ILK :: Volume #67

#6686: Had no way to look

They had experienced this young people in any case at this time was fearful. 反正他们这时候已经见识到了这个年轻人的可怕了。 Only this thunder gave to block them. 光这个雷霆就把他们所有人都给拦了下来了。 Really was unusual terrifying. 真的是非常的恐怖了。 If personally does not see, they cannot believe that absolutely will have such powerful exist. 如果不是亲眼所见的话,他们绝对不敢相信会有这样强大的存在 Person who originally also think can act bashful. 原本以为能拿捏的人。 At this time worried for the heavenly thunder gate and Heavenly Fire gate. 此时都替天雷门和天火门捏了把冷汗了。 Their influence estimated that meets like this dreadful matter for the first time. 他们两个势力估计还是第一次遇上这样的可怕的事情。 Others did not have making a move. 人家还没出手 Only this thunder makes them realize that what is called true desperate what terrifying. 光这个雷霆就让他们体会到了什么叫做真正的绝望什么恐怖 Also hits what. 还打什么啊。 After they heard these words, consciousness immediately. 等到他们听到了这番话之后立马就意识过来了。 This person prepared making a move. 这个人准备出手了。 This making a move, do not know can be the what appearance. 这一出手,不知道会是什么样子。 Also makes them realize during the condition will not imagine absolutely was so good. 也让他们意识到状况绝对不会想象之中的那么好了。 Even can say the unusual trouble. 甚至可以说非常的麻烦。 . 啦啦啦。 Everywhere thunder like running water same pounded. 漫天的雷霆如流水一样的就砸了下来了。 That was really the magnificent scene. 那真的是大场面了。 Everyone felt the method of opposite party mysterious. 所有人都感受到了对方的手段的神奇的。 Can change to the raindrop general method this thunder unexpectedly. 竟然能将这个雷霆化作雨点一般的手段。 Contains big terrifying! 蕴含大恐怖 Crash-bang crash-bang gave to pound toward here. 哗啦哗啦的就往这边给砸了过来了。 This method is really very courageous. 这手段真的是非常勐。 Looks that they cannot imagine. 看着他们都想象不出来。 Also can have the what type method to resist such attack. 还能有什么样的手段能抵挡住这样的攻击。 It is estimated that really did not have. 估计真的没了。 In any case their line. 反正他们行。 The thunder changed to the meteor same method rapid the steamroll from them to pass directly. 雷霆化作流星一样的手段直接就从他们身上迅速的碾压了过去了。 No one is can shoulder. 没有谁是能扛得住的。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! In this attack front. 在这个攻击的面前。 Everyone felt fearfully. 所有人都感受到了可怕。 And shivers. 以及颤抖。 Forms rapid pounds to fly. 一道道身影迅速的就砸飞出去。 Was pounded the form that flies, basically stuffy snort/hum, a body changed to fragment(s). 被砸飞的身影,基本上闷哼一声,一身身躯就化作了碎片 In few individual on the scene is can shoulder the attack. 在场之中没有几个人是能扛得住攻击的。 As the after attack of this thunder diverges . 随着这场雷霆的攻击散去之后。 Under the field the remaining people were also few. 场下剩下的人也就寥寥无几了。 Also was that strongest several Saint level Great Perfection level exist. 也就是那最强的几个圣级大圆满级别存在了。 Did not have as for the remaining people. 至于剩下的人都没了。 These Expert of heavenly thunder gate and Heavenly Fire gate are it can be said that not much left. 天雷门和天火门的这些强者可以说是所剩无几的。 Turns over/Stands up, but actually scalp tingles. 一个个翻身而起却头皮发麻。 The complexion becomes incomparable was pale. 脸色都变得无比的惨白了。 one after another toward retreat. 纷纷的往后退了。 All is anxious. 全是不安。 originally think can also be able to grasp this person, what a pity cannot grasp now. 原本以为还能拿得住此人的,可惜现在根本就拿不住了。 Also finally know terrifying of this person. 也终于知道了此人的恐怖 They really thought too happily. 他们真是想得太美好了。 Met such fearful exist. 