ILK :: Volume #67

#6683: Stared

This made Lin Fei come several points of interest actually. 这倒是让林飞来了几分的兴趣。 He has been pondering over. 他一直都在琢磨着。 Like this heavenly thunder gate such powerful exist, then definitely will have other top influences. 像这个天雷门这么强大的存在,那么肯定会有另外的一些顶尖的势力。 With them does right. 跟他们是做对的。 Perhaps the what time can see. 说不定什么时候就能见得到的。 Has not thought that was also really guessed right by oneself. 万万没有想到还真的被自己猜对了。 Really has such special powerful fellow. 真有这么特殊强大的家伙。 Really is right now interesting. 这下子真的是有意思了。 Next day time. 第二天的时候。 Fellow who Lin Fei sees. 林飞就见到过来的家伙了。 Their this came to make everyone feel immediately panic-strickenly. 他们这一现身过来立马就让大家都感受到了惊骇。 Unexpectedly was the flaming flame. 居然是熊熊的火焰了。 The flame burnt down. 火焰一路的焚烧了过来。 Everyone held breath again a cold air/Qi. 所有人再次的倒吸了一口冷气。 They may be able to realize. 他们可都是能体会得到。 one after another withdraws. 纷纷退避。 Has nice to hear that words saying. 有句话说的好听 That has the heavenly thunder gate place, is very likely to have the so-called Heavenly Fire gate, this Heavenly Fire gate actually has a reason with the heavenly thunder gate. 那就是有天雷门的地方,极有可能有所谓的天火门,这个天火门跟天雷门其实是同出一缘。 Although during do not know, has made the what matter. 虽说不知道期间闹过了什么事。 But also made them hostile. 但也让他们敌对了。 Therefore so long as has the heavenly thunder gate place, will then certainly have this Heavenly Fire gate. 于是只要有天雷门的地方,那么一定就会有这个天火门。 Their that is very aggressive. 他们这些人那是非常的凶悍的。 But at this time arrived like this front. 而此时就这样的来到了面前了。 After two influences come here . 两个势力一来到这里之后。 Was naturally different. 自然就是不一样了。 The hostile atmosphere spread immediately. 敌对的气氛立马就蔓延了开来了。 Everyone does not dare to speak. 所有人都不敢吭声了。 Trembles. 瑟瑟发抖啊。 Saint Expert naturally does not dare to speak a few words at this time. 强者在这个时候自然是不敢多说一句话了。 Really has no way to hit in the face of their top influences. 在他们两个顶尖的势力面前真的是没法打。 If really moving point. 真要是动点手的话。 It is estimated that the what time will be killed. 估计什么时候就会被打死了。 Two top influences come here not to have making a move. 两个顶尖的势力来到这里并没有出手 Looked at each other one mutually. 只是相互对视了一眼。 Was busy matter on the hand respectively. 各自忙着自己手上的事情了。 Everyone can look. 大家都能看得出来。 At this time had not erupted. 这个时候没有爆发。 Because that nature this Immortal Mansion has not opened. 那自然因为这个仙府还没开。 Once opened that to be different. 一旦开了那就不一样了。 When the time comes competes may especially big. 到时候竞争可就格外的大。 What are more was makes them feel true being incapable. 更多的是让他们感受到了真正的无力的。 Previous time. 先前的时候。 Their think heavenly thunder gate arrived here. 他们以为天雷门来到这里。 They naturally have the opportunity to rob. 他们自然还有机会去抢夺一下的。 May come a Heavenly Fire gate words that to be different. 可来了一个天火门的话那就不一样。 This Heavenly Fire gate is very overbearing. 这个天火门可是非常霸道的。 Their so many things. 他们这么多东西。 Basically taking away that oneself can use. 基本上自己能用的都收走。 Can burn cleanly them as for an unusable fire. 至于不能用的一把火就能将他们烧得干干净净。 Their cultivation Heavenly Fire is different from general Heavenly Fire. 