IOTBUAGDWMSR :: Volume #16

#1587: By food god of the world approval!

At this time, 此时, Hundreds of thousands of people of vision simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform locked the front starry sky cauldron, in the eye was full of the expectation, is starts to fantasize the effect of swallowing. 数十万人的目光齐齐锁定了前方的星空大锅,眼中充满了期望,已经是开始幻想吞服的效果了。 However some Chen Shu in the front, the situation of actually does not have any turmoil appear. 不过有陈书在前方,倒是没有任何动乱的情况出现。 While he prepared to speak two polite speeches, opened this extremely grand feast officially time, 正当他准备说两句场面话,正式开启这一场绝顶盛宴的时候, One the white ray appears in the sky of vestige continuously suddenly, 一缕缕白色光芒陡然间出现在遗迹的上空, In the starry sky vestige is the deep blue stars ray, the white light that therefore presents appears especially dazzling, 星空遗迹中皆是湛蓝的星辰光芒,因此出现的白光显得格外的刺眼, Un?!” “嗯?!” Pupil contraction of Chen Shu, look transient, instinct thinks that the ominous beast locked the coordinates of vestige, 陈书的瞳孔收缩,神色瞬变,本能的以为凶兽锁定了遗迹的坐标, However, the ray is actually nothing's threatening nature, but integrates vigorous within the body that compelled ignorant, 然而,光芒却是没有任何的威胁性,而是融入了懵逼的大力体内, „?” “啊?” The look is startled vigorously, does not seem to responded, 大力神色一怔,似乎也是没有反应过来, But the next second, does not need others to open the mouth, his body shivered instantaneously, in the eye was full of the exciting color, shouts crazily: 但下一秒,不待其余人开口,他的身躯瞬间颤抖了起来,眼中充满了激动之色,狂喊道: I succeed! My really success!” “我成功!我真的成功了!” Vigorously, you how?!” “大力,你咋了?!” Chen Shu also compels ignorant, but sees the vigorous facial expression, obviously is not the misdemeanor, in the heart also relaxes. 陈书同样懵逼,但见大力的神情,显然不是什么坏事,心中也是松了口气。 My cooking had/left food of legendary rank, I obtained the approval of the world!” “我烹饪出了传奇级别的食物,我得到了天地的认可!” I became! I really became!” “我成了!我真的成了!” Stood vigorously the body, bathes in the dazzling white light, 大力站直了身躯,沐浴在耀眼的白光之中, At this moment, he just like gods! 这一刻,他宛如神明! Below people are the vision are all panic-stricken, are looking above vigorously, silent did not say, 下方的众人皆是目光惊骇,望着上空的大力,沉默不言, Although they cannot understand, but can actually detect, the opposite party obtained the huge opportunity inevitably. 虽然他们看不懂,但却能察觉到,对方必然是得到了天大的机遇。 Originally is the world approval......” “原来是天地认可……” Chen Shu is looking at the sky excitedly vigorously, similarly has the joy of the heart, said in a soft voice: 陈书望着上空激动的大力,同样是有着发自内心的喜悦,轻声道: Congratulated......” “恭喜了……” From ancient to present, human has not presented the legendary spirit kitchen, founded a new time vigorously, took a brand-new path. 从古至今,人类都没有出现过传奇灵厨,大力算是开创了一个新的时代,走出了一条全新的道路。 Can obtain the approval of the world , is naturally nothing unusual. 能得到天地的认可,自然也不足为奇。 At this time, wears the ray vigorously, slowly tranquil, 此时,身披光芒的大力,缓缓平静了下来, Under his hint, saw only the world ray to branch out the bunch suddenly, integrated in the front starry sky cauldron, 在他的示意之下,只见天地光芒陡然间分出了一束束,融入了前方的星空大锅之中, This is the first legendary dish between world, naturally can obtain granting of the world similarly, 这是天地间的第一份传奇菜品,自然同样能得到天地的赐予, Suddenly, the effect of dish obtained a big increase immediately, 一时间,菜品的效果顿时得到了不小的增幅, Naturally, this is only the ray of minimum part, 当然,这只是极小部分的光芒, The surplus massive rays, gradually transform, for golden kitchenwares, kitchen knife, cauldron, ladle wait/etc...... 