IOTBUAGDWMSR :: Volume #16

#1590: This is to the insult of beast standard!

Huge, clone, the death recovered, bat poisonous mark......” “巨大化,分身,死亡复苏,蝠毒印记……” Chen Shu is pondering unceasingly, in the heart really had a point to intertwine, 陈书不断思考着,心中竟然是有了一点纠结, If really enough many gods extremely skill was good, otherwise rises the complete masterstroke/divine skill to full level, he really felt oneself can start to arrange hundred ominously to make up the soup greatly...... 若是真足够多的神极・技能点就好了,否则将全部神技升到满级,他真觉得自己能开始安排百凶大补汤了…… Clone? Huge?” “分身?巨大化?” His brow tight wrinkle, targeted on these two skills. 他的眉头紧皱,将目标锁定了这两个技能。 Now when the strongest contract spirit is space and time dragon Tu, but its all skills did not have the rank saying that was naturally unuseful. 如今最强的契约灵当属时空龙兔,只是它的一切技能都没等级之说,自然不能使用。 Finally, he weighed, gave the masterstroke/divine skill the skill point Clone. 最终,他衡量了一番,将技能点给了神技【分身】。 Next time will surely give you......” “下次一定给你……” Chen Shu touched little yellow who moe dull, simultaneously god extremely skill point gave two clone. 陈书摸了摸呆萌的小黄,同时将神极・技能点给了二哈的分身。 Suddenly, two mind shake, within the body emitted the deep blue brilliance, appears dazzles. 一时间,二哈的心神一震,体内冒出了湛蓝的光辉,显得炫酷至极。 Now two strength anomalies, absorb this huge strength not to require the too long time. 如今二哈的实力变态,吸收这种庞大的力量已经不需要太久的时间。 Quick, its panel information had the change: 很快,它的面板信息就有了变化: Extremely clone: May create and main body exactly the same clone, the quantity upper limit: Ten 【极・分身:可创造出与本体一模一样的分身,数量上限:十】 Ten were the limit?” “十个就是极限了吗?” Chen Shu muttered, the disappointment of actually having no. 陈书喃喃自语,倒是没有任何的失望。 Although the potential of masterstroke/divine skill is huge, because can come from the legendary lifeform, this also indicates that it has not been separated from legendary the category, 神技的潜力虽然巨大,但因为可以来自于传奇生物,这也预示着它没有脱离传奇的范畴, If really branches out hundreds and thousands to clone to you, perhaps really can above existence with legend speak the last words. 若是真的给你分出成百上千个分身,恐怕真能和传奇之上的存在叫板了。 Is a huge promotion......” “又是一个巨大提升……” Chen Shu muttered: Rested, the preparation opens kills!” 陈书喃喃自语道:“休息一番,准备开杀了!” Now the progress of strength imagines him is smoother, wants to end the turmoil, perhaps not necessarily needs to break through the legend...... 如今实力的进展比他想象得还要顺利,想要结束动乱,或许未必需要突破传奇…… Three days later, 三天以后, Chen Shu raised fully the spirit, brought the contract to leave the starry sky vestige again spirit. 陈书养足了精神,再度带着契约灵离开了星空遗迹。 The deep place of Blue Star sea area, this place is found in the islands, but has many different spaces under the sea, is bountiful place, 蓝星海域的深处,此地遍布着岛屿,而在海下更是有不少的异空间,属于一处富饶之地, After all the present different space, quite therefore the rare and precious resources point, can continue to deliver various resources. 毕竟如今的异空间,就相当于是珍稀的资源点,可以持续产出各种资源。 But this place, is the territory of merpeople beast sovereign! 而此地,正是人鱼兽皇的领地! The present world was carved up by the new times beast sovereign, the merpeople beast sovereign naturally was also achieved wishes own territory. 如今的世界被新时代兽皇瓜分,人鱼兽皇自然也是如愿得到了自己的领地。 Quite poor......” “好穷啊……” The merpeople is lying down above islands, 人鱼正躺在一处岛屿之上, Although there is a territory, but the present day was more impoverished than the past, 虽然有了领地,但如今的日子却比以往都要清贫, Many years of war, consumed too many resources, in addition Chen Shu and stealing behavior of day knight, making the present world penniless. 