KI :: Volume #23

#2212: Your one person not necessarily won us to be complete!

„?” Business the red snapper small face is pallid, the whole person sways, fainted directly. “啊?”商红鱼小脸煞白,整个人摇晃一下,直接晕了过去。 Zu An responded luckily quickly, supporting. 幸好祖安反应得快,一把将之扶住。 Shang Liuyu also puts out a hand to hold flustered, the sensation to the Big Sister within the body essence qi full, the aura is steady, responded immediately, sighed one secretly, Big Sister this performing skill deceived me. 商留鱼也慌张地伸手去扶,感知到姐姐体内元气充盈,气息平稳,立马反应过来,不由暗叹一声,姐姐这演技连我都骗过去了。 At this time Zu An is surrounded by beautiful women their sisters, many sea clan ministers have not thought of other actually, because by a bigger news shocking. 此时祖安将她们姐妹左拥右抱,众多海族大臣倒是没有想到其他,因为被更大的消息给震撼到了。 What, did Dragon King die?” “什么,龙王死了?” How Dragon King that high will cultivation base die?” “龙王那么高的修为怎么会死?” ...... …… The each and everyone doubt is staring at Zu An, that look seems interrogating and torturing the opposite party, is you kills our Dragon King. 一个个狐疑地盯着祖安,那眼神仿佛在拷问对方,是不是你把我们龙王害死的。 Some this matter rather fishy.” Finally has the sea Patriarch old question saying that does not know can have the evidence?” “此事未免有些蹊跷。”终于有海族长老质疑道,“不知可有证据?” At this time Shang Liuyu driving opens the mouth: I am the personal testimony, Regent say not empty.” 这时商留鱼主动开口了:“我就是人证,摄政王所言非虚。” Zu An looked at her one eyes with a smile, she really chooses to stand oneself. 祖安笑着看了她一眼,她果然选择站在自己这边。 This......” numerous sea clan minister talked in whispers, the expression was especially puzzled. “这……”众多海族大臣一阵窃窃私语,表情格外纠结。 According to the common sense, with the Shang Liuyu moral behavior and prestige, the words that she spoke does not have the truth to be false. 按照常理来说,以商留鱼的人品以及声望,她说的话没道理是假的。 But everyone looks helplessly her face supple- flatters is hugged by Zu An in the bosom, very difficult not to associate among two people the relations. 但大家眼睁睁看着她一脸柔-媚地被祖安抱在怀中,很难不联想两人之间的关系。 Does not know that fights Prince also to have other elders now where?” At this time had Ao Yong an lineage/vein minister to ask, they just the searching high and low your majesty's form, what a pity besides Zu An and Shang Liuyu, the wool have not seen one. “不知道战王爷还有其他长老现在何处?”这时有敖勇一脉的大臣问道,他们刚刚四处寻找主公的身影,可惜除了祖安商留鱼之外,毛都没有看到一根。 Good, before also many people entered the graves of ten thousand dragon with Dragon King together, how not to have one to come out?” Some elders look around everywhere, going in has them usually in good friend, result these friend has not come out. “不错,之前还有好多人跟龙王一起进入了万龙之墓,怎么没有一个出来?”有长老四处张望,进去的有他们平日里的好友,结果那些朋友一个都没有出来。 Shang Liuyu somewhat worried that looked at Zu An one, thought that inside the matter is extremely bloody, does not know how should tactfully and these people explained. Zu An gave her a reassurance look, then said: „ These evil spirit are extremely sinister deceitfully, designed town/subdues demon grand formation in inside, some Ao Yong also many elders to remove these evil spirit, fights side-by-side with Dragon King, 商留鱼有些担忧地望了祖安一眼,心想里面发生的事情太过血腥,不知道该如何委婉地和这些人解释。祖安给了她一个放心的眼神,然后说道:“那些妖魔太过阴险狡诈,在里面设计了一个镇魔大阵,敖勇还有众多长老为了除掉那些妖魔,和龙王一起并肩作战,最 Latter all sacrifice. ” 后尽数牺牲。” Such remarks, in field in an uproar. 此言一出,场中一片哗然。 Shang Liuyu: „......” 商留鱼:“……” This is really tactful enough...... 这还真够委婉的…… Died completely? Are your one person living?” Some sea Patriarch old looks suspected more and more, sea clan each and everyone that loses the family member much is excited exceptionally. “全部都死了?