ILK :: Volume #67

#6685: Collective dumbfounded

The distant place they in fact relaxing of slightly. 远处他们这些人实际上一个个都稍微的松了一口气。 Also during know this person has not imagined at present is so good to cope. 也都知道眼前这人并没有想象之中的那么好对付。 Now makes their sect making a move good. 现在就让他们两个门派出手就好了。 A heavenly thunder gate. 一个天雷门。 A Heavenly Fire gate. 一个天火门。 Coping with that naturally is the unusual difference. 对付起来那自然是非常的不一样。 Wants the know heavenly thunder gate and Heavenly Fire gate these two sect, that is unusual is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 知道天雷门和天火门这两个门派,那可是非常的厉害 Any sect to the odds of success that on they have no. 任何一个门派对上的他们都没有任何的胜算。 Only can say that was hit was pitiful, now two sect deal with this mysterious young people together. 只能说被打得非常的凄惨了,现在两个门派一起来对付这个神秘的年轻人。 That difference. 那就更加的不一样。 They also want to experience the news that the heavenly thunder gate releases are the what appearances. 他们也想见识一下天雷门放出来的消息到底是什么样子的。 After all very special heavenly thunder they have also heard, but can make them attach great importance. 毕竟非常特殊的天雷他们也是听说过了一些,但是能让他们如此重视的。 That is quite were few. 那是相当的少了。 At this time naturally must to look, the words that did not look at also really must miss an opportunity. 这个时候自然得要看一看,不看的话还真的要错过了一次机会。 Naturally they also want to see this mysterious young people. 当然他们也想见见这个神秘的年轻人。 Has is difficult to deal with/ferocious in that imagination. 到底有没有想象之中的那么厉害 Can shoulder the heavenly thunder gate and Heavenly Fire gate making a move. 能不能扛得住天雷门和天火门的出手 Heavenly Thunder that especially heavenly thunder gate sect puts, that was overbearing. 特别是天雷门这个门派放出来的天雷,那就非常的霸道了。 Enormous and powerful. 浩浩荡荡的。 in addition holds this Heavenly Fire gate Heavenly Fire, that scene was really unusual Berserk. 加持这个天火门的天火,那场面真的是非常的狂暴了。 Everyone worries, even these Saint level Expert. 所有人都捏了把冷汗的,甚至那些圣级强者 Actually does not dare to participate here going, once participates here going, it is estimated that putting in an appearance time will be killed. 其实也是不敢参与到这里头去的,一旦参与到这里头去的话,估计一个照面的时间就会被打死了。 what is called fearfully, this is called the true fearfulness. 什么叫做可怕,这才叫做真正的可怕。 Two sect this making a move. 两个门派这一出手 Instantaneously on such summer Yin here pressure relaxed many. 瞬间就这样夏阴这边压力都轻松了不少。 time really had several Expert to his making a move. 刚才的时候确实有几个强者冲着他出手 Present words these Expert changed the object, no longer copes with him. 现在的话这些强者改变了对象,不再是对付他。 This also lets his relaxing of slightly, with these fellows to also is really not that easy. 这也是让他稍微的松了一口气,跟这些家伙对上还真的不是那么容易。 Naturally admires Brother forest at heart. 当然心里头还是更加佩服林老弟。 strength formidable is different, a person on resistance heavenly thunder gate and Heavenly Fire gate. 实力强悍就是不一样,一个人就对抗天雷门和天火门了。 Lin Fei facing these powerful methods, experiences these two sect. 林飞面对这些强大的手段,也算是见识到了这两个门派了。 No matter this heavenly thunder or Heavenly Fire have certain in addition to hold the function unexpectedly. 不管是这个天雷还是天火居然有一定的加持作用。 If who Expert concurs this heavenly thunder as if also to have the overbearing method with Heavenly Fire. 谁要是一个强者身兼这个天雷跟天火似乎还能产生更为霸道的手段呢。 