多年的大战,耗费了太多的资源,再加上陈书和天骑士的偷盗行为,让如今的世界已经一贫如洗。 I need to look for resources......, otherwise cannot make the breakthrough.” “我需要找点资源啊……否则迟迟不能有突破。” Experienced fought repeatedly, in the merpeople beast sovereign heart has the sensibility, did not have what bottleneck, 经历了多次大战,人鱼兽皇心中已经有了感悟,不存在什么瓶颈, Lacks only, was the large amounts of resources! 唯一缺少的,就是大量的资源了! In its eye had the ponder, talked to oneself: Now wanted to find the resources, either looks for a day of knight, either was...... seeks for human!” 它的眼中有了思考,自语道:“现在想要找到资源,要么是找天骑士,要么就是……寻找人类!” If can enslave human, opens the resources rich vestige with the aid of them......” “若是能奴役人类,借助他们来开启资源丰厚的遗迹……” Suddenly, in the eyes of merpeople beast sovereign had greedily, talked to oneself: 一时间,人鱼兽皇的眼中有了一点贪婪,自语道: Perhaps was the present best way.” “恐怕是如今最好的办法了。” Indeed is the best way!” “的确是最好的办法!” But in the meantime, the inexplicable sound resounds together, some as if people are ordinary in its ear bank speech. 而就在此时,一道莫名的声音响起,仿佛有人在它的耳畔说话一般。 The mind of merpeople beast sovereign shakes, looked instantaneously to all around, in the eye filled vigilantly, 人鱼兽皇的心神一震,瞬间望向了四周,眼中充满了警惕, Rumbling! 轰轰轰! In an instant, the endless sea water surges, condenses in its side, first opened own domain. 刹那间,无尽的海水涌动,凝聚在它的身旁,第一时间就开启了自己的领域。 Who is?!” “是谁?!” Forgot the old acquaintance quickly?” “这么快就忘了老熟人?” The sound that ridicules together appears, sees only wears the Chen Shu steps of black windproof coat to come slowly, said: 一道揶揄的声音出现,只见身穿黑色风衣的陈书缓缓踏步而来,道: Who forgot your ancient royal palace is explodes?” “忘了你的古王宫是谁炸的了?” Drop dead......” “杀千刀的……” The mind of merpeople beast sovereign shakes, in the eye had instantaneously killed intent to fill the air, 人鱼兽皇的心神一震,眼中瞬间有了杀意弥漫, First, I am not surnamed to kill......” “第一,我不姓杀……” Chen Shu curls the lip, said: Elder Brother is the Nanjiang fierce bandit, Chen Shu!” 陈书撇了撇嘴,道:“哥哥是南江悍匪,陈书!” What do you make?!” “你来做什么?!” The look of merpeople beast sovereign ice-cold, but has not actually initiatedded an attack, but wants to delay the time as far as possible, waits for other beast sovereigns to come. 人鱼兽皇的眼神冰冷,但却没有主动出击,而是想要尽量拖延时间,等待着其余兽皇前来。 „To eat the Sashimi, asks you to help.” “想吃生鱼片,找你帮帮忙。” Un?” “嗯?” The merpeople beast sovereign is startled slightly, is angry on hears word, this has been trampling the beast sovereign dignity...... 人鱼兽皇微微一怔,接着就闻言大怒,这已经是在践踏兽皇尊严了…… Human of courting death! However killed soul dragon sovereign with the aid of the external force, really thinks that your king level ants can overturn the heavens?!” “找死的人类!不过是借助外力杀了魂龙皇,真以为你一个王级蝼蚁能翻天了?!” The merpeople beast sovereign tightens shakes hand the trident, the anger exclaims: 人鱼兽皇紧握手中的三叉戟,怒吼道: Relied on your individual strength, how long can insist in the hand of this sovereign?!” “凭你的个人实力,能在本皇的手中坚持多久呢?!” Chen Shu returned to one lightly: „.” 陈书淡淡的回了一句:“哦。” Ten after minutes, 十分钟以后, The merpeople beast sovereign falls down, the body whole body is the blood, is showing the whites of the eyes, a pitiful appearance that has the air admission not to vent anger...... 人鱼兽皇瘫倒在地,身躯浑身是血,翻着白眼,一副有进气没出气的凄惨模样…… Meanwhile, ten two correct use wise eyes are overlooking the merpeople beast sovereign, seemed like filled curiously, 同时,十只二哈正用充满智慧的双眼俯视着人鱼兽皇,似乎是充满了好奇, With order of Chen Shu, in two mouths presented the element skills of different ray, 随着陈书的一声令下,二哈们的口中出现了不同光芒的元素技能, Element hodgepodge takes away the merpeople beast sovereign directly...... 