就你一个人活着?”有海族长老的眼神越来越怀疑,不少失去亲人的海族一个个激动异常。 As for haughty brave these each and everyone stupefied, somewhat direct descendant knows hand/subordinate very much faintly Ao Yong as if also designed grand formation to cope with Dragon King, how became to fight side-by-side with Dragon King now? 至于敖勇的那些手下一个个都很懵逼,有些嫡系隐隐知道敖勇似乎也设计了一个大阵来对付龙王,怎么现在成了和龙王并肩作战了? don't tell me will soon start politics- changes, discovers the evil spirit in view of the plan of sea clan, therefore gives up resolutely with Dragon King is the enemy, but is the brothers resists the evil spirit jointly? 难道是即将发动政-变的时候,发现妖魔针对海族的计划,于是毅然放弃与龙王为敌,而是兄弟联手对抗妖魔? He really...... I cries! 他真的……我哭死! However fought Prince and Dragon King already as incompatible as fire and water, he and evil spirit coped with the probability of Dragon King to be bigger jointly. 不过战王爷和龙王早就水火不容,他和妖魔联手对付龙王的概率都更大些啊。 Hears the surrounding commotion and noisy, business red snapper at the right moment spooky revolutions awakes, quickly inquired Zu An: Does not know that which evil spirit has, then fight specifically how?” Zu An knows that she is covering to oneself, therefore takes advantage of opportunity saying: „ These evil spirit have five, skinned the ghost king to pretend to be palace Chief of the Imperial Guardsmen Kacsir, the frightened shadow demon and bloodthirsty alligator ancestor and flame demon sea-nymph, ten thousand lived the lord of change...... 听到周围的聒噪与嘈杂,商红鱼“适时”幽幽转醒,急忙询问祖安:“不知道有哪些妖魔,当时的战斗具体怎么样的?”祖安知道她是在给自己打掩护,于是顺势说道:“那些妖魔有五个,剥皮鬼王冒充了宫廷侍卫长卡奇尔,还有恐惧影魔、嗜血鳄祖、焰魔海妖、万生变化之主…… Roughly told the skill of each evil spirit, while the matter in the big grave reorganizes appropriately, said actually clearly, impregnable. 一边将每个妖魔的技能大致讲述了一遍,一边又将大墓中发生的事情适当改编一下,倒是说得清清楚楚,无懈可击。 Shang Liuyu hears to admire, thought that if are not experiencing, perhaps will also be flickered by him, the ability that this fellow deceived people was too wise. 商留鱼听得佩服不已,心想若非自己是亲历者,恐怕也会被他忽悠过去,这家伙骗人的能力实在太高明了。 Snort, does not know that deceives the woman frequently, therefore is so skilled. Listens to the entire process, business the red snapper looks the unusual look, she naturally is clear does not have any Dragon King, after information one by one that will correspond replaces, she roughly also returned to original state in the graves of ten thousand dragon exactly to have anything, has to sigh that had luckily 哼,也不知道是不是经常骗女人,所以才这么熟练。听完整个过程,商红鱼面露异色,她当然清楚根本没有什么龙王,将对应的信息一一替换过后,她大致也还原了万龙之墓中到底发生了什么,不得不感叹幸好有 Zu An, otherwise trades to be others definitely not to handle all these. 祖安,不然换作其他人肯定搞不定这一切。 Many sea clan ministers listen to the entire item also in abundance to be afterward silent, the opposite party said is fair, and has no obvious loophole, wants to come the fact mostly is so. 不少海族大臣听完整件事后也纷纷沉默下来,对方说的合情合理,并没有什么明显漏洞,想来事实多半就是如此了。 But Dragon King passed away, perhaps the day of this sea clan must change. At this moment, a trusted aide of Ao Yong lineage/vein questioned suddenly: „ This matter really has too many fishy, how Zu An Human Race infiltrates the graves of ten thousand dragon, how inside exactly had other what people all, both of you are also living, 只不过龙王驾崩,这海族的天恐怕要变了。就在这时,敖勇一脉的心腹忽然质疑道:“此事实在有太多蹊跷,祖安一个人族怎么混进万龙之墓的,里面到底发生了什么怎么其他人全死了,就你们俩还活着, Is that casual you how to arrange? ” 那岂不是随便你怎么编?” Good, really no one knows, perhaps is you unites the evil spirit to silence a witness of crime!” A trusted aide of Ao Yong lineage/vein creates a clamor in abundance. “不错,到底是不是真的谁也不知道,说不定是你联合妖魔杀人灭口呢!”