KI :: Volume #23

#2213: Bowing to Heaven and Earth

Compares the shock of Big Sister, Shang Liuyu is actually calmer, has experienced the great strength of opposite party in the graves of ten thousand dragon after all, has the preparation. 相比姐姐的震惊,商留鱼倒是镇定许多,毕竟在万龙之墓见识过对方的强大,早已有了心理准备。 But she now more mood are shy, thought why Ah Zu must hug her in the bosom, now the people of sea clan all kneel below, could not want several days of this to spread over the entire sea clan...... 只不过她现在更多的情绪是羞涩,心想阿祖干嘛要一直将她抱在怀中啊,如今海族的人全跪在下面,想必要不了几天这一幕就会传遍整个海族…… Naturally when is shy, in her heart also somewhat is also joyful, which young girl will not have a dream, is thinking the loved one just like the deity to drop from the clouds generally, present situation...... 当然羞涩之余,她心中同样又有几分欣喜,哪个少女不会做梦呢,都想着意中人犹如天神一般从天而降,现在的情形…… This thought just raised, she quickly scatters, suddenly cheeks smeared bright red, we are the sister and brother, indulges in flights of fancy anything. 这个念头刚刚升起,她就急忙驱散,一时间脸蛋儿抹上了一层嫣红,我们是姐弟,胡思乱想什么呀。 At this time the Zu An sound just like the elusive god aim to resound through the heart of each sea clan: Before looked that is bearing the thoughts in Queen and Shang Liuyu sisters' face and you explains several, finally you also when really I feared you are inadequate?” 这时祖安的声音犹如空灵的神旨响彻了每个海族的心头:“之前不过看在王后商留鱼姐妹的面子上才耐着心思和你们解释几句,结果你们还真当我怕了你们不成?” Does not dare, does not dare!” Before these had proposed the sea clan minister of opposing opinion trembled, kowtowed to beg for mercy on the ground. “不敢,不敢!”之前那些提出过反对意见的海族大臣瑟瑟发抖,纷纷在地上磕头求饶。 That as if the whole world will is overlooking their pressure, making everyone unable to have the thought of resistance, the whole body muscle is shivering every inchs unrestrainedly. 那种仿佛整个世界意志在俯视他们的威压,让每个人都生不起反抗的念头,浑身每一寸肌肉都在情不自禁地颤抖。 They regret at this time constantly, if knows before your such awesome, we also opposed a leg, who dislikes the life to be long? 他们此时后悔不迭,要是之前知道你这么牛逼,我们还反对个腿啊,谁嫌命长? Begs for mercy? That looked that Queen is willing to forgive you.” Zu An looked to nearby business red snapper, on the face were many wiped the happy expression. “求饶?那就看王后愿不愿意原谅你们。”祖安望向了一旁的商红鱼,脸上多了一抹笑意。 Business the red snapper cheek was really red, how she does not know that the opposite party to help her set up the prestige, after all Dragon King has died now, this Queen usually only then the virtuous name, was actually short of several points of dignity, even if cleaned the evil spirit to experience the other aspect few days ago, may still not have many people to fear her. 商红鱼脸蛋真的是红了,她又如何不知道对方是为了帮她立威,毕竟龙王如今已死,她这个王后素来只有贤名,却少了几分威严,就算前些日子清洗妖魔让人见识了另外一面,可依然没有多少人怕她。 For example just, she was Zu An spoke obviously on own initiative, these ministers actually paid no attention to her words radically. 就比如说刚刚,她明明主动为祖安说话,那些大臣却根本不理她的话。 She deeply inspires: „The Regent good intention helps one another, we are not only ungrateful, actually the slander quarrels on the contrary, Sir Regent has massive, but we cannot work as this matter to cross like this.” 她深吸一口气:“摄政王好意相助,我们不仅不感激,却反倒恶语相向,摄政王大人有大量,但我们不能当这件事就这样过了。” Just who opposed that all the officers fall the third-level, punishes by reduction in pay for three years!” “刚刚谁反对的,全都官降三级,罚俸三年!” Happen to clean some fellows of taking advantage of own seniority while this good opportunity, later facilitates to exchange the own trusted aide. 