一顿元素大杂烩直接就将人鱼兽皇带走…… „Before dying, can install the wave? Really has your.” “死之前都还要装波?真有你的。” Chen Shu shakes the head, agile received the merpeople beast sovereign body, natural departure. 陈书摇了摇头,利索的将人鱼兽皇尸体收了起来,潇洒至极的离开。 Meanwhile, 与此同时, In the vault of heaven presented a great human empty shadow, his appearance is tranquil, wears the black windproof coat, is waiting for anything silently, 天穹之中出现了一道伟岸的人类虚影,他的模样平静,身穿黑色风衣,正默默等待着什么, At this moment, the merpeople empty shadow appears together, 就在此刻,一道人鱼虚影出现, The world phenomenon appears again, making the lifeform of the world neat looked, 久违的天地异象再度出现,让全世界的生物齐刷刷的望了过来, This time merpeople empty shadow has no being unwilling, when sees the human empty shadow time, the instantaneous look is alarmed and afraid, even does not dare to look straight ahead the opposite party, 此时的人鱼虚影没有任何的不甘,当看到人类虚影的时刻,瞬间神色惊惧,甚至不敢直视对方, Present Chen Shu has understood, the world announced not necessarily must reappear the scene of fight, but can imagine, 如今的陈书已经明白,世界公告不一定是要重现战斗的景象,而是可以自己想象, Then, the Chen Shu brain hole naturally opened greatly...... 如此一来,陈书的脑洞自然是大开了…… He goes to the next hunting point, while is operating the above human empty shadow, 他一边前往下一处狩猎点,一边操纵着上空的人类虚影, Sees only the empty shadow right hand to move, put out a giant urea bag unexpectedly, 只见虚影的右手一动,竟然是拿出了一个巨型尿素袋, Why can know as for the ominous beast, because in the bag is writing shiningly urea two characters, moreover writes in the beast language...... 至于凶兽为何能认识,因为袋子上正写着明晃晃的‘尿素’二字,而且是用兽语写的…… Obviously, the ominous beast is the main audience of this grand performance...... 显然,凶兽才是这一场盛大演出的主要观众…… Bang! 轰! At this moment, the merpeople beast sovereign has no strength of the contending, the direct bedding bag enters, 此刻,人鱼兽皇没有任何的抗衡之力,直接被套入其中, The time gradually passes by, 时间逐渐过去, The merpeople struggles unceasingly, finally was suffocated unexpectedly while still alive...... 人鱼不断挣扎,最终竟然是被活活闷死了…… So the cause of death, naturally is to make the ominous beasts together simultaneous/uniform the violent anger, 如此死法,自然是让凶兽们齐齐暴怒, This did not kill a merpeople beast sovereign, this is hitting the face of entire ominous beast clan! 这不是杀了一只人鱼兽皇,这是在打整个凶兽族的脸啊! This already pure regarding the insult of beast standard! 这已经纯纯是对于兽格的侮辱了! However, the time that while the ominous beasts are furious, the world phenomenon that just dissipated appeared again! 然而,正当凶兽们震怒的时刻,刚刚消散的天地异象再度出现了! Suddenly, the ominous beast is panic-stricken, in the eye has the color of ignorant compelling, does not understand completely had what condition, 一时间,凶兽惊骇,眼中有着懵逼之色,完全不明白出现了什么状况, At this time, is still in that human empty shadow standing erect world, 此时,依然是那个人类虚影屹立天地间, The smile of his sunlight, is overlooking under wear a look, seems like greeting general...... 他面带阳光的笑容,俯视着下方,似乎是在打招呼一般…… At this time, the ominous beast empty shadow appears again, but is actually not the merpeople beast sovereign, but is a giant dragon turtle! 此时,凶兽虚影再度出现,不过却不是人鱼兽皇,而是一只巨大的龙龟! Combat process of both sides had the change, sees only the human empty shadow to grasp one giant to kill the pig blade unexpectedly, a blade blade dragon Gui mincing...... 双方的战斗过程有了变化,只见人类虚影竟然是手持一把巨型杀猪刀,一刀刀将龙龟给剁碎的…… In order to be worried about the ominous beast cannot understand, on the broadsword inscribed specially killed pig two characters! 为了担心凶兽看不懂,大刀上特意写上了‘杀猪’两个字!
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