敖勇一脉的心腹纷纷鼓噪起来。 The Shang Liuyu complexion changes: „Did you refer to me lying?” 商留鱼不禁脸色一变:“你们是指我在说谎了?” Who knows that looked you also hug to the present in the same place, obviously relates very intimately.” Has the sea clan ministers to sneer to say. “那谁知道呢,看你们到现在都还抱在一起,显然关系挺亲密的。”有海族大臣冷笑道。 Good, heard you long ago in Human Race, with this Zu An also quite a lot friendship, even the scandal spread, your relations, the testimony could not take seriously.” Some other person makes noise. “不错,听闻你早年在人族的时候,和这个祖安也颇多交情,甚至还有绯闻传出,你们这种关系,证言当不得真的。”另外有人出声。 Although before Shang Liuyu was the populace sweetheart, but at that time she was single, some nature body many charm halo. 虽然之前商留鱼是大众情人,但那时她是单身,自然身上有很多魅力光环。 Now and other man puts together, the filtering mirror of people are shatter, the psychology that fly into a rage from shame later has me unable to obtain the thing that ruins. Sees the surrounding mood to get up gradually, business red snapper hurried opens the mouth: „ Before Regent, has discussed with us, he ambushes in the team for copes with the evil spirit with Dragon King, this matter I with Dragon King am to know, is difficult to be inadequate you to recognize 如今和别的男人搞在一起,众人的滤镜破碎,恼羞成怒之后有一种我得不到的东西就毁掉的心理。见周围情绪渐渐起来,商红鱼急忙开口:“摄政王之前和我们商议过,他潜伏在队伍里就是为了和龙王一起对付妖魔,这件事我和龙王都是知道的,难不成你们认 Is also lying for me? ” We will certainly not think that Queen is lying, but in the graves of ten thousand dragon exactly had what you not to see, in addition Shang Liuyu was the Queen younger sister, Queen helps certainly them speak subconsciously.” At this time had the elder to say 为我也在说谎么?”“我们当然不会觉得王后在说谎,但万龙之墓里到底发生了什么您也没有看到,再加上商留鱼王后的妹妹,王后当然下意识帮他们说话。”这时另外有长老说道 . You!” Business the red snapper startled and anger, in the heart worries about, this aspect is losing control now gradually. “你!”商红鱼又惊又怒,心中不禁担忧不已,如今这局面在渐渐失控啊。 She also wants to say anything, Zu An stopped her, the look looks at the people tranquilly: Which have to doubt to my words different, now can stand.” 她还想说什么,祖安制止了她,神色平静地看着众人:“哪些对我的话有疑异的,现在可以站出来。” Hears his words, the scene that made noise is instantaneously peaceful, everyone has more or less listened to some him initially in the Monster Race royal court deeds. 听到他的话,原本喧闹的现场瞬间安静下来,大家或多或少听过一些他当初在妖族王庭的事迹。 At this time Ao Yong a direct descendant elder clenched teeth saying: don't tell me you want by the forcing person, your cultivation base, although is high, but sea clan expert like clouds, your one person also not necessarily won our so many people!” He has to happen, this lifetime painstaking care invested in haughty brave body, originally after Ao Yong ascended the throne, he had the merit of supporting, henceforth made a rapid career advance to advance into sea clan peak powerful official, but all these all do not have now, he such as 这时敖勇的一个嫡系长老咬牙道:“难道你想以力压人,你修为虽高,但海族高手如云,你一个人也未必胜得了我们这么多人!”他不得不发生,这一生的心血都投资在了敖勇身上,本来敖勇登基后他有拥立之功,从此飞黄腾达跻身海族最顶尖权贵的行列,可如今这一切全都没了,他又如 Why not to clarify! 何不弄个清楚! Yes?” Zu An chuckle, how also does not see him to act, wipes sword qi to shine, the head of minister shoots up to the sky directly. “是么?”祖安轻笑一声,也不见他如何动作,一抹剑气亮起,紧接着那大臣的头颅直接冲天而起。 The head eyes that from the sky non-stop revolving stare the eldest child, eyeful is incredible, the opposite party really dares take action unexpectedly. 