Perhaps this is the reason that they have clashes of opinion, in the time of such flash, Lin Fei perceived that were many. 也许这就是他们闹矛盾的原因,就在这么一瞬间的时间,林飞就觉察出来不少了。 Everywhere thunder appears. 漫天的雷霆浮现出来。 Formed a giant protecting shield, blocked all attacks. 形成了一个巨大的护盾,将所有的攻击就拦了下来。 No matter how they attack, function that always has no. 不管他们怎么攻击,始终没有任何的作用。 Even. 甚至。 On that day the thunder felt one in the front of this thunder shivered. 那天雷在这个雷霆的面前都感受到一丝的颤抖来。 This is the what thunder, feels is so different, lets the feeling of person have guts palpitation.” “这是什么雷霆啊,感觉这么不一样,让人有种心悸的感觉。” Originally some of you also such feelings, my also think I alone, time truly has a scare, finally understands that the heavenly thunder gate they are interested in this heavenly thunder for what, this gadget thing is really very different, really has the secret feeling.” “原来你也有这样的感觉,我还以为就我一个人,刚才的时候确实是吓了一跳,终于明白天雷门他们为什么对这个天雷那么感兴趣的,这玩意儿东西真的是挺不一样的,真的太有秘密感。” Many people felt the difference of this thunder. 许多人都感受到了这个雷霆的不一样。 But these Expert of this time heavenly thunder gate, felt that said the difference of this thunder. 而此时的天雷门的这些强者们,也都感觉说这个雷霆的不一样。 Can make them feel that shivered at heart. 能让他们都感觉到了心里头的颤抖了。 In other words drew the most obvious conclusion. 也就是说得出了一个最明显的结论了。 That is this thunder is better than at their these thunder. 那就是这个雷霆远远胜过于他们这些雷霆。 Suddenly. 一时间。 They become especially excited. 他们就变得格外的兴奋。 At heart pain Hen Tian fire door even more. 心里头越发的痛恨天火门。 The what place does not come, unexpectedly rushes to here, right now some live it up were many, an opponent of such competition wants to snatch these thunder, is not that easy matter. 什么地方不来,居然跑到这里来,这下子有的热闹了多了,这么一个竞争的对手想要抢下这些雷霆,可不是那么容易的事。 Wanted to eliminate the thunder to go back to the belt/bring this brat. 想要剥夺了雷霆就得把这小子给带回去。 This increased many difficulties. 这更是增添了不少的难度了。 The Heavenly Fire gate is also the unusual shock. 天火门这边也是非常的震惊。 Their know before time this news puts certainly is the what appearance. 他们当然知道之前的时候这个消息放出来是什么样子。 They have not thought this thunder unexpectedly becomes so overbearing. 他们从来都没有想过这个雷霆居然会变得如此的霸道。 Really was certainly. 真的是绝了。 Without the contrast , there would be no difference. 没有对比就没有区别。 Their this cultivation thunder with this were the difference too greatly are too really bigger. 他们这个修炼的雷霆跟这一比真的是差别太大太大了。 before time perhaps they could not have looked, however the present words were different, really looks at the incomparable clarity. 之前的时候他们或许还看不出来,但是现在的话就不一样了,真的是看得无比的清楚。 Suddenly. 一时间。 They had many thoughts, no matter how must give to take this thing, does not give to take this thing, that missed simply. 他们就动了不少的心思,不管如何一定要把这东西给拿下,不把这东西给拿下,那简直就是错过了。 Perhaps the heavenly thunder gate will draw support from this opportunity to make entire Sect strength become stronger. 说不定天雷门会借助这次机会让整个宗门实力得到变强。 Although such probability are few, but they obviously can feel that this heavenly thunder the difference, in which is difficult to deal with/ferocious naturally can imagine. 这样的概率虽然少,但是他们明显能感觉到这个天雷的不一样,其中的厉害自然是能想象得到的。 Since is like this, that cannot miss. 既然是这样子的话,那更不能错过。 