IOTBUAGDWMSR :: Volume #16

#1589: Chen Shu abnormal strength

You how?” “你们咋了?” Chen Shu sees the facial expression of people strange, selects the eyebrow to open the mouth to ask. 陈书见众人的神情古怪,挑眉开口问道。 Your knows that what concept the beast ancestor is?” “你丫的知道兽祖是什么概念吗?” flatter shot a look at his one eyes good, cannot help but thought that was somewhat absurd. 阿良瞥了他一眼,不由得觉得有些荒谬了。 That is with an ultimate powerhouse of person sovereign rank, controls the rule, reverses the destiny, it can be said that in the world to existed high! 那可是与人皇一个等级的终极强者,掌控规则,逆转命运,可以说是天地间的至高存在了! Unexpectedly this goods boast shamelessly wants to be used to make soup? 这货竟然大言不惭的想用来煲汤? Mainly was it falls from the sky now......” “主要是它现在陨落了……” Chen Shu shrugs, said: Otherwise, when I rise thoroughly, you looked that I did manage it to finish up!” 陈书耸了耸肩,道:“否则,等我彻底崛起,你看我办不办它就完事了!” „......” “……” The people shake the head, this goods really not sense of awe...... 众人摇了摇头,这货是真的没有一点敬畏之心…… However perhaps, this is he can go against heaven's will, but good reason...... 不过或许,这才是他能一路逆天而行的原因吧…… Appreciates own strength......” “欣赏一下自己的实力吧……” Chen Shu closes the eyes, simultaneously opened the present contract spirit panel information( should be for the last time). 陈书闭上双眼,同时打开了如今契约灵的面板信息(应该是最后一次了)。 Passed through this big grand feast, his contract spirit strength obtained sudden rises in varying degrees again. 经过了这一场大盛宴,他的契约灵实力再度得到了不同程度的暴涨。 Name: Element beast sovereign 名称:元素兽皇 Attribute: Entire face shape 属性:全面型 Life race: Monster beasts 生灵种族:妖兽类 Talent: Element is skilled in Extreme speed cooling Element broken guards 【The body of element 天赋:【元素精通】【极速冷却】【元素破防】【元素之体】 Skill: Bat poisonous mark Lv10 Clone Lv18 Element rune/symbol writing( may not promotion)】 Extremely element control Element annihilation 技能:【蝠毒印记Lv10】【分身Lv18】【元素符文(不可升级)】【极・元素掌控】【元素湮灭】 Exclusive skill: Dog movie fan trace 专属技能:狗影迷踪 Potential rating: SSS( investigates polocyte) 潜力评级:SSS(究极体) Two skills underwent one generation of big fusions, the change of rank is actually not high, its main battle efficiency came from its abnormal element attribute. 二哈的技能经过了一代大融合,等级的变化倒是不高,它主要的战斗力是来自于它变态的元素属性。 Meanwhile, Chen Shu cut to kill the double headed great snake initially, obtained side skill point, was used to promote element rune/symbol writing, strengthened two broken against abilities again. 同时,陈书当初斩杀双头巨蛇,得到的极・技能点,用来升级了元素符文,再度加强了二哈的破防能力。 At this time, the Chen Shu vision looked to the forehead had special mark little yellow. 此时,陈书的目光又望向了额头带有特殊印记的小黄。 Name: The sovereign of Slime 名称:史莱姆之皇 Attribute: Build lifeform 属性:体型生物 Life race: Special kind 生灵种族:特殊类 Talent: Sinks the body of dormancy Govern wound Element governing Juhua build 天赋:【沉眠之体】【御伤】【元素之御】【巨化体型】 Skill: Extremely charge Extremely violence sits kills Extremely not counter-attacks negligently Roar of Lv15 sovereign Dominates body Lv10 absolutely Extremely flight Huge Lv15 Extremely defends( may not promotion)】 Immortal defense( may not promotion)】 技能:【极・冲锋】【极・暴力坐杀】【极・无懈反击】【皇者之吼Lv15】【绝对霸体Lv10】【极・飞行】【巨大化Lv15】【极之防御(不可升级)】【不朽防御(不可升级)】 Exclusive skill: Invincible pressure pressure Sleep kills 专属技能:【无敌压压压】【睡梦杀】 Potential rating: SSS level( investigates polocyte) 潜力评级:SSS级(究极体) little yellow skill change is also huge, particularly the talent had the sweeping change, 小黄的技能变化同样巨大,尤其是天赋出现了大变化, Initially Hypersomnia Thick armor Waits all vanishes does not see, but is the fusion for a stronger talent. 