他们修炼天火跟一般的天火并不一样。 Overbearing, begun words treasure cannot shoulder this attack even. 非常的霸道,动起手来的话就算是宝物也扛不住这个攻击。 Their likes heavenly thunder gate person here. 他们更喜欢天雷门的人在这里。 Because the person of heavenly thunder gate will not do absolutely. 因为天雷门的人绝对不会那么做。 Oneself ate will also make everyone eat a soup again. 自己吃了还会让大家再喝点汤。 The words of Heavenly Fire gate were but different, he ate the meat, this soup directly but actually. 可是天火门的话就不一样了,他吃了肉,这个汤直接就倒了。 You want to drink that basically are the unlikely things. 你们想喝那基本上是不太可能的事情了。 33 visit them is also low said. 三十三看着他们也是低声道了。 Sees not to have, the heavenly thunder gate came with the Heavenly Fire gate, it seems like inside thing is very important, waits for the brother, if snatches the thing, it is estimated that unavoidably gave with them to.” “看到没有,天雷门跟天火门都来了,看来里面的东西挺重要的,等一下老弟要是抢东西的话,估计难免跟他们给对上了。” If merely one heavenly thunder gate. 如果仅仅一个天雷门的话。 33 have not felt the too tremendous pressure. 三十三并没有感受到太大的压力。 Also was Expert of side, but if the Heavenly Fire gate also came, that naturally was different. 也是一方的强者了,但是如果天火门也来的话,那自然就是不一样。 If really started absolutely some meanings. 真要是开打的话绝对是有的意思了。 Lin Fei also smiled, such was interesting, even this Heavenly Fire gate came, then can determine that here has not to have the thing that will have me wants, at this time they came, I can 100 felt relieved, inside should was the thing that will have me wanted, can bump into such a opportunity not to support easily.” 林飞也就笑了,“那样才有意思了,连这个天火门都来了,那么才能更加的确定这里头到底有没有我想要的东西,此时他们来了,那我可以一百个的放心了,里面应该有我想要的东西了,能碰上这么一次机会挺不容易的。” Lin Fei hehe smiles. 林飞嘿嘿的一笑。 33 had a shiver instantaneously. 三十三瞬间就打了一身冷颤了。 Oneself can also feel. 自己也能感觉得出来。 The heavenly thunder gate with the Heavenly Fire gate feared that had to be greatly hapless. 天雷门跟天火门怕是有有大倒霉了。 Can make him speak these words. 能让他这么说这句话。 Naturally is because this fellow has that strength. 自然是因为这个家伙有那个实力 After Lin Fei speaks, has not spoken. 林飞说完话之后也就没有吭声了。 His time had induced. 他刚才的时候已经感应了下来。 This heavenly thunder gate with the Heavenly Fire gate cultivation method truly is quite special. 这个天雷门跟天火修炼的手段确实是相当的特殊的。 For thunder cultivation. 一个用于雷霆修炼 Another uses Heavenly Fire cultivation. 另外一个用天火修炼 strength is also the fusion of so-called different fire. 实力也就是所谓的异火的不停地融合。 Achievement strongest exist. 成就最强的存在 33 have not spoken. 三十三也没有说话了。 Person gaze One Revolution of that side Heavenly Fire gate, looked toward here suddenly directly. 那边天火门的人忽然目光一转,直接就朝着这边看了过来了。 Their gaze passed through the numerous methods, unexpectedly fell on 33 bodies . 他们的目光穿过了重重的手段,居然落在了三十三的身上,。 33 this were looked realized the situation is not wonderful. 三十三被这一看就意识到情况不妙了。 His before time truly that different fire receiving, but currently also has that a wee bit aura. 之前的时候确实是把那异火给收去了,可是现在身上还有那么一丁点的气息。 This is a quite bad troublesome matter. 这是一件相当糟糕麻烦的事情。 Person of Heavenly Fire gate is quite is overbearing. 天火门的人那可是相当霸道的。 Crash-bang crash-bang. 