遇上了这么一个可怕的存在 what a pity they do not have strength to deal with this person now again. 可惜现在他们已经再没有实力来对付此人了。 Even the poor life became on others tuart board. 甚至连小命都成了人家桉板上的。 The matter of a few words. 一句话的事。 Happiest is summer Yin. 最高兴的莫过于是夏阴。 time. 刚才的时候。 These fellows are also thinking forces him. 这些家伙还想着逼迫他。 Finally was lifts the stone to pound own foot on the contrary. 最后反倒是搬起了石头砸起了自己的脚了。 how about it, I told you, he was no one can cope, your not making a move, that what matter did not have, what a pity you were making a move, other that no wonder people.” 怎么样,我跟你们说了吧,他不是谁都能对付得了的,你们本来不出手,那什么事情都没有,可惜你们还是出手了,那就怪不得其他人。” Others sighed with emotion one. 其他人都感慨了一声。 The heavenly thunder gate and Heavenly Fire gate these really kicks time the big sheet iron. 天雷门和天火门这一次真的是踢上了大铁板了。 Such person was no one can cope absolutely. 这样的人绝对不是谁都能对付得了的。 Also thanked this person. 同时也感谢了此人了。 After inside opened, feared after without heavenly thunder gate and Heavenly Fire gate person, Contest inside thing. 等到里面开了之后,怕是没有天雷门和天火门的人之后争夺里面的东西。 Also was easier. 也就更加的容易了。 Naturally, braves such mysterious Expert, they want that strongest thing basically not to have what to be possible. 当然,冒出来这么一个神秘的高手,他们想要那最强的东西基本上是没什么可能。 Even wants not to need to think. 甚至连想都不用想了。 That fears this, can eat to the full. 那怕这样,也能吃个饱啊。 „Your cultivation is the what thunder.” “你你修炼的到底是什么雷霆。” The heavenly thunder gate was only left over two Expert. 天雷门这边只剩下两个强者了。 Moreover received the extremely heavy wound. 而且都受了极重的伤了。 Only can support by the arm mutually. 只能相互的搀扶着。 Stubbornly is staring at the young people in distant place. 死死的盯着远处的这个年轻人。 Really was too fearful. 实在是太可怕了。 Their cultivation some methods of maintaining life, however were useless in front of this thunder, was penetrated directly. 他们都修炼了一些保命的手段,但是在这个雷霆面前却根本就没有用,直接就被击穿了。 They have to see the is difficult to deal with/ferocious thunder. 他们不是没见过厉害的雷霆。 But thunder first sight of probably such is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 可是像是这么厉害的雷霆还是第一次见到。 Lin Fei undulating looked. 林飞澹澹的看了过来了。 You can watch my thunder, was strength was quite strong, went back to tell you heavenly thunder gate person, do not look for me again, had the next words again time, my direct person projected on your heavenly thunder gate, your entire sect thoroughly damaging, I think that many willing saw this.” “你们能看得住我这个雷霆,也算是实力比较强了,回去告诉你们天雷门的人,别再来找我了,再有下一次的话,我直接一个人打到你们天雷门,把你们整个门派彻底给祸害一遍,我想许多人都愿意看到这一幕的。” summer Yin the words let their complexion without doubt at the scene are big change suddenly. 夏阴的话无疑让他们脸色当场就是骤然的大变。 No one is clear about the destructive power of this person compared with them. 没有人比他们清楚此人的破坏力。 If really does that it is estimated when the time comes was fearful, without thinks rapid left. 如果真要是这么做的话,估计到时候非常的可怕了,也没多想迅速的就离开了。 As for the Heavenly Fire gate, here person is also same. 至于天火门,这边的人也是一样。 Also does not dare to have too many ideas is also about to leave. 也是不敢有太多的想法也准备离开了。 However was just about to leave, saw several thunder such as the long spear/gun to penetrate their body. 不过刚准备离开,就见几道雷霆如长枪击穿了他们的身躯。 „The person of heavenly thunder gate can leave, I am make them go back to pass on to the news, but I have not made your these people leave, a moment ago, if not you begins, which my as for exposing in everyone's front, actually I compares likes to be low-key, such being the case, must to accept the punishment.” “天雷门的人可以离开,我是让他们回去转告消息,但是我没让你们这些人离开,刚才,如果不是你们动手的话,我哪至于暴露在大家的面前呢,其实我这人还是比较喜欢低调的,既然如此的话,怎么也得要接受处罚。” That several people of running away, the body exuded the flaming flame, formed the defense, may still be useless. 逃走的那几个人,身上泛起了熊熊的火焰,形成了防御,可依然还是没有用。 Was penetrated by Lin Fei the thunder instantaneously passed. 林飞的这个雷霆瞬间就击穿了过去了。 No one breathes at the scene. 当场就是没人呼吸了。 But the remaining these people sent again trembled coldly. 而剩下的这些人再次的发寒了瑟瑟发抖了。 Ponders over must leave. 琢磨着要不要离开。 Can this person also to their making a move. 会不会这人也冲着他们出手 Really was too fearful. 实在是太可怕了。 The person of heavenly thunder gate kills is only left over two. 天雷门的人就杀的只剩下两个。 The person of Heavenly Fire gate was extinguished directly cleanly. 天火门的人直接就被灭得干干净净了。 If this is one's turn them, he said that few individual on the scene can withstand. 这要是轮到他们的话,他说在场就没几个人能顶得住了。 Lin Fei after extinguishing them took away their thing. 林飞在灭了他们这些人之后就收走了他们的东西。 Does not have again making a move. 也没有再出手 Sitting of continues in the place of distant place. 继续的坐在了远处的地方。 At this time also especially was to them clear. 此时对他们而言也格外的清楚了。 Here most cannot offend is that mysterious young people. 这里最不能得罪的就是那个神秘的年轻人。 The summer Yin regarding extinguishing the person of Heavenly Fire gate naturally clapped the hands and shouted praise. 夏阴对于灭了天火门的人自然是拍手叫好。 Brother forest, you are really are courageous a collapsing lake to spread, it is estimated that these people of Heavenly Fire gate will give you were dying, but made them who hates retaliate should not that courage, died here so many Expert, enough made them heal from a wound a long time silently.” “林老弟,你真是勐得一塌湖涂呢,估计天火门的那些人会把你给恨的要死了,不过让他们来报复应该没那个勇气了,死在这里这么多的高手,足够让他们很长的一段时间都在默默的养伤了。” How summer know was certainly extinguished Yin a moment ago kills strength of these people. 夏阴当然知道刚才被灭杀这些人的实力如何了。 In the Heavenly Fire gates compares is difficult to deal with/ferocious exist. 都是天火门里面的一些比较厉害存在的。 Now such was killed. 现在就这样的被杀死。 Training is not easy. 培养出来可没那么容易。 Must require the time. 得需要时间了。 This year what thing is most precious, naturally was the time. 这年头什么东西最珍贵,当然是时间了。 Time thing did not say that the short time can train. 时间这东西也不是说短短时间就能培养得出来的。 No matter the person of heavenly thunder gate or Heavenly Fire gate, must the quite pain some time. 不管是天雷门还是天火门的人,都得相当的痛苦一段时间了。 That is also they brings upon oneself, if not they catches your body quickly, my making a move, will not say after you, but gets up went back to me makes good tea again, like this I can forgive you.” “那也是他们自找的,如果不是他们这么快就捕捉到你的身上,我也不会出手了,说起来还是因你而起了回去之后得给我再弄一份好茶,这样我才能原谅你。” Summer Yin haha smiles, does not have the issue not to have the issue, I the know what place has the genuine good tea, makes to select absolutely again, if they do not give me to snatch directly, did not have the what thing in any case is I do not dare to snatch.” 夏阴哈哈笑,“没问题没问题,我已经知道什么地方有真正的好茶了,绝对再去弄点回来,他们要是不给的话我直接就抢,反正还没有什么东西是我不敢抢的。”
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