台上、墙上……去了。 Yeah, if made these fellows know, how referred to erratically behind to laugh at me. 哎,要是让那些家伙知道了,指不定背后怎么笑我呢。 The superficial upper garment properly, has not delivered on own initiative...... 表面上装得正经,还不是主动来送…… Feels this time mood, a Zu An brow wrinkle: „Before it seems like, I was too gentle to them, dares to force you unexpectedly.” 感受到她此时的情绪,祖安眉头一皱:“看来之前我还是对他们太温柔了啊,竟然还敢逼迫你。” Business the red snapper has a scare, quickly urged: Actually does not blame them, trading to do is my words, can offer this bad plan for the sea clan mostly, should not be angry.” 商红鱼吓了一跳,急忙劝道:“其实也不怪他们,换作是我的话,多半为了海族也会出此下策的,你不要生气了。” If because of the own reason, causes Zu An and sea clan begins conflict- naturally definitely is unilaterally beats, she may rebuke oneself. 若是因为自己的缘故,导致祖安和海族再起冲突-当然肯定是单方面殴打,那她可就自责了。 Zu An said solemnly: Whom do you plan to set up for the new king?” 祖安沉声道:“你们打算立谁为新的王?” Business the red snapper shakes the head slightly: Because before Dragon King aware prime of life, therefore has not set up Crown Prince, now his several sons have the opportunity, behind each has a group of supporters, everyone's influence is well-matched, who will work as newly king another one group of person not obedience, therefore now continuously stiff there.” 商红鱼微微摇头:“因为之前龙王自觉春秋鼎盛,所以并没有立太子,如今他好几个儿子都有机会,每个后面都有一批支持者,大家的势力旗鼓相当,谁当新王另一拨人都不会服众,所以如今一直僵在了那里。” This does not need to feel embarrassed, you work as the new king and that's the end.” Zu An said with a smile. “这个不必为难,你来当新王就是了。”祖安笑着说道。 If she has the son and so on, can prop up the high-rank actually, but she does not have the child, with its holds other Dragon King these sons, might as well holds her high-rank directly. 如果她有儿子之类的,倒是可以扶植上位,但她并没有孩子,与其扶龙王其他那些儿子上来,还不如直接扶她上位。 I? My women, incorrect incorrect.” Business the red snapper has a scare, the head swings is common with the rattle-drum. “我?我一介女流,不行的不行的。”商红鱼吓了一跳,头摇得跟拨浪鼓一般。 „It is not why good, who said that the woman can't work as the king? In this world had many queens, for example a Medusa clan, azure mound Fox Race, your merpeople clan, is always the woman works as the king.” Zu An is saying while walks to go forward to help her reorganize the fold the clothes, his hand as if there is charm, has caressed gently, then can originally the wrinkled clothes again ironing. “为什么不行,谁说女人就不能当王?这世上本来就有很多女王,比如美杜莎一族,青丘狐族,还有你们人鱼一族,向来就是女人当王。”祖安一边说着一边走上前帮她整理褶皱的衣裳,他的手仿佛有魔力,轻轻抚过,便能将原本皱巴巴的衣裳重新熨平。 These after all are minority cases, how could my female to work as the king like sea clan so huge Empire, these Prince definitely meet first opposed, they so many supporters will definitely also raise a rumpus behind.” Business the voice of red snapper speech somewhat shivers, the hand of opposite party caressed on her clothes every inchs, seems to have had the electric current to wind through, making her body be able not help is also soft. “这些毕竟是少数个例,像海族如此庞大的帝国我一个女子又岂能当王,那些王子肯定会第一时间反对,他们身后那么多支持者肯定也会闹翻天。”商红鱼说话的声音都有些颤抖,对方的手抚过她衣服上每一寸,仿佛有电流流过,让她身子情不自禁又软了下来。 When the mind appears was conquered various fluttering flags, she sighed this fellow secretly is really the demon star. 脑海中浮现出被征服时的各种旖旎,她暗叹一声这家伙真是个魔星。 Behind each Prince has the supporter?” Zu An chuckle, as if does not care at all, I, no matter other person of Prince who is supporting, I only support you, is the key you do want?” “每个王子后面有支持者?”祖安轻笑一声,似乎毫不在意,“我不管其他人王子到底谁在支持,我只支持你,关键是你愿不愿意?” Hears his words, business the red snapper deeply inspires, in the heart is also the difficult situation. 听到他的话,商红鱼深吸一口气,心中也是惊涛骇浪。 She is sea clan Queen, the vision nature is outstanding, before was only had not considered worked as queen option, but now by him, as soon as reminded, responded immediately this road was truly accepted. 她毕竟是海族王后,眼界自然不同凡响,以前只是没考虑过当女王这个选项,但如今被他一提醒,立马反应过来此路确实行得通。 Must know that these years she receives the sea clansman to love and respect, although are many her own truly virtuous behavior, has helped the reasons of many, but what is more important she is Queen. 