正好趁这个好机会清洗掉一些倚老卖老的家伙,之后方便换上自己的心腹。 Naturally cannot be extremely cruel, otherwise did not tally with her usually virtuous name, was easy to lose the will of the people. 当然也不能太过残忍,不然和她素来的贤名不符合,容易失去人心。 many thanks empress, many thanks Regent!” These ministers kowtow thanking kindness, they really feel grateful at this time, thinks met the step just that unlucky ghost footsteps, has not thought that can also save the life, after the empress was really a virtue . 多谢娘娘,多谢摄政王!”那些大臣纷纷磕头谢恩,他们此时是真的感激,原本以为会步刚刚那个倒霉鬼后尘,没想到还能保住性命,娘娘果然是个贤后啊。 The image of flash business red snapper in people heart was bigger. 一瞬间商红鱼在众人心中的形象都高大了许多。 Zu An nods slightly, then opens the mouth saying: Looks in the Queen face, I told the truth that you just want to know.” 祖安微微颔首,接着开口道:“看在王后的面子上,我就告诉你们刚刚想知道的真相。” Under is kneeling many sea clans stare, said continually does not dare. 下方跪着的诸多海族一愣,连说不敢。 Business some red snapper sisters doubts, do not know that he prepares to do. 商红鱼姐妹也有些疑惑,不知道他准备干什么。 Real situation is Ao Yong wants to seek the power to usurp the throne, he and trusted aide expert arranged town/subdues demon grand formation in grave of main halls ten thousand dragon, launched the rebellion, in addition these evil spirit are numerous, each and everyone is the Earth Immortal peak strength, in the graves of ten thousand dragon Ancient Times many powerful monsters regain consciousness, Dragon King then encountered difficulty, finally I can only rescue Shang Liuyu one person.” “真实情况是敖勇想要谋权篡位,他和一众心腹高手在万龙之墓大殿中布置了一个镇魔大阵,发动了叛乱,再加上那些妖魔众多,一个个都乃是地仙巅峰实力,万龙之墓中上古很多强大怪兽苏醒,龙王这才遇难,最终我只能救下商留鱼一人而已。” Is thinking sea clan ignorant/veiled this accident, what needs is rests and builds up strength, does not think that you fall into the civil strife again, therefore without mentioning this matter, without the person who thinking of Ao Yong sends is incorrigibly wicked, such being the case, that said the truth thoroughly, so as to avoid the sea clan will regenerate the accident in the future.” “原本只是想着海族蒙此变故,更需要的是休养生息,不想你们再次陷入内乱之中,所以没有提及此事,没想到敖勇一派的人贼心不死,既然如此,那就彻底将真相说出来,免得将来海族再生变故。” Today he by absolute strength coercion people, but after he is worried about himself to walk, gives the business red snapper to leave what hidden danger, therefore explained patiently. 今天他是以绝对力量压服众人,但他担心自己走后给商红鱼留下什么隐患,所以才耐心解释起来。 The populace have the seeking novelty psychology, no matter anything will think that back has the conspiracy, let alone the matter truly questionable points of graves of this ten thousand dragon numerous. 大众都有猎奇心理,不管任何事都会觉得背后有阴谋,更何况这次万龙之墓的事情确实疑点重重。 But the populace are also often ignorant, the conspiracy of so long as to them believing, gives them one villain, they will be well satisfied, a superiority feeling as I expected, rarely some people will ponder a deeper level again the thing. 但大众往往又是愚昧的,只要给一个他们相信的阴谋,给他们一个“反派”,他们就会心满意足,一副果然如我所料的优越感,很少会有人再思考更深层次的东西。 Sure enough, hears his words people suddenly enlighted, each and everyone is looking angrily at an official of Ao Yong department. 果不其然,听到他的话众人纷纷恍然大悟,一个个怒视着敖勇一系的官员。 Actually in Ao Yong the thoughts many sea clan the person had also detected, now heard so the excuse immediately on the letter/believes. 其实敖勇的心思不少海族中人也有所察觉,如今听到这般说辞立马就信了。 The haughty brave subordinate these people tremble in abundance, they want to escape, may under this powerful pressure, unable to move the slightest. 