那在空中不停旋转的头颅双眼瞪得老大,满眼的不可置信,对方竟然真的敢出手 Periphery this let blast out the pot, numerous sea clan expert retroceded in abundance one step, extracted the weapon to gather round him vigilantly. Surnamed Zu, can you with our entire sea clan be an enemy seriously?” Some sea Patriarch of noble character and high prestige always embolden saying that the sound a little trembles, just that elder cultivation base did not lower many compared with him, finally everyone has not seen clearly his take action 这一幕让周围炸开了锅,众多海族高手纷纷后退一步,抽出兵器警惕地围着他。“姓祖的,你当真要与我们整个海族为敌?”有个德高望重的海族长老壮胆说道,声音都有点发颤,刚刚那名长老修为不比他低多少,结果大家连他出手都没看清 , Elder by insta kill. ,那长老就被秒杀了。 Trading to do is oneself, perhaps will not be out many. 换作是自己,恐怕下场不会好多少。 Now the only energy is here is the home game of sea clan, moreover there is an army, opposite party cultivation base is high, how could also to resist with the prestige of army. 现在唯一的底气就是这里是海族的主场,而且还有军队在,对方修为再高,又岂能与军队之威对抗。 Sure enough, nearby army hears the news to catch up, surrounds everyone with huge crowds of people, the atmosphere that withers so long as if orders, they any will exist to erase. The elders of sea clan are just about to order Zu An to take, suddenly an inexplicable pressure drops from the clouds, everyone has a fearful and apprehensive feeling, could not control figure to kneel, that seemed in the legend the aura of god, overwhelming 果不其然,附近的军队闻讯赶来,里三层外三层将所有人围住,那肃杀的氛围仿佛只要一声令下,他们就会将任何存在抹除。海族的长老正要下令将祖安拿下,忽然一阵莫名的威压从天而降,所有人都有一种胆战心惊之感,纷纷控制不住身形跪了下来,那仿佛是传说中神的气息,浩然 Incomparable, making everyone feel that own is tiny. 无匹,让所有人都感觉到自己的渺小。 The army had special formation to resist the expert pressure, but this pressure is existence of another dimension, their formation are basic less than the least bit function, crawls in abundance in the place. 原本军队有专门的阵法对抗强者的威压,可这种威压是另一种维度的存在,他们的阵法根本起不到半点作用,也纷纷匍匐在地。 The people look with amazement are floating Zu An in midair, each and everyone tremble, how this person can be in so the situation powerful! 众人纷纷骇然望着浮在半空中的祖安,一个个瑟瑟发抖,这个人怎么能强大到如此地步! At that moment their in the heart had a clear(ly) to become aware, the opposite party as if fused together with the trim world, his will was the will of the world. 那一刻他们心中有一丝明悟,对方似乎与整片天地融为一体,他的意志就是天地的意志。 don't said that entire sea clan, takes a broad view at entire whole world, who can resist the will of the world? 莫说整个海族,就是放眼全天下,又有谁能对抗天地的意志? In the field only has the Shang Liuyu sisters not to kneel down, because, in he bosom, was being held hands by him. 场中唯有商留鱼姐妹没有下跪,因为一个在他怀中,一个被他牵着手。 Business red snapper red lip slightly, the color of whole face shock, how some days does not see, was he powerful to so the situation? 商红鱼红唇微张,满脸震惊之色,怎么才一些日子不见,他就强大到了如此地步? Before although knew to side powerful, but the good and evil was also the category that one type can understand. 之前虽然知道对方强,但好歹也是一种能理解的范畴。 But of opposite party, a as if invincible might is now common, basic and expert of the world is not a racetrack. 但现在对方的强,仿佛有一种神威一般,根本和世界的高手不是一个赛道的了。 No wonder he is so from beginning to end calm. In her heart somewhat rejoiced, initially was doomed in the meet as if day of seashore tavern general, otherwise oneself have really not known how to face these days a narrow escape...... 难怪从头到尾他都那么镇定。她心中有些庆幸,当初在海边酒馆的相遇仿佛天注定一般,不然自己还真不知道如何面对这些日子九死一生的局面…… dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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