剩余的大量光芒,逐渐幻化为了一个个金色厨具,菜刀,大锅,勺子等等…… Above gave the approval of the world, in this life also only has can use vigorously, 其上赋予了天地的认可,当今世上也唯有大力可以使用, This is the biggest praise! 这才是最大的嘉奖! Opened the eyes vigorously slowly, looked at various present world kitchenwares, in the eye cannot help but has the tears, 大力缓缓睁开了双眼,望着眼前的各种天地厨具,眼中不由得有了泪光, He insisted so many years, like insanity common cooking dish, 他坚持了这么多年,如同疯魔一般的烹饪菜品, Today, finally obtained the return...... 今日,终于是得到了回报…… In the meantime, the vigorous mind moves, the present world kitchenware all dissipated, integrated in his body. 就在此时,大力的心神一动,眼前的天地厨具皆是消散,融入了他的身躯之中。 This is his world reward specially, world only has him to use. 这是专属于他的天地奖励,世间唯有他一人可以使用。 Hence, the world ray dissipates does not see...... 至此,天地光芒消散不见…… Dried orange peel, I became!” “陈皮,我成了!” Fell in the ground vigorously, could not bear again the redundant say/way. 大力落到了地面上,忍不住再度重复道。 Became! You became!” “成了!你成了!” Chen Shu wear a look of happy expression, what is heartfelt is the old friend feels joyful. 陈书面带笑意,由衷的为老友感到喜悦。 Thank you......” “谢谢你……” Vigorously the exciting facial expression suddenly becomes earnest, 大力本来兴奋的神情陡然间变得认真至极, This walks, if said that biggest hero, naturally is fierce bandit Chen Shu! 这一路走来,若说最大的功臣,自然是悍匪陈书 If not for the opposite party has provided various rare and precious materials for him, whatever he attempts, even if there is he good talent, is the futile effort. 若不是对方一直为他提供各种珍稀材料,任由他进行尝试,他纵有再好的天赋,也是徒劳。 Our two brothers said that these do do really?” “咱哥俩说这些作甚?” Chen Shu laughs, with supports vigorously in the same place. 陈书开怀一笑,与大力相拥在一起。 He regarding has had vigorously admiringly, an average person, can grow to this dazzling situation unexpectedly, really extremely in going against heaven's will...... 他对于大力一直有钦佩的,一个普通人,竟然能成长到这种耀眼的地步,实在是太过于逆天了…… He has suspected more than once, this goods are the child of true potential surface...... 他不止一次怀疑过,这货才是真正的位面之子…… Ok, I must show off......” “好了,我得去炫耀了……” Patted the shoulder of Chen Shu vigorously, said: Nine ominous make up the soup to remember greatly before it's too late......” 大力拍了拍陈书的肩膀,道:“九凶大补汤记得趁热……” Then, he left this place, was busy studying the elder sister wait/etc to show off with own parental teacher...... 说罢,他就离开了此地,忙着与自己的父母老师学姐等等炫耀了…… Chen Shu is looking at the back of opposite party, could not bear smile. 陈书望着对方的背影,又是忍不住笑了起来。 In a minute, his vision looked to the front star light cauldron, cannot help but some deeper anticipation, 片刻,他的目光望向了前方的星光大锅,不由得有了更深的期待, This obtains the food of the world approval, is not every thing...... 这可是得到天地认可的食材,已经不是凡物了…… What demonstrated vigorously perfectly is one's family and relatives can ride on one's coattails to success...... 大力完美的演示了什么叫‘一人得道鸡犬升天’…… Everyone!” “各位!” At this time, Chen Shu is difficult to cover the exciting sound, passed to the ear of everyone: 此时,陈书难掩激动的声音,传到了每个人的耳中: You also saw the phenomenon, present nine ominous make up the soup greatly is the world treasures, but I must remind a matter seriously!” “想必你们也看到了刚才的异象,眼前的九凶大补汤已经是天地奇珍,不过我要郑重提醒一件事!” Must do what one can, cannot greedy! Otherwise is out, only then, explodes the body to perish!” “诸位必须要量力而行,绝不能贪多!否则下场只有一个,爆体而亡!” His voice, in people eyes crazy one dissipated, instantaneously calm. 他的话音一出,众人眼中的疯狂一下就消散了,瞬间就冷静了下来。 