敖勇麾下那些人纷纷瑟瑟发抖,他们想要逃跑,可在这强大威压之下,根本动弹不了分毫。 At this time the business red snapper also responded, look one cold: Comes the person, the haughty brave remnants of faction will take, careful interrogation!” 这时商红鱼也反应过来,神色一冷:“来人,将敖勇的余党拿下,仔细审问!” Yes!” Quick had her trusted subordinate guard to go forward the haughty brave remnants of faction to lock. “是!”很快有她的亲信侍卫上前将敖勇的余党锁了起来。 Business the red snapper then approached Zu An good a ritual: This many thanks Regent helps one another, now the weather is late, might as well ask Regent to step the dragon palace to take a short break.” 商红鱼这才向祖安行了一礼:“这次多谢摄政王相助,如今天色已晚,不如请摄政王移步龙宫稍事休息。” Zu An is worried about Capital that side situation, but separated clearly was so long, has settled down mostly. 祖安担心京城那边的情形,但清楚隔了这么久,多半已经尘埃落定。 Is sea clan here a lot must confess with business the red snapper on the contrary, must support to stabilize sea clan here situation for her. 反倒是海族这边很多事情要和商红鱼交代,也要为她撑腰将海族这边的形势稳定下来。 Also Shang Liuyu also has the wound to need to treat in the body, therefore then nods assent. 同时商留鱼也有伤在身需要治疗,于是便点头同意。 When business the red snapper greets to go to the dragon palace Zu An, in the field these sea clan ministers then relax. 待商红鱼将祖安迎接去龙宫,场中那些海族大臣这才纷纷松了一口气。 We really do not know the good and evil, Regent helped our sea clan remove that several terrifying evil spirit obviously, we actually like this to him, were really damn.” “我们真是不识好歹啊,摄政王明明帮我们海族除掉了那几个恐怖的妖魔,我们却这样对他,真是该死。” Luckily Queen and Regent relations are quite good, perhaps otherwise meets rivers of blood today.” “幸好王后摄政王关系颇好啊,否则今天恐怕会血流成河。” Incessantly is Queen, the Queen younger sister and he relates also unusual, perhaps if not their sisters swivels, our sea clan this time must end.” “不止是王后,还有王后的妹妹和他关系也非同一般,若非她们姐妹从中转圜,我们海族这次恐怕要完。” ...... …… From the beginning many people noticed that Zu An and Shang Liuyu are so intimate, in the heart filled the envy and discontented, now each and everyone actually wishes one could two people to relate several points. 一开始不少人看到祖安商留鱼那么亲密,心中充满了嫉妒与不满,现在一个个却恨不得两人关系更好几分。 When everyone strength differs are not quite many, is easiest to give birth to jealousy , once when that disparity widens like the gap, this envy will vanish, instead became admired and looked up. 当大家实力相差不太多时,最容易生出嫉妒心,可一旦那差距拉大如同鸿沟之时,这种嫉妒就会消失,反而成了佩服与仰望。 Quick here the matter of spreads over the entire dragon palace, and disseminates toward various sea clans at the extremely quick speed. 很快这边发生的事情传遍整个龙宫,并以极快的速度往大海各族中传播。 Many large clans were discussing secretly: 不少大族都在暗地里讨论: Now Dragon King died, but also died so many elders, brave Prince lineage/vein must be cleaned, our sea clan essence qi damages severely, if there is any foreign invasion to fear situation not good.” “如今龙王死了,还死了那么多长老,勇王爷一脉也要被清洗,我们海族元气大伤,万一有什么外敌入侵恐怕形势不妙啊。” Right, he is Human Race and Monster Race common Regent, if Human Race and Monster Race have our ideas, he definitely stands in that side.” “对啊,他是人族妖族共同的摄政王,万一人族妖族打我们的主意,他肯定站在那边。” Must solve this problem easily actually.” “要解决这个问题其实也容易。” „, What respected opinion do brother have?” “哦,兄台有什么高见?” Heard that Regent some stamens, but our Queen to be usually well-known beautifully, if two people can in the same place, that henceforth Regent similarly also be our people on one's