ILK :: Volume #67

#6682: The person of heavenly thunder gate came

summer Yin with Lin Fei is going through. 夏阴跟林飞一路的穿行着。 Finally arrived at a very big unmanned star. 最后就来到了一个很大的无人星球了。 This unmanned star, everywhere is float some rock. 这个无人星球,到处都是一些漂浮的乱石 With the summer Yin words, this place once some people hit making a move here greatly, some star thing collapses. 用夏阴的话来说,这个地方曾经有人在这里大打出手,星球有些东西崩溃了。 The entire structure was chaotic. 整个结构都乱了。 If not this, this Immortal Mansion not in this place. 如果不是这样的话,这个仙府也不会在此地。 Void Storm, as well as some Starry Sky strength spread all over here, without strength of Saint level have not really been able crossed over. 虚空风暴,以及一些星空的力量遍布在这里,没有圣级的实力还真的无法穿越 After two people come here . 等到两个人来到这里之后。 Naturally felt that periphery had come some people. 自然感觉到周围已经来了一些人。 Sits cross-legged. 或盘坐。 Perhaps in threes and fours gathers together, the place of observation distant place. 或是三五成群的聚在一起,观察远处的地方。 That place presented Immortal Mansion. 那个地方出现了一座仙府 Is glittering the light ray. 闪烁着淡淡的光芒。 In other words this Immortal Mansion also has this so-called seal, is isolating, although everyone is strong, did not dare the harebrained past. 也就是说这个仙府还有这个所谓的封印,在隔离着呢,大家虽强,也不敢冒冒失失的过去。 In the past does not want other to pick up a bargain. 过去也不想让其他人捡了便宜。 Oneself broke, laborious. 自己破了,辛辛苦苦的。 The result is injured, others pick up a bargain this matter. 结果受了伤,人家过来捡便宜这种事情。 They are not glad to do. 他们可是不乐意做的。 At present they can only wait here. 眼下他们只能在这里等了。 Was good because of the strength of this isolation is also more and more weak. 好在这个隔离的力量也是越来越弱了。 Almost can also break open. 差不多也就可以破开了。 Also can go to rob inside thing. 也就可以进去抢夺里头的东西。 Such Immortal Mansion has Pill Refining Expert of apex again in addition, the thing that he leaves behind naturally did not need to think. 这么一座仙府再加上有一个炼丹的顶尖的强者,他留下的东西自然是不用想了。 Absolutely is great good. 绝对是一等一的好的。 Especially the seed of the world tree, although do not know really or false, may also let the person difficult resistance. 特别是世界树的种子,尽管不知道是真的还是假的,可也让人难以抗拒。 summer Yinben wants to induce, finally discovered that the strength of this seal is really somewhat strong. 夏阴本想感应一下的,结果发现这封印的力量实在是有些强。 A short time unexpectedly cannot survey, but this Immortal Mansion actually not simple. 一时半会的居然探测不出来,不过这座仙府倒是不简单 Lin Fei on have this Immortal Mansion on hand, but one really fell far short compared with that with this. 林飞自己手头上就有这个仙府,但是跟这个一比那真是差得远了。 This quality is very High Rank. 这个品质还是非常高级的。 summer Yin said in the , does not have/leave the accidental/surprised words, most 2-3 days , the strength of this seal must untie, when the time comes these people will go to rob, currently seed also do not know of the world tree in the what place, I estimates the seed not to have, but tree trunk should of the world tree has exist.” 夏阴在边上说了,“不出意外的话,最多2-3天的时间,这个封印的力量就要解开了,到时候这些人都会进去抢夺了,现在世界树的种子也不知道什么地方,我估计种子没有,但是世界树的一段树干应该是有所存在的。” Also meets analysis. 也是会分析的。 He can also look, this Brother forest naturally looks to general thing that does not glance, can let he looks at the eye naturally is this special tree seed. 他也看得出来,这位林老弟对一般的东西那自然是看不上眼了,能让他看得眼的自然是这个特殊的树种了。 But the world tree was one of them. 而世界树就是其中之一了。 However this thing seed should does not have. 