当初的【嗜睡】【厚甲】等等皆是消失不见,而是融合为了更强的天赋。 Sinks the body of dormancy: One are at the sleep condition time, the entire attribute strengthens 30, defends strengthens 50 additionally 【沉眠之体:自身处于睡眠状态时候,全属性加强30,防御额外加强50】 Govern wound: Your all attacks, will supplement and build and defense related extra injury 【御伤:你的一切攻击,将附带与体型和防御相关的额外伤害】 Govern of element: The immunity 80-100 element injuries, this talent has absolutely priority 【元素之御:免疫80-100的元素伤害,本天赋拥有绝对优先级】 Juhua build: Your build will far exceed other lifeform 【巨化体型:你的体型将远超其余生物】 What is worth mentioning is, Element governing From before Fire governing thunder Yu Waits for the talent fusion, the function quite goes against heaven's will, 值得一提的是,【元素之御】是来自于之前【火御】【雷御】等天赋融合而成,作用相当逆天, Because has absolutely the priority, even facing the high-rank legend, little yellow can at least the immunity 80 element injuries, 因为是有绝对优先级,即便是面对上位传奇,小黄都能至少免疫80的元素伤害, Only is this talent, can make it advance into the top defense is the lifeform. 光是这一个天赋,就能让它跻身顶尖的防御系生物。 In addition, the skill is actually not big with the original difference, but the effect had the qualitative change, 除此之外,技能倒是与原先差异不大,只是效果有了质变, For example 【The roar of sovereign Emerges in Shock and awe roared, Extremely defends Then came from powerful protects shield. 譬如说【皇者之吼】就是脱胎于【震慑咆哮】,【极之防御】则是来自于【强力护盾】。 Present little yellow, has evolved for a versatile lifeform, simultaneously has the defense and attack capability, and is quite outstanding. 如今的小黄,已经进化为了一个全能型的生物,同时具备防御与攻击能力,而且极为杰出。 As for the space rabbit, actually does not have any change, nine ominous make up the soup is not big to its function after all greatly. 至于空间兔,倒是没有什么变化,毕竟九凶大补汤对它的作用不大。 But the little elf had the huge promotion with Elvis, 而小精灵与大猫王则是有了巨大提升, Name: Revelation elf king 名称:天启精灵王 Character: Good, lively, really intelligent. 性格:善良,活泼,真・聪慧。 Attribute: Intelligence 属性:智力 Life race: Special kind 生灵种族:特殊类 Talent: 【The body of revelation 【The increase of king Pair of this life weapon Lv5( may not evolution)】 天赋:【天启之体】【王之增幅】【双本命武器Lv5(不可进化)】 Skill: Extremely cure Extremely recovery god rain Extremely physical increase Extremely element increase 【The pinnacle violent walks( may not promotion)】 Death recovered Lv6 Extremely purifies absolutely Extremely the breath of concealment 技能:【极・治愈】【极・复苏神雨】【极・物理增幅】【极・元素增幅】【极致暴走(不可升级)】【死亡复苏Lv6】【极・绝对净化】【极・隐匿之息】 Exclusive skill: Not away release 专属技能:无距释放 Potential rating: SSS( investigates polocyte) 潜力评级:SSS(究极体) The talent and skill of little elf also had the momentous change, naturally, is completely and auxiliary related. 小精灵的天赋与技能同样是有了巨大变化,当然,全部都是与辅助相关的。 【The body of revelation: Own skill cooling time reduces 50, simultaneously all skill effects add 30 【天启之体:自身的技能冷却时间减少50,同时一切技能效果加30】 【The increase of king: Any gain and cure are the effect of skill add 50 【王之增幅:任何增益与治愈系技能的效果加50】 These two talents one makes the little elf the auxiliary ability rise suddenly, assists the contract spirit long-awaited talent absolutely. 这两个天赋一下就让小精灵的辅助能力暴涨,绝对是辅助契约灵梦寐以求的天赋。 As for its skill, Extremely physical increase With Extremely element increase Then before is it , the fusion of skill, the former is the increase strength, the speed, build wait/etc attributes, the latter naturally is the increase element attribute. 至于它的技能,【极・物理增幅】与【极・元素增幅】则是它之前技能的融合,前者是增幅力量,速度,体型等等属性,后者自然是增幅元素属性。 Because arrived at the highest rank, in addition the little elf abnormal prime attribute, the skill effect can be said as quite goes against heaven's will. 