IOTBUAGDWMSR :: Volume #16

#1588: Makes soup with the beast ancestor?

Is looking at two like the mourning corpse general contract spirit, Chen Shu is also the corners of the mouth pulls out, 望着两个如同丧尸一般的契约灵,陈书也是嘴角一抽, He simply gave to put little yellow and two, 他索性将小黄和二哈都给放了出来, Meanwhile, before each contract spirit body, presented wisp of sturdy star light respectively, among covered entirely the cooking liquor. 同时,在他每只契约灵的身前,各自出现了一缕粗壮的星光,其内布满了汤汁。 As his contract spirit, naturally must give the private lesson. 作为他的契约灵,当然也是要开开小灶的。 Sees this, five contracts spirit instantaneous crazy, is swallowing the present peerless good food in gulps. 见此,五只契约灵瞬间疯狂,大口大口吞噬着眼前的绝世美食。 Really is the flavor good......” “真是味道不错……” Chen Shu is still swallowing at this moment unceasingly, but the speed was actually slow, 陈书此刻依然在不断吞食着,不过速度却是慢了下来, The human physique extremely in the frailty, naturally cannot compare with the contract spirit. 人类体质太过于脆弱,自然是不能与契约灵相比。 His vision looked to five contracts worked, in the eye had wiped the happy expression. 他的目光望向了五只契约灵,眼中有了一抹笑意。 Now five contracts spirit all investigate the polocyte, the attribute has achieved the degree of being possible be called the terrifying, otherwise cannot contend with the legend by king Jilai. 如今五只契约灵皆是究极体,属性已经达到了堪称恐怖的程度,否则也不能以王级来抗衡传奇。 Only looks at its appearance, they also had a difference from the past, 光是看其模样,它们也与以往有了一点区别, On little yellow forehead had a golden corpulent mark, simultaneously the build changes, for about one meter, seems darling. 小黄额头上有了一个金色的便便印记,同时体型变化为了一米左右,显得憨态可掬。 The characteristics of rabbit are double pupil one are the pure white, one is the grey, separately represented the time and space strength, 兔子的特征则是双眸一个为纯白色,一个是灰色,分别代表了时间与空间的力量, Two who investigates the polocyte naturally has seven color element halo, surrounds in own body, dazzles, 究极体的二哈自然是拥有七彩的元素光环,环绕在自己的身躯,炫酷至极, As for the little elf, then has the green white ray to linger, represents it to cure and auxiliary attribute. 至于小精灵,则是有绿白光芒萦绕,代表着它治愈与辅助的属性。 Oddest, when was Elvis who investigated the polocyte! 最为离谱的,当属究极体的大猫王了! Its appearance has not changed, but around the body, is surrounding the food empty shades unexpectedly, for fear that others do not know its glutton attribute...... 它的模样没有变化,但身躯四周,竟然是环绕着一个个食物虚影,生怕其他人不知道它的吃货属性…… Chen Shu is looking at their big mouth swallowing appearance, cannot help but the corners of the mouth rise, 陈书望着它们大口吞食的模样,不由得嘴角上扬, Can have this group of fight partners, perhaps is his being honored is right...... 能拥有这一群战斗伙伴,或许是他的荣幸才对…… ...... …… As the time gradually passes by, 随着时间逐渐过去, People opened a breakthrough grand feast again, the overall strength goes a step further, 人们再度开启了一场突破盛宴,整体实力更进一步, flatter good and other top powerhouses of human, the cooking liquor quantity of swallowing is biggest, even compares favorably with ten thousand ordinary governing beast masters, 阿良等人类的顶尖强者,吞服的汤汁量最大,甚至比得上万名普通御兽师, Their strengths also had the progress again, although has not broken through the legend, if by any chance the level actually arrived at king level the peak, was equivalent to the past peaceful uncommonly, 他们的实力也是再度有了进展,虽然没有突破到传奇,但等级却是来到了王级巅峰,与当年的宁不凡相当, What a pity is, the present world principle does not permit the achievement legend, otherwise they also really can sprint, 可惜的是,如今的世界法则不允许成就传奇,否则他们还真能冲刺一下, After all the present nine ominous soup are the dishes of top legend, moreover has in addition of strength of the world to hold, even if the powerhouse of high-rank legend will have greedy, can have such effect still nothing unusual. 