ILK :: Volume #67

#6684: Began together

summer Yin is also general Expert. 夏阴也是一般的强者 Person who has not naturally feared the Heavenly Fire gate. 自然也没有怎么惧怕天火门的人。 Let alone he is not general Expert. 更何况他又不是一般的强者 If general Expert also even. 要是一般的强者的话也就算。 Does not seem like his such is quite strong. 不像是他这样的比较强的。 That naturally different. 那自然就不一样。 A sword on opened this flame, welcomed to Heavenly Fire gate Expert. 一剑就噼开了这个火焰,迎向了天火门这个强者 Joke, where on me will have your things, isn't wants my thing? The wanted words take although, asked that I did agree.” “笑话,我身上哪会有你们的东西,不就是想要我身上的东西吗?想要的话尽管来拿,就问我同意不同意。” summer Yingen was impolite. 夏阴根本就不客气了。 Sword Move One Revolution. 剑招一转 If tornado wind same attacked to the opposite party. 龙卷风一样的就攻向了对方了。 No one can believe this not well-known fellow unexpectedly on such making a move, after summer Yin making a move. 没有人敢相信这个不知名的家伙居然就这样的出手了,随着夏阴出手之后。 Some people first perceived. 就有人第一时间就觉察出来了。 Was this what method? 这到底是什么手段了? This unexpectedly is that method. 这竟然是那位的手段。 Who also recognized this person is. 也就认出来这人是谁了。 Who my know he was, he was that summer Yin, has not thought that unexpectedly arrived here.” “我知道他是谁了,他是那位夏阴,没想到居然来到这里。” summer Yin, he is not familiar with that person who the heavenly thunder gate issues a warrant for arrest, had once begun.” “夏阴,他不就是跟天雷门通缉的那个人熟悉,曾经动过手的。” I also heard summer Yin before time by that two brothers surrounding, result two brothers died, another was also killed, but also heard that summer Yin has the relations with that person.” “我还听说夏阴之前的时候被那两兄弟给围堵了,结果两兄弟死了一个,另外一个也被杀了,还听说夏阴跟那人有关系。” That brothers two person naturally know is a how about it situation. 兄弟的两个人当然知道怎么样的一个情况。 At this time everyone is also very surprised. 此时大家也都是挺惊讶的。 This person arrived here unexpectedly. 这人居然来到了这里了。 Worthily is summer Yin. 不愧是夏阴。 But heard this sound after distant place Expert of heavenly thunder gate also looked. 而在远处的天雷门的高手听到了这个动静之后也都看了过来了。 Their naturally know summer Yin. 他们自然知道了夏阴。 Heard summer Yin once with that fellow in the same place. 听说夏阴曾经跟那个家伙在一起。 But that person of cultivation special thunder. 而那人修炼了特殊的雷霆。 At this time their gaze fell in an instant to this common black clothed man, did not see clearly the facial features, but made them have many thoughts. 此时他们的目光转眼之间就落向这个不起眼的黑衣人了,看不清楚面容,可是却让他们有了不少的心思。 Heavenly Thunder gate here Expert thunder rumbled directly together. 天雷门这边的强者直接就是一道雷霆轰了过来了。 This friend, troubles treasure that you remove, making us have a look at you are the person who our that side must pursue.” “这位朋友,麻烦你卸去的宝物,让我们看看你是不是我们那边要追的人。” The person of heavenly thunder gate is also quite was intelligent. 天雷门的人也是相当的聪明了。 If on summer Yin a person. 如果就夏阴一个人的话。 They will not naturally care. 他们自然是不怎么会在意的。 But this person appears quite was different. 可是这人就显得相当的不一样了。 That person who is very likely is they must pursue. 极有可能就是他们要追的那个人。 Since must pursue, then their naturally know what time making a move, the what time should not making a move. 既然是要追的,那么他们自然也知道什么时候该出手,什么时候不该出手 At present the opportunity, first says this person of truncation reckless at present again. 