哗啦哗啦的。 Among 33 surrounding Instant appeared flame layer upon layer. 三十三的周围刹那之间就浮现了层层的火焰。 These flame spreads gave to separate here. 这些火焰蔓延开来将这里给隔开了。 Some after distant place people see here sound, was took pleasure in other's misfortune of face, which unlucky this was by the Heavenly Fire gate nailing to staple. 远处一些人看到这里的动静之后都是一脸的幸灾乐祸了,这个是哪个倒霉蛋天火门给钉上了。 Wanting know can by the Heavenly Fire nail on is no one has this qualifications. 知道能被天火门钉上的可不是谁都有这个资格的。 But really some people stare now. 可现在偏偏真的有人被盯上了。 Moreover this fellow. 而且还是这个家伙。 This appeared some to be inconceivable. 这就显得有些非常的不可思议了。 It is estimated that is unlucky. 估计是倒霉蛋 33 had several points of worry. 三十三有了几分的担心了。 Brother, excuse me, last time the time of gathering this thing is unclean to deal with this head and tail, has some aura discovering by the Heavenly Fire gate, did not do well to get down hits one.” “老弟,不好意思,上次收取这个东西的时候没有把这个首尾给处理干净,沾染了一些气息被天火门给发现了,弄不好等下得打一场了。” 61 face apologies. 三十三一脸歉意。 If really hits. 真要是打起来的话。 His method will naturally be given to recognize by them, after recognizing, their attitude was different. 那他的手段自然会被他们给认出来,认出来之后他们的态度就不一样了。 Perhaps will suspect at the recent that matter. 说不定就会怀疑到最近的那件事情上了。 If person of heavenly thunder gate did not say here fortunately, but heavenly thunder gate person here. 如果天雷门的人不在这里那还好说,但是天雷门的人就在这里。 That matter appears quite is not fond of playing jokes. 那事情就显得相当的不好弄了。 Whose know will they have the what type idea to come? 知道他们会冒出什么样的想法来呢? This matter he himself did not say certainly. 这种事情他自己也是说不准的。 Might as well, they actually had a liking for you, that will definitely snatch your, should hit hit, did not expose as for the exposure, actually did not have the what too big relations, one flock of ants, I do not want to kill too many people.” “无妨,他们竟然都看上你了,那肯定会抢你的,该打的就打了,至于曝光不曝光,其实也没有什么太大的关系,就一群蝼蚁而已,我只是不想杀太多的人。” Lin Fei is saying at will. 林飞还是随意的说着。 61 hears, slightly stares. 三十三一听,微微的一愣。 Responded. 反应了过来了。 Brother forest this mentality is good, speech such wind clear cloud Dan, this, if changes into the average person, like such wind light cloud Dan basis is the not possible matter. 还是林老弟这个心态好啊,说话都这么风清云澹的,这要是换成一般人的话,像这么风轻云澹根本上是不可能的事情。 The flame of Heavenly Fire gate launched on the flaming combustion. 天火门的火焰一展开就熊熊的燃烧了过来了。 Even also fell gaze on their. 甚至还把目光落在了他们的这个身上。 „The feeling that on you will have me are familiar with, troubles you to give this thing with.” “你身上有我们熟悉的感觉,麻烦你把这东西给拿出来吧。” Expert of Heavenly Fire gate flew. 一个天火门的高手飞了过来了。 In the hand were many a long spear/gun of flame. 手上多了一把火焰的长枪。 Is pointing at 33. 指着三十三。 Everyone is suddenly enlighted all of a sudden. 所有人一下子恍然大悟。 Originally is on this fellow has the thing of opposite party, that no wonder. 原来是这家伙身上有对方的东西,那就怪不得了。 haha, you listened to us is also overbearing, wants to take away the thing from here, that must ask that I did agree.” 哈哈,你们听我们也太霸道了吧,想从我这里拿走东西,那得问问我同意不同意了。”
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