毕竟眼前的九凶汤是顶尖传奇的菜品,而且又有天地之力的加持,即便是上位传奇的强者都会心生贪婪,能有如此效果也不足为奇。 Meanwhile, their contracts also obtained the big promotion spirit, even many broke through to investigate the polocyte. 同时,他们的契约灵也是得到了大提升,甚至不少借此突破到了究极体。 Besides king level the powerhouse, other governing beast masters are the promotion are also giant, even if the worst person, broke through a small rank, 除了王级强者以外,其余的御兽师同样是提升巨大,哪怕是最差的人,都突破了一个小等级, Suddenly, the people all filled excitedly, in the heart is also hates own rank is too low secretly, cannot withstand more cooking liquor energies. 一时间,众人皆是充满了兴奋,心中也是暗恨自己的等级太低,承受不了更多的汤汁能量。 Naturally, swallowing quantity biggest, when is Chen Shu, 当然,其中吞服量最大的当属陈书, After all is the human present first powerhouse, the appetite big point is also fair, 毕竟是人类如今的第一强者,食量大一点也是合情合理, Only is his edible cooking liquor, has been able to compare with others 's contract spirit, not to mention may be called the abnormal five contracts spirit. 光是他本人食用的汤汁,已经能与他人的契约灵相比了,更不用说堪称变态的五只契约灵。 According to Chen Shu oneself estimate, he enjoyed this pot legend best quality goods dish 1/5, 按照陈书自己的预估,他一人就享用了这一锅传奇极品菜品的五分之一, Under the so terrifying quantity, his strength naturally also obtained a big promotion, 如此恐怖的量之下,他的实力自然也是得到了不小的提升, And, the space and time dragon Tu promotion is smallest, after all its foundation attribute is too abnormal, moreover is space and time attribute that goes against heaven's will, 其中,时空龙兔的提升最小,毕竟它的基础属性太变态,而且是逆天的时空属性, However his other four contracts spirit are the promotion are giant, 不过他的其余四只契约灵却是提升巨大, Two they rose suddenly on the abnormal foundation attribute again, even has endured compared with the top low-rank legend, 二哈它们本来就变态的基础属性再度暴涨,甚至已经堪比顶尖的下位传奇, Perhaps present Chen Shu, the overall battle efficiency touched the threshold of high-rank legend, 如今的陈书,整体的战斗力恐怕触碰到了上位传奇的门槛, No matter what no one believes, so powerful Chen Shu, unexpectedly is only king level the boundary...... 任谁都不会相信,如此强大的陈书,竟然只是王级境界…… This going against heaven's will matter, do not say that was the modern age, even if the ancient governing age has not heard...... 这种逆天之事,不要说是现代了,即便是古御年代都从来没有听闻过…… At this time, flatter good and the others are depending in the contract spirit rest, 此时,阿良等人正靠在契约灵的身旁休息, Their contract spirits have achieved saturated, if swallows forcefully is also only the waste, 他们的契约灵已经达到了饱和,若是强行吞服也只是浪费罢了, Dried orange peel, do you have the issue?!” “陈皮,你是不是有问题啊?!” At this time, their vision are astonished, sized up Chen Shu back and forth, in the eye was filling puzzled. 此时,他们的目光惊异,来回打量着陈书,眼中充满了不解。 What's wrong?” “咋了?” Chen Shu is still tasting the cooking liquor carefully, only thought that each will make the taste bud have different enjoyments. 陈书依然在细细品尝着汤汁,只觉得每一口都会让味蕾有不同的享受。 „Can your contract also promote spirit?!” “你的契约灵还可以提升?!” The flatter good brow tight wrinkle, said: Is it possible that have you broken through to the legend?!” 阿良的眉头紧皱,道:“莫非你已经突破到传奇了?!” According to common sense, if the master has not broken through the rank, the contract spirit is not possible to promote unlimitedly. 按照常理来说,若是主人迟迟没有突破等级,契约灵是不可能无限制提升上去的。 If there is a black iron governing beast master not to practice to break through, feeds the contract spirit with the huge resources, but his contract spirit attribute are most can compare the silver, basically is impossible to promote to the gold and even king level the degree. 若是有黑铁御兽师一直不修炼突破,用大量资源来喂养契约灵,但他的契约灵属性最多能比拟白银,基本上不可能提升到黄金乃至王级的程度。 The masters and contracts complement one another spirit, the disparity will not be big. 主人与契约灵相辅相成,是不会差距太大的。 