不过这个东西种子应该没有。 However this branch and so on should will have. om 但是这个树枝之类的应该会有。om Even a that still has valuable 就算是一段那也是极具有价值的 Three days of naturally were. 三天的时间自然是等得起了。 Lin Fei sits cross-legged in the distant place rest with summer Yin. 林飞跟夏阴就在远处休息盘坐的。 This time summer Yin and 36 used to guarantee treasure. 此时的夏阴和三十六都用上了保宝物 How the bystanders naturally do not see clearly the appearance. 外人自然是看不清楚怎么容貌的。 The person who they dress up like this is very many, no one hopes the own powerful thing was found out the true status. 他们这样的打扮的人还是挺多的,谁也不希望自己强大的东西被人查出了真正的身份。 Such words Tianya/horizon cape estimated that some people will stare at themselves. 那样子的话天涯海角估计都会有人盯上了自己了。 Only if your strength achieves the genuine apex. 除非是你实力达到真正的顶尖。 Otherwise absolutely did not have that qualifications 不然的话根本就没有那个资格了 Lin Fei naturally does not want to make the too big trouble. 林飞自然不希望闹出太大的麻烦。 Although he had this top thunder. 虽然他有了这个顶尖的雷霆。 Tidies up them naturally the imagination during was easier , but if was delayed here, that is quite is not wonderful. 收拾他们自然是比想象之中的更加的容易了,可要是被耽搁在这里的话,那可是相当的不妙了。 He does not hope too many people are entangling themselves. 他可不希望有太多的人缠着自己。 Once is entangling itself, wanted to get so far as this thing to be possible somewhat to be difficult, poured not as good as first to pay attention to the appearance to say again. 一旦缠着自己的话,想要弄到这个东西可就有些难了,倒不如先注意样子再说。 Besides he himself. 除了他自己之外。 Also really few individuals can look at his true appearance, moreover his time also looked. 还真的没有几个人能看得出来他这个真正的样子,而且他刚才的时候也看了一下。 Expert of here not so-called so many apexes. 这里并没有所谓的那么多的顶尖的强者 So many Realm Expert, but also is really very bad. 有那么多的境界强者,还真是挺糟糕的。 It is estimated that must delay some time. 估计还要耽搁上一些时间。 Such a strength of isolation also starts weakness slowly.( This chapter has not ended!) 就这样一点隔离的力量也开始慢慢的弱。(本章未完!) The person of Chapter 4969 heavenly thunder gate came 第4969章天雷门的人来了 . 了。 Comes here person gradually were also many got up, was some Saint level Expert. 来这里的人也渐渐的多了起来了,都是一些圣级强者 And mostly is 35 forms a team. 其中多半的都是三五个组队过来的。 Also know seems like such place, wants to have the advantage by their person only, that basically unlikely matter. 知道像是这样的地方,单靠他们一个人想要取得优势,那基本上不太可能的事。 But if coming of everyone together group. 可要是大家一起组的过来的话。 That was naturally different, has certain odds of success 那自然就不一样了,有一定的胜算 Expert of heavenly thunder gate came.” “天雷门的高手来了。” summer Yin said suddenly. 夏阴忽然说了。 Also looked to a place. 也看向了一个地方了。 Obviously felt that side rumble loud noise. 明显感觉那边轰隆隆的巨响了。 Average person perhaps also do not know is the what sound. 一般人或许还不知道什么动静。 But summer Yin responded. 可夏阴反应了过来了。 Appears very accidental/surprised. 显得挺意外的。 How they will come at this time, wants know they to have no interest what in these things, could it be here also has this special heavenly thunder.” “他们怎么会在这个时候来的,要知道他们对这些东西没什么兴趣,难道这里头也有这个特殊的天雷。” summer Yin has doubts. 夏阴疑惑。 At this time also many people toward a direction looked. 此时也有许多人都朝着其中一个方向看了过去了。 This looked that truly saw some people operate. 这一看确确实实看到有人操作。 Here came to present these people of whole body thunder light to sparkle, very aggressive, very on big. 这边来了出现了这几人周身雷光闪耀着,非常的霸气,也非常的高大上。 Also made many people attract an cold air/Qi secretly. 