They did not fear the death, but if by food supporting, that was odd...... 他们不怕死亡,但若是被食物给撑死,那才是过于离谱了…… Ok! Start!” “好了!开动!” Chen Shu again rubbish, orders directly. 陈书也是没有再废话,直接是下了命令。 Suddenly, the star spirit mind moves, mobilized the strength of vestige instantaneously. 一时间,星灵的心神一动,瞬间就发动了遗迹的力量。 Sees only the radiant star light to reappear suddenly, regarding in all around of starry sky cauldron, the ray is dazzling, illuminated the most vestige, 只见璀璨的星光骤然间浮现,围绕在星空大锅的四周,光芒耀眼至极,照亮了大半个遗迹, The ray divides, changed to continuously star light, under the star spirit operation, before arriving at the body of everyone, 紧接着,光芒分割开来,化作了一缕缕星光,在星灵的操纵之下,来到了每个人的身前, But in the star light, has the cooking liquors of rich fragrance, 而星光之中,有着一股股浓香的汤汁, The before body of each governing beast master, has the star light, is ordinary like the respective ladle, will not have the chaotic situation actually. 每个御兽师的身前都有着星光,如同各自的勺子一般,倒是不会出现混乱的情况。 People not hesitant, first swallowed to get into the stomach, tasted legendary delicacy in this legend. 众人没有犹豫,第一时间就吞服下肚,品尝了一番这传说中的传奇美味。 In an instant, 只是刹那间, The body of people fills the ray, the governing animal power in within the body is rising suddenly instantaneously, 众人的身躯弥漫着光芒,体内的御兽力瞬间暴涨, Nine ominous makes up the soup the effect different from person to person greatly, 九凶大补汤的效果因人而异, As governing beast master, naturally is only then an function, that changes to the governing animal power , helping them break through. 作为御兽师本人,自然是只有一个作用,那就是化作御兽力,助他们进行突破。 Works as for the contract, then can obtain all kinds of effects, for example, the attribute promotion, the comprehension skill, the skill rank promotes, has luck to obtain the bloodlines evolution wait/etc...... 至于契约灵,则是能得到各种各样的效果,譬如说,属性提升,领悟技能,技能等级升级,更有幸运者能得到血脉进化等等…… At this moment, the innumerable governing beast masters broke through the bottleneck, arrived at the new governing beast rank, 此刻,无数御兽师冲破了瓶颈,又是来到了新的御兽等级, The average strength of people was promoted again...... 人们的平均实力再度得到了提升…… But as the biggest contributor, Chen Shu naturally does not have politely, gave the private lesson to oneself directly, 而作为最大的贡献者,陈书自然是没有一点客气,直接给自己开了小灶, His present star light is sturdy , not only has the rich cooking liquor, is floating greatly ominous flesh...... 他眼前的星光粗壮至极,其内不但有着浓郁的汤汁,更是漂浮着一块块大凶血肉…… Crisp!” “爽!” Chen Shu swallows gets into the stomach, only felt own each pore stretches, 陈书一口吞咽下肚,只觉得自身每个毛孔都舒展开来, Meanwhile, his within the body had/left boundless governing animal powers baseless, makes rank that he stagnated, had the trend of rise again. 同时,他的体内凭空多出了一道道磅礴的御兽力,令他本来停滞的等级,再度有了上涨的趋势。 Although the distance breaks through, is quite remote, but at least effective. 虽然距离突破,相当遥远,但至少是有效果的。 „! I want! I want!” “啊啊啊啊啊!我要!我要!” At this moment, the Chen Shu governing beast space was opened forcefully, the Elvis eyes blush, the saliva gushes out unceasingly, is a little insane...... 此刻,陈书的御兽空间被强行打开,大猫王双眼发红,口水不断涌出,已经是有点疯了…… It now and Chen Shu also has the relation that the person united spirit, naturally was the earliest possible time smelled the good food. 它如今与陈书也是有了人灵合一的联系,自然是第一时间就闻到了美食。 Meanwhile, the little elf was also insane generally, carried the spiked club, in the mouth is holding in the mouth the cigar, flushed recklessly...... 与此同时,小精灵也是疯了一般,扛着狼牙棒,口中叼着雪茄,不顾一切的冲了出来……
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