Naturally, the inborn powerful contract is an exception spirit, for example purple soul sovereign of ice dust inborn bringing. 当然,天生的强大契约灵除外,譬如说凌尘天生自带的紫魂皇。 But now, the Chen Shu contract spirit is trains completely personally, naturally is not inborn powerful, 而如今,陈书的契约灵全部是自己亲手培养的,自然不是天生强大, In this case, his contract has the hoisting limit spirit, not possible unlimited. 这种情况下,他的契约灵是有提升极限的,不可能无限制。 Does not break through the legend, but breaks through to king level four stars......” “不是突破传奇,而是突破到王级四星……” Chen Shu shrugs, oneself will break through to the things of king level four stars said one...... 陈书耸了耸肩,将自己突破到王级四星的事情说了一番…… Oneself seem like, really did not have the limit...... 自己貌似,真的没有极限了…… You...... especially......” “你……特么的……” People hears word, simultaneous/uniform Qizheng lived, does not know that expressed in what spoken language. 众人闻言,齐齐怔住了,已经不知道用什么言语来表达了。 You special abnormal must have a limit...... 你特么变态也得有一个限度吧…… At this moment, Chen Shu selected the eyebrow, said: 此刻,陈书挑了挑眉,道: Envies you, arrived in the end point...... not to use quickly diligently.” “羡慕你们啊,这么快就抵达了终点……可以不用努力了。” „......” “……” Is the people full heavy line, this special the words that the person can say? 众人满头黑线,这特么是人能说出来的话? They looked at each other one, then lowers the head, is a little self-closing...... 他们对视了一眼,接着就低着头,已经是有点自闭了…… But at this time, the Chen Shu contract spirit is still eating food continually, the attribute is also rising unexpectedly especially...... 而此时,陈书的契约灵依然在持续进食,属性竟然还特么在上涨…… Perhaps if really with the Chen Shu competition, they adds unable to support for five seconds, although with is king level, but is completely not a level. 若是真的与陈书比试,他们加起来恐怕都撑不住五秒,虽然同为王级,但完全不是一个层次的了。 „Don't you eat?” “你们都不吃了吗?” Chen Shu looked at a flatter that good starts to sit in repose with eyes closed and the others, cannot help but had a point to be a pity. 陈书看了一眼开始闭目养神的阿良等人,不由得有了一点可惜。 Now, most people closed the eyes, started to rest, in the meantime, their contracts also achieved the saturated condition spirit, starts strength that adapted to rises suddenly. 如今,大部分人都闭上了双眼,开始休息了起来,同时,他们的契约灵也是达到了饱和状态,开始适应暴涨的实力。 This saturation, did not say that they will digest tomorrow can continue to take, but was the strength that nine ominous soup can make them enhance arrives at this. 这种饱和,不是说他们明天消化了就能继续服用,而是九凶汤能让他们提升的实力就到此了。 At this time, the Chen Shu contract also gradually stopped taking spirit, even if Elvis supported fall asleep...... 此时,陈书的契约灵也是逐渐停下了服用,即便是大猫王都撑得睡着了…… Is good are many because of all around governing beast master number enough, finally under the joint effort of people, nine ominous makes up the soup not to waste greatly eventually, has not stayed behind including residual. 好在四周的御兽师数量足够多,最终在众人的合力之下,九凶大补汤终究是没有浪费,连一点残渣都没有留下。 Crisp......” “爽啊……” Hundreds of thousands of people closed the eyes satisfied, their contracts bathe spirit in the ray, the strength continually has been promoted...... 数十万人惬意的闭上了双眼,他们的契约灵沐浴在光芒之中,实力不断得到提升…… This grand feast, gradually arrived at the last act...... 这一场盛宴,逐渐来到了尾声…… At this time, Chen Shu is looking at the completely empty starry sky cauldron, talked to oneself: 此时,陈书望着空空如也的星空大锅,自语道: This is also only with nine greatly ominous achievement Lord food, if makes soup with the beast ancestor is anything feels......” “这还只是用九只大凶作为主食材,如果用兽祖来煲汤是什么感觉……” Such remarks, his nearby flatter good and the others awaken instantaneously, neat looked, 此话一出,他附近的阿良等人瞬间惊醒,齐刷刷的望了过来, Your is the real demon is startled...... 你丫的是真魔怔啊……
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