KI :: Volume #23

#2214: Opening heart

Business on the red snapper almost took all jewelry, only leaves behind exquisite white bloom head ornaments. 商红鱼上几乎取掉了所有的首饰,只留下一朵小巧的白花头饰。 In eye slightly red, as if had just cried. 眼中有些微红,似乎刚刚哭过。 amorous eyes looked who is affectionate, now is joined to her foreheads again the light cloud of gloom, the whole person has a fine shatter feeling, making one be able not help to raise from the bottom of the heart meaning of the taking pity on. 桃花眼本就看谁都深情,如今再配上她眉宇间淡淡的愁云,整个人有一种精致的破碎感,让人情不自禁从心底升起一种怜惜之意。 Big Sister ~ Shang Liuyu quickly sets out, spread out with Zu An, seems moving with the brother-in-law- sentiment was being advocated to bump into generally. 姐姐~”商留鱼急忙起身,和祖安拉开了距离,仿佛和姐夫在一起调-情被正主撞见了一般。 Although he not real Dragon King, but he and Big Sister few days ago couple- life memory was extremely profound, making her really become the brother-in-law the opposite party unavoidably. 虽然他并非真的龙王,可他和姐姐前些日子的夫妻-生活记忆太过深刻,让她难免将对方真当姐夫了。 May be I first comes obviously...... 可明明是我先来的…… Bah bah, I am thinking anything, obviously is the sister and brother. 呸呸呸,我在想什么呢,明明是姐弟。 Your this dresses up is......” Zu An is looking at business some red snapper doubts, but at this time eyeful is the shocking feelings. “你这幅装扮是……”祖安望着商红鱼有些疑惑,不过此时满眼都是惊艳感。 Business the red snapper sighed spookily: This time announced publicly death news of Dragon King, I after all am Queen, must manage a funeral for him, has just been busy at this matter.” 商红鱼幽幽一叹:“这次是公开公布龙王的死讯了,我毕竟是王后,得替他操持一下葬礼,刚刚一直在忙这事。” Zu An thinks so that's how it is, no wonder a appearance of widow. 祖安心想原来如此,难怪一副未亡人的打扮。 „Had you as if just cried?” Zu An notices she slightly somewhat inflamed eyes. “你似乎刚刚哭过?”祖安注意到她微微有些红肿的眼睛。 Business red fish sperm his eyes: „After I have been called the virtue, now dies the husband, is difficult to be inadequate before the people must smile? Naturally must display sadly. You thought I am a bad woman, can this matter develop the mood?” 商红鱼白了他一眼:“我好歹一直被人称为贤后,现在死了丈夫,难不成在众人面前还要笑么?自然得表现得伤心一些。你是不是觉得我是个坏女人,这种事情都能将情绪演出来?” Nearby Shang Liuyu light cough: I, you chatted to evade here to avoid suspicion.” 旁边的商留鱼一声:“我还在这里呢,你俩聊天能不能避避嫌。” Just Big Sister that words as if for fear that sweetheart misunderstood general, is really the tea. 刚刚姐姐那番话仿佛生怕情人误会一般,真是茶得可以呀。 Business the red snapper smiles, grasps her: In any case you are not a bystander, who before was in front of entire sea clan snuggle in his bosom.” 商红鱼抿嘴一笑,一把将她抱住:“反正你又不是外人,之前是谁当着全海族的面依偎在他的怀里啊。” Must die!” Shang Liuyu cannot stretch again, fly into a rage from shame pinches the waist of Big Sister, the quick two sisters do in a big way one group, is very lively. “要死呀!”商留鱼再也绷不住,恼羞成怒去掐姐姐的腰,很快姐妹俩大作一团,好不热闹。 On the Zu An face floats off a happy expression, two sisters looks is attractive, even if creates a disturbance is also together the pleasant scenery. 祖安脸上浮起一丝笑意,姐妹俩长得漂亮,哪怕互相之间打闹也是一道赏心悦目的风景。 Shang Liuyu is physically weak now, where is the Big Sister opponent, was pressed by the opposite party quickly under the body: little sister you were tender.” 商留鱼如今毕竟体弱,哪里是姐姐的对手,很快被对方压在了身下:“小妹你还嫩了点。” Ah Zu, you look at her......” Shang Liuyu now by the opposite party both hands according to the bed, the posture some not quite virtuous young woman of whole person, two sisters women's clothing are really scattered in disorder, unavoidably will walk some light, she is inferior to Big Sister to let loose eventually, can only the seeking help foreign aid. 