眼下机会就在眼前了,先把这人截胡了再说。 The person of heavenly thunder gate begins the person who may regarding the Heavenly Fire gate that was different, unusual is not glad. 天雷门的人一动手可对于天火门的人来说那就不一样了,非常的不乐意了。 Was the flame launches to form a barrier to keep off in front. 就是火焰展开形成了一道屏障挡在了面前了。 „Were you excessive, this person was we first stares, you such making a move, wants to look to hit.” “你们是不是过分了,这人可是我们先盯上的,你们就这样的出手,是不是想找打。” The person of Heavenly Fire gate is naturally impolite. 天火门的人自然不客气。 They can also imagine. 他们也能想象得出来。 This person is very likely is the fellow who that must pursue. 这人极有可能就是那个要追的家伙。 If that was true, that really grabbed a super big bargain. 如果真是这样子的话,那真的是捡了一个超级的大便宜。 The body has the special thunder. 身上有着特殊的雷霆。 Makes heavenly thunder gate here person eat one to owe sufficiently greatly. 足以让天雷门这边的人吃上一个大亏。 Wants this heavenly thunder is not easy. 想要这个天雷可没那么容易。 Their Heavenly Fire gate also has the person of cultivation this heavenly thunder method. 他们天火门也同样有修炼这个天雷手段的人。 But the heavenly thunder on hand is not that High Rank. 只不过手上的天雷并不是那么高级而已。 But at this time High Rank words that was naturally different. 而此时高级的话那自然就是不一样了。 They had certainly this thoughts. 他们当然是有这个心思了。 Can let the words that these people pass on, this heavenly thunder absolutely not simple, taking that naturally was is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 能让那些人这么传出来的话,这个天雷绝对是不简单了,抢到手那自然是厉害了。 At this time also many people drew back some footsteps secretly. 此时也有许多人暗暗的退了一些脚步。 Does not dare too nearly to draw this distance. 不敢把这个距离拉得太近。 As soon as they worried that draws near words the distance. 他们一担心把距离拉得太近的话。 Perhaps the what time ate one to owe greatly. 说不定什么时候就吃上了一个大亏了。 Poured not as good as to withdraw from this place by far. 不如远远地撤出了这个地方。 The words that even if really hits, will not damage on them. 就算是真打起来的话,也不会祸害到他们身上。 They are quite are intelligent, know should make what at this time, not should makes what. 他们还是相当聪明的,也知道这个时候该做什么,不应该什么 Also some people are very curious. 也有些人都挺好奇的。 This person could it be is really that mysterious by Bounty young Expert? 这个人难道真的是那个神秘的被悬赏的年轻高手吗? summer Yin has given with the person of Heavenly Fire gate at this time to. 夏阴此时已经跟天火门的人给对上了。 Sword Move very overbearing. 剑招非常的霸道。 Even this Heavenly Fire compares is difficult to deal with/ferocious, was still proficiently resisted by him outside, is to make the opposite party appear some survive not to live on the contrary. 就算是这个天火比较厉害,也被他熟练地抵挡在外了,反倒是让对方显得有些坚持不住了。 After all summer Yin was also famous Expert. 毕竟夏阴也是有名的高手了。 The Heavenly Fire gate also sent Expert. 天火门这边也又派来了一个高手了。 Then blocked summer Yin making a move. 这才算是挡住了夏阴的出手 Everyone's gaze fell on the body of this young people. 大家的目光都落在了这个年轻人的身上了。 To have a look at this young people are the what appearance. 都想看看这个年轻人到底是什么样子的。 Your heavenly thunder gate with the Heavenly Fire gate also is really very thick skinned, some people did not plan my, unexpectedly wants to snatch I on hand on thing, originally I had not planned that with your how about it, who made your driving running upon gates come, I was impolite, you must only walk.” “你们天雷门跟天火门还真的是挺厚脸皮的嘛,不就是有人算计了我一下,居然想抢我手头上的东西,本来我也没打算跟你怎么样,谁让你们自己主动的撞上门来了,那我也就不客气了,您得就这样的走了过来。” Lin Fei actually does not have strange summer Yin. 