要知道这些年她之所以受海族人爱戴和尊敬,虽然不乏她自己确实贤德,帮助过很多人的原因,但更重要的是她是王后 Now Dragon King has died, she also does not have the heir, in the future who will really respect her again? 如今龙王已死,她又没有子嗣,将来谁又真的再尊重她? After new king Dengji, places her in the deep palace, maintained the formality in surface to be good. 新王登基过后,将她安置在深宫中,保持表面上的礼节就已经不错了。 This time each minister in the mourning hall had said with her in private the words are the evident proof. 这次在灵堂之中各个大臣私下和她说过的话就是明证。 In all person eyes, she is a chip, an attractive chip, can be used to ask for the Zu An favor at any time. 在所有人眼中,她就是一个筹码,一个漂亮的筹码,可以随时用来讨祖安欢心。 This time is Zu An but actually, after all two people have been perfectly suited to each other, but if next time will be others? 这次是祖安倒也罢了,毕竟两人早已情投意合,可如果下次是别人呢? When the time comes the Human Race Monster Race even Beyond the Heavens evil spirit invasion, they see the opposite party powerful and good- color, will be will push out her? 到时候人族妖族甚至天外妖魔入侵,他们见对方强大又好-色,是不是又会将她推出去? Besides her, younger sister own is in the sea clan famous big beauty, a merpeople clan is also well-known by the beautiful appearance, if various large clans let them when the time comes for the benefit sacrifice of entire sea clan, when the time comes what to do that can? 除了她之外,自己的妹妹也是海族中出名的大美人儿,人鱼一族全都是以美貌闻名,如果到时候各大族让她们为了整个海族的利益牺牲,那到时候又能怎么办? A person is each time sad, looks for Ah Zu to cry again? 每次一个人伤心愤怒,再找阿祖哭鼻子么? No, cannot so! 不,绝不能如此! own destiny take responsibility is good, cannot have today in the mourning hall again this matter. 自己的命运自己做主才行,绝不能再发生今天灵堂上这种事情。 Let alone Ah Zu side what beautiful woman does not have, before had not known his time has listened to various love matters about Regent, without exception these females are in world top characters. 更何况阿祖身边什么样的美人没有,之前还没认识他的时候就听过关于摄政王的各种风流韵事,无一例外那些女子都是世间顶尖的人物。 If oneself do not have the sea clan Queen title, without the own influence, will compete with these females in the future? 如果自己没有海族王后的头衔,没有自己的势力,将来怎么和那些女子竞争? Drew back 10,000 steps saying that even if did not struggle with these people, so long as in my hand control the sea clan, can still help Ah Zu be more in the future. 退一万步说,就算不和那些人争,只要我手里掌控着海族,将来也能帮到阿祖更多。 He was when tired outside, here can become him to take shelter from wind momentarily the family/home and harbor of rest. 什么时候他在外面累了,这里随时都能成为他避风休息的家和港湾。 Thinks of here, her look strengthens: Good, I want!” 想到这里,她的眼神坚定起来:“好,我愿意!” Zu An smiled immediately: Then right.” 祖安顿时笑了:“这才对嘛。” Feels his vision, business on red snapper face a heat: Currently also has an issue, why that is others will be curious you to support me, after all this reason will be deciding which situation you support me.” 感受到他的目光,商红鱼脸上一热:“现在还有个问题,那就是人家会好奇你为何会支持我,毕竟这个原因会决定着你支持我到哪个地步。” Them told directly you are my woman, infinite support.” Zu An could not bear and held in the arms her, business the body of red snapper is soft and fragrant, is hugging quite comfortably. “直接跟他们说你是我的女人,无限支持。”祖安忍不住又搂住了她,商红鱼的身子又软又香,抱着相当舒服。 Clothes just scraped down, do not wrinkle again.” Business the red snapper looked at his one eyes charmingly angry, „the present public words some are inappropriate, after all now Dragon King just dies, Dragon King these years are quite prestigious in the sea clan, the words that such spoke directly, do not favor then me taking over control of the sea clan, moreover is not quite so good to your reputation.” “衣服刚弄平,别再皱了。”商红鱼娇嗔地看了他一眼,“现在公开的话有些不合适,毕竟如今龙王刚死,龙王这些年在海族还是相当有威望的,直接那样说的话,不利于接下来我接管海族,而且那样对你的名声也不太好。” Zu An smiles: My reputation is ruined, heard that world spread many me and Little Demon Empress the story between Human Race Empress, does not care to be many this is the same. However you said is reasonable, first does not announce for the time being.” 祖安笑了笑:“我的名声早就糟透了,听说世间流传了好多我和小妖后人族皇后之间的故事,也不在乎多这一样。