阿祖,你看她……”商留鱼如今被对方将双手按在床上,整个人的姿势实在有些不太淑女,姐妹俩一些衣裙散乱,难免会走一些光,她终究不如姐姐放得开,只能求助外援。 Zu An urged at the right moment: She was just injured physically weak, cannot withstand to toss about, you are quick.” 祖安适时劝道:“她刚受了伤体弱,经不起折腾,你快起来吧。” Business some red snapper jealous: Then several days, you started to turn toward her, doing me seemed like the bystander to be the same.” 商红鱼不禁有些吃味:“这才几天啊,你就开始向着她了,搞得我像是外人一般。” Although the mouth is saying like this, but she gets up from younger sister body, was worried that accidentally really injured her. 虽然嘴里这样说着,但她还是从妹妹身上起来,担心不小心真把她伤到了。 Originally is I first comes.” Shang Liuyu sets out to reorganize the disorderly clothes, while cannot bear the rebuttal say. “本来就是我先来的。”商留鱼一边起身整理凌乱的衣裳,一边忍不住反驳道。 Ah Zu you hear not to have, she acknowledged.” Business the red snapper smilingly is saying, appearance that a conspiracy works. 阿祖你听到没有,她承认了。”商红鱼笑眯眯地说着,一副阴谋得逞的样子。 Shang Liuyu recovers finally, greatly is bashful: You are saying anything, what I said is first knew with him, this is the fact.” 商留鱼终于回过神来,不由大羞:“你在说什么呀,我说的是先和他认识,这本来就是事实呀。” Un, right.” Business the red snapper did not refute, such look walked back and forth in two people body back and forth. “嗯,对对对。”商红鱼也不反驳,就那样眼神在两人身上来回逡巡。 Did not pull with you, I first bathed.” Shang Liuyu does not dare to look at the eye of Zu An, ran hurriedly outward. “不和你们扯了,我先去沐浴了。”商留鱼都不敢看祖安的眼睛,急匆匆往外跑了出去。 Sees she slightly distressed form, Zu An cannot help laughing, her temper obviously is very calmly natural, finally thoughts in front of her Big Sister sensitive- feeling, this don't tell me was the bloodlines suppression of Big Sister to younger sister. 看着她略显狼狈的身影,祖安哑然失笑,她的性子明明十分潇洒从容,结果在她姐姐面前心思都敏-感了许多,这难道就是姐姐对妹妹的血脉压制么。 You have not become its good deed.” Sees younger sister that startled appearance, business the red snapper cannot bear spit the mortise. “你俩还没有成其好事啊。”看到妹妹那惊慌的样子,商红鱼忍不住吐槽道。 I and Big Sis Shang are pure, do not speak irresponsibly.” Zu An replied. “我和商姐姐清清白白,你不要乱说。”祖安答道。 Pure?” Business red snapper chuckle, as if heard any funny joke to be the same, „before , you her the situation of the graves of ten thousand dragon hugging, looked like her just to break very much- Appearance that the body cannot walk.” “清清白白?”商红鱼轻笑一声,仿佛是听到了什么好笑的笑话一般,“之前你将她从万龙之墓中抱出来的情形,很像她刚刚破--身走不动路的样子。” Zu An: „???” 祖安:“???” Do not visit me with this surprised look, at that time with I had the similar idea may be not infrequent, otherwise why were so many people bad to your attitude at that time?” Business the red snapper is somewhat sigh with emotion, Little Sister in the sea clan does not know in the dreams of many men Goddess, was given tarnish by you finally ‚’, they can not be anxious.” “别用这种吃惊的眼神看我,当时和我有同样想法的可不在少数,不然当时为什么那么多人对你态度不善?”商红鱼有些感慨,“小妹在海族中可是不知道多少男人的梦中女神,结果被你给‘玷污’了,他们能不急么。” She experienced a war, the consumption is excessive, in addition some body wounds, you think where.” Zu An said ill-humoredly. “她只是经历了一场大战,消耗过度,再加上身上有些伤,你们都想到哪里去了。”祖安没好气说道。 But younger sister's appearance really looked like that matter at that time, I have to experience......” business the red snapper to mutter one in a low voice, does not know that thinks of what scene, cheeks is ruddy, under contrast of white clothes, appears even more tenderly and beautifully for no reason. “可当时小妹的模样真的像那种事嘛,我又不是没有体验过……”商红鱼低声咕哝一句,也不知道想到什么场景,脸蛋儿红扑扑的,在白色衣裳的衬托下,显得越发娇艳无端。 Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……” Right, the Little Sister shouted me Big Sister, you also shouted her Big Sister, should you call me Big Sister?” Business the red snapper thinks suddenly what fun matter, is somewhat delighted. “对了,小妹喊我姐姐,你又喊她姐姐,你是不是该叫我姐姐啊?”商红鱼忽然想到了什么好玩的事,有些眉飞色舞。 Does not want.” Zu An direct rejection. “不要。”祖安直接拒绝。 I know that you are a bad embryo, each time such time makes me shout that your Elder Brother......” business the red snapper glances the circulation, the meaning of tone actually not half a point getting angry, instead was recounting endless supple- flatters. “我就知道你是个坏胚子,每次那样的时候都让我喊你哥哥……”商红鱼眼波流转,语气却并无半分嗔怒之意,反而述说着无尽的柔-媚。 Zu An is also in the heart, hugging will enter in the bosom, has saying that business the body of red snapper is very soft, no matter which spot, is ordinary like the cotton. 祖安也是心中一荡,一把将之搂入怀中,不得不说,商红鱼的身子真的很软,不管是哪个部位,都如同棉花一般。 Business a red snapper eyes pupil at this time is also wave full, her nibble red lip, is pushing him gently: I wear this type of clothes now, ominous.” 商红鱼一双眼眸此时也是水波盈盈,她轻咬红唇,轻柔地推着他:“我现在穿着这种衣服,不吉利。” Zu An thought that you underestimated liking of our world to this type of clothes, the seduction protects the bottom to be able first three, could first. 祖安心想你是低估了我们那个世界对这种衣服的喜欢,诱惑力保底能前三,说不定能第一呢。 But he was clear that the proper business is more important, quickly restrains the mind, inquired: Dragon King died, are you very sad?” 只不过他清楚正事更重要,急忙收敛心神,询问道:“龙王死了,你是不是很伤心?” If not sad that is also deceives people, our couple so many years, without the love also somewhat kinship, business the red snapper sighed after all spookily, just must say sadly, are actually not much, you were also clear that these years we were various, was the couple, was more like a partner point.” “如果说一点都不伤心那也是骗人的,我们毕竟夫妻这么多年,没有爱情也有几分亲情,”商红鱼幽幽一叹,“只不过要说多伤心,其实也算不上,你也清楚这些年我们都是各过各的,与其说是夫妻,更像是合伙人一点。” After Zu An hear, nods: I should tell you matter that in the graves of ten thousand dragon has truly......” 祖安听完后点了点头:“那我应该把万龙之墓里真正发生的事告诉你……” Business red snapper look one austere, before she is certainly clear , the foreign public edition definitely is not the real matter, but does not know before the opposite party, hid many. 商红鱼神色一肃,她当然清楚之前对外公开的版本肯定不是真实的事,只是不知道对方之前到底隐藏了多少。 Zu An will enter in the graves of ten thousand dragon the matter to tell, besides involving Fengtu Great Emperor and other hidden secret tells her to bring the danger, other basically said with her. 祖安将进入万龙之墓中发生的事情娓娓道来,除了涉及酆都大帝等少数秘辛告诉她会带来危险之外,其他基本都和她讲了。 Business the red snapper hears the extraordinary splendor again and again, has not thought that he will run into so many things unexpectedly. 商红鱼听得异彩连连,万万没想到他竟然会碰到这么多事情。 Very much why the world wonder Zu An young in age, has such tall Jue cultivation base. 世人都很纳闷为何祖安年纪轻轻,就有如此高绝的修为 But he casual several days of experiences are more splendid than the life of countless person. 可他随便几天的经历就比无数人的一生都要精彩。 When behind hears after the nether world hell, she was really the thorough shock. 待后面听到幽冥地府过后,她真是彻底震惊了。 She is sea clan Queen, since childhood is also the emperor spoiled child, has come across many fortuitous encounters, may compare with Zu An, feels dwarfed simply. 她好歹是海族王后,从小也是天子骄子,遇到过不少奇遇,可和祖安比起来,简直是小巫见大巫。 