林飞其实一点都没有怪夏阴。 After all his also know, the method of oneself this heavenly thunder, once launches, that was naturally different. 毕竟他也知道,就自己这个天雷的手段一旦展开出来的话,那自然就不一样了。 They can also be able to detect immediately. 他们这些人也能在第一时间就能察觉到出来了。 When the time comes tracked down that is a very normal matter. 到时候追寻过来那是非常正常的一件事了。 Starting that was sooner or later matter. 开打那是早晚的事情了。 The Heavenly Fire gate with Expert of heavenly thunder gate, one hear of this saying time was very happy, really suspects with them is the same. 天火门跟天雷门的强者,一听这话顿时间就是喜上眉梢了,果然跟他们猜想的一样。 Unexpectedly here bumped into this fellow. 居然在这里碰上了这家伙。 Also is really bold. 还真的是胆大包天。 Two influences looked at each other one to have the idea of competition, no matter how about it first with said this person again. 两个势力对视了一眼都是冒出了竞争的想法了,不管怎么样先把这人给拿下来再说。 Not this person of taking words that simply to the opportunity of opposite party. 不将这人拿下的话那简直就是给对方的机会了。 Your excellency said, this looks down upon our Heavenly Fire gate, I must have a look at your day thunder cultivation to what type Level but actually.” “阁下这么说,这是看不起我们天火门,那我倒要看看你这天雷修炼到了什么样的层次了。” Heavenly Fire gate Expert is also very in a bad mood. 天火高手也是挺不爽的。 Always only then they attack others, without the what person dared underestimate they, was the words of this fellow is at present different at this time. 向来只有他们攻击别人,没有什么人敢小看了他们,可是此时眼前这家伙的话就不一样了。 Has not clearly regarded a matter their. 分明就是没怎么把他们这个当成一回事。 As if regarded any cat and dog to treat them. 似乎把他们当成了阿猫阿狗来对待。 The heavenly thunder gate is the unusual fire is also big. 天雷门这边也是非常的火大的。 We spread the news to come Bounty you, you also dared unexpectedly actively rushed to here, really regarded itself a matter. 我们都放出了消息来悬赏你,你竟然还敢主动的跑到这里来,真把自己当成一回事了。 You post with their Heavenly Fire gate the heavenly thunder gate in the same place, who allowed to say.” “你把天雷门跟他们天火门并列在一起,谁允许这么说的。” Expert of heavenly thunder gate snort/hum, direct crash-bang the thunder pounded got down, they may not have the idea of idle talk. 天雷门的强者哼了一声,直接哗啦啦的雷霆就砸了下来了,他们可没有废话的想法。 Starts directly. 直接就开打。 First made the thunder attack the opposite party. 先让雷霆攻击了对方。 The Heavenly Fire gate is also unwilling to fall behind. 天火门这边同样不甘落后。 Everywhere flame, swept across on such as a fire dragon directly came up, one was the heavenly thunder, one was the fire dragon. 漫天的火焰,直接就如一条火龙席卷了上来了,一个是天雷,一个是火龙。 Two top influences. 两个顶尖的势力。 making a move made everyone feel fearful. 出手就让大家感受到了其中的可怕了。 Mainly is Saint level top Expert. 主要是圣级顶尖的强者 At this time to, this flash, must make into Serious Damage, is the dying say/way disappears directly. 此时被对上,这个一瞬间,也得被打成了重伤,直接就是身死道消。 They must have a look at strength of this person but actually strongly. 他们倒要看看这个人的实力到底有多强。 Had said terrifying that. 有没有所说的那么恐怖 could it be real cultivation peak thunder. 难道真的修炼了最顶尖的这个雷霆了。
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