own side, did not need to fear Human Race and Monster Race.” “听说那摄政王有些花心,而我们的王后素来以美丽闻名,若是两人能在一起,那从此摄政王同样也是我们自己人了,就不用怕人族妖族了。” Dragon King just died, is this not quite perhaps good?” “龙王刚死,这恐怕不太好吧?” What having is not good, after Monster Race old Monster Sovereign died, didn't Little Demon Empress put together with Regent? Before Human Race that side Crown Princess, present Empress probably and Regent also relates ambiguous, our sea clan has fallen behind naturally. Queen should, for the base industry of our sea clan made the sacrifice, I thought that let alone she as if related very well with Regent.” “有什么不好的,妖族妖皇死了之后,小妖后不就和摄政王搞在一起去了么?人族那边以前的太子妃,如今的皇后好像和摄政王也关系暧-昧,我们海族已经天然落后了。王后应该为了我们海族的基业做出牺牲,更何况我看她似乎和摄政王关系挺好的。” Good, our sea clan compared with Human Race and Monster Race also advantage, that is Queen also has a younger sister, their sisters' together words, the attraction may be much bigger than Little Demon Empress and Human Race Empress.” “不错,我们海族比起人族妖族还有一个优势,那就是王后还有个妹妹,她们姐妹一起的话,吸引力可比小妖后人族皇后大得多。” ...... …… Similar dialogue is performing in various respected families, even some people are also thinking whom sends to urge merpeople Queen on own initiative. 类似的对话在各大家族中都在上演,甚至有人还想着派谁去劝劝人鱼王后主动一点。 Was the strength that Zu An showed was too mainly astonishing, which camp such existence stands , the balance of victory will favor which camp. 主要是祖安表现出来的实力太惊人了,这样的存在站在哪个阵营,胜利的天平就会倾向哪个阵营。 Human Race and Monster Race have seized the opportunity in this aspect, their sea clan has to guard. 人族妖族在这方面已经占了先机,他们海族不得不防。 But needs to pay, only then a woman, let alone two people a perfect match, does not calculate that brings disgrace on Queen. 而所需要付出的只有一个女人而已,更何况两人郎才女貌,也不算辱没王后 As for Dragon King that just died, no one cares. 至于刚死的龙王,没有谁在乎。 Un, like this said that is not right, initially does not know the wife and concubines who many ministers were visited by Dragon King, everyone feels indignant but not daring to speak out, now all these are also Dragon King punishment is deserved. 嗯,这样说也不对,当初不知道多少大臣的妻妾被龙王临幸,大家都敢怒不敢言而已,如今这一切也算是龙王罪有应得。 They naturally do not dare to disrespect to Queen, but instigates Queen to cancel- directs Regent, how not being able to suppress revenge quick- feeling. 他们自然不敢对王后不敬,但怂恿王后去勾-引摄政王,怎么有一种抑制不住的复仇快-感呢。 And said that Zu An returns to the dragon palace, his present status naturally cannot live in the former resting palace, but was arranged a specially luxurious palace to let its housing by business the red snapper. 且说祖安回到龙宫之中,他如今的身份自然不能住在之前寝宫之中,而是由商红鱼安排了一个特别豪华的宫殿让其居住。 This is the sea clan specially for the place that past old Monster Sovereign and honored guest of person sovereign rank prepared, for these years begins using twice, has never expected that applied now again. 这是海族特意为当年的老妖皇和人皇级别的贵客准备的地方,这么多年来就启用过两次,没想到如今再次派上了用场。 Zu An keeps in Shang Liuyu the palace, wholly absorbed therapy for her, and helps her refine the inheritance of merpeople first ancestor. 祖安商留鱼留在宫殿中,专心致志替她疗伤,并助她炼化人鱼始祖的传承。 He must walk immediately, wants to help many before walking is many. 他马上要走了,希望在走前能帮多少是多少。 How now feels?” Transports the merit some time, Zu An cares to say. “现在感觉怎么样?”运功一段时间过后,祖安关心道。 At this time Shang Liuyu sweats profusely, the whole body is steaming hot, chilly cheeks is also ruddy, looks that just like the tender and beautiful alluring apple to be the same, making one unable to bear want to nip one. 