However after waits hears the ghost of Dragon King to enter the stage, her exciting facial expression gradually cold, finally hears the result of Dragon King, her whole person was thoroughly silent. 不过等听到龙王的亡魂出场过后,她兴奋的神情渐渐冷了下来,最后听到龙王的结局,她整个人彻底沉默了。 Although has reason, but Dragon King was truly killed by me, I thought that this matter should not hide the truth from you.” Zu An said solemnly. “虽然事出有因,但龙王确实是被我所杀,我觉得这件事不应该瞒你。”祖安沉声道 The opposite party paid the sincerity, should return it by the sincerity. 对方付出了真心,就应该以真心回报之。 Business the red snapper long time, sighs silent finally: Was thinking Dragon King, although unfaithful/stamen, the fondness was more special, but the good and evil is also the hero in world, has not actually thought after dying, cannot withstand.” 商红鱼沉默半晌,最终叹了一口气:“本想着龙王虽然花心了些,癖好特别了些,但好歹也算是世间的英雄,却没想到死后那么不堪。” Hell truly suffers very much, he makes such choice also to understand to a certain extent.” Zu An replied. “地狱确实很折磨,他做出那样的选择某种程度上也能理解。”祖安答道。 Business the red snapper shakes the head slightly: For the own future, but disregards the sea clan, disregards the safety in the whole world, cooperates with these evil spirit, I think that I cannot make such matter, I believe that you will not make such matter.” 商红鱼微微摇头:“为了自己的前途,而置海族不顾,置整个世界的安危不顾,与那些妖魔合作,我想我是做不出这样的事的,我相信你也不会做出这样的事。” Zu An sincere say/way: Good, how I will sacrifice the life of the whole world to satisfy the own selfish desire.” 祖安正色道:“不错,我又岂会牺牲整个世界的生灵来满足自己的私欲。” Business the red snapper look gradually strengthens: I also had the compunction, although Dragon King is a womanizer to be unfair to me everywhere in first, but I after all am his Queen, before with your such......, although to hide the truth from these evil spirit has had no alternative, but always somewhat is unfair to him, but if we had known he is this person, in the past I......” 商红鱼神色逐渐坚定:“原本我还有内疚,虽然龙王到处沾花惹草对不起我在先,但我毕竟是他的王后,之前和你那样……虽然是为了瞒过那些妖魔不得已而为之,但总是有些对不起他,但如果早知道他是这种人,当年我……” Speaking of behind her the eye socket was red, continued and was worried by Zu An is thought own present said that these had for their suspicion of getting free, as if Husband and wife are like birds in the woods, when trouble comes, they flee separately was the same, but did not say that was also difficult to cover the depressed meaning in heart. 说到后面她的眼圈不禁红了,继续说下去又担心被祖安认为自己现在说这些有为自己开脱之嫌,仿佛夫妻本是同林鸟大难临头各自飞一样,可是不说又难掩心中的郁结之意。 She somewhat reflects and likes what one sees, the destiny makes one in the final analysis, oneself cruel fate. 她不禁有些顾影自怜,说到底还是命运弄人,自己命苦。 Some Zu An apologies, clean the tear stains on cheeks for her gently: I should not tell you these, making you fall into the difficult place.” 祖安有些歉意,轻轻替她擦拭脸颊上的泪痕:“我不该告诉你这些的,让你陷入了两难之地。” Having anything is in a dilemma,” business the red snapper quite feels relaxed actually, what kills Dragon King is ten thousand lives the lord of change also to skin the ghost king, you also killed them to revenge for Dragon King, as for nether world hell that but a wisp of experiencing suffering hell suffered the ghost of distortion, was not my husband.” “有什么两难的,”商红鱼倒是颇为释然,“害死龙王的是万生变化之主还有剥皮鬼王,你还杀了他们替龙王报仇了,至于幽冥地府那个,只是一缕受尽地狱折磨扭曲的亡魂而已,又不是我的丈夫。” Zu An is startled, feels relaxed smiles: Was I.” 祖安一怔,也释然一笑:“是我着相了。” dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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