也让许多人暗暗的吸了口冷气。 Subconscious this place pulling open. 下意识的把这个地方给拉开了。 This is heavenly thunder gate Expert. 这可是天雷门的强者 cultivation special powerful heavenly thunder, that strength, but unusual formidable, but also really few individuals can cope with them. 修炼特殊强大的天雷,那实力可是非常的强悍的,还真没有几个人能对付得了他们。 Their naturally not willing offended such a person. 他们这些人自然不愿意得罪了这么一号人。 If this offended such a person, that is quite is not cost-effective 这要是得罪了这么一号人的话,那是相当的不划算的 They were in a very powerful position. 他们这些人占据了一个非常有力的位置了。 originally this place is another influence, but they saw *** after the person comes, gives way to traffic immediately. 原本这个地方是另外一个势力的,不过他们这些人一看到***的人过来之后立马就避让。 With words that these people fight, that truly does not have the what energy but actually, not as good as honest give away this position. 跟这些人斗上去的话,那确实是没有什么底气的倒,不如老老实实的让出这个位置。 Does not give away the words of this position, how dead do not know, if give away this position, that was different. 不让出这个位置的话,怎么死都不知道,要是让出了这个位置的话,那就不一样了。 Actually when summer Yin spoke, Lin Fei has discovered that side sound. 其实在夏阴说话的时候,林飞早就发现了那边的动静了。 Rumble loud noise does not need to guess that who know was. 轰隆隆的巨响也不用猜知道是谁了。 That was the heavenly thunder gate person. 那就是天雷门的人了。 Also only then the talent of heavenly thunder gate is so overbearing. 也只有天雷门的人才有这么霸道的。 This thunder truly very is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 这个雷霆确实挺厉害的。 His before time had heard, but has not actually seen the methods of their these heavenly thunder gates. 之前的时候已经听说了,但是却没有怎么见过他们这些天雷门的手段。 But at this time he on having several of quite. 但此时他心里头就相当的有数的。 Imagination during wanted is difficult to deal with/ferocious more. 比想象之中的要厉害了不少了。 Also without fighting his know, these fellows truly are very fierce. 还没交手他就知道,这些家伙确实是挺猛的。 No matter how fought on such strength really has the qualifications steamroll the people. 不管怎么斗就这样的实力确实有资格碾压了众人啊。 Also was not the common person can resist. Essence / book pavilion correct first round ~ ~ 也更不是寻常人所能对抗得了的。精华/书阁・无错首发~~ „The disciple of this heavenly thunder gate truly is very powerful, particularly this method also is really not the average person can shoulder, no wonder is so overbearing.” “这个天雷门的弟子确实是挺强大的,尤其是这个手段还真不是一般人所能扛得住的,怪不得这么霸道。” Lin Fei looked at the person in their front innermost. 林飞看一下呢他们前面最里面的一个人了。 This person somewhat is actually different. 这个人倒是有些不一样。 Because his cultivation the heavenly thunder has several unexpectedly. 因为他修炼的这个天雷居然有好几道。 In other words several heavenly thunders link, but also really supports not simple, at least the average person wanted to resist. 也就是说几道天雷结合在一起,还真的是挺不简单的,最起码一般人想要对抗得了。 Very difficult 挺难的 It seems like this time can snatch to obtain the good thing, it is estimated that must to fall in their heavenly thunder gate here hand, others do not estimate such good luck.” “看来这一次能抢得到好东西,估计都得要落在他们天雷门这边的手上了,其他人估计没有这么好运。” summer Yin supplemented one actually. 夏阴倒是补充了一句了。 That did not say, heard the place that the heavenly thunder gate presented that another hostile will influence also come here.”. “那可不好说,听说天雷门出现的地方,还有另外一个敌对的势力也会来到这里。”。 The person of Chapter 4969 heavenly thunder gate came 第4969章天雷门的人来了
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