Therefore their attacks become crazy, no matter how they attack, is unable to break open the barrier of this thunder. 于是他们的攻击变得更加的疯狂,只是不管他们两人如何的攻击,始终无法破开这道雷霆的屏障。 Following. 跟着。 Is these Expert making a move. 就是这些强者们的出手 Rapid encircles, that scene really can be said as world-shaking . 一个个迅速的围上来,那场面真的可以说是惊天动地 Rumble loud noise. 轰隆隆的巨响 All methods all pound crazily toward this thunder, has fiercely has fearfully how. 所有的手段全都朝着这个雷霆狂砸下来,有多么的猛就有多么的可怕。 That brat is really fearful, luckily time has not said what, otherwise offended such a person, wants to kill me is really the easy matter!” “那小子实在是太可怕,幸亏刚才的时候没有说什么,不然的话得罪了这么一个人,想要杀我真是轻而易举的事!” Do not say you, even I do not dare to fight such person, even if Absolute Defense of this thunder has seen the most fearful defense in history, can be called the Saint level invincible defense.” “不要说你,就算是我也不敢跟这样的人动手,就算是这层雷霆的防御绝对是有史以来见过最可怕的防御,可以称得上圣级无敌的防御。” The people in distant place hide by far. 远处的人都躲得远远的。 Naturally at heart shock. 当然心里头更加的震撼。 Inside two big sect Expert simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform making a move, goes not to have the what too major problem even, basically can be few, is at this time facing such not well-known young brat, is the true fearfulness. 两大门派高手齐齐的出手,就算是去里头也没什么太大的问题,基本上可以很少,可是此时面对这么一个不知名的年轻小子,才是真正的可怕。 This has not counter-attacked. 这还没有反攻。 They are unable to imagine, if this mysterious young people making a move counter-attacks, can be the what appearance, this thunder can erupt the strong might. 他们无法想象,这要是这个神秘的年轻人出手反攻的话,会是什么样子,这个雷霆能爆发出多强的威力。 It is estimated that directly was the lopsided result. 估计直接就是一面倒的结果了吧。 Lin Fei on such quietly looks at them. 林飞就这样静静的看着他们。 These heavenly thunder and Heavenly Fire attack truly very is difficult to deal with/ferocious, attack time will also form certain chain, had certain increase. 这些天雷和天火的攻击确实挺厉害的,攻击的时候还会形成一定的连锁,有了一定的增幅。 If personally does not see, Lin Fei do not believe that such sect, has so the ability of origin unexpectedly. 如果不是亲眼所见的话,林飞自己也不怎么会相信这么一个门派,居然有有如此渊源的能耐。 But this time summer drove out these fellows Yin finally. 而此时的夏阴终于轰开了这些家伙。 Counterattacks to kill several people. 还击杀几个人。 Fell back on one side. 退到了一边去。 haha laughs, I told you, do not look for my trouble, now was good, with Shanglin brother, some you suffered loss when the time comes.” 哈哈大笑,“我都跟你们说了,不要来找我的麻烦,现在好了吧,遇上林老弟,到时候有的你们吃苦头。” summer Yin the strength is naturally good, after not having their diversion, difference. 夏阴的战力自然是不错的,没有了他们的牵制之后更加的不一样。 Some trivial troops, can how about it? Directly striking to kill by him. 区区一些人马,又能怎么样呢?直接就被他给击杀。 Now is one's turn the heavenly thunder gate they to have a headache with the Heavenly Fire gate. 现在轮到天雷门跟天火门他们头疼。 Brother forest did not have making a move. 林老弟还没有出手 My also think your skills strong, now seems like also what is all about, since is like this, I may on making a move, hope that you can shoulder.” “我还以为你们的本事到底有多强呢,现在看来也就是这么一回事,既然是这样子的话,那我可就出手了,希望你们能扛得住。” . The apex cell phone version renews the quickest website: 。顶点手机版更新最快网址:
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