而且因为是到达了最高等级,再加上小精灵变态的主属性,技能效果可以说是相当逆天。 But the pinnacle violent walks, then increases the entire attribute, simultaneously will make the entire skill rank of goal be promoted, to be the ultimate increase technique of little elf. 而极致暴走,则是增加全属性,同时会让目标的全技能等级得到提升,属于小精灵的终极增幅技。 Extremely purifies absolutely Then relieves on goal all negative conditions, the priority is extremely high. 【极・绝对净化】则是解除目标身上的一切负面状态,优先级极高。 But Extremely the breath of concealment, Before is the little elf, has released, can the aura and figure of concealment goal, the effect is stronger than the stealth medicament. 而【极・隐匿之息】,是小精灵之前释放过的,可以隐匿目标的气息与身形,效果比隐身药剂更强。 Name: Big demon Elvis 名称:大魔猫王 Character: Gluttonous lazy 性格:贪吃懒惰 Attribute: Intelligence 属性:智力 Life race: Monster beasts 生灵种族:妖兽类 Talent: 【The body of darkness Dark spirit Day locking Elvis tolerant 【The soul of blessing 天赋:【黑暗之体】【暗灵】【天・锁定】【猫王的宽容】【祝福之魂】 Skill: Extremely small-scale blessing: Tempers the goal strength randomly, the speed, defends and other random one in foundation attribute! Note: The same end may accept ten times this blessing Extremely medium blessing: Weakens the entire element attribute of goal Extremely large-scale blessing: Weakens the complete attribute and skill rank of goal, has the probability to make its strength rank drop Ultimate blessing( may not promotion): Forces to weaken the biggest vitality of goal 技能:【极・小型祝福:随机削弱目标力量,速度,防御等基础属性中的任意一项!注:同一目标可接受十次本祝福】【极・中型祝福:削弱目标的全元素属性】【极・大型祝福:削弱目标的全部属性与技能等级,有概率令其实力等级下降】【终极祝福(不可升级):强制削弱目标的最大生命力】 Special technique: Gaze of Elvis Elvis silent 特殊技:【猫王的注视】【猫王的沉默】 Exclusive technique: Gaudy skill Not is apart from release 专属技:【花里胡哨的技巧】【无距释放】 Potential rating: SSS level( investigates polocyte) 潜力评级:SSS级(究极体) The skill of Elvis also had the change, the blessing ability greatly promoted, particularly it Ultimate blessing, 大猫王的技能同样有了变化,祝福能力大大提升,尤其是它的【终极祝福】, As its ultimate technique, the effect can be said as quite abnormal, can weaken the biggest vitality of opposite party directly, quite therefore reduces the blood strip length of goal. 作为它的终极技,效果可以说是相当变态,能直接削弱对方的最大生命力,相当于是降低目标的血条长度。 Although is the curse is the contract spirit, but its effect, is as good as any injury is the skill. 虽然是诅咒系契约灵,但其效果,不亚于任何一个伤害系技能。 And because of the reason of Elvis talent, any lifeform cannot avoid, can only force by blessing, 而且因为大猫王自身天赋的缘故,任何生物都躲不开,只能强制被‘祝福’, Naturally each goal can only be blessed one time, does not have several times throws the going against heaven's will situation that the goal blessing dies...... 当然每个目标只能被祝福一次,不存在多扔几次就把目标祝福死的逆天情况…… Really abnormal......” “真的变态啊……” Chen Shu is looking at the contract spirit panel, cannot help but had a feeling. 陈书望着自己契约灵的面板,不由得有了一点感慨。 Now, his contract spirit, most skills had extremely prefix, this also means that the skill was to all rise full level, was the upper limit, 如今,他的契约灵,大部分技能都是有了‘极’的前缀,这也意味着技能皆是升到了满级,达到了上限, Also can look from this, the masterstroke/divine skill is not only the effect anomaly, but also the potential also far exceeds other skills. 从这也能看出来,神技不但是效果变态,而且潜力也远超其余技能。 Last improvement......” “还有最后一个提升点……” Chen Shu closed the eyes, thinks god who the system gives extremely skill point, 陈书闭上了双眼,想到了系统给予的神极・技能点, This skill effect is simple, can rise any skill to full level, including masterstroke/divine skill! 这个技能点的效果简单,可以将任一技能升到满级,包括神技!
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