不过你说的有道理,暂且先不公布吧。” Business red snapper faint smile: These rumors really or false.” 商红鱼似笑非笑:“那些传言是真的还是假的啊。” The Zu An face heat, said unclearly: Half real , half fake.” 祖安老脸一热,含糊不清地说道:“半真半假吧。” Oneself have not lied, relations real, but these rumor editions are extremely odd, are many facts in the baseless and irrational concoctions, oneself so completely shameless? 自己倒也没说谎,关系是真的,但那些流言版本太过离谱,很多事迹完全是在胡编乱造,自己有那么无耻么? Business the red snapper also sympathizes has not gotten to the bottom, then said: That said that you and Little Sister are the lover relate, therefore loves it and everything that comes along with it also helps me.” 商红鱼倒也体贴地没有刨根问底,接着说道:“那就说你和小妹是情侣关系,所以爱屋及乌也帮我吧。” Shang Liuyu of next door: „???” 隔壁的商留鱼:“???” Just the next door too was loud, made that she injures accidentally the ear is also useless, rests and cannot fall asleep, has to listen. 原本只是刚刚隔壁实在太大声了些,弄得她误伤耳朵也没用,睡又睡不着,不得不听了。 Un, she will not acknowledge oneself have that little curious, wants to listen...... 嗯,她才不会承认自己也有那么一点点好奇,想听的…… But where her unmarried girl can withstand, is then red in the face quickly, the double pupil is somewhat out of sorts. 只不过她一个黄花闺女哪里经受得住,很快便面红耳赤,双眸都有些失神。 The following some words had not heard clearly, knows that with oneself related, she quickly grasps the meaning of something immediately. 后面有些话都没太听清了,知道和自己有关,她立马一个激灵。 Big Sister this is several meanings, lets one point that I become them to play each time. 姐姐这是几个意思啊,每次让我成为他们游戏的一环。 Your leg, works as shield with me obviously finally now. 明明你俩有一腿,结果现在拿我当挡箭牌。 Doesn't my aunt maternal home, want the reputation? 我一个大姑娘家,不要名声么? Ah Zu should be able to reject...... 阿祖应该会拒绝的吧…… It is not right, will definitely reject, we are the sister and brother. 不对,肯定会拒绝的,我们是姐弟嘛。 The next second really hears Zu An somewhat to hesitate: Like this can be not quite good to her reputation?” 下一秒果然听到祖安有些犹豫:“这样对她名声会不会不太好?” Business red snapper rolled the eyes: „Under you are in the glare of the public eye hug her to come out from the graves of ten thousand dragon, her another was eaten by you wipes the net appearance dry/does, if you did not acknowledge that is not quite good to her reputation.” 商红鱼翻了个白眼:“你众目睽睽之下抱着她从万龙之墓中出来,她又一副被你吃干抹净的样子,你要是不承认才是对她名声不太好。” Zu An nods: „, Good, hopes that Big Sis Shang do not mind.” 祖安点了点头:“呃,那好吧,希望商姐姐不要介意。” Shang Liuyu: „???” 商留鱼:“???” You also really feel all right. 你还真好意思啊。 Relax, she will not mind.” Business the red snapper looked at one toward the next door, in the eye pupil holds to smile, perhaps she will also smile. “放心吧,她不会介意的。”商红鱼往隔壁望了一眼,眼眸之中含着笑,说不定她还会偷着乐呢。 Younger sister, did not do right by your good thing first to steal food, I can make up helped your as far as possible. 妹妹啊,对不住把你的好东西先偷吃了,我能弥补的就是尽量帮你一把。 The younger sister was too sometimes artificial, this matter should not initiate an attack, obviously two on the remaining window paper, as long as her driving point held gently broke, where will be forestalled by me. 说起来妹妹有时候太矫情了些,这种事情不该主动出击么,明明两个就剩下一层窗户纸,但凡她主动一点轻轻一捅就破了,哪会被我抢了先。 In the Shang Liuyu wind of next door disorderly, what is I did not mind, I mind am good. 隔壁的商留鱼风中凌乱,什么叫我不介意,我介意得很好不好。 She quickly sets out to go to the next door to clarify, the result crash-bang the sound of water reminded her just continuously in the bathing pool. 她急忙起身想去隔壁澄清,结果哗啦啦的水声才提醒她刚刚一直在浴池之中。 She quickly is blushing soaks to the bathing pool, also starts to look for the clothes everywhere. 她急忙红着脸重新泡到浴池中,又开始到处找衣裳。 At this time the Zu An sound conveyed again: I first accompany you to go to mourning hall one.” 这时祖安的声音再次传来:“我先陪你去灵堂一趟吧。” Good.” This business red snapper has not rejected again, before misunderstood him to go to the mourning hall to bully itself, now goes clearly to support for oneself. “好。”这次商红鱼没有再拒绝,之前误会他去灵堂要欺负自己,现在去分明是为自己撑腰。 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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