此时商留鱼香汗淋漓,浑身热气蒸腾,清冷的脸蛋儿也红扑扑的,看着犹如娇艳欲滴的苹果一般,让人忍不住想咬上一口。 Was much better, perhaps had you to assist my injury to restore one month ahead of schedule.” Shang Liuyu turned the body, the whole body stuck Huhu somewhat uncomfortable. “好多了,有你相助我的伤势恐怕能提前一个月恢复。”商留鱼扭了扭身子,浑身黏糊糊的有些难受。 That is good.” Zu An relaxes, your injuries good, can wholly-absorbed seclusion, the inheritance digestion absorption of merpeople first ancestor.” “那就好。”祖安松了一口气,“等你伤势好了过后,就能专心闭关,将人鱼始祖的传承消化吸收。” Shang Liuyu un, a big eye is looking at him at once: You have a little handsome today.” 商留鱼嗯了一声,旋即一双大大的眼睛望着他:“你今天还是有点小帅的嘛。” Has a little handsome?” Zu An somewhat is immediately discontented. “只是有点小帅么?”祖安顿时有些不满。 Because you in my heart forever are that Little Brother.” Shang Liuyu smiles. “因为你在我心中永远是那个小弟弟啊。”商留鱼抿嘴一笑。 I may be big!” The Zu An subconscious rebuttal, this word just left, two people were all shocked. “我可不小!”祖安下意识反驳,此言刚出,两人皆是愣住了。 Sunset glow floated from the Shang Liuyu nape of the neck place, her some do not set out comfortably: My body had/left many perspiration, first goes to the next door to bathe.” 一层红霞从商留鱼的脖颈处浮了起来,她有些不自在起身:“我身上出了不少汗,先去隔壁沐浴一番。” Zu An somewhat hesitates: Or I deliver you to return to oneself resting palace, before therapy but actually, if you bathed here, perhaps was not good to your reputation.” 祖安有些犹豫:“要不我送你回自己寝宫吧,之前疗伤倒也罢了,你若是在我这里沐浴,恐怕对你名声不好。” Shang Liuyu rolled the eyes: You also felt all right saying that before worked as the surface of myriad sea clans to hug me in the bosom is so long, my reputation had been destroyed by you.” 商留鱼翻了个白眼:“你还好意思说啊,之前当着万千海族的面将我抱在怀里那么久,我的名声早就被你毁完了。” Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……” Really sorry.” “实在抱歉。” This has anything to be sorry that” Shang Liuyu is actually free and easy, at that time my truly whole body felt weak to stand difficultly, perhaps if not for you hug me to lose face, said that also this/should I thank you am.” “这有什么抱歉的,”商留鱼倒是洒脱,“当时我确实浑身乏力站直都难,若不是你抱着我恐怕要出丑,说起来还该我谢谢你才是。” Is you protects my mortal body obviously, this/should I thanked you.” On the Zu An face also floated off a happy expression, Big Sis Shang worthily is Big Sis Shang, does not have the affectedness of common little miss. “明明是你守护住我的肉身,该我谢你。”祖安脸上也浮起了一丝笑意,商姐姐不愧是商姐姐,没有一般小姑娘的矫揉造作。 At that time even did not have me, you will not have the matter, at that time you had come back obviously.” Mentioned this Shang Liuyu on some gnashing teeth, although had reason, but thinks at that time the opposite party looks at her to perform in the one side, felt awkward. “当时就算没有我,你也不会有事,当时你明明已经回来了。”说起这个商留鱼就有些牙痒痒,虽然事出有因,但一想到当时对方在一旁看着她表演,就觉得尴尬得要死。 You are bowing to Heaven and Earth, does obeisance to do obeisance mutually.” Suddenly smiles from the entrance place tenderly transmits. “你俩在拜堂么,互相拜过来拜过去的。”忽然一声娇笑从门口处传来。 A white beautiful figure walked from outside slowly, today's business red snapper is not the attire in ordinary day, but is snow- white clothes, entire look especially simply and elegantly beautiful. 一道白色倩影从外面缓缓走了进来,今天的商红鱼不是平日里的装束,而是一席雪-白的衣裳,整个看着格外素雅秀丽。 Especially waist that white waistband one bunch, appears her waist gently just like graceful grasps. 特别是腰间那白色的腰带